#dragon takumi spends most of his time sleeping
toffiendfee · 1 year
New AU idea, consider: Takumi is a (normally very sleepy) dragon, but one day he encounters the kingdom's crown prince while the latter is on a hunting trip, finds him very pretty, and takes him to his lair.
Crown prince Ryousuke actually thinks being kidnapped by a dragon is a fun change of pace, especially because the dragon is so cute.
Then prince Keisuke arrives to save his brother and slay the dragon... only to fail horribly, because he also thinks the dragon is very cute.
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machinequeen4 · 4 years
Fic rec bingo list!
I thought I’d fill out this fic rec bingo card, posted by @lightveils on Twitter!
It sort of turned into the History of MachineQueen in Fanfiction. All you unsung heroes who write and publish fanfic, I love you and remember your names.
Recs for Fire Emblem Fates, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Yu-gi-oh, Doctor Who, RWBY, Ace Attorney, Tales of Graces follow!
1. A fic you love without knowing the source material
Undone - codenamecynic, Dragon Age II, E rated, Fenris/Female Hawke, multichap 135k words
I know nothing about Dragon Age and can’t remember why I decided to read it. TV Tropes maybe?  From what I can tell it’s the events of the game with additional sex scenes. Hawke is witty, Fenris is a tragic broken bird, I was sold.
2. A fic with a premise that shouldn’t work but it does
Trial and Error - undieshogun, Fire Emblem Fates, T rated, Subaki/Takumi, multichap 15k
Not so much a premise but a ship I wasn’t convinced on. But it had Subaki in it so I gave it a try. It’s really cute - Subaki tries to teach Takumi social skills, much to his annoyance. 
This line alone is gold star characterisation:
"I couldn't tell you why Tsubaki has taken such a liking to you, but I do know that any time he wants to befriend someone, it's because he sees in them something he lacks."
3. A fic you’ve reread several times
Gratitude - GoldenThreads, Fire Emblem Three Houses, T rated, Hubert/Ferdinand, multichap 8k
The writing style is so beautifully layered that I find new meaning every time I read it. The scene where Ferdinand offers a hairpin for each story Hubert tells is gorgeous, one of my favourites to reread. 
4. A fic you still remember many years later
A Song I Think I Heard Before - Scribbler, Yu-gi-oh, T rated, Mai/Jounouchi (Joey), multichap 40k
My favourite Mai fic. This gives her a backstory with Dartz based villainy and recontextualises her relationship with Jou (Joey in the dub, most YGO authors used the JP names to distance themselves from 4Kids’ added cheese). I was on tenterhooks waiting for each new chapter. It’s got real emotional depth, capturing Mai’s cynical nature perfectly. Also I still think about/use the phrase bumblefuck in the morning. 
5. A comfort fic
just a little stuck on you (you’ll be on me too) - flowermoons, Fire Emblem Three Houses, T rated, Hubert/Ferdinand, one chap 33k
This brings the cast of FE3H to the modern world and drops them into reality TV show The X Factor. There’s no war or death angst, just a singing contest. I grew up with The X Factor on TV on a Saturday night so this was a delight. Like me, the author is cynical about reality TV which makes the fic even more engaging. Ferdinand mourning his long hair after he cuts it and Hubert running round London looking for him really made my day. 
6. A catharthic fic
Long and Lost - Windian, Tales of Graces, M rated, Richard/Asbel, multichap 36k
Listen game, you can’t spend 40 hours having the protagonist’s motivation as ‘save Richard’ and then pull a no homo on me! In this fic Asbel dutifully marries Cheria only for the whole thing to collapse in on itself when he realises he’s in love with Richard after all. The snow storm scene is something I’ll always remember.
7. A fic you’d like to print and put on your bookshelf
Revival series - MyAibou, Yu-gi-oh,  T rated, multiship, many k
This is split into multiple parts and has another multipart followup. A continuation of Yu-gi-oh Duel Monsters with shipping and very decent original characters including villains. My polarshipping heart is in love with this scene on the clifftop in part 2 chapter 11 - a slow dance to the sound of the waves to help Mai remember she isn’t alone *melts into a puddle*
8. A fic you associate with a song
Who I Am Hates Who I’ve Been - darkrunner, Yu-gi-oh, rated K+, Mai/Jou, multichap 9k
It’s titled after a song. This was one of the first fics I ever found, read and loved. I was way too shy to review but I loved this author dearly. Good old angst & hurt/comfort with a happy ending. A happy ending for Mai was all I wanted haha!
9. A fic that inspires you
Patience, Ponies and Pastries - GoldenThreads, Fire Emblem Three Houses, T rated, Hubert/Ferdinand, multichap, 27k
A shipping fic where the two characters being shipped spend most of the fic apart! This author is so good at characterising the pair, there are treasures hidden throughout. I never thought reading about horses of all things could make me so emotional... 
And this passage from Ferdinand’s point of view:
As long as Hubert did not truly reject such affection, did not throw him in the stocks for his bleeding heart, then he did not require reciprocation. He required that Hubert be cherished, and that was that.
10. A fic that brought you on board a new ship
Marik and Bakura Go To Censored Town - Little Kuriboh, Yu-gi-oh, M rated, multichap, 24k
I spent most of my Yu-gi-oh fandom life wishing there were more fics about Mai and tended to avoid the big slash ships. However, Yu-gi-oh Abridged’s strongest pair were always Marik and Bakura. When I read this fic I realised yes, Marik being an idiot and Bakura being the straight man (not literally) makes this ship sing.
11. A fic you wish could be a movie
Denial & Deception - Bohemienne, Fire Emblem Three Houses, M rated, multichap, 74k (incomplete)
The setting of Derdriu is so lushly described that it would make a wonderful movie setting. Additional points for the masked ball chapters! 
Hubert and Ferdinand infiltrate the Leicester Alliance using a fake relationship. It goes as well as you might expect. There is comedy, there is romance and the whole thing makes you want to smack Hubert round the face with a fish. 
12. A fic that led to you making friends with the author
Past Future Continuous - HermitsUnited, Doctor Who, T rated, multichap 20k
We are not in contact anymore but we shared a love of Donna Noble. This shines through in all her alternate season 5 fics! 
13. A fic you’ve gushed about IRL
Festering Under Your Skin - Bohemienne, Fire Emblem Three Houses, M rated, multichap 52k
My poor gf had to put up with me going on about this one. Lady Edelgard is dead and Ferdinand is a Blue Lion who spares Hubert. All of this is played for maximum dramatic potential. Special marks for the scene where Ferdinand accidentally poisons himself with Hubert’s coffee. So brilliantly in character for both of them. And excellently foreshadowed earlier in the fic where an imprisoned Hubert keeps asking for his coffee... 
14. A fic you associate with a place
Heart of Defiance - battlemage15, RWBY, M rated, multichap 150k
I downloaded this to my phone and read it on the top deck of the number 6 bus as it bumped along the country roads of deepest Devon. I was on my way to job interviews in the city and the trip was 2 hours long. The fic itself is a Yang centric shonen power fantasy that goes to pretty dark places. 
15. A fic that made you gasp out loud
Blood and Ink - ShowMeYourFury, RWBY, M rated, Cinder/Ruby, multichap 45k
This fic is ruthless with Cinder’s villainy. Every time you think she can’t go any further, she does. I love it. 
16. A fic you found at the right time
Forward - Lyricanna, Fire Emblem Fates, not rated, multichap, 34k (incomplete)
I love the concept of this fic so much. Subaki is selected to be a Hoshidan ambassador in Nohr and gets lumped with Niles as a guide. Neither is having a good time. There is a plot going on involving kidnapping and asassination that forces them to work together. 
17. A fic that you would read fic of
The Obligatory Hot Spring Scene - Scribbler, Yu-gi-oh, T rated, oneshot, sub 1k
Written as though the characters are actors and canon is a TV show. I love this concept and would read more in a similar vein
18. A fic that made you laugh out loud
Surrender To Your Peace - spiralpegasus, Fire Emblem Three Houses, M rated, Sylvain/Felix, one chap, 11k
“This is very unfortunate,” Dimitri says with a frown. “As the leader of this mission, I will take full responsibility and use the Swamp Bedroll.”
One does not simply sacrifice themselves to He Who Saw The Bottom Of The Earth And Lived with such a cavalier attitude. “You know your guilt complex doesn’t actually have to extend to sleeping in a gross swamp bag,” Sylvain tells him disbelievingly.
“I agree, Your Highness,” Dedue says, setting He Whose Stench Haunts The Dreams Of Man down on the ground with a delicate sort of distaste. “None of us need use this… bedroll.” He says bedroll the same way he says food when it’s Flayn’s turn to cook.
19. A fic with a line or two you’ve memorised by heart
one sentiment enlightens to another - newamsterdam, Fire Emblem Three Houses, G rated, Hubert/Ferdinand, oneshot 6k
Ferdinand rolls his eyes. “Of course I do, Hubert. I remember very well. I just— well. Perhaps I’ve overestimated you.”
Hubert, who has spent the better part of the past few weeks believing he constantly underestimates Ferdinand, bristles.
Not the exact lines but I always keep this in mind when writing the ship. I think these hit on the fundamental misunderstanding between the two characters. Hubert is only human, not some all powerful hero/villain. And Ferdinand isn’t stupid just because he’s honest and emotional. I think the two of them have trouble getting their heads round these concepts!
20. A fic that gave you butterflies
Ataraxia - Windian, Tales of Graces, T rated, Cheria/Pascal, 13k
"I want you," Cheria tells her, and the night catches like a rubber band. Her hands are in Pascal's hair, Pascal's arms around hers, her mouth on hers. Their kisses are sloppy and messy, noses knocking against one another, but it's everything and it's nothing at all like kissing Asbel.
When they break for air, Pascal tells her, "You don't know how long I've wanted to do this, Cheria."
Cheria asks, "Why didn't you say anything?"
"I dunno Cheria, because you were gonna marry Asbel, maybe?"
It stops her in her tracks. Voice low, she asks, "What am I going to tell him?"
Pascal cups either side of her face. Kisses her, so hot and hard that Cheria's left seeing stars, clinging at the strings of Pascal's swimsuit like a shipwrecked sailor to a spar.
"Screw it. Think about it in the morning. For once in your life, do something you want."
21. A fic that embodies something you value in life
The Truth About Love - MistressAkira, Fire Emblem Fates, T rated, Niles/Subaki, 2k
This fic is experimental in style - the author descrbes it as a soliloquy. The sentiment I take from it is that love is compromising, inconvenient, illogical. Yet it’s still something beautiful and something worth fighting for.
22. A favourite AU
Mobius - SirTeateiMoonlight, Xenoblade Chronicles, T rated, multichap, 17k
Melia finds a copy of Xenoblade, plays it and knows exactly what’s going on in the story. She uses this knowledge to her advantage. It’s a slippery slope. By the end of the story she’s mercilessly torturing Lorothia against her brother’s wishes. 
23. A fic you’ve stayed up late to finish reading
Dirty Sympathy - ideny, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, M rated, Klavier/Apollo, 130k on AO3 not sure on kink meme
I stayed up reading this until 4am and for some reason (probably tiredness) confessed this to my not-yet-gf. She cites this as one of the moments she fell for me!
It’s a dark fic in which Klavier and Apollo are both in abusive relationships with villains. They concoct a plot to implicate the two of them in criminal activities to escape and fall for each other along the way. 
24. A fic that made you feel seen
i knew you were trouble - Magepaw, Fire Emblem Fates, M rated, Niles/Subaki, 8k
First of all the title is one of my favourite songs. Second of all the dialogue is everything I want from the Niles/Subaki ship. Third Subaki’s pegasus makes her presence known. Fourth there is a gory battle scene and hurt/comfort gone wrong. And fifth, a happy ending. 
Niles had to turn away, hand pressed to his mouth, before his own blush betrayed him. This was too good to last. This had to be the most embarrassingly vulnerable moment of his entire life, and of course the entirety of the Nohrian and Hoshidan military combined had to be there to see Niles go soft. 
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aquosevolved · 5 years
Pineapple Sushi
Who is the most affectionate? Lilith. She’s even more attention-starved than Takumi is so she needs lots of cuddles.
Big spoon/Little spoon? Takumi is big spoon, Lilith is little spoon.
Most common argument? Probably Takumi having bouts of emotional unavailability.
Favorite non-sexual activity? Tie between shogi and hunting.
Who is most likely to carry the other? Takumi. Lilith’s better at carrying him than he is at carrying her. Dragon stronk.
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? Non-sexually: Lilith thinks Takumi’s darkish eyes are dreamy. Takumi likes Lilith’s hands. They’re small and a combination of both soft and calloused. Sexually, Lilith likes his arms. Takumi is a leg man.
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? Lilith starts being really indecisive in whether or not she wants to spend all her time with him or keep her distance. Takumi becomes really mindful of when he’s being kinda prickly and is constantly admonishing himself for doing stuff to intentionally push people away (whether the intent is conscious or sub-conscious is case-by-case)
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? Lily or Blue Bird for Lilith. The first is just going off her name, the second is because she’s got a lot of blue going on and apparently the Fates cast thinks Lilith’s Astral Dragon form looks like a bird? Tik-Tak for Takumi. Again, going off his name.
Who worries the most? Takumi, despite any insistence otherwise.
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? Takumi, remembering that Lilith always orders the salmon (preferably over some type of pasta if available)
Who tops? Takumi and he’s real nervous about it. Mostly about hurting her.
Who initiates kisses? Lilith. She also has zero hangups about PDA.
Who reaches for the other’s hand first? Takumi. He really likes holding Lilith’s hand.
Who kisses the hardest? Takumi. Lilith loves it, even though it surprised her the first dozen times or so.
Who wakes up first? Lilith, on the occasions that Takumi actually sleeps all through the night instead of waking up with nightmares and is unable to fall back asleep.
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? Lilith
Who says I love you first? Lilith
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) Takumi. The meat part of her lunch is usually something Takumi caught and the note is a little story of the hunt (if she wasn’t along for the ride)
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? Takumi collapses on a couch in one of Corrin’s office and regales him (and Leo, who was in the middle of a meeting with Corrin before Takumi barged in) with the tale of how he kissed her.
What do their family/friends think of their relationship? They both have a lot of friends and family so I’ll keep it brief and not mention everyone.
Lilith: Corrin and Azura are both happy for her, but Azura secretly worries if she’s up to the task of dealing with Takumi’s volatility. Elise is super happy and excited because now they can have “girl talk” and gossip about boys. The maid sisters are almost the happiest for her out of everyone but Elise exists. They always thought she seemed so lonely so knowing she has someone that close in her life eases their worries.
Takumi: Ryoma tells Takumi that he’s proud of how much he’s matured and that he can always come to him for relationship advice and it is incredibly awkward. Hinoka jokes that “who would fall for him” but then says she’s happy for him. Sakura is also happy for him but kinda worried because of any potential falling outs that may happen with Lilith if the two break up. Hinata is probably the happiest for Takumi out of everyone. Oboro is also happy…somewhat. She tries not to let her envy/unrequited love sully her view of either Takumi or Lilith.
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? Takumi but only if they’re unquestionably alone. Lilith never had any sort of traditional royal court childhood so she’s untaught in the finer things like dancing or the arts so is kinda embarrassed about starting it herself, even if it’s just the two of them.
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? As a hunter, Takumi puts great effort into marinating and smoking his catches. He makes really good bear jerky.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? They have contests, going back and forth seeing who can say the cheesiest pickup line without interrupting themselves with laughter.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? Lilith’s a prankster so she might if she’s feeling particularly mischievous. She’ll do it unironically in the middle of summer, where fertility is at its peak for dragons.
Who needs more assurance? About equal. Both are very traumatized and with a lot of hang-ups and emotional damage.
What would be their theme song? Shiver by Coldplay
Who would sing to their child back to sleep? Lilith absolutely loves being a mom and this is one of her favorite mom things to do. Takumi isn’t allowed to do it instead of her but, between being able to get more sleep and seeing how happy it makes her, he wouldn’t want to take this away from her.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Takumi keeps little notes so he can tell her about everything that happened while they were apart. Lilith makes little doodles of animals she sees so she can tell Takumi about them. She also does little prayers before bed, hoping he’ll be able to sleep all the way through the night without her.
One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart: Takumi is even more inconsolable than Corrin is when she dies in Birthright. Except, instead of breaking down crying, he’s crying while yelling about going on a murderous rampage and “paying those Nohrian bastards back in full for what they did to her.” At this point, Hans was already beaten in combat but not quite dead yet. Takumi just starts beating the shit out of him to the point where Oboro and Hinata have to pull him off him.
One headcanon about this OTP that mends it: Takumi being really worried about being a good dad before Kisaragi is born but then proceeds to be a really good dad to not one but four children. At some point in all this, Lilith tells him “See? Nothing to worry about.” before telling him that she’s pregnant again. Probably with their third or fourth child.
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zayxoo · 7 years
Day 1 - A Moment of Peace
For clarification, everything will be set in one of my favorite settings for them. A twist on the classic and somehow kind of romantic legend of Hades and Persephone. Xander is a mixture of Hades and Odin. Corrin is Persephone and Amaterasu-ōmikami. And yes, it’s Male Corrin. Because I’m fucking gay like that and there’s not enough gay corriander. Sue me.
We all good? Good.
Day 1 incoming for @corrianderweek
He misses the sun of his home. It always one of the first things that he thinks of when he wakes up in this place. He misses his family… He had such a close relationship with his siblings. Takumi in particular. And his mother. He wonders how she’s doing. Warm arms to wrap around him as he sleeps, a soothing voice to lull him to pleasant dreams. His brothers to guide him along his path, to nurture and raise him to greatness. His sister to teach him to be humble but kind, stern but fair. It was all lost when the lesser gods rose up to tear him away from his family.
The Underworld was once a place he paid no mind, and yet. It’s become more of a home to him than his previous one. When he arrive, it was cold. Barren of life. Souls, both innocent and tainted, were mixed and mingled. It was a mess. Because Paradise was ugly and dead, flowers that should be blooming were rotting pitifully along the ground. A giant tree stands in shame as branches grow twisted. It’s almost as though Paradise has become scarred. When Corrin came across this, he was horrified, so he tried to fix what should be a haven for children and the innocent. For a time, the God of Spring and Life could raise a flowerbed or two, but in the end they would add to the rotted plants. He couldn’t understand. Come to find, however, that it was because the ruler of the dark, a god named Marx, was just as twisted and gnarled as the tree in Paradise. He was frightening. The rumors he heard of Marx in Heaven described him as nothing but a mindless brute that enjoys mindless slaughter. Who kills whores who bore him, who will snuff out any bit of light that falls into his kingdom. Those who find themselves in his realm will never be heard of again. And… he’s met Marx’ harem, but…
He’s found those rumors to be so far from the truth. While it’s true that Marx is an angry, bitter god, never once has he raised his hand to him. Never once has Corrin felt as though he was in danger. And in fact, Marx… He refuses to touch him. Marx sends his servants up to the surface to find human and divine food for Corrin to eat. He once asked him why he acts so modest. “Because you are life and I am death,” the god said softly to him as he slipped away from his outstretched hand. “You are no longer in Heaven. You’re in my realm. If we touch, one of two things will happen… I will kill you, or you will never be able to leave the Underworld ever again. Your light is too precious to trap here.” None of Marx’ whores remember how he came to be the King of Hell. There are no souls who know the story of the lone god. It’s as though he simply came to be. And Corrin has never seen his face, now that he thinks about it. It’s always covered in a black cowl of raven feathers and black dragon scales. A stray lock or two of gold would appear from the lip of his hood, but that was the most he would see. And these days, Marx seemed more… tired. Corrin worries.
Until he simply vanishes. Corrin tries to see if the whores know of his whereabouts, but they too have vanished save for one. A woman named Nyx. When he asks her where Marx could be, she just simply smiles and tells him that he isn’t far, Corrin just isn’t looking. Of course he doesn’t understand that answer, so he spends the rest of the day looking for him. Or was it year? Time travels so differently in the Underworld. It is a surreal experience in this land of darkness and twilight. Although true to Nyx’ words, he does find Marx. Asleep. He is certain he has never seen Marx sleeping before. He looks so peaceful, in this small cave filled with fragrant night blooming flowers with a ray of sun gently bearing down on him. The god sleeps on a mound of emerald bushes, his cloak of onyx feathers and scales splayed out as wings. He wears no shirt, and his hands in obsidian claw gauntlets rest on his stomach. Metal greaves of taloned feet are relaxed in the soft leaves. Corrin approaches him, unsure if Marx truly is asleep so he’s quiet. It’s hard to not notice how… at peace the other god appears to be.
He reaches out to him then hesitates. He expects for the god of death to pull away from him. But he doesn’t. Corrin has gone so long without seeing his face. He must. All the warnings the taller god gave him cross his mind, but he ignores each and every one of them as he takes hold of the soft fabric. A talon comes up to stop Corrin only to hover around his wrist. Even in his tired state, Marx won’t dare endanger the innocent god. “Corrin…” His deep voice whispers, a quiet request. He looks down at the shrouded face, then slowly pulls back the hood. A soft gasp escapes him. Corrin knew that a man who was so gentle and careful around him couldn’t have been a horrible beast that Heaven made him out to be, but he still wasn’t expecting this. Dark brown eyes look up at him from under curled golden locks. Stress has settled beneath his lids. A scar, grey and pale, stretches over his right eye from his hairline down to his jaw. And that jaw, how strong and regal he looks… How broken and wounded he is. The first thing Corrin notices is how kind and gentle those eyes look, and how alone he seems. He must have stared for a long time because Marx turns his head away, as though in shame, and says, “You shouldn’t have looked…”
Corrin blinks in confusion down at him as that talon gauntlet lowers. “Why? Now I see who you are… Is it not better to show me who you are than to hide away in shadows?”
“It won’t change anything. You still need to return.”
The startled flinch that comes from his tender touch on a cheek was expected. Corrin keeps fingers pressed against smooth and warm skin as Marx quickly looks up at him. Eyes wide with fear. He expects him to simply disappear right before his eyes. Who wouldn’t when you have gone eons without a warm touch? The God of Spring softens when he sees those tired eyes mist over with fear and surprise… and love. But he does not disappear into dust or feel death’s cold embrace. “No… Why? You can’t go back to your home!” Marx whimpers, unable to understand why Corrin just bound himself to the Underworld. The Heavens and the Earth need Spring. With Spring comes Life. With Life comes joy. Things that he and the Underworld do not deserve to have. His breath hitches when Corrin’s palm cups his cheek, fingers playing with the roots of his hair. “I haven’t been able to return for a long time…”
“I had Nyx give me food. The underworld needs me. You need me…”
He can see Marx swallow down an emotion that likely hasn’t crossed his mind in ages. Talons shakily come up to lay on Corrin’s arms. A soft smile appears to encourage him. After a moment or two after being comfortable with touching a living, breathing, warm body, those claws slip around to his waist and he pulls Corrin over onto him. “The God of Death and the God of Life… Are you certain this is what you want?”
Corrin slips a leg over his hips as he’s pulled over, causing another hitched breath from Marx’ lips and an unmistakable stirring beneath him, the latter of which makes a soft pink blush form on his cheeks. Hands lift to toss off gauntlets to either side of them before settling comfortably on his waist. “I wouldn’t have done it if I wasn’t certain,” Corrin whispers to him, leaning down to cup his face. Marx takes a moment to brand this into his memory before he leans up to meet his heart’s delight in a kiss.
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pikespendragon67 · 7 years
Late Birthday Present for writer-of-worlds!
Beginning Commentary: SO, my writing friend, @writer-of-worlds, had a birthday in April. I, however, was too caught up with schoolwork to do anything for them at that time. But now I have a few days off before summer school, I decided to make up for that. Happy late birthday~!
This is a modern AU I came up with a while ago…which was developed because I thought Kaze would look nice in a short-sleeved dress shirt and glasses. If this is interesting enough, I can elaborate more on this.
“You know, Kaze, you seem to be quite distracted today,” the older man with his teal hair in a messy ponytail commented, placing a pile of books down on the closest surface he could approach.
The younger man with the clean-cut yet still relatively long (for a man, that is) green hair, aged to be around his college years, blinked and freed himself from his daydreaming pose.
“Ah, my apologies, Sir,” Kaze quickly spoke, immediately snapping his attention to his boss. “I won’t let it happen again.”
“Come now, Kaze. I may be your employer, but I’ve also known you since you were a boy. If something troubles you, I’m open to chat with you. I’ve yet to reach the level of heartless CEO, after all.”
True, Yukimura’s book shop was still in its mom-and-pop phase of business; he only managed to open it around four years ago. How it was being slightly successful in the digital area is up to anyone’s guess, though.
“Very well,” Kaze sighed. “Corrin’s birthday is soon approaching and I still have no idea what to do for her. I tried buying tickets for one of her favorite bands, but they sold out the second they were released to the general public.”
“Ah, I see. Are there any other performances she might be interested in?”
“Unfortunately, no. …Unless she were somehow into polka music.”
Yukimura chuckled slightly before clearing his throat.
“And I’m certain you’re far past the phase of giving each other gift cards, correct?”
“If it were just a gift card, I feel she’d think I would break up with her. No, I want this to be special, Sir. We’ve been together for a few months now, with this being the first birthday of hers where we’re a couple.”
“In that case, don’t go too overboard so that you don’t scare her off. If you show too much dedication, she’ll think you’re obsessed with her. I’d say hold off on the very expensive gifts after a few years have passed, such as jewelry.”
“Well noted. Do you have any other suggestions?”
“Hm… How about a trip to the observatory run by Professor Izana? I’ve heard he’s quite a romantic, so a tale such as yours could easily get you in.”
Now it was Kaze’s turn to chuckle, a warm smile staying on his face afterward.
“That might actually work. Thank you so very much.”
“Not a problem. …Though, could you please return to work? I know this might be a slow day, but I still want us to be ready for customers.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Once work had finished, Kaze returned to his apartment complex building. Before he entered his own, though, a thought occurred to him.
Would the observatory be enough for her? I feel she should also get a material gift. …But what?
Kaze thinned his lips, but then decided to go three doors down to hear other opinions on the matter.
He gently knocked on the door, to which he was greeted by his four-year-old nephew Asugi.
“Hi, Uncle Kaze!” Asugi exclaimed.
Kaze smiled and got to the boy’s eye level, soon ruffling his black hair.
“Hello to you, too, Asugi.”
“Asugi, I told you not to open the door without asking who’s at it!” A woman with her long, black hair in a ponytail and bangs covering her face gently scolded him.
“I’m sorry, Mom…” Asugi pouted.
She sighed, but then paid attention to the man in question. “Oh, hello Kaze. Saizo won’t be home from the restaurant until later tonight.”
“Sorry to bother you, Kagero. I was actually hoping you could help me come up with a present for Corrin’s birthday.”
“Get her a bunch of candy!” Asugi exclaimed.
“Now now, we don’t want her to get cavities like you would,” Kagero smiled. “How about you go play in your room while I help your uncle?”
“Okay, but I hope I get candy for my birthday.”
With that, the boy closed the door, and Kagero offered Kaze a place to sit on the couch.
“Can I get you anything?” She asked in the small kitchen.
“No thank you, I’m fine,” Kaze replied.
And so, they sat opposite of each other.
“So, what do you need my help in?” Kagero asked.
“Has Corrin told you about anything she’s had her eye on? I assume Orochi must gossip about these sorts of things and you are her closest friend.”
“Then why not approach her?”
“She drains too much energy from me, if I’m being honest…”
“Yes, she does tend to do that. Let’s see… I believe last Tuesday she told me that she saw Corrin walk into Oboro’s boutique during her lunch break.”
“Interesting. …It’s not too expensive there, correct?”
Kagero held a laugh in.
“Fear not, Kaze. I’m sure you can afford her wares on your salary. After all, you don’t have to buy her a complete outfit.”
“Ah…yes. Good to know…”
“…You were planning on that, weren’t you?”
“N-no, of course not.”
He soon looked away from her to hide his embarrassment.
Kaze made note to thank his lucky stars, as the observatory was only fifteen minutes away from town. Professor Izana, although busy with his work, was surprisingly approachable and…quite eccentric.
He’s almost an exact clone of Orochi… Kaze remarked to himself.
As he told his story the good astronomer, Izana looked at him as if he were telling the juiciest gossip, and gasped at the end. He wholeheartedly agreed that Corrin should be treated to a night under the stars, and told Kaze he would clear everything up by next Saturday.
Kaze thanked him, but before he could leave, Izana asked him to go over whether he wanted a laser show or not.
At first, Kaze was confused as he entered the boutique. It was clearly made for women, and he had no idea which item Corrin solely focused on. What if he got her something she would think was ugly by accident? He was half tempted to call Kagero and ask her to go with him so she could give him her input, or to at least get Orochi’s number so he could talk with her about this.
The store’s owner, Oboro, herself eventually walked out to see what was wrong, and he explained his woes to the blue haired woman. She snickered, saying that men tended to be clueless about these sorts of things, but still offered her help. Oboro apparently recalled Corrin looking at a new black and white scarf, but told her that she couldn’t afford it yet.
Ah, now I see. This would match with her hair and favorite headband, Kaze thought.
Fortunately, Kaze actually had the money to purchase said scarf.
Corrin was the kind of girl who preferred sleeping in on the weekend, which made being a light sleeper sensitive to light and sound quite annoying. Such as the case when her phone buzzed on the nearby nightstand. She groaned and pulled her sheets over her head, further messing up her long, white hair, until she remembered:
OH, RIGHT! Today’s my birthday!
Birthday texts began flooding since last night at midnight, with the first sender being her mother of all people. With all the texts, though, Kaze had yet to message her. She was starting to get worried until she got a buzz.
you are free tonight yes?
Corrin squeaked. He was always so formal with her and she thought it was adorable.
yep~! ;3
Perfect. i’ll pick you up at 6. :-)
She had to remember that her cousin and roommate, Azura, was sleeping in the next room and to prevent screaming on the top of her lungs, she buried her head in her pillow and squealed. Corrin couldn’t really explain why she was as excitable as she was now. Normally, she felt more of a mature bond with her boyfriend of seven months, as she did her best to act her age around him, but today she felt like a high schooler all over again.
Azura had given Corrin an iTunes gift card for $50 along with a cute little card with an iguana on it before she had to head off for rehearsals. She received a Facetime chat with her “siblings” (family friend’s children) all the way in Nohr (in order: Xander, Camilla, Leo, and Elise) all wishing her a happy birthday before Xander had to leave for a business meeting. A few hours after breakfast and a quick shower, her stepsiblings of Hoshido (in order: Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, and Sakura) had coerced her to eating lunch with them and spending most of the afternoon in the local square.
“We wanted to plan a surprise party, but our restaurant has another party planned tonight,” Corrin’s red-headed older sister Hinoka sighed.
“Yes, one of our shareholders Anna decided to have a family reunion,” the man with the long, spiky black hair named Ryoma added.
“Nothing wrong with that, I’m glad I can spend time with you at all!” Corrin smiled.
Ryoma gave Corrin a commissioned painting of flowers, saying that Kagero had quite an eye when she was serious about her artwork. Hinoka presented a model aircraft, which at first confused everyone until Corrin told them that the two of them bonded over flight shows. Takumi did his best to act like he didn’t care when he gave his older half-sister a copy of the fourth book in The Illusionary Mages saga, one of their favorite series. And Sakura timidly gave Corrin a little pink plush dragon.
After doing some window shopping, Corrin had returned home to relax and continue reading birthday messages as she snacked away on her hidden junk food stash. Azura was a complete health nut, so she had to make sure she wouldn’t get any crazy ideas.
…Speaking of crazy ideas…
babe are we going to a fancy restaurant tonight? Corrin typed.
After a few minutes, a response appeared.
oh no i’m sorry :-(
Whew, I can eat before we go, then.
dont worry i still love you <3 we can hang out after this?
i would like that very much :-)
Corrin laughed to herself, he started typing with emoticons not too long after the two started dating and even after all this time, he was still doing the basics. She couldn’t wait to see how he would react to emojis.
A knock on the door was soon to be heard, and after doing some last minute touch-ups, Corrin took a deep breath and opened the door.
“HEY!” She exclaimed, soon launching herself into her boyfriend’s arms. Fortunately, Kaze was grounded well enough to not fall backward in this surprise attack.
“Happy birthday, dear,” Kaze said after sharing a short kiss and pressing his forehead against hers. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yep, let me just lock the door behind me. So, what do you have planned for tonight, hm?”
“That’s a surprise.”
“Ooh, this is gonna be good.”
Corrin bounced a little, which Kaze found utterly adorable.
Kaze once again made note to thank his lucky stars, as his roommate Silas had agreed to let him borrow the car for this occasion. Silas was a pleasant guy in general, but he was serious about his car. One time, someone scratched it and it took all of Silas’ willpower not to yell at the one responsible.
“Saizo wanted me to tell you happy birthday as well, as he’s busy at the restaurant tonight,” Kaze said as he opened Corrin’s door for her.
“Ah, okay. For a second there I thought he disliked me,” Corrin joked. “After all, Kagero and Asugi actually sent me a video with him not there.”
“He’s never been one for celebrations, if I’m to be honest.”
Because it was her birthday, Kaze allowed Corrin to listen to her favorite station. However, he still preferred a quiet car so he could focus more and be able to speak clearly without talking over whatever music Corrin was listening to.
“We’re heading out of town?” Corrin asked. “Oh gosh, oh gosh.”
Kaze chuckled a bit.
“Don’t worry, dear, I’m not planning anything malicious.”
“Kaze, you’re too sweet to do anything malicious. I’m just getting excited is all.”
“Ah, I see.”
“Plus you have to remember I’ve been taking that self-defense class.”
“I remember, poor Jakob had his back out for nearly three days when you demonstrated your prowess to me.”
Kaze made sure to park a little distance away from the observatory, as he wanted to surprise Corrin as much as he could. He wanted to have her eyes closed until they approached it, but anyone could see the observatory nearly a mile away with how big it was.
“I haven’t seen this place before,” Corrin said. “Is it new?”
Whew, the surprise isn’t completely ruined.
“It is for you,” Kaze smiled, once again opening Corrin’s door for her and holding his hand out for her to hold onto.
They approached the normal-looking doorway and into a slightly dark hallway. Kaze made sure to help Corrin up a spiral staircase, and they soon approached Professor Izana standing in front of his desk and a telescope.
“Welcome, welcome! I’m Professor Izana, but please call me Izana!” He eagerly shook Corrin’s hand.
“Oh, hello. I’m Corrin,” she laughed awkwardly. “Nice to meet you.”
“Very lovely to meet you, as well. Your boyfriend here wanted to make tonight extra special, so you must be quite the special little lady.”
“Uh, thank you…”
Kaze cleared his throat.
“Oh, right! We’re in for a real treat tonight, so please, head back downstairs and follow the light filled hallway to find your seats.”
“He sure is spontaneous,” Corrin whispered.
“Indeed,” Kaze remarked quietly. “Still a nice fellow, though. I promise.”
The two found their seats, which Corrin remarked was like a movie theater, and the dome ceiling slowly opened itself up. Corrin gasped as the night sky revealed itself, a very nice shade of navy blue mixed with a few lighter shades, clear of any clouds, and thanks to the lack of city lights, the stars could actually be seen.
“There’s so many,” Corrin said under her breath.
“Beautiful, aren’t they?” Kaze grinned as he held onto Corrin’s hand.
“They’re incredible!”
Corrin gasped once more when she noticed a shooting star. The first shooting star of that night, as it were.
“A meteor shower?! I can’t believe that the sky decided to give me a meteor shower for my birthday!”
Kaze was stunned, he certainly hadn’t planned for that to happen. He looked over to the window above him and noticed Izana giving him a thumb’s up.
Is this a special effect, then? Kaze thought.
“Oh, Kaze, this is wonderful!” Corrin exclaimed, soon wrapping her arms around Kaze’s shoulders and kissing his cheek in rapid succession.
“Well, I actually had another gift that I found the other day…” Kaze said as he tried to reach for the gift. Corrin halted after he spoke, and he managed to give her a small pink box with a black ribbon tied on it.
Corrin once again gasped (this must be a new record) as the black and white scarf appeared.
“OH MY… HOW DID YOU KNOW!?” Corrin squeaked.
“Let’s just say I had a friend to help.” Kaze pressed a small kiss on Corrin’s cheek this time. “Happy birthday, my love.”
Corrin felt like her heart could burst right out of her chest with how sweet Kaze was being. She immediately stood out of her seat and sat right on Kaze’s lap to wrap her arms around his shoulders once more and kiss him this time on the lips. …And repeated that action for a few minutes or so.
“Well now I have to find a way to make your birthday as special as this one,” Corrin spoke as she attempted to catch her breath.
“Honestly, you don’t have to…” Kaze blushed.
“But babe, you’re always such a sweetheart to me! Can’t I be a sweetheart to you?”
She gave him a big pair of puppy dog eyes and an overdramatic quivering lip. Kaze couldn’t help himself from laughing softly.
“Alright, I’ll let you do that. But just to let you know, I’ve always thought you were a sweetheart.”
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