of-elitiism · 6 months
You missed my arrogance almost as much as I missed your impudence, little one-Adrianna
She slapped him. Hard and sudden, the back of her hand colliding sharply with his cheek and, for a split second, Adrianna regretted not wearing that chucky diamond wedding ring her ex husband gave her. Simply for the fact that such a huge rock would've definitely scrapped Tine's beautiful face wide open upon contact. But even so, the Fallen feasted upon the burning sensation the hit left across her skin; after all, she'd poured a healthy amount of intent into that slap. And her green eyes glared at him intensely to make sure he felt the true extent of her impression of him.
And after that she curled both hands into the fabric of his shirt and yanked his slender body against hers with the same brutality as the slap. Only this time she had her target set on his lips with a hard but passionate kiss. Strong arms snaked their way around his neck as she clung to him, needy and greedy alike, curling fingers into his blond hair and grabbing unto his jaw and the back of his neck like her life fucking depended on it.
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She might've missed him. A bit.
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bcryllium · 3 years
@dragoncanefangs​ (x)
“... Never really looked at it like that.” He hadn’t been expecting Tine to hear his comment, he’d really just been mumbling under his breath. “Maybe I am putting up a facade. But it’s kinda nice to be viewed as dependable, no?” He cracks a brief smile, but it fades as Tine asks what has him troubled.
“Mmmh...” He mulls over it for a moment. He wasn’t sure if Tine remembered much of anything from the last time Beryl had seen him... “To put it simply, I made a bit of a... Miscalculation in my work recently in a way that’s quite unlike me, and I suppose my mind has been stuck on it. I thank you for the concern, Sir.” It would be best to keep things vague... He rubbed his arm as he spoke; Bodyguard work could be dangerous and Beryl knew that. But usually it was him who ended up getting injured, rather than his client.
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“I won’t bug you with the details, though. Your book is probably far more entertaining than my tales, hah.”
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absinthiium · 3 years
@dragoncanefangs​ (x)
“Ugh. I wish I could forget.” A little difficult to do that though, considering...
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“I wanted someone to mess with but did it really have to be you who showed up?”
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matchlessquality · 5 years
The victim had been a drunk, too far gone to let a simple shoulder bump go and insistent on taking matters into a secluded alley. Seemingly secluded.
Normally Tine would have let the idiot knock themselves out or refuse the convrontation entirely by acting the coward, anything to avoid the unnesecarry headache. But by the drunk’s poor luck; Tine had been having a rather shit day. Nothing too excessive, just a number of little incidents piling up that sent him out for a stroll to get some air when the alleged shoulder bump occurred and finally tipped the pile over and scatterred his patience to the wind.
So when the drunk took his first swing Tine let his mood swing with it and in a, what he would call, ‘therapeutic’ action; promptly grabbed the drunk’s face and introduced his skull to the pavement.
Oh but one meeting wouldn’t be enough! Not for these star crossed lovers oh no. Over and over, Tine painted the love story of the drunk’s skull and the pavement in an opera of crunches and wet splashes. The romance! The fleeting touches! What’s this?! Oh what drama unfolds as this new contender of grey matter enters the affair!
It was such an entertaining play he found himself laughing under his breath until a very quiet, but very definite gasp caught his attention and with a snap of his head up in its direction, locked eyes with a young man down the far end of the alley.
“You saw that hm?”
The body dropped with a wet thud into the puddle of blood, his fingers curling and uncurling with soft squeaks from his glove as he began his approach.
“Would you be so kind as to stay still? Running will only end this far worse for you.”
He’d had a bad day, and all he wanted was something greasy and artificial to chase it down with. It was a routine, saved for when stress was at an all time high. There was something almost therapeutic in the cheap plastic surfaces of fast food stores when compared to the luxury Teddy surrounded himself with. 
He’d been on his way to a burger joint, on foot so that the cold air could cut into his skin and ground him. He’d been cutting through alleyways so that he could avoid meeting someone that might recognise him and want a chat, because exchanging pleasantries sounded like Hell in that moment. 
Or it had, until he’d stumbled across a murder scene. 
As the killer rounded on him, Teddy wondered which was worse. He still wasn’t sure, but he could feel a migraine starting.
One hand rubbed his temple, and the other withdrew an extremely decorative handgun from his jacket - cream, with ornate painted flowers. 
“Sir, I really don’t care what you’ve done, I just want to pass.” He levelled the weapon at Tine’s face, actions sure and calm as if he had done this before. God, he’d kiss Arthur for gifting him this gun. 
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rxptured · 4 years
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im trying to paint stuff while i’m MIA on my rp blogs so have a painted tine @dragoncanefangs
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rxpturred-a · 5 years
[ @dragoncanefangs​ ] Continued~
Well, this was at least underwhelming. Not to say that she was expecting a full blown celebration, though it would’ve been quite fitting, but at the very least a snarky remark, a thinly veiled insult? Not even this? Of course it irked the Fallen all sorts of ways, but fortunately for everyone in the room, her spirits had been higher than ever lately.
Confident strut took her swiftly at the bar and, with a large motion, arm swung by her side, delivering a very obvious, very loud and definitely significant slap to Tine’s ass, before her whole body twirled around, back leaning against the counter, green eyes searching for his gaze.
“The hypocrisy is so thick it could practically ooze through every pore of your gelatinous, formless body. You Hell and Heaven forsaken, insult of a Prometheus~”  the insults slipped smoothly as Adrianna slid herself closer to his form, hand reaching to run a finger up across the hem of his vest and poke him in the chest.
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frxgmentedmoved · 4 years
@Harley [ pull ] fight me :I
❥     𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖  𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄   𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍   𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒  [ pull ]   your muse pulling my muses hair.
He was in her space. She didn’t know what he wanted, but he knew when someone was trying to intimidate her. Despite his pleasantries his smile did not meet his eyes, and Harley could taste bad intentions. But she played it off. Played innocent and stupid and let him get closer. 
Delicate fingers trailed along his shirt collar, fixing it, and then all at once her hand was tangled in the base of his braid and she was pulling him down to her level with a sneer on her face. 
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“Tell me what you want or I will hurt you.”
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frxgmented · 4 years
[ wrists ]
❥     𝐍ot SFW  𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄   𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍   𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒  [ wrists ]   your muse roughly grabbing mine by the wrists.
It was a new club - underground and teeming with rich idiots with more money than sense. The dance floor was lined with round tables and leather booths, and suspended from the dome ceiling almost naked men and women were dancing on silk - held aloft by their own strength and nothing else. 
He’d come with the intention on seeing if it was anything worth his time - if it was a moneymaker or simply an attraction that would burn itself up before the year was out. It hadn’t been about pleasure, but Vincent was easily distracted. A magpie drawn to shiny things and pretty people, and this man was gorgeous. 
Impulsively, his hand shot out and caught the blond’s wrist as he went to pass, tugging him closer with a grin playing on his lips. 
“Forgive me, I thought if you slipped by I’d lose the chance to learn your name.” He hadn’t let go of Tine’s wrist.
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ferociouslumber · 5 years
[ @dragoncanefangs​ cont ]
It was only the wee hours of the evening, but the torture had started hours before. At first it was only started on a sense of restlessness in the very morning. Then, as time passed, it turned into anticipation. Then into anxiety. And then it turned into agitation and impatience. Marcus paced heavily back and forth through the empty meadow, trying his best to linger around the edge of his humanity as he saw the horizon darken with the setting sun. His peripheral vision seemed to blur, each breath turned into a raspy grunt, his very skin felt like it was crawling and itching under a million bee stings that moved through his body like waves on the sea shore.
It was never pretty. It was never uneventful. But above all, it was never safe. As the very last sun ray hid behind the treetops a roar of anguish brings him to his arms and knees. Underneath his skin his bones crack and tissue trembles. Fingers curls into the ground to relieve the hurt of extending claws as they steadily form where nails usually are. Fangs grow until he cannot close his lips anymore. Still, his very last though it that it’s alright, it’s just him here, no one else on a few miles radius. He can’t make any victims, he can’t hurt anything else rather than a boar or a deer. So he’s ready to surrender for the night again, slip into this deep coma until he’d wake up again with the sunrise.
But this vision all falls apart when, under heightened senses, he hears the wails of anguish of slaughtered men and the faint but intoxicating smell of blood. Fresh, warm, he could almost hear it drip and splatter. And it made those maws drool. Marcus’s consciousness finally fades, asleep, vegetative, locked away under this singular terrifying thought, that whatever is going on, he wants a part in it.
So he charges, on all fours, form stuck somewhere between beast and man until the moon would finally show itself, but mind and morality gone, too far away to ever be reasoned with in any way. And so it remained until he reached the spot that drew him in. He could only see and smell the red. Man, woman, child, it mattered not who they were, their mangled and severed bodies were fresh, warm, inviting him to take a bite, feast, quench this thirst and overcome this hunger! Maws parted and thick drool dripped down his chin. He growled and stepped close, hunched and cautious. There was a living one. He could heart its heartbeat. And it only stirred one desire within the beast.
To kill.
So naturally, when it so foolishly decided to attack first, thick, muscular hands grabbed tightly into whatever part of their body happened to be closer, claws curling tightly into flesh and clothes, and then effortlessly flung it to the side and into the ground, at a decent distance away. Did they land an attack? Maybe, but right now adrenaline was too thick into his veins to feel it. The wolf would inch closer, cautiously, but still eager to spill blood himself. So eager that not even moments later he’d launch on all fours to tackle and maul the everlasting hell out of this victim with claws and fangs.
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akujxki-a-blog · 5 years
"You dropped these." Holds out keys.
“...” He just stares at them for a moment before quietly snatching them from the other blond. Well, they did look like his... When had he dropped them?
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“Well, I suppose it’s better that someone noticed they’d been left.” Dogma would have preferred if it hadn’t been the shapeshifter, but he’d bite his tongue. He turned on his heel to leave without another word, pausing only briefly to see if the other would say anything else.
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wererotten · 6 years
"Are you lost little one?"
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“Lost? …No?” Nathaniel cocked his head to the side in order to observe the man with an analytical look. No different than a scientist looking at some sample under a magnifying glass, “I’m exactly where I mean to be.”
Of course it never occurred to the small boy that a child this young shouldn’t be wandering in a seemingly aimless manner in the middle of a English pub during business hours. 
“I’m learning.”
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of-elitiism · 2 years
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@pandateddyclaws asked: O1 Adrianna and Tine
kiss meme - accepting
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bcryllium · 5 years
“Moonlit Walk”- You can choose the muse :3
Send “Moonlit Walk” for our Muses to go on a walk at night under the full Moon.
Beryl was honestly a little surprised to see anyone else out here at a time like this. It was pretty late at night; Somewhere around eleven, if he were to guess, but it was most likely later. The fallen had needed to clear his head a little bit, and for him this was the best way to do so.
His train of thought had been lost when he got the sense there was someone else here, and upon turning his head a bit he spotted another person. He decided that having someone to chat with wouldn’t be so bad. He slowed down for just a moment, and before the other could pass him by he would sidestep a bit closer to the blond before he spoke.
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“Wasn’t expecting to see another person here this late... Care for a chat?”
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causticdecay · 6 years
[ cont from x ]
“I don’t look like a kid, come on.” Isaac held a hand up to his chest, mock-hurt. Honestly, between the Van Gogh comment and the sharp waist coat, he was quite eager to talk to this stranger. 
He felt... Off. Isaac was interested to know why.
“My name’s Isaac. Who are you?”
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matchlessquality · 4 years
All things considered, it had been a fairly tame kiss. At least to start. They were in Teddy’s lounge, sharing each other’s space on one of his expensive white leather sofas. The record he’d had playing had played to a stop a while ago, now playing nothing but soft white noise. 
Tine’s lips on his had been sudden but chaste - perhaps testing the waters. Teddy’s hand snapped out and grabbed his lapel, holding him stuck so that their breath mingled. He said nothing for a moment, dark eyes scanning over Tine’s face as the tension built, 
His mouth was on Tine’s a moment later, demanding and insistent.
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rxptured · 5 years
[ @dragoncanefangs​ cont ]
Despite being of divine essence and the agility of movement being something of a second nature, green eyes barely picked on the hand that flew past her face to assault her current companion. Or, more accurately said, maul him beyond recovery. She didn’t even need to look at the damage, the gruesome attack resulted in a decent amount of blood splashing the side of her face, hair, shoulder and neck.
Needless to say that beyond all of the screaming of this poor man or Tine’s absolutely horrendous reaction, Adrianna just stared at him incredulously before it all melted into just plain, undiluted loathing.
“...Must you be so fucking CRASS?! You formless, gelatinous, sorry excuse of a humanoid...!”
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