absinthiium · 2 years
An Extremely Self-Indulgent Meme
Physical prompts based around some of my favorite tropes / physical actions in threads. Send this   + reverse   to change which muse does which action.
tw for implied violence in some
❰❰ PIN ❱❱ sender pins receiver during a fight/training
❰❰ HURT ❱❱ sender is hurt protecting receiver
❰❰ CARRY ❱❱ sender carries receiver bridal style
❰❰ LIFT ❱❱ sender carries receiver over their shoulder
❰❰ MEDIC ❱❱ sender bandages receiver’s wounds
❰❰ SUPPORT ❱❱ sender comforts receiver after a loss / traumatic event
❰❰ THREAT ❱❱ sender holds a weapon up to receiver as a threat
❰❰ SAVE ❱❱ sender saves receiver’s life
❰❰ CRY ❱❱ sender cries in front of receiver
❰❰ DANCE ❱❱ sender invites receiver to slow dance
❰❰ HAND KISS ❱❱ sender kisses receiver on the hand or wrist
❰❰ CHEEK KISS ❱❱ sender kisses receiver on the cheek
❰❰ HEAD KISS ❱❱ sender kisses receiver on the forehead
❰❰ EMBRACE ❱❱ sender embraces receiver
❰❰ HANDS ❱❱ sender’s fingers graze the receiver’s fingers
❰❰ CUDDLE ❱❱ our muses cuddle
❰❰ BED ❱❱ our muses share a bed
❰❰ BRUSH ❱❱ sender plays with / brushes receiver’s hair
❰❰ GAZE ❱❱ our muses make extended eye contact
❰❰ ALMOST ❱❱ our muses almost kiss but don’t or are interrupted before they do
❰❰ ARGUE ❱❱ sender ends an argument with receiver with a kiss
❰❰ ARM ❱❱ sender puts their arm around receiver
❰❰ PULL ❱❱ sender pulls receiver close to them
❰❰ BACK ❱❱ sender touches receiver on the back
❰❰ SHOULDER ❱❱ sender touches receiver on the shoulder
❰❰ LEAN ❱❱ sender leans against receiver
❰❰ CARESS ❱❱ sender caresses the receiver’s cheek
❰❰ HAIR ❱❱ sender pushes receiver’s hair away from their face
❰❰ TILT ❱❱ sender tilts the receiver’s chin with their hand
❰❰ CHIN ❱❱ sender tilts the receiver’s chin with their weapon
❰❰ LEG ❱❱ sender’s leg touches the receiver’s leg under the table
❰❰ FOOD ❱❱ sender feeds the receiver
❰❰ WALL ❱❱ sender pushes the receiver against a wall
❰❰ FREE ❱❱ sender frees the receiver from restraints
❰❰ TACKLE ❱❱ sender hugs the receiver so hard they almost fall over / do fall over
❰❰ DYING ❱❱ sender finds the receiver near death
❰❰ PANIC ❱❱ sender comforts the receiver as they have a panic attack or get overstimulated
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absinthiium · 3 years
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//Bruh I hate cigarette smoke so much?? Whenever my mother smokes in the house I start sneezing like crazy
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absinthiium · 3 years
@dragoncanefangs​: Proceeds to send Dogma a letter with the word LOL typed out and signed from Tine.
“... You son of a bitch.” Dogma’s brow twitches in anger as he sees the signature on the note. As he crushes it in his hand, it turns to ashes with a burst of flames.
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“Even I’m not this petty... So he knows, huh?” Alice must have told him... He could only hope he didn’t cause her too much trouble.
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absinthiium · 3 years
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I made a fake screenshot.
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absinthiium · 3 years
//Small headcanon spurred on by that last ask: Dogma likes hanging around aquariums when he has a bit of downtime.
Watching the fish swim around is relaxing for him.
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absinthiium · 3 years
lapis lazuli, currant
Colorful headcanons.
LAPIS LAZULI: does your muse prefer the idea of exploring the depths of the oceans, or the boundless expanses of space more?
For Dogma, it'd definitely be the ocean. For as fascinating as space is, the ocean runs so deep that for him, it's hard not to think about what unseen creatures are thriving in it.
CURRANT: what's something that absolutely disgusts your muse (can be a person, place, thing, ect)?
It is taking everything in me not to make a jab at Tine oh my god.
Aside from that, he doesn't like people who have no ambition, or people who are content to let themselves just... Stagnate, ig? I can't fully figure out how to word it-
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absinthiium · 3 years
//Like this for a starter? Feel free to tell me if you have any ideas in mind!
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absinthiium · 3 years
colorful headcanons.
( send me a copic color for a headcanon )
frost blue: does your muse enjoy the snow and cold? or are they the type to enjoy summer more?
peacock blue: is your muse honest? what sorts of lies do they tell, if not?
lapis lazuli: does your muse prefer the idea of exploring the depths of the oceans, or the boundless expanses of space more?
reddish brass: how likely is your muse to step up and take the role of a leader? are they willing to take the challenge, or are they more apt to being a follower?
burnt umber: how stable is your muse, mentally and/or emotionally?
champagne: does your muse drink (alcohol)? are they a heavy drinker, if so?
tea orange: what is something that your muse is fascinated with?
malachite: has your muse ever done anything that they winded up feeling incredibly guilty for in the end?
olive: is your muse prone to feeling envious of others? if yes, what is it that they typically feel envious over?
vermillion: is your muse courageous, or would they consider themselves to be more of a coward?
coral: what is your muse's romantic and sexual orientations?
bougainvillaea: would your muse consider themselves as blunt, or do they beat around the bush instead?
currant: what's something that absolutely disgusts your muse (can be a person, place, thing, ect)?
crimson: how passionate is your muse about the things they love most?
raspberry: what food and/or drink can your muse not get enough of? do they indulge in it often, or is it something reserved for special occasions?
baby blossoms: does your muse have a favorite scent? what is it, and why?
mallow: what sorts of things might remind your muse of those close to them? any scents, objects, sounds?
aubergine: does your muse prefer the day, or are they more of a night-owl?
acacia: how much does it take for your muse to hate someone?
cadmium yellow: what subjects or topics does your muse avoid, because they bring up harmful / painful memories?
honey: when your muse loves someone (whether it be romantic, platonic, or familial love), how do they show it?
chartreuse: if you had to describe your muse with a color, what color would it be and why?
anise: when it comes to self-care, what does your muse do to take care of themselves? do they take care to spend time on it, or do they feel they don't deserve it?
new leaf: what message would your muse send to their past self, if any?
moss: how easily does your muse adapt to any new situations they're thrust into?
silk: does your muse care about appearances much? do they spend a lot of time on their own appearance, or do they just go with the flow each day?
sanguine: does your muse typically have an optimistic, pessimistic, or some middle ground outlook on life?
atoll: if your muse could go anywhere, without any restrictions whatsoever, where would they go? why would they go there?
cool grey: if your muse could ensure one thing for certain in their future to come, what would it be?
black: does your muse have a 'bucket list?' list some things your muse wants to accomplish before they die.
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absinthiium · 3 years
//So I made two of my friends who know nothing abt Dogma straight up heart-eyes over that art I drew last night LMAO
I will consider this an accomplishment
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absinthiium · 3 years
Things said in a Discord RP server, part 2
“Shoot me.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t enough.”
“I’m not going to fail you again.”
“When did you grow a heart?”
“I may be ruthless, but I’m not heartless.”
“Your love is fierce. Anyone would be a fool to challenge it.”
“If there’s a sliver of hope to be clung to, then our duty is to hold onto it.”
“Do you think I don’t know that?”
“You will always have me with you.”
“Helping me is useless and you know it!”
“We may be in constant battles, but let’s be men and not stoop to the level of cowards.”
“I never anticipated getting so attached to you.”
“I don’t even feel like I need to hide this.”
“I’m so happy you made it this far.”
“It’s about time you get what you deserve.”
“I don’t know what I would have done if you hasn’t come back.”
“Awful things happen while we have our backs turned.”
“You need a reason to smile. Don’t just pretend like me.”
“Getting involved is going to get you killed. Is that what you want?”
“No. Not another word of this out of you.”
“I believe I can do this, for as long as I have you with me.”
“I love you.”
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absinthiium · 3 years
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//Drew this bastard with a ponytail last night because I could.
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absinthiium · 3 years
Things said in a Discord RP server, part 1
“You can’t just go into some midget’s house if he offers you candy!”
“I’m on an all-alcohol diet.”
“Being complimented by you is somehow repulsing.”
“I’ll enjoy smashing your face in with a brick.”
“We’re not building a jail cell in the house.
“I’m not moving an inch.”
“There’s really no need to thank me.”
“I’m telling it how it is.”
“My pillow is stuffed with gingerbread men.”
“That much sugar cannot be good for your health…”
“What’s the point of love in the first place?”
“What is it with you and eggs?”
“You seem to be suspicious lately, so I can’t help but to be a little curious.”
“How does one erase emotions?”
“I believe this is where one says ‘oof’.”
“Please don’t involve yourself with me any longer.”
“God, I need a drink. Or a nap. Either works, really.”
“Young love is always so sweet.”
“You said some wack shit while you were piss drunk.”
“Some information is too dangerous for you to possess.”
“You don’t have to do things by yourself.”
“Insinuating I’m nice. How insulting.”
“How much would it hurt if I jumped out the window bird-style?”
“I don’t know if I need alcohol or coffee at this point.”
“I’m a liar.”
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absinthiium · 3 years
L, V, Z
Headcanon A - Z
L - Lover - How do they show love? Do they love themselves? Do they believe that all you need is love?
"Love" is a word that Dogma hesitates in using; It's a concept he's never truly understood, but at the very least he could say he loves himself and the person he is.
The ways in which he expresses affection are very subtle. If he's decided he cares about someone, little gestures such as headpats are fairly common, and though he'll never openly admit it, he can become very protective of that person. Things like hugs are very rare from him, and he needs to trust someone immensely before he can be that open with them.
V - Visionary - Do they have a plan for their future? How imaginative or creative are they? Do they have vivid dreams?
In a lot of aspects, Dogma tends to live sort of 'in the moment' - He does have his plans though, especially in regards to Satoru; He needs to keep an eye on the kid after all, and make sure his soul isn't corrupted before he can take it.
"Vivid dreams" kinda depends on what sense we're talking here. Dogma doesn't need as much sleep as a human being would, and even when he does he rarely has dreams. When he does, he never really thinks much of them.
Z - Zoo - What’s the favourite animal? Do they ever behave animalistically? If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Why?
Aside from hellhounds? Dogma loves any sort of animal known to be poisonous, but he's always liked snakes the best. And I wouldn't really describe any of his behaviors as 'animalistic', unless you count something like a growl if someone's pissing him off?
As for what animal he'd be. I mean. It's in his name--/Jace no
But for real I've always associated Dogma with wolves, so there's that-
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absinthiium · 3 years
D, F, Q
Headcanon A - Z
D - Director - How much do they feel the need to have control over their life? Do they spend a lot of time telling others what to do or and they more likely to be more obedient to others?
Dogma likes feeling like he has complete control over his life. When he feels as though everything is in place, that's when he feels happiest with himself. He can also be very demanding in certain circumstances, such as with Satoru.
F - Friend - What kind of friend are they? How do they judge potential friends? Where do they draw the line between platonic and romantic relationships? How far would they go for a friend? How do they handle conflict in relationships?
(Dogma voice) What the fuck is friendship?
Jokes aside, given how closed-off Dogma can come off at first, the word "friend" isn't something he uses lightly - But if he does consider someone a friend or someone he's fond of, he would give anything to protect that someone. He acts far less uptight around that person, coming off even more playful than his usual devilish demeanor.
Q - Queen - What kind of leader are they? Are they entitled? What have they inherited from their parents? How powerful are they? Do they act superior towards others?
Considering he's considered an Earl, therefore a noble in Hell, he does hold some power and has gained a lot of respect from his brethren. Things like inheritance don't exist where he's from; He had to make a name for himself and fight like hell to get to where he is now. He's seen some shit.
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absinthiium · 3 years
“It’s Dogma, you twit.” He feels like he’s probably wasting his breath reminding Tine, but continues to do so anyway.
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“So aside from being obnoxious and making me look bad, what the hell have you been doing all this time? Here I was hoping you’d shriveled up somewhere."
@dragoncanefangs​ (x)
“Ugh. I wish I could forget.” A little difficult to do that though, considering…
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“I wanted someone to mess with but did it really have to be you who showed up?”
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absinthiium · 3 years
Headcanon A-Z
A - Advocate - How do they show their support for others? Are there any causes that they publicly support? Why? B - Boy/Girl - What is their gender? What’s their relationship with their gender? Has this changed over time? How does their gender identify relate to their gender expression? C - Caregiver - How do they give/receive care best? Do they care for everyone or just a small number of people? How do they react to someone in need? D - Director - How much do they feel the need to have control over their life? Do they spend a lot of time telling others what to do or and they more likely to be more obedient to others? E - Entrepreneur - How do they make money? Are they willing to take financial risks? How do they approach making deals with others? F - Friend - What kind of friend are they? How do they judge potential friends? Where do they draw the line between platonic and romantic relationships? How far would they go for a friend? How do they handle conflict in relationships? G - Growing - How have they changed over time? How has their self-image changed? Are they more or less of a risk-taker? Has their approach to romance changed? H - Hero - What makes someone a hero in their eyes? Who is their biggest hero in life? Why? Do they consider themselves to be heroic? I - Inventor - How creative is their thinking? Do they seek out the opinions of others or rely on their own ideas? What’s their problem solving approach? J - Joker - What’s their sense of humour like? Do they enjoy slapstick comedy? What kind of humour do they enjoy in others? K - Know It All - Are they a Know-it-All? Do they actively seek out new knowledge? How do they behave around others how have a great amount of knowledge on a topic? L - Lover - How do they show love? Do they love themselves? Do they believe that all you need is love? M - Miracle Worker - Who or what do they consider to be a miracle? Do they believe in magic? N - Navigator - What’s their sense of direction like? Do they have a set path in life that they’re planning on following? What do they do if they’re knocked off course? O - Organiser - How organised are they? Do they have any unusual organisation systems? What would cause them to be uncharacteristically (dis-)organised? P - Philosopher - Are they particularly philosophic? What do they believe is the purpose of life? Do they have any particularly strong convictions or ideologies? Q - Queen - What kind of leader are they? Are they entitled? What have they inherited from their parents? How powerful are they? Do they act superior towards others? R - Rebel - Do they follow rules, bend or break them? Do they find rebelliousness in others attractive? S - Seeker - How do they go in search of new information? Do they accept ideas on faith or do they need to test out information for themselves? T - Teacher - How often do they have to teach others? How do they go about it? How do they learn best? Do they dive in first and reflect later or study the theory of something new before putting it into practice? U - Ugly - What traits to they find unattractive in others? Do they have any of those traits themselves? V - Visionary - Do they have a plan for their future? How imaginative or creative are they? Do they have vivid dreams? W - Witness - What do they consider the best thing they have ever seen? What would they most like to see in their life? X - Xceptional - Who is the most exceptional person in their life? Are there any rules that they have notable exceptions to? What gets them excited in life? Y - Yes! - Do they believe in luck? What makes them feel lucky/grateful? Z - Zoo - What’s the favourite animal? Do they ever behave animalistically? If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Why?
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absinthiium · 3 years
The West Wing
Why are we sitting here? Well, you could call 1-800-BITE-ME. Okay. You’re lying now, aren’t you? Why do you keep looking over my shoulder? There’s a woman over there. I think she’s looking at me. You can have a normal life. You’d be amazed at how normal I can be. This time, this hour, this is my time. 5am to 6am I can workout, as you see. I’m wasted. Anyway, like I said, I'm totally baked. But um – no, it’s not like I’m a drug person. I just love pot. You know what? I really like you. And if you give me your number, I’d like to call you. And what was the cause of the accident? And what happened? You look like hell. You know that, don’t you? Is this for real? Or is this just funny? What’s that? I brought you some coffee. I’m going to make a suggestion, which might help you out. But I don’t want this gesture to be mistaken for an indication that I like you. Listen to me for a second… You know you ran a red light back there. Is that the same suit you wore yesterday? Didn’t you two used to be a thing? You’ve been wearing the same clothes for 31 hours now. All the girls think you look really hot in this shirt. I can’t fake it. I’m sorry to be rude, but are you a moron? I should’ve put two and two together. I’m a nice guy having a bad day. Well, this is bad on so many levels. Are you listening to me? Well, that’s a problem. Show the average American teenage male a condom and his mind will turn to thoughts of lust. There’s been an apology. Let’s move on. I don’t like what I’ve just been accused of. Okay, can I just say that, as it turned out, I was the calmest person in the room? I particularly liked the part where you said nothing at all. Breaks are good. It’s not a bad idea taking a break every now and then. 
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