theroguedragons · 2 years
Drabble for @dragynfire
Daemon felt how it had become harder and harder for his queen to keep on living this lie. Of course they had managed over the years to deal with it somehow. They found ways to meet up secretly. The prince was somehow even able to raise their children from the back by training with them and teaching them high valyrian to control their dragons but all of it never changed that the eyes of his brother were always burning on their skin. While Daemon could deal with the fact of sharing her sometimes to keep their lie intact, Alicent was crumbling under her hard facade and there was nothing else he wanted more than finally releasing her from all this weight on her shoulders and protecting her from having her body used like other men wanted. His jealousy he could control, but he couldn’t bear to see her suffer. Since the beginning it was her who had to make so many sacrifices and having him every now and then was somehow the only thing she really owned and decided by herself. It wasn't enough though and therefore the prince had promised her to take care of it as he always did. “I'll find a way. I'll ask him to release you so I can take you as my wife.” It was a whisper he left in her ear during their last embrace and even if he noticed that Alicent wanted to believe him, she couldn't stop the scoff from her lips since she probably thought he was just trying to calm her like he always did. But Daemon wasn't a man of shallow promises. He was either all in or would let go of something when it wasn't worth his time, but his queen, the mother of his children was everything that truly mattered and he knew he had to at least try to make her as happy as he felt when he had her.
After asking for a hearing with the king, something that would be formal and official, Alicent and their kids joined them in the throne room where Rhaenyra and everyone from the kings council was already waiting. As Daemon had asked his brother for this Viserys just chuckled, saying “You do not need an audience to talk to your brother. What could be that important to bring it up in front of everyones noisy eyes and seek such an absolution for it?” but his brother convinced him to do it nevertheless even if he appreciated his support he knew would be tested on this day.
“What is it you came here to ask for, prince Daemon?” his brother asked, sitting on the throne with Alicent and their three kids standing close by on the stairs, watching him with constant fear glowing in her eyes. No matter how many times Daemon tried to convince her to trust him, he knew that sometimes love wasn't enough to trust someone that could act so reckless. Still he was calm himself and after a reassuring glare to his secret lover, his eyes wandered over to the princess before he kneeled down with a smirk. “I ask for the hand of princess Rhaenyra.”
A murmur went through the room and Daemon noticed the confusion and shock on Alicents face without even daring to look at her while Rhaenyras surprise turned into a pleased smile immediately. Viserys needed a moment until he suddenly scoffed, a reaction Daemon had hoped for secretly cause he knew what would follow. “You really think I would allow you to marry my daughter? The heir of the throne?” Daemon was aware that there was a secret fear in his brothers mind. That Daemon only ever wanted the throne no matter the cost and that's why his request would just play into that fear what got obvious in the way Viserys looked at him in full despise and anger. “My dear brother, we all mourn the loss of your beloved wife Rhea...” Words that only made Daemon silently scoff himself. “...and we all wish you happiness and a wife by your side, but I cannot give you my daughter. You must have known that and still you came here to ask?”
It was Rhaenyra who stepped forward, trying to adress her father while Daemons eyes were now focused on Alicent to assure her that everything went like he planned it. While his queen was still confused, he was glad that her grip around their daughter tightened to prevent any further reaction from their kids who probably didn't know what to think of this either. Viserys stopped his daughters words that tried to perceive him and looked back at his brother who now slowly raised to his feet again. “My answer is no, prince Daemon. But considering your bravery to step forward to ask for this, I will allow you something else. Someone else.” Now it was getting interesting and Daemon folded his hands in front of his hips to seem as innocent and surprised about his offer as he could. “Name someone else. And I will gladly accept any name you will come forward with.” Any. Exactly the word he had hoped for.
The smirk on Daemons face increased and now he knew that Alicent must've understood what he was really aiming for here: a compromise. When the king denies him something first, his kindness will make him offer something better. Something else. The prince created an impossible situation the king had to decline just to offer him something he couldn't say no to again. “I want Alicent.” The roaming that went through the room now was louder than before but then stopped as the king suddenly raised from his chair with fury written on his face he tried to suppress as good as he could, but Daemon knew anger when he saw it in his brother.
“How dare you?”
Daemon just shrugged and looked at his kids whose eyes were focused on him. “You said I can have anyone else. I want Alicent. I want to be with her and my kids.” Alicent shielded Helaena in her arms in that moment, but Aegon II just gasped and looked back to his mother in confusion. They had never told them the truth to protect them from the consequences, but they both knew that their smart girl would probably knew it through her dreams while Aemond had always looked at Daemon like a father figure already, that's why his expression probably didn't even shift at all.
“Everyone leaves the room.” the king declared with coldness in his voice and waited for everyone heading to the door besides Rhaenyra and Alicent with their kids. “You too.”
Neither the princess nor the queen wanted to leave, but they had no chance to disobey the kings command and slowly moved down the stairs to head to the door as well. “It’ll be fine.” Daemon whispered as Alicent passed him close enough to hear his words and lightly touched his fingers with her tips under strict glares of the king whose stare probably wanted to kill the prince right here. Just as the door closed Viserys approached his brother who lowered his head in respect, but the firm “look at me” forced him to raise his eyes again in the moment as Viserys fist hit him right to his face and brought him to his knees since he simply wanted him to have that moment of control when he was so close to losing it forever. “Your kids? How can you even dare of disrespecting your king like that, Daemon?”
Daemon needed a moment to recollect his thoughts but instead of getting up again he just spit out the blood in his mouth and looked up at his brother with full determination. “It is the truth. Or do you really think you’d be able to produce heirs at this point?” Another angry kick hit him right into his stomach, but this time it wasn’t something he didn’t expect to happen and could just laugh about. Pain was always a known thing for the prince, it pleased him in a way even cause it reminded him of how alive he truly was.
“This is my wife you’re talking about. My children.”
“A wife you never loved? A wife you only chose for her youth, for her beauty and name when it should have been me taking her.” Daemon wasn’t completely wrong in saying that even if he knew that Viserys probably had no other choice back then. The king had to remarry, but why did it have to be her? The only woman he truly ever wanted?
“And you love her?” Viserys spatted and reached down to Daemons collar to pull him back on his feet to face him. “Say it. Tell it to my face.”
The prince had many devious expressions, but in this moment the former evil smirk shifted into something soft just like his eyes that started to sparkle from the tears of awe he felt for the queen. “I love her. She’s beautiful and fierce and much smarter than both of us will ever be. She has gone through so much always with her head held high and you know what’s the only moment for her where she can be weak and let it all go to be herself? When she lays in my arms at night after I fucked her. I bet you’ve never seen her look at you the way she looks at me at night because she loves me, brother. She loves me and I love her and there’s nothing you can do about it. I love her like you only ever loved Aemma.”
It was too painful for the king to listen and Daemon respected that he saw at least some form of emotional reaction now that it was about the woman he adored so much and who never got anything from him as honest as the love Viserys had for Aemma. But the prince also knew in the moment that his brother let go of him in despise, that he would never give in to his request. Not even now. Instead he walked passed him and stopped with his back turned on the prince, eyes closing from the heaviness the realization brought that these kids indeed were never his. “Marry Rhaenyra then. But do it where I can’t see it. And never come back here or to my wife.”
Daemon couldn’t believe this, that even in this moment he would rather have him marry his daughter than to give up a woman he didn’t even love out of duty. “Even now you belittle your only daughter because of spite? Do you think she’ll ever forgive you that you favor a woman you don’t love to her? Give Alicent free, brother. End this madness for her, can’t you see your wife is suffering?” It didn’t seem that Viserys cared or maybe he was just too weak to settle this in another way that could make him lose his pride, but without another word he left the throne room to speak to Rhaenyra who waited outside.
Daemon shook his head in disbelief, angry about himself and his failed plan that he only could come outside with a lowered head, heavy from shame. It didn’t matter anymore. If he really had to leave kings landing for good, he didn’t care about any other consequences anymore and he should at least have the right to say goodbye to the love of his life, didn’t he? While the king was distracted by the argument with his daughter, Daemon approached Alicent with a defeated smile but before he could say something it was Helaena who released herself from her mothers embrace to wrap her tiny arms around the prince. “I always knew.” she murmured and left him no other choice than holding her, his hand caressing her long white locks which made all of this even more bittersweet.
“Why did you do that?” Alicent asked and knew that she probably was right, but still he could just shrug and murmured “I had to try. I promised you.” It was Aegon who was the only one still standing there with suspicions towards his real father, while Aemond just looked at him with respect and nodded. Even if he was the youngest and still too small to leave him behind, he often behaved like the most grown up and filled Daemons chest always with pride. Helaenas arms released from his waist and in the moment he approached Alicent to rest his hand on her cheek, Viserys head finally turned to sent them a last threatening look, but Daemon couldn’t care less anymore.
He was too busy with wiping away the tear that rolled down her cheek and leaned in to have their foreheads rested against each other. “Do not cry, my love. It’ll be worth it, time is on our side you have to believe in it.”
“Let me come with you.” Aemond suddenly said, his eyes firmly on his father who just shook his head.
“No, you have to stay with your mother. She needs you. All of you.”
“But Dragonstone might offer me a dragon. I might finally be able to…”
“I said no.” Daemon interrupted him with a commanding voice, his eyes now focusing on the small boy he kneeled down to now. “You can visit me. Visit me with your mother. For now I need you here. Help her to calm his mind. It is my fault that his blood is raging now, but it won’t be me who will be able to calm it. You will.”
The princess steps in their backs were the reason he got up again, a deep breath later allowing him to turn back to his queen so he could cup her face and lean in for a kiss to her cheek, her ear close enough to whisper in it. “Visit me. I’ll always wait for you.” Alicent nodded and what first just was meant as his goodbye, shifted now into an urge he couldn’t suppress and led him against her lips for a kiss of bittersweet devotion and a promise that even a marriage with the princess couldn’t break. “Find me.” he said to the family he had to leave behind before the king would behead him and even if Rhaenyra had witnessed the kiss with her former best friend it didn’t even seem to unsettle her. Maybe it shouldn’t have surprised him since her confidence was always her biggest strength.
“Let us leave, uncle. I have no interest in staying at a place where I’m constantly reminded that I’m worth less than anyone else to my father.” It was a reaction that was understandable and somehow Daemon felt regret for ruining her relationship to her father even more, but at least all truths were spoken now and hopefully everyone would know where they truly stood. Time would tell how it would solve itself, but for now Daemon couldn’t wait to mount his dragon and escape the mess he had created, even when the outcome wasn’t the one he hoped for and the woman by his side wasn’t the one he wanted to marry truly.
At least he tried. At least he made his promise come true that he would try and ask for her hand to prove her that she would always get anything from him no one else would ever offer her. That at least one person in her life would risk it all for her and that what they had was true. Not her father, not her husband. But him. There would never be anything he wouldn’t do for her, even if it caused a war or the final loss of the man he called his brother.
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roseguidedarc · 2 years
@dragynfire​ ASKED,  𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒆 .  𝒂𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒅 @ 𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒔 
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     𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃, 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐍 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐓𝐇 𝐎𝐅  the high sun overhead.   sounds of nature feel her ears, hands rested atop her stomach while body remains sprawled out on a blanket in the gardens of the red keep much by herself, almost, in this small corner.    (    finally, a reprieve from the near constant storms of her home.    finally she can feel constant sunlight , the feeling of grass between her toes, or the sounds of the world.    kings landing now her home with her marriage to the prince said  &&  done a few weeks prior.    it was a surprising perk of all of it—   )     ;      despite her relaxed state , despite closed eyes or the appearance of being dozed off ,  floris wasn’t unaware of her targaryen husbands presence beside her.   he had found her, decided to stay for a while . . &&  still in the process of getting  𝚃𝙾 𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆   one another they talked , even laughed a little.      eyes peer open, squinting a little at the sun, at the feeling of a finger being dragged about her exposed shoulder.   head turns a little as eyes peer upward at aemond:   ❝   find any interesting patterns in my freckles  ?  ❞   asked with a raised brow.   floris smiles,  ❝  i have plenty of them. perhaps you’ll see something I’ve never seen before.  ❞  own hands reach over to take the hand aemond used into her own.    fingertips  𝓰𝓱𝓸𝓼𝓽   over his palm,  ❝   you have very calloused hands.   did you get them from fighting or riding vhagar ?  ❞
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pulchramsolis · 2 years
The music at the part is a few decibels too loud, and Abby is pretty sure the side of her solo cup has a crack in it because the beer she's been holding seems to be leaking over her hand. With a sigh, she discards it in the trashcan someone had the forethought to put by the drinks and looks around for her date. Luke is flirting with a guy who she's pretty sure plays on the university football team because she recalls also flirting with him at some point.
Well, best of luck for Luke. He'd had to skip out on too many dates lately to help her, so she won't go and bother him. She rolls her shoulder, feeling some of the scar tissue along her back pull. It's not like she was going to get laid - there was no need to cover them up with make up, but if she didn't, then she couldn't wear the sparkling, sky blue backless dress she has on.
All she wanted was to feel pretty although the skyscraper heels are killing her ankles so those might have been a bad idea. She wanted to feel pretty, and seen, and there's a guy over by some terrible piece of modern art that's been watching her for the past ten minutes. He's tall, broad shouldered, and she thinks that if she lets him go down on her, he'd still be able to breathe because those shoulders would keep her thighs apart.
But it's not him, floats through her mind. Her candy pink lip gloss feels sticky on her mouth when she bites her lip and she sighs, feeling it slide along her chin with the motion. She can't even hear the click of her heels on the parquet as she leaves the sunken living room to go find a quieter part of the house and a bathroom to hide in for a bit.
The last time she'd been at a party, it hadn't been like this. She'd been giddy and laughing, only a little drunk with warm arms wrapped around her, mouth against her throat as she giggled that he was going to leave another hickey. He'd been delighted when she shoved her panties in his pocket and bitten his mouth with a mischievous little giggle.
But that was then and her heart was battered and bruised and the bleeding had slowed to a trickle and it was the most she could ask for. Luke had been insistent after everything that happened with the one who came after that she come out. She wasn't alone, and that asshole wasn't going to take her light away. She wasn't going to be a scared little girl hiding in her room feeling like she was too dumb to function.
Look how brave my sweet kitten is, he'd tell her, encourage her. Build her up when she was nervous about a job interview or an assignment with school. Then he broke her heart.
It's the guy from the sunken living room. Abby immedietly straightens, wishing that the little purse slung around her had pepper spray in it but she hadn't thought about bringing it with her when Luke was here. He's smiling, and objectively, Abby's pretty sure this guy is harmless.
"Hey yourself," she forces a smile and a laugh. She'd gone upstairs, and the music is somewhat quieter up here and she's pretty sure there's a threesome happening in the closed room to her left if the sounds can be figured out. "Uh, can I help you?"
The guy blushes and reaches a beefy arm up to run his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, I uh, thought I recognized you. Are you on youtube or something like that?"
A flush burns up her neck. She knows what he's getting at. The OnlyFans she'd started three months ago was to help pay for medical bills and now it's giving her enough income that she's gone to part time at the coffee shop and in another month she's pretty sure she can quit. This was the first time she was recognized though.
"Next tour, you and me, kitten. I can't keep doing these weeks on end without you."
But Aegon had figured out how to get through the weeks without her and now here they were. Him out of the picture, and she dealing with her first in person fuck fan. Great. Of course.
"No, sorry," she continues to smile. "Um, sorry! I just really need to go to the bathroom-"
"Are you sure? Cause..." The guy's eyes linger on the hem of her skirt, the flash of pink ribbon garter that peeks out when she shifts.
"I'm very sure, yeah," she continues to lie through her teeth but the guy comes closer and she's wondering if the other door is the bathroom when she hears another set of footsteps and @dragynfire is coming down the hall.
It's him. It's him what is he even doing here?
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the-rogue-dragon · 2 years
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@dragynfire​ Helaena sent;
[ 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 ] ― receiver wraps a soft blanket around sender’s shoulders
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          🔥THE FUNERAL HAS BEEN MORE NOISY than he expected it to be, and the Prince had long withdraw his attention from the crowd. He had been staying away from his family - especially his brother - for as much as he could. From time to time he observed his twins keeping to themselves or soaking in the presence of their grandmother and grandsire. Daemon let them be, since there was little comfort he could give to them. Both had lost their mother, and he the woman he had loved for ten long years.
          When everybody seemed to ignore him - of which he was thankful - he noticed his niece Helaena playing with one of her bugs. The Prince had learned that the Princess enjoyed them, and it sparked his curiosity. She was quiet, as he was told, and right now he favored that. So, making his way to her, he took one blanket from one of the servants and brought it to her, carefully wrapping it over her shoulders.
          “Do you mind if I keep you company?” He asked in no more than a whisper as he didn’t want to be interrupted by others. Honestly he desired nothing more than to be in the company of someone who was not going to annoy him with fake pleasantries. Besides, he never truly had a moment to get to know Helaena.
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roseguided · 1 year
@dragynfire ASKED , "hey blondie." there is a roguish smile on his lips as he closes the distance between them. "aren't you forgetting something?" a fingertip taps against his cheek, silently asking for a kiss. / from eugene/flynn
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𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐔𝐍𝐙𝐄𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 she’s called out to , head turning causing the thick braided blonde hair to move with it. it was the only way that hair was even somewhat manageable—up until now , as rapunzel had allowed the village girls to braid her hair & put bright , spring flowers in it, the woman had taken to holding as much as her locks as she could ! safe to say that it had been not very practical nor easy for her to multitask. max was accommodating with her on his back , the good horse he was. however , not it’s flynn that beckons her attention & the princess gladly gives it to him. bare feet are warm under sunlit stones , hands drawn before her back as she approaches with a tilted chin & a wide grin stretching over lips. ; ❛ how forgetful of me. ❜ teases rapunzel , arms coming from behind her back in order to place one palm against flynn’s left cheek. lifting up on her toes slightly , rapunzel closes eyes as lips press themselves , sweetly & with lingering , against the man’s cheek. the kiss is gentle , but one you could tell she meant. that had feeling behind it. pulling away only slightly , princess presses another kiss to the corner of his mouth. now flat on her feet again, green eyes look up at him with a dazzle in them. ❛ all better now ? ❜ asked with an arched brow, head tilted to the side a little.
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hamcrtia · 1 year
[ EYES ]:  sender  makes  receiver  look  them  in  the  eyes. my criston for your alicent
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too stressed to find the specific meme / @dragynfire
it is true, the queen has been rather distracted as of late. the transition between the death of viserys and the coronation of aegon had been simple. easy, even. though alicent had believed rhaenyra would accept her terms, she had been disappointed when her father returned to tell her the opposite. it had been weighing heavy on her . . . the possibility of what would come next. mindlessly, her nails pick at the skin surrounding her fingers as her teeth worry into her lower lip. it is not her intention to ignore ser criston, though it soon becomes clear to her that she had been. it is the gentle touch of his calloused hand cupping her cheek, directing her face in his direction that prompts widened brown hues to find his. her own hand rests atop his, fingers curling around his as she guides their hands lower. it is no mistake that she lingers, the simple touch something she craved yet was too afraid to take more of.
" i have done it again, haven't i ? " alicent inquires softly, a small smile pushing the corners of her mouth upwards. chocolate hues gaze at their fingertips that continue to graze against one another, before she quickly folds her hands in front of her. " forgive me, ser criston. what was it you were saying ? "
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lavendernabcrrie · 2 years
@dragynfire liked for a starter
𝐘𝐌𝐄𝐈𝐒𝐍𝐀 𝐍𝐀𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄 would be lying if she said she wasn't slightly afraid of Prince Aemond. Of all the people in the red keep, he was the one she couldn't figure out. Prince Daemon and Aegon were the easiest to read, Princess Rhaenyra took her awhile, Queen Alicent even longer. She had been skeptical of Helaena, but eventually drew the conclusion that the princess was genuinely that kind. But Prince Aemond was the one who stumped her. The curiosity was killing her. He was a true mystery to her, and she was determined to figure him out.
Ymeisna did not bother to knock on the door to his chambers, something she knew she should not do, but she had hoped to find the Prince in there doing something to clue her in to what was going inside his head. She didn't have any bad intentions, no plans to blackmail him or try and hurt him, she just was dying from the curiosity of not knowing what he was like.
"Prince Aemond." She said, with a sweet smile as she curtsied. "I have brought you clean sheets." She said, not waiting for a response, beginning to place the sheets on the mattress. Once she was finished, she turned to him, bowing her head to him. "I know normally Kyiara attends to you in the evenings, but I'm afraid she's feeling a bit under the weather, so I will be the one here this evening, would you like me to draw you a bath? Or perhaps fetch you something to eat?" She asked.
Ymeisna was internally screaming at the formality of it all, She just wanted to drop the whole servant act, and just talk to him. Like a normal person, but they weren't normal. He was a Prince, She was a lady-in-waiting, and it was slightly scandalous that a lady in waiting should be attending to a Prince at all, but Ymeisna's curious and talkative nature was gnawing at her inside.
She folded her arms in front of her and smiled, awaiting his response, and hoping, that he doesn't suspect anything.
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incissam · 2 years
@dragynfire sent:  “ you have no idea what i’m capable of. ”
He was right she had no idea what he was capable of, but she did know that he was still just a boy. Rhaenyra looked at her little brother with a tilt of her head trying to figure out what he was trying to accomplish with his words. Rather than playing games with Aemond she just opened her hands expecting him to continue. “And what exactly do you mean by that, Aemond? Are you trying to threaten me?” It didn’t matter if he was or not in truth because one thing she knew was to never show fear in the face of your enemies. 
While Aemond wasn’t exactly a defined enemy yet she still wasn’t going to let him intimidate her. There was still hope in her that perhaps even though he had not grown up with her as he had his siblings and her own children, that maybe he wouldn’t hold hostility towards her. “You also have no idea what I am capable of.”
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theroguedragons · 2 years
@dragynfire continued from here
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Daemon knew her intentions immediately after she spoke and a part of him wanted to stop his brother from laughing about her in this way, but he knew that the best way of showing her support without causing any suspicions was probably just giving in to calm both, his brother and his queen. With his hands folded in front of his body he followed her, trying to hold back the endless urge to touch and reach for her what her fingers already did subtly when she finally stood close enough to him. Instead of looking at the tapestry the prince had only ever eyes for her though and even now he couldn’t help that his gaze wandered down to their lightly touching fingers and the way her lips moved when she spoke. God how much he had missed her. It was impossible to hold back his adoration, even if his form of expressing such things were always a challenge for him after all. Daemon was glad that she understood and as she stepped in front of him he noticed the way she stared at his lips as well, just like he did it before so the longing must still be mutual, was it not?
“Doubt me and I will always reassure you again, my queen.” He knew about her insecurities cause he felt them too from time to time, but whenever she looked at him the way she did right now, there was not a single doubt in him that in the end they would prevail side by side. “I must admit that I feel the same kind of addiction you named but there was never anything I feared less than this.” Proudly he smirked but let his eyes wander to their sides to make sure no one was watching as he laced their hands to let his fingers wander along her rings, part of them secret gifts from his journeys. “I appreciate the ways you find for us to have these moments. You know I always admired your wisdom and strength, but you’ve grown so much and master your position so well.” In the past it was always him making the bold moves, sneaking into her room at night and using any initiative he got, but now it was her bringing them here and the prince couldn’t help the urge to reward her for it.
Gently he moved down, whispering into her ear “Thank you for showing me this. I will make sure that I’ll follow the instructions of the paintings to reward you for this. Tonight, if you accept my invitation.” After pulling back again he noticed that he still hold onto her hand tighter than he did before and he couldn’t help to scoff about himself and the recklessness they both showed here. “You have no idea what I want to do to you.” It was a mumble before he pulled his hand away and stepped back to not give into that endless longing, now that they were finally reunited. “Do you… want to go back? Or… show me something else?”
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perzyssesuvion · 2 years
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@dragynfire asked : ❝   have   you   ever   had   something…missing?   like   something   just   doesn’t   feel   right   inside   you   but   you   don’t   know   what   it   is.   ❞  
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❛ HOW   MUCH   TIME   DO   YOU   HAVE   ,   BROTHER   ? i  suspect  you  and  i  could  be  here  all  night  discussing  our  defects  and  shortcomings.  ❜  long  ,  pale  fingers  curled  around  the  stem  of  a  goblet  still  half-full  with  wine  —  still  working  on  his  first  while  aegon  was  on  his  ...  aemond  feared  to  hazard  a  guess.  it  truly  was  regrettable  the  place  which  an  evening  of  drinking  oft  took  aegon  ;  it  was  a    sad  affair  ,  and  the  younger  prince  despised  walking  the  dark  path  his  older  brother  always  seemed  to  lead  him  down.
was   there   ever   even   an   ounce   of   hope   for   them   that   they   might   have   a   normal   relationship   ? the   strong   velaryon  boys  were  hardly  an  example  to  follow  ,  except  aemond  would  have  to  admit  he  envied  the  strength  and  goodness  of  their  bond.  he  found  himself  longing  for  what  they  had  far  too  frequently  for  his  comfort.
all  thoughts  best  kept  to  himself  for  now.
thin  lips  pressed  to  the  cup  ,  a  hearty  drink  of  ruby  liquid  drawn  from  it  as  a  single  lilac  eye  searched  aegon's  face.  he  was  quiet,  and  so  aemond  continued  ,  ❛ nothing has been right inside of me since the day that bastard took my eye . ❜ the  words  were  spoken  with  quiet  rage  —  the  kind  that  only  time  and  rumination  could  breed.  ❛  it  made  me  wonder  if  things  were  ever   actually right to begin with.  as  mother  says  ,  the  gods  make  us  as  we  are  for  a  reason  ,  but  i  cannot  help  but  question  them  sometimes  ...  ❜
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pulchramsolis · 2 years
[ @dragynfire had aegon feeling someway romantic ]: aegon approaches her with something held behind his back. there is an air of excitement to him, it dances in his eyes. "turn around," soft command given. once it is followed, he takes her hair and moves it to one side over her shoulder. then he takes what is in his hand and latches it around her neck. it is a silver necklace with 3 diamonds in the front and the 4th one shaped like a teardrop in the middle. It glitters perfectly on her neck. lips brush against the shell of her ear as he says, "for you so you never have to be without happiness. when you wear it, think of me."
*fans self*
Queen Alicent had invited her to observe another small council meeting, and she'd left Aegon's arms that morning earlier, pressing kisses to his soft cheeks and a whispered promise she would meet him later. Then the Queen had requested her help with some matters with the other ladies in waiting, asking her opinion on some of the preparations for the feast that was meant to take place next month. She had a sneaking suspicion that this was all being done on purpose, for by the time she was finally dismissed, the Queen wore an amused smirk on her face before sending her on her way.
When she entered the garden - their little garden - she'd been anxious that he wasn't there. Had he decided that she was not coming? That she'd abandoned him? Surely not, no, Aegon knew she wouldn't do that to him, that she'd find him. So when she does spy him, a bounce in his step as he approaches, her face breaks out into a relieved smile. "There you are! I was--"
"Turn around," he tells her, in the gentle, assured way he gives her commands. Say my name again. She bites her lip and turns as bidden and there is little she can do to conceal her shiver as he softly moves her hair aside. She keeps her eyes closed with butterflies trying to burst from her belly.
"Aegon?" Abby whispers as she feels him drape something cold and delicate around her neck. Instantly, a blush begins spreading from her cheeks and down her throat, and along her collarbones that her dress does not cover. She lets out a soft little sigh at the feeling of his mouth against her ear and reaches up to touch the jewelry he's graced her with.
"For you, so you never have to be without happiness. When you wear it, think of me."
Finally, she's able to look down and take in the beautifully crafted necklace. It is a gift that surpasses anything she might have considered herself worthy of. Her breath catches and she turns, eyes as large as saucers and searching his pleased and nervous expression. She is stunned into speechlessness and so overcome, Abrogail drops into the deepest curtsy she's ever done. Her skirts puddle around her - a vibrant, sky blue that brings out her cerulean eyes, her hair a tumble of scarlet curls and his necklace catching the sunlight and sending little streaks of rainbows across her chin.
"Your Grace, you honor me more than I am worth." For it isn't that she believes herself unworthy of Aegon's love. No, he knows that. It is when she is so overcome that Abrogail falls into her courtesies. Hours upon hours of perfected and well learned manners. "I thank you for your favor, for your gift... I..." She feels dizzy with feeling and she stays still, unsure and overcome. "I will treasure this always, my Prince."
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roseguidedarc · 2 years
@dragynfire​ ASKED,   ❝  𝒊’𝒎 𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝒚𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆.  ❞ 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒂𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒔 
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        𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐃, 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐑  her throat as not to choke on the sip of wine she’d had as he leaned forward to whisper words.   breath was warm against the shell of her ear, a hand against the small of her back ,  &&  the close proximity of her husband , her back brushing his front , made her keenly aware of just how many people surrounded them in the throne room.   aegon insisted on some . . celebratory dinner for a recent win against rhaenyra   &&  her, being the kings sister in law , meant they had to at least make an appearance  !      hand continues to hold her cup, aemonds words replaying in her mind  &&  for a moment . . floris allows her mind to   𝚆𝙾𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁   to places a lady might not otherwise.   the result ?    a warm, pink blush overcomes her freckles cheeks rather swiftly.     ;      (   her mind was often occupied by him . . more than she ever expected from their arranged marriage.   she always assumed they would marry  &&  live separately—how happy she was to be so proven wrong  !   his kisses make her heart flutter , the touch of his skin makes a rush of heat spread throughout her limbs.     the way she   𝔂𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓼   for him is unlike anything.   this , especially during a gathering , doesn’t help.   )     turning around , cheeks still red , floris looks up at aemond.     ❝  &&  how exactly do you plan on doing that ?  ❞  spoken in a slightly hushed whisper , woman fighting a grin.  ❝  in a room full of lords , ladies , your family  !  ❞    is she perhaps thinking too lewdly ?     ❝  aemond, you-you cannot say things like that to me  &&  expect me not to get . . flustered.  ❞   spoken playfully with a grin.
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clutchofmuses · 2 years
"Stop doing that— stop trying to hide your emotions from me." Helaena frowns at the husband who is still far more brother for her than spouse. She feels that they both prefer it that way. It does not mean she doesn't care. "I would not judge you for them, even if we are not close, I am still by your side, @dragynfire."
She sits beside him, the twins occupied with the new toys that their father has brought them. Aegon's love for their children is not so different from the memories she has from girlhood. An elder brother who would fiercely defend them, who came along to find bugs with her, and made sure they were okay. Sweet Maegor is fast asleep in his crib, the soft little dragon that the woman Helaena is asking about clutched in a little fist.
"I asked you about Abrogail because I'm happy for you, brother." She reaches for his hands to squeeze them in hers. "And I want to support you finding something that reminds you of how to breathe.
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roseguided · 2 years
@dragynfire ASKED, 𝑚𝑦  𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑒  𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔  𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒  𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟  𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑠  𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔  𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑. 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑎𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑠
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄. 𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐒 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 not used to being taken care of before she met aemond. she was used to looking after others & dealing with her own aliments after she had helped others. this one , however , was more self inflected for the purpose of casting an enchantment. protection , as it turned out. for the very man whom so worriedly presses damp cloth against the cuts made on her palms. alys watches , a sigh passing her lips , before eyes raise to rest on aemond’s concentrated expression ! ❛ they will heal , my love. ❜ comes her reassurance in a quiet , gentle tone. ❛ i did what required of me for the spell. a little blood is the least i could sacrifice for its intent. ❜ & intent mattered with magic such as this—powerful magic , intense magic. one stones step from bloody, dark magic. alys might prefer that type , as it suited their needs & felt more effective , but she wasn’t opposed to something on the . . lighter side. ; ❛ i have something i can put on the cuts to aid in their healing once i’ve wrapped them. ❜ another reassurance. ❛ aemond . . ❜ the call begs him to look upward toward her. fingertips brush against his cheek of the hand not being tended too. ❛ equal exchange is what is required for magic. something must be given for the result you seek. somethings require . . more of an exchange than others. it depends on the spell, but know that i would never place myself in danger. ❜ not a given , but she says so anyways. alys feels her head begin to ache slightly , brows furrow , & when she glances down . . two drops of blood from her nose follow each other onto his hands.
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hamcrtia · 1 year
"Will you be quiet now?" from alysanne to cregan
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get a reaction to pushing my muse against a wall & kissing them ! / @dragynfire
the suddenness of which his back hits the wall is no doubt surprising, but he expects nothing less from his alysanne. there is a wide smile that adorns his lips in the brief moments that hers are not pressed against his own. when they are, he chases it by intertwining his fingers within her hair ; his free hand resting at the small of her back. cregan found himself completely enamored with alysanne. more and more with each day. how could he not ? the words that come from her cause him to chuckle, brown hues shamelessly admiring the strong yet delicate features of her countenance. " as you wish, my lady," these are the only words that cregan can offer before he is leaning in once more to press a kiss to her lips. soft at first, though the desire that evolves whenever he is in her presence creates a more passionate exchange. she tastes sweet, he thinks as his tongue graces hers. " though it is quite the beast that you have awoken, " cregan murmurs, quiet as she demanded, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
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agoldenlily-archive · 2 years
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Having been in King’s Landing for a short while Elayne was glad that there were somethings to keep her attention. Usually she found the city dull and somewhat boring but ever since she had sworn her fealty to King Viserys, Elayne found that she was trusted. Perhaps it was the grain that her family provided from The Reach but she felt like trust was something that wrapped itself around her. She was glad for it. Especially since she found that there were little ones in the Red Keep. She had always enjoyed children and had always wanted to be a mother but, being without a husband, she hadn’t had any yet. 
After gaining permission from the King she began to spend short spots with the children in the Keep’s nursery, playing with them as she did. They were beautiful children. Their pale hair marking them as Targaryen’s and yet there was also a difference to their disposition as well. Something that she supposed belonged to their Mother’s side. Their Mother, the Queen, Alicent Hightower. She had spoken to her a few times and she was rather glad that she had met her. She found her to be a wonderful, if lonely, woman and Elayne wanted her to see that she had a friend in her.
The doors open and Elayne looks up in time to see Alicent standing there. Softly she smiles at her as she allows little Aegon to toy with one of the toys she had brought with her. “I hope that you don’t mind...” she trails off as she stands, smoothing out her skirts. “...will you stay awhile?”
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