#here we goooooo
draculadrawalong · 5 months
May 3
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My friend Jonathan Harker, food blogger sollicitor from London, is on a work trip in Transylvaina, and he is collecting a ton of recipes for his girlfriend.
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hoosbandewan · 9 months
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Favorite moment: Tom in the woods in Spain
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kithtaehyung · 9 months
[ 3tan12 ] visuals + teaser… surprise🥴
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thebramblewood · 9 months
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Never fear! If anyone can knock some sense into our boy, it's Professor Grace Anansi.
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Caleb: [reading] In remembrance of the Great Breach and our fallen Sages, L. Faba, Simeon Silversweater, and Morgyn Ember. May our tireless pursuit of higher magical learning honor their unfathomable sacrifice.
Are office hours over, Professor Anansi?
Grace: [eyes light up in surprise] For you, they’re always open. Oh, Caleb! I’ve missed you!
Caleb: I’ve missed you too, Grace.
Grace: It’s been so long I was beginning to think you’d finally forgotten me.
Caleb: I could never.
Grace: [blinking back happy tears] Well, I was just about to pack it in for the night. Will you walk me home?
Caleb: It’d be my pleasure.
Caleb: You wouldn't rather fly?
Grace: No. Like you, I prefer to keep in touch with my human side.
Grace: Can you stay awhile? I’d love to cook for you.
Caleb: I was hoping you might say that.
Grace: Ah. You came prepared then?
Caleb: Indeed I did.
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rustingcat · 1 year
Chapter 1 Wild
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"It's here!"
Lena was not prepared for the sudden gust of wind that blew through her window. While Kara did drop to greet her through the big balcony on her foundation's office every once in a while, she would usually get a heads up and a quick knock on the glass before entering her space. That was not the case today. Kara simply burst in like a wild blur, as she continued to zip around the office with uncontrollable excitement. 
"Kara! Kara please," she begged her friend to calm down. "What is here?" 
"This!" Kara dropped a small piece of paper on her desk and stepped back. Her smile was too big to be contained, her body practically vibrating from excitement.
Lena picked up the paper to study it. She could see why Kara got so excited, her own wide smile spread across her face as she read the very formal invitation for the wedding of Nia Nal and Querl Dox.
Kara raised her hands in celebration while making an unintelligible happy sound, somehow biting both lips as she looked like a kid that just found a secret door to a land made of candy. 
Lena found herself easily laughing from both the display and the excitement. She was truly happy for their friends, but there was also something just so contagious in Kara’s pure happiness. 
"Kara, it's still a few months away," Lena chuckled, putting the invitation back on the table.
"Yeah but the gift is important. What did you bring to Kelly and Alex?"
"Money. They did not complain." Lena smiled back at her.
"That’s boring. With everything that they went through they deserve all the happiness. We need to figure out the best gift!" Kara announced as she dramatically fell onto Lena's office couch.
"We?" Lena asked with a raised brow.
"I mean, we can brainstorm together, and have the best gift out of everyone."
"It's not a competition, Kara." Lena chuckled. She rose up from her chair to join Kara on the couch.
"I know, but still." Kara's smile did that thing that Lena adored, where it squinted around the mouth as if she was trying and failing to contain it.
"You have something in mind, don't you?" Lena guessed.
"Sort of? Brainy chose to be with Nia. He made that choice, but he still worries about the future and the big brain." Kara started explaining.
"Do you have a solution for that?" Not that she had any doubts about her friend's intelligence, yet she couldn't really keep the astonishment out of her voice.
"Maybe? I thought about what we know of the big brain and the future and it reminded me of Nia's descendent. Suddenly, it was so obvious!"
"What did you figure out? And what does Nia's descendent have to do with it?"
"Have I ever told you about the Birthing Matrix?" Kara's face turned more focused, like the playfulness from before disappeared in an instant.
"No?" Lena couldn't say she heard the phrase before.
"It's the method Kryptonians used to procreate. All you need is a DNA sample for the machine and any couple can create an offspring. You could even tamper with the generic code to affect their appearance, natural affinities and so on."
"Sounds revolutionary. A machine like that could change everything. Every woman who's afraid or incapable of child birth, same sex couples who want a child of their own, and infertility problems or problematic genetic mutations. Kara, this could be huge!"
"I know. But it could also be dangerous if it’s not properly controlled." Kara said more seriously than before. 
Lena nodded in understanding. Giving parents a potential way to control their child's life even before they are born in such a way could lead to terrible things, not to mention the potentially dangerous plans the military could have for such program. "You said tamper with the genetic code, do you want to use it on some of Brainy's DNA?"
"Essentially yes. To try to create something organic that is not really a person so it could be sent to be fused with the big brain. And also for both of them. I know they want children, they said it before, and with this machine we can create a biological child for them! So Nia could have someone to pass on her dreamer abilities to."
"That's amazing and incredibly thoughtful." Lena smiled proudly. "We can certainly try to solve Brainy's genetic code, but do you have access to the machine? Is it still operational?"
"I'm afraid not, we might have to build one." Kara bit her lips, phrasing her sentence almost like a question.
 "It could be quite a challenge, do you have the plans?" Lena felt the scientist in her getting wild with anticipation, she understood Kara's excitement from the prospect. Or at least thought she might.
"No. But I know where to get them." Kara smiled.
"Oh?" Lena raised a playful eyebrow.
"Fancy a trip to space?"
Read it on ao3:)
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night-market-if · 1 year
Steam/book 2/General Update
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I am so excited to announce that the Steam Keys for Kickstarter will be sent out in the next few days. What does that mean? It means that we have a Steam release date for the public!!! Expect it to be out for purchase, September 3rd! (barring any terrible code breaks because I am so freaking nervous there is going to just be a blue screen of death for some reason). 
I am also excited to announce that the Introduction to book 2 is in beta right now. And Chapter One is being written.  Book 2 will follow much the same format as book 1. With the chapters being released to the public for free on itch.io. Early access will be available on my Patreon. I will make an announcement when that is available but the intro will just be released to everyone immediately.
Along with that, keep on the lookout for another story brewing. More on that in the next week or so. But Fall is almost here and with it, so many creative endeavors to get us through the winter.
I am looking forward to hearing from you all again and crafting yet another tale.
With love,
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blackjacktheboss · 8 months
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may you learn to mend yourself
Solitude agrees with Percy. Or it would, if it were possible for the son of Poseidon to be truly alone while sailing on the open sea.  “Guys, I’m really okay,” he says once more in vain. A vanguard of sea creatures has been escorting him on his journey since he boarded the boat his father sent him in Fiji four days ago, and despite several attempts to send them on their way, they persist. He sighs, shaking his head, though he cannot help but smile.  What a special thing, he thinks, to command such loyalty and devotion simply by existing.  “I hope I’m worth it,” he says to himself. 
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thewanderingmask · 6 months
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hey folks! are you a fan of one extremely specific reflection character?? WELL HAVE I GOT GOOD NEWS FOR YOU
I'm getting a limited run of Cal charms printed! 2" tall, double sided acrylic. I'M VERY EXCITED ABOUT THIS
Pre-orders will be open for the next week, with the charms themselves expected to get to me in May!
Thank y'all so much, and have a lovely rest of your day!
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moviestarmartini · 4 months
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stripeydani · 2 months
We're back baby! I didn't know I'd be writing a prequel to Good Intentions when I started it, but John and Randy's accidentally-much-more-intense-than-I-intended relationship fascinated me and I wanted to explore it more, so please enjoy this self-indulgent fic, set from 2004 to 2007.
In this chapter: It's the aftermath of SummerSlam 2004, where Randy has become the youngest WWE Champion of all time, and the boys are out celebrating. And the night after on RAW, where Evolution betray Randy. Starting off angsty from the gate, these poor boys!
I hope you enjoy it, it's another passion project of mine so kudos/comments are very kind and appreciated! ❤
Photos below from SummerSlam 2004, which I think was one of the first times they really teased Orton and Cena. John's stupid face is adorable 😂
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i-like-anything-water · 7 months
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perkynurples · 1 year
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A Mighty Stranger 🌻
There’s a priest who tends to a small flock in a small church in the heart of a small village that sits on a small hill in the middle of nowhere. He finds his life quite peaceful enough, thank you very much, and so a stranger appearing in his pews one day, inexplicably angry with him and acting like he should be easy to recognize, can only spell trouble.
Or, Aziraphale has no memory of his time after he stepped on that lift to Heaven - and maybe just a little bit before that, either - and Crowley finds the irony so bittersweet it makes him want to punch things.
rated T, chapter 1/6, basically plot bunnies running rampant
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bluestringpuppeteer · 10 months
There's no one else in his home, Legato doesn't need to physically look to determine that much. Whether that is because there is no one to room with him or because whoever his roommate is simply hasn't made it to the villa yet he's not sure but it doesn't matter, he got there first. That means he has pick of his room and time to poke around and see if the place is stocked according to his preferences.
It's not bad. There's only two bedrooms, which at leas reassures him he won't have to put up with excessive other people. And the place is pleasant, with the sounds of the bustling town outside the window. Likely not too far from a place he can find work and set to saving up for something far more personal.
Before all that though, first things first. He plucks his phone from a coat pocket and settles on his new bed to call Knives. It only took two rings for the Plant to pick up and Legato smiled in relief the moment he did.
Being alone would not end well for anyone, least of all himself.
"Knives," his own voice is calm, relieved, and fond. The title of Master doesn't even think to pass his lips and it does not occur to him immediately that a new world may mean new versions of the people he knows, not even after his encounter with Vash earlier. He's too focused on hearing his Angel's voice.
"I am relieved you are here. I have found my assigned home, have you located yours? Perhaps we should convene, create a plan?" He has his own steps laid out in his head, at least the beginning ones, but he doesn't want to get started before convening with Knives and seeing where he wishes to go. He still defers to the Plant and its unlikely that anything will ever manage to change that, nor does he care to.
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reinvent-and-believe · 8 months
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thebramblewood · 1 year
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Meanwhile, at Vatore Manor... Part I
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Transcript under the cut.
Lilith: Caleb! CALEB!
[squelch] [squelch] [splat]
Lilith: Caleb.
Caleb: Early night for you.
Lilith: Mm. Be a dear for me, won’t you? Crawl out of your dreary little man cave and run me a bath.
Caleb: Come on, Lil. I just got to the good part. Can’t you do it your-
Lilith: [hisses] Now.
Caleb: [groans internally, clicks off TV]
Lilith: Jesus, you still haven’t gotten rid of this witchy junk? [pauses deliberately] It’s not like they’re ever coming back for it.
Caleb: [clenches fist] Do you want your bath or not?
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stackslip · 9 months
well. chainsaw man this week,
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