#dramatic liturature
So back in late 2012, my wife and I auditioned for a local production of No Sex Please, We're British and were both cast. I played the old bank manager, Mr. Bromhead (I used stage makeup lol), and one of my lines referenced a play, George and Margaret, by Gerald Savory. And I did some Internet research and quickly discovered that this is a real play.
It was also around that time I decided to see how Inter-Library Loans worked, and so the very first thing I decided to see if I could find was a copy of this play. And sure enough, it was out there, they found a copy in a university library within the state.
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What arrived was this old school "library edition" of the Samuel French script, published and printed in 1938 and long out of print.
Anyway, the lesson was that Inter-Library Loans are amazing and so I started using them a lot. I checked out plays consistently for three and a half years. So I read a whole lot of plays because I was able to check them out for free at the nearby public library.
I'm hoping to start doing that again.
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fandoms-spamdom · 1 year
how is your book 👁️v👁️🎤
Dramatic and silly
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hoodievixen · 2 years
Lucienne: This library hold every book ever written, or those that never were written.
Y/N: Where's the fanfiction?
Lucienne: What?
Y/N: There's this fic that hasn't been updated in years, and I really just wanna know how it ends.
Lucienne: ....
Y/N: Okay, yeah it's my fic I know how it ends, I just wanna read it and not write it.
Lucienne: That is the restricted section...
Y/N: *dramatic gasp* wtf. Fanfic is as valid form of writting as any other liturature.
Y/N: And you can't say it's because of the smut. Birdgerton hasn't to be in here somewhere, and I'd safely bet it not in the restricted section.
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scrivenger-grimgar · 4 years
Guess who just spent an hour ranting about how Skull is an under-loved, under-appreciated character who has the potential to be just as complex as any of the other Arcobaleno? This guy right here!
I decided I might as well copy and paste it from the discord to here.
Humans Are Awesome Video
Like, he literally does this kind of shit for a fuckin living. [Click Link For Context]
Like, Jesus! The Arcobaleno are all so fuckin oblivious and willfully ignorent!!
C’mon guys, he may not know how to fight, but that’s something that can be fuckin taught, Jesus fuckin Christ!
He’s not “weak,” he’s been thrown into shit that he doesn’t understand and never learned about because he wasn’t involved in it before!! Are you going to try learning Quantum Mechanics as an arts & liturature major? No! There’s no point because tbat’s not what you signed up to learn!
Anyway, it makes me extremely (if passive-aggressively) angry. Like, what the hell? He literally knows nothing, and then you dont try to teach him anything which makes him both more of a liability and also less likely to trust or like you. Thats a dumb fuckin idea, especially since it could get you all killed, and for what?? Your damaged pride at one of the Ii Prescelti Sette being a civilian??
What are you going to do after that?? “Oh I know,” Reborn says, “how about we verbally and physically abuse him???” That doesn’t fuckin build trust you dumbass.
Especially in a fucking Cloud, who are characterized (in fanon at least) as being independant, proud, flighty, and prizing freedom and individuality above all!
Also, considering what I gather about his past, he was apparently a circus performer? Like, knife throwing, dealing with dangerous animals, balancing bike or feet or yor hands on a tightrope 25 meters above the ground, trapeeze acts, juggling sharp objects, “civilian” magic, dancing, and contortion kind of Circus?
And what exactly does it take for a person to do that kind of stuff??
Throwing accuracy, spacial awareness, hand-eye coordination, situational awareness, critical reasoning, physical and mental flexibility, an acute sense of balance, an intuitive (if not taught) understanding of physics, math, and biology; the ability to use misdirection and manipulate your audience, stamina, athleticism, physical strength, and being able to act, faking or replicating emotions and expressions that you might not necessarily feel or even understand!
And considering that he’s the strongest cloud, I have no doubt that he’d have the determination and Will to learn and improve on all of these things just because he can.
All of these thing would be extremely useful in the mafia, whether for fighting or just in general.
The only thing he’s missing is the vocabulary to express that he knows these things because he probably lacks a formal education.
And honestly, I feel like I’m one of the very few people who understands this!! And it’s so fucking frustrating!!!
Skull is an awesome character and both fic writers and Amano seemed to write him off as comic relief, which is some instances is fine, it fits with the over dramatic character he likes to display, but he, nor any other character, should be written as almost solely comic relief, it just makes a character feel cheap and fake. One dimensional. There’s no depth.
Though I’ll give Amano a break on this because there are so many characters in khr that she had to think about, and it was probably the easier way to write it.
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