dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
Po, this is going to seem like a random question, but how would you react\feel if one day you found a village of reformed bandits and their children (for some of them), and discovered that not only was Tai Lung alive and living there, but that he was happily married and had four children, all of whom had a mostly healthy relationship with him and were kind, if slightly troubled (due to Tai's lingering mental problems), children?
Dah-uh…well, hehe, that is a bit of a loaded question there little bean bun. Um, well, I guess I’d be a little bit surprised and maybe a bit on edge. Not everyday I run into somebody who wanted to kill me and almost did, that’s like every other Wednesday. If the bandits, Tai Lung and their families weren’t causing any trouble, I’d have to problem leaving them alone and letting them do their thing. Maybe get to know them a little bit better? I’m sure Master Shifu would be the most surprised if he found out Tai Lung was still alive, he’d probably have lots of questions.
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dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
hey, Po! Long time, dude! It's me here! Just wondering how you were all these days! Btw, just wanted to give you some advice this time. I know you've been a lot in the studios but still telling you to be careful about that Pitch Black guy! He's dangerous, y'know!
Hey beakayuniverse, good to hear from ya again! I’ve been doing okay, I’m honestly a little excited because I’m gonna be going back to the Valley soon to visit Dad, The Five and Shifu for the holidays. Oh Pitch? Yeah, you know about that guy huh? He’s a bit of a weirdo, always talks about how wonderful children’s nightmares are and he seems to rag on Tooth quite a bit. Don’t worry though, if he tries anything ol’ Po will take care of him with his fist of justice!
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dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
Hi Po ! What do you do when you need good advice ? :)
Hey there 21cha, nice to meet you! Advice, eh? For the longest time I always talked to my Dad, I still do, but most of the time it devolved into something about “the noodle dream”. Nowadays though Dad is always willing to lend an ear and offer good advice. It’s also not a bad idea to ask advice from some of the greatest Kung Fu masters of all time! Master Shifu is usually pretty serious when it comes to giving out advice, I usually keep track of how many times he strokes his beard while speaking.
The Five are also pretty good at giving out advice. I remember wanting to see if I could do a running leap off a cliff and swing into battle, I asked Crane if I should get into Horse stance or Forward stance when I hit the ground. He said, “I think we should worry about you not breaking your neck before we even think about that”, good advice in the end.
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dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
Po, could you get Oogway to come and be with you guys to answer questions?
Ah, haha, I don’t if you knew about this little guy, but, um, Master Oogway passed away a couple years ago. Shifu said he ascended into the heavens; supposedly that's when he gave Shifu his staff too.
If he was still around, I would totally ask him to come, but only if he wanted to. I know he would have loved to hear all your questions though...he was a really nice guy and a wise Kung Fu master.
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dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
Hello Po! So next weeks is going to be full of exams (one per day, High school is really hard) and I've only read for one exam. Chemistry and physics are hard for me and I don't know what to do. I only have this weekend to study. Any tips?
Ooh, chemistry and physics huh? Yeah I was never good at finding the right shrubs and roots to make medicine in school, but I guess it’s good to find out what stuff jives with another. Well, I’d say study as much as you feel you can do and if you feel like it, just take a break. Everyone needs their rest and you can’t go into something like a test with a head full of noodles. Maybe you could get a group of your buds together and you could compare notes? Heh, it’s been a while since I was in school, but I hope I helped ya in some way. Good luck on those exams little grey bean bun! 
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dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
Thanks for the friend advice Po! Much appreciated, I'll give it a go. :) By the way, was Tigress alright after you talked to her?
I’m glad I was able to give you some good advice!
Tigress? Yeah she’s okay now. I dunno if she’d want me talking too much about this, but…well she’s not here right now and if I told her that it was because you asked maybe…dah! Okay, you gotta promise not to go spreading around rumors about Tigress’s past, okay? Because if you do, I’ll just totally deny it! Ahem, so, Tigress had sort of a rough past growing up with Master Shifu. He wasn’t mean to her or anything, but she says he never seemed to give her a pat on the back or looked pleased when she mastered a new technique. I think deep down she knew it had something to do with Tai Lung, so I suggested she stop bottling it up and just talk to Shifu; I mean the guy is one with the universe now.
She took my advice and all seems good now, both of them have definitely healed mentally and physically since the whole fight with Tai Lung.
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dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
Hi Po, Can you help me with something? I'm having some friend troubles. My mum says that friendships should work both ways but if that's the case I feel like I'm doing all the legwork. Whenever I try to catch up with my best friend or even try talking to him, he doesn't seem to respond now or even try to contact me at all. I don't know what to do! What should I do? :(
Huh, well, your Mom is right. Friendship is usually a two-way road. Hmmm, you say your buddy hasn’t been responding to you…did you say or do anything to bum him out? Oh! Maybe he’s going through a rough time and needs to talk? What ever is going on with him, I’d say approach him slowly and see if you can talk with him. Maybe explain what you’re going through and ask if you can meet up at your local restaurant, food always breaks the ice.
I’ve had a few times when my friends just needed some space though. Tigress was really grumpy about something having to do with Master Shifu and I wanted to talk with her about it. Viper and Mantis said it was better to leave her alone about it, so I did and after a few days she came around. After a while though, the same thing kept happening and I just couldn’t leave her in a funk and I wanted to help, so we talked about what was bugging her. It doesn’t work for everybody, but I always try to see if I can help in any way I can; sometimes people just want to be left alone.
I hope I helped ya in some way little guy. You can always ask me or anyone else at the Studio for advice. Good luck!
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dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
Um, hi, first-timer here. Ahem, anyways, I'm a really big fan of Kung Fu Panda and Rise of the Guardians mostly, and would like to ask them something. Po, I hear a new adventure is happening real soon! Good for you! Are you excited?
Hi there little guy, nice to meet you. Haha, well it’s always nice to have someone who admires what I do, plus most of my fans are really cool people, so I can only assume you are just as awesome. You should totally go ask Tooth anything you want about her and the Guardians! Jack had to leave, but I’m sure he’ll come back in the future.
New adventure? Well, I guess anything is possible, I am kind of planning to go back and visit my Dad, the Five and Shifu during the holidays and I think I might stick around to celebrate my birthday. Tell you what though, if something does happen while I’m back at the Valley you can ask me all about it!
Thanks for the question biancajoffre.
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dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
HEY PO! I really missed you too much! It's been so long since we talked. I was always thankful for your advice and want you to give me another one again. My college is gonna start soon and I'm not mentally ready. What should I do?
Hey master beakayuniverse, it’s good to hear from you again! Heh, I’m just glad that any advice I can give helps you in some way, I just don’t wanna be running my mouth…which I admit sometimes I still do.
Y'know, I actually answered a question like this a little while back, I can totally give you the link for that, give me a second… http://dreamworksaskblog.tumblr.com/post/126218165033/hi-po-so-im-starting-high-school-in-this-month There ya go!
I know going off to a new place can be scary and sometimes you don’t have a buddy there with ya, but you can always remind yourself that the feeling of being scared won’t be there forever.
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dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
Hello, Po! How are you doing? This is the grey bean bun anon that asked for advice about being more social and friendly towards the student I'm mentoring. I just wanted to thank you for the amazing advice and say that things went really well today. After he arrived, I didn't know what to do but relaxed, smiled at him, then invited him for lunch to get to know him better before we started training. Turns out he's a lot like you and we found some common interests. I really think we bonded some. :)
Oh, hey little bean bun! I was wondering how that all went! I’m glad things worked out for you and this new buddy of yours. And hey, that’s great you relaxed and then went out for some food, that always makes me feel better. Food usually brings out the best in people for some reason. 
He’s a lot like me, huh? Hehe, well if that’s the case tell him that his buddy, Po says “hi”. Glad you didn’t give up and stayed grounded, keep at it little guy and stay awesome!
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dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
Greetings, Po! How are you doing, I hope everything is going swell. I'm kind of curious, do you have any strange/weird habits or hobbies that others find strange? For example, I'm very into collecting different kinds of rocks and will spend hours searching in different areas. Kids have already started to call me the local rock lady.
Hey there little guy, still rockin’ those weird glasses I see? Things are going pretty well here, thanks for asking, I hope everything is going okay for you too. Weird habits or hobbies? Well, I guess I kind of have that habit of food getting stuck in my fur and then eating it later. It’s totally not my fault though, things get messy when you’re in the kitchen! Plus why should I throw away some perfectly edible food?
You collect rocks though? That’s pretty cool, I think there’s a kid in the Village who does that too. Some of em’ can get pretty neat looking, with swirls and stuff. Sometimes they even look different colors if you hold them in the light! Don’t let those guys get you down, they don’t know what they’re missing!
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dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
Po, I need some advice about being social and more friendly. I've never been /that/ great with people or being friendly without scaring others away in an instant. There's a new student starting at our academy and my teacher has decided to put me in charge of training him in fighting, because I'm the eldest and have been here for 6 years, so I'll be spending much time with the newcomer. --;; I'm not too sure of how I can approach, talk, or befriend him when he arrives without messing things up.
Well, this does sound like a special sort of situation. Hmm…well whenever I don’t known somebody that well, I just try being me but since you’re gonna be the new guy’s teacher and mentor, I’d take a different approach. Before you start sparing and what not, why not get to know each other a bit better? There’s this neat way of getting a conversation going that I liked to call “noodle slurping”. Imagine you’re sitting at a table with another person and there’s only one bowl of noodles, so you guys have to share. You both take turns slurping noodles, but not before starting the conversation or adding onto it, then before you know it, you’re so distracted by what you guys are talking about that you forgot there was noodles on the table to begin with!
You both obviously have some stuff in common, you just need to find out what those things are! I hope I helped you in some way little grey bean bun or should I call you Master Grey Bean Bun?
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dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
For anyone who wants to answer, what do you guys think people would say your best trait is?
Po: Hmmm, best trait, best trait….well, a lot of people tell me that I’m super sweet or that I’m a good friend? So I guess my best trait is friendliness. I’m always willing to listen to somebody talk about their woes or pitch in a helping hand.
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Tooth: Best trait? Oh, gosh, I like to think that my best trait is my ability to hold on to memories without living in the past! It’s a very important thing to be able to do; if you live in the past, then you can’t enjoy the happiness of the future, but if you let go of the past, then you can’t look back and reminisce. And of course, I’m good with children, but that comes with the territory of being a guardian.
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Rita: A lot of people have said my best trait would have to be my sense of adventure! You can’t live your life in fear! Imagine how different my life would be if I hadn’t agreed to go with Roddy! Everything I loved could have easily been taken from me!
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Valka: This is honestly a question I’ve never given much thought towards. If I had to choose, though…I suppose I’d pick my natural way with animals. I’ve always been good with creatures, starting with working on my family’s farm when I was little, and ending with where I am today: a full-fledged dragon caretaker. And rider, too!
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dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
Hi Po! Have you or any of the five ever seriously gotten hurt while training? Like a broken bone or a sprain or something like that?( I recently twisted my ankle and can barely walk on it)
Ha, have you heard Master Shifu? “The only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones!” I'm still workin' on my Shifu impression, but I think it's coming along pretty good, uh, don't tell him about any of this. But yeah, we get beat up sometimes. In training we're pretty careful, but sometimes mistakes happen. Monkey sprained his ankle one time and couldn't walk for a little while and I stubbed my toe trying to do a running leap! All that training really prepares us for when we really need to get serious against bad guys though. 
Yeesh, that sounds pretty painful there jadepandacub321, but I'm with ya, it sucks. Try to stay off it and if you need to go somewhere be sure to ask a buddy to help you out.
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dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
Hi Po! So I'm starting high school in this month. I'm really nervous because I don't know anyone there and I don't know the building either. I'm not good making new friends and I have also had many anxiety/panic attacks before (because of social situations) and I'm afraid I get on now too. Got any tips/advice for me?
Hey there little grey bean bun, how are you? Nervous about starting school huh? Yeah, I’ve had that before too, luckily the building wasn’t too big, but if you’re nervous about where you need to go I suggest a map…is that a thing? Do buildings have maps? Well they should! You could also ask your parents if you could go visit the school before the year starts, that way there’s not a whole lot of people around.
Oh man, that sounds rough little guy. I may not be the best guy for advice, but whenever I’m feeling stressed or anxious I go to my happy place…in my mind. I sometimes take deep breathes or even try and meditate. As for making friends, you gotta let people know what they’re missing out on. Try and let your personality just flow out and if you’re nervous about what people say, remember that your ol’ buddy Po has your back! Thanks for the questions and I hope I helped ya in some way; you can do it!
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dreamworksaskblog · 9 years
Po (yes it's me again XD), if you could pick one other person in the Studio to spend an entire day with, who would you pick and why?
Hmmm, well I’d probably pick somebody I haven’t gotten to hang around with that much. I mean, I don’t really wanna get closer with Eris or Pitch because they don’t seem too interested in us, “heroes” as they like to call us. Valka seems to be pretty nice, plus she’s Hiccup’s Mom, so I bet she has TONS of awesome stories to tell. Heh, when she first got here she was studying me like crazy, it’s weird, you think she’d never seen a panda before! Oh, plus she has this cool looking dragon named Cloudjumper who I could totally ride on! I’m a bit heavy for Toothless, Stormfly can support me for only a short while, but Cloudjumper, man, he could carry me for miles. I still have to earn his trust though, he didn’t seem to keen on meeting me.
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