manyaplayers · 1 month
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You won't change my mind. Adoptive dad + bio dad working together
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gsmith1030 · 8 months
I just rewatched Kung Fu Panda 2
The ending scene where Po and Mr. Ping reuniting at the end never fails to not make me cry.
With that being said, does anyone have any ideas for any Po and Mr. Ping father/son ideas that can work as a oneshot or something? I just don't see enough of these in the fandom.
(I may also do Po, Ping, and Li later on down the line.)
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mimkyx4 · 2 months
My favourite part of new kung fu panda movies is seeing Mr.Pings kitchen slowly grow higher in quality every time.
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rinandsketches · 3 months
Kung fu panda: Po's best companion
Still on the train of Kung fu panda, and...you know everyone saying the franchise is dead now cause of it's 4th movie. everyone seemed to forget that there was always 6 movies that were going to be made and that the 4th movie isn't THAT bad. don't believe me, go watch the megamind sequel and see how bad the movie COULD have been.
but, my feelings on everyone's negativity aside, I still want to talk about that kung fu doing Panda. here I want to give you all MY opinion on I believe is Po's best companion.
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each and every instalment has given us a slew of new characters to fight alongside Po on his journey to become the world's best kung fu master.
in kung fu panda 1 we have Shifu, Tigress, crane, monkey, viper and mantis. these 6 follow into the tv series legends of awesomeness. while there are they are quite a few new companions, such as Peng, there only lasted for an episode or two. so it's the 5 who are po's companions.
in the second movie, the only two knew characters or Ox and Croc but they stay in prison. the soothsayer is sorta like Oogway, not a companion but a spirital teacher.
in the third movie, we take a change and have Po's dad, mr.Ping and his birth dad, Li Shan as Po's companions.
in the paws of fury, they introduce Po's panda students Nu Hai, Bao, Jing, and Fan Tong.
in Dragon knights we have the wandering blade, Rukhmini, Akna, Colin, and eventually Klaus Dumont.
now and in the newest movie we got Zhen in kung fu panda 4.
those are alot of friends, but who do I believe was and still is Po's best companion? answer:
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it's Luthera, also known as wondering blade. Ha ah, believed I would tell you it was tigress, huh? sorry to you Tipo shippers but I believe Blade is not only Po's best companion but the shipper in me thinks she is also Po's best girl.
let me explain. while Po cares for everyone of his friends in their own ways there were some moments keeping me from thinking they were the best side kick to po and vise versa. some are his family, his students are really just his students, this includes Zhen and shifu is his teacher. the closest to being Po's true companion was monkey in the furious 5 and legends of awesomeness, still it isn't tigress, the reason is that each one claimed Po was their best friend in an episode or another (Tigress had yet to say that), I have so many issues with the legends of awesomeness series for making Po a borderline jerk so it makes sense that sometimes they'd turn their backs on Po. Even Tigress wants to Punch but holds back, hint: in an episode where Po makes the 5 forget their memories Tigress does punch Po and says it felts so right despite not remembering Po. so what about the movies? in the movies Tigress is super close, what prevents me from saying Tigress is Po's companion is that if she is ever given a choice, go with Po or stay behind to protect the jade palace, she choose to stay at the palace. similar in the third movie when shifu had to tell her to go find Po.
thus we get to Blade/Luthera. the dragon knights have some flaws. but it does things that I didn't realize that I wanted to see in this universe of animals. it's what do the other locations outside of China are like and what animals live there. like india, brazil, and england. it also made me realize I wanted to see Po interact with another bear, a different type of bear. it makes sense that he meets a brown bear.
this isn't a Blade vs Tigress debate as I seen many do compare the two and argue they should have just put tigress in since the two act similar ,....ok, do you sense a pattern here or is it just me, I'm saying Blade is different in ways that make her a better companion to Po.
as I mentioned Blade and Po have yin and yang dynamic. in one episode Po can be the hero while Blade is the side kick and in another it's Blade taking the lead and Po giving support. Blade keeps Po grounded and focused but needs him to give her emotional support. this is how her relationship on Po develops. while Po, losing his title as dragon master (this show is a separate canon so it's master instead of warrior) and he admits he also depended on Blade. in one moment the two admit they were lost before meeting each other. their combat mirrors this, Blade with swordsmen ship and Po with hand to hand, this gives them coverage. Po teaches Blade some belly attack and headbutts that she uses throughout while Po finally uses Blade's technique and fights with a sword. their reunion in the third season is also a spin hug, take that how you will. this all comes to the end of the series, in the beginning Po was on an eating vacation. taking stops here and there, and when the series is done Luthera joins Po on his adventure, Po stating they can go anywhere they want and her replying, that sounds perfect. Po is happy at the end when he says that he found..a best friend.
all this is why I believe Po and Luthera are the ultimate kung fu panda duo. this is just me thought, tell me who you believe is Po's best companion?
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picturejasper20 · 4 months
What are films that you think justifies a sequel?
Honestly i'm not sure, most of the time i prefer films to be standalone than for them to have a sequel.
I think a sequel can work as long as it adds something to the original film and the first film has a universe that can be expanded on in more entries. Also, if possible, to follow up the themes and ideas from the first movie, but that doesn't always have tp be the case.
A good example of this is Kung Fu Panda 2. The film explores why Po is the only panda that seems to be around, what happened to his parents, why he was adopted by Mr.Ping and Po dealing with loss. It is very interesting what it adds to the KFP universe and Po's character.
It's rather different from the first film in terms of themes but it works with things that have been previously established.
Otherwise, i'm not fond of movies getting sequels.
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dededaio · 1 year
did you hear that meta knight's is also in the final round for the best fictional dad competition and is WINNING?? and mr. ping is losing????? i love mk but thats just unfair for mr. ping :[
even if dedede went this far id rather have mr.ping win. unironically one of the best fictional dads
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Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness - "Bride of Po"
Episode 55 overall
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Po gets himself engaged to a girl who seems to be his perfect match, but does she really love him, or just using him to stop being the Dragon Warrior?       
The beginning of the episode is very similar to the "Secret Admirer", episode 42. But this time Po falls in love. Po and Monkey are playing, bandits attack a guy and his daughter, so the two jump into action to help. Bad guys even harass them over a necklace, like in Monkey's episode. The girl can fight and Po gets smitten. 
In this episode, a running joke is that Tigress tries to express her worry about Po marrying someone he barely knows and Po thinks she's jealous. Tigress is flabbergasted and reinforces the fact that they're friends, and nothing else. Nothing out of the character.
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Crane is a wedding planner. As sassy and neurotic as ever.
Mantis takes the role of the priest. I don't know how he's qualified. Maybe it's a reference to how he wanted to get married.
Shifu tells Po to think about marriage, how big of a responsibility and commitment it is, and how his wife will be in constant danger. This scene made me so happy. ''Great! Some genuine drama and a thought-provoking plot about relationships. It's a relief he doesn't make Po choose between love and being the Dragon Warrior.''
As soon as I finished that thought, Shifu makes him choose.
I don't think you can just resign from being the Dragon Warrior.
Lu-Shi knows kung fu! At the beginning of the episode, she beat up those bandits. Knocked Po off his feet. She even fought with Tigress. Just train her more!
Besides, if she married Po wouldn't she live with him in the Jade Palace or close by in the valley, right next to Shifu and the Furious Five?
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Lu-Shi is a great character. She truly admires Po and the Furious Five. There are a lot of twists with her. At first, we let to believe she truly likes Po, and she does but doesn't love him. Later we led to assume she loves another guy. Only to be reviled that's all Junjie's lie and the goat from the picture is her brother. And it doesn't break her character or the plot (for the most part).
Besides truly bad episodes, the ones about love are probably my least favorite. Not because they're bad (don't get me wrong, some of them are), but because of how inconsequential they are. We know that the main characters from the movies will never get a significant other in a show which might not even be canon. It's too big of an event to not put it in a movie.
A good episode. At lest it's much better than the "Secret Admirer". 
Villain: Junjie and his Furious Five are the biggest plot hole. In the beginning, we're led to believe that Mr. Ping and that goat guy arranged Po and Lu-Shi's marriage. Later it's revealed that was Junjie in disguise. Does it mean that the arrangement was real and is now called off? Where's Lu-Shi's real father? Does Mr.Ping now have to pay for all the dishes?
Besides this glaring plot hole, they're fine.
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Still counting!
Interspecies relationships in Kung Fu Panda:
Mantis and a caterpillar/butterfly. 02
A pig female and a duck male married couple. 13
Mr. Ping, a duck, and all his girlfriends, Mrs. Yoon a goat, a pig, a mantis, a water buffalo, and Lady Scorpion. 15
Tigress's crush on Shifu. 17
Sung, a snow leopard, tries to seduce Po, a Panda. 23
Crane has a crush on Bai Li, a female pig. 26
Tigress and The Midnight Stranger (Tigress didn't know who he was and lost interest when she found out it was Po. If she found out it was any other guy she might still have been interested.) 32
Monkey has a crush on Ming, an Ibex girl. (Finally! I know what animal Woo is!)  Monkey used to have a bunny as a girlfriend.  And many more. 42
Shifu, a red panda, dated a Mei Ling, a fox. Also, Mantis and Zeng, a duck, show interest in her. 44
Mantis flirts with a Bunny lady 49
A pig female and a duck male married couple  are back. 54
Po, a panda, and Lu-Shi, a goat, are engaged. 55
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styx-doesnt-do-art · 9 months
High res Mr.Ping from the hit movie Kung Fu Panda from 2008
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Motherfucker got PIXELS
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tipokfp · 7 years
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Qnlu tournament - characters by magister-kekko
Amazing fan art
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ror2 · 2 years
i’m just like mr.ping
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simpz-art-stash · 3 years
crossover of Kung Fu Panda and Lego Monkie Kid
Man can you imagine them meeting S3? Gotta pit stop in the valley. Po n’ MK are just, the two biggest nerds and are instant friends upon first contact. They’re just two sweet lil dumplings. “You work in a noodle shop?? DUDE!! SO DO I!!” Pigsy and Mr.Ping probably start off as a heated rivalry turned frienemies. Tang is all for it because free noodles are free noodles and he’ll be more than happy to taste test the varieties split between the two. Mei would LOVE Tigress, I’m just sayin’. Sandy gets along with everybody, enough said. How awkward do you think it would be for Monkey to meet Monkey King? Even BETTER, how hilarious would it be for PO to meet Monkey King. EVEN MORE BETTER, PO AND MK ARE FANS OF EACH OTHER. LMAO Feel free to reblog and add-on to this <3
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gsmith1030 · 7 months
I saw ur kfp2 post about father and son writing ideas, so lemme throw my hat into the ring! Since Po is the only panda in the VoP, maybe u could make a oneshot about Ping comforting his son when he feels too much like an outcast?
Thank you for submitting an idea.
I think that this is a great idea for a one-shot exploring the relationships between Po and Mr. Ping. It was hinted at during the first movie, and addressed somewhat in the second and third films.
I may already have a prompt for it in my one-shot prompt pool, and if its not there, than it will be added in.
This would likely be a post-kfp2 type thing as prior to that, Po had no memory (or rather, they were suppressed) of his past prior to being adopted by Ping (Because he was so little.) But I might be able to work with something pre-KFP 1 as well. I'll just have to do some thinking about it.
I think I have seen this done before but I'm happy to put my own spin to it. I'll just need to draft it out.
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shixxhuxxshou · 4 years
I feel like at some point, Mr.Ping has dragged the whole furious five into helping at the restaurant. Serving, cleaning, cooking, whatever needed to be done at the moment. Who is he to turn down help
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maximasmac · 5 years
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some little mr.Ping drawings to get to know this psycho before I get started on the little comic I wanna do for my future/modern-ish AU idea >:D
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auayatim · 4 years
I just realized Covetous Shen is Mr.Ping
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tattoome · 5 years
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Mr.Ping Pong
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