#drew baylor x reader
I am alive because of you
Pairing: Drew Baylor x reader
Description: After meeting Drew you change his life for the better
Warnings: Possible spoilers for Elizabethtown (2005) film, mentions of suicide, anxiety, and depression, emotions, and feelings
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You and Drew met through your friend Claire Colburn at a cookout introducing you to each other and instantly feeling a bond with him. The two of you became friends and the connection grew as time went on opening up to each other learning that you had more in common with each other than you ever thought. You found out that he came back to Elizabethtown after his dad passed, that he tried to commit suicide, and that he had severe depression while he found out that you came to town after moving away from your hometown of St. Louis, Missouri to start over and get away from your dysfunctional family, had chronic anxiety and depression that made you have a suicide attempt by nearly drowning in the bathtub, and not trusting anyone at all but you immediately trusted drew by telling him of things that happened to you throughout your life. You both were a ray of light to each other that both of you desperately needed and deserved after what both of you had been through before meeting and being the best thing to ever happen to each other with support from claire who grounded both of you before and after the two of you met and became each other's person slowly you started feeling different towards him as more time went by before going to claire and telling her everything after spending days trying to properly put into words how you felt for him. "I guess that's why pigs fly and you are in love" you look at her with the look of fear and realization as you grab and chug a cold soda "You're in love with drew my sweets!" she says happily squeezing your shoulders as you feel your whole world suddenly change overnight thinking of what to do about this newfound change later on that week you go to drew's place as part of your tradition together of just talking and spending time together without other people bothering you and plus you decided to tell him hoping that if he doesn't feel the same that you will still have him in your life as a friend cause without him you wouldn't know if you could survive life anymore. The two of you were listening to music when he gently grabbed your hand and you ended up dancing together and laughing for the next hour until the next thing you knew was that you were laying next to each other on the floor looking at him staring at the ceiling "I love you" he looks at you opening his mouth to tell you something but you stop him "I have tried not to let it just take over once I felt that warm and safe feeling but no matter how hard I tried it just happened and I understand if you don't feel the same just please don't leave me and not be my friend" he stops you pulling your head in his chest rubbing your back. He pulls you away leaning in bringing you closer to him until your lips were together changing how you both felt immensely from the nervous, calm, giddy, and warm feeling in your bodies that burst into neverending, unforgettable, bubbling, and burning feeling that had been held back that now was flowing over between the two of you neither of you knew who made the move to take things further but you ended up on your bed with drew on top of you gently kissing down your body whispering words of affirmations of how beautiful you were, how he didn't know what he did to deserve to have you in his life, and the words you never thought you would hear from him. "I love you I love you so much you don't know but I am alive because of you I am alive for you" you smile remembering what had happened the past hour as you fell asleep on drew's chest holding his hand next to you while his other hand was on your back and your arms wrapped around his waist falling asleep after placing a gentle kiss to his chest.
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info5420blog1and2 · 3 years
R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Aretha Franklin, The Queen of Soul
by Carol Boston Weatherford, illus. by Frank Morrison
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Entry: Coretta Scott King Award
I got the idea for including this book in my blog when another classmate covered this book in one of our ‘discuss a book’ videos. As it just so happens, Frank Morrison, the man who illustrated the book on Mr. Baylor, also illustrated this one and I would have to say that his art style is on target as usual. I think that the award is well deserved for this entry as Aretha Franklin was an active activist for civil rights not to mention a pioneer of soul music. Before I read this book, I didn’t know that much about Aretha except that she was a highly successful, talented, and respected musician and after, I might just give her music a listen.
1. As stated above, Frank Morrison’s art style is so rich. At times, it feels as though he draws everyone in a caricature style. But if one thinks about it, it’s almost like he’s trying to humanize them while respect them. If he drew them in a completely realistic way, we wouldn’t think the subject is relatable. His art style is almost like Impressionism with how blurred but familiar everything is. I love that he doesn’t try to lighten up the skin tone of his subjects, either. He colors them exactly as their tone really was.
2. The subject matter of the book ties in Aretha’s origins with the catalyst for her interest in civil rights. In one scene of the book, we find out that her preacher father is having a meeting with civil rights leaders in Detroit. Up to this point, Aretha had been close to her father because she and her sisters were gospel singers in their church. Even though her father cheated on her mother which caused her mother to leave, Aretha was still raised by a parent who turned out to be more dependable than one might think. Aretha would go on to help fund the civil rights movement and give concerts for free. I think without Aretha’s father recognizing that she had talent and in turn cultivating it, the civil rights movement would be poorer without her influence and legacy. Aretha used her voice, both literally and metaphorically, to bring awareness to something that affected her personally.
3. The fact that this book won the Coretta Scott King Award for Illustration just goes to show how crucial this book is for black children. In this century, we can take the numerous talented black artists we have now for granted. Black artists that thrive outside of their expected genres like soul, R & B, and rap and in genres like country like Lil Nas X’s debut song that might be triple diamond at this point. Without Aretha’s influence and her determination to sing, there might not be as many singing opportunities for black artists today. Not to mention her developing of soul music influenced white artists to create the blue-eyed soul sub genre. Her talent is so powerful that it reached across racial barriers. The Queen’s legacy will surely continue to be felt for a long time and I’m so glad black musicians have such a prominent example to look up to.
I would recommend this book to any black kids looking to gain inspiration for a singing career or to just strike up the courage to sing in their church’s choir. By seeing that Aretha didn’t start out famous and was able to cultivate her talent through support, children would be able to see that they can do it too. Their parents might even point out that they listened to Aretha growing up, further cementing her legitimacy in their minds. They can see that black singers fought against the odds 55 years ago and were popular in a time of great civil unrest and realize they could be in good company if they wanted to pursue singing.
Weatherford, C. B., & Morrison, F. (2020). R-E-S-P-E-C-T Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul. Atheneum Books for Young Readers.
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Drew Baylor x Reader
Prompt: Hey there! First of all, I hope you are feeling better. Second I was wondering if you could do another story for me with Drew Baylor from Elizabethtown. The reader is from Canada and she goes on vacation with her family. The rest is up to you. Thanks as always.
AN: So sorry for the wait they say it comes in threes I threw myself back into routine too quickly, I lost WiFi on holiday and my device is broken. I am getting back on track thank you very much for your kindness. I hope this is of your liking x
You packed the last remaining essentials for your trip, neatly placing your toothbrush and toothpaste into your bag along with other toiletries and clothes. You were seeing your family in Canada. It had been just around two years since you last met but this time you weren’t terribly excited, more worried than anything. You couldn’t leave Drew not after what he’s been through if anything he needs you now more than ever. He was so happy to have found you and quickly became attached. You were his support and his greatest love. You helped him find happiness again after his father and breakup.
“Please Y/n.” A voice begged from behind you. Guilt crept into your body tugging at your senses almost pleading yourself not to go. You turned around to face your lover. His eyes were watering and begging, his lower lip trembling slightly. Your heart broke a little, Drew had had his fair share of emotional breakdowns but you were always there the hold him, to reassure him. You knew, even though he didn’t outwardly say it, that he was scared. In his mind it was like loosing you despite being only temporarily he was scared he’d loose himself too.
Drew walked towards you dropping down to his knees. His arms wrapped across your legs clinging to you almost keeping you to him so you couldn’t leave. “Please I don’t want you to go.” His words were heavy dripping with pain he couldn’t let you go. He wanted to keep you to himself. To wake up by your side holding you to him, to kiss you each morning, to hear your laugh and watch your smile light up the room.
“Drew, I can’t stay.” You almost whispered fiddling with his hair. Every part of you wanted to stay with him. You were so worried about just leaving him for an hour knowing he was missing you dreadfully let alone for an entire week. Of course you loved your family but in your mind Drew always came first. He was the only man you have ever and will ever love. You dropped yourself onto the floor next to him letting his arms envelope your body tightly only allowing you to tuck an arm under his to reciprocate the action. The only thing said was a defeated please.
Everything felt like emotional agony. Leaving in the car watching Drew become more and more desperate as you were taken further and further from him. You couldn’t enjoy yourself in Canada, you did feel happy upon entering your old home and walking down your favourite streets getting some baked goods on the way but the worry and sadness ate away at you like a vicious animal. You missed the man you’d come to life so dearly.
Drew was beside himself. All he could think of was you. He woke up reaching out for you gripping onto the white sheets below him realising the cold truth that you were no longer there for him to scoop into his arms in the early hours of the morning. It was perhaps the thing he missed most. It was his main comfort laying there in bliss with you in his embrace knowing he had a few more hours to rest thinking about how he had the perfect woman right beside you. He wanted you back desperately, you were his everything.
You ended up returning two days early. You sent your regards to your family but it was too long to be apart from Drew even you felt like you were missing a huge part of yourself. Next time you would take him with you. A wave of relief washed over you when you finally reached the front door. Hastily shoving your keys through the lock you threw yourself into the house immediately unable to wait another minute away from Drew you called out.
A few moments of silence went by before you heard heavy footsteps coming rapidly your way. In an instant two arms tugged you towards the comforting body of the man you loved, Drew Baylor. You glanced into his chocolate brown eyes seeing them full of joy and love. You almost didn’t feel his lips upon yours as he kissed you incredibly soft cupping your face with his hands. He’s never kissed you before, too afraid to become too physically involved in fear that he’d loose you forever never able to feel you again.
“I won’t leave you ever again I promise.” You said almost asking for some sort of forgiveness. “I love you, Drew.” You uttered saying words unspoken until now. You didn’t expect him to say anything in return but what you did made your heart feel complete. “You are my everything Y/n.”
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Drew Baylor Masterlist
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I am alive because of you
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Masterlist pt 15
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