#drifter valore
There's just something I love about the Lotus and the Drifter mirroring each other. Both end up broken and empty by what others did to them, forgetting who they even were and how they came to be. And then they find each other through either fate or mere circumstance and together they remember and become something more. The same yet changed. Other, yet together.
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gretavangroupie · 11 months
Valor (Chapter 3)
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Pairing: Jake x Reader, Daniel x Reader
Word Count: 13.4k
Warnings: Cursin', Smokin', Drinkin', Allusions to Drug Use. Angst: Struggle and Poverty, Emotional Manipulation, Abandonment, Jealousy, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Weapons, Fighting, Blood, Mentions of Death, Mention of Suicide, Suicidal Actions, Crying, Heavy Angst, Allusions to Shady Activities, Coercion, Gambling, Betting. Smut: Kissing, Heavy Petting, Oral F!Receiving, Fingering, Unprotected Penetrative Sex.
Valor Playlist: Apple Music | Spotify
A new project in collaboration with my talented co-writer @gretavanmoon.
“I want details.” You demanded, determined to understand at least why they were keeping you so involved. 
They both gave you almost the exact same look, half-agitated and half-understanding they had to at least give you something. Jake cleared his throat first. 
“My dad…passed away seven years ago, and when he did, he left behind more than this shop.” Jake drew on his cigarette, readjusting in his seat as he talked. “Ace had a bad gambling problem, so bad that it put him in more debt and more depression than I really ever knew about. He used to hold these poker games for fun, until he started losin’ money, and started making more enemies than he did friends. Shit started to go south really quick. Honestly, it was a lot worse then, than it is now. The law was involved, dirty cops were playin’ cards one night and harassing my dad the next, drifters started to come around and threaten him while he was working…it was an overall unsafe environment for me and Danny.” He went on. 
“Wait.” You interrupted, trying to grasp everything. “Danny, you were always here?”
He nodded. “Yup, I uh, I started off in foster care, but…no one ever wanted to keep me. I was always getting into trouble and fightin’ in school… Jake was my best friend. I stayed here more than I stayed at home…most of the time my foster parents never even knew where I was. But Ace took care of me, when he could hardly even take care of Jake. So one day, it was Thanksgiving, I think. I just…never left. I was still just a kid. Started watching every move Ace made mechanicin’. Taught myself how to fix shit.” He ended the story with a harsh swallow. You knew that was something he didn’t share often. 
You couldn’t help but smile, realizing a little bit more how close these two actually really were. Raised as brothers. 
“So anyway, after my dad died, I was left with all this shit…all the money he owed to people fell into my lap. Not to mention all the other bullshit…the bills, the overdue payments, taxes…he was drowning then, and we’re drowning now.”
“And Teddy, he’s been playing cards here since I can remember.” Danny explained. 
“Teddy…” you repeated. 
“Yeah. He’s the one that called yesterday, he arranges the games. My dad owed him so much money, we’re still paying it back. We have to listen to him when he calls, we don’t have a choice. Every time we have a game and either of us wins, we give him the money. Right off the bat. It’s fuckin' horrible.”
“Well how long until he’s paid off?” You asked. 
“We’ve barely even made a dent, unfortunately.” Jake said, tamping his cigarette out on the floor between his boots. “It’s rare that either of us win.”
“Okay, well things are making a little more sense, I guess…” you could tell they were holding back on all the details, probably sparing you from knowing too much at one time. “So where do I come in, why are you hiding me?”
Jake took a deep breath, and leaned his elbows down on his knees, looking you directly in the eyes.  “You’re collateral. You’re fresh meat. They know that if…they can get to you, they can use you.” 
You felt your stomach drop to the floor. “Use me for what?”
Jake cocked an eyebrow. “To get to me.”
You looked back at Jake, staring each other down as you let it sink in. To get to me… You shook your head. “But that…doesn’t make any sense. Why would they think I mattered to you, at all?” 
You watched a tiny grin form on both of their faces. “They know we’re protective. They know you’ve been hanging around us…and honestly, I bet they know you have money.” Danny chimed in. “Y/N, how much are you payin’ for your motel room?”
“Uh, thirty-five a night, why?” You answered. 
“Are you fuckin' kidding me?!” Jake sat back in his seat as he and Danny exchanged knowing looks of ‘thought so.’
“Wanda.” Danny said, his voice seething. 
“I thought it was steep, but she didn’t give me a choice in the room, said it was all she had—”
“I bet she watched you pull your cold hard cash from your wallet, too, didn’t she?” Danny asked. “Watched you count it out?”
“So,” Jake tried to explain. “Wanda is friends with Teddy’s crew. Christ…She fuckin' told them you had money…they sent Tanya down here to get concrete evidence you were with us…that’s why he called the poker game. They want your money, Y/N. On top of our money. And they know that they can get paid a whole lot quicker if they get a hold of you…they know we would pay up if it was you on the line…”
Your eyes were stuck open at all of the information, trying to soak everything in as it was fed to you. 
“Me on the line…so, so you’re saying they might try to…to kidnap me? Hold me for ransom or something?” You could hardly get the words out. 
Danny nodded slowly while Jake massaged his palms. “Or worse.”
“Worse? What the fuck could be worse?!” You yelled, leaning off of the countertop. Danny stood from the chair, walking over to calm the storm he knew was brewing inside you. You felt him wrap his arms slowly around your neck, in a completely non-sexual way, knowing that if you needed to feel anything right now, it was comfort. 
“We don’t intend on letting you find out. And we don’t intend on giving them the satisfaction of winning like that.” He said, his voice laced with promise. You opened your eyes and peered over Danny’s shoulder, locking eyes with Jake as he nodded his head in agreement. 
“I’ve only been here for like two days, guys…you don’t owe me anything, I just want to get the hell out of here, I never wanted to bring all this trouble…” you felt like you were on the verge of tears, feeling guilty that you inadvertently made their situation worse. 
“You didn’t bring any trouble, Y/N. They’re bad men with bad reputations and shit lives. Teddy’s going to die wanting to bring me strife. It’s like he gets off on the shit…” Jake said, his voice trailing off as he looked at the wall behind you. Danny let go of your shoulders. 
“What, Jake? What is it?” His eyes were glued to the calendar that hung on the wall behind you. 
“Nothing. Today Saturday?” His face had gone completely white, stark as the smoke that bellowed from his cigarette. 
“Yeah, it is…” Danny took your hands in his. “I know it’s fucked, Y/N. It’s so fucked. And I’m so sorry you got dragged into this mess. I know you want to leave, but don’t you agree that the best place for you right now is with us? We can protect you…we know how their minds work…I’d feel so much better if you just, didn’t go back to the motel…”
He was pleading with you, and honestly at this point, you’d be terrified to be alone in that motel after learning everything you learned tonight, especially that Wanda had been snitching on your every fucking move. Bitch. 
You nodded, agreeing with Danny. As pissed off, insulted, and sick as it made you, you felt like you had no choice but to agree. “Alright. If it’s for my safety…I’ll stay here. But I’m not going to like it.” You were going to love it, as fucked as it was. “But honestly, how long? You’ve already been paying him off for 7 years…”
“Just until we figure something out. Until we fix your car, then you can disappear and let the wind carry you away, straight to Atlanta.” Danny answered with a true and genuine frown. He didn’t want you to leave. 
“Okay. But I have a couple conditions.”
They both looked at you with puzzled expressions. “You clean your disgusting, repulsive bathroom, and you both wash your sheets. Please. For the love of god.”
Sweet, sexy laughs escaped them both as they conceded, relaxing back in their chairs. “Yeah, okay. Point taken.” Danny said, holding his hand out to shake yours. “It’s a deal, Miss Thing.”
“Good. Thank you. I’ll even make dinner tonight, for your troubles.” You offered, knowing there wasn’t much in the cabinets, but you were confident you could whip something up. 
Jake stood from his chair, still looking a little pekid from whatever he noticed about the calendar earlier. He held his hand out to shake yours, too. “One clean bathroom, coming up.”
You began searching through the cabinets and refrigerator, finding a few potatoes and some bologna. Hmm, when all else fails, fry it. 
You pulled some oil from the cabinet, and laid out six pieces of the almost-expired bread hidden away on the counter. This will have to do. 
You’d come into this shop two and a half days ago, feeling uneasy, anxious, and unsure…and now you sat here with two of your oldest classmates as they transformed their home and business into a fortress for you to stay in, using themselves as a protective shield from the bad guys who were vying for you. 
But it didn’t feel wrong staying with Danny…you liked him. You liked him a lot. And with Jake…you felt…drawn to him. Both of them. But there was something about Danny’s touch that made you crave him; him leaving you hanging in the motel room earlier was enough to make you so sexually frustrated that you resented him for a second. 
The image of him lying on top of you under the covers was all you could think about, and you were absolutely dying to get him back in bed. The way his long, dark locks laid across his shoulders and reached all the way down to past the middle of his back, his defined features and strong jawline…the way his nose scrunched up when he smiled… all of it was stuck in your brain, burning little images that replayed over and over. 
He felt different than Peter, that much you could tell even after just the brief encounter you’d had. Like he would let you be in charge instead of only trying to appease his every little fantasy. 
And his lips on yours? Like the buzzing end of an electric wire, you could physically feel them still when he parted from you. The way his tongue felt in your mouth, his hands gripping your hips… yeah. It was decided. You wouldn’t be joining Jake in his bed again tonight. 
The smell was familiar. One you recognized deep down in your bones. A smell that transported you back in time. You pulled your sheets from the washing machine, the lid black and dirty which was kind of ironic. You tossed them into the dryer, starting it up as the smell lured you into the kitchen. You can’t remember the last time someone that wasn’t you made a meal in this kitchen. 
You wiped your bleach-scented hands across your pants, the smell of lemon bathroom cleaner and Comet stuck in your nose. You realized your hands were cleaner than they’d been in probably years, after scrubbing away at the black ring in the bathtub. You could actually see the whiteness of your fingernails. 
As you rested your hands on a kitchen chair, you peered over to the stove watching Y/N finish frying up a pan of diced potatoes. Your stomach growled and your mouth watered as you watched her, completely unknowing you were standing behind her. 
Danny steps out of the hallway and into the kitchen, his voice startling both of you. “Damn, it smells good in here. I’m starving.” He walks up behind Y/N, peeking over her shoulder as his hand squeezes her hip. He turns to grab a few paper plates, placing them on the counter for her before taking a seat in the old wooden chair. 
You swung around and sat yourself in your own chair, once again letting your eyes drift over to the calendar on the wall. Seven years today. Seven years, Ace. You lean on your fist, twirling the worn metal zippo between your fingers. Rubbing your thumb over the engravings, hand carved by the man himself. It was all you really had left of him, taking it from his pocket that day, giving it a home in yours ever since. Your heart sank the more you thought about it, which is why you didn’t ever let yourself. You always did everything in your power to forget this day, never give it the chance to crush you like this, but this year, lucky number seven… It got you. 
“Alright, it’s ready!” she said, spinning around with two paper plates filled with fried potatoes and fried bologna sandwiches. That was it. That was the smell. Fried bologna. Your dad’s fucking favorite. Of course, today of all days. 
“Shit this looks good, haven't had fried bologna in forever!” Danny says, grabbing the sandwich and taking a bite. She grabs her own plate and sits between the two of you, stabbing her fork into a potato as you just stare down at the plate in front of you. You’re stuck. Frozen. Your stomach telling you to eat but your mind suddenly rushing with memories you’d pushed down for years. It hurt. They hurt.
Not wanting to draw attention to yourself you picked up the sandwich, and held it to your mouth, slowly taking a bite as Y/N and Danny chatted about nothing. You wished you could turn off the instant replay in your mind of the last time you sat at this table eating with your dad. It hit you like a ton of bricks that now felt as if they settled in the pit of your stomach. 
The thing about Ace though, was that he never really told you how to live your life. He just let you live it watching him, and hoping you’d learn from his mistakes. What you didn’t expect, was that his mistakes would in turn become your own burden. You hated him for what he did. You hated that he left you to clean up his mess. You hated that you no longer had a family of your own. Just Daniel, and Daniel, you. That was okay though, the two of you had each other and that was better than nothing. You weren’t sure you’d ever forgive Ace, not for leaving you, but for letting your mother leave you before you ever even got a chance to know her. That was unforgivable.
You finished the last bite of your sandwich, completely spaced out as you stared off at the wall, just letting the memories ravage your consciousness, when suddenly it all just felt like too much. You started to feel suffocated by the thoughts, the room you were in suddenly feeling too hot, and too small. Your chest started to tighten and your throat felt small. You pushed your chair back and snatched your plate from the table, tossing it in the trash can as you offered a quick ‘thank you’ to Y/N. Your feet carried you out into the garage, as your hands found the light switch.  
The buzzing of the fluorescent lights calmed you a bit. Your eyes caught sight of Valor, and huff of air left your chest. A pristine 1968 Chevrolet Chevelle SS. Hardtop, Tuxedo Black with a standard 396 Horsepower engine, all hidden under a dusty beige colored canvas tarp.  
Just keep your mind busy. Do what you know. You walked over to the covered car, letting your hand hover over the cover, grabbing a fist full of the fabric and yanking it off with a scream. Your eyes took her in, she was pretty, you’d give her that, but hell, maybe you would be too if someone spent all their time fixing you up. Ace sure did. Throw the football? ‘No son, we have to get Valor running. Don’t you want to hear her purr?’ You can still hear his voice perfectly, as he says it. 
You slip your hand into the polished chrome handle, pulling the door open and sliding into the white vinyl bucket seat. It hugged you in just the right way, making the driver feel like they were part of the car. One with it. You grabbed the keys from the center console, sticking them into the ignition and twisting. The engine roared to life. He’d at least gotten that far, and he was right, she sure did sound pretty when she purred. But the problem is that she wouldn’t stay running. She’d run for a little while, and out of nowhere, she’d die. And that’s where he left her, sitting right here in the middle of this garage, covered and ashamed. You could barely look at it most days, leaving the cover on for months at a time until the feeling struck, and you needed to get your anger out. You’d completely tear apart the front end, combing through every single piece searching for something, anything that could be wrong, but every time you came up empty. 
Like clockwork, she died. The smell of the carpet and old vinyl filling your senses the way it always had. A suffocating blend of raw gasoline and rich exhaust, with overtones of hot Castrol. You lived for it, in fact it was all you ever really knew. It brought you to life most days, the process of working on cars satisfying your need to fix. To tinker. To solve. You ripped the keys from the ignition and slammed the door shut behind you. The black paint was so perfectly shiny you could see your own reflection. You tossed the keys into your pocket and let your legs carry you up the metal steps to your desk, opening the till, and fingering through the stacks of cash.
You instinctively grab for a twenty, knowing it’s more than enough to cover your usual selection but shit, tonight was a celebration right? You’re getting the good shit tonight. Just for you Ace. Just like you’d do, right? You snatch a fifty from the register, slamming it shut with a ding as your feet stomp down the metal stairs and back through the house. As you cross through the kitchen you grab your keys from the counter, with the fifty still in hand, receiving puzzled looks from Y/N and Daniel. 
You meet her eyes as you watch hers drift down to the cash in your hand, an instant look of confusion crossing her face. You crumpled it up in your hand as soon as you knew she saw it, stuffing the bill in your jeans pocket. 
You know what Daniel wants to say, but you know he’s not stupid enough to say it. Her though, she has no idea, and you know she’s not afraid to speak her mind. Your eyes meet hers again for the briefest second and you wonder if she can see the pain in your eyes before you look away and head for the front door. 
It’s not long until you’re pulling up at the QuikStop, pulling the barred door open as the bell chimes overhead. “Well then, what’ve we got here Jacob?” old man Johnson says, taking in your appearance. “Need you a top off tonight, son?” he snickers. You tip your chin in acknowledgement as you make your way to the back wall lined with a small assortment of different liquors. Your eyes scan over the offerings, stopping short when you catch sight of the good stuff. You grab the red waxed neck of the Maker’s Mark, and make your way to the counter to purchase your poison of the evening. You were typically a Seagram’s 7 man, but tonight you were pretty much feeling like a Maker’s man, considering your body was about to filled to the brim with it. fucking anything to stop the noise in your head.
“My my, this’s not ‘chur usual, son.” he grins, knowing you’re about to fork out a pretty penny. 
“Should get the job done, you think?” you remark, pulling the fifty from your jeans pocket.
“Mighty fine this one is. Quell yer troubles, it sure will.” he says, taking it from your fingers. He gives you back a few small bills and loose coins that you shove into your pants pocket, snatching the bottle from the counter before he even has a chance to place it in a paper bag. “You have yeh’s a good night Jacob.” he calls out as your foot steps out the door into the thick humid air. 
“Thank you for dinner.” You felt Danny’s breath on the back of your neck as you scrubbed the frying pan. “Do you know how long it’s been since we’ve had a cooked meal in this place?”
His lips were trailing soft kisses down your neck onto your shoulder, making your neck crane sideways. “S’hardly a meal, Danny. Just thought you might’ve wanted somethin’ hot for a change.”
You turned to face him, scratching your nails up his pecs before wrapping your arms around his neck, hands still wet from the sink. “Mmm, I do want somethin’ hot.” His hands were under your thighs, fingertips burying in before lifting you up to sit on the countertop. He was just the right height to pull you forward a little, pressing himself directly against your core. Just that feeling alone made you weak, and hearing his harsh inhale from the contact spurred you on even more. 
You kissed him, hard, feeling that want from earlier come crashing back into you again. His hands stayed on your thighs, his finger span covering almost the entirety of your skin. You both allowed yourselves time to explore again, letting things heat up like they had before. His hand moved up to grip your hair, pulling it backwards as he trailed his mouth down your throat, nipping and biting tiny marks as he did so. 
Suddenly the temperature of the room increased tenfold and you felt your body begging you to do something, make another move. You maneuvered your hips to press yourself against him, his length feeling hard and stiff against you now. The guttural moan that escaped him sounded so carnal you could’ve taken him right then and there, but the risk of being caught was still heavy in your mind. 
“Wait… Jake could be back any minute…” you choked out, glancing to the metal door. 
“Guess we better fuckin' get to it, then.” He buried his face in your neck as he lifted you from the counter, carrying you through the kitchen and to his bedroom with ease. He kicked the door closed behind him as he drifted slowly to his bed, your mouths and hands still ripping at each other. 
His knee hit the mattress and he lowered you down with a bounce, immediately reaching for the hem of your shirt before pulling it over your head. Without disconnecting your mouths, your hands anxiously fumbled around at his zipper, unbuttoning his jeans. It was like all shyness had left your body as you felt no shame in letting your hand grip his shaft, your hands burning to know what he felt like without the barrier of his boxers. 
“Fuck Y/N…I want you so bad…” he almost laughed at himself, pushing your shoulder back into the pillows. 
“Mmm, I can tell.” You grinned as your hand moved up and down his length, growing harder by the second. He rolled over and pulled his jeans off before towering over you again, reaching behind you to unclasp your bra in one swift motion. Your hand found him again, and this time you noticed just how much you were about to be dealing with. You weren’t sure your ever had someone his size before, and it made you fuckin' excited. 
Your mouths were connected in such a way that you felt like you’d never separate; both of you completely taken with the way the other tasted. Your hands came up to grip his face, running your fingers over his cheeks. “Can you please take that fuckin' ring off your finger? If I’m gonna fuck you I don’t want to be thinkin’ about you and another man.”
Shit. You’d completely forgotten you even had it on. You hesitated a second, knowing that it didn’t mean shit to you anymore, but something told you not to throw it away. You slid it off and placed it on the nightstand, out of sight and definitely out of mind. 
“Thank you. Now…let me see your body again, baby…” he mumbled, sitting back on his knees to pull your jeans and panties off. “You’re fuckin' stacked, you know that?”
Your mouth contorted into a devious grin, having never heard a man talk about you like this before. Peter never praised you, never complimented you or your looks, only took what he could get then fell asleep. 
Danny made you feel beautiful, made you feel empowered…his eyes stayed bewitched as he scanned from your thighs to your tits, all the way to your face again before leaning his mouth down, licking directly over your mound and up your stomach. 
His hands gripped around your hips, his fingertips gripping your asscheeks while his thumbs reached all the way to your groin…his hands were massive. He tilted his hands so that you were forced to arch, inadvertently spreading your legs apart a little as he did so. Just that movement alone made you feel used and in charge at the same time; just the sight of your body was sending him over the edge with want for you, and you liked it. 
His eyes met yours again, rushed and frenzied as he silently asked permission. You nodded a little, halfway unsure of what he was asking. 
“You taste as good as you look, baby?” He began to lay his body flat on his stomach between your legs, his hands pressing your muscles in that special way again, to make the display all the more visual for him. “You’re fuckin' soaked, god I bet you’re so sweet…” he muttered, running his tongue up and down the insides of your legs. 
You held back a little. You were absolutely dying for him to bury his face in you, but again, this was something that Peter had only done once or twice for you, and that was only because you’d asked him to. Essentially, this was new territory. A brand new experience, really. Coming from someone who actually wanted to do it. 
His tongue was traveling around still, teasing…exploring. “Can I taste you?” He asked, his deep brown eyes flickering up to yours as you anxiously let a hand down to grip in his hair. You nodded quickly, a barely audible ‘yes’ slipping from your lips. “Please.”
When his tongue finally buried in between your folds, it was unlike anything you had ever experienced in your life…obviously Peter had been doing it all wrong. His tongue buried, his lips enclosed around you…hitting all the right spots with such precision you felt like you were in the clouds. The burning, fiery, thunder-storming clouds. Your hand gripped his hair tighter as he pushed inside you, lapping his tongue side to side and up and down and pulling out again, then working tiny circles around your clit. 
You realized you’d been holding your breath the second Danny popped up, laughing a little bit. “Breathe, baby.” You could feel the peach fuzz around his mouth scratching against you as he smiled through his words, but it felt good. An added bonus, the slightly painful irritation making it feel even better as he glided side to side. 
You listened to his instruction as you let yourself inhale, his low growl giggle vibrating through your body. “God damnit, Danny…what the…” your knees came up around his ears, your thighs squeezing him together as you neared that sweet feeling beginning to take over your entire body. His hands were still gripped tightly around your hips and ass, holding you steadily exactly where he wanted you. 
Fuck, you loved feeling out of control.
But then, suddenly, you wanted more. Needed more. He began to bring his hand around to add his fingers, lightly toying at your entrance with his fingertips. 
“No, no.” You commanded, stopping him in his tracks. 
“What’s wrong, you okay?” He perked up. 
You pulled him up by his hair, urging him to kiss you again. “Yes I’m fine. Didn’t want you to do that, yet. I wanna feel you. It ruins the surprise.” You muttered through exhausted pants, kissing away the wetness that covered his face. 
His eyebrows raised in surprise, an impressed look of intrigue flowing over him. “Oh, fuck…alright then.”
You pushed him off you to lie flat on his back, completely caught off guard by the switch. “Take them off.” You demanded, but also reaching for the hem of his boxers yourself, to speed up the process. 
Once they were in a pile beside you, you hopped to all fours and placed one hand on either side of his head as his hands drifted from your back to your hips again. He was fighting himself, bucking his hips up into you as he tried to make contact. 
“Let me do it. Wanna feel every inch.” You spoke again, letting him know you were on top, you were calling the shots. His facial expression was already fucked out, still shining with the wetness from your arousal…you could tell you had him right where you wanted him. You reached between you, gripping his considerable length in your hand again as he tossed his head back with a groan. Your eyes caught the way the ink danced across his neck as it pulled tight. The spider web that stretched across his throat was so intricate, you felt caught in the web yourself. He clenched his jaw together when he finally looked at you, reaching a hand up to grip your hair back away from falling in his face. 
“Wanna see your face, baby. Do it, please, fuck…” he was writhing beneath you, and you could already tell he was going to be the lay of a lifetime. You teased your own entrance with his tip, tracing your wetness all around. When you finally lined up, you prepared yourself to take him in, knowing it had been a while, and this was going to be a stretch. 
You went slowly, feeling every centimeter enter you, the pain so sweet and so engulfing. When you finally bottomed out, he choked out a huffed sound so beautiful you wished you had it on film, the feeling of him all the way inside you so snug, he felt like he belonged there. 
“Jesus Christ Y/N…my god…” he purred, his tongue sticking out to wet his lips as you sat back up, slowly beginning a pace that you knew was going to absolutely kill you. He was unlike anything you had ever felt before, the perfect size, attached to the perfect body…his eyes finally looked up at you long enough to share a moment. His abdomen crunched in on itself when you bottomed out again, the top of his head resting on your shoulder as his hands guided you up and down. 
You finally let yourself find a rhythm, leaning into him and flicking your hips back as you sped up. You let your cries fill the room; suddenly you couldn’t care less if Jake walked in on you right now. It was heavenly, perfect in every sense of the word, and your insides were swirling and begging you to never let yourself stop. 
“God, please don’t stop, Y/N…right there…” he purred again, gripping your hair back as you rode him into oblivion. You leaned back a little, resting one hand on his thigh behind you while the other one balanced on his sternum. Your fingers danced dangerously close to another tattoo, one you hadn’t seen before. A scattering of words in German sat delicately over his heart. You wanted to ask him what it said, but you were scared to know, based on the location.
You felt him deep inside, simply rolling your hips forward and back as you let him take a look at the show. You felt him hitting you deeper this way, eliciting a whine from you that you were borderline embarrassed about. His hand shot to your core, his thumb rubbing over your clit as he bucked up again. “So fuckin’ beautiful, Y/N…I swear…” 
His praises tightened the knot that was already building inside you, the sound of him coming apart beneath you was enough to get you off by itself. Just as you were about to let it all go, you leaned down over him again, your mouth burying in his neck, biting into him as your sounds became more and more strangled, the overwhelming feeling of pure pleasure ripping through your body. 
The buildup was insane, it felt like it lasted for hours. You guessed he could tell that you were close as he began thrusting up into you, too. “Yeah baby…go for it…let me have it…”
The white light that encompassed your entire being came flashing before your eyes, your teeth clenching into the skin of his pec as you came undone, shaking with what had to have been the most intense orgasm you had ever had. You wanted to say his name, scream it into the air, let him know how good he felt inside you, but you couldn’t form a coherent word even if you wanted to. Everything went numb and dull for a split second as you came down, panting and crying out choked sounds as you relaxed. You continued riding him, though…wanting to bring him to his delicious climax too. 
“I’m close baby please, please don’t stop…” he begged, and suddenly his stomach was clenching, his dick twitching deep inside you still as he pulled you up off of him, grabbing himself in his hand to let his release flow over his hand and onto your stomach. You watched as his hand worked over his length, his eyes fixed on you as he came down, and slowed his hand. 
His eyebrows shot together as his facial expression showed you how good it felt, how pretty you looked with his cum on you… it wasn’t something you had ever let a man do before, but you swore in that second that if he made you feel that way for the rest of forever, you’d let him do just about whatever he damn well pleased. 
When you finally caught your breath, you smiled at one another, laughing and completely out of breath. 
“Christ, you were even better than I imagined, baby…” he huffed, letting his hands fly to either side of his body, careful not to drop the mess that was in his right hand. You laughed as you plopped down beside him, grinning from ear to ear as you left the afterglow set in. 
“I’ve never had a man make me feel so good in my life, Danny. I swear.” You admitted. 
“Really? Even when you did that to them?” He perked up in disbelief. 
You nodded. “Yeah, really. There were a couple of firsts in there.”
His eyebrows raised up. “Fuck… Well, I’m telling you, I never would’ve guessed that, baby. You are spectacular. I don’t know if I’ll ever stop wanting you like that.” He brought his face close to yours to lay a sweet, passionate kiss to your lips. 
You smiled sweetly back as he pulled away, looking back at you with the sweetest smirk as he made his way to the bathroom, and you suddenly found yourself completely unable to pull your lust filled eyes away from the perfect roundness of his ass. 
“This one okay?” You asked Danny, pulling an oversized t-shirt from his drawer. It was a dingy white and filled with holes and rips, but the fabric felt soft and comfortable. 
“Whatever you want, baby.” He smirked, laid out across his bed in nothing but his loose-fitting gray boxers, strumming away on a black acoustic guitar. His eyes had been transfixed on the wall across from you before you interrupted him…his fingers mindlessly crawling across the 6-string, plucking out a solemn little tune that wasn’t familiar. 
You crawled back up next to him on the bed, reaching across him to his nightstand to grab his box of smokes. “What are these, anyway?” You asked, opening the top flap. 
“…Not what the box says they are.” He let out a sweet laugh. “I roll my own. I blend together a few different types of tobacco to get the flavor I want.”
“Hm. That’s why yours always smell so much better than Jake’s, then?” You asked, pulling one out and running it underneath your nose. “They smell sweet…”
“Mmhm. Taste good too. Try it.” He let go of the neck of the guitar for a second, reaching to his table to grab his lighter. He flicked the ignitor and produced a flame for you, watching you intently as you brought the end of the cigarette to it, inhaling the sweet aroma into your lungs. Damn, he was right. 
“That’s really tasty…” you licked your lips together. “Even the paper is kinda sweet.” You hit it again before passing it back to him. 
“Yeah. Took me a while to get it just right. Came from stealin’ Ace’s half empty bags mostly.” He laughed at the memory. 
You tucked a pillow up under your arm as he began to play again, the cigarette hanging from his lips as the ash grew longer. His inked hands looked sinful dancing across the strings, and he was so natural at it. You caught a glimpse of the red and black triple’s 7’s tattooed on the inside of his pointer finger, and for some reason, you were sure you’d not seen it before. 
“Triple 7’s, huh?” You thought you had a pretty good idea of what it symbolized, but you wanted to see what his reasoning was. 
“Yeah, symbolizes good fortune and luck.” He pulled the smoke from his lips, tamping it out on the ashtray on the table. “Doesn’t really seem to be doin’ the job too well, does it?” He ended his sentence with a wink. “Not til’ you waltzed through the door at least.”
You began fingering with a loose string on his boxers. “I thought it meant the Holy Trinity...” 
“Means that too, I guess. But I stopped bein’ religious a long time ago.” 
The two of you were quiet a while, just the occasional sound of Jake banging around in the shop mixed with Danny’s tune to fill the air. 
“How long you been playin’?” You asked. 
His voice was getting groggy, sleep threatening him as the minutes ticked by. “Since I was 5 or 6 I guess, one of my foster families had one and I remember realizing it made a really pretty noise… I’d pick it up and run to my room and strum away on it to drown out the sound of them fighting. Seemed to help me not hear it. Then I started to actually like the way it felt in my hands…”
You were quiet for a second. “That why you play your music so loud now?”
His fingers stopped altogether as his eyes met yours. His face slowly contorted into a million different emotions at once before he looked back to the wall again, gently picking up where he left off. 
“Fuck, yeah…I guess it is…”
“Jake play guitar too?” You tried to change the subject once you realized you had maybe hit a little too close to home with your question. 
He shook his head. “No, he plays harmonica like the damned devil, though. Only does it every once in a while, but shit…he’s good at it. Every now and then we’ll get on a good drunk and play together to a big audience of ourselves.” He smiled sideways as he turned to look at you. 
“Maybe y'all can play for me sometime.” Your fingertips were sliding along the hem of his boxers. 
He sucked his bottom lip in through his teeth. “We’d love to play for you…” his eyes had started bouncing around each feature on your face, taking you in again as he moved himself closer. He pressed his lips into yours again, sweet and soft and mellow. “You know I’m gonna be thinking of you on top of me all the time now…gonna want it all the time…” he groaned through broken kisses. “Fuck… I don’t think you even know how gorgeous you looked…” 
You pressed your tongue between his lips again, the sudden new movements hitting the strings of the guitar causing them to make a crazy scratching noise. “I’ll ride you whenever the hell you want, Danny…” you breathed, huffing a breath into his mouth. And you meant it, too. 
Just as things started to get heated again, you heard Danny’s radio in the bay shoot up to 11. It was followed by a loud metallic bang, and the sound of a loud engine starting up. It startled you, and you sat up to look at the door. 
“Fuck.” Danny said shortly, rubbing his hands through his hair. 
“What was that? Is he okay?”
“Yeah, no. No, he’s not. But, we’ve just gotta—” he sputtered. You slid yourself across the bed, moving toward the door as you heard another loud thud echo through the bay. 
“What is he doing?!” you urge.
“He’s drunk. He’s trying to fix Valor.” He explained, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Valor? The fuck is Valor?” you ask. 
“The fuckin' car his dad left em.” he answers. “Only touches it when he's wasted.”
“How do you know, does he do this often?” You stood at the foot of Danny’s bed, throwing your hip out as you crossed your arms. Suddenly you heard Jake’s loud voice yelling along to the first verse of ‘Turn the Page’ by Bob Seger. “My god, is he singing?!”
Danny sat up and crawled to sit on the edge of the bed. “Y/N, listen. Every so often, Jake will go on a bender, and when he does it, he does it right. It was Ace’s dying wish for Jake to fix that car, and the only way he can bring himself to touch it, is if he’s out of his mind intoxicated. So, we just gotta let him do it. He’ll be fine, just gotta get it out of his system.” 
Wait. “So he has to be fucked up before he can even pop the hood?” This wasn’t making sense. 
Danny nodded. “Yeah, he’ll be fine, this is just how he works through it.”
“Danny, that is an extremely unhealthy way for him to be dealin’ with this…” you said quietly. He shrugged his shoulders and huffed out a breath, his expressions saying nothing more than it is what it is. 
Another bang and more loud sing-shouting bellowed off the walls again, and you decided you’d had it. You yanked the door open, and made your way out into the shop, seeing Jake looking a complete and total mess as he dipped his head low inside the belly of Valor. A cigarette rested between his lips as both of his hands disappeared deep down in the engine. 
“Ain’t it unsafe to have an open flame that close to motor oil?!” You yelled, grabbing his attention. He perked up, his eyes a deep dark black that you hadn’t seen before. There was a scowl on his face and his nostrils flared when he looked at you, absolutely absorbed in the hatred and madness he must be currently full of. “Why are you out here makin’ all this racket?” You yelled over the music. 
He pulled the cigarette from his mouth, throwing it to the floor and stomping it out as the smoke drifted from his lips. “None of your fuckin' business.” You watched as his eyes glanced toward Danny’s room. “Get back in there and let your boyfriend serenade you to sleep.” He slurred, pulling a socket wrench from his kit. 
“Agh!” You had a knee-jerk reaction to his words. “He’s not my boyfriend…” you crossed your arms across your chest. Who the fuck does he think he is?
Jake raised his hands into the air. “Whatever! Don’t care!” He shoo’d you away with a flick of his wrist, and buried his face back into the engine, screaming the words loudly again. “Here I gooooo, on the road again!”
You decided that seeing him like this, for the reason he was like this, wasn’t going to fly if you had anything to do with it. You stomped over to the other side of the hood, standing until he felt you watching. 
“God damnit!” He yelled, dropping the tool to the floor beneath the car. When he stood back up he met your eyes again. He reached down beside his foot, pulling up a large glass bottle of liquor, taking it straight to the head. 
A handle of Maker’s. He had gone to the liquor store earlier…but where did he get the cash for something like that…? 
Oh, fuck. The fifty you saw him shove in his pocket. With the red X over Grant. 
“You used my goddamn money to buy that, didn’t you?” You spat as he swallowed, wiping the excess drips from his chin with the back of his dirty hand. “The fifty you had earlier, you took it and spent it on this?!” You were enraged. He was supposed to be using that to buy your parts. 
“Again, it’s none of your fuckin' business, Y/N!” He was spitting and slurring his words, his face red with anger and drunkenness.
“No, it is my business! That’s my money you’re drinking away right now! That’s so fucked, Jake!” You were yelling at him now. “What do you think, I’m just gonna slide you an extra fifty for your trouble?!”
He snarled his nose up, taking another swig. “Screw you, Y/N. Get the fuck out of my face.”
You stepped toward him now, your entire body raging with madness that you just couldn’t qualm. “Why don’t you yell at me, Jake. Huh? Yell at me. Take it out on me, instead of the void. You want something to be mad at? Try me…” you hit yourself in the chest a couple times, trying to get him to have the reaction you were hoping for, probably looking mighty intimidating standing there barefoot in nothing but Danny’s t-shirt. 
He stepped back away from you. “What? Why…”
“Jake, almost half of the bottle is gone. Did you go somewhere and drink before you came back? Why are you—“
“Y/N, nobody fuckin' asked for the twenty questions. Can you go the fuck back to Daniel and let me do this?! Please.” He ignored you again, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d say that he had tears welling in his eyes. There was a long pause in the conversation. He just needed to talk…
“What if I don’t want to?” You said, your voice as meek as possible over the volume of the radio. 
That confused him. “What if I want to stay here and help you?”
“You can’t help me, Y/N.” His face fell as he slammed a wrench back into the top drawer of the kit. “Nobody can.”
“Can you let me try?” You pleaded. 
He looked directly at you, and you watched as his face softened a bit. He shrugged his shoulders and let them fall again before taking another big swig of the liquor. You leaned in, yanking the bottle from his hand, tilting it back and taking a long shot, yourself. You winced as the hot liquor went down your throat before leaning your elbows down on the panel of the car, looking down inside it at what he was working on. Thankfully a slower, quieter song had come across the radio. 
“Now, what are we dealing with, here?” You asked, hoping he’d catch the double entendre. “Tell me all about it…”
He replaced his dirty hands back down into the front end, twisting something loose as he cleared his scratchy throat. 
“It’s been seven years. Seven years today.” He said quietly as his Adam’s apple bobbed. 
“Seven years since…?”
“Since my dad…died.” He was biting his cheeks in over and over. 
“What happened, Jake?” You leaned in a little closer, brushing some dust off the top of the engine. 
Jake leaned back, reached into his pocket and pulled out a few sheets of folded up notebook paper, dirty and torn from being in the hands and pocket of a mechanic. You took it gently from his hand, and slowly opened it. 
‘April 22, 1975’. You read to yourself before scanning the rest of the hand-written note. You felt your heart sink as the words clicked in your mind. 
“Jake, is this?”
“My dad’s suicide note. Yeah. Wrote it seven years ago today.” He replied, turning a socket wrench over and over as he avoided eye contact with you. “Left it for me on my nightstand while I was asleep.”
Your heart began pounding in your chest. Fuck. You hadn’t realized that was how he passed. You swallowed hard before even trying to speak again. “So you…you found him?” 
Jake brought the bottle to his lips again, swallowing it down before passing it to you. You tilted it up, and did the same. He nodded, barely any movement in his body now. “Yeah.” His eyes were blank as they stared at the block in front of him. 
You took a chopped breath. Maybe…maybe he just needs to get it out…hell. You were no psychologist.
Finally you spoke barely above a whisper. “Where was he?”
Jake was biting the sides of his cheeks in hard, his gaunt face pulled into itself as the dark circles shadowed even more in the dim light. His eyes looked dead into yours, deep and blank, before flicking up to the ceiling behind you, then back to yours. 
You turned around slowly following his line of vision, seeing the high exposed rafter in the lofted ceiling. 
Fucking hell. 
You turned back, your eyes closed as your hands found your face, tears fighting to spring out as the image of the rafter sat burned in your brain. Jesus. 
“Jake, I-I’m so…I didn’t mean for you to have to think about that again, that must have been…” you could hardly find the words to apologize, to empathize with him, with what he must have gone through that day, finding his dad like that. Gone through every day since. There were no words. There never would be any words. “I’m so sorry, Jake. Truly.”
“S’okay. In the past, now. What’s done is done.” He shrugged, nipping the bottle again. 
“But you were just a kid, Jake…”
“Yeah, I was. Not a damn clue in the world. Had to do the growin’ up a man does in twenty years that very day.” You watched as a tiny tear escaped the outside corner of his eye, and he quickly wiped it away. “Left me with absolutely fuckin' nothin except a couple thousand dollars, that note, this fuckin' shit hole building, and every bad debt he ever had. But I had Danny with me. And Bubba. Danny was only…only fourteen.”
You felt your heart physically breaking into a million pieces for him, for both of them, thinking back to them being young teenagers and having to deal with that basically on their own…
“I’m glad you had them with you.” You agreed. 
He nodded, his eyes turning red. “Don’t know what I would’ve done if Danny wasn’t here. Hell, his voice had barely even changed and he was helping me plan our dad’s funeral after he got home from school. But you know, he never even faltered. Kid took care of me better than I took care of myself those few weeks after. Forced me to eat, kept my mind busy…” you watched as he replayed the memories, probably running through them all in his head like watching them on an old projector screen. 
“He basically kept the shop running while I stayed away from the world in my bedroom. I don’t even…” he shook his head as he collected himself. “People brought us food, Bubba was here every single day making sure we were okay…but Danny did it all. I don’t even know how he did it, he was a baby. Fuckin' workhorse…always has been.”
He took a second to rub his dirty hands over his tired eyes. “I don’t…we don’t have anybody, Y/N. No family at all.”
You reached out and cupped your hand over his, squeezing it hard as you let him talk. “Danny’s your brother.” 
“In everything but blood.” He licked his lips, turning his hand over to hold yours back. You smiled, letting him know you were still here to listen, if he wanted to continue…even if it was just the whiskey giving him confidence. 
“So you basically raised Danny, after that…” you relented. 
He shrugged his shoulders in agreement. “Yeah, I guess, kinda. I dropped out of school right before graduation, but. Made sure he made it through senior year and all that. Honestly he raised me more than I did him, if I think about it.” He smirked a little. “We learned it all together.”
His eyes completely closed and he leaned his entire body weight down on his elbows. “Teddy…Teddy was uh, in love with my mom…before I was born.” His eyebrows raised and he laid more information out on the table for you. 
He swigged the bottle again. “Yup. S’why he hated my dad so much. They were both vying for her at the same time…guess Ace swept her off her feet somehow.”
“Is that why he hates you so badly?” You were starting to put the pieces together. “He sees your mom in you?”
He nodded again. “Exactly. He’s still punishing me for what my dad did to him. Or my mom, whatever. I never asked for details. That’s why he’s still after me for my dad’s money. Still heartbroken and fucked up over somethin’ that went down before I was even born. The son of a bitch.”
“That’s not fuckin' fair, Jake.”
“Preachin’ to the choir, babe.” He clicked his tongue and sent you a wink.
He squeezed your hand a few times before releasing it, and walked over to plop himself down in one of the dirty lawn chairs against the wall of the shop. You followed suit, sitting beside him in the other chair as you curled your legs up and pulled Danny’s shirt over your knees. 
“Tell me about Ace. Was he a funny guy?” You asked, trying to get him through his anguish. He grinned a little, hastily wiping his eyes again. 
“Yeah, when he wanted to be. He was always full of dumb jokes and one-liners. But he stayed quiet most of the time, buried himself in his work. Till things went south with my mom, they got into drugs for a little bit. Nothing too serious but enough to count. My dad stepped away from it but mom didn’t. Then she just…disappeared. Before I was even out of diapers. Haven’t heard from her since.”
“What’s her name?”
He took a deep breath. “You don’t have to sit out here and talk to me, ya know. I’m a fuckin' drunk mess. And I ain’t real sorry about it.”
You smirked. “Hey, just keepin’ you company.” You tilted the bottle back again, almost choking on it when it hit you. “Oh my god, Jake…the other day you said Ace died the day before your eighteenth birthday, that means…tomorrow is your birthday…?”
He nodded. “Yep. The big 2-6, I guess.”
Fuck. Now you understand why. His rage makes sense…
“Well that means we gotta have you a party!” You squealed, standing from the chair. 
“No no no, it’s just another day. I don’t need no party.” You grabbed his filthy hands, standing to your feet and bringing him with you. 
“Birthdays are the most important day of the year, silly!” You started dancing around to ’Cinnamon Girl’ as it blared from Danny’s speaker high on the shelf, holding Jake’s hands as you spun yourself around. “I saw your Neil Young poster on the wall, I know you love him. Come on, dance with me, birthday boy!” You couldn’t help but to try and act and candidly as you could, anything to try and make him feel just a little bit better on the anniversary of the worst day of his life. Even if it was just making him smile for a second. 
“You see us together, chasing the moonlight, my cinnamon girlllllll.” You sang out loud. 
Which you did, kind of. He grinned a bit and rolled his eyes at you, his sticky hands gripping just the very ends of your fingertips. You didn’t know if Danny knew what you were doing out here, but you didn’t really care if he did. It was his best friend’s birthday, for Christ sake. And no one even cared. 
Jake was stumbling around, his eyes heavily hooded and red. You realized maybe the alcohol had hit him when you stood him up so fast. He stepped his feet around a little bit, hardly much of a dance at all while you swung his arms around. It did manage to bring a little bit of a smile to his face, though. 
“I do love Neil Young, you’re right. And I’m impressed you know this song.” He chuckled. “Hmm, I’m fuckin' drunk though, too. Sleepy.” He said as you dropped his hands back to his sides. “Think I’m gonna go crash out.” He looked at you through one eye, and you realized how drunk he really was. 
“Shit, are you gonna be sick?” You asked. 
“No no, just sleep. Wan’ ma bed.” He mumbled, walking over to the shop sink to wash his dirty hands. 
“Okay, let me walk you.” You offered as he finished, walking backwards as you pulled him along toward his bedroom. 
When you got inside you flicked the light on, watching as Jake kicked his coveralls, jeans, and boots off as he waddled through the room. My god, his thigh tattoo, you hadn’t seen it up close, fuck…it was a dragon. Big and black and blue with fire coming from its mouth leading directly to…
He threw himself onto the mattress, his pile of freshly-washed sheets still laying a mess on top. 
“Mmm, they smell so good I just wanna…” he curled his arms and legs up in them, wrapping up like a cocoon as he buried himself in them. 
You laughed. “Is this what having clean sheets does to a man?!”
“They’re still kinda warm from the dryer, Y/N! Come feel, come here…” he reached his hand out, pulling you down into the bed with him. You bounced a couple times from the force, but you landed directly in his arms, face to face as you ended up tangled in the sheets with him. 
“See? Still warm, aren’t they?!” He was like a giddy school kid, but what he didn’t notice was how close your faces were. You could smell the heavy liquor emanating through his pores, on his breath, and swirling through the air, but his hand that pulled you down never let go. It gripped hard on yours as you laid beside him, both of you staring at each other, feeling each other’s chests rise and fall as your heart rate skyrocketed. 
Suddenly you felt the light touch of his other hand barely grazing across your back. “Are you still scared of me?” He asked, his voice hollow and needy. 
You thought a second, realizing that if you were truly scared of him, you wouldn’t have faced the monster he was, head-on earlier. By yourself in your panties, at that. 
“No.” You said simply, and that was the truth.
The corners of his lips tilted up just slightly as he whispered. “Good.”
You got ahold of yourself, turning your face away as you fought the demons that began circling in your mind, being this close to him. 
“I know what I want for my birthday.” He slurred, rolling his head into his pillow. 
“What’s that?”
“You ta’ read me more Maya poems.” His eyes were already closing as his words barely slipped out. You knew it wouldn’t be long. You were getting tired, yourself. You reached to his nightstand where your book still sat, opening to a passage of one of your favorites. 
You began reading out loud, just louder than a whisper, watching as his eyes drifted closed, his pink lips mouthing the words right along with you. 
And without even knowing it you fell asleep there, curled up in his pile of sheets, one hand on your book, and the other wrapped up in Jake’s. 
Even through your drunken slumber you could hear the pounding on the door. Your eyes blinked open, trying to register if it was really happening or if you were dreaming. Surely you had to be as you looked over and saw Y/N asleep next to you. She was here, in your bed, with you. Your hand rested on the skin of her stomach and you could hardly tear your eyes away from her as you took in the way she felt beneath your hand. You wanted to pull her close, smell her hair, let your fingers glide over her skin, but instead you heard the knocking on the front door continue. She began to stir from the noise, rolling to face you as you realized you needed to get up. 
You pulled the blankets off of your body, your eyes searching furiously for where your gun ended up, finally catching sight of it on the dresser. You grabbed it, and bolted through your bedroom door to find out who the fuck was knocking on your door at four in the morning. You cocked your gun, and held it behind your back as you unlocked the front door, pulling it open slightly to see who it was. Bubba? The fuck?
You pulled the door open more, “What’s wrong?” you asked in a panic. This was unlike him. He never showed up like this unless something was wrong. Your eyes glanced behind him, scanning for anything out of the ordinary. 
“You got that girl here, son?” he asks, raising a brow. 
You furrow your brows and shift your weight into your hip, “Yeah, she’s here.”
“Good. Keep ‘er here. Don’t let ‘er outta your sight. Ain’t safe for ‘er.” he warns, quietly. 
“Joey was sniffin’ around up here earlier today, askin’ questions and shit. Asked where she was, so we went and got her from the motel. She’s not goin’ back. I knew he was up to some shit.” you answer, setting your gun down on the table by the door. 
“I don’t know what exactly is goin’ down over at Teddy’s but, might be best for her to just lay low here for a while. You boys don’t let them snatch that girl, whatever you do, you hear?” he says, crossing his arms. “That’s not why I’m here though.” 
“Alright, why are you here…” you ask, wondering what couldn’t wait until the morning. 
“Got a meeting set up for you two, ‘round 3 o’clock tomorrow. Down at the old sawmill.” he answers with a gleam in his eye.
“A meeting? The fuck kind of meeting Bubba?” you ask defensively. “Three’s in the middle of the work day, I don–”
“Yer gonna wanna take this meeting, son, promise yeh.” he nods. “Just trust me. You and Daniel better go. Don’t make me look bad, boy.”
“What should we expect?” You asked. 
Bubba stepped forward, placing his hand directly on your shoulder. “Just trust me.”
“Shit, alright.” you say, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Thanks.”
“Get you some rest.” he says, tipping his chin and heading back to his car. 
The hell…
You shut the door and lock it behind you, grabbing your gun from the table, and heading towards Daniel’s room. You rap your knuckles against the door, before twisting the handle, but as you push the door, he pulls it open. “Who the fuck was that?” he asks, a slight panic in his voice.
“The fuck does he want at four in the morning?” he questions, resting his hands on the door frame. 
“He set up a meeting for us tomorrow out behind the old Willits Sawmill. No fuckin' idea what for, but said we need to be there. 3 o’clock.” you answer. 
“A meeting?”
“S’what he said. I don’t fuckin' know…” you quip.
“Whatever, we can deal with it in the morning. Where’s Y/N?” he asks, looking down the hallway. 
You run your tongue over your teeth as you huff out an answer, “My bed.”
He raises his eyebrows, “In your bed…” he pauses, hardening his jaw, “Why’s that…”
You shake your head, and look past him for a second, before letting your eyes meet his, “Why don’t you let her tell you in the morning. Get some sleep, sounds like we’ve got a long day tomorrow.” you say, clapping your hand against his back with a smug grin. 
He narrows his eyes at you, and shuts his door as you step across the hallway to your room. As you open the door you see her sitting on the edge of the bed, her knees pulled up to her chest as she picks the skin on her thumb. “What’s going on? What’s happening?” she asks nervously.
You step into the room, shutting the door behind you before placing your gun on your nightstand. She just stares at you waiting for you to answer as you let out a deep sigh. You motion for her to get back into the bed, watching as she scoots back over to the other side, letting you slide back in where you were. You pull the clean smelling blankets back up around your shoulders before grabbing her waist and pulling her close to you. You settle your head on your pillow, finally able to breathe in the scent of her hair as the words fall out of your lips in a quiet whisper, “Nothing you need to worry about tonight…”
Her body relaxes beneath your arm, and you let your eyes close, feeling the warmth of her skin against yours. Maybe birthdays weren’t so bad after all.  
You rolled the creeper from beneath the old GMC as you heard the garage door shut and two pairs of feet shuffling across the bay. “Well, here we are again…Like deja vu.” you quip, cutting your eyes to Y/N, as she approaches. 
You pull yourself up to meet her as Jake opens his tool kit across the bay. You let your eyes linger on him for a minute before flicking them back to Y/N.  “Thought you’d be back last night…”
She drops her shoulders and lets out a defeated sigh, “I know. I know, I was trying, I swear, but…” she pauses, looking over her shoulder at Jake, who was now in his own little world beneath the hood of the Chevy. “I went out to talk to him last night, right? Well he kinda…opened up to me a little bit, told me about his dad… about his mom…” she says, a slight lilt in her voice. “He was so drunk Danny, he even cried a little bit.” she said, almost a whisper. 
“I know. I peeked out and saw the two of you talking. Talking more than he’s talked in years. Figured I'd let him get it out. Think he needed it.” you answer truthfully.
“You saw?” she asks, and you nod your head in response. 
“Anyways, I just wanted to make sure he made it to his bed, that’s all. Asked me to just stay and talk a little more and I fell asleep. I had no idea it was the anniversary of his dad’s death. No wonder he was so messed up. Oh– and it’s his birthday today. Did you know that?” she asks. 
Oh shit, you forgot. “Oh, um, yeah I guess you’re right it is. Usually we don’t do anything. Kinda just another day around here.”
“Just another day?” she asks, face painted with shock. “Danny that’s so…That’s so sad. I wish there was something I could do…” she says with sad eyes. 
Your eyes flicked over to Jake and you caught him, seeing him flick his head up in acknowledgement, a small smile on his face. You look back at her, resting your hand on her small shoulder, “Baby, I think you did...” both of you turning to see him gently singing along with the music playing through the speakers. 
“So this meeting…” you start, leaning on the frame of the Chevy. Jake turns to you, setting down his tools. “Yeah, at three.”
“I was thinking, we can’t leave her here, right? Like, what if this is just a set up to get her alone?” you ask, picking the dirt from under your nails.
“Yeah I considered that. Think we’ll have to bring her with just to be safe. She can wait in the truck.” he says, pushing off the frame of the car. You follow him through the bay as he rifles through his kit in search of another tool. 
“I can take the bike, you two take the truck. Do we even know what this meeting is about?” you ask. 
“Nah, Bubba didn’t say, but I trust ‘em. S’only got our best interest, ya know.” he replies, snatching the tool from the box and walking back over to the truck. 
“I think we need to be prepared for any scenario…” you say with the raise of your eyebrows. 
“Well fuckin' obviously. No clue what we’re gonna tell Y/N though.”
“Shit, hopefully this isn’t some stupid fuckin' setup. What we got like an hour?” you ask. 
“Yeah. About. Think we should clean up, or…” he asks, turning to you.
“I mean, we could, but s’not really us, huh?” you laugh, placing your hand on his shoulder, “Hey, happy birthday brother.”
He tightens his lips and nods his head as he looks to the floor, “Ahh, thanks man. Twenty-six. Seems old.” he laughs. 
“Nah, not really, we still got a lot of livin’ left to do.” you smile, watching as he nods his head and his eyes flick over to Y/N who is lounging in a folding chair out front. 
“She was worried ‘bout you last night.” you press, hoping to hear his thoughts. 
“Yeah, came out here guns a-blazin’ and didn’t falter for a second. Talked for a bit, drank too fuckin’ much. Woke up and she was in my bed.” he says, and you feel a little relieved.
You smirk and raise an eyebrow, “She’s a sweet lil thing.”
He scoffs a laugh at you. “Guess you got to find that out for sure when I left last night, huh? Had yourselves a good ol’ time in my absence…saw your shirt must’ve been the closest thing she could grab when I got home.”
You bit your lips in, nodding as you went. “She’s fuckin’ phenomenal, man. Like, I didn’t expect that…” 
He laughed again, blushing a little. “No, she seems like a good girl. Feel like shit for all the hell we’re puttin’ her through.” he admits, wiping his hand on the rag in his back pocket. 
“You order those parts?” you ask, genuinely curious. 
“Yeah, should be here in a week or two.” he nods, leaning on the frame of the truck. 
“Make any headway with Val?” you wonder, seeing it still sitting uncovered. He shakes his head, “Nah, the old bitch still givin’ me a run for my money.”
“One of these days we’ll crack ‘er.” you say, giving him one last pat on the shoulder before returning to your side of the garage. 
You stand in the doorway of the truck, watching her buckle her seatbelt as Jake slides into the driver’s seat. “Listen, we aren’t really sure what’s about to go down, but just stay in the truck, lay low, and if shit goes south, get on the floorboard. Alright?” you ask, letting your thumb swipe over her cheek. She nods her head and you tip your chin, turning to head towards your bike. 
The door shuts behind you and Jake pulls out of the driveway in a cloud of dust. You quickly jump on your bike, starting it with a roar, before following closely behind them. Your heart is pounding a little extra hard as you make your way to the old abandoned sawmill, completely unsure of what or who will be waiting there for you.
His truck slows as he pulls into the cracked and pot hot riddled lot, seeing a single car parked at the far end. It’s not a car you recognize from around here and that puts you on high alert. The hair on the back of your neck stands tall as Jake parks the truck, letting you pull up next to him. 
Y/N slinks down in the seat, trying her best to stay out of sight, as Jake steps out of his truck, slamming his door shut. You lean your bike on the kickstand and walk towards him, both of you sending each other a concerned look. “Recognize it?” you murmur under your breath. 
“Nah.” he says, reaching back into his belt to cock his gun. You do the same, hoping it won’t come to that, but around here it wouldn’t be unheard of. 
The two of you walk through the crunching pavement over towards the dark green GMC Sprint, seeing a man resting against the driver’s door. He hears you approaching and pushes off the car turning to face you. The sun is in your eyes as you catch sight of his face, distorting his features until you get a little closer. You notice the car is still running, despite him not occupying it, and that too, makes you uneasy.
“Was at the poker game.” you whisper. 
“Sure was.” Jake replies, stepping up to the man. 
“Hello fellas.” the man says with a smirk. “Glad you could make it.”
“Yep, what uh– what can we do for ya?” Jake asks, with his hands on his hips. 
“Well boys, to be frank with you, I’d like to make a proposition to you.”
“You were at the game the other night. Haven’t seen you ‘round here before.” You say, crossing your arms against your chest. 
“You’re right, I was. Names Oscar, but you can call me Oz.” he says, extending his hand to shake. You stare at it for a minute in contemplation before reaching towards him and shaking his hand. Jake follows, introducing himself. 
“Oh I know who you boys are. Heard all about yehs.” he smiles.
“Heard about what?” you ask, narrowing your eyes. 
“Heard you two were some fighters.” he says, tipping his head. 
“Fighters?” Jake asks, shaking his head. 
“S’what word on the street is. Figured I’d stop in to see for myself. Talked to some folks ‘round town, told me ‘bout your little poker games, and wouldn’t you know I got what I asked for. Saw the two of yeh’s on the side of the house.” he says, tightening his lips. 
“So what, doesn’t mean we’re fighters or whatever the fuck.” Jake quips, standing firm. 
“No son, I think that’s exactly what you are.” he retorts. “That’s why I asked your friend Bubba to arrange this little meetin’. Thought this could be beneficial for both of us.” 
“You gonna get to the point?” you ask, trying to hurry things along. 
He laughs a little under his breath, “I want you two come fight for me. You win, you get a portion of the winnins’.” he says, placing his hand in his pocket. He pulls out a stack of cash, easily five-hundred bucks. “Pay off that debt of yers real quick like.”
“Fight for you? The fuck does that mean?” Jake asks, staring at the money in his hand. 
“You ever heard of Vale Tudo?” he asks, both of you shaking your heads, a little unsure of this man's motives. 
“Alright, how ‘bout… No Holds Barred fightin’?”
“Yeah.” you answer quickly, earning you a nod from him. Of course you’d heard of it, you were practically raised on it.
“Well, somethin’ like that. Real private, underground type of settin’. Think up in those there bigger cities the folks call it ‘MMA’. Got people buyin’ in, bettin’ on these fights. We ain’t talkin’ no small buy in’s neither. This is big cash. Life changin’ money.” he says, raising a brow. 
“Been lookin’ for myself a few boys to travel ‘round.” he pauses. “I think you two got the grit, and the need.”
“The need…” Jake presses.
“I know that Teddy character, he ain’t never gonna let you get ahead. But son, this is yer chance.” 
“So, you want me and Jake to come…fight, and if we win said fights we get paid?” you ask, genuinely trying to piece this together. 
“Exactly. We can work out the details, but roughly, you travel ‘round to these hosted fights, you fight favorably, we both walk home with our pockets lined.” he says. 
“And how do we know, you’re trustworthy?” Jake asks. “I’ve got a life and a livin’ to make here. Bills lined up till kingdom come and they don’t pay themselves.”
“It’d be a fight here and there, every week or two with a rest period to recover yer health and bodies. Yeh’d have time at yer shop, so it’d be unsuspectin’. That’s the point son. Don’t want the heat findin’ out ‘bout it.” he says, and you start to feel uneasy. 
“Seems…I don’t know. Why us? There’s gotta be people better suited than us…” you barter.
“Well truthfully Daniel, I’ve had my eye on you since you was ‘bout 17. Heard ‘bout the fightin’ from some folks, kept an eye on yeh. And Jacob, I know you learned from ‘em. Watched yeh myself just the other night. Ye’ve got somethin’, and I’m willin’ to take a chance on you boys if you’re willin’ to take a chance on me. If it doesn’t work out, well, hell we tried, still let you two walk away with a few hundred each for yer troubles.”
You see Jake’s brow furrow, and you know he’s considering it. You know this debt is crippling the shop, the two of you barely scraping by every week. You know this could be your chance. The only other thing you’ve ever been good at. “We gotta decide right now?” you ask, sending him a questioning look. 
“No’sir. I’ll be in town ‘nother few days, got some outstanding business. First fight ain't for another week ‘er so over in Kirksville.” he says, reaching into his pocket again, pulling out a paper business card. Jake takes it from his fingers, reading over it before handing it to you. 
“Now, you fellas think this over, give me a call once you’ve come to a decision.” he says, tipping his head. “Oh, and, for what it’s worth…” he pauses, “These buy in’s… is in the thousands range. My last fighter took home 4 grand in one night, for 5 minutes effort. Just somethin’ to consider.” and with that he slides into his idling car.
As the car pulls off in a cloud of exhaust Jake turns to you, his jaw slack and his face riddled with shock and question. “What the fuck…What was that? Wh–What do we do?”
You turn to look at him, shoving your hands in your pockets, and sucking your teeth, “Sounds like we fight.”
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shinmiyovvi · 1 year
New voice claims for the Salvatorix crew
A note for Elliott's vc:
I said in a previous post from the poll that Elliott is a French Canadian/Quebecer man and I know everyone would be confused about why I gave him a French dub vc. There are similarities between French and Quebec French but I think it's the accent that changes between the two languages. I am trying my hardest to find a fitting vc for Elli but failed to do so and went on with the French dub instead. It really took me a while but I hope this will suffice.
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gray-soul · 2 years
What you should know about me
Hi I'm gray-soul, but you can call me: GrayS0, GrayS, Gray or if you know me from ao3, Szara Dusza, Szara.
Some people, like to call me Gummies, Gumiś, you can call me that too.
I'm Polish, go by she/her, and I'm a mess, genuine mess.
I write stuff on ao3, play the piano, sometimes post on my youtube, draw and check out, a ton of fandoms. (A skele-ton)
My ao3:
My youtube:
(New since I can't seem to recover the old one)
Don't be shy! I love to chat with strangers online.
My favorite artists are: Mateusz Dąbrowski (ExCharny), Comyet, Nyoomian and my friends of course.
Here's probably an incomplete list of the fandoms I've been/am in about which you can chat with me/ might make posts about eventually:
THE TRANSFORMERS!!!! (I hate the Bay movies though)
1984!!! (If it's a fandom)
THE SANDMAN!!!! (I hate the Netflix ver. I love the comics though)
Ace Attorney!!
ULTRAKILL!!!!!!! (Kinda shit at it but it's GOOD)
The grim adventures of Billy and Mandy
Sherlock Holmes (the book series)
Valorant for some reason (I play it, I basically bother everyone about it)
Same with Overwatch apperantly, (I know the lore, and a couple of characters edit: I just started playing it)
Borderlands (mostly Borderlands 2, a childhood game of mine, 10/10 would play again edit: got borderlands 3 and I am loving it)
TITANFALL |2!!!!!!! (a certain person got me addicted in fps games with lore)
Apex Legends!!!!
Mystic Messenger
Bendy and the inkmachine
MOB PSYCHO 100!!!!
Welcome To Night Vale!!
SPIDER-MAN (Spider-verse)
60 seconds
Big hero six
.... Countryhumans? (I like Countryballs more. I hate the fandom, but I like the illogical concept. Don't come after me.)
Sam and Max!!!!
Dsmp (I left it a long time ago)
Wander over Younder
One Piece!
Black Hat!!
Cult of the lamb
Ninjago (not really caught up with it though)
Buckshot Roulette
Dangaronpa (ehh not really in it now)
Fullmetal alchemist (I don't like brotherhood.)
Darkest Dungeon
Ms Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
The Stanley Parable!!!!
The Mandalorian? (Not the Starwars though, even though I know some stuff about it)
Camp camp
Creepypasta? (Long, long time ago)
Mystery Skull
SVTFOE basically my childhood
Soul Eater (anime)
SNK or AOT (anime)
Adventure time (currently rewatching)
Bee and Puppycat
Team fortress 2
Spyro (watched a gameplay once)
Swords and Sandals. (Idk If this game even had a fandom, but I am the fandom)
Dragon Ball? (I only watched one movie with my friend, simped for Gamma 1, and Piccolo for some reason, and kept saying that it's a jojo's refrence)
Mha. (Yeah, no. Do not talk to me about that one, I hate even remembering it.)
Had an animation meme phase
A lot of old rpg horror games made in game maker like IB
Also by: I'm in the fandom, I mean I have a ton of Pinterest boards for these, on which I add stuff regularly, and a ton of unposted fanfics/fanarts in my sketchbooks.
Note: I block everything that seems like a spam bot. Please, if you're a new user just reblog something or add some stuff on your blog.
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
This underrated VALORANT agent duo was the key to winning VCT Americas’ biggest battle
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Yoru returned to the dynamic agent meta of VCT in the highly anticipated Sentinels against 100 Thieves match on June 16. It had been a long since we had seen Yoru's flare in professional VALORANT. The Japanese “dimension drifter” was seen paired up with his partner-in-crime Raze, with the two combining to create an all-time favorite duelist combo on Bind that has been lost among the ever-changing trends. But in a crucial head-to-head, this composition may have given Sentinels exactly what they needed to pin down 100 Thieves, taking the fan-favorite team closer to winning a wild card to VALORANT Champions 2023. https://twitter.com/valesports_na/status/1680768443518418945 With teams preferring a Jett-Raze combo or a solo duelist comp on Bind, the iconic Yoru-Raze pair had taken a hit in terms of popularity. But today’s match may change that for good, as Tyson “TenZ” Ngo and Peter “Asuna” Mazuryk reiterated how powerful Yoru’s kit can be on VALORANT’s desert map. Both teams chose to go with the Japanese duelist in the series’ final match on Bind, shocking onlookers. It’s the Last Chance Qualifier, after all, and the decider match in the best-of-three single-elimination series. The losing team would be benched for the remaining VCT 2023 season, so the stakes couldn’t be higher. To most fans’ delight, Sentinels emerged victorious over 100 Thieves, shattering the promising Stellar-led roster in a 2-1 series victory. Their win was fabulous, but TenZ’s clean performance with Yoru on Bind stole the show. He and Zachary “zekken” Patrone on Raze ensured Sentinels didn’t have to scurry for space control on any of Bind’s attack rounds, ending the half with a dominating eight-round lead. Yoru and Raze was a popular duelist comp on Bind before. Raze is great for flushing out Bind’s tightly-spaced features and for creating space, while Yoru is an excellent pseudo-duelist and an expert distractor. https://twitter.com/TenZOfficial/status/1680776600030425089 TenZ was masterful with Yoru’s teleporting prowess, sneaking into sites behind Zekken’s Raze, single-handedly taking control of critical spaces like A site Bath, fleeing just in time to avoid death, and pinning down 100 Thieves’ players all across Bind. He made use of the trickster’s kit in the best way possible. Be that as it may, Yoru’s potential as a solo duelist on the team is questionable. 100 Thieves’ struggle in today’s decider Bind match is a perfect example; the roster chose an entirely unconventional route by going with Yoru as the only duelist, supported by Skye, Harbor, Brimstone, and Chamber. Duelists are gifted with abilities to create space and secure frags, and Bind’s defense-centric features make taking space control extremely important. Having to drive Yoru, Asuna had incredible responsibility to deal with and he had no fellow entry expert to support him. Although they lost the series’ first map, Pearl, Sentinels’ strategies were foolproof on Split and Bind, giving 100 Thieves a run for their money. Regardless of the final result, it was incredibly entertaining, fun, and chaotic to watch the iconic Yoru-Raze pair return to VALORANT. We may yet see teams adopt the potent duo in future matches, hopefully bettering Yoru’s reputation among the casual player base as well. With today’s loss, 100 Thieves are out of the very hyped VCT 2023 season. Sentinels have advanced to the Last Chance Qualifier’s upper-bracket semifinals, where they’ll face Cloud9—another difficult North American team to deal with—on July 17. Read the full article
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cornholeaddicts · 2 years
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8caliberwarlock · 2 years
The trio and their relationship with each other and others.
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ALX: Sometime looks in the mirror and talks to the reflection, the longest conversation lasted 2 hours.
Arcer: When Arcer is around ALX defends his udon with his life to keep Arcer's crotons out of it.
Jacent: ALX's best friend and fireteam partner. Whenever Jacent is around, ALX tries to hide all his small and edible objects.
Zavala: ALX hangs out in Zavala's office whenever he isn't there and purposely changes his music just to blame it on Arcer so he gets in trouble.
Ikora: ALX likes to study with Ikora to enhance his solar capabilities. ALX respects Ikora for her deep knowledge in the elements.
Cayde: ALX was Cayde's gambling friend who occasionally lost to him but gladly gave what he lost to his hunter vanguard. (Even though he cheated...)
Lord Shaxx: ALX loves to shout out into the last city with lord shaxx after a victory in the crucible. (There may have been a few drinking bets made)
The Drifter: ALX takes "gigs" from the drifter as longs as it's not hurting anyone innocent and pays a lot.
Master Rahool: ALX doesn't like him... that's it.
Banshee: ALX Works part time in banshee's workshop and helps him whenever banshee forgets what he's doing.
Amanda: ALX comes over to reminisce with Amanda whenever he's free because they were both close to Cayde.
Ada: ALX may... OR MAY NOT have crush on Ada. He kinda freezes up when he's getting synthweave.
Saint: After a trials of Osiris win ALX sits with Saint and feeds the pigeons.(he may have brutally killed a few in the cosmodrome)
Ghost: ALX's second opinion and basically conscience since whenever ALX is gonna do something stupid his ghost tries to talk him out of it... and fails.
ALX: ARCER hates mist hunters, but this one has proven himself somewhat respectful, so obviously arcer wishes to challenge him to a 1v1
Arcer: me myself and I bitch
Jacent: arcer encourages jacent to eat more stupid shit
Zavala: wants zavala to die so he can take over the tower resident titan
Ikora: thanked her for the brief encounter they had were he fully upgraded himself with her
Cayde: used to feel responsible for his death and blamed it on not being fast enough, but has forgotten as he has been reset 472 times since then
Lord Shaxx: enjoys joking with shaxx and fighting alongside him in the crucible
The Drifter: who the fuck are you?
Master Rahool: take my engrams bitch
Banshee: enjoys his company and often wishes he could make guns to
Amanda: got his last sparrow from her and decided it to weak
Ada: misses the old Ada-1 and wishes for her forge to come back
Saint: who are you again?
Ghost: *doink*
ALX: Bff and first fireteam pardner. He showed Jacent the secrets of the Tower and taught him the ropes.
Arcer: If stupidity had a mind this would he it, intellectuals will never escape!
Jacent: Only ever talks so himself when working on personal projects. Mostly just "No wait, that's not right..." or "HELL YEAH, JACENT YOU SWEET GENIUS!"
Zavala: Jacent respects Zavala as a leader but doesn't talk to him a lot cause Jacent's scared he'll receive work.
Ikora: Mentor and mother figure to Jacent. She’s always on the look out to make sure he doesn’t break or eat anything in Tower.
Cayde: Jacent was first brought back after the murder of Cayde-6 though Jacent thinks they would’ve made.
Lord Shaxx: Likes his valor and energy. Often talks crucible plays and crazy strategies for the field.
The Drifter: "BROTHER!" Makes stupid bets on his Gambit matches like meleeing the whole enemy team or stealing the most motes.
Master Rahool: Dislikes pretty much everything about him.
Banshee: Shows Banshee custom gun mods and plans for ludicrous weapons. Often leaves notes for him to remember important things.
Amanda: Loves spending time with her, often tells horrible mechanic jokes. She helped him figure out the workings of ships and sparrows.
Ada: Doesn't think she likes him very much, Jacent often tries to casually hook her up with ALX.
Saint: Likes hearing stories from him while they feed the pigeons.
Ghost: "I swear on the traveler's malteser lookin ass, shut the actual flapjack UP!" Would much rather have Fynch has his ghost.
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fireteam-valor · 4 years
Valor: *on a sketchy mission with the drifter*
Drifter: Ok, kids, we need to get through that door. Mai give me your credit card.
Mai: *hesitantly* Do you want to pick the lock with it? *gives it to him*
Drifter: Faaantastic. *makes the card 'disappear' with one of his tricks* Wilhelm kick in the door.
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crabas-lordes · 3 years
Explaining Gen. 4 Mythicals/Legendaries in My Remakes
According to the games/anime:
Mesprit - The Emotion Pokémon, a pure Psychic type, unknown gender, 1′ tall, weighs 0.7 pounds, it sleeps at the bottom of a lake. When it flew, people learned emotions such as sorrow and joy, etc.
Azelf - The Willpower Pokémon, a pure Psychic type, unknown gender, 1′ tall, weighs 0.7 pounds, it sleeps at the bottom of a lake. When it flew, people became able to face all of life’s difficulties.
Uxie - The Knowledge Pokémon, a pure Psychic type, unknown gender, 1′ tall, weighs 0.7 pounds, it sleeps at the bottom of a lake. When it flew, people learned the knowledge needed to solve problems and the quality to spend their life.
Regigigas - The Colossal Pokémon, a pure Normal type, unknown gender, 12′02″ tall, weighs 925.9 pounds, it pulled the continents apart with ropes. It created three images of itself from ice, rock, and steel.
Darkrai - The Pitch-Black Pokémon, a pure Dark type, unknown gender, 4′11″ tall, weighs 111.3 pounds, creates nightmares to anyone or anything nearby. It only comes on moonless nights. 
Cresselia - The Lunar Pokémon, a pure Psychic type, always female, 4′11″ tall, weighs 188.7 pounds, always comes on moon-lit nights. It has great healing techniques and can dispel nightmares.
Phione - The Sea Drifter Pokémon, a pure Water type, unknown gender, 1′04″ tall, weighs 6.8 pounds, it lives in warm ocean waters. It has a flotation sac on its head that allows it to drift and search for food.
Manaphy - The Seafaring Pokémon, a pure Water type, unknown gender, 1′ tall, weighs 3.1 pounds, emerges from the depths of cold oceans. It can bond with any Pokémon on a heart-to-heart level.
Shaymin - The Gratitude Pokémon, a pure Grass type, unknown gender, 8″ - 1′04″ tall, weighs 4.6 - 11.5 pounds, has a Land and Sky form. When gracidea flowers bloom, they change forms to migrate. 
Arceus - The Alpha Pokémon, a pure Normal type, unknown gender, 10′6″ tall, weighs 705.5 pounds, is capable of changing its types. It lives in its own realm, and legends say its egg fell from a vortex, or that it was born before the universe was created with a thousand arms.
Dialga - The Temporal Pokémon, a Steel and Dragon type, unknown gender, 17′09″ tall, weighs 1,505.8 pounds, time flows with every heartbeat. It is viewed as a deity in Sinnoh, and time began to move when it was born.
Palkia - The Spatial Pokémon, a Water and Dragon type, unknown gender, 13′09″ tall, weighs 740.8 pounds, it is viewed as a deity in Sinnoh. Space becomes more stable with every breath it takes. 
Giratina - The Renegade Pokémon, a Ghost and Dragon type, unknown gender, 14′09″ - 22′08″ tall, weighs 1,433 - 1,653.5 pounds, it gazes into our world from the Reverse World. It was banished for its violence.
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My takes on Gen. 4 Pokémon for the Remakes:
Mesprit - Mesprit was born from Arceus after the Creation Trio, but during the time water flourished on the planet. Mesprit is female and is the middle child in the Lake Trio. After she bestowed the power of emotion into the hearts of all that naturally lived in the universe, she returned to Sinnoh to sleep at the bottom of Lake Verity. Lake Verity’s powers, due to Mesprit, are capable of making the most apathetic of creatures to feel something.
Azelf - Azelf was born from Arceus after the Creation Trio, but during the time water flourished on the planet. Azelf is female and is the youngest of the Lake Trio. After she bestowed willpower into the minds of all that naturally lived in the universe, she returned to Sinnoh to sleep at the bottom of Lake Valor. Lake Valor’s powers, due to Azelf, are capable of encouraging anyone or anything that comes.
Uxie - Uxie was born from Arceus after the Creation Trio, but during the time water flourished on the planet. Uxie is female and is the oldest of the Lake Trio. After she bestowed her power of knowledge into the minds of all that naturally lived in the universe, she returned to Sinnoh to sleep at the bottom of Lake Acuity. Lake Acuity’s powers, due to Uxie, are capable of helping anyone or anything problem solve in the area.
Regigigas - Regigigas was a titan crafted by Arceus once Groudon crafted the lands and Kyogre forged the waters. Regigigas then crafted its own ropes to pull apart the continents evenly across the world. Regigigas is genderless and parents three titans: one of crystals and ice, stone and minerals, and metal and foreign steel. Regigigas sleeps at the Snowpoint Temple close to Lake Acuity, ready to awaken for its Alpha’s commands. Regigigas now stands at 24′06″ instead, and weighs well over two tons.
Darkrai - Darkrai is the youngest twin of the Lunar Duo. Darkrai is a male. He can chose whether or not to manipulate nightmares to those he believes deserves it, but on nights of new or full moons -- when he’s most active -- he cannot control his projections. He likes to stay at the gardens around Alamos Town in Sinnoh, where he befriended a young blond girl and a deity. He likes the company of his older sister, especially since she dispels his own nightmares. Darkrai now weighs less than 100 pounds.
Cresselia - Cresselia is the oldest of the Lunar Duo. Cresselia is female. The feathers from her lunar wings are often made into rare dream catchers. She can dispel nightmares and manipulate dreams into those that anyone can love. She is most active on waning and cresting moons, and usually stays around Alamos Town in Sinnoh. She often gives Darkrai company to calm him, as she and his human friend are the only ones capable of that. 
Phione - Phione is known as the “Prince of the Sea” and often floats around the warm coasts to eat algae. Phione is a child of Kyogre, and is male. Phione can also travel through rivers and into warmer lakes if its food source becomes scarce.
Manaphy - Manaphy is known as the “Princess of the Sea” and her egg is laid at the center of Samiya. Manaphy is female and is the daughter of Kyogre. Manaphy has the power to empathize with anyone, and its voice is angelic once it starts to sing and vocalize. Because Manaphy is drawn to Samiya, she has a connection to Palkia and Atlantis as a whole. 
Shaymin - There are two Shaymins; a male (Sky form) and a female (Land form). The female spreads pollen and helps flourish gardens for the rare gracidea flowers, as the male keeps watch over the female and protects the gardens from harm. During winter, the female can change form to migrate with the male, and the only way to tell the difference then is by their colors (female is light blue, male is green). The male is the most dangerous, as its Seed Flare can destroy a good portion of a forest if it absorbs enough toxins. 
Arceus - Arceus’s egg fell from another universe through a vortex, and it hatched once the quarks began to form heat in the vast nothingness. Arceus is a male. Vast serpents of darkness became the one-thousand arms he needed to expand the universe. Once he earned the Life Plates, and after he raised the Creation Trio and created what he needed to create, he fell asleep in his own pocket realm. Arceus now stands at 16′07″ and weighs closer to 1,000 pounds.
Dialga - Dialga is the middle child of the Creation Trio and is a male. Dialga keeps track of time and sometimes looks into the past, the alternate past, and the alternate futures. Dialga stays close to Celestial Town, where he is revered the most in Sinnoh. Dialga loves mankind and takes interest in people in general. Dialga is one of the most loyal gods in the Creation Trio, as he gains respect to one of the newer monarchs of Sinnoh after she sacrifices everything to protect her people. Dialga now stands at 29′ tall and weighs closer to two tons.
Palkia - Palkia is the youngest child of the Creation Trio and is a female. Palkia stabilizes the space between realms and dimensions and then comes to rest in Samiya, the sunken temple at the middle of Atlantis. Palkia has deemed the alternate title the “Goddess of the Sea.” Palkia does not tolerate close human contact, nor does she tolerate any humans coming close to Atlantis. She has destroyed ships, subs, and eaten divers that came close to Atlantis, giving that area the nickname of the “Bermuda Triangle.” Palkia sometimes goes to the springs by Alamos Town to soak and to consume berries and the invasive Pyukumukus. At Alamos Town is where Palkia befriended Darkrai and Cresselia, and has grown to tolerate a human girl. Palkia now stands at 27′08″ tall and weighs closer to one ton. Palkia is considered to invoke more fear than Giratina, especially because of her likable taste toward humans.
Giratina - Giratina is the oldest child of the Creation Trio and is a sequential hermaphrodite (male in Altered Form, female in Origin Form). It is the next Alpha after Arceus, and balances the universe from within the Reverse World. It defends Earth the most, as the solar system itself is where its mother sleeps. Giratina finds interest in humans it deems worthy, such as a scientist and the World Champion. A child born in its world now connects it, so Giratina takes the responsibility to raise her as its own. Giratina is a very aggressive fighter, and is extremely intelligent in battle, but it was never banished for its violent appetites. In fact, while Giratina is feared, it is not the most feared in the Creation Trio. It now stands at 32′11″ and weighs closer to two and a half tons. In its Origin Form, it’s now 60′10″ long and weighs up to two tons. Because of its size, it tends to have a ravenous appetite (It usually feeds on radiation, but it will eat other Pokémon to enrich its diet every now and then. It usually eats smaller Pokémon in its Altered Form, but it can take down massive Pokémon -- like a seven-foot Sawsbuck -- in one swallow if its in its Origin Form with little effort). Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t enjoy the taste of humans.
Reena (Rayna) - Rayna is the true Alpha of this universe, having hatched before Arceus did. She took him in her universe, and helped him expand. She gifted him her eighteen Life Plates after she birthed the Creation Trio, so she can rest, trusting him to do the rest. She sleeps in the core of an orange sun, a sun the Creation Trio stay close to. Those who know Rayna in legend still barely know her name, and call her “Reena.” Because no-one (even those that somewhat know of her) do not know what she looks like, they depict her as a serpent with six feathery wings, as bright as the sun.
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Extras that aren’t Pokémon: 
Krishnala  - A Dragon of the Multiverse. It is genderless and expands the space in our universe. It’s intentions are not either evil or good, but because Arceus is not of our universe, it will do anything to eradicate him. Because no-one knows of this god, there is no depiction of it. The only being that knows of it is Rayna.
The Four Keres - These electrical serpents were crafted by Krishnala to hunt down Arceus and the Creation Trio. “Keres” is a name that means “female death demon.” All four Keres are female and take the forms of Arceus and the Creation Trio, mainly to trick the lesser gods and mortals to consume them. Their real forms aren’t known, and very few know of the Keres. One Keres by far roams free, two are in hiding, but one is frozen in the ice caps of Kalos. 
The Three Shadows - The Three Shadows were humans that became absorbed with darkness. This darkness, however, let them be who-ever they wanted to be, and granted them the power to transform into a mighty beast. The Shadows live in Sinnoh, rarely to be seen, but each have been given a name: The Ghost Wolf of Sinnoh, the Thunderbird of the Shadows, and the Great Dragon of Shadowfire. The Thunderbird is revered in old paintings of storms in older villages, and the Ghost Wolf is revered as a great canine that leads the dead on their path. The Great Dragon was seen only once in history, when it rained on Sinnoh’s enemies with purple and black fire, but was never seen again. Their genders are unknown.
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Disclaimer: These remakes are for fun and by no means are meant to replace the Pokémon franchise.
*Sorry if there’s some poor grammar, lol, it’s like, 3 AM and I’m tired.
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scotianostra · 3 years
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Captain Joseph Watt, VC, Royal Naval Reserve, born at Gardenstown, Banffshire on 25th June 1887, was the second son of Joseph Watt, a fisherman and Helen Watt. his mother was also employed in the fish industry.
His father, had died at sea while fishing for haddock when Joseph Jr was just ten years old.
Determined to follow his father’s career, Watt served an apprenticeship in the fishing boat White Daisy. After the outbreak of the First World War in August 1914 Watt volunteered for the Patrol Service and was commissioned as a skipper in the Royal Naval Reserve on January 11 1915.
After a few months of patrolling the North Sea he was posted to Italy, along with hundreds of other fishermen. In the meantime, Watt had married: on August 5th 1915 to Jessie Ann Noble, a fisherman’s daughter.
Once in Italy, Watt was appointed to the command of HM Drifter Gowanlea, an 87ft wooden vessel. With its crew of nine and armed with a solitary and tiny six-pounder gun, the Gowanlea was part of a flotilla of commandeered steam drifters based in the heel of Italy.
On May 15, 1917, Skipper Watt with a eight man crew on the drifter Gowanlea, was on routine patrol in the Otranto Strait, Mediterranean Sea, with other small search crafts. Unbeknownst to Wattt, the Austrians had planned a major operation against the Allied barrage lines with two destroyers and three submarines. 
The Gowanlea was confronted by the Austrian Destroyer Novara, which demanded surrender of the ship and ordered the crew to abandon ship prior to sinking. Instead, Watt ordered his crew to open fire on their large opponent with the drifter's 6-pounder guns. Watt’s  ship was hit by heavy shells, seriously damaged with several crewmen wounded but continued to fight. 
The other drifters followed in the fight and although many were damaged, managed to head off the Austrian cruisers. Skipper Watt, despite his ship's damage and casualties moved amongst the wreckage, rescuing wounded men and providing medical attention to those in most need. For meritorious service, he was awarded the Victoria Cross Medal on August 29th, 1917.
As well as his VC Joe was awarded the Italian Al Valore Militare and the French Croix de Guerre. In total, the action also led to the award of two Distinguished Service Orders, six Distinguished Service Crosses, five Conspicuous Gallantry Medals, 18 Distinguished Service Medals and 31 Mentions in Despatches.
Watt fell ill shortly after his VC action and spent six weeks recuperating in hospital on Malta. After his release he was promoted to chief skipper but he refused to discuss his VC action, even with his wife. 
Typical of the man, there is no record of him ever applying for, or receiving, his Great War service medals. After the war, he went back to fi shing and had two children. During the Second World War, he commanded a drifter serving with the Home Fleet.
Even in his 50s, Watt’s fighting spirit remained undimmed because he told one journalist: “Ah’m not allowed to go to sea to fecht, they think ah’m tae auld.” 
Joseph Watt, who was known locally as “VC Joe”, died from cancer at his home in Fraserburgh on February 13th 1955, aged 67.
Joe kept his medals in a drawer full of junk on board his boat. Many of the locals who requested to see the VC were surprised to see it being kept in such a place.
He died on 13 February 1955, age 67, at Fraserburgh, and is buried in the same plot as his wife and her parents at  Fraserburgh’s  Kirkton Cemetery
You can find a more detailed account of this on Scotland’s war web page here http://www.scotlandswar.co.uk/watt_j.html
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zulu-shiro · 3 years
* Sinora
* 28 when resurected
* Awoken
* Flames, red snake, often nicknamed sinner
* She/her
* Hunter
* Solar, blade barrage
* Wick, predator sun shell
* Zavala, ikora, cayde-6
* Meme with syndland and amadon
* Synland-7, amadon-9
* Breakneck
* Malfesence
* Shards of galanor
* She dosnt really use ornaments?
* Red strings of fate
* Mobility
* Offensive
* Aggressive and up front
* Gambit all the way ❤️
* Cayde-6, he helped her alot in trying to deal with her anger and teaching her not just fighting but also relaxing
* She cant mentor
* Callisto lancer
* Undettered
* Predator sun shell
* Crimson valor, gambit jadestone
* Red
* Anything sweet, she has a huge sweet tooth
* Pistols
* She hasnt heard any, ahe barely listens to music in general
* Sitting at the too looking down or in a window somewhere
* Drifter, ikora, eris, asher
* Tangeled shore
* Gambit, strikes, cats, walks, scenic areas
* Anything spicy
* Nebula rose
* Edz, its to noisey
* Dont really have any honestly??
* Drang
* Joutin
* Unessacery crowds, brightness, hive, pvp, lakshimi
* Her living space is abit messy, alittle one bedroom, with a big window and book shelves
Casual wear *
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* Knife throwing/ tricks , hair styilin, reading, training, plants
* Fires call
* She was reborn on the tangled shore in east on a connected rock
* Old queens court robes, with a huge scar on her chest
* Scared and she violently reacted
* She was starteled and held her wound wondering why
* Hostiles but thankfully a group of guardians found her and helped
* Markus a titan and spitit-2 a warlock, who found her during a patrol mission.
* Only the clothes she wore but she did not realize where they where from as she never met the queen in her guardian life.
* Wick named her
* I honestly havent thought that far for her book, but i did make her her own exotic weapon!
* The drifter
* She went straight to the city
* She was amazed but timid
* Yes she is!
* As far as ik, no???
* The flame reachs all
* She is pretty newly rezed a a couple years before the red war so her interactions are limited but she has formed connections with others. The only iron lord she knows is saladin
* The spider as she worked with him for a time, the drifter
* She hates how cold and empty she feels when she uses it
* She did run the last wish and she was terrified of riven
* She felt bad as she really likes the elkisni
* She is not she is from d2
* She lost her old fireteam and carries some memebtos of them. She hid away in a cave in the mountions just outside the city.
* Osiris-she dosnt really know till recently, so her opinion is wavered
* Eris- She holds in very high regards, and enjoys talking to her
* Cayde-6- was a mentor and friend to her so she respects him alot
* Ikora- she goes to her for advice but is often left more confused
* Zavala- they do but heads so its abit strained between them
* Saint-14- she didnt know him till he returnd and she was at awe of the great titan she heard so many storys of
* Saladin- she only really talks to him for bountys when shes lower on glimmer
* Crow- she honestly has a hard tim due to her remebering what happend to cayde, but as time goes on she is trying to heal
* The spider- she worked for him and was a bounty hunter for him till she found out abit crow. in a fit of rage she almost blew up the hut.
* uldren- Kill him again
* Mara sov- She never knew the queen that she once served after she lost her memory.
* Variks- she alomst killed him when she had to save him from eramis but couldnt bring herself to it
* Elsie - they are indiffrent to eachother for the most part as they didnt and still dont speak to eachother
* She is not handiling the darkness well, its like she can still feel it.
* ”Keep your eyes straight and dont waiver”
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Okay picture this, Cavalero is making out with the drifter and is just like "Why the fuck are you not freaked out by the whole 'void manifestation' thing?" Drifter's just "uuuuhhhhh....." like hey uh brain how do I say 'I manifested an entire plane of reality because I was lonely' without sounding like a weirdo
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shinmiyovvi · 1 year
Some voice claims for the crew
Voice claim used: Toyohisa Shimazu from Drifters (Japanese Dub)
Voice claim used: Cypher from VALORANT (German Dub)
Voice claim used: Harbor from VALORANT (Italian Dub)
Voice claim used: Takayuki Yagami from Judgment/Lost Judgment (English Dub)
Voice claimed used: Seong Hui from Yakuza: Like a Dragon (English Dub)
Voice claim used: Riven from League of Legends (French Dub)
Voice claim used: Artyom from Metro Exodus
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All Those Things They Couldn’t Say - A Runaway Baudelaires AU
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Chapter Thirty-Nine - Laboheme
They sat in a near-empty room, with only a woman sleeping in the bed against the far wall for company whenever doctors came in and out. They did routine examinations while Violet spat out a fake story about a neighbor being angry that they were climbing in his tree, and how their parents would be along to pay the bill quite soon, don’t worry. Duncan was pretty nervous and uncomfortable most of the time, especially as they had him change into a hospital gown and kept having to touch and mess with his wound. So Isadora held one hand and Violet held another, while Klaus and Sunny sat beside him and rambled on about some book or another to distract him. If there weren’t doctors in, though, and Duncan did not need distracting, then Klaus would pull a book from his bag and read for them, while Sunny waddled around the room trying to get used to walking on her own, Isadora sketched out some poetry ideas, bouncing them off her brother, and Violet played with their last telegram, doodling on the edges or just staring at it.
At one point, the Volunteers Fighting Disease came in, singing to try to cheer them up, and the children were incredibly amused by the fact that they were not at all recognized as “those kids we shared a busride with.” They were so amused that when the Volunteers left, they all burst into laughter, almost doubling over, and not stopping until the next doctor came in. 
When the last doctor left and Duncan was settled in bed, flipping through the newspaper that was provided for him and using Klaus’s pencil to scratch out inconsistencies, Violet leaned over to Isadora and said, “We’ll be back in a few minutes. I saw arrows to the library, it’s a few floors up but not too far. Locks shouldn’t be hard to pick.” 
Isadora bit her lip and bounced her leg. “Are you sure?” 
“We’ll be fine. Just… if anyone comes in, you still have your weapons.” 
Isadora smiled slightly, and then whispered, “I took the dagger that stabbed Duncan and stuck it in my bag. I’m gonna wash it off and use it to cut someone’s hand off.” 
“Great idea.” Violet beamed. “We’ll see you in a few minutes.” 
They made their way to the library of records, and Violet knelt by the locks, narrowing her eyes. “Ugh.” 
“Ugh?” Klaus asked, gently placing Sunny onto the ground. “That’s not a good sound.” 
“Tis not, brother dear.” Violet rolled her eyes, shooting him a look. “These are way more complicated than our ordinary-enough pin-tumbler locks. We shoulda found someone with keys and swiped em.” 
“Do you think you can get in?” 
“It could take some time.” 
Sunny walked over, looked up at the lock, and then said, “Bite.” 
“No, you’re not biting the locks, Sunny-girl.” 
Sunny shook her head, and bit the edge of her finger. “Bite.” 
“I don’t follow.” 
“I think,” Klaus said, sitting by Sunny, his eyes wide, “She’s offering to bite something small to function as a key.” 
“That… may not be a bad idea.” Violet considered. She reached into her bag, muttering, and then pulled out her bag of hairpins. “So first you-” 
“Gotit.” Sunny shrugged, and started biting and twisting the pins, peering into the keyholes as she worked. 
“Cool.” Violet shrugged and stood up, smiling over at Klaus. “Our baby sister’s a free lockpick-maker.” 
“You don’t think she’ll hurt herself?” 
“She’ll be fine.” 
Sunny nodded as she handed Violet a lockpick, and Violet knelt down. Within a few minutes, the door was swinging open. 
“Fuck yeah.” Violet grinned. Klaus lifted Sunny as she shouldered her bag, and she walked inside, flicking on a lightswitch. Ahead of them were rows upon rows of filing cabinets, stretching out as far as the eye could see. 
“Hmm.” Sunny growled in displeasure, narrowing her eyes. “How are we gonna find the file in here?” 
Klaus moved to the first cabinet, and ran his hand over an AA-AC label. “It looks alphabetical. So we should check under ‘Baudelaire.’” 
Violet nodded, and after she tied her hair back and did a quick look-over of the cabinets, she directed them down the rows, until they reached AX-BA. She grabbed the right drawer, huffing to find it was locked, but thankfully this one was much easier to pick. When she got it open, Klaus used his free hand to flip through quickly, but he shook his head once he reached the end. 
“No Baudelaire.” 
“Maybe the next drawer?” 
“No. See, this is ‘Baz.’” Klaus shook his head. 
Violet paused. “Maybe it’s misspelled. B-U-Delaire.” 
“Budelaire.” Sunny giggled. 
“We can check.” Klaus shrugged. 
Violet moved down the cabinets, scanning the B labels, and when she found the BU-CA, she once again picked it open, and Klaus flipped through. 
“No.” he shook his head. 
“Are you sure?” 
“We go from ‘Buccaneer’ to ‘Byers.’ No room for ‘Budelaire.” 
Violet bit her lip. “Let’s check VFD.” 
As they headed down the rows, looking for the V files, Sunny whispered, “Vi? D’nouf?” “What if someone already took the files?” 
“Nobody saw that telegram but the guy at the counter, and you’d think he’d mention if he’d been able to give it to someone else.” Violet whispered, tugging on her ribbon. “Lemony never saw it, and the senders didn’t seem to be going anywhere.” 
“Cep?” “What if someone intercepted it?” 
“We’ll have to hope they didn’t.” Violet said. She glanced back at her sister and said, “This was important to Lemony, so it has to be important to us. I’ll open every filing cabinet in this room if I have to.” 
Sunny nodded, though Klaus bit his lip and glanced at the ground, unsure of how productive this was going to be. 
Violet found two entire drawers labelled VF, and she picked both, before tossing them open. Klaus put Sunny on the ground and flipped through the tops, reading out loud. “VFD- 1485 Columbia Road. VFD- 667 Dark Avenue. VFD- Anwhistle Aquatics. Bats in the Train Station. Building Committee. Curdled- we’ve gotten past ‘b.’” 
“Keep going.” Violet insisted. 
Klaus sighed. “Denouement, Hotel. Doyle, Vincent Francis. Dressing, Lois. Frogg-Drifter, Violetta. Hypnotists in the Office. Items, Museum of. Lachrymose, Ivan. Leeches in the Lake. Lions in the Mountains. Little Snicket Lad-” 
Violet pulled the file out and flipped it open, and then shook her head. “Just the sheet music with some notes. Not seeing anything good.” 
Klaus sighed and moved onto the next drawer. “Medusoid Mycelium. Orion Observatory. Prufrock Prep. SS Prospero. Schism, Discussions of - there’s like three files here.” 
“Hand em over. Might make for interesting reading.” Violet said. Klaus shrugged and handed her the files, and she shoved them into her bag, barely fitting it in. “What else?” 
“A bunch of investigative reports from an E Snicket- do we know one?” 
“Probably a relative of Lemony’s. Here, I’ll shove that in your bag. Keep going.” 
There’s not much else. I see Stain’d-by-the-Sea, Reports of; Sugar Bowl; Surgeons in the Theater; Valorous Farms; Volunteer Feline Detectives; Winnipeg, Duchy of; World is Quiet Here… another World is Quiet Here, and Zombies in the Snow. No Baudelaire.” 
“Or Budelaire?” Sunny giggled, for some reason thinking that was the funniest thing in the world. 
Violet groaned, finishing zipping up Klaus’s bag, and she tugged on her ribbon harder. “There’s gotta be a place. Maybe F for File.” 
“Seriously, Violet? Everything here is a file.” 
“Well, what do you suggest, oh wise one?” 
Sunny gave them incredulous looks. “Snicket.” 
Violet and Klaus gave her a look, and then Klaus slapped his forehead. “Duh.” 
“Come on.” Violet tossed him his bag, and Klaus threw it over his shoulder and then picked up Sunny as they raced back to the S cabinets. She ran her hands over the metal, watching the SW-SZ turn to SS-SV, then SO-SR… 
“Here!” Violet called. She raced to the SN drawer, and then again unlocked it quickly, tossed it open, and stepped back for Klaus to file through. He dropped Sunny, flipped a few files, and then beamed over at her as he found the SNI and triumphantly lifted a file, labelled: SNICKET BAUDELAIRE, ⅔.
“Fuck, yes!” Violet knelt on the ground, bouncing with excitement. Klaus knelt beside her, and Sunny peered over his arm as he flipped it open. 
He narrowed his eyes, a little confused as he started spreading papers. “What are these? I don’t see anything to do with our parents here.” 
Violet looked over, and then narrowed her eyes. Happy she still had her hair tied back, she pointed to a clipped newspaper article. “Read that for me, while I sort through these?” 
“Capture of the Remains of the Inhumane Society.” Klaus read. He skimmed, and then said, “Not much info. Some people who were in a terrorist organization went on the run and were finally caught.” 
“Uh… like thirty years ago.” 
Klaus told her. 
Violet turned to him. “Open your commonplace book, make a note.” 
He shrugged and nodded, and as he started writing, Violet picked up an article. “Murder! Count and Countess found dead in mysterious circumstances at the Opera- well, alright, we can guess what this is.”
Sunny, not paying much attention, picked up a scrap and waved it in front of Klaus. “Whazzit?” 
“That’s some kind of poem, I think.” Klaus once again skimmed. “About making poison from bird bones.” 
“A profile on ‘Armstrong Feint.’” Violet said. “We have an underline here- base of operations in Clusterous Forest.” 
“Clusterous Forest?” Klaus echoed, and then lifted another paper. “What about this?” 
“What’s it say, dingus?” 
“It’s a transcript of an environmental society meeting about protecting some seaweed forest.” 
“What are you seeing?” 
Klaus scanned and recited interesting things that came to him. “Some are arguing that it’s a marvel of science as it’s landlocked, meaning the seaweed grows outside the ocean. But others are arguing that its existence is dangerous to the local wildlife, as birds will land on the seaweed and get stuck and die of starvation.” 
“Scout!” Sunny called. “Dead birds!” 
“Dead bird skeletons make poison.” Violet said, as Klaus started writing as many notes as he could. “This Armstrong Feint was in the Clusterous Forest, with a lotta dead birds…” she scanned the profile again. “Guess who was in charge of the Inhumane Society?” 
“So the Inhumane Society has poison? What does that have to do with us?” 
“Gimme the poem.” Violet took the paper and scanned it. “Klaus, it’s not about making poison. It’s about making poison darts.” 
Klaus’s eyes widened. “What?” 
“Whazzit?” Sunny asked, more confused than her brother. 
“Gimme the date of that arrest again, quick.” Violet said, shoving the papers back into the file and tying her ribbon around it to keep it closed. 
Klaus gave it to her, nodding; he was thinking the same thing. 
“That’d be when our parents were about sixteen.” Violet said. “And guess what.” She held up the paper she’d grabbed. “That capture was after the opera. Where our parents-” 
“You think-” 
“Lemony was trying to build a case. To frame this society.” Violet said, her eyes sparkling. She tossed the file at Klaus, who quickly flipped open his bag, shoving it inside as tight as he could. “They had poison darts. At least a couple were active during the Opera. If he can blame them-” 
“Then our parents are free.” Klaus breathed. 
They stared at each other a long time, and then Sunny asked, “Laboheme?” “What does this have to do with our parents?” 
Violet and Klaus froze. In their moment of euphoria, they’d forgotten that Sunny had not been told about their parents’ crime. Had not even guessed, as they had, what had probably happened. 
“Um…” Violet began. 
How would they explain that to her? What they’d just pieced together in their heads? How did one tell an infant that Lemony was trying to frame criminals for a murder that their parents committed? 
“Laboheme?” Sunny asked, more insistently. 
“The- the Opera…” Klaus bit his lip, glancing to Violet. “Um… it- it seems that- what happened at the Opera…” 
“Yes,” said a dark, sickeningly sweet voice behind them. “Tell her what happened at the Opera.” 
Violet’s head shot up, and then Klaus’s, his arm instinctively reaching out to grab Sunny and yank her closer to him. They stared up at Esme, who was smiling down at them in a cruel way. 
“Tell your baby sister,” she said, “What your parents have done.” 
Violet took a deep breath, then whipped a knife out of her pocket, and said, “Klaus, Sunny, run.” 
She didn’t have to ask twice. Violet jumped to her feet, throwing the knife at Esme’s chest, but unfortunately Violet giving her siblings forewarning also served to tell Esme something was going to happen, and she managed to leap out of the way. Violet quickly took off after her siblings, digging into her pocket for another knife. 
They raced down a few aisles, before ducking down behind a row of cabinets. “How did she-” Klaus began. 
“Firetruck. We left the firetruck-” 
“But that wouldn’t tell them-” 
“Unless they talked to the counter guy-” 
“Okay.” Violet took a breath. “We need to get to Duncan and Isadora and get out of- duck!” 
She pushed Klaus down, just as something flew over their heads. Violet turned to see one of Esme’s shoes, knives replacing the heels, landing against the side of a cabinet and sticking. 
“Oh, I see,” Violet nodded, as she pushed Klaus and Sunny ahead of her, turning to stick her tongue out at Esme as the woman started running after them. “More knives. Guess what, though?” she pushed Klaus and Sunny to the left, then ran to the heel, ripped it out of the cabinet, and said, “I got this now!” 
She pushed Klaus and Sunny down an aisle as Esme raced past, and then whispered, “Think she’s got the door blocked?” 
“I’d assume so.” 
“There’s gotta be a window. We can shimmy out and get Duncan and Isadora. Run to the left, side of the building should be that way.” 
Klaus nodded, and Sunny leaned against him, whimpering slightly. They started running, as Violet stayed behind her siblings, glancing back to see if Esme was behind them. 
After only a moment though, she let out a shout of surprise, as a row of filing cabinets, just beside them, came crashing down. Violet pushed Klaus aside, spotting Esme at the end of the toppled cabinets, and then said, “Alright, Klaus, officially? We’re on an A Flat.” 
He nodded, and took off running. They maneuvered through aisles, hearing more crashing behind them, and Violet waved the stiletto heel in her hands, trying to get used to the weight. “I dunno how accurately I can throw this.” 
“Vi, can we get out of here and then discuss that?” 
“Right, yeah.” 
Sunny shrieked, and Klaus quickly hauled Violet beside him as a filing cabinet fell right where she’d been standing. Violet then said, “Okay, F minor-” “Nobody talk!” -and they pushed on. 
“Come on, dears!” they heard Esme call, and Violet gripped the knife-shoe tighter. “We just want to have some fun!” 
At fun, another aisle started crashing. Klaus whimpered, the noise overstimulating him quite a bit, and Violet put her arm around him and kept pushing them forward. 
“Don’t you want to see Mummy and Daddy again?” 
Violet blinked away tears, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw a wall up ahead. She raced them forwards and then ran them down until they found a window. Violet opened it, as Klaus threw the Sunnybag onto the ground and started strapping their sister into it. He slid it onto his back, whispered for his sister to hold on, and Violet helped him slide down onto the side of the outer wall. He slid slightly, and Violet turned, watching another row of cabinets start to topple. “She’s getting close.” 
“Then hurry out!” 
She glanced down. There wasn’t room for her to go beside him, and he wouldn’t get down far enough for her to start for quite some time. 
“New plan.” Violet said. 
Violet shrugged her bag off and tossed it out the window. 
“I’ll circle around so Esme doesn’t see where you got out.” 
“If I don’t meet you in the Quagmires’ room, run somewhere, get out. I’ll find you, I promise.” 
Before Klaus could argue more, Violet shut the window, and then called, “Klaus, go for the door! I’ll hold her off!” and took off running. 
She didn’t stick around to hear if Klaus yelled at her or if Sunny made a noise of protest, because another row of filing cabinets came tumbling down, and Violet ducked down an aisle, breathing deeply. 
“Well, well, well.” she heard Esme say, a little distantly, “Looks like our little Snicket is all alone.” 
Violet shut her eyes and gripped her jacket with one hand and the knife shoe with the other. 
“Come along, darling. Don’t you want to say goodbye to your mother?” 
Violet shook slightly as she edged her way down the aisle, trying to soften her footsteps. 
“Your Mother’s dying to see you, you know! All three of you!” 
Another row fell down, this one closer to the door. Violet breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Esme had clearly taken her bait. She backed up a little, trying to keep her head low and her steps quiet. 
And then she felt an arm on her shoulder. 
She screamed and whipped around, swinging the knife heel. She jumped with surprise as she saw that Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender leap back, the heel cutting across their arm. They let out a gasp, and Violet took off running. Fuck, how many of them were there? Fuck, fuck, fuck… 
She kept moving, the files blurring around her, ignoring how close or far the cabinets were toppling, trying to still the beating panic in her heart and not look down at the blood on the knife heel… 
She turned a bend and saw Esme at the end of the aisle, knocking down another row. Violet stepped back, throwing back her arm in preparation to toss the shoe. Esme turned, a flicker of surprise in her eyes. 
Then Violet was grabbed from behind again, and this time the weapon was knocked from her hand. 
“Well, well, well,” Olaf whispered, as Violet screamed and tried to struggle away, “What have we here?” 
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anerianachan · 4 years
Game Online Terbaik 2020 Untuk Xiaomi
Game Online Terbaik 2020 Untuk Xiaomi  -  Salah satunya adalah fakta bahwa seseorang telah membeli ponsel Xiaomia untuk dimainkan. Karena rata-rata ponsel Xiaomi memiliki banyak detail, berbagai jenis permainan dapat bekerja tanpa masalah. Kami dapat menjalankan berbagai jenis game di smartphone Xiaomi, baik online maupun offline. Tetapi tidak semua memiliki kinerja yang sama, karena setiap jenis ponsel Xiaomi memiliki detail yang berbeda.
Daftar game online terbaik 2019
Jika Anda menginginkan ponsel Xiaomi yang berpotensi menjalankan game berat, sebaiknya beli smartphone Xiaomi dengan ram yang besar. Kami membeli setidaknya ponsel Xiaomi Ram 4GB sehingga semua game dapat disapu tanpa masalah. Untuk penggemar game, pasti instal berbagai jenis game di smartphone Anda. Sekarang bagi mereka yang bingung memilih game online terbaik, instal salah satu game online terbaik, kami sarankan yang berikut ini.
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1. PUBG seluler
Jika Anda mencari game online terbaik sekarang, pilihannya adalah PUBG Mobile. Kami dapat memainkan game bersama dengan kolega dengan individu atau rentang. Gambar yang diimpor juga bagus dan memiliki beragam model permainan sehingga semua orang merasa betah memainkan game online terbaik untuk waktu yang lama.
2. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
Game online terbaik setelah itu adalah Mobile Legends. Game ini tidak kalah terkenal dari PUBG Mobile. Seperti sebelumnya, ada PUBG, Mobile Legends menjadi game online paling populer di Indonesia untuk pertama kalinya.
Apa Mobile Legends masih bertahan hari ini adalah bahwa ia memiliki kota besar dan didukung oleh berbagai acara dengan hadiah hingga ratusan juta rupee.
3. Api gratis
Bagi Anda Xiaoma mobile yang merasa seperti tertinggal ketika bermain PUBG Mobile, kami sarankan Anda beralih ke Free Fire. Game online ini memiliki model game seperti PUBG, tetapi kualitas grafisnya lebih rendah untuk berjalan pada spesifikasi ponsel Xiaomi yang biasa-biasa saja.
4. PUBG Lite
Tencent baru-baru ini merilis game baru bernama PUBG Lite. Game ini mendukung smartphone dengan spesifikasi rendah, jadi jangan bingung jika gim ini lebih kecil dan hanya memiliki satu kartu.
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5. Clash of Clans
Clash of Clans adalah kerajaan permainan online. Game ini dulunya adalah game yang paling populer, tetapi sekarang minat telah berkurang karena banyak yang telah menjadi PUBG Mobile dan Mobile Legends. Namun, Clash of Clans masih asyik bermain online.
6. Kejutan nyata
Seperti halnya Clash of Clans, Royal Clash adalah game online Supercell terbaik. Royal Shock sendiri adalah game strategi yang sangat mungkin untuk bersaing dengan orang lain dan membuat klan.
7. Acara Keberanian
AOV atau Event of Valor memiliki model game yang benar-benar mirip Mobile Legends. Di dalamnya ada berbagai jenis pahlawan yang bisa kita mainkan dan tingkatkan untuk kekuatan optimal. Menariknya, AOV Ultra memiliki kualitas grafis, membuatnya lebih menarik dan tidak membosankan.
8. Call of Duty Mobile
Garena akan meluncurkan game baru bernama Call of Duty Mobile. Kami pikir game ini bisa menjadi pesaing hebat bagi PUBG Mobile. Lebih Banyak Call of Duty Mobile memiliki kualitas grafis yang lebih baik dan peta yang lebih luas.
9. Hari Hay
Bagi mereka yang melewatkan game Harvest Moon karena itu sebabnya Anda dapat mencoba game pertanian dan taman ini. Hay Day memiliki kualitas grafis yang sangat baik dan ada berbagai jenis fungsi, seperti pertanian, pembuatan kota, dan penjualan produk perkebunan ke pemain Hay Day lainnya.
10. Garena Speed ​​Drifters
Game online terbaik lain yang bisa Anda coba adalah Garena Speed ​​Drifters. Game balap mobil ini sangat keren dan mendukung berbagai mobil dengan desain yang bagus. Yang menarik, Garena Speed ​​Drifters mendukung kompetisi Esports internasional dengan jutaan pemain dari seluruh dunia.
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thesevenseraphs · 6 years
Update 2.0.0
Below is a list of patch notes for Update 2.0.0! Please read them! Lots of cool changes, buffs, and some unfortunate nerfs
The Tower Annex Landing Zone is now available to all players
The Drifter has relocated to the Annex in the Tower
Daily clan bounties have been removed
Once again, clan XP in Season 6 can be earned simply by completing activities
Clan weekly bounties have been renamed to "Hawthorne's Bounties" to differentiate them from the raid challenges that are also in Hawthorne's inventory
These Hawthorne Bounties are organized into 3 fixed categories: PvE, PvP, and raid
Raid challenge bounties will continue to be available on Hawthorne for the Last Wish and Scourge of the Past raids
Some new clan perks have been added for Season 6, and some old clan perks have returned
Level 2 Perk: Increased public event rewards
Level 3 Perk: Completing a weekly Hawthorne bounty awards mod components
Level 4 Perk: Completing a clan vendor challenge awards enhancement cores
Level 5 Perk: Increases the drop rate of Crucible and strike catalysts when playing with clanmates
Level 6 Perk: Unlocks an additional weekly bounty for Hawthorne
Full Auto Trigger System rate-of-fire bonus reduced from 100% to 10%
Full Auto Trigger System no longer increases Shotgun pellet spread
All Shotguns received a damage multiplier in PvE, effectively doubling their damage (with the exception of Legend of Acrius)
Reserve ammunition for Shotguns has been reevaluated to compensate for the increased damage
Reduced base damage for Shotguns across the board to align with their new rates of fire on a per sub-archetype basis
Rate-of-fire values have been tuned
Aggressive Frame is now 55 RPM, up from 45 RPM
Precision Frame is now 65 RPM, up from 55 RPM
Lightweight Frame remains 80 RPM (tooltip erroneously stated 90 RPM previously)
Rapid-Fire Frame is 140 RPM (including intrinsic full auto), down from 200 RPM (they were previously 100 RPM, but due to the intrinsic full auto, actually had 200 RPM)
The Chaperone is now 70 RPM, up from 60 RPM
Tractor Cannon is 80 RPM (tooltip erroneously stated 84 RPM previously)
Legend of Acrius is now 55 RPM, up from 45 RPM
Submachine Guns
Base damage increased slightly
Precision damage decreased slightly
Machine Guns
Reduced the ammo bonus of Machine Gun Reserves perk by half
Damage reduced against boss and miniboss combatants by 21%
Trace Rifles
PvE damage increased by 30%
Grenade Launchers
PvE damage increased by 25%
Reserve ammo increased on most Grenade Launchers
In most cases, Grenade Launchers gained three rounds in reserves, but this amount may vary based on the perks you have (Field Prep, etc.)
KNOWN ISSUE: Starting ammo in PvE was reduced, this will be fixed in a future patch
Magazine perks and mods no longer affect ammo reserves
The Quick Access Sling mod can now be applied to any archetype; this change also allows it to be applied to the Mountaintop
NOTE: This change also fixes the Militia's Birthright being able to slot the Backup Mag mod; this mod did not actually increase the magazine size on this weapon and was not intended to be applied to breech loaded Grenade Launchers
Rocket Launchers
PvE damage increased by 60–65%
Cluster Bomb
Damage reduced by 80%
This lost damage was moved to the Rocket Launcher's main projectile
Linear Fusion Rifles
PvE damage increased by 10% (does not affect Sleeper Simulant)
Reduced aim assist
Removed aim assist bonus from Combat Sights scope
Fixed an issue where Queenbreaker had double the amount of aim assist
Two-Tailed Fox
PvE damage increased by 26%
One Thousand Voices
PvE damage increased by 25%
Wardcliff Coil
PvE damage increased by 115% against boss combatants and scaling up to 160% against weaker combatants
Black Talon
PvE projectile damage increased by 15%
Sleeper Simulant
Reduced ammo reserves (from max 13 to max 9 without armor perks or Masterwork)
Whisper of the Worm
Reduced ammo reserves (from max 20 to max 9 without armor perks)
Tyranny of Heaven
The Tyranny of Heaven Bow can now drop with randomized perks
General Weapon and Perk Fixes
Trinity Ghoul
Fixed an issue where Trinity Ghoul's Lightning Rod perk sometimes did not activate on precision kill
Fixed an issue where the Arc effects from the Split Electron perk on Trinity Ghoul could be seen floating in third person
Improved the resolution for the decals on Two-Tailed Fox's Cuddly Throwback ornament when seen in third person
Fixed an issue where the Last Word's Laconic ornament did not display properly in third person
Cleaned up the animation of rounds cycling in the magazine for the Dreaded Venture's Over and Done With ornament
Jotunn's Charge Shot perk description updated with instructions for what to hold to charge up the shot
Fixed an issue where Dragonfly Spec was not functioning correctly under certain latency conditions
Fixed an issue impacting Izanagi's Burden scope where FX from abilities or invading in Gambit would block visibility while aiming
Fixed an issue where the random perk warning was not displayed on the tooltips for the random roll versions of Crimil's Dagger and the Hero's Burden
Breech-load Grenade Launchers now have their own icon in the kill feed and obituary to differentiate them from drum Grenade Launchers Trench Barrel will now activate on close range Ball Lightning attacks that cause the biped to lunge
Rapid Hit
Fixed an issue where Rapid Hit would activate twice on a Sniper Rifle precision kill
Fixed an issue where the timer for Rapid Hit x5 would not extend after another precision hit
Fixed an issue where Whirlwind Blade could not reach 5 stacks with certain perk combinations
Fixed an issue where Sword impact Masterwork damage was the same at tier 7 and tier 8
Fixed an issue where certain perk, mod, and Masterwork combinations would cause Sword perks to not function on Stryker's Sure-Hand
Fixed an issue where Le Monarque would not always apply poison at longer distances
Le Monarque is now correctly on the Energy tab in the Collections screen
High Tension String perk description updated to correctly reflect that it "greatly increases accuracy"
The Long Shadow
Fixed an issue where the ATD Raptor scope did not highlight enemies
This fix caused another issue where the ATB Long Range scope will highlight enemies as well; this will be fixed in a future update
Memento Mori
Fixed an issue where the Ace of Spades perk Memento Mori did not refresh when using the Hunter's Marksman Dodge ability
Fixed an issue where Memento Mori was cancelled prematurely if the player sprinted
Note: These fixes make it so that reloading Ace of Spades no longer wipes Memento Mori on reload, but you can still refresh Memento Mori when reloading after a kill
Reduced Titan's max speed that can be achieved via use of macros on PC (aka reduced the effectiveness of "Titan Skate")
Tuned the amount of Super gained from Code of the Juggernaut so the Super could not be used indefinitely
This now has diminishing returns (100% -> 30% energy back over the course of 15 kills)
Fixed an issue where the Handheld Supernova did not properly render while invading in Gambit
Year 2 armor will now drop with a random stat package
One-Eyed Mask
Mark duration reduced from 15 seconds to 8 seconds
Health no longer restores automatically, but restores alongside overshield
Can no longer be triggered while in Super
Khepri's Horn
Increased class energy gain from Solar damage kills from 10% to 15% and reduced the cooldown from 2 to 1 second
Solar blast groundfollow now returns a second groundfollow back toward the player
Damage from groundfollow increased from 80 to 100
Damage from groundfollow is doubled in PvE
Vesper of Radius
Damage increased from 70 to 100
Damage is tripled in PvE
Sealed Ahamkara's Grasp
Now procs from smoke bomb damage
Ursa Furiosa
No longer counts self-damage to Void shield when calculating how much Super energy to give back
Anteaus Wards
Fixed an issue where improved slide was not consistently applying with Anteaus Wards
Accessories Fixes
Cloth will now correctly interact with "chopper" Sparrows (examples: Gray Hornet, Warrior's Steed)
Fixed an issue with Burnout Sparrow that would cause the Guardian's hands to not always grip the handlebars
A shader from the Curse of Osiris expansion formerly named "Metallic Sunrise" has been renamed to "Mercurian Sunrise." This was to resolve a duplicate name issue with a Forsaken shader, the name of which remains "Metallic Sunrise"
Fixed lens flare effects on several ship engines
Power cap raised to 700
Powerful bounties may give only a maximum possible Power reward from the season in which they were acquired
Powerful bounties completed in Season of the Forge may only reach a maximum Power reward of 650
Iron Banner bounties from Season of the Forge have expired and been replaced
Ethereal Keys from the Last Wish raid now have a maximum stack size of 5
All keys above the stack limit of 5 have been removed
Destination vendors no longer display a waypoint when holding enough materials for a reputation package
This was done as players now use destination materials for infusion
Updated Valor and Glory emblems to track only the current season's rank accomplishments
Previous seasons accomplishments have been added as Triumphs; all seasonal rank accomplishments will be tracked as Triumphs from here on
Reprise seeded roll weapon for players to earn via Valor rank
Players who acquired the original version will be able to earn this weapon with random rolls from engram decryption without earning the Valor rank.
New emblem for players to earn from Triumph Completion
Reprise shader for players to earn from Triumph Completion
Players who earned the original will not need to re-earn this shader
New pinnacle weapon quest
Features Triumph completion step similar to Season 5's the Mountaintop quest
New seeded roll weapon for players to earn via Infamy rank
New emblem for players to earn from Triumph Completion
New pinnacle weapon quest
Features Triumph completion step similar to Season 5's the Mountaintop quest
Reprise seeded roll weapon for players to earn from Triumph Completion
Players who acquired the original version will be able to earn this weapon with random rolls from engram decryption without completing the Triumph
New emblem for players to earn from Triumph Completion
Reprise shader for players to earn from Triumph Completion
Players who earned the original will not need to re-earn this shader
New pinnacle weapon quest
Features Triumph completion step similar to Season 5's the Mountaintop quest
Has the possibility of selling Forsaken Exotics
Fated Engram does not have a chance for Forsaken Exotics; will be updated in a future patch
Black Armory
Lore items "The Black Armory Papers" are now guaranteed to drop upon successful completion of the Gofannon and Bergusia Forges
Fixed an issue where Black Armory Obsidian Accelerator items were not showing up at the postmaster if player inventory was full
Fixed an issue where Black Armory Obsidian Accelerator items were not stacking in player's inventory; max stack size is 5
Fixed an issue where the Black Armory Key Mold quest was account bound, allowing only a single character to acquire it from Ada-1
Fixed an issue where Dreaming City chests were not providing Glimmering Amethyst for the Black Armory Key Mold quest
Fixed a bug where Spider would present an empty Lock and Key dialogue to players who've already completed it and obtained Izanagi's Burden
Fixed an issue where the Black Armory Bow "The Spiteful Fang" was not awarding Black Armory Schematics when dismantled
Fixed an issue where Black Armory Rare weapon research frames were not counting toward Master Smith Triumph progression
Fixed an issue where the Black Armory Devotee bounty was not progressing when using reforged Black Armory weapons
Fixed an issue where some daily challenges did not properly stagger, which resulted in players sometimes not having a fresh daily challenge at reset
Character Boosts
Fixed an issue where boosted characters were not getting their class-specific Swords correctly unlocked and available to pull from their Collection
Fixed an issue where boosted characters were not getting their class-specific emblems correctly unlocked and available to pull from their Collection
Fixed a bug where some players were in a bad state and blocked from obtaining Seeds of Light
Fixed a bug where player bipeds in the Tower would appear to stop loading gear ("Tron effect") if too many players had their Ghosts out
Fixed an issue where pulling shaders from the Collection took longer than intended; shaders will now take 1 second to reacquire
Updated the Sturm “Relics of the Golden Age” quest step; Exotic engrams that auto-decrypt now count toward this quest step
Collections / Triumphs
Fixed an issue where players who completed the Season 4 "Forged in Fire" badge collection were not getting the associated Triumph "Forged in Fire" unlocked
Fixed an issue where players who acquired the "Cold Wind Blowin'" Emblem from the Drifter during Season 4 couldn't reacquire the emblem from their Collection
Fixed an issue where "The Eternal Return" emblem wasn't tracking Shattered Throne completions
Fixed an issue with the requirements of the "Relic Rumble" Triumph Nightfall challenge to repair broken functionality
The new requirement is: "Complete Nightfall strike 'The Corrupted' by defeating Sedia using no more than two Relics."
Fixed an issue where the Dreaming City Triumph "Mint Condition" was not correctly unlocking for completing the Rift Generator public event with the relic never having dropped below 100%
Fixed an issue where the Exotic Ghost Star Map shell was not tracking chests in the Dreaming City
Fixed an issue where the "Senior Recruiter" Refer-a-Friend emblem was not correctly updating the number of referral completions
Fixed an issue where the Collection Badge counter was incorrectly listing the total number of badges available
Activities hosted by the Drifter have been moved to their own sub-page on the Director called "Gambit"
Added Gambit Private matches for all Forsaken owners
Expect Gambit Prime Private matches on April 2, 2019
Overhauled how invader spawn points are chosen while also significantly increasing the number of invader spawn points for each map
Chances of spawning very near or in direct line of sight of an enemy Guardian has been greatly reduced
Changed the third round of Gambit to a Primeval rush sudden death; this will speed up Gambit matches overall and add a change of pace to the final round
The Primeval is immediately summoned
Player Supers/grenades/ability/melee are immediately filled, so both teams are on an even playing field
Super/grenade/ability/melee regen are increased for the remainder of the round
The Ascendant Primeval Servitor's (meatball) spawn rate is no longer tied to the curse cycle and has been greatly increased
Idle Protection: Players who remain dormant for too long will not receive end-of-match rewards or Infamy points
Made adjustments to Blocker types by deposit tier
Small Blocker = Taken Goblin with less health than the previous Phalanx
Medium Blocker = Taken Captain with more health than the previous Knight
Large Blocker = Taken Knight with more health than the previous Ogre
Gambit Matchmaking
Teams are now always broken up when re-entering the matchmaking pool after a match
Previously, when a match ended, players who did not return to orbit would be sent back to the matchmaking pool together; this is no longer the case
This will greatly reduce the likelihood of re-matching against the same players and will give matchmaking an opportunity to find the best possible match
Players can now earn Infamy points by completing Gambit Prime matches and bounties
Increased the Infamy point rewards for Gambit matches by 25 points
Gambit HUD
The HUD status bars now animate when returning from aim-down-sights
The Invader Portal Ready icon and animation on the status bar has been updated to be more pronounced and understandable at a glance
Triumphs and Medals
“Light vs. Light” can now be progressed by killing any Guardian (not just invaders) using a Super; this makes attaining Dredgen a less daunting task
The "First to Block" medal can now trigger once per round, previously it could fire only once per match
General Fixes
Fixed an issue where post-invasion kills during Primeval phase weren't giving the invader credit for healing the Primeval
Fixed an issue where VO lines indicating the high-value target was killed and that the high-value target got away will both play if the player kills the HVT just before it is removed from the arena
Fixed an issue where players would get the "Half Banked" medal every time they deposit Motes after they reached 38 Motes deposited
Fixed an issue where the "Taking Turns" medal fires when 3 different players invade instead of 4
Fixed an issue where a graphical error could be seen on a waterfall in Legion's Folly
Fixed an issue where occasionally Drifter would tell players back-to-back that the other team has summoned their Primeval
Fixed an issue where, in a longer match after killing the Primeval, the Drifter reminded us that we needed to spawn our Primeval to win
Fixed an issue where the bounty "Block and Key" did not increment when a Large Blocker was sent that would summon the Primeval
Updated security policy and functionality so players who have been banned from competitive activities cannot access Gambit playlist
Fixed an issue where healing during Crucible matches was taking away from a player's overall damage on the PGCR screen
Last Wish
Smashed an issue where players would encounter frequent guitar errors
Bright Engram
The season 5 Etched Bright Engram has been retired; in its place players can now obtain the new season 6 Notorious Bright Engram
Prismatic Matrix
The Prismatic Matrix has been retired; additional information may be found in This Week at Bungie—2/28/2019
Added a popup dialogue when opening bundles if you have a full inventory, noting that items will go to the postmaster if you proceed through the dialogue
Fixed an issue where Masterwork objective progress bars could display 100% when not yet completed
Fixed an issue where Legendary Masterwork items were not displayed as Masterworked when inspecting other players
Fixed an issue where Masterwork UI did not scale to fill ultra-wide monitors
Fixed an issue where the progress bar under Triumphs could sometimes show as complete when the Triumph was still in progress
Fixed an issue where transferring items using the Destiny app would consistently re-trigger Triumph notifications
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