shiningstages · 1 year
Muse I got rid of ( for now ):
Cocoa Cookie ( CRK ) Mirielle ( GBF ) Shizuku Osaka ( LLNiji ) Horo ( PTN ) Blue ( GBF OC )
I'm still gonna add my HSR muses ( I already added Stelle to the OC list hehe~ ), but this was a 3am thought and I am. So sleepy.
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elastica1995 · 9 months
doing soo poorly at work 2 day. going slow and whateve bcauze my head hurts. boo boo boo.
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thebleedingeffect · 2 years
Can my Tommy hoodie ship already please i already have my lovejoy sweater I wanna complete the colorful duo......
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splatanastamprr · 25 days
Been thinking about this a while so as the Shattering Spirits are being rolled back soon here are my thoughts on the Sky Economy. a VERY long post.
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Event Spacing (1)
I joined right after Season of Prophecy ended, Season of Dreams was to start in about 3~ weeks? not sure since it was a long while ago.
Later seasons I notice rather than getting up to a month of season downtime, we now get as little as less than a week to break between seasons. Season gaps became slim. Hardly time for off season daily candle quests that make racking up normal candles easier.
On top of this, “Days Of —“ Events became more and more prominent, being mashed on top of Travelling spirits and new off season cosmetics that cost white candles. There’s no room to breathe, its almost a punishment to players who’ve taken breaks from the game after burning out from having to candle run consistently just for new items. Cosmetics that they miss out on get price hikes from their original value in reruns with the new ticket system. It’s a cycle of fomo and it’s what’s killing the playerbase in the first place.
The lack of spacing seems pretentious in a way, since nearly with every update, a new game breaking bug is rolled out, makes it feel ironic since season down gaps have been cut for seemingly no reason.
Ticketing (2)
A while ago TGC added the ticket system denoting inflation in the sky economy, it was made to remedy the fact people can’t keep affording everything with candles.
Yes it did help somewhat, as the tickets are very easy to collect, but with 3 new ftp cosmetics that are bought with these tickets and some things costing up to a weeks worth of tickets it’s easy to have to skip these items because some people just don’t want to do more daily searching on top of the already daily quests from the questgiver.
Returning items not only are insanely expensive but additionally do not equate the energy spent grinding in their original release (The Days of Sunlight towels from last year have no right being that expensive whatsoever.)
Candles (3)
Early 2021, around March the Daily Light “Chevron” was rolled out as a way to farm light without feeling the pressure to grind insanely hard daily (since very many people were asking for a way to get candles more leisurely, since candle running was very time consuming)
It became redundant as the prices for candle items was driven up very far. Not to be so “back in my day” but genuinely the need to candle run extensively in the way we do now wasn’t as big as it is now.
This is funny. Because now I see people asking for the same thing. A faster, less grindy way to candle run.
the first in game event I participated in was the first Days of Bloom, the cherry blossom cape was 70 candles (which to me was VERY expensive at the time). The following year’s wisteria cape cost 105, then the next tulip cape cost 110. The first price driveup was already kind of nuts to me (is the cape really worth a 35 candle mark up to the first one?) It’s hard to even prepare with the aforementioned small event gaps, it’s punishing to newer players and players who’ve skipped events out of burnout without any time to prepare for candles unless you pay real money to get candles quickly.
Assuming an average person clears their chevrons daily (15-17 candles) and heart trades with their friends (-3 for every person traded with) it’s hard to afford everything that comes your way. Travelling spirit prices are near doubling what they used to, items now costing over 100 candles with the inclusion of the batshit expensive nesting shop it really burns people out knowing you can’t afford everything you want in a game you already grind daily in. It’s demanding.
IAP items (4)
Do I even have to talk about this. The Sunlight Chunky sandals cost more than you can buy actual sandals. Why are in game cosmetics costing up to $25 USD. Huh. I could buy a whole meal for that.
Cute little items cost only a dollar before but now they’re like $3 and its kind of bonkers to me. I have to pay $3 whole dollars for a tiny jellyfish on my shoulder. is this not crazy. im not crazy right? dont wanna get deep into this but jesus my wallet
So why do I care so much? (5)
Sky is a game I hold near and dear to my heart. But I notice people including myself have stopped playing for the same, very painful reason. The fact that Sky is very buggy with little to no compensation to players as well as the Economy being so. So very bad. as well as the shithole that was shattering (the hype for that season was so crazy because yay lore!!! no actually Fuck you crab stunlock 100000)
I know people will be “Well you don’t HAVE to buy — item”, but the game’s userbase is driven completely on grinding for new cosmetics. The active playerbase is driven on just candlerunning. The lore is interesting but there’s hardly anything in game to go off of, there’s little to no curiosity for what the game is and it’s story because it gets more and more arbitrary as TGC refuses to talk about it in game. (Jenova Chen saying that games are not an effective storytelling format really pisses me off sorry)
The cycle of fomo that is essentially required to keep the playerbase going just makes me feel like this game is made on popsicle sticks and prayers (thanks aspen for this line). I can’t find myself to love sky in the same way I used to as a moth.
anyways this is really messy. Sorry. but like damn this is kind of a sad thing to me. made this post because a rant on yt got misogynistic in the middle out of nowhere so i wanted to give my own take minus the misogyny
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therogueduchess · 3 months
I pulled down my sun visor and discovered that I am not using my mirror to apply my eyeliner in the Dunkin Driveup line this morning
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callmebliss · 11 months
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playing this at full volume in the Dunkin driveup
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fooltofancy · 1 year
to the person behind me in the driveup pharmacy line, i am so so sorry neither of us wants to have been here this long
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lokilickedme · 2 years
So I’m at work yesterday and my supervisor decides to break the one cardinal rule of keeping me as an employee, and that’s to never ever ask me to put on the headset.  We’re a sometimes crazy-busy tourist-centric ice cream parlor (the last stop for mountainbikers and hikers before you hit the mountain) that also makes fairly good food (not “fast” food...our cook is slow as hell and also legally blind so yeah no we don’t fit that category by sheer technicality thanks to Andrew’s inch-thick lenses that honestly probably need to be another inch thicker for him to see the damn grill)
So supervisor is like listen, I gotta pee so bad I can taste it and I haven’t had a break since, like, last Thursday so I’m gonna clock out and go take a nap behind the dumpster (or something, I dunno I wasn’t listening over the wheezing roar of the cream spinner) and I nod and say okay yeah sure babe whatever go have your meltdown you’re owed one, and as I’m reaching for the hammer to take a whack at the chugging dispenser she puts the dreaded headset in my hand.
I look at her.  She looks at me.
“I got you one.  You’re the only person here that I trust to do everything.  You can do this.”
“I quit.”
“No you don’t, Andrew will kill himself and you can’t have that on your conscience.”  I glance over at the kitchen window.  Andrew the mostly-blind cook is nodding pathetically and making a praying-hands gesture at me.  “Put it on and give it a try, please?  Come on I haven’t peed since noon yesterday, I’m dyin’ here.”
She’s cute as hell, my supervisor.  And she’s giving me the big brown puppydog eyes, so I begrudgingly take the headset.  I’m such a fucking guy sometimes.
She runs for the exit.
A minute later I hear her voice over the headset.  “Push the button closest to your temple to talk to the driveup intercom, push it again to mute.  Middle button talks to me.  Don’t worry about the other four buttons.”
You can all see where this is going, can’t you.
I push the middle button and tell her sweetly to fuck herself.  She giggles from somewhere far away, probably peeing in a ditch I dunno I can’t be bothered to stop what I’m doing long enough to look up.  I’m trying to figure out how to make three brownie sundaes out of the last two brownies without anybody noticing they got shorted and had their brownie replaced with an Oreo when I hear a sound that strikes fear into my soul.
The driveup dinger, ringing in my right ear.  The blind cook starts cackling from the kitchen - he has a headset too, but he’s not trained on either window or register and thus has immunity.
Geezus hellfire it’s gotta be me.  I ignore it, they’ll go away in a minute.
“Answer it!!” my supervisor hisses in my ear.
“No, I quit.”
“Answer it!!”
“Why can’t Andrew do it?”
“Andrew isn’t trained on register.”
“He can take the order and repeat it to me, I’ll put it in the register.”
“Take the order!!”
“Yeah hello, welcome to - whatever this is, you want some ice cream?  We got ice cream.”
Kitchen boy is howling while my supervisor screams the deathscream of a person of authority who’s just made a career-ending decision against their own better judgement and is currently watching it explode in their face while they’re sitting on the toilet.  That’ll teach her.  The day I took this job I said no headset, I have to be able to read a person’s lips while they’re talking to understand them and I warned her, I fucking warned her it would go badly.  She really should have listened to me.  It’s too late now though, I’m taking the goddamn order.
Andrew is hooting from the kitchen.  I’m gonna smack him in the dick with a spatula the next time he walks past me I swear to god.  So I take the order and it goes pretty much without a hitch with the exception of me having to ask the customer three times to repeat themselves because I can’t see their damn mouth telling me what they want, then I commence to preparing it and then I ring the customer out and give them their ice cream.  End of.  And then I take the headset off and drop it by the sink because I’ve done what I said I’d do.  I can hear supervisor screaming at me through the little earpiece across the room while I make sundaes for the nice elderly couple who had the decency to come into the lobby instead of pulling up to the drive through and putting me through hell, and as is my custom, I ignore it.
A minute later supervisor is standing in the doorway, hands on hips, glaring at me.  “Put it back on.”
“I quit.”
“No you don’t, think of Andrew.  Put it on, you did fine.”
“Will I still get my final paycheck if I tell you to fuck yourself in front of a customer?”
“You’ve done that twice this morning already.  Put it on.”
“Does it matter if the customer is over a certain age?  Like, 75?”
“Put it on.”
“Why don’t you just take the driveup orders while you’re peeing instead of yelling at me through the headset?  If you can talk to me you can talk to the intercom.”
She’s already gone, so my argument for taking orders from the ladies room is pointless.  I can see cars lining up outside.  Andrew is still laughing from the kitchen.  I make a nice pretty little ice cream cone, dip it in cherry sauce, and hurl it at his head through the window.  I don’t think he even saw it, he’s pretty damn visually impaired but I’m sure he was wondering a couple of minutes later what the hell was making that godawful sizzling noise from the fryer.
In the end I put the headset back on, and I took the incoming orders, and it went okay for the most part - nobody died, I didn’t screw any orders up, and once the rush was over my supervisor comes back on and tells me I’m doing great, but I don’t hear her because I’m busy making the last driveup order and muttering an impressive litany of vile curses to myself over the drone of the shake machine.  The machine, like everything else in this fucking brokedown palace, is held together by chicken wire and a whole lot of prayers and a halfassed deal with Satan and today’s the day it has chosen to go out in a blaze of glory.  It explodes the shake all over me with all the noisy blast of spewed milk and chocolate sauce and ice cream that you’d expect to be involved in a malfunction involving a rotor spinning at just about 5000 rpm, and the bulk of the spewage that doesn’t hit me in the face heads straight for the front of my pants.
I scream JESUS CHRIST!!! and drop the whole thing on the floor, where the remaining contents of the cup go right ahead and explode all over my shoes.  I’m soaked tits to toes.  I can hear supervisor giggling over the headset, which is now the only dry thing I’m wearing.  “Goddammit Trina the shake machine just shit the bed and unloaded itself all over my crotch!!”
She’s laughing so hard now.  So so hard.  It kinda hurts my ear how loud she’s laughing.
“My damn crotch is soaked straight through to the goddamn cotton panel of my panties Trina!!  People are gonna wonder how the hell I’m pissing milk and chocolate sauce I mean it feels kinda good but THIS IS A HYGIENE ISSUE TRINA send me home I quit I’m done this is it GET OUT OF THE DAMN BATHROOM AND MAKE THIS SHAKE FOR THE DRIVE-THROUGH BECAUSE I’M LEAVING I told you not to put me on this thing!!!!”
There’s another set of laughter coming over the headset when I stop ranting.  It’s not kitchen boy, he’s staring at me through the window like he’s equal parts scared and turned on and supervisor has turned off her headset and retreated to the office because I’m obviously teetering on the brink of murderous intent and I guess she figures plausible deniability is the way to go in this situation, since obviously the cops will be coming soon.  So where’s the second set of laughter coming from...?
Oh no
I forgot to mute my headset link to the driveup intercom.  I’ve been broadcasting my soaked crotch adventures to the entire parking lot, including the lady whose shake just blew its load on my pants.
“Aw fuck.  Tell me I didn’t just say all that over the headset.  Somebody please say it, I don’t even care who just somebody say it.”
Supervisor isn’t answering me anymore, so kitchen boy replies over his headset.  “Yeah, and you said fuck just now too.”
I can still hear the lady outside laughing.  I suddenly can’t remember which button mutes me, not like it matters anymore.  “Andrew baby, I’ll give you a dollar to cash this lady out at the window and give her her shake.”
“No way.”
“Five dollars.”
Silence over the headset.  Driveup lady has gone silent, obviously waiting to see how the negotiations go.  “Nope.”
“Come on Andrew, I’m dyin’ here.  My pants are wet.  Don’t make me do this.”
“I don’t know how to do cashouts.”
“I’ll teach you right now.  Come on, I can teach you before she even gets to the window.  Come on.”  At this point I’m willing to offer the kid a quick feel in the walk-in fridge if he’ll just do this thing for me.  I can’t look driveup lady in the face, not with the contents of her original order trickling slowly into my various crevices, not after I effbombed her through the intercom god knows how many times.  I’m hitting all the buttons on the headset but don’t know what the hell I’m doing so I finally just take it off and throw it in the sink.  “Come on baby, little man, sweetiepie, please?”
Andrew is making gestures at his ear, pretending like he can’t hear me now that I’m off the headset despite his skinny ass being less than ten feet away from me.  Dick.  Somebody’s gettin locked in the freezer tomorrow.
In the end I cashed the lady out and handed her her new chocolate shake, and as I’m giving her her change she says “It sounds like you’re having quite a day.”
I’m squidging when I walk and my vagina feels like when you rub vaseline between your thumb and forefinger and I’m pretty sure chocolate administered internally via the urethra causes UTIs so yeah lady, I’m having quite a day.  Take your damn shake and your change and get gone, I gotta go out behind the dumpster with a pressure washer and take care of this.
Today I arrive at work and Trina gives me a look, but doesn’t mention yesterday.  Our boss works with us all morning and after about two hours she holds up a headset and asks if I want to do driveup for her while she’s on break.  Trina yells from the office before I even have a chance to respond:
Damn right I don’t.
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today is another day I am grateful I cannot do driveups holy shit it is wet outside
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queeriboh · 3 months
I unironically love when I walk out of work at the end of the night after we're closed and see sb sitting in a driveup spot. I wish I could see how long it takes them to figure out that they're not getting their order.
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bluestarwaterr · 2 years
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Albertsons, founded in 1939, is the second largest supermarket chain in North America, boasting over 2,200 locations across 35 states and the District of Columbia. The company, which is headquartered in Boise, Idaho, operates under 19 banners including Safeway, Albertsons, Jewel-Osco, ACME, Randalls and Tom Thumb, to name a few.
Probably the best store in Reseda CA, Albertsons has an extensive grocery selection with everything from fresh produce to the latest in home electronics. They also carry an impressive inventory of wine and beer to boot, as well as a full service pharmacy and in-store banking.
In the spirit of helping you save, Albertsons has a number of features, including a Weekly Ad with store savings, gas rewards and a U(r) personalized offers program. Their Deals & Delivery app allows you to get up to $300 in weekly discounts on your favorite groceries, and their DriveUp & Go service makes it easy to pick up your purchases when it suits your schedule.
Most of all, Albertsons has a great customer service staff, with friendly faces around every corner to help you find the products you need. If you haven’t checked out their deals and specials, do so today!
This is a great way to save time and money, while still having fun. You can learn more about their store promotions and events by visiting their website.
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elastica1995 · 10 months
what they don't tell you about non drowsy antihistamines is that if you have enough histamine in your body it's going to make you tired no matter what
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ezrentaspace · 2 years
What Can I Store In Storage Units?
What Can I Store In Storage Units?
Whether you’re a homeowner, a business owner, or a vehicle owner, chances are you’ve considered renting a storage unit at some point. But what exactly can you store in storage units?
In this blog post, we’re going to answer that question and give you some tips for storing your belongings in a storage unit. Storage units are ideal for homeowners because they provide a safe place to store your belongings when you’re moving or renovating your home. They’re also ideal for business owners who need a place to store inventory or office equipment. And finally, they’re ideal for vehicle owners who need a place to store their RV, boat, or classic car.
There are many benefits to using storage units, but the most important one is that they provide a safe and secure place to store your belongings. Self storage units are typically located in well-lit and well-protected areas, which means your belongings will be safe from theft, vandalism, and weather damage.
Choosing the right size storage unit is important because you want to make sure all of your belongings will fit. The last thing you want is to rent a storage unit that’s too small or too large for your needs.
Why Are Storage Units Ideal For Homeowners?
Storage units are a great option for those who need extra space to store things that they don't have room for in their home. Homeowners can use storage units for holiday decorations, unused furniture, or appliances. Storage units come in different sizes, so you can choose one that is the right size for your needs.
Storage units are a perfect solution for those who need extra space to store things that they don't have room for in their home. Stuff like moving boxes, moving supplies, extra furniture, or personal belongings are some examples of this.
A storage facility is also a great option for small businesses that want to store inventory or business supplies. Vehicle owners may use storage facilities to store their vehicles if they don't have a garage or if they are going on an extended trip. Storage unit sizes may vary, so you can choose one that is the right size for your needs.
Why Are Storage Units Ideal For Business Owners?
If you're like most business owners, you likely have a lot of small items that you need to store but don't have the space to do so in one location. That's where 3x5 and 5x5 commercial storage units come in handy. These units can hold the contents of approximately one room, which is perfect for storing small furniture items like extra chairs, desks, and other items. A business storage company also offers climate controlled units, which are perfect for storing temperature-sensitive items for your business.
There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a storage unit. First, make sure the unit is big enough for the items you want to store. Second, think about how you're going to access the contents of the unit. Will you be able to open it from the front or back? Will you need a key? And finally, consider your budget and which storage unit will best fit your needs.
Why Are Storage Units Ideal For Vehicle Owners?
Storage facilities are ideal for vehicle owners because they can use them to store a variety of vehicles. Business owners can use storage units for extra inventory, office furniture, or business supplies. Vehicle owners can use storage units to store their cars, boats, or RVs.
A self storage unit can provide a convenient and affordable way to store items in a secure location. They are also accessible when you need them, and they are easy to move around if necessary. Find a self-storage facility that offers RV storage, DriveUp storage, and boat storage options to make sure that your vehicle fits inside with some wiggle room to store other equipment.
What Are The Benefits Of Using Storage Units?
A storage facility has a variety of sizes, including mini storage, medium storage units, and large units to meet your specific needs. There are storage units available for homeowners who want to declutter their homes, business owners who need more office space, vehicle owners who need a place to store their cars, boats, or motorhomes, and so on. Storage units can also be climate-controlled to ensure that they remain cool and comfortable no matter the weather conditions.
Storage units are an excellent way for people who want more office space or who need more storage space for belongings than they can afford to rent from a traditional commercial landlord. This is because storage unit rental companies charge relatively low rates compared to rates charged by commercial landlords. Additionally, storage unit rental companies usually have 24 hour access to the units so that you can access them at any time.
How Do You Choose The Right Size Storage Unit?
The first thing that you need to do is determine how much storage space you actually need. This can be difficult to do without actually taking measurements of your home or office, but there are some basic tips that can help guide you. For example, if you have a lot of bulky items that take up a lot of space, then it might be worth considering getting a larger storage unit. However, if you only have a few bulky items and most of your belongings are small and lightweight, then a mini storage unit might be better for you.
Once you know how much storage space you need, the next step is to find a unit size for that amount of space. This is where experience and knowledge come in handy- someone who can provide a size guide or size estimate of what you need will help you choose the appropriate unit for your needs. Looking at online reviews for a certain storage facility you have in mind can also provide useful information when selecting the right size storage unit.
Finally, consider how many access hours you will need for your stored items- do you need to get them easily from your home or office? In that case, find a storage location near your home or workplace. If not, then it might make sense to get something with greater accessibility options, such as an underground parking spot or lockers at the business location.
What Can I Store In My Storage Unit?
Storage units are great for any kind of person who wants to store items. They can be used to store just about anything, which makes them a versatile option. This includes items such as furniture and appliances, vehicle storage, and business supplies. There are different storage types depending on what you need to store. A perfect storage unit for people who want to store their vehicles is a unit with driveup access.
Vehicle storage is a great option for businesses. It can help to keep your business vehicles, like a cargo van, safe and secure, as well as organized. Additionally, it can be used to store office equipment or materials needed in the workplace.
Furniture and appliances can also be stored in a storage unit. This is an ideal solution if you don't have room for these items in your home or office. Storage units also offer convenience for customers who need to pick up large items quickly.
Finally, business supplies like paper products, staples, and envelopes can be stored in a storage unit. This allows large and small businesses to have everything they need close at hand without having to search through multiple cabinets or shelves.
What Are Some Tips For Storing Belongings In A Storage Unit?
Storage units come in different sizes and shapes to accommodate the needs of homeowners, business owners, and vehicle owners. Some storage units have features like drive-up access and security cameras for added convenience. There are also climate-controlled storage units available for storing sensitive items.
Here are some tips for storing your belongings in a storage unit:
- Pack your belongings in sturdy boxes or containers.
- Label all of your boxes or containers, so you know what’s inside.
- Stack your boxes or containers in a way that maximizes space.
- Cover your furniture with sheets or blankets to protect it from dust.
- Disassemble any large pieces of furniture to make them easier to move and store.
- Use a storage unit with climate control if you plan on storing delicate items.
By following these tips, you can be sure that your belongings will be safe and sound in your storage unit.
When it comes to choosing a storage unit, it is important to consider the specific needs that you have. For example, if you are a homeowner who wants to declutter your home, then you should look for a storage unit that has a lot of shelves or space. On the other hand, if you are a business owner who wants to store inventory and supplies, then you may want to look for a smaller storage unit with limited shelf space. Additionally, if you need to store your vehicle during the winter months, then you should choose a storage unit with plenty of space and access options such as drive-up access.
Finally, it is always important to take into account your budget when selecting a storage unit. Storage units come in different price ranges based on features and size. It is also worth noting that some insurance companies offer discounts on stored items due to climate conditions like hurricanes or snowstorms.
So, what can you store in storage units?
The answer is... almost anything! Storage units are great for storing furniture, clothing, appliances, electronics, and even vehicles.
Storage units are a great solution for those who need extra space to store their belongings. They are available in a variety of sizes and shapes to meet your specific needs, and they can be an excellent way to declutter your home or save space in your office. When choosing the right size storage unit, it is important to take into account how much space you need and what kind of access you will have to the unit.
Originally published here: https://ezrentaspace.com/what-can-i-store-in-storage-units/
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avidjust · 2 years
Quick print near me
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Quick print near me full#
By outsourcing this process to Budget Print Plus, you replace a non-core function with an industry leader in sourcing, procuring, and delivering your printed branded materials. Managing supply includes steering through a printing services buying process that can be intricate, disorganised, archaic, and pricey. Our online printing services are known nationally for fast delivery and reliable results. We at NYC Fast Print offers a wide range of high quality printing services.
Quick print near me full#
Partnering with BPP's Online Prints service allows us to manage the full lifecycle of your design and print, and you can be assured that your materials are always compliant with optimal CMYK, Offset, and Digital standards through our print near me stores located in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Darwin in Australia.Īt BPP we leverage our buying power - accrued from supplying clients around Australia - to negotiate lower pricing without sacrificing quality, we match your unique print project to your local commercial print hubs around Australia. Gold Image Printing offers custom printing for a variety of needs. Look no further for your print shop needs – whether, for business cards, stationery, brochures, or a complex printing quote, we have you covered Locally owned and Oklahoma proud With seven full-service locations, including Downtown, Stillwater, the Village, Uptown, and Broadway Extension. Find food, treats, and more in one easy spot. With 25 years & over 250 million tags sold, Quick-Tag knows the importance of a tag to keep the family together. The phrase “well balanced refers to having the right combination of media and printed stationery integration for your campaign to be successful. Save 30 on first DriveUp & Go order when you use promo code SAVE30. Personalized ID Tags for Cats, Dogs & more. Printing brand material gives you the option of planting seeds and letting them blossom in the future, at some magical unforeseen time.
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neocurio · 4 years
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jasoncausey6 · 6 years
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drive up window
Parma, MO. 10.15.14
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