foxxology · 1 year
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comm for @drmetalwarrior <3
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acetyzias · 2 years
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my artfight 2022 attacks so far! it’s been fun, i hope to get a few more out before the months end
characters from the following folks in order:
PyscheRider @neonsabers galacticore @sodapxps DrMetalwarrior Mai_thg kips
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So question to all this Artist in LL what made you knew that you wanted to become an artist?
Ana: ive always kind of drawn and my progress to becoming a more serious artist was gradual. it started a little bit with making fan pokemon when i was like 11 but the REAAAAL big push was when i was 12 and i wanted to make a warrior cats fanfiction and i drew out aaaallll the ocs and a fuckton of art for that. i had a bunch of warriors youtubers i admired and i had no clue WHAT digital art was until then, and kind of just saved up money for a tablet and the rest is history.
Dani: i wanted to become an artist so i could draw furry pokemon art
Kikyo: i wanted to be an artist ever since i saw the joy my siblings had when they see the mini comics i made, that was when i was like 10-11 y/o. its been a slow build but 15 years later, self-taught and still growing, here me is xD
Lizzy: Idk I felt like it I was sitting there watching art videos on YouTube when I was like 15 and thought to myself “wow I wish I could do that!” And so I asked for a crappy $25 drawing tablet for my birthday! I started heavily doing Undertale and Toontown art and now this is where I’ve ended up! So TLDR, if you want to learn how to draw, do it! Nothings stopping you! 
Loke: idk i've just always been drawing horses and bc i can't focus without using my hands i would always draw in class whenever the teacher wasn't watching me, so i got a lot of practice that way. i've recently picked up watercolours bc i wanted to make personal holiday cards for friends, and i'm having a lot of fun with it! tl;dr i just like doing something visual that also keeps my hands busy, whether it's art, sewing or something else
Tex: For lemoned light?? I just liked helping with artwork
Lore: I was doodling the second I first ever picked up a crayon, and just never stopped. I had fits and starts in terms of improvement, naturally, and only really took it seriously in my later teen years. But I dunno that it was ever much of a decision so much as it was a desire to try and capture the movies in my head visually.
Tobin: i think the moment i knew i wanted to become an artist was funnily enough when I started at LLP and was working professionally on a team and collaborating with other artists. it made me realize that it's what I wanted to keep doing for as long as I could.
Katreal: To be honest, I kinda never really decided I wanted to be an artist, because I don't really consider myself one. Even leaving off skill-level discussions, identity-wise, I identify more as a writer than an artist. I just. Draw sometimes. For over 15 years off and on as ideas and or motivation hits. And that adds up to some level of skill eventually. Lemonlight actually helped a lot by giving me consistent assignments to do haha.
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yorkshireraven · 4 years
And not to forget the streams here be what I consider the choicest picks of them.
Crew and guests that collectively appeared are - @jklantern @viola-the-choatic-child @starprincesshlc @latoxy @sunevial @joy-in-opera @drmetalwarrior Waffleman
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kikyoyuuki · 4 years
62. What makes you happy?
That's a hard question.
One might be my drawings making people smile makes me happy.
Or having friends talk to me.
Or my bean poking me.
Or knowing that, despite what my head tells me, nobody forgets me.
Oh... that went places lol
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internetremix · 5 years
What would happen if MG meet the Winchester from Supernatural.
Kristen: I’ve only seen the first season of Supernatural and that was nearly ten years ago.
Alex:  i thought they would have died after the objectively best winchester crossover
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kikyoyuuki-arts · 2 years
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Chibi commission for @drmetalwarrior
Chibi commissions are closed! Regular commissions are still available!
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pipittypro · 4 years
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Welcome To Internet City: issue 1: Jail Time For Atlas
“Welcome To Internet City” is a Internet Remix related comic series I created based on funny adventures and moments from the IR discord.
The first issue of “Welcome To Internet City” is complete!! Featuring me and @drmetalwarrior
Atlas was put in moderator jail a year before I came around, but what exactly happened?
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kikyoyuuki · 4 years
Hey Kikyo your an awesome friend!
kfzkfstslstls also yoooou
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kikyoyuuki · 4 years
11: Food
P E E S H A 🍕🍕🍕
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internetremix · 5 years
Hi so this to everyone apart of DMP what is your favorite moment from the first season.
Kikyo: I guess mine would be the halloween town one and the christmas elves one (cuz I love Stabby, he is a good)
Alex: I really liked the part where Dr. McGillicutty was revealed as Fartzor, Ancient Demon of Farting, and to banish him he had to be beaten in a freestyle battle to the death
Kristen: That was also my favorite episode, wow.
Kikyo: Wha-
Alex: or that one where grace recited the complete works of william shakespeare so well a single tear rolled down murder god's cheek and she agreed to stop littering
Kikyo: I'm too tired to question these
Alex: I can't believe you don't remember these moments, they were so heartwarming
Kristen: Indeed, some of the best work we've ever done.
Queen: A part I like to go back to a lot is just before Vincent’s awakening when he confronts and shoots Rose, it’s so tense and heart racing.
And Grace exposing McGillicutty in the western scenario is a personal favourite, because I’d been paying really close attention to Alex’s portrayal of the Doctor for the whole session, which help me suss out quickly he was the murderer, and the moment I realised I got it right I thought, “fuck me, that actually worked, IM THE ULTIMATE DETECTIVE”
Jojo: honestly, probably Murder god's breakdown
Kristen: Aw that's nice to hear.
The parts I relisten to most are Vincent's Awakening and the finale, both of which I'm very proud of. I love pretty much every story scene however and I could write novels about how much I love everyone's performances.
To me Vincent's Awakening is just such an important moment and I think Split sold Vincent's intensity so well. I knew the "My name is Vincent Marshall Reid" bit was coming and I still get chills every time I hear it.
The finale just has so many great things about it- how sweet and satisfying Tommy finally being happy is, how Uprising sells how much Angalena loves Tommy, how happy Vincent is to see that going right and the bit where he pushes Tommy into her arms. I love the scene with The Host and McGullicutty so much because the whole "no one can fix you but you" theme is extremely important to me and Alex and Queen did such a good job. I love Vincent shooting MG cause it's such a big move after how awful she's been and I adore McGillicutty's big speech at the end and I just. Also admittedly I'm proud of MG's breakdown, it wasn't perfect but it was pretty close to what I wanted and I think it showed marked improvement from my previous work.
Anyway I'm a huge dork, no one is a bigger fan of the DMP cast than me.
Juno: Dedede
Jojo: I swear you'd fuck Dedede if given the chance
Brodingles: I'VE cried multiple times in the audience for DMP, (I was pacing the floor with my phone in my hand for Vincent's Awakening haha, DMP episodes give me stress bumps) but I can't think of a particular moment.
That said, I'm a ho for good comedy and the Camp Streamix scenario was the right amount of hilarious for me. I was dying relistening to it. Deceased. Dead as a door nail. Everyone who was playing support that scenario really showed their chops and I loved it.
Juno: HUGE AKU will always have a special place in my heart
Kristen: I regret
Brodingles: Never regret Huge Aku
Alex: N E V E R
Kikyo: Never forget Frederick, he still breaks our hearts to this day
Uprising: My fav moment to play was Angelena in the finale that was baller. I also liked when grace killed her uncle.
Adric: Favorite moment is probably either Graeme getting murdered or white Russians. Although the hosts awakening is pretty close too.
Alex: okay honestly i forgot what exactly that was referring to for a few seconds. transformation into dr. mcgillicutty 15% complete.
Kristen: Oh no
Scott: My favorite moment will always be getting to play as the interns in the Reality Island scenarios. I've always had fun with those characters. Otherwise, The Host's reveal is definitely up there! Seeing a completely different side of Grace that takes every emotion and turns them up to 11 is terrifying, and I love it!
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internetremix · 5 years
This is for everyone what is your favorite anime mine is Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood which was my first anime.
Phill: Boku no pico. Look it up.
Kristen: Pfffft you monster
Atwas: I don't watch a lot of anime cause I can consume more through reading rather than watching... I really enjoyed One Punch Man and Little Witch Academia though. I think those are the only two I've actually watched in recent memory (mostly because they weren't huge time investments...) I've been meaning to watch Mob Psycho 100 but I haven't gotten to it yet.
Jojo: Either soul eater, or assassination classroom. (I also love FMA)
Kristen: I love One Punch Man. I've heard Mob Psycho 100 is good but like, The Stars Are Never in Position.
I have two favorite animus of all time, Madoka and the Monogatari series. Both are Shaft animu so ART. Madoka's writing is just so well done and it has THEMES and I love the characters and listen I love Homura and Madoka so much I have like the fancy figurines like a huge nerd I JUST THINK THEY'RE SO COOL and also the gay and shut up.
I talk a lot about the Monogatari series because it really means a lot to me. It's some of the most thoughtful media I've ever watched, some of the best character studies I've ever seen. The writing and visual presentation are so good and there's a lot of themes about mental health and personal growth and i could write a book and multiple scholarly essays about my thoughts and feelings on Monogatari. I based MG's design off of one of the characters cause I just love her so much and the character is very much a wish fulfillment thing for me.Monogatari also features some of the worst fanservice bits I've ever seen. Just abysmal. This is the anime with the infamous Toothbrushing Scene and I fucking hate it. Like. It's frustrating because in some ways I can see how these fanservice scenes have bits of character to them? And most of  the series is from the perspective of a teenage boy and so much of the show is essentially about different perspectives and how people see the world. But those scenes aren't about the justification and you know it, the camera tells me regardless of how platonic the characters may be (or sexually charged depending on the characters), this is meant to be tittilating for me the viewer, and if it isn't then don't you worry there's another girl in the harem for you, you fucking creep. And I just despise that.
So yeah Monogatari has both the greatest Animu writing and is A R T but also has the worst goddamn fanservice and thus I cannot recommend it to anyone who has a problem with the latter. Which is incredibly frustrating. Anyway thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Also side not Soul Eater is SO GOOD mmmm that style. Also Maka is just... the fucking best. She's so cool.
Juno: Lupin III
Alex: Gregory Horror Show and Aggretsuko
Split: Fma:b Cant get enough of that sweet ass alchemy
Juno: dog girl joke
Split: Juno its science its fine
Juno: Something something unbreakable bond between girl and dog something something
Split: Absolutely, super unbreakable now. Practically inseperable.
Kristen: Oh no. Outrage. How could you.
Split: For science.
Alex: I love how Dog Girl is slowly becoming like Loss in that only the barest components are necessary to get the reference
Juno: me: nina alexander
everyone: D
me: doge.... gril
everyone: D
Phill: I'm a big fan of most mainstream anime (one punch man, mob psycho 100, monster girls, naruto, dragonball (og, z, gt, super), etc) . Especially one piece. I've been a fan of one piece since 2005. Every new episode/chapter/movie I watch the instant I am able.
As for not so mainstream;Golden boy, golden time, full metal panic, working!!, ouran high school host club, bacono, I'd be here for every trying to remember the rest tbh
Oh! And a myriad of hentai.
Tex: My first anime was Death Note, but my favourite is Gurren LagannCan't get enough of that stupid anime mecha bs. Oh shit i keep forgetting to mention psycho-pass but i fuckin love that anime too. The 2nd series was just ok. But the FIRST. HOO BOY.
Scott: Favorite anime is Death Parade. I typically enjoy more comical and lighthearted shows, but this one is one of the very few exceptions. It tells a really fascinating story with themes of life and death, the concept of morality, and human emotions. I highly recommend it.
In total contrast, my second favorite would be Assassination Classroom.
Tex: ass class
Toonwolf: oh god anime is one of those things where I get really weird and even if I like the thing I'll watch like 2-3 episodes and then never continue it. Ass Class is absolutely one of those and I loved what I saw and just never continued and would probably be one of my favs. As for anime I've actually committed time to, Gurren Lagann is definitely top tier A+ love it and I'll always have a special place in my heart for One Piece. When I wanna feel depressed, my fav is Wolf's Rain
Uprising: I second death parade also cells at work. wait also the castlevania anime on netflix ive bene marathoning that
Phill: Good
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internetremix · 5 years
This is for Phill but if anyone else wants to answer this they can. Do you like Doctor Who.
Kristen: As you know, all British folk are required by law to like Doctor Who.
Atwas: I've had enough people yelling at me that I need to watch Dr. Who that I've avoided it for years out of spite. Also I just don't really watch tv.
Kristen: Faaaaiiiir
Alex: Join me spite brother. Join me in not watching shows or being told I'm stupid for not liking them.
Kristen: Man I always just feel HORRIBLY GUILTY but that guilt is not enough to you know, make me somehow make time in my day for hours upon hours of TV.A doctor who episode is fortyish minutes, my lunch break is about twenty and I got shit to do. 
I had a few years where I was really into New Who back in college. Like my friend and I did a Master and 10th Doctor cosplay one year which was very cool (it wasn't oh god they are very shameful photos). I love the 9th Doctor and 10th Doctor and liked the start of 11. But the more the show involved River Song the less I liked it, so I largely tuned out after Amy and Rory left. I tried to get back for the 12th Doctor but even though I really like Peter Capaldi I just hated the writing.
I'm told 13th Doctor is pretty great but... yeah that's... a lot of time to spend watching a thing.
Kristen: Aw shit here it comes.
Phill: cracks knuckles Dr who is a wonderful show that sparks many wonderful memories and childhood moments. Days where I would cut holes in bins and pretend to be a Dalek, or when I wrapped myself in tinfoil trying to be a cyberman. Hell I vividly remember a time where I helped my friend construct a tardis out of some scrap wood that the local B&Q couldn't sell. And I'll be damned it if it wasn't the greatest thing ever. We even made several dr who parody skits on YouTube (do not search for them). Days where I would close all the curtains, kick out my family and watch the show as it premiered clutching my brightly coloured scarf and digging every second of it. As a kid I fucking loved dr who. It's a fuck TONNE OF stories each as entertaining and often wonderful as the last. Taught me lessons and ways to be, to love, care, and protect those I love and even those I don't know.And for this I cannot fault it.However. From an objective standpoint, not influenced by nostalgia... it's meh (I may or may not have had a huge crush on David tennant and billie piper but shhhh)P.s. Y'all know there are like two other brits in the group, right?
Xander: I just wanna cut in and say that I love Doctor Who but everything after Tennant was on a decline because Moffat is just the worst.
However the new season of Doctor Who is just amazing and brings back so many emotions of how I felt when I first watched it.Also I just wanna sidebar and talk about the whole “not watching/playing/listening to something out of spite” because I’ve never really understood that?
Like yeah it can be super annoying when a ton of people are telling me to watch a thing, even more so if they add things like “you’re stupid if you don’t watch it”
But like
Clearly these people really love this thing so much if they’re ready to vehemently scream to me about it, so I give everything people tell me to watch a chance. At the very least, I can become closer to that person by indulging something they love. And even if I don’t super like it, I at least have an opinion about it for conversation and discussion. If I don’t watch it at all then I’m basically just making that person feel like I don’t care about things they like.
Also not to mention, if a TON of people are telling me to do something, that means a) it must be pretty good, and b) if I don’t indulge it these people are gonna have a ton of conversations about it that I’ll be left out from.
This is how I got into Undertale.
Alex: I should clarify I wasn't told "you're stupid for not watching it," it was "you're stupid for not liking it." 'Cause like. If you're trying to bring me into a show you like and share something you care about with me. Don't fucking insult me.
Xander: Ah yes well in that case yeah fuck off
Phill: fair
Tex: Hi I'm from England and I love Dr who. Or wait no. Only UK person is Phill now. Hi I'm from nowhere and I love doctor who
Phill: sorry sweaty, i am england now
Alex: lie back and think of phill
Gentleman Walrus: i used to watch it a little bit when i was a youngin but honestly i haven't watched it in years. i stopped watching after david tennant left
Tex: I'm the kind of person that hated Moffat's reign but me and my mum always sit down to watch it together. So like I've watched every episode of the new stuff as it's come out. My favourite doctor will always be Christopher Eccleston
Phill: tom baker will always be my fav
Tex: I've not seen much of the old who I feel like I'd like him though. It's just hard to find the episodes of it. Or rather the serials. I watched a couple of ones that were mega boring though. One about cybermen on an alien planet and it was in black and white. Man that dragged.
Phill: those ones were very hit or miss
Tex: Bet they never miss, huh
Phill: got a doctor? i get he doesnt kis ya
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internetremix · 5 years
Hi guys so I just watch all of season 1 of DMP and I got to say it was amazing. I think the story is really good and love the characters of all of them I like is Dr McGillicutty. I like the other awakended characters they are very well devloped too. Kristien you are really good villain I really enjoy MG she is so scary and I really like villians. I can't wait for season 2 and can't wait to see who will be awakened next. out of all the people I want to see awakended I hope it is Juno.
Aw thank you, this is all very sweet! I’m glad you enjoy the show so much and love the characters.  I can’t tell you whether or not Juno Awakens next season but we’ll see! ;)-Kristen
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internetremix · 5 years
Hi have you guys ever wanted to collab with other youtuber and which youtuber would you want to collab with.
Kristen: Man on the Inter- oh. No okay maybe Cami- oh. ...actually tbh there's this youtube channel I super love called Shippers Guide to the Galaxy and the lady who runs it is super cool and chill and smart and I'd love to just sit down and have a conversation with her. Also in my wildest dreams we somehow get TheOdd1sOut or Jaiden from Jaiden Animations or JelloApocalypse on DMP and then I freak out and totally fail at my job and make myself look very dumb in front of my other youtube heroes.When my brain aims REALLY HIGH I pretend the McElroys (who are only sometimes youtube folks) show up for our show but this daydream IMMEDIATELY gets too realistic and awkward, like even in my wildest fantasies I cannot imagine being cool enough.
Alex: oh i see how it is, ditching us for the cool kids to play dmp. i'm youtube famous too you know, i have a silver play button and everything.
Kristen: Sorry Alex, Man on the Internet is much cooler than you. Obviously, cause otherwise you wouldn't steal lyrics from him.
Alex: but for srs both for IR or MOI I'd love to do collab work! As vocalist though, lyricist is a hard maybe (I sure as hell won't write a musical for someone else) and I'd prefer actual established YouTubers to randos (pls mr. no subscribers man quit asking me to "collab" in the sense that I write and get an entire cast for your genocide musical.) That said I'm... really bad about writing to other YouTubers asking "HEY you want to collab I'll happily singy the thingy!" so maybe you could nudge people in my direction wink wink
Kristen: A mood. Although IR's too smol for me to feel like asking anyone to collab with us is justified. Ask people to collab with us except don't because I don't think I could handle the embarrassment.
Alex: Way way back in the day we were writing sketches and wanted one character to be voiced by Dan Avidan, and I was like, hahaha, yeah that's probably not gonna happen
Kristen: I mean that's probably less wild than me going BUT LIKE. THE MCELROYS THO.
Brodingles: I feel like IR has potential to collab with bigger people through basic networking and putting our likeable content. It's a less scary world than it comes off imo. Just getting together, finding we have similar interests or continuing to post until we just naturally make friends who wanna make stuff with us haha.
Brodingles: Personally? I've wanted to collab with Andrew Huang one day. The dude has such a good ear and I used to make music with things I would find around my house so it was super cool seeing him make bops with this kind of stuff. I also wanted to do voices or animation work with Jaltoid or JelloApocalypse. ALL YOUTUBERS ARE DORKS NONE OF US ARE COOL ENOUGH
Kristen: no we are dorkier
Jojo: I really wanna collab with Claudia Cacace and Kiwi Byrd... (My art role models)
Juno: ProZD...
Jojo: I believe Juno speaks for all of us
Moon: I've always wanted to do something with Piemations, Jaltoid, and so many other oh god ProZD too cause oh God I love that man
Tex: I wanna colab with all of u honestly (Meaning IR peeps) And i know that my content doesn't match up to this person's but I love BrutalMoose a lot and would colab any day
Jojo: (/;0;)/
Split: Tbh ive met everyone ive wanted to collab with, being most people ive met i would, but i got this brain sidequest to stream with cry one day lol
Moon: You would ;3
Jojo: :)c
Tom: Redlettermedia. Somehow.
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internetremix · 5 years
Have you guys ever thought about going to a conventions.
If someone invites us, sure. The logistics of inviting IR to a convention are pretty difficult given we’re all over the place. It would certainly be cool though!
I’ve considered setting up an artists table or a live DMP game at a local con but obviously if I did that it would most likely just be me trying to hype us by myself, haha.
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