#drole x gloxinia
the-dragon-sin · 4 months
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Probably not an original idea but I made this. I low-key ship them together.
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cupidthewriter · 2 months
Opal: The Virtue of Chastity (NNT OC Breakdown)
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Buckle up, this’ll be a LONG ONE!
Opal is the Dove virtue of Chastity. She was created by a goddess race builder, Araceli (an OC), who wished to create life. She is the third member of the virtues to join up and is the oldest virtue. She is possibly the most powerful. 
Opal is over 3,000 years old, created during the Holy War as a prototype. She is a puppet.
Her builder was heavily inspired by Gowther’s doll and tried to steal his ideas. This means some of her abilities are similar to Gowther’s, such as her ability to shape shift. 
Out of Selflessness, and his own wish for freedom, Gowther gifted her sentience and urged her to escape the Stigma base and the battlegrounds.
For 3,000 years she traveled the continent, learning about humans and protecting the human towns from whatever threatened them.
She was still doing this during the Second Holy War, and participated in Gloxinia and Drole’s fighting festival.  
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Recent concept art
She meets Princess Violet after booking a room at the Boar Hat tavern. Meliodas recognizes her energy as Goddess magic, and invites her to the castle to see Elizabeth.   
She has good relationships with her teammates, particularly Emerel, because of his scientific mind. She and Violet become very close friends.
Araceli modeled her after Nerobasta, who she saw often. Opal’s current day appearance is inspired by the castle paintings, one being Nadja’s.  
Opal adores feminine things. She will show up to battle in petticoats and heels and be just fine, because she’s that good.  
She has a strong desire for companionship. Araceli was a lonely builder, and it was passed onto her creation.  
Opal is a hopeless romantic but has never had a partner because she’s afraid of losing someone. No one lives long enough for her to live happily ever after.
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Recent Concept art
She has a baseline power level of 6,000 because she was created with the intent of fighting lower-level demons that the Goddess race didn’t want to bother with. However, over the last 3,000 years, that has nearly doubled.
Her magic is all defensive, but can be repurposed into offensive with strategy.
Bubble: encases herself and others into a pearly white bubble. It only needs to be cast once, and doesn’t require effort to keep it stable. When she's done, she can pop it.
Dome: a dome of varying sizes that keeps everything in or out— it is a physical, glassy barrier. Being hit only makes it thicken. The only way to beat it is to hit as hard as you can the moment it appears.
Shield: A solid disc she can use as a shield. She can also summon a bunch of smaller discs and throw them at the enemy.
Despite her sentience, she can still be used as a puppet. If someone knows the magic phrase, Opal becomes a vessel for that person to use their own powers through her. Her body was built to withstand goddess magic, so she’d hold up well. She is careful not to let others know this phrase.
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More refined concept art
She earned the Virtue of Chastity for her efforts to protect human lives. “For protecting innocent lives from corruption, leaving their lands pure and untouched.” She was given a dove tattoo on her forearm.
She does have a love interest who belongs to a friend of mine— he is a Zeldris x Gelda child. They’d be very slow burn. His name is Stephan.
Her arc would probably be learning how to let people in, because she’s afraid of caring about people too much. There would also be an arc about her past and meeting Gowther again for the first time in 3,000 years, which might be big for her.
The Masterlist contains links to the other virtues!
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7-ratsinatrenchcoat · 7 months
I'M A BAD BITCH YOU CAN'T KILL ME- Meliodas childhood fic, the one I just updated
There is love that doesn't have a place to rest- Artoria backstory, how she married the DK + why she stays
I will beg your forgiveness, but love, I don't deserve it- Your exchange fic! Assassin Ellie x Mercenary Mel
On first and fierce affirming sight (of sunlight, sunlight, sunlight)- My one and only Geldris fic. Honestly can't believe I didn't name this one after cherry wine. You know, the song with the blood. For the vampire.
Going unknown (as any angel to me)- Unposted Elizabeth 7:1 fic, emphasis on her healing and journey with magic
If I could hold you for a minute, darling, i'd go through it again- The last fic in the only series i have, I cried while writing this one ngl. not like a few shed tears, i fucking wept
And it's worth it, it's divine- Meliodas being introduced to Drole and Gloxinia. Probably my only fluff.
The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine- THIS one is the unposted Elizabeth healing one. Unless I have two? Oh my god, I have two of them.
Under heavy skies in the rain, you're dancing in bare feet- Fae AU. The one I've wanted to update since I posted it. Yeah, that one.
Skinning the children for a war-drum- Demon slayer fic! Centered on Nezuko, I pretty much abandoned this and I feel bad.
My sanctuary (you're holy to me)- Meliodas whump. Dude, I have never had a plot come as quickly and easily as this one did. I had so much fun writing this.
All that we intend is scrawled in sand- Zeldris angst. What more is there to say?
Emotional support goddess/human/who knows- Elizabeth giving the sins therapy. I think it's one of the first things I ever posted, on ao3 at least.
Forgive me for what I'm not, and never will be- Alluka-centric HXH fic. Cute little one shot, not much else to say.
There is love in our madness- One of my favorite fics I've ever written. This is the one where Mel and Ellie meet on the mountain and bond, and it's also where I came up with Saoirse!
And then there's also two original works that I haven't touched in almost two years, but I started them in elementary school. Fun fact, I actually got flagged on my school's computer screening thing because of the amount of gore in it. It was so fucking funny.
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yume-tsuki · 1 year
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3 Round sketch requests (except of 1 I'm working on x3) are finished the two on the right are from Twitter :) Gloxinia and Drole with their daughter (I love fairy Hao so much ) under it Estarossa and Melascula on a picknick with training. I'm so happy that it turned out like that @ihaveawindow some cuty Galahad, 1.on a playdate and 2.baking with Elain(who feeds him cooky dough.....way to much.... Lance will probably be angry XD) (Yes, finally I feel better. Thanks for the kind words again. It seemed to be a tonsilitis x< it was so nasty... I would probably love a broken leg and arm more than a sore throat....It's the worst for me)
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herwritingartcowboy · 2 years
Okay this is my first oneshot after my break. I hope you all like it.
Fandom: Seven Deadly Sins
Character(s): Gloxinia
Warning(s): X
Readers Gender: Gn
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{Picture Not Mine}
"Y/n Pleaseeeeee!” “No”, the redhead in front of you pouted as you only looked away from him. “Come on, I might get held back a year if I don't pass this test, tell them Drole”, there was a big test coming up and the teachers said this was going on your grade. 
Gloxinia wasn't really good at tests; he mostly had a bad score. So he knew he had to pass this one or his life was ruined. So now he is here begging for you to help him, as you were to good friends. 
You were an okay student, your grades weren't the best but enough for you to pass the year. “Come on Y/n i’ll do anything!” “You-Fine, fine, fine be at my house at five, okay crybaby”. “Oh thank you, thank you”, Gloxinia was always thankful for you.
This was one of the reasons why he was in love with you. Sense you both were kids you've both been at each other's side. Now here he was trying to figure out what to wear to impress you. 
It was five o clock as he was now knocking on your door. You opened the door letting the red head in. “So Y/n where are your parents?” “Oh they are out of town till next week” “Oh~Y/n i thought that we were just going to study~” “Shut up, do you have your notebooks?”.
This was the most difficult thing you've ever done. Gloxinia, he's cool you both get along very well  but who knew he was this difficult to get to focus. “Come on Gloxinia you need to focus” “But who knew your bed was sooo soft” “Then why beg for my help only to mess around” “But Y/n its hard” “Then let's not make it hard”.
Gloxinia was now sitting down eating a sandwich as this was his ‘reward’ for listening to you. “Sorry just for the sandwich but that's all I can give to guests” “It's fine, i’ve never tasted a sandwich this good before” “Thank you, so how is Gerhead?” “She's fine, I think shes out with some friends” “And what have you and Drole been up to” “Nothing just hanging around Zeldris and the others, and you Y/n” “Just been with Elizabeth and her boyfriends friends” “Thats nice, you know me, you, and Drole should hang out this week after school tomorrow” “You know i would love to but i already made plans with the others” “Oh okay” “But hey at least me and you are hanging out right now” “yeah”. 
An awkward silence came in as Gloxinia just sat there, he missed hanging out with you like going to the mall, park, arcade, and pulling pranks on the teachers. “Y/n i miss you” “Why were we in the same school, class, dude you're sitting next to me” “No i miss when it was just me and you i want that back”. You looked at him as you can see he was upset, you felt that Gloxinia had deeper feelings for you but you wanted more signs, and you knew this was a sign. ‘This was supposed to be a night of studying’, you leaned closer to Gloxinia as you kissed his lips. Gloxinia was shocked for a second only to pull you closer, You and Gloxinia sat there having a full on make out session for you to only pull away. “Y/n-” “We have to be studying” “But then why-” “We finish up you get more okay”. Gloxinia only nodded with a smile as he followed you in your room.
Next day:
“Y/nnnnnn!”, you turned around seeing the redhead in front of you. “Look, look”, you shall hold the paper he held in his hands. “You passed?” “Yep with a good score even the teacher was impressed, thank you”, he hugged you tightly as he smiled. “Your welcome” “So me and Drole are going to this diner right now you sure you don’t wanna-” “Y/n!”. You shall Elaine coming up to you, “Y/n are you coming with everyone to my place” “You know what Elaine i already made plans but i'll text you later” “Alright Y/n text you later” “Don't let Ban or Meliodas drink too much”. You said as Elaine left you there with the redhead boy, “Yeah I'll go”. Gloxinia smiled as he took your hand as he led to where Drole was waiting for him. Then you three left for the diner. 
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sullina · 1 year
Can you pls add this from my previous ask about the crossover Canon Mel x Hivemind Mels
When the TC saw the hiveminds there just like "WTF" or "Welp, looks like we're not getting revenge any time soon..."
All of the demons agree not to start a war especially against the Mels. They are scared shitless of him!!!
Something all of them agree on
Gloxinia and Drole are regretting life decisions...
They begged to be put back in the seal after they saw the horde of army Mels (I imagine them doing the 'LET ME IN' meme). Even if the hivemind Mels aren't there Mel... just looking at him scares them so much
Canon Meliodas: That's one way for them to surrender...
Hivemind Meliodas: *just snickered at his Canon self*
It didn't help the fact all of them are hiveminds! Watching them is clear that all of the Mels have the same knowledge, skill and powers. So bassicaly Mel is 100x op than before!
They were already scared of him 3000 years ago but this is a whole new level...
They do wonder how did there other self were able to deal with this fucking madness!
They're gonna lose their fuckings minds when they find out whose fault this all is XD (it's the Supreme Deity's fault and she's already regretting everything)
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alwaysamor · 1 year
following Zorria’s example, I decided to do this and link it in my pinned post
and if you are gonna get your feathers rustled over these,are get all toxic,feel free to not interact,or block me 🤷🏽‍♀️ especially if you don’t wanna see content over first list
NNT/4KOA Ships I adore and/or ship:
Gawain and Isolde
Donny and Anne
Gloxinia and Drole
Rou and Gerheade
Gilthunder and Margaret
ships i dislike/could not not care less about,hate in a few cases
Guinevere and Lancelot
Tristan and Isolde
Meliodas and Merlin
Meliodas and Zeldris
Meliodas and Zaneri
Meliodas and Diane
Elizabeth x Estarossa/Mael
Anne x Lancelot
i think that’s it for now,peace y’all. I’ll make a proper fandom ship and no ship later. Maybe
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finishwillow · 2 years
My favorite ship in seven deadly sins.
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
Harlequin tentatively approaches Gloxinia. (Gloxinia, fucking GLOXINIA, the first fairy King, the original protector of the forest, back from the dead!) His wings were folded behind him, and he was enjoying the sunlight where he rested among the tree roots.
"Hello, Harlequin." He said before he could speak up. "You're radiating anxiety. What can I help you with?"
King blushed and cleared his throat. "U-Uh... I was wondering... that blue man, with four arms? That's DROLE isn't it?"
"Indeed he is."
"Are you... in a relationship with him?"
"Yes I am. Why?"
"H-How does a fairy court a giant?"
"OH, this is that kind of conversation. Ok, come on, let's go for a float."
Poor King is so nervous about courting Diane. Luckily Glox will tell King everything he needs to know.
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cyberwerewolftale · 3 years
Why there is such a small about of fics and art for Drole X Gloxinia? ;__; ;__; ;__; Do I need to do everything myself? ((((
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ko2ra · 2 years
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Gloxinia the fairy king
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cupidthewriter · 7 months
Incorrect Quotes Again (nnt stuff including a little gloxinia x oc )
gloxinia: Bonjour, drole. Voulez–vous coucher avec moi? drole: No, I don't want to sleep with you. gloxinia: Is that what that means? Oh, man, I had a really gross tennis instructor.
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drole: I like your top, gloxinia! Sage: I have a name, you know. gloxinia: sighs Why. Why are you like this.
elizabeth: You know, gloxinia gives drole flowers everyday, I wish you'd do that too. meliodas: Okay. Later meliodas: gives drole flowers drole: ??? meliodas: I don't know, I'm confused as well.
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meliodas: I sleep with a gun under my pillow. elizabeth: I sleep with a knife. zeldris: Both of you are pathetic. meliodas: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with? zeldris: gelda.
zeldris: That's ridiculous, gelda doesn't have a crush on me. meliodas: Yes they do. elizabeth: Yes they do. gelda: Yes I do.
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Gelda: zeldris and I are no longer dating. zeldris: Gelda, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
king: How do I ask someone out? dahlia: Roses are red, violets are blue, guess what, my bed has room for two. king: No! helbram: Twinkle twinkle little star, we can do it in a car. king: Stop! gloxinia: Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily I can make you scream. king: I feel like the last one is verging dangerously into serial killer territory.
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writergeek-cos · 4 years
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Family portrait 🥲🥲
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animegadaisukiidesu · 4 years
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prince-y · 2 years
Hello again Prince, how are you doing today? May I request a Flirty Gloxinia X Shy Boyfriend Human Male Reader, please?
Gloxinia x Male!Reader
「'Xinia loving his boyfriend... and Drole is there too」
Characters you can request
"Didn't I forbid them to flirt so much in my presence?", Drole sighed, dropping down onto the floor to sit with a frown. He surely loved his friends, but honestly. Everyday the same.
"[Naaaame]!", Gloxinia cheered, flying up to the other male to hug him tightly, pulling back just as quickly, "I missed you, aren't you looking lovely today?".
The other male averted his gaze, cheeks flushed slightly because of the compliment. "I look the same as everyday, Xinia..", He stated a little confused, loving the other too much to complain about the endless compliment he received almost everyday.
"Stooop, you're getting me weak with that nickname, it's so cute", Gloxinia sighed, dramatically faking a 'corpse position' while flying. [Name] loved the fairy king for that, his small dramatic remarks or when he got mad at him for getting himself in danger. He also loved the humour and the funny impressions that Gloxinia had in store.
Actually, he loved Gloxinia in general.
"Heyyy, lovely, why are you lost in your thoughts this time?" The pink-haired fairy asked with a smile, a dimple seen on his right cheek. And the faintest freckles on his cheeks from the sun. "I thought about you- YOUR- UH- .. HAIR??" [Name] tried to save himself from the confession, face heating up at Gloxinia's pleased expression.
Without a warning, the fairy king hugged the other male again. "God, you're so adorable, I'm going to die!" He complained dramatically, letting the hug linger for a few moments before pulling away, [Name]'s face in his hands.
"Xiniaaa.. you're squeezing the life out of me.." [Name] complained with almost no energy in his words, he didn't mind the slightly rough grip on his face at all. He loved the attention that Gloxinia gave him everyday. Maybe a little too much.
Spoken to fairy king only gave a small grin, kissing [Name]'s nose, then the space between his eyebrows, then the corner of his lips, then his cheek and then doing it all over again. The boy in Gloxinia's hands almost melted at the sudden attack of affection, face red and eyebrows furrowed in embarrassment.
"You're so cute, all blushy like that" Gloxinia admitted, kissing the other's face one last time before letting it go and tilting his head, "I need to leave now again, I'll be back later. Don't miss me too much, lovely!".
[Name] was too embarrassed to say anything, just giving a small wave and a nod before hiding his face in his hands with a groan. He loved Gloxinia so much.
Drole sighed, feeling like the biggest, literally, third wheel in the world before standing up and leaving.
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Drole x Gloxinia Headcanons
Request by: @lunkimoon
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🍄When they were stuck in the seal they couldn't really do much other than talk to each other. 🍄
🍄They had both recently gotten their commandments and were interested in the others story. 🍄
🍄They knew each other (before being sealed) well enough to know that they wouldn't just decide to join their former opponents. 🍄
🍄 When they heard each others story they were vital in each other's healing process. 🍄
🍄They obviously became less of acquaintances and allies and more of very close friends. 🍄
🍄Sometimes they would talk about their clans and history. 🍄
🍄They both worried about their clan a lot. 🍄
🍄Then the seal broke. 🍄
🍄They honestly were lokey hoping it wouldn't, simply for the sake of the holy war not starting again. 🍄
🍄 Regardless they realized that they couldn't stand to fight against their own race. 🍄
🍄When they decided to help Diane and King they realized that they weren't as recovered from their traumas as they thought. 🍄
🍄Gloxinia was originally fuming over the fact that Drole put Diane at risk like that. 🍄
🍄But he took it as a sign that Drole was still suffering and helped him accept things a little more. 🍄
🍄Then Gloxinia saw his sister alive. 🍄
🍄He was overjoyed that she was alive but felt really guilty. 🍄
🍄Drole was the one to console him. 🍄
🍄They healed together and Drole was the first to realize they should be together. 🍄
🍄Upon Gloxinia realizing that Drole had these feelings (and that he returned them) he asked him out. 🍄
🍄They got together the day before they died and shared their first kiss and their last. 🍄
🍄They healed together, loved together, and died together. 🍄
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