#drops this garbage here
opikiquu · 3 months
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(disappears for a month and reappears with a slightly obscure hyperfixation) Hey guys
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rip Winter. he's not dead, but his character development is.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 8 months
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skenpiel · 1 year
ketchup my delicious little friend
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zukkaoru · 1 year
people on twitter will say the wildest most out of character things and i just have to read them with my own eyes bc there’s no good way to curate your timeline
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quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
even is nowhere near an engineer, but they are, by necessity, a quick learner, and by nature, someone who will acquire whatever skills they think are necessary to make themself invaluable. combine that with the fact that the Doctor’s TARDIS is in a constant state of on the fritz/in need of repairs/just being tinkered with by him because he’s bored, and they do pick up a few things. (and obviously, to someone whose entire life has been dependent on their ship Functioning Or Else They’re Fucked In Deep Space, the TARDIS being damaged even slightly is stressful! they want to know how to fix it! they won’t die immediately anymore (probably) if the ship they live on malfunctions, but it’s hard to shake that instinct.)
Which means even does have a pretty thorough knowledge of how to repair and recognize TARDIS parts. Without really knowing what they’re doing, but knowing how to figure out a solution, even if they have to brute force the answer. Think of it like trying to do physics without having any understanding of calculus and instead having to use algebra — completely possible, but frustrating and much more likely to lead to mistakes — AND also the guy teaching you is a substitute teacher who speaks in a language he made up for his D&D group half the time and if you ask him what a word means because you can’t understand what the fuck he’s saying, he goes off on tangents about the etymology of it, forgetting that he’s supposed to be teaching you. physics. they have the world’s most convoluted understanding of how a TARDIS works, but like. about 75% of the time they can identify what’s gone wrong and 50% of the time, they might even be able to solve it themself if they can find the right tools. (*success rate will vary depending on level of stress they’re under.)
(to a much lesser extent, the same goes for piloting, although that’s much more cause-and-effect observation combined with information the doctor throws at them in the heat of the moment. which leads to a knowledge base that’s a bit like not knowing how a car’s steering wheel works, but definitely knowing where both the blinkers and the accelerator are and how to make use of them. even very much cannot fly a tardis alone (or, not effectively. MAYBE through space if they’re under pressure, but they don’t have the sense for time that time lords do. not hooked into that matrix.) but they know enough to be very useful to someone else flying one who can direct them.)
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yangjeongin · 9 months
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miasmaghoul · 2 years
Hey, Daddy kink Mountain anon here! just saying i am so glad your massive brain interpreted my ask as being sexually ambiguous the way i ment for it to be because it's mostly a non-sexual thing for me. I call it my "dessert kink" lmao. Comes after the main event; kinda like if my ask had picked up after they got back to the den post hunt. I know some people really love the daddy dynamic to be ongoing throughout though and who would i be to imply there is only one way to explore a dynamic?
I am a firm believer that most every dynamic can have decidedly non-sexual aspects! The daddy thing can be shaky ground for a lot of people (it does err more on the sexual side for me personally), but I really like your phrasing here of it being like a treat after the main event. That's a great way of describing it!
I do hope you like the direction I've taken the fic in. It's 5k of hurt/comfort so far and will hopefully be up tomorrow because I am an insane person.
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Hello hello! As (not really) promised, ramblings about Buzzle! Because he's plaguing my mind and I need to shove my thoughts somewhere
Undercut click here to read abt them... ⤵️
Buzzle! (He/It/Any) an arrogant, charismatic, goofy, and very very vocal gameshow host. Very strange fellow, the audience loves him! It's really all a part of his TV show persona and facade... He uses it's charming personality as a way to manipulate the audience and employees to get what he desires. He's always been like this, even before death.
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It's also dead! Or at least in purgatory. He fell off his stage and got a concussion or something idk...! Saying it's dead is easier. It is in some sort of limbo, can flip between living world and the afterlife. They snatch living beings and force them to be on his gameshow. Why? Because it's interesting! And it rakes in more viewers and fans. It's not often you see a living soul in the afterlife, so why not take advantage of this ability?
It's not guaranteed that the contestants will go back home after completing it's games... There's a few things that can happen to them. Either they are killed during one of the games, stay despite being living, become a member of the audience, or sent home safely! If he's in a good mood, that is.
My brain is shutting down now so that's all for rn,,,,
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thediktatortot · 1 year
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lookimtryingmybest · 1 year
sometimes you get followed back by cool blogs on tumblr and you gotta go 'cool cool cool now do not panic do not wonder why do not scream about it you are funny and deserve mutuals as much as any other idiot in this website now go scream into a pillow and do not make a fool of yourself by trying to talk to that cool weirdo'
Anyways hi new follower
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2383-lines-of-code · 1 year
my red flag is that if I start an anime, as long as it’s not like 500+ episodes long, I will finish it, even if it takes me literal months to get thru like 2 episodes, even if it’s borderline unwatchable, even if I hate all of the characters. The only series I’ve actually dropped so far is naruto and I stuck around for 7 or 8 seasons before giving up
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nr1roagfan · 2 years
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explodes you with mega laser mind beam
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queerlyglittering · 1 year
some of y'all never had parents who aggressively shamed you for making even a little mess or even just mere evidence of your existence and it shows
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anyway hilarious: he just casually is like "this year I'm getting a limo and we're going on a tour of Important Locations From My Childhood :)"
absolutely terrible. I love him so much he's the WORST
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crystalkleure · 2 years
Fastest way to piss me off is to treat me like a toddler
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