#drottningens juvelsmycke
kattahj · 1 year
Bigots: Nonbinary is a newfangled thing that the kids are making up.
Carl Jonas Love Almqvist, in 1834: This is my OC, Tintomara. I'm mostly using "she" for her, but nobody knows her true gender or name, she can easily pass as both male and female, and both men and women fall in love with her, though she never reciprocates. Anyway, she just stole the queen's jewels, and now the king got shot. Wacky times!
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freddesbokhylla · 6 months
Nu när jag ändå lägger upp en recension så kan jag lägga upp en till
Drottningens juvelsmycke av Carl Jonas Love Almqvist är en fascinerande svensk klassiker som var långt före sin tid. I den får vi inte bara den svenska litteraturens första historiska roman, utan vi får även stifta bekantskap med Tintomara, som skulle kunna vara trans, icke-binär eller intersex. Eller så kan hen vara alltihop.
Själva handlingen väver ihop ett nästan shakespearianskt svartsjukedrama, som involverar två systrar och två unga militärer, med en komplott att mörda Gustav III. Sen bokstavligt talat rusar Azouras Lazuli Tintomara in i handlingen, och allt ställs på sin ända. Tintomara går under många olika identiteter, både pojkar och flickor, och ännu fler namn. Om jag kommer ihåg alla så har vi:
Azouras Lazuli Tintomara
Anledningen till att jag tar mig tid att lista alla är för att jag gillar speglingen till vår tid. Många transpersoner i vår tid inte bara experimenterar med olika namn, utan väljer att till slut kallas för olika namn i olika sammanhang. Det är just det Tintomara verkar göra genom boken.
I utgåvan jag läste fanns det ett efterord av någon vars namn jag inte kommer ihåg. Han sa i alla fall att Drottningens juvelsmycke var menad att bli ett sorts allkonstverk enligt Romantikens ideal. Den är alltså inte endast prosa eller pjäs, utan bådadera och dessutom innehåller den poesi, noter, och till och med inslag av balett. Stilgreppet förvånade mig, som en nutida läsare som plockade upp boken helt utan förkunskaper, bortom baksidestexten. Ändå gillade jag det hela. Det hade absolut blivit tröttsamt att läsa många böcker skrivna på det viset, men det var onekligen något som fick boken att stå ut, och fick mig hela tiden att tänka på vilken information vi som publik blir tilldelade genom varje texttyp. Fanns det mer till historien som jag bara skulle kunna komma åt genom djupläsning eller genom att relatera den till en annan historia? Troligtvis. Här finns massvis att analysera, som hur synen på romantisk kärlek och kön skiljer sig åt mellan de olika karaktärerna.
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norsesuggestions · 7 years
Pls tell me the names of some old gay novels from Sweden
Yes!! Will do!!
Anne Charlotte Leffler EXTREMELY popular during her life, but became over shadow by august strindberg because of his smear campaign against her. We are trying to bring her to life again though, because in life she were one of sweden most popular authors during the 1880s. Also a massive feminist. And bisexual.
Her most popular play was “sanna kvinnor” 1883 which is about heterosexuality bring toxic and that it should be abolished. At least that what it sounds like after Quick look on wiki page.
With her girlfriend Sonja she wrote “kampen för lycka” which also seems to be abput how toxic heterosexuality is. I have sadly not read either because of previous mentioned Leffler have been forgotten for many years, but one day i must Explore her works! (Because of this i dont know which of her works are the gayest)
Victoria Benedictsson/Ernst Ahlgren “pengar”. About berg forced into compulsary heterosexuality during 19th century. Also, most likely if I know this writer correctly, about the GENDER EMOTIONS
Carl Love Almqvist “drottningens juvelsmycke” 1834. About tintomara whose gender is NEVER definied in the book, and who all people, no matter gender falls in love with. Rec this one highly !
Anna Branting (Yes the wife of sweden first democratic elected prime minister Hjalmar branting). Her book “lena” 1893 about lesbian love (never personally read but sounds exciting!)
Maria Sandel “droppar i folkhavet” 1924. Have a lesbian couple in it. Not the main plot but they exist, and it is explicit that they do!
Karin Boye “kris” 1934. A gay book written by Karin Boye gay fingers about being gay and mentally ill.
Agnes von Krusenstjerna thr book series “fröknarna von Phalen” everyone is gay non stop. Everyone thinks abput sex non stop. Also ends with all the women forming a lesbian collective togheter, while their husbands, who are ALSO gay travel togheter to the big city to have sex with eachother. A very lesbian/gay men solidarity ending! Which. Amazing.
Will perhaps be the most gay novell you ever read. Not even the straight sex is straight, but then they have sex in drag or something similiar. While like thinking about their gay crush. That being said warning for this book being just full to the brim with 1930s swedish racism. A problematic book series but damn is it very gay.
Hmmm apperntly all swedish feminist really hated heterosexuality during the 1880s and were writing text about ABOLISH IT NOW lol. I would be here all day if I am going to look up them all.
Perhaps if I think some more i will most likely remember more of the Classic old gay novell of sweden, of which i were taught about in undergrad !
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inknerd · 5 years
a look at october 2019 - pumpkins & bricks
I read 📖 An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson ★★★★ (liked this one more than Sorcery of Thorns) 📖 Candide by Voltaire ★★★ (second time reading it,,,still as surreal and hilarious) 📖 Heartstopper Vol. 2 by Alice Oseman ★★★★★ (this. won’t. stop. being. adorable.) 📖 Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ★★★ (first part was great, part two was painful) 📖 The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling by Henry Fielding ★★ (the literary references were great but it was just...so long. so, so long) 📖 Pumkinheads by Rainbow Rowell & Faith Erin Hicks ★★★ (the only halloween-y and autumn-y book i had time to read. art was v cute) 📖 Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me by Mariko Tamiko & Rosemary Valero-O’Connell ★★★ (i love the art and all the PINK. also packs an emotional punch) 📖 Respones to Oliver Stone’s Alexander (Studies in Classics) by Fiona Rose Greenland (Editor) ★★★ (i have snowed in on Alexander the Great this month, okay??? i just...have read a lot) 📖 Drottningens juvelsmycke by Carl Jonas Love Almqvist ★ (i mentally apologise to my professor but i. did not get this. might need a reread. sometime) 📖 Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen ★★★ (p&p is better, but this was nice!) 📖 Röda rummet by August Strindberg (no rating - because i must have missed something. this is supposed to be the pinnacle of swedish literature??? no way...) 📖 The Conqueror’s Wife by Stephanie Thornton ★★★ (i feel like i hit a bit of a reading slump by the end of the month, but finished this really quickly so that was fun)
I bought 💕 The Conqueror’s Wife by Stephanie Thornton 💕 House of Death by Paul Doherty 💕 For The Most Beautiful by Emily Hauser 💕 Asexual Fairy Tales by Elizabeth Hopkinson (!!!!) 💕 The Beautiful by Renée Ahdieh
I watched 🎬 Spartacus (1960) 🎬 Crazy Rich Asians (2018) 🎬 Alexander (2004) 🎬 Started watching Carole & Tuesday 🎬 Snow White (1937) 🎬 A Star is Born (2018)
And, 🌻 I did well on my first exam this term! 🌻 Feels like I’ve become better at saving money. If just a little bit. 🌻 First half of the month I was really energetic! I cleaned, cooked, and read a lot. Hopefully I’ll come back to that mindset this month!
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