#drrr x httyd
dreams-of-wings · 6 years
Phantom Dragon
Imagine being on of the things/people that make Ikebukuro so special.
Warnings: It's me, so swearing. I'm a slut for Light Fury's, sorry. And being obsessed with something (for me) means crossing it over with almost every fandom I know.
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There's so much that makes Ikeburkuro stand out from other cities. Sure it might not be the biggest or most populated city in the world, but you know what they say, "Quality over quantity."
It's the people that make this city so unique: you've got The Headless Rider, Saika (who some still argue is just a myth), the strongest man in the world Ikebukuro, everyone's most hated favorite information broker, and heck even some of the gangs help make the city widely infamous.
And then there's you.
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You only came recently.
Some time after that big fight that landed Masaomi in the Hospital.
You hadn't arrived there by normal means- traveling internationally involves medical records and documentation in order to make sure that, health wise, you were okay to travel to another country. BUT because you aren't completely human, and have a little somthin' else, any form of testing might come up or appear outside the normal ranges for a human being (little things like taking your temperature might be alarming to medical professionals).
So you got there by paying someone to stow you away on a boat. Unfortunately getting somewhere by shifty means, ment you had to hire some shifty people, and that ment they couldn't always be trusted to keep their mouths shut - especially after they thought they saw something.
That being said, of course Izaya knew about you the day you arrived.
He knew of you, but not about you. He only knew what he had been told and that only made his interest in you deepen.
"Someone's arrived in Ikebukuro who might add some extra weight to the scale- maybe not on one side or the other, but perhaps in a new direction."
Oh color him interested.
For about a month or so, you were able to live quietly and without being seen while you were... *cough cough* having fun being yo majestic dragon shifting self.
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The first sighting happened on one of the days when Celty was being hunted down ceaselessly.
Someone got their hands on one of those giant guns that shoots out a big net, and they had the mind to try and use it on Celty.
Let's just say their aim was off
And you, in all your curious glory wondering why so many thugish-looking bikers were ganging up on one woman, were gliding around kinda low.
Then it happened. You were shot down, but at first no one could see you and for a second they thought the net was faulty.
But Celty knew otherwise.
She was able to use her powers to help you get away without being seen by the people in your immediate vicinity, but she could do nothing about the people in the surrounding buildings.
So of course someone had seen you and gotten video evidence before you seemed to disappear into thin air.
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It took only a few hours for the footage to go viral - with some people stoked to see that such a creature existed in their home town, while others were skeptical of the video being real.
Izaya was giddy as fuck, because this must be what that one guy was talking about.
Shinra wasn't sure if it was real, but then again his girlfriend is a Dullahan so why the hell not?
Shizuo was there when Celty set you free.
Anri was a bit more on the indifferent side, she wasn't sure how she felt about the video. If it was fake it didnt change a thing, but what if it was real? Her school girl mind could only imagine.
Masaomi cracked jokes about there being a princess in town, and that was why there was a dragon here.
And as always Mikado was a bit late to the party.
Let's talk about the people who know about you- and I'm not talking about people who saw the video, no. I mean people who looked at you and just got a sixth sense or figured it out.
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Simon: Just seemed to know somehow? He seems kinda like the guy who knows more than he let's on? So people just don't really think much of him at first glance. He said something to you when you stopped by for a bite to eat that just made you freeze, "Sushi is good and easy on stomach before and after long flight, no?" Oh...
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Celty: She had never actually seen you shift, but when she met you she also just knew. She got this hair standing up on the back of her neck feeling, and it took her a few more interactions to figure it out, but she was one of the faster ones to the draw.
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Shizuo: The timeline of the viral videos and him seeing you (a new face in Ikebukuro) around now had bothered him. It seemed very coincidental and everytime he saw you or that damn video he thought about it long and hard, and eventually he put the pieces together. Just because he's strong, doesn't make him dumb.
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Izaya: One of the last people to know, though not from a lack of trying I can promise you that. Even Mikado and his friends, and Erika and her group knew about you before he did (mainly because Celty and the others told them after convincing you they were trust worthy). After managing to make friends with you, Celty and her friends did everything they could to keep you hidden away from the information broker, and that normally ment one of them being with you when you went out into the city. Celty would be damned if she let Izaya dig up your information and hold it over your head like he did to her. Of course he connected the dots when he questioned why his dear little Celty took a sudden interest in a nobody newbie. Being friends with them was probably your downfall to be honest.
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Now let's talk about all the things that come with being an undocumented [I guess] dragon shifter.
God forbid you get sick, and I don't mean, "Oh look I've got a runny nose," sick i mean- coughing fit, feels like your dying sick. All I can say is fire, fire everywhere. Hope your neighbors aren't nosy.
It's kinda hard to get a good job? Everything needs proof of identity and since you aren't from their you dont have things they would normally ask for, you also dont have a work Visa saying that it's okay your there.
Sure you can get hired under the table, but keep in mind if anything goes wrong (and not necessarily with you) you'll be the first one your boss gets rid of incase people start snooping around.
You do a lot of job hopping, apartment hopping, and sometimes squatting, till you're finally able to get a good job.
Honestly being a dragon helps you save a lot on food sometimes- you can just go hunting yo.
Once you make friends with the crew, getting a decent paying job is easier and you bounce between working deliveries with Celty and debt collecting with Tom and Shizuo.
Kinnosuke, that hard ass motorcycle cop that gives Celty problems, gives you problems as well. Of course he wanted to know what kind of people the headless rider hung out with, so after he saw the two of you together a few times on the street he flagged you down on your walk home from work (Yes, you walk), and asked for your ID. He wasnt heartless, just a man of the law, so he understood that getting a new ID could take a while. When you gave him the ID from where you previously lived, he politely asked for a Visa or proof of citizenship in Japan/Ikebukuro.
Oh, no
It was on the second you ran for a nearby ally, turned into a damn dragon, and flew away.
"Do you have a license to fly?!"
"Do you have a permit to fly within city limits?!"
After that, you would fly to the nearest ally of your destination for anything because at least he can't get to you in the sky, and you can still hide.
"Its not the same as flying a plane you idiot!"
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Sorry, not sorry.
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