laceisms-blog · 7 years
Lacey was angry, angry that someone would think her friends brother had anything to do with girl, angry that she couldn’t do anything to help her best friend. The small girl could feel her blood boiling as she walked away from the locked dance studio. Lacey needed to hurt something, she wanted to hurt something. It was no surprise to her that she punched the glass that was the little window to one of the classrooms. Looking at her hand she watched as a few drops of blood trickled onto the floor.” I’m fine.” she said as she pulled out the piece of the glass out of her knuckles not facing the person behind her. 
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nazariisms-blog · 7 years
hi i’m claire and i’m assumin this is like a talk tag??? i’m going to be playing this kiddo,, literally your muse can call faris whatever he doesn’t care lmao. he’s hard to describe bc he uses humor to hide most of this emotions , always catch faris making an inappropriate joke !! ummmmmm what else he’s a lil shithead tbh so if you need someone to annoy your muse hmu
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druxyhq-blog1 · 7 years
school days are so mundane aren’t they? going from class to class, talking to the same people, all of the school work piling on the corner on the desk. it is just predictable. well, it was until the sounds of booming voices in the hallways echo in your ear drums and you are suddenly being pulled form class and ushered into the auditorium. loud whispers and gossip spreads like wildfire amongst the students. why was everyone here? and why were you hear? that’s when the president of the university begins to speak. 
“one of your fellow classmates was found in the bathroom in the student lounge... stabbed to death.” she began to choke out through the tears. were they tears of sorrow, or was she just upset on how this would reflect on the university in the news? wouldn’t want those tuition rates to drop now would she? “we have proof that leads us to believe that the person responsible for this is one of our own students... and until we find out who it is, the school is on lockdown. no one is allowed to leave the auditorium unless accompanied by a member of faculty.”
the whispers had turns to full on yells in protest as the students complained about the fact they were all stuck in the same place for god knows how long. still, the teacher’s guarded the doors to the auditorium like make-shift barriers, but that surely wouldn’t keep all of the students locked in.
SUMMARY OF THE EVENT there has been a murder on campus, and all of the students are suspects. they will each be taken into a room one by one and questioned as to where they were during the time of the murder, and until everyone has been questioned, they will be kept in the auditorium. there will be some play with the gossip blog as well, so keep an eye out.
when: all takes place on the same day in character, but out of character this event will run from april 12th, 12pm EST through april 16th, 12pm EST where: this will be a dash-based event. in the roleplay, it will be located in the auditorium where everyone will be kept locked in unless escorted by a professor out starters: if you choose to write a starter for this event, please use the tags #druxyevent001 and #druxystart threads: feel free to continue threads not related to the events as well as well as ones that are event-related. this is not a mandatory event, although we do encourage taking advantage of this for plotting and for character development!
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arcadiaflame-blog · 7 years
Looks like all of the speculation of Angelina Walsh being the murderer took all eyes off of her brother, Jackson Walsh. Evidence has pointed all fingers in his direction, but it seems as though Mr. Walsh fled after killing Juliet Davis. While the suspect hasn’t been caught, police have no reason to believe that there is a threat to any other students so STUDENTS ARE OFF LOCKDOWN. If anyone has any information on his whereabouts, police are encouraging you to come forward to help locate Jackson Walsh.
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finnian-monaghan · 7 years
I only have two replies to do between both Finn and Lark which translate to - I NEED MORE THREADS ^_^ Like this if you want to plot and I’ll message you. If we actually manage to plot something I’ll even write the starter. 
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so I have like three more hunter replies, and seven caz replies to do, but I’m currently dying because all day I was hungover, and on top of that I’ve either got a cold or my allergies are fucking me up. but I should definitely be online tomorrow to finish up my replies and reply to your starters!!
xoxo Allie
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cazhowell-blog · 7 years
hey everyone! it’s Allie, I’m nineteen (almost twenty!) and in the eastern time zone. (also cis female). I run Hunter’s account HERE and you can find her bio and stats in the nav. anyways, this is my new bby caz, and this is his intro post. I already have most of his bio up on his page, but it needs the last few touches.
as always, feel free to message me to plot with my characters! I’d love to hear from you!
so basically Cazzy grew up in a suburb of chicago, and was always a goofy and fun loving person. He’s bisexual, and didn’t really figure it out until he was in high school when he started having sexual relations with his older sister’s boyfriend. He feels really guilty about it because he’s basically this precious bby that just wants to make people happy. ( there will be more to come, but this is general stuff)
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laceisms-blog · 7 years
Thinking of picking a male baby but I’m stuck between Nick Jonas,Gregg Sulkin and Jake T Austin..HELP.
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finnian-monaghan · 7 years
I’ve brought my Lark back and it’s the same story as with Finn. I’ve changed some things about her and I’m hitting the restart button but if you want to keep a connection just message me - same if you want to plot :)
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laceisms-blog · 7 years
should I write up the Lacey vs Aimee fight or wait until tomorrow?
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finnian-monaghan · 7 years
I was going to post a new starter because my last one sucked but instead I’ve decided to do something I’ll probably regret XD Like this for a personal/closed starter. Comment if you want a starter for a particular character if not I’ll choose and if you want to plot first comment or message me :) 
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finnian-monaghan · 7 years
Sorry, I haven’t been around much and that I never got around to writing those starters I promised people. My muse has been (excuse my French) shite. I’m thinking of getting rid of Finn and replacing him with another character and either rejigging Lark or getting rid of her. If anyone has any connections that need filling just let me know. It might give me some much needed inspiration.
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finnian-monaghan · 7 years
My semi-hiatus kind of just turned into a hiatus but I am back with Finn! I’m planning on just sticking with him for the moment but knowing me I’ll have another character within a week XD I have made some changes to Finn and his background so I’m hitting the reset button with him. But, if you want to keep any connections with him let me know. Same with any plots or threads we had. I’m happy to plot new connections and new plots/threads as well especially as there’s a lot of new characters around :) 
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finnian-monaghan · 7 years
I’ve had a busy day and it’s almost twelve so I’m going to do my replies tomorrow. But I’m still going to be around for a while, and I know we have some new people/characters, so if you want to plot like this and I shall message you. 
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laceisms-blog · 7 years
Hello loves,I’m Cassandra but you can call me Cass or Cassie and I’m always down for plots and connect so under the cut you’ll find a little more about my bae Lacey. Like to plot or form connections.
Name: Lacey Ashlyn Alvarez
Age: 19
 In High School Lacey was considered a mean girl,either you loved her or hated her but regardless you were probably talking about her and that’s how Lacey liked it. At home was no different she demanded attention, and respect and that was just what she got. No one told her no or you probably would regret it, Lace is petty af and she doesn’t care, Have one her friends sleep with your boyfriend,sneak in and change your grades, egg you before you walk into school. She was violent when she had to be but the worst was her secret,it broke the girl that was involved and she couldn’t of been happier.
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