flynnkkotak-blog · 7 years
The bags that drooped underneath his chestnut brown eyes were evidence to Flynn’s current state. Tired. The actor was currently seated at a bench outside, holding onto his container of coffee like a life preserver and waiting for an opportunity for entertainment to magically appear in front of him. As if by kismet, he felt a figure’s presence approaching nearby only a few seconds later. Lifting his gaze from the grass, Flynn cleared his throat. “If a genie granted you three wishes right now, what would you wish for?”
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mastersmuses · 7 years
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anwenlark-sawyer · 7 years
Tired after her run Lark wasn’t paying attention to where she going which resulted in her walking through completely the wrong door, “Ah... I wanted the girls' bathroom. Pretty sure this isn’t the right place.” She said to the person she had walked in on with a slightly awkward laugh.
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finnian-monaghan · 7 years
The whole school seemed to be in chaos everyone reacting to everything that had happened in their own way. Finn felt like one of the calmest people on the campus, and for once it wasn’t because it had smoked a joint. Perhaps it was before he wasn’t that close to recent events or perhaps it was because death was a close friend of his. Either way, compared to other people Finn seemed mostly unaffected. Right now he just wanted to distance himself from it, which was difficult when people were talking about it wherever he went. “Look, I don’t want to talk about it so go and find someone else to gossip with,” Finn answered curtly to someone who had approached him, now the lockdown was over there was a number of them liked them who seemed to be enjoying the drama.
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cazhowell-blog · 7 years
“I’m convinced that my pet goldfish both know that I’m their fish parent. Any time I look at them, they get all excited, plus, Joker likes to follow my finger when I press it up to the glass and move it.” He said, brown eyes studying the five gallon fish tank that sat on the counter in his apartment. “Like they have to know it’s me. Like I know goldfish are supposed to be really stupid, but they know. They fucking know.”
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druxyhq-blog1 · 7 years
school days are so mundane aren’t they? going from class to class, talking to the same people, all of the school work piling on the corner on the desk. it is just predictable. well, it was until the sounds of booming voices in the hallways echo in your ear drums and you are suddenly being pulled form class and ushered into the auditorium. loud whispers and gossip spreads like wildfire amongst the students. why was everyone here? and why were you hear? that’s when the president of the university begins to speak. 
“one of your fellow classmates was found in the bathroom in the student lounge... stabbed to death.” she began to choke out through the tears. were they tears of sorrow, or was she just upset on how this would reflect on the university in the news? wouldn’t want those tuition rates to drop now would she? “we have proof that leads us to believe that the person responsible for this is one of our own students... and until we find out who it is, the school is on lockdown. no one is allowed to leave the auditorium unless accompanied by a member of faculty.”
the whispers had turns to full on yells in protest as the students complained about the fact they were all stuck in the same place for god knows how long. still, the teacher’s guarded the doors to the auditorium like make-shift barriers, but that surely wouldn’t keep all of the students locked in.
SUMMARY OF THE EVENT there has been a murder on campus, and all of the students are suspects. they will each be taken into a room one by one and questioned as to where they were during the time of the murder, and until everyone has been questioned, they will be kept in the auditorium. there will be some play with the gossip blog as well, so keep an eye out.
when: all takes place on the same day in character, but out of character this event will run from april 12th, 12pm EST through april 16th, 12pm EST where: this will be a dash-based event. in the roleplay, it will be located in the auditorium where everyone will be kept locked in unless escorted by a professor out starters: if you choose to write a starter for this event, please use the tags #druxyevent001 and #druxystart threads: feel free to continue threads not related to the events as well as well as ones that are event-related. this is not a mandatory event, although we do encourage taking advantage of this for plotting and for character development!
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“I’m thinking about wearing all black tonight, just so that I can kill two birds with one stone, y’know? Because I’m going to be attending my liver’s funeral tomorrow morning.” She said with a laugh, glancing over at the other before letting her gaze transfer back to her open closet, slowly studying each possible outfit she could wear.
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arcadiaflame-blog · 7 years
Looks like all of the speculation of Angelina Walsh being the murderer took all eyes off of her brother, Jackson Walsh. Evidence has pointed all fingers in his direction, but it seems as though Mr. Walsh fled after killing Juliet Davis. While the suspect hasn’t been caught, police have no reason to believe that there is a threat to any other students so STUDENTS ARE OFF LOCKDOWN. If anyone has any information on his whereabouts, police are encouraging you to come forward to help locate Jackson Walsh.
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loslosershq · 7 years
“Holy fuck...You’re absolutely breathtaking. I know this seems a bit unconventional but would you mind if I took a photo? The way the light is casting upon your cheek and the colors mixed with your dazzling eyes...It’s all MESMERIZING.”
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nazariisms-blog · 7 years
“Don’t type anything!” Faris called out as he re-entered the computer lab and saw that someone had taken a seat at the computer that he had been previously using. Not logging off before dashing out of the room for a moment, Faris thought his content would be safe for the most part. “Don’t look at anything, don’t touch anything. Basically, just … stay where you are,” He commanded with his voice as he made his way quickly to the other side of the room where the other was looking at the device’s screen. Faris’s hands reached out and swiveled the computer around so that he could see the screen better. “You didn’t see anything, right? You wouldn’t be the type to go through other people’s files, hm?” He narrowed his eyes and looked over at the other with his most intimidating expression.
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luckasms-blog · 7 years
“Ive been looking over the same paper for a hour and a half and I still have no idea what i’m supposed to be looking at..also i’m pretty drunk.” he smiled placing the paper back on the table..”i’m sorry i’m no help.”
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flynnkkotak-blog · 7 years
Seated in the corner of the auditorium, Flynn sat with his knees in front of him and a sullen expression etched across his features. He was currently bitterly biting the heads off of the Haribo gummy bears he’d found in his jean pockets before carelessly tossing the gummy bodies into his mouth to follow them. Admittedly, he wasn’t too happy about being stuck in here on lockdown with a bunch of sweaty, anxiety-ridden students. “This murderer is either dumb or was taken off guard,” he theorized, glancing over to the figure beside him. “If they were smart or had time to plan, they’d find a way to leave less evidence, right? Chemicals, fire, something like that.” Perhaps it was a bit callous to discuss this topic so casually so soon, but people died everyday, and Flynn didn’t feel that it was worth exerting the energy to get sad over the death of someone he didn’t know or care about.
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druxyhq-blog1 · 7 years
starters not in the tags
comment or IM if i missed you !!
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