#ds9 life Support
filmjunky-99 · 8 months
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s t a r t r e k d e e p s p a c e n i n e created by rick berman, michael piller [life support, s3ep13] 'Allow me to introduce 'Kai Winn'. In honor of this occasion, I've named my latest creation after you. It's a chocolate souffle with Haligian tongue sauce.' - quark
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ineedfandomnow · 3 months
Did they just kill Bareil in Life Support whyyy that took only long enough for that treaty I felt so bad for julian for having to put Bareil through that because of Winn (and lowkey because of Kira) nooooooo why I'm sad now
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chiropterancreed · 7 months
i hate kai winn so much. SHUT UP BITCH!!!
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DS9 3x13 Life Support thoughts (I'm re-watching, so there may be future spoilers)
Unlucky 13 indeed...
"In fact I was thinking of cancelling them." Jake's so sweet :3
What else do you eat in a Klingon restaurant apart from gagh? Clearly I am uneducated in Klingon cuisine
"Move! Move!" Is it always like this, living on a space station? Always interesting to see things happening from a civilian pov
Odo informing Kira <3
Her unhappy little pacing :( 💔
This is such a serious scene but I cannot take the doctors seriously ever in those red surgical costumes
Julian's face of bad news is just something so important to me
Wait Bareil's dead? I thought this episode was about keeping him alive?
"I did everything I could." "I know you did." My heart...
"I appreciate your concern but I'll grieve in my own way in my own time." The way her voice is cracking.. this scene just destroyed me
"We're ready to begin the autopsy, Doctor." ... the way he just stands there
"You say that so calmly, but it's not every doctor that can lose a patient and then has him back on his feet in a few weeks." Sisko sounds so proud and impressed <3
"Well, I and the Prophets, were lucky..." :3
"And I am grateful you were not yet taken from us, Vedek Bareil." YOU'LL FORCE HIM TO DIE SOON, WINN. SHUT UP.
"So, are we going to be playing springball next month?" Kira being so pleased to see him is breaking my heart. It's not fair.
Jake being so nervous to tell Nog he's skipping on their plans but Nog being immediately like nah dating is more important. He's a good friend :3
Ohhhh, nope, he just wants to have a date too, welp
"Just promise me you won't do anything to embarrass me." Oh no, it's this episode
Julian coming in looking grim and glaring daggers at Winn
Oh. Bad news.
"In your condition, it could even be fatal." "But it would allow me to function normally for the next few days?" Dammit, Bareil, don;t choose this
Ohhh, Julian. He has such a troubled face <3
"There are no Bajoran prisoners." HAH, a likely story
Detainees? What happened to swift Cardassian justice?
"What... sort of property?" (This space station for instance?) This is the right question to ask
I don't think the Cardassians are doing this in good faith...
"He's up to something." For once, Winn, I agree with you!
"If he dies, then peace with Cardassia dies with him." Sisko's eye roll at that was impressive
Ughhhh Nog is horrible
Pause pause pause. I can't watch this scene.
Nooooo. The second hand embarrassment for Jake is too real.
I know they eventually grow and get past this but this is so awful agggghgh
Okay. Let's go again.
Those girls did the right thing. Proud of them for standing up for themselves.
"His attention has been wandering. He's in pain. Give him more of the drug." You horrible, horrible woman. You don't care about him one whit.
"Now, you can either leave here willingly or I'll call security and have you thrown out." "You won't need to call them. I'll do it myself." KIRA <3 <3 <3 Please bodily throw this woman out of your station.
"Put yourself in the hands of the Prophets, Bareil. They will not forsake you." YOU MANIPULATIVE WOMAN I HATE YOU
I mean, it is very much Bareil's choice it seems and not just Winn forcing him herself, but she should have SOMEONE who is capable of doing the role Bareil was playing rather than having to run him to his death
"He should be awake within the hour. Oh, good. There are still several points I have to discuss with him before the next negotiating session." Your oh good should be followed with concern for his health not satisfaction you can keep politicking with him!
"I want you to tell him that you don't need him." Julian is just so good
"Now, if that's a lie, then so be it." "That doesn't sound like a Starfleet officer." "I'm a doctor first."
Sisko being a good dad <3 Telling Jake to talk this through and recognising how important Nog is to him.
"Do the surgery, Julian. Let him finish what he started." Oh Kira, I'm sorry you're in such a difficult position <3 You're doing great, sweetie <3
"I want to be arrested." XD Odo's face of confusion is marvellous
Odo is enjoying this way too much
"When you touch me it doesn't seem real." Oh Kira. how do you cope with something like this?
His out of touch acting is sure something
"I guess I just forgot you're a Ferengi." "You forgot? To most people, the lobes are a dead giveaway." XD This episode being saturated with these two's nonsense sure is something
I really like the moral of respecting each other's differences, and that humans aren't automatically right and better, but in this particular episode it's also kind of icky.... It's taken me a while to put my finger on it, but I don't think humans should have to respect the ferengi's misogyny, just because it's their culture. Your right to have your traditions respected ends when your traditions hurt or harm other beings.
"Great, so we both disgust each other." XD
"I don't want to lose you as s friend." awwww
"Now can we get out of here?" "Sure. Odo? Odo? He's just playing around. Odo!" Do you boys even know Odo? XD
I'm glad the treaty was signed at least. I've been so worried his death would be for nothing.
"I can't imagine what I've done deserves celebration." Oh, my love. you're too good.
Jadzia hugging him :3 He should get more hugs. Look at his lil face
"Kai Winn, allow me to introduce Kai Winn." "I don't understand." "In honour of the occasion, I've named my latest creation after you." I really can't guess how she'll feel about that.
"I won't remove whatever last shred of humanity Bareil has left." I wonder how close this hits with his own feelings of not being human due to his augmentations?
"Sure. You've got your peace treaty, your place in history. You don't need Bareil anymore." SAY IT, KIRA. GO FOR HER
"I share your pain." SHUT UP. The hell you do!
"Julian, you can't give up now. You have to keep going." "Nerys, if I remove the rest of his brain ... He'll be dead. And I'll be the one who killed him." This conversation is KILLING me. These two. Both of you having so many feelings. Oh my darlings <3
"But if we do nothing he'll die." "That's right, he will." I cannot. His voice is just too gentle. I love him
What I don't get is why didn't they ask Bareil while he was still conscious what he would want to do if the other half of his brain failed? I guess Julian probably wouldn't have wanted to risk hearing the request to replace the whole of his brain....
"I just wish we'd had more time for us." 💔 Oh, Kira.
" I realised you were just as confused as the rest of us. You just accepted your confusion better than anyone I've ever known. That's when I realised I loved you."
This episode is just. Feels. I'm crying. Nerys and Julian, my beloveds.
There are quite a few fics about this episode, but this one was just SO good, it read as a completely believable, canonical part 2, and I have to share it.
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misty-feathers · 8 months
this is so funny but also why am i crying
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dragontamerno3 · 4 months
DS9 S3 E13 - Life Support
Fuck Winn.
I cannot stand religious folks who put their health in the hands of their gods while ignoring the advice of their doctors.
I personally feel like Bareil was robbed. The series never fully explored that character and honestly, this death feels like an absolute waste.
I acknowledge that the treaty between the Cardassians and Bajorians might have been important but I was with Bashir the entire time. He advised against pretty much everything and they all ignored him. The only time I disagreed with him was when they were discussing potentially replacing part of Bareil's brain. I mean, I was still on Bashir's side, but Kira was right that it would have been what Bareil wanted.
Once again, though, my favorite Bashir (besides when he's with Garak) is when he's protecting one of his patients. His speech with Winn and him calling her a coward? I would have clapped if I wasn't worried about waking up my spouse from their nap lol
All that said, Kira's moments alone with Bareil were sweet and well done.
The Nog and Jake drama didn't hit right with all the anger I had towards Winn but once again I adore their friendship. Even with their various cultural differences, they find a way to work through it. What I adored, though, was Jake calling in a favor with Odo and having him lock the two up to make sure Nog would talk to him. It was sneaky. What I liked more was how Nog figured it out. The kids smart.
6.5/10 - I want to mark it lower for them throwing away a character but the coward speech and some of the Jake and Nog moments are worth it
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jvlianbashir · 2 years
come in, dr. mora pol. how nice of you to visit - yes, yes i'm sure you're so looking forward to visiting your son. now if you could just sit down on this couch here... ah no, a bit more towards the center if you would.
above you? ah, i see you've noticed the giant anvil suspended from the ceiling by some butcher's twine. nothing you need worry about, i assure you!
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bijoumikhawal · 2 years
Actually that spy review podcast articulated something very important about Garak's characters that people often miss, which is that Garak doesn't lie directly as much as he claims, and when he does it is often either
1) obvious on its face (most of his lies about his exile, like the tax evasion story) or
2) obvious if you know him (the changeling impersonating Julian knew Garak well enough to deduce he was lying about the transmission because of extra information Garak provided to explain himself, technically his stories in the wire because his use of names reveals it)
He more often prunes the truth to make what he's saying more appealing to whoever he's talking to and isn't necessarily subtle about it (the way he talks to Worf to get him to continue investigating in In Purgatory's Shadow is really blatant and Worf calls him on it, but it's also effective at appealing to him so he does what Garak wants anyway). Or he says the truth in such a ridiculous way that you feel stupid for consodering it (the outcast spy comment). Or he omits some facts but uses others.
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writergeekrhw · 2 years
Hi there, I'm rewatching DS9 with a friend of mine who has never seen it. We just got to the episode Life Support, and I'm once again struck by it.
For context, my medical specialty focuses on guiding patients and families through difficult/impossible/devastating medical decisionmaking processes. And every time I see Life Support, I'm overwhelmed by it; it might just be the most accurate representation of an example case from my job that I've ever seen on screen.
I saw that the medical advisor for the episode was credited as John Glassco on IMDB. I was wondering if you'd be able to talk a bit about how you all navigated the medical ethics in that episode. Did you have to argue about it? How did you decide whose priorities would be represented over the course of the episode, and how they would shift in importance and when? Were there any other characters who might have tried to advocate their own priorities, but were cut out for story reasons?
Anyway, I love that episode so much, for obvious reasons (and I personally think you got it right at every step of the way.) I'd love to hear anything you might have to say about it, or any stories about the evolution of the story.
Thank you for the kind words.
Unfortunately, I can't really answer your questions because I didn't do much work on "Life Support" aside from helping with the story break. I was knee deep in "Past Tense" and then went right onto "Heart of Stone."
"Life Support" was all Ron Moore. I honestly don't remember any real arguments or disagreements about how the episode laid out, medical ethics included.
Sorry I can't give any deeper insight.
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attiredpan · 11 months
Nog is a girls boy.
Source? Trust Me Bro.
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filmjunky-99 · 1 year
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r e m e m b e r i n g
Aron Eisenberg
6 January 1969 – 21 September 2019
[pic: eisenberg as nog, life support, ds9]
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a-star-that-fell · 2 years
they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we’re all dead now
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horsechestnut · 1 year
I just think there’s a difference between respecting each other’s culture and allowing your friend to make demining, sexist, remarks to your date’s friend because of his species.
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5 times Julian watched Miles die (and one time he didn't)
When a bar fight goes horribly wrong, Julian does everything he can to save Miles. It's not enough. Miles dies, and Julian is left bereft and distraught. But this is a time loop fic, so when he wakes up the next day, Julian finds the universe has given him another chance to save his friend... And another... And another. There are many ways for Miles to die on a space station, and however much Julian tries -- furiously repressing his ever-increasing grief and dread to focus on this so-important task -- he just can't seem to stop the endless cycle. It doesn't help that, although his feelings are really too much to deal with, his friends keep pressing him to open up to them. He's fine, he insists, until he really isn't, and discovers that he does need a shoulder to cry on after all. Grief, hope, rage, hurt, comfort, despair, joy... A roller-coaster of emotions accompanies Julian through the most challenging six days of his life, and he is so, so tired.
Sound like your kind of story? Within the next few weeks, my fic 'Vision Awry' - a remix of the DS9 episode 'Visionary' - is going to start updating again, so now's the perfect time to go and read the first half! 😉 (while it's still a manageable 50k... :P )
From the end of September, I'll be resuming my regular posting schedule every week until the story reaches its conclusion - so if you're looking for a feels-y Julian WIP to subscribe to that will have both •definite updates, and •a definite end, may I shamelessly recommend that you give my fic a whirl? I am incredibly proud of it, and am so excited to be on the verge of sharing the rest of it with you all 🥰
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asexualjedi · 7 months
Odo just getting annoyed or bored and leaving Jake and Nog in jail as he wanders off to do God knows what
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startrek-by-secret · 1 year
I‘m a little surprised by how many times the main cast of ds9 refuses someone the death they wish for and just decide for them that they‘ll live a life they don’t want instead
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