sugajimin · 2 years
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03.03  1993 - 03.03  2023 
(cr: in the soop:jung-koook, season’s greeting/ memories 2020:namuspromised, sowoozoo/yet to come in busan:0613data, mot’s one dvd: joonie)
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beefytusks · 3 months
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ardourlamour · 10 months
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Based on that one painting I forgot the name dsadas Edna (Tiefling Tav, they/them) and Enessa (The Dark Urge) made her 'armor' slightly inspired on Orin's.
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bundan sonra çiçek böcek paylaşayım bari dsadas.
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picturejasper20 · 2 months
Dawg do you have a DNI list
idk if I can’t follow 😔👊‼️
You can check the ¨About me¨ section on my blog for that. It is on my description bio.
But the reason i can't take that DNI seriously is because it sounds like ¨Document of National Identity¨ (id form in my country) and not ¨Do not interact¨ dsadas
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hjad7 · 4 months
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adnormal · 4 months
dsadas dsawadw
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tsukishumai · 1 year
Hi there! This is really random but I felt the need to tell you. QA little while ago I was talking about how I don't have a signature scent, and normally only used bath and body works stuff and nothing high end (nothing wrong with that! just talking about it because my siblings were wearing Versace and Prada and were jokingly poking fun at me). So my brother's girlfriend was super sweet and got me a perfume for Christmas, specifically Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue. (1)
I'm pretty picky about my scents but this one is perfect. Not only does it have the notes I love but it also pairs well with my own ph. It sucks when something smells so nice but doesn't smell the same when it's on you :(. Anyway the name seemed kind of familiar to me but I couldn't place where so I kinda forgot about it. Then the other night I started thinking about Love Galore and just went into the tag to read some of my favorite chapters and your answered asks. (2)
I came across the one where you talked about what scents the LG4 like and saw that you chose Light Blue for Kuroo :') It's so embarrassing but my heart did a flip at that and I was so happy adsfvhgk. Lowkey giddy that he would like how I smell LOL. I'm also coincidentally the anon who sent the ask! Anyway I really want an irl Kuroo (esp Love Galore version) so I'm manifesting lol. Thank you so much again for sharing Love Galore with us. Can't wait to read more but take your time! Much love 💜(3)
DSADA aww thank you for sharing this is actually so cute and endearing hahaha is it selfish of me to say that i hope Light Blue makes you think of kuroo and LG from now on? LOL
BUT honestly you are so right a woman's journey to find a signature scent is so personal omg and i never even know about the PH thing until recently! it's so crazy how that works haha D&G Light blue was my favorite perfume for the longest time it's just so fresh and perfect hehe and i'm sure it smells absoluetely delicious on you and kuroo would bury his face in ur neck every chance he could get <33
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oswianzzz · 2 years
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eskimisbiplak · 2 years
enim anonim sorularım arada kaynamış gitmiş en son ne sorduğumu unttum dsadas
Ben de unuttum
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giovanniis · 5 years
𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓   /   @aradcliffe.
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giovanni was planning on avoiding romey until... well, forever. her sudden burst of emotion that she’d had the last time they’d seen each other-- the insistence for him to just let someone in-- was too much for him. he just wasn’t ready for that yet. he didn’t know if he ever would be. but, of course, with some cruel twist of fate, he had to end up at the same bar as her. because his life couldn’t just be easy, right ? luckily, she hadn’t noticed him. or, at least, he thought she didn’t, and he was fine with that. and he’s waving over the bartender to get himself a drink when he feels a presence by his side, gaze lifting from the counter to meet her eyes, “... romey.” he breathes out in a moment of stunned silence, “uh... what’s up ? you good ?”
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sonya888 · 2 years
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dieuwithme · 4 years
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trailshome · 3 years
Is there christmas in the their world? I'm asking because i want to know their reaction to child mc writing dear satan instead of dear santa and tells them it was on purpose when they tries to correct them
There's a christmas-esque type of holiday but I have yet to give it a name, lol!! So sadly no santa but I like this ask so...
Finlay: would be pretty confused, "uh... sweetling, I think you've a, uh, spelling mistake...Ah, I see... On purpose..." Will let it be but will make sure to have mc practice their spelling sometime soon!
Lesilfae: "Ah, of course." He nods sagely, "Make sure Satan takes off their shoes when they visit and be sure to give Galeon his present when they arrive." Doesn't think much about it and will humor the mc!
Galeon and Hollond: They peer over the mc's shoulders quizzically. "Dearest..." Hollond starts, eyes darting towards their partner, "I think you've spelled Santa wrong." When the MC replies that they hadn't, in fact, spelled it wrong and was on purpose, Galeon nods absently. "Of course, of course... uh, we ought to see about getting you a tutor..."
Greta: Is also writing a letter to Satan sdasd doesn't think it's a big deal and laughs all the while! Greatly enjoys looking people in the eyes as she drops, "To Satan" letters into the maildrop!!
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obeysword · 3 years
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@arcanalight​ ❛ we meet people, get to know them, and then they get up and leave us behind. ❜ (from Yosuke!)
from an old meme i don’t remember
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     New phone. Fewer contacts. A clean slate. This was a long time coming. While that day in Okina might not have felt like there was such a loft weight hanging, early on into their friendship when Yu had just scratched the surface layers of who Yosuke was. Yu’s learned there’s always deeper meanings when it comes to Yosuke’s words. It often amazes him how Yosuke can say so much and the meanings unravel off into different directions all the while remaining attached to the same thread from which they started.
      Yu never had to feel the pain of people leaving. He kept to himself and placed a wall between him and the rest of the world’s population. Frigid isolation, a storm of ice billowing to keep everyone else away. But then he was sent here, and the little light of flickering hope inside of him that his mother MIGHT hold an inkling of compassion for him faded out of existence. Yu can’t remember if he ever told his mother he loved her and he can’t recall her ever saying it to him. Overtime he gained friends, one by one with Yosuke being the first, his best friend. And one by one Yu had to watch them all leave in Mitsuo Kubo’s depression reality. He pulled himself away and felt like he was interfering with their lives. He had tried to reach out, but he felt pathetic clinging to falsehoods. Without the case to bind their friendship, there was nothing to keep them tied together. They’d stopped coming to group meetings, Teddie went back to his world in the TV, and Yu felt the pangs of abandonment all over again. Yosuke stayed up until the very end, however. But he was removed too. Loneliness took a cruel hold on Yu’s heart, a shattering fear where he never realized how much pain he was in before.
      Maybe it would happen like that. Everyone would pair off, go their separate ways, and the spent time between them would lessen. But Yu wouldn’t leave Yosuke behind. BLACK FROST wished for a friend for one day. He should have made a wish to have a friend who stayed with him forever.
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      ❝It hurts, right?❞ An indescribable agony that’ll never quite disappear. Yu’s started to worry about it too. How long do bonds last? Friendships remain? But he has hope that they’ll exist no matter how far away they are from each other. Even if they don’t meet again when he leaves Inaba, he’ll keep those fond memories of the people he’s met and helped them see a road they can follow out of the fog. It doesn’t deminish the loneliness that’ll come with time. But he has hearts and precious moments to carry him onward.
       DEATH hit Yosuke hard at the start of spring, bringing back that suffocating emptiness he must have felt in the city. If Saki kept him going for six months of disdainful glares and pointed words like sharp bee stings, Yu doesn’t want to think where Yosuke would be now. Where he would be now. Would Yu, closed off and quiet and looking down at everyone without an ounce of remorse or trust in his icy heart ask what happened to the boy who sat behind him and wait for Chie’s hollow and regretful answer. Yu would have felt SOMETHING, enough to rattle his nerves and keep him unbalanced for the rest of the school day. Even without a connection, strung up in selfishness and contempt for the world around him, a mountain would have moved at those words: he died.
       ❝Saki said, ‘parents are parents, but you’re YOU,’ right? I don’t think she would have said that if she didn’t care at least a little about you.❞ But she’s gone now, killed by some unknown criminal like Mayumi Yamano. ❝I care about you.❞
       More than Yosuke could ever imagine. All Yu wanted was for him to be happy. To smile genuinely instead of being energetic to mask how sad he truly felt. Incredible how he’s the only one who really sees through that bright disguise, accepts that pain.
       ❝You know. Even if you tried to push me away, I wouldn’t go.❞ Yu takes his teal flip phone out of his pocket. At some point, he’ll update his too. Probably when he returns to the city he’ll start to look into newer models. The pictures of cats he’ll send out will be clearer and less grainy than the small camera in his current phone. ❝And, I’m pretty sure it’d take a lot to kill me. This case won’t end if that happens.❞ If he can survive his war with the fridge, he can survive almost anything. There’s a part of him that knows he’s too determined to die, and whether it’s luck or purpose Yu isn’t sure.
        ❝And I’d never forget you. You’re too important. Now, are you going to add me as a contact so I can start sending things?❞
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