sgterso · 10 months
@dsrtrose : she’s just watching as jyn settles her belongings back onto her horse; the sun is still rising in the sky, the air is cool with morning fog & the space between them grows smaller as eliza wraps her arms around jyn’s waist from behind. her cheek rests along the other woman’s bicep & eliza hums to herself, “hey — let’s find a little lake. jus’ big enough for the two of us to take a swim.”
jyn is always hyper-aware of eliza's presence. ever since she originally made contact with dutch's boys, her eyes had first found eliza, then dutch. there's an electricity around the other woman that she finds hard to ignore, a warmth to her that jyn lacks yet can't help but gravitate toward. even now that they're more familiar with each other, with jyn's guard and walls slowly lowering with the more time they spend with each other, when they're together, she still can't help but focus most of her attention on eliza.
reaching up to her mare, jyn begins to pack up the her belongings and the small camp they'd set up the night before. out of the corner of her eye, she watches as eliza approaches and wraps her arms around her from behind. jyn hums in contentment at the other woman's touch, twisting slightly to brush her hand against eliza's cheek. " mhm, you'd like that, wouldn't you ? " she muses lightly in response, a wicked glint in her eyes. " –– a chance to get me out of my clothes. "
she turns in the other woman's arms, reaches up to cup her face properly ; with the overall lack of height difference between them, she only has to tilt her head down slightly to meet eliza's lips with her own. it's a sweet, chaste kiss –– barely there and over in only a few seconds. when they part, she smiles slightly, one corner of her mouth turning up. her chest feels tight, warm. on the topic of the lake, she says softly, indulgently, " we can make time for a swim. "
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wasperilspast · 10 months
you need to rest. you're not ready. from @dsrtrose !
as she made her way over, she had repeated his name. trying to catch his attention. ❛ 𝚒'𝚖 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚎. ❜ he responds. it's shorter than he's ever been with anyone before, and most certainly a lie. teddy's fumbling around his own space, struggling to get together his things. hat... gun... bullets. arthur and a few of the others were heading out, and more than anything teddy wanted to be there. he had to be there. he's brought to an abrupt halt as a sharp pain shoots through his side. he's almost certain he's opened his wound again. he's stood there panting, leaning over a barrel for support. the frustration is enough to bring tears to his eyes. eliza brings herself closer and he's forced to meet her gaze. ( 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵. 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺 ). it's simultaneously kind and cruel.
❛ 𝚢𝚘𝚞- ❜ he hesitates. breathing deep in attempts to calm himself down, but what ever strength he's had helping him keep up his composure for so long is gone and he's left unraveling. ❛ 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍..! 𝚒𝚏 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖? 𝚎𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖, 𝚒 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎. 𝚒 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘-... 𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚗 𝚒𝚝! ❜ he curses through gritted teeth and lowers himself to the ground slowly. @dsrtrose / concern for others prompts
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0ldwest · 1 year
smoke and fire rage about,        deafening bangs sounding with the might and fury of all hell broken loose.        and for what one might mistake to be the gang’s customary way of bidding a town farewell,        THIS PARTICULAR INSTANCE IS CUTTING IT TOO CLOSE,        even by their standards.        dutch’s eyes squint against the sun as dollar bills fall from the sky,        scattered to the whim of the breeze when his fingers squeeze the handle of his gun,        free hand pressing against his bleeding side but his head isn’t in it.        it’s hosea’s words that keep him distracted,        hammering with relentless fury        [[        alright,        you go on ahead,        then,        dutch.        you go on an’ prove whatever it is that you hafta to that cornwall feller but don’tchu go blamin’ anyone else if he unleashes the eighth plague of egypt like he threatened to.        ]]        well,        shit.        you savvy old goat.
❛  here,  lean  on  me.  i’ll  support  you.      /      @dsrtrose​​     ☞       ELIZA      +      DUTCH
he hadn’t noticed her joining his side WHEN HE RAISES HIS WEAPON AND FIRES at an o’driscoll aiming their way,        flaming eyes shifting toward her features,        as wild as his own,        hand gripping her arm when he looks back at the scene,        pulls her to him.        ❝    wait        ...        arthur !        we can’t leave arthur.    ❞
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shinemade · 1 year
Martha took it upon herself to deliver the shine since her employees were incapable of doing so. Once the shipment was successfully completed, she made her way to the Bastille Saloon where she ordered a drink. Leaning on the bar, she seized the chance to unwind and relax.
However, the moonshiner can't help but feel the weight of someone's gaze on her. She's been aware of it ever since she arrived. Turning around, she locks eyes with a woman (@dsrtrose) who seems to be of similar stature to her. She must be the one eyeing her up, she thought. Despite this, Martha keeps her composure and acknowledges the woman with a small nod. Even motioning with her head for her to join her at the bar.
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katzengesicht · 2 years
“You look like hell.” from @dsrtrose !
   ' WHY, THANK YOU. ' voice dripping with sarcasm, ocelot doesn’t even raise his head to look at eliza as she returns with firewood. he’s really miscalculated this, quite badly. too many jobs in a row, taking longer than he originally thought they would, leaving him with no time to do another hit, so now he’s here, pathetic and in withdrawal. from the moment he sat down in the first place, it caught up with him, sluggish tiredness and a tremble in his hands.
   they’re supposed to be getting a bounty. ocelot was prepared for this. he did his research, he knows the location and the target. it should be easy. only that, because he did a job with the diamond dogs the day before, as well as a few of his own ... personal projects, with little to no time to sleep, he thought a bit of cocaine would solve the whole energy problem.
   it’s not the first time. it’s also not the first time he’s gone into withdrawal. it’s fine. it’s okay. it’s just inconvenient, is all.
   ‘ i try, y’know. gotta take care of my pretty face and all. makes it easier for miller to hate looking at it. ‘ 
   he’s sweating, and she hasn’t even started the fire yet. if he manages to power through this, he should be fine the next morning, but he’s not sure if he’s comfortable camping out here if he can’t defend himself. can he trust eliza with that? making sure nobody stabs them while he’s busy having tremors?
   does he have much choice? 
   opening one eye, squinting at her from a distance, ocelot considers. ‘ ... you got any gum? ‘
@dsrtrose | rough around the edges
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cantfightgravity · 2 years
@dsrtrose said "9o﹕ sender  helps  receiver  patch  up  a  wound ."
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It had been a struggle, trying to get back to camp. Dutch could barely lift himself onto The Count, but when he managed, it was a slow and painful journey. He had been slashed deeply at the side of his abdomen by some bounty hunter or vigilante who thought this was going to be their big moment and get the rather large award money for capturing him. But Dutch is fast with a gun and in a flashing moment that he can barely recall, the young man was dead, and the outlaw was bleeding profusely.
He's clutching onto the wound, attempting to put some sort of pressure on it. The Count's white coat is now not so clean with drops of his master's blood staining him. The horse was soon abandoned at the entrance of the camp, and Dutch staggers in dizzily. "I need help," he speaks, his energy low, hoping someone can hear him.
Counting his lucky stars, Eliza had not ventured out for the day. Placing himself on the nearest seat he could find, Dutch peals his hand off the wound, revealing the long, deep cut. It was soon enough that Eliza had brought over some scraps of cloth, placing pressure on the wound.
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sillyromances · 10 months
@dsrtrose liked for a starter !
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"You know, I think this could be a nice place if it wasn't for all the bullet holes." Running a hand almost affectionately along the old wooden boards of Shady Belle's porch, a smile flickered at Mary Beth's face for a brief moment.
With all the running and fighting lately, it's been easier to fall into worry than it has been with joy, but there were still some simple pleasures that she could take solace in. Like reading on the wooden porch, carefully ensconced away from most everyone else, but still able to hear the sounds of them bustling about, alive and safe for the time. As much as Mary Beth preferred Clemens Point, she wasn't going to say that the house was without its charms, the windows and balconies appealing.
"I've always wanted a house with a nice desk in front of a window. It wouldn't have to be a big house like this, and wouldn't need to be that nice of a desk, either." Mary Beth continued, fingers tapping against the closed cover of the book in her lap.
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From the other side of the house, she could hear Jack playing with Cain, judging from the laughter and barking, and she could hear Miss Grimshaw yelling at one of the others. Probably Karen, if she had to guess, but it sounded like the woman was in a mood nonetheless and Mary Beth could feel her good mood slipping away.
"You wanna go check on the horses with me? I don't want Miss Grimshaw to accuse me of not working again, and I haven't seen Kieran lately… I'm getting kind of worried about him."
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sgterso · 6 months
@dsrtrose , continued from here !
well-accustomed to being on the receiving end of eliza's glares, they no longer faze jyn as they once had. though still vicious, the closeness between the two women undercuts some of that ferocity. rather than balk under her stare, jyn merely levels her with one of her own ; eliza had cut her off with protests before the second half of her plan could even leave her mouth.
" just need you t'be bait for two minutes, " she retorts. " 'tween the two of us, you're the best choice. they see me in the middle of the road, they ain't stoppin' –– but they would for you, 'liza. " jyn doesn't hide the way her gaze softens when she looks at her. " we both know you're plenty capable. jus' two minutes of sittin' and lookin' pretty and then you can shoot 'em dead and look pretty, yeah ? "
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wolfled · 1 month
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cold is the breeze, stinging against botched up wounds ; THE GUNSLINGER left to tend alone. and surely, he'd get an ear full from the rest when the time comes. for now --- he'll mentally fabricate an elaborate heroes tale. a hiss escapes through teeth as makeshift tourniquet is tightened 'round bicep ; below, the mark of a failed hunt. the pain of it all ; the jabs, the cut, the killing. A MAN SCORNED IS NOT A MAN AT ALL, but a beast beneath the floorboards ; waiting to strike.
@dsrtrose : ❛ if you won’t take care of yourself, then who will? ❜
❛ i don't need no one to take care'a me. i'm a grown man, ❜ the adrenaline has worn, dazed as the failed-marksman keeps himself steady 'pon nearby crate. bloodied digits curl for the cap of whiskey, one down the hatch and another to singe and bubble at laceration. PAIN IS ALL I KNOW, AND WHERE I GO - IT FOLLOWS.
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❛ you oughta get out of here. wolves on the hunt, nearly made a meal of me. ❜
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0ldwest · 2 years
WHAT’S  YOUR  IDEA  OF  HEAVEN ?        @dsrtrose
        the  interrogation  falls  unexpectedly,        although  the  topic  had  been  broached  in  a  greatly  wider  fashion  when  uncle’d  decided  this  was  the  perfect  time  &  situation  to  spill  more  of  his  VAIN  LIES  ABOUT  A  LIFE  HE’D  NEVER  LIVED.        but  dutch  let  it  slide,        silently  dragging  on  his  cigar  while  the  plate  of  stew  before  him  remains  unattended.        truth  is,        he’d  barely  listened  to  a  word  from  the  older  man,        already  well  aware  of  any  tale  he  would  conjure  in  his  arguably  limited  imagination        (    lack  of  any  authentic  experience  will  do  that  to  ya    ).
        but  her  voice  forces  him  to  refocus  &  meet  her  gaze,        silently  approving  of  her  interest  in  the  topic  even  if  he’s  made  it  a  point  never  to  allow  religion  to  spew  its  poison  within  his  gang.        ❝    well,        that  is  a  very  good  question,        my  dear.        although  giving  a  proper  response  would  imply  that  i  believe  in  such  nonsense. . .        but  i’ll  indulge  nonetheless.    ❞        if  only  to  keep  uncle  quiet.        also  because  the  man  does  love  listening  to  himself,        as  hosea’s  so  tactfully  put  it  time  &  again.
          HE  STANDS  THEN,        EYES  TAKING  IN  THEIR  SURROUNDINGS,          the  edges  of  majestic  landscapes  he’ll  make  out  in  the  shadows  of  night  &  his  arms  extend  towards  the  beauty  of  it  all.        ❝    this,        eliza.        this  land.        our  freedom.        these  people.        that  is  the  closest  thing  to  heaven  any  of  us  will  ever  know.        those  folks,        out  there,        wasting  away  at  the  rotten  core  of  what  they’ll  sell  as  modern  civilzation,        is  what,        in  turn,        would  be  defined  as  hell  incarnate.        a  great  man  once  wrote  that  ‘the  real  america  can  only  be  found  not  in  desires  but  in  the  purity  of  its  landscape’.        and  that,        sweet  child,        is  the  only  truth  i  will  ever  submit  to.      ❞        he  can  already  make  out  arthur’s  muffled  groan  &  rebuke  for  having  disturbed  his  rest  once  again  but  he  minds  very  little  &  instead  returns  by  eliza’s  side,        offers  an  affectionate  smile.        ❝    why  the  sudden  interest,        if  you  don’t  mind  me  askin’ ?    ❞
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dsrtrose · 10 months
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ELIZA  CECILIA  KARDEL,    long-standing  member  of  the  van  der  linde  gang    ☀️ 🥀    /    do  not  reblog  unless  mutual  of  @dsrtrose.
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katzengesicht · 1 year
did the bullet go through? from @dsrtrose :)
   OCELOT IS ALREADY GRABBING HER SHOULDER HARD with one hand, the other unwrapping his scarf from his neck. it’s an important question, and he’s in the process of finding the answer. part of him files that information away, that she’s still coherent enough to ask it in the first place, allowing himself a small bit of relief. the other part is focused on the task at hand.
   with the hand on her shoulder, he tugs her against him, at the right angle to be able to take a look at her back— an exit wound. ocelot nods.
   ‘ looks like it. stay still. ‘ 
   his voice isn’t pressed. he isn’t particularly worried. it’s a wound that’s not close to her heart, and it didn’t shatter her bone. as far as he can tell, it’s a flesh wound. still, there’s her muscles, her nerves, the blood loss. an infection can kill any person far quicker than people think. and his body reacts faster than his mind, because when ocelot thinks about it, he’s already pulled the alcohol out of his bag, shortly scrambled for a spare bit from конь‘s equipment. 
   ‘ bite on this. i’m gonna clean and tie this up, until we get you to camp. ‘ are the dogs closer? he’s not sure if venom is at camp, but doctor clark should be. is it safe, to bring her there? he’ll make the decision on the way, when she’s not at risk of losing consciousness anymore. 
@dsrtrose | action-themed
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shinemade · 10 months
which aesthetic color are you ?
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forest green. You're in your own world, spinning fictions and building realities and finding the poetry in ordinary things. The people around you can tell there's something special to you, and you're well-loved by some very good people. But even to your closest friends, you're a bit of a mystery. This always surprises you to hear, because you don't mean to put walls up-- you just get so caught up in things nobody else sees that you forget to let yourself be seen. You're complicated, and sometimes you get tangled in it. Don't worry, though, it's not off-putting; despite your accidental air of mystery, your warmth can be seen like a campfire through distant trees.
tagged by: @charmedslugs & @wasloyal !! ( thanks y'all c: )
tagging: @dovaeh, @wilczmin, @wilsonjacket & @worthfuls, @dsrtrose, and you !!
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dsrtrosearchived · 1 year
ELIZA  HAS  MOVED  to  @dsrtrose !
things  to  note:
i’m making this move for my own comfort - i’m going to refollow folks that i’d like to keep interacting with. i really want to treat this as a clean slate. i might take time refollowing some people, and if i don’t refollow you, please don’t take it personally - this is a move for my mental health + i’m keeping my capacity/outreach small. thank you 🤍
most drafts / a few asks are coming with me - i’m taking for granted that y’all will want to continue all established threads (it’s fine if not, too!). if you could just do me the favor of tagging my new blog in your replies/answered asks/etc, that would be lovely! thank you.
i’ve literally been on this blog for over a decade, so this is kinda emo. i’m not always the smartest, the brightest, or the wisest person around, but y’all chose to be here. thanks for being here for any of the ride, and i seriously love y’all so much. (love you, mean it.)
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wasperilspast · 11 months
𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢. friendship bracelets, beehives, school busses, children's books, flower petals, honeyed toast, polaroids. your essence is honey: you are devoted and endlessly enthusiastic. your friendships are your security; you shroud yourself with people who make you smile and feel lost at sea without them. often you are quick to dedicate yourself to whatever hand feeds you. you are the companion. you are the confidant. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of peach, marigold, yellow, and orange, who share your love of teamwork. you are also drawn to the streamlined souls terracotta and chiffon, who will help you grow and discover your own confidence. however, you may struggle to get along with the heedless personalities of orchid and chartreuse who seem like fair weather friends.
tagged by: @charmedslugs, thank you !! tagging: @dsrtrose / @strnza @deadeyer / @retributors @celesteye @wiiaca @eisiramdeus @redhysterics
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likemosaic · 2 years
@dsrtrose​ / cowgirl duo blues
             “ come on, darlin’. we’ve been riding all day. even i’m tired; you must be ‘bout ready to keel over. rex here needs a rest, too. ” she pats her stallion’s neck comfortingly. in response, he whinnies pitifully, as if to say: you’re a cruel mistress, miss cash. normally, kaj would agree, but eliza is a rougher lady than even she could ever dream of being: never stopping to look after herself, only concerned when it comes to the people around her being in trouble and damn the consequences. it’s why kaj has thrown her lot in with her new travelling partner; she’s tough, and runs even tougher. but kaj has enough experience with life to know that if you push too hard and ignore your body’s warning calls for too long, eventually, you’ll shut down without gettin’ a say in it. and though she wouldn’t call them friends just yet, she would hate to see eliza fall off her horse and snap her pretty neck. she’s come to admire that neck, after all.
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         she pulls rex’s reigns up, nodding to a shady tree in the distance. “ that’ll be nice and cool, don’t you think? the man i’m after is on foot. he won’t get far if we rest a spell. ”
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