#dteam cats
jjoneechan · 2 months
creatureTitan! GNF based on that ice titan from Hercules
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regular giant GNF it’s so fun playing around with perspectives and proportions
Cats in Minecraft!
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Patches would be a great Titan! Naomi would get so overwhelmed 😭😭🫶🫶
so I heard somebody’s getting crushed 👀
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Dream finally gets his wish in being stepped on 💀
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ghostdnfie · 6 months
A big sister and her two younger siblings fr
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glitchyfrills · 8 months
Twitch Kittens
(((GlitchNote: I HAVE RETURNED! Kinda lol. This is probably not my best work but I trying to get back into writing and this was a challenge. I basically had to get my cousin and co-writer on a fic that will be coming back soon to threaten to take away my caffeine. Boy did that motivate me. So keep that in mind while you read this. But it was SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE AGAIN! The idea came from a picture Awesamdude shared and some screenshots of Milo from Sapnap’s twitch stream. I hope you enjoy it!!)))
“Hey!” Milo exclaims as he bounds and leaps towards his sister Naomi and Patches. “Guess what?”
Patches twitches an ear towards him but doesn’t lift her head from her comfy position. Naomi jumps at her brother; the two of them roll towards Patches and force her to sit up. The glare she gives the two kittens has them taking a few steps back and apologizing.
“Sorry, Patches,” Naomi mews softly.
“Yeah, sorry.” Echos Milo.
Patches can’t help but smile at them. She remembers what it was like being their age. She’s calm and relaxed; or as her dad Dream likes to say “chill” now but there was a time she was a menace. Knocking things over, making messes, and getting into things she wasn’t supposed to. In total honesty she still can be a menace when she wants the attention.
Looking towards Naomi then to Milo.
“You were going to tell us something?” She asked gently.
Milo’s ears perk up and he begins to pace around them.
“Yeah! Dad said I was a streamer!”
Naomi could hold back the burst of laughter. She rolled onto her back as she laughed at her brother’s expense. Milo’s ears flattened against his head as he narrowed his eyes towards Namoi who continued laughing.
Patches wanted to laugh too but she recalls Sam, a tall human that she mainly recognized by voice, had told her the same thing once while he was visiting. He had been watching others on screens whose voices she somewhat recognized. She had wanted his attention and jumped up onto his desk and began messing with the familiar pad of flashing buttons she had seen her dad mess with from time to time when she found him in his office.
“Quit laughing, Naomi! It’s not funny! I can be a streamer if I wanna! Dad said!” Milo shouted as his sister continued to giggle.
“Dad was probably joking with you,” Naomi finally says as her giggling subsideds.
“Or maybe not,” Patches says as she walks towards the hallway that leads to the room that Sam had been using.
“Patches?” Naomi mews quietly as she watches her leave. Milo doesn’t wait but bounds after her. Not wanting to be left behind she follows her brother.
Patches with Milo trailing close behind pass Sapnap’s office without a second glance. Naomi could help but slowly pad her way by the door; taking a moment to look inside. Once she saw that her dad was focused on whatever was on the screens in front of him she quickly picked up her pace to reach the other two.
Approaching them she saw they were just standing in the hall. “What are you two… oh.”
The door was shut.
Patches sat down. “The last time I came by here the door was open.”
Eagerly Milo exclaimed, “Bet I can get it open!”
Before Naomi could protest Milo was already in position to leap towards the handle of the door. His impact makes a loud thud against the door. Patches looks over Naomi’s to see if the noise caused any of the humans to come and investigate.
“Don’t move, Milo.”
He does as Patches suggest. He hangs on tight to the handle; his hind legs supporting him as best as they can without slipping.
Patches slowly pads away from the door. Naomi crouches down trying her best to make herself small enough to hide. Patches perks her ears to hear if anyone was coming towards them. She walks back to the door when she felt the coast was clear.
“Doing okay up there, Milo?”
“Just hanging around,” Milo laughs.
“This can’t be a good idea. Whatever it is! Let’s go back to dad,” Naomi pleads.
“Everything is gonna be fine, Naomi. Chill.” Milo begins to maneuver his paws around the handle, doing his best to get a good grip.
With enough wiggling Milo managed to turn the handle and open the door.
“You did it!” Naomi cheered as her brother let go of the door handle and landed gracefully in front of her on the floor.
“Of course I did!” He puffed out his chest with pride.
Patches walked around them to push the door wider. “Good job, kid.”
She surveyed the room. The room was exactly how she remembered it.
Sam had spent a lot of time building his set up in the room he had claimed as his own. The desk would move up and down with a press of a button. Patches even remembered her dad, Dream, bringing boxes that had arrived days before Sam into this room. She had watched him and Sam pull things out of boxes for hours and put together the computer he later used to watch, talk, and play with his friends.
Patches hopped on the chair. The desk looked the same. The screens were blank but the keyboard was still there as well as the pad with the lights that she had seen both Sam and her dad when they both streamed.
Looking down she saw both Milo and Naomi looking up at her. Both seemed to be waiting for instructions.
“Well,” she said. “Come on up.”
Naomi did what Patched had done and just jumped up onto the chair and the two of them hopped onto the desk.
“Come on, Milo,” Patches called out. “This was your idea after all.”
Naomi looked towards her brother. “Milo don’t! This isn’t like dad’s room.” But it was too late. Milo was already leaping toward the wall but what he didn’t know was that the walls in this room weren’t lined with soundproof fabric. He hit the wall and tried his best to grip the wall with his claws. Milo felt his claws go into the wall but he still slid down; creating lines in the paint of walls.
Patches and Naomi couldn’t help but laugh as Milo leaped off the wall and landed not so gracefully on the ground on his bottom.
“Use the chair, silly,” Naomi suggested.
He did and joined them on the desk. As he walked around the desk he kicked the mouse and the motion woke up the screens. Bright colors filled the screens. Naomi jumped behind Milo.
“It’s okay, sis. See,” he moved a bit so she could look at the screens. “They are just like dad’s. But there’s only two of them here.”
She nodded to him that she understood but still stayed behind him.
Patches looked over the screens. She really couldn’t make out what any of the words on them meant but she recognized the purple. It was the same purple her dad’s screens had when he was up early in the morning talking to someone he referred to as “chat”. Whoever they were, she liked them. They always had nice things to say about her and really liked it when she was in the room with her dad.
“What do we do? How does this work?” Milo asked as he carefully walked over the keyboy to get closer to one of the screens.
Naomi shrugged and looked at Patches hoping she knew what to do next. She shrugged and began to press the buttons on the pad beside the keyboard. The pad lit up. Milo and Naomi followed her actions and did the same but on the keyboard.
Soon a familiar box appeared on the screen. It didn’t take long for writing appeared in that box.
“I think we did it!” Patches exclaimed.
Sapnap had finished up his stream and was lounging on the couch when a notification popped up on his phone.
awesamdude is live!
He swiped the notification away and continued to scroll on his phone.
“Didn’t Sam say he was sick?” Dream asked as he plopped on the other end of the couch.
“That he did,” Sapnap replied without looking up from his phone.
“Then why did I just get a notification that he went live?” He sounded a little annoyed but also concerned. “He said he couldn’t record tonight because he wasn’t feeling well.”
“You are one to talk about streaming while sick,” George laughed as he walked into the room.
“Yeah, Dream,” Sapnap joined in. “Or podcasting while sick.”
“Okay okay. Lay off,” Dream sighed as he clicked onto Sam’s stream.
The chat was by the look of it confused at what was happening. They seemed to have had similar thoughts to Dream.
‘Didn’t Sam say he was sick?’
‘What’s with the black screen???’
‘Sam are you ok???’
Along with a lot of emotes frequently used in chat.
It’s when he saw a few chat messages saying ‘Did you hear that?’ and ‘Was that a meow’.
“Did Sam get a cat?” Dream asked Sapnap and George who was leaning over the back of the couch scrolling on his own phone.
“Hasn’t said anything about it. Why?” Sapnap put down his phone and looked towards Dream. He saw Dream turning up the volume on his phone and hold it up to his ear. “What’s going on?”
“I’m not sure. Pull up Sam’s stream on your phone.”
George finally looked up from his phone to look over Dream’s shoulder. “What’s going on?”
“I just said I’m not sure.” He closed the stream with a frustrated sigh as he pulls up Sam’s information.
“You are calling his phone? Why don’t you call him on discord?” George asks as he jumps over the back of the couch to actually sit on it.
“Hey, Sam. How you feeling?” Dream asks as he ignores George’s question. Sam’s voice is quiet enough on the other end that it can’t be heard by George. “That sucks. Are you resting?”
While Dream questions Sam, Sapnap motions for George to come and listen to the stream.
“Come here. Why does the meowing sound familiar?”
“Calm down, Sam. I don’t know what’s going on but we will get it taken care of. Guys,” Dream puts his phone down for a moment, “Sam isn’t streaming. Can you hear anything on the stream?”
“Like chat says it sounds like meowing,” George replies as he takes Sapnap’s phone from his hand, holding it closer to his ear to get a better listen.
“Hold up… that kinda sounds like Naomi.” Sapnap says as he stands and looks around the room. “Has anyone seen the cats?”
“Weren’t they with you while you were streaming?” Dream asks, trying to get information from them as well as trying to reassure Sam that things will be fine.
“They were but I had my door open so they wandered off halfway through my stream.”
“Maybe we should check Sam’s room,” George suggests as he stands.
“I walked by there this afternoon. I shut the door. There’s no way the cats got in.”
“Dream, have you seen Milo on Sapnap’s streams?” George questioned as he led the way to the room Sam had claimed as his. “That cat can manage to open a door. Don’t underestimate him.
“Yeah, Dream, don’t underestimate my son.” Sapnap said with a wide grin on his face.
“Doors open,” George pointed out as they approached Sam’s room. He pushed the door open full and he could help the laugh that escaped him.
“Patches!” Dream shouted. “Sam, I'm gonna call you later. Well end the stream.” He ended the call and rushed to the desk.
Sapnap was close behind him. “Milo! Naomi! What are you two doing?”
All three cats looked towards their owners with bright eyes. Almost looking proud.
“What does it look like they're doing, Sapnap?” George pulled out his phone to take a picture. “They are streaming!”
Chat was going crazy at that point.
“Sorry guys. Ending now. Thanks for watching I guess,” Dream said into the mic before hitting ‘END STREAM’.
Dream made sure to log out of Sam’s account before shutting down the computer safely. He then picked up Patches. Sapnap had given Naomi to George to hold while he carried Milo.
“Must not have closed the door all the way like I thought I had. Thankfully they didn’t do any real damage,” Dream commented as they made their way out of Sam’s room. “But Sam is most likely gonna have to fix some stuff next time he’s here.”
He shut the door and gave it a good push to make sure it was properly closed.
As they walked back to the main area of the house Sapnap laughed quietly.
“Guess they proved me right.”
“What about?” Dream asked as he put Patches down.
“I told my chat that Milo looked like a streamer earlier.”
George laughed as he put Naomi down close to where Sapnap had let Milo down, “Twitch Kittens.”
(((GlitchNote: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! Like I said before this was such a challenge but I’m glad I did it. I’m hoping this is what I need to get back into writing more. I miss my OC Bendy stuff so much! Again thanks for reading! And cross your fingers there will be more to come!!!)))
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cheezart · 5 months
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Silly cat bois
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cruwmo · 2 years
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shurinpat · 6 months
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banana babies
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bluishfrog · 3 months
They fell asleep watching death note in bed
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Based on sapnap saying his comfort anime is death note and he watches it in bed with his friends (clip)
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micahmells · 9 months
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besties for the resties
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dwtdog · 6 months
thank god for the lighting in sapnaps streaming room
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wack-wizard · 1 year
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Cozy afternoon chess games
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jjoneechan · 3 months
💚Happy Fathers Day🧡
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To the only dads ever since we’re all fatherless 😭 /lh
GNF: why am I not in it, they’re my babies too!
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ca-chuw · 2 months
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Naomi, the Disgraced One and the Strongest Sorcerer in History!!!
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happy international cat day to the babiest of babygirls!!! muah muah muah
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cruwmo · 2 years
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New cat design immediately
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mushyruuu · 1 year
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live laugh shine
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mcyt-cats · 1 year
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Patches update! She has the Death Note now!
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