monstersmade · 5 months
//i was thinking a lot on how interesting it was that the remnants dont overall have swords. Kadaj's souba seems to be a saiha blade which I'll go into in another post but the Velvet Nightmares are gunblades that don't function as blades and the Dualhound is a gauntlet
and as i was thinking on it, and theyre also missing another iconic piece of Sephiroth's design - which is his hair. Sephiroth's big gravity defining bangs - when kadaj and yazoo have very flat hair that falls in their face, and Loz's is entirely different. Yaz has long hair with piece sitting down past his shoulders but Sephiroth's long front pieces are part of his bangs and come from in front of his ears, Yaz's come from the length in the back pulled forward
and then ofc the wing, which the remnant designs allude to but dont have
it just fascinates me how much they dont look like sephiroth
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tailoringdata · 8 years
Chain Failure {Alak | Loz}
Alak’s day quickly went downhill after leaving Chatri’s encampment.
Halfway back to Edge, the chain on his motorcycle broke.  He noticed the rapid deceleration at once, and steered off the ‘road’. He hadn’t brought a spare with him today.
“Balls,” he muttered, kneeling beside the bike and examining it. “Could anything else go wrong today?”
A deep growl answered that question.
Moving slowly, Alak rose and turned, one hand drifting up to the Sleep Materia he wore around his neck.
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torewindtime · 8 years
A talk
Xeha shifted the bag of groceries to rest against her hip. He wanted to talk to her about someone. That couldn’t be good. Still she walked through into the living room. “Who do you want to talk about?”
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Sora attempting to teach @dual-hound or @kukanorrow how to smile/be happy.
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xdualhoundx · 4 years
“Here to get in the way again?” 
Loz turns slowly, narrowing his eyes as he gazes at the raven-haired man swathed in red. He recalls an individual with the same striking appearance rescuing Cloud from an ambush by himself and his brothers, back before the Resurrection. He’s wary, but not as hostile as he might have been then.
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DualHound’s grip is held in hand, though the weapon isn’t active just yet; he’s bumped into several people since his return to the planet, and though he’s willing to give Vincent the benefit of the doubt, he isn’t sure this accidental meeting won’t turn down a violent path if he takes offense to something.
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badassbarmaid · 8 years
I have a mini headcanon that Tifa will leave small baskets of food and other gifts for the Remnants occasionally.
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thesinnednightmare · 8 years
dual-hound said: This is not why he came here, but it sure is a thing he’s now enduring. 8/
“Did you come for something else?” he asked after a moment, releasing Loz. “Has something happened?”
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