mit3c · 5 years
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Secret Santa gift for @prezaki !! This was fun to draw, I hope you like it!!^^ I wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year!
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tobyduck · 5 years
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Secret Santa for @mit3c, who wanted Daphne Duck and Mathilda McDuck being soft~ I hope you like it!
Thanks​ for organising this event @ducksanta! :D
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monkey-li · 5 years
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Hey @responsiblelying I was your secret @ducksanta  /^0^/. (and now the tag is working, thank you tumblr ^^;)
You wished for Gladstone, Gladstone, Gladstone 🍀🍀🍀 . Best with some family bonding. (I screamed happily as I saw your wishes ^0^)
I saw you like the relationship between Louie and him in the reboot so of course I put Louie in there ^^ and getting praise from Scrooge is so rare for Gladdy he needed to be there aswell!
Scrooge: “Ye did good, Lad!”
Louie: “Thanks, unca Gladstone”
Gladstone: *just cries*
It’s up to you what he did right ^^ ♥
I hope you like your gift. Happy Hollydays! ♥♥♥ and thank you for always providing Gladdy Screensshots ^.~
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gladstone-gunder · 5 years
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Merry Christmas, @stars-and-little-comets ! I was your Secret Santa! I decided to make one of the coziest family scenes I could think of--cousins all bundled close together!
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desourceful · 5 years
how to draw like don rosa
step 1: pick a carl barks drawing with a character in the pose you want to draw
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step 2: trace that
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step 3: add hatching
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step 4: color
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this is my secret santa for @theobsessivedisneyfan​ ! one of the things they asked for was don rosa scrooge, so i thought to myself: sure, i could give them a don rosa scrooge and they’d be set for the holidays- or i could teach them how to draw don rosa scrooge, and they’ll be set for life!
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luckorro · 5 years
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Here is your secret santa gift @ankkalinna! Hope you are having a wonderful holiday.
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callme--starchild · 5 years
You and Me Against the World
If someone managed to put Donald Duck and Paperinik on the same stage, they probably wouldn't know it was the same duck.  Especially because of the impossibility of putting Donald Duck and Paperinik on the same stage.
Not surprisingly, Donald has been wearing the cape and mask for so long that he already knew how to get his way to keep his identity secret, being mostly Gyro's voice modulator which kept his speech impediment hidden. And if someone was sharp enough to decipher it or, in the worst case, remove the mask, he could easily choose to use his always faithful Car-Cans.
It wasn't easy work, and he recognized it. Now that he had earned his degree online and Della had returned from her boarding school, Scrooge had focused more on adventures, which kept him busier. He used to say that he wanted to go back to the old days and be them three against the world, and Donald could see how much his sister craved it.
But the truth was that he could perceive that it was Scrooge McDuck and Della Duck against the world, who were already an invaluable team while he was the miserable cannon fodder, always being the one who received the blows and the scapegoat when something went wrong.
And being Paperinik... wow, the duck didn't know where to start. Outside of polishing coins in the money bin, starting work in the Tower part time since he came of age, despite being a janitor, made him feel that he was part of something.
The pleasant talks with Lyla and Angus' comments against the local hero, coupled with his peculiar laugh, had become his second home. That was his second biggest secret, though.
Of course, his time has been reduced since the return of Della, who has insisted on recovering lost time. And while he could not blame her, between that and the adventures Donald has not had the time to visit it.
To visit him.
"Is everything okay, Old Cape?"
Donald stopped walking around the 151st floor, being invaded again by a deafening silence that, honestly, was driving him crazy.
He sighed heavily before pluming himself in the chair that the intelligence had previously prepared for him to massage his temple.
"Yes, yes, it's just..." Donald chattered, not knowing how to justify himself because not even he knew why he saw it as a life threatening problem.
And now that he thought about it, it was perhaps ridiculous.
"My sensors do not indicate any physical damage that deserves to be treated after your last adventure, and Evronians have not been seen in days…"
"'m sorry."
However, he spoke so suddenly that Uno did not know what to say, stopping his metal arms to focus on the sailor-dressed duck.
"Why, Hero? You haven't done anything that warrants an apology."
"But, I've set you aside lately.  I've been venturing so much with Scrooge and Della that I presented less and less in the Tower unless Paperinik has to save someone helpless, imprison some evildoer or fight some Evronian." Don moved in his seat, raising his hand when he perceived that the AI would speak, "I know I don't show it much or I don't say it very often, but you are one of my best friends, Uno, and I don't want you to think that now that Della has returned, she will take your place or our relationship will become merely formal and..."
However, Uno began to laugh, and Donald took advantage of the moment of confusion to regain the breath he had lost and loosen his bowtie.
"Do you love me so much, Donald?" He made the gesture of withdrawing a tear, making a table appear with a glass of water so that the duck could cool and ignoring his blush, "is fine, it really doesn't matter."
"Re... Really?"  Normalizing his breathing, he observed the sly smile on his partner's face.
"I mean, as long as you don't get hurt or your identity is at risk, I know you also have your life, Hero," that he missed him when he was going to venture? Yes, too much. But he couldn't be selfish and hook his friend to the tower even if he had the ability. "Besides, I am irreplaceable, your family does not know the wonders of artificial intelligence."
As if the smirk didn't say much, using the metal arms he pointed to himself, and Donald couldn't help laughing.
"Yes, you're probably right." In fact, the duck couldn't help feeling bad, it hurt to leave his friend on his own and he didn't know why; maybe because he was kinda chained to the Ducklair Tower—?
"I always have it, Old Cape." Very modestly, Uno appeared in a smaller orb in front of Donald, trying not to change color when he hugged him and attached him to his body. ”Let's watch Anxieties, okay? It's about to start and I don't want to miss this episode."
The sailor laughed fondly and rested his chin on the warm orb, listening and feeling its buzzing as the soap opera began.
On the other hand, Uno could not concentrate over the warm and finally relaxed face of his partner, staying curled up against his body.
As long as Donald doesn't get hurt during an adventure, or if a happenstance occurs that puts Paperinik's identity on the tightrope, it would be fine.  He always had multiple satellite cameras to make sure of that, and somehow feel accompanied by him.
(And yes, he had finally managed to learn the expression of the tightrope, as well as others that his companion had taught him. After all, he learned fast, and had a large database with him.)
Hiding his 313 in a large bush next to the ruins of the mansion, Paperinik took his X-Transformer out of the trunk before stepping away from Villa Rosa, listening to the thump of his boots against the concrete.
"Where did the attack was, Uno?" universally, the hero cursed himself for having been distracted again by reading Fantomius' diary while adjusting the shield on his wrist.
"In the central park, fifteen minutes from your current position." Showing his point of view, the hero could see the coordinates on the shield, and paused abruptly at the entrance to the city to press a button.
He knew that his little car had an anti-gravity button, or that he could turn to the springs of his boots if he wanted a safer ride, but none of those objects were quiet at close range and, in addition, the Evronians were not as stupid as other petty criminals he faced on a daily basis.
He could simply go for the 313 once he defeated the aliens and go home once everything was resolved.
"You're about to arrive, PK."
Donald smiled sideways. 12 minutes apart thanks to the incredible technology of his X-Transformer.
"Roger, thanks!"
Uno's next comment, however, was overshadowed by one of the classic monologues of a nearby Evronian who pointed a gun at a young pair of ducks.
This would be easy.
"Your sister?"
The superhero nodded, removing his mask and growling under his breath. He sat in the chair that the artificial intelligence always prepared for him when he returned from a mission.
"Yep, she apparently had a problem with her boyfriend, her emotions were full of skin and that must have attracted them. They're fine, but it was difficult for me to leave them on the porch of the mansion" sighing, the duck let out an ''m upset' without bothering to remove the voice modulator.
"And you don't care if she wants, I don't know, an advice, let off steam and see you're not there?" Donald looked up, his partner's gaze focused on him as he began to stretch his body.
"I told her I would go out and see the houses for sale. But you're right, I should go. It's getting late, and I still have to pick up 313, and there I left my clothes" at that moment, the duck put on the mask again before getting up, wavering, from the chair.
"Do you need me to take you? I'm sure Master Everett didn't mind if we use one of his electric cars" a small orb appeared next to the hero, who smiled in thanks.
If both felt an accelerated blood pressure, neither of them said anything.
"Thanks Uno, but I could use this route to patrol the city, and I wouldn't feel bad about some technological help."
But Donald did not know what invaded him at that moment when he did something that never went through his thoughts and placed a small kiss on the orb.
The duck's cheeks were painted pink under the mask, as if the fact that Uno's orb will change color was no more embarrassing because, if he didn't know his friend's features and gestures, he would have thought of Due.
"I knew you loved me, Hero, but I didn't know how much." Trying to lighten the mood, the artificial intelligence laughed, nervousness lacking in not having it in his system.
"I, er, I'm sorry," he said, concentrating on the squeak of his boots against the ground until he found himself in the elevator, silent as he made his way to the secret entrance.
"You know I couldn't get mad at you even if I wanted to, Old Cape."
It was Uno's last words before Paperinik taken the grappling hook from his suit's belt and point it to a nearby ceiling.
It should be noted that this little accidental kiss had been recorded in the intelligence's database, and he doubted being able to get rid of it easily.
Nor is it that he will need to do it. Paperinik, Donald Duck, was his friend and partner, the person next to whom he defended the planet.
While they were against the world, the other would be fine.
Until Della Duck's pregnancy was discovered and things began to change.
The sailor was reluctant when he handed the X-Transformer to Uno, holding a duffel bag on the other arm.
"What do you mean, will you stop being a hero?"
If he was already confused by the fact that Donald was so attached to him,
(more than usual since the incident of the kiss, which was not unpleasant for anyone after speaking.)
he knew it was a bad omen when he considered that the duck was not exactly the affectionate type.
However, Uno was not sure how much when the visits to the tower were reduced and PK less monopolized the news during the last months.
"It will be the best," the sailor spoke, a raspy voice making his speech more difficult, "my sister was sent on a mission to space, but she has not returned and her kids have already hatched. One of them took 48 minutes to be born... I have to stop seeing for myself and start seeing for them."
"I could take care of them in the Tower. I could expand my database with the care they need, alter the Tower and make it hatchlings-proof" on the face of the AI was a crooked smile, trying to ignore the unknown fail in his system.
Possible was not.
"Thanks, Uno, but I want them to grow safe, my house may be small but it has what it takes. The last thing they'll need 's to lose their uncle because a Paperinik mission went wrong. I mean, Evronians were already defeated, so..."
He yawned, openly showing his tiredness. As if showing himself demonically calm and not showing signs of anger was bad enough.
Uno fought against the willpower that he did not knew he possess when the image of Scrooge McDuck was presented.
Though he did not quite like his friend's uncle for the accidents that caused him in the adventures (as if PK's injuries were not enough before Donald's gradual clumsiness), having hacked the mansion's cameras when they both argued for him sponsoring Della's mission during the ducklings hatching week had not been a good idea.
And that Donald was emotionally weakened didn't mean he could be triggered off.
"But you're tough, smart and sharp, you'll be fine—"
"Look at me, Uno," the duck pointed to himself, and the aforementioned was able to see how old and exhausted he looked, his eyes swollen and reddish through the hyperspectral cameras and his askew feathers, "I'm not as young as I was eight years ago, and my nephews need my full attention, I'm sorry."
Literally the intelligence did not perceive the moment when his smile was erased. The failure in his system was getting bigger and less possible to ignore.
Donald's voice had broken.
"I understand, but... could I meet them one day?" His metal arms didn't stop his friend when he ran and hugged the orb tightly, rubbing his feathered cheek against the glass.
"One day." Smiling sadly, he said nothing when the non-biological hands rubbed his back. "Thank you for always being there, mate."
"Whatever for you, Old Cape..."
The adult sighed heavily and reluctantly moved away from the artificial intelligence, holding the duffel bag tightly.
"I'd like to stay longer, but I have to go with Gyro and hand him the gizmos, and I promised Panchito and José that I wouldn't be out for long."
As he spoke, the speed with which he approached the elevator decreased, especially when he opened it for him.
"See you later, PK."
The sailor's sad smile expanded, and said goodbye with a slow wave.
"Goodbye, Uno..."
That night, he and Lyla Lay were the only entities aware of the Paperinik's retirement by the official source, but Uno did not want to know if it was made public to observe the new episode of Anxieties and the Donald's recordings present in his database.
He was fully aware of his failure when he perceived an unrecognized moisture in his orb, unable to clean it with the metal arms and the electricity of the Tower began to fail.
He was not a fool to recognize feelings, but he had never expected to possess them. It still was the two against the world, yes, but now they would do it each way.
That didn't mean he liked it.
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keriwi1 · 5 years
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More duck comics secret santa for @bubble-within-time   who also requested for  gift request nr 2 That soft Magica and Minima content
gift request nr 3 I guess Scroldie if i gotta have 3
I know, maybe I shoudn’t split it, but I wanted to post something in every day of the Holidays
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ducksanta · 5 years
Duck Comics Secret Santa 2019
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-Participants must keep their secret santa identities anonymous until the gift exchange has been done! If you need to contact your secret santa anyway, please find a way to do so anonymously or contact this blog.
-The gift needs to be finished! The picture should be fully coloured, written work should be at least 1000 words and fully finished. All work needs to be new don't reuse any previously posted work of yours.
-Even if you're uncertain about how good of an artist you are it's fine. As long as you're willing to put in the effort and try to make something the gift receiver will like I'm sure it will be appreciated.
-Please note this is a Duck Comics focused event, there are already lot of ones that largely focus on Ducktales the cartoon series. Dt/darkwing duck/classic cartoons related things are allowed as long as the focus is on comics characters and comic characterizations. Which means if you take part you should be familiar with the comics.
-It's fine if you have a specific niche you'd prefer to work on or are mostly fan of Don Rosa comics/Italian stuff/Brazilian comics/etc. Mention it in a sign up form and I will do my best to match people with assignments they feel comfortable with.
-This is a sfw event. Shippy stuff is okay but keep it PG.
If something happens and you will be unable to make the gift in time please notify this blog.
- please allow asks or messages on your tumblr so I can contact you.
Please fill the Google form here.
Post them on your Tumblr or submit them to this blog during Dec. 25th-Dec. 31st. If you post them on your Tumblr tag them with the person the gift is for and #ducksanta2019. Also since Tumblr can hide posts from the tags I would prefer it if you messaged this blog to notify me you posted your assignment.
Nov.4th - Nov.17th: Sign up
Nov.18th-Nov.24th: Secret santas + assignments get distributed
Nov.25th- Dec. 25th: TIME TO WORK ON THE GIFTS!
Dec. 25th-Dec. 31st: Time to post your gifts!
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inkplotkey · 5 years
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Merry Christmas for @tobyduck! 
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nonbinarynero · 5 years
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my secret santa gift for @keriwi1 ! The prompt I went with was “ I would love to see more pictures with Brigitta and Scrooge just having fun, chasing each other and doing someting romatic”.  I hope you like it, this was super fun to do :)! 
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mit3c · 5 years
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And my secret Santa gift to @cupcakegerard! one prompt mentioned Magica and the other Elvira, so I took the liberty to draw both on the same picture! I guess Grandma has an unexpected guest this year...... ^^ I hope you like it! Merry christmas!
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ankkalinna · 5 years
My Duck Comics Secret Santa2019 Gift for @paperino-protection-squad who wanted Tamers of Nonhuman Threats and X-Mickey crossover and some stuff about Donald’s different identities. I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 4600
Donald had been in a bad mood ever since he woke up, and hearing the voice of the person he hadn't really thought of in years really didn't make his trip to the grocery store any better.
”Donald! Hey, it is you!”
Donald turned towards the mouse. ”Hey. It is you.”
He shuffled in place a bit, awkwardly regretting the blatant unenthusiasm in his tone. ”So. Long time no see.”
”Yeah.” Mickey nodded.
An awkward silence fell.
”We should do lunch sometime,” Mickey said. ”To catch up.”
Before Donald could reply he continued: ”Why not right now, actually?” He looked at his watch. ”I'm free. Do you have anything?”
Donald did not. He was, as one might say, between jobs at the moment.
But telling Mickey that...
He paid attention to the mouse's suit. It wasn't expensive, nothing that made it look like he was trying to overcompensate, or that he was throwing money away.
It was neat, well put together. Paired with a nice watch that implied he had a bit of an extra money to get himself something nice. Not too expensive. Then again, Donald's idea of expensive was 'I could not justify spending money on this when there are three sets of school supplies to buy'
The mouse had always radiated self-confidence and had this annoying successful aura to him...
He is probably doing well, Donald thought bitterly.
Out loud he said: ”Sorry, I'm really really busy now.”
He couldn't help adding: ”An important career... thing. A thing. Yeah. I got opportunities. Bye.”
Donald woke up to an alarm.
He struggled up. ”Not now Uncle Scroo-”
That sound was his TNT alarm.
He pulled it out of his closet. It had been a long time. He even sometimes forgot he had this gig. His life was so full of being The Duck Avenger, and Doubleduck, and Scrooge's slave, and a parent-
But this job had a big difference compared to all of those.
It paid.
And it paid well.
Donald saluted the image on screen. ”What's up I'm awake!”
In half an hour Donald had dragged Fethry out of bed, shaken him awake with a ”The world needs us!” and gotten him into the TNT headquarters for briefing.
”Welcome, Agents,” The Head started. ”We have measured outstanding levels of extradimensional portal radiation somewhere around or near Duckburg.”  He pointed at the image on screen. ”We have reason to believe this person is involved-”
”I just ran into him!” Donald pointed at the screen at the file image of Mickey Mouse. ”Now that you mention it he was maybe acting a bit odd.”
”I'm sure it's fine,” Fethry said. ”And what do you mean portal radiation anyway? It's all fine...”
”Really?” Katrina Kolik said, ignoring Fethry and focusing her attention on Donald. ”Maybe it'd be for the best if you tried to dig up some more information.”
Donald saluted. This sounded like an easy job.
”Okay,” he said.
It might even be nice, seeing an old friend and reminiscing a bit.
Donald smiled at the mouse sitting in front of him in the small cafe. ”So, it's nice to meet up like this-” He took a sip from his latte. He wasn't sure why he had suggested an overpriced coffee shop.
It had felt like something Mickey would fit in, he supposed.
”And so lately I have been doing more work at the paper, writing a column on bee-keeping,” Mickey said. ”Of course I keep being pulled back in but at the moment I really would prefer a more stress-free life with everything going on. Maybe I will return to being a police consultant at some point.”
”A-ha.” Donald lifted his drink to his beak and pretended to drink. The cup was tiny and he was dreading the bill already. He had to make this one cup last for as long as possible.
”I remember you being a reporter too?” Mickey asked.
”Not in a while,” Donald sighed. ”Uncle Scrooge outsourced his clickbait journalism to some trained ferrets. I was shining coins for him but-”
He hesitated. He had fallen asleep at the job after a hard night's work patrolling the city as the Duck Avenger. A row had happened. Donald couldn't remember if he had been once more sacked or if he had quit. Not that it mattered. He'd grovel back there at some point anyway.
Not that Mickey would have to know any of that.
”I had other opportunities, so I quit.”
That was basically true anyway. His work as the Duck Avenger took a lot out of him and without having to get up for work he had been putting even more hours in crime fighting.
Mickey leaned in. ”An exciting job?”
”Nothing big,” Donald said. ”I can't talk about it much. Because uh- I still don't know if it will actually happen.”
But he seemed a bit... Impressed.
Donald smiled, feeling a bit better.
Now then-
”So, I don't know how much I should be talking about this gig I got,” Donald said. ”I had to sign a non disclosure agreement. It's big.”
He had technically signed a contract for TNT. Or less signed anything and more had his biometric data scanner into the system with the implication that if he let anything slip the Organization would 'deal with him' presumably in a way that'd include being teleported into space.
”Say no more. I get it.”
Donald frowned, hoping Mickey would have been a bit more curious and tried to dig up more information out of him. Probably he didn't think it was actually anything cool. Nothing that could measure up to his interesting life.
”Yeah it must be pretty important job you do. With the police and stuff,” Donald said.
”Like I said, not in a while. I'm taking it easy now. Anyway, I'm good at keeping secrets, so if you want to talk-”
Donald was just trying to think how to approach the subject or try to find out anything when he was interrupted.
”Hello!” Fethry popped up from behind a potted plant and patted Donald's shoulder. ”Here you are, my dear colleague. Have you taken a good look at the charts?”
Donald stared at Fethry. And the obviously fake beard he was wearing.
Fethry winked.
”No,” Donald told him. ”Anyway I was bu-”
Fethry pulled up a chair and joined the two. ”Say no more, pardner!”
He winked at Donald again, batting his eyelashes at him. Donald glared.
”Nice to meet you...” Mickey said.
”Doctor... George.” Fethry shook his hand. ”I'm Donald's colleague. Nice ta meet ya'll mah dude.”
So now he was also doing an accent of some kind. Great.
”Yes and I'm sure Mister George is very busy!” Donald said.
”Nono, not at all.”
”So?” Mickey asked. ”Is this Doctor George from your new job?”
Donald got up.
”Yes. And he was just leaving.” Deciding Fethry would not take the clue he took his arm. ”In fact we are leaving.”
”What was that about?” Donald asked.
”I thought I'd help you,” Fethry said. ”To sneakily get information out of him. I once saw this documentary on interrogation. The trick is to spot things called 'micro expressions'”
He poked Donald's bill.
”For example right now your macro-expressions are saying 'I am angry' but your micro expressions are saying 'wow cool.”
”And tell me, is being dressed as a hobo santa part of the process?”
”I told you what I was doing! I was getting a whole bad cop good cop thing going on!”
”You told me? When?”
Fethry looked at him like he was pulling his leg. ”Just now. Come on I used Morse code.”
He winked again. ”See? Come on now Don, we have a system. I think I explained it to you.”
”You were... blinking Morse code at me..?”
Fethry patted his back. ”I knew you'd catch on! Eventually. It's great this connection we have. Almost makes it okay I have to keep quiet about the secret mission Katrina Kolik gave m-”
He slapped his hand over his mouth.
Donald gave him a glare. ”A what?”
Fethry fidgeted. ”Nothing!”
Donald took hold of his shoulders and shook him. ”What did she give you? Some assignment I'm not part of?”
Fethry glanced around. He leaned in conspiratorially.
”Top Secret.”
Donald crossed his arms.
”Okay so. Remember when we were kids and we used to climb this tree and that one time you threw my favourite hat on the roof?”
Fethry looked at Donald expectantly.
Donald stared at him. ”I have no idea what you are talking about.”
A relieved smile spread on Fethry's face. ”That was a test! I had to test it was really you. Of course you never threw my hat onto the roof you wouldn't be mean like that-”
”Fethry I am losing my patience here!”
Fethry looked around and slapped his fake moustache on Donald.
”Here, wear this just in case as I explain. So, the TNT organization maybe thought, just a bit, that you might have been replaced with a clone or be unreliable for some other reason.”
”Shhh!” Fethry shushed him. ”Apparently Mickey got involved in something weird. And not just him. Someone else you know-”
”The Duck Avenger.”
Donald never had done something like this before.
He was very good at compartmentalization. He just had to.
He was Donald Duck.
A single parent, minimum wage worker, the nephew of the world's richest man, a boyfriend, a rockstar, a reporter, a Caballero, a superhero, a tamer of nonhuman threats...
And the top agent of The Agency.
He usually did his best to keep all of the different facets of his life far apart.
But TNT was looking into the Duck Avenger and Donald Duck's connection with him.
Boundaries were starting to break.
He had to know what was going on.
So Donald locked himself into his closet and pulled out his Agent Phone. The one he only ever took from its lock box for Agency missions.
The mechanical voice spoke out. ”Please identify yourself.”  
Donald stood a bit straighter and spoke into the device, slipping into this role. ”Agent Doubleduck.”
”Scanning. Please hold still.”
After the face and fingerprint scan the phone opened.
”Welcome, Agent Doubleduck. Please state your inquiry.”
”I need to get into the TNT organization database.”
”Scanning. Please stand by.”
”Hurry up...”
Finally the files from the TNT mainframe were pulled up on the tiny screen.
”As we cannot be certain of the level of personal involvement Agent Duck has with Mr Mouse it is recommended Agent D.Duck is not informed of the details and instead is let to interact with Mr Mouse under supervision from Agent F.Duck while our other Agents track down the anomaly- I knew it!”
With shaking hands Donald clicked the folder.
He sighed in relief. Apparently they weren't aware he was the Duck Avenger. The document focused on his superhero persona as a separate entity.
And they weren't even all that interested in him as a person it seemed. Apart from a few cases where he had interacted with otherwordly threats TNT didn't seem to much consider the Duck Avenger. Not their jurisdiction.
The file mentioned Fantomius. It seemed TNT was very interested in the connection between the two.
Donald clicked on his file.
”Warning. Security level insufficient.”
Donald frowned.
Giving up on that he pulled up the details on the latest briefings instead.
Contact 'M' has informed us about the possibility of a Level Omega threat.
Donald skipped the paragraph that got into the technical details he had no hope of understanding. It was big and spooky just like everything TNT dealt with (also apparently 'adularescencent'). He skimmed over the report until something caught his eye.
Fantomius's aka John Quackett's connection to the painting 'Land of the impossible' must be investigated further.
Land of the impossible... Donald had seen that phrase before-
“Doubleduck? What are you doing?”
Donald bit his bill. He had been careless.
The image of Kay K filled the screen of his phone. “You better have a good explanation for this.”
Donald looked her in the eye. “I do.”
“Is it Agency business?”
Donald had a feeling she already knew the answer. “No.”
“I should report you trying to use the Agency resources for personal reasons.”
Donald looked her in the eye. “You should. But I am asking you not to. This had nothing to do with the Agency.”
Kay examined his face. Eventually she nodded. “I'll pretend I didn't see anything. Be more careful this time, Agent Doubleduck.”
The image cut off. Donald sighed in relief.
A hand grasped his shoulder.
Donald let out a surprised quack before his secret agent instincts caught up with him and he pinned the other figure to the wall.
He stared at the intruder.
”Hey, you never told me you were a secret agent!” Fethry sounded hurt.
Donald let go.
”Sorry. I really need to go.”
”Well me too actually I'm still busy with things like distracting you-”
Fethry slammed his hands over his bill.
Donald sighed. ”TNT told you?”
Fethry shook his head. ”No but I can't tell you who. It's a secret.” He mimed zipping up his beak. ”I promised.”
Donald was about to call him out as a terrible liar. Of course it was TNT. But he wasn't too keen on bringing it up again when he himself had been caught up in a compromising position.
Deciding he could explain it away later as a job he had gotten from Uncle Scrooge, Donald pushed it away from his mind for now.
”It's okay. You stay here and keep up the good work of distracting me.”
Fethry gave him a look.
Donald smiled. ”I'll be fine.”
He opened the closet door. As he did so it only then occurred to him the door had been locked and somehow Fethry had gotten in anyway.
No time to think about that.
The Duck Avenger stared at the familiar ruined manor. Villa Rosa. It had been so long...
He shook his head. No time to dwell in nostalgia.
He jumped to the ruins. Once this mansion had belonged to the gentleman thief. Now it lay in ruin. (Thanks Gladstone)
The Duck Avenger had returned there for a few times. He had thought he had solved all of the mansion's mysteries.
He wasn't alone.
The Duck Avenger hid in the shadows as two TNT agents walked past.
One of them pulled out a scanner. “I lost the trace again. I don't think it's nearby.”
The other one examined a crumbling wall before kicking it. “Let's keep at it.”
The Duck Avenger frowned. They better not destroy the mansion any further.
He shook his head. At least it seemed like he was on the right track. TNT knew Fantomius had hidden something supernatural nearby and had decided to keep their Agent Donald out of it.
A smile played on his bill. Unlike those guys he had a pretty good idea where to actually look.
He returned to his car and pulled out his scanner. He should have done this sooner. Done a thorough search. Well, no time like the present.
He turned the scanner Gyro had made him on and watched as an image was drawn onto the screen.
If he remembered correctly, large parts of the mansion were hidden underground...
But those were pretty thoroughly searched. But if he had been Fantomius he would have had other hideouts nearby.
He pulled up the satellite image. He had come to Villa Rosa before but this time he had more information.
Remembering the 'Land of the Impossible' had been mentioned in Fantomius's diary he had re-read it. And yes, the last entry mentioned Land of the Impossible, something Donald had previously assumed referred to maybe an another country John and Dolly had fled to once their situation had turned too dangerous in Duckburg.
But with the knowledge he now had it all made so much more sense.
The details mentioned in the last entry were not veiled references to their new home across the globe.
It was instructions for finding something much closer to Villa Rosa.
Duck Avenger moved swiftly through the night.
The mansion grounds had been searched both by him and uncle Scrooge in search of Fantomius's secrets (and treasures) before. Most of what Dolly and John had stolen had never resurfaced, and Duck Avenger knew there had been some other secret vault for stolen artwork. A hidden gallery. Both he and Scrooge had searched it before but had found nothing.
But if he was right the diary was pointing him towards the countryside surrounding the mansion.
Eventually he spotted an overgrown well and landed his car. He looked down. According to the scanner the well was surprisingly large. The Duck Avenger set his rope onto the ledge and started to descend into the darkness only lighted up by his belt-buckle lamp.
There was a sudden snap and he plummeted down-
And landed in a puddle.
He struggled to the dry land. He looked up, the night sky visible from the well. Had his rope cut off accidentally..?
He dried up his cape, surveying his environment. It seemed the bottom of the well was attached to a large room with a door on the other side.
He moved there and opened up the door.
And barely managed to avoid the net coming down.
Duck Avenger nudged the decrepit old net with his foot. Traps.
So he was on the right track.
He opened the door and gasped at the collection in front of him.
So this was where Fantomius had collected his loot. The paintings and statues were arranged in the vault- no, a private gallery.
So, where was the painting he was looking for?
When he saw it he knew immediately he had found it.
The Duck Avenger had never considered himself an art critic. If he saw a portrait that looked realistic it was Good Art as far a he was concerned.
But as he looked into the painting he felt... He supposed it was like seeing something for the first time.
The artwork was rough and definitely not realistic.
But the winding mountains and forests that were painted with merely the implication of a brush seemed so much like something more. Like it was a twisted mirror of the world itself. Even the colours on it seemed to shift in the light, as if alive.
He tore away his gaze and turned the frame around. On the back there was an envelope.
And in the envelope, a letter.
To whom it may concern.
I fear everything has its end and our adventures as the Phantom Thief and his dashing partner in crime are not different. Now after our identities have been leaked I fear it's best for us to go. So, we will put everything in order, leave my inheritance as Fantomius behind, and step into the new unexplored world.
The Duck Avenger examined the painting.
Had they really-
The Duck Avenger turned to see Mickey.
”What are you doing here?”
And how did he know?
Mickey took a step forward. ”You don't know how dangerous that thing is! Please quietly set it down-”
”Why would I?”
Duck Avenger suddenly had the strongest feeling he was being watched.
Swiftly moving the painting under his arm he pulled out his Freeze-gun and pointed it at the mouse.
”Did you come alone?”
Mickey hesitated.
”Please, Donald. That painting is a gateway to a different world, it has been active lately, and we don't know if-”
Duck Avenger could feel the energy radiating from the painting before he saw the portal open.
It was as if the reality itself shifted, the painted landscape stretching out until the chamber surrounding them was indistinguishable from the artwork.
He was tackled into the dusty floor just before the insect-like leg could spear him.
Duck Avenger recovered fast, pushed Mickey away, and aimed his Freeze-gun.
But he hesitated. Would it work?
No time to wonder. He had to act before whatever that was could get through the painting. He pulled the trigger.
The creature did not freeze.
Instead it let out a screech that made both him and the mouse fall down.
Duck Avenger could see more of the spider-like monster emergence. It turned its hungry eyes to him.
”Hey! Over here!” someone called.
The gaze of the monster left the Duck Avenger and he took the chance to kick at the creature.
“Go for the eyes! It's a Shadowland Arachnobeast they don't like it when you poke them in the eye!”
The Duck Avenger acted fast and threw his Freeze-Gun at the eyes.
As it connected, the monster wailed.
It retreated back into the painting, reality bent back into the shape.
And then it was over.
Duck Avenger turned to the tall figure who had come to their aid.
A figure who seemed to be some kind of a hairy beast man.
Mickey lifted his hands up.
”So, I think everyone here owes someone an explanation.”
Mickey sat next to Donald. ”So.”
Donald nodded. ”So.” He finished putting away his Duck Avenger costume in the trunk of his car. If he was going to Car-can memory erase Mickey he had to appear just the normal old Donald Duck.
”Have you been involved in this kinda stuff for long?” Mickey asked finally.
Donald shrugged. ”I keep busy.”
Mickey patted his shoulder. ”Don't worry buddy I will keep this a secret.”
Donald looked him to the eye.
”I know you will.”
He thought back to the Car-can in his pocket. It would be easy...
But no.
”So, are you planning to wipe his memory?”
Donald turned around to face the tall hairy creature. ”No!”
Mickey gave him a look.
”I did maybe think of it,” Donald admitted. “-but I decided... Maybe not.”
Donald eyed the tall man. ”Anyway, I don't think we have been introduced. Are you related to that Archeologist guy Mickey hangs out with sometimes?”
”The name's Pipwolf.” He offered a hand.
Donald shook it.
”I'm a werewolf.” He tapped his nose. “That's how I helped Mickey here track you down. Scent. I was looking into this missing portal painting stuff and asked for my good friend Mickey for help.”
“The only lead he had was this Fantomius guy who had likely stolen the painting from the previous owner,” Mickey said. “And Duck Avenger who Pipwolf suspected was a rogue occupant from the Land of the Impossible. He asked my help in tracking him down and some research pointed me to his 'best friend'”
Donald nodded. “Me.”
Something dawned on him. “So you didn't run into me in Duckburg by accident?”
“No,” Mickey admitted.
Pipwolf sighed. ”This will be such a mess. I want to give Manny my report and then head off as far away as possible. I mean, she likes her bureaucracy... Two unaccompanied guests? Who have been loose in the Land of the Impossible for decades?”
”Poor guys,” Mickey said. ”You don't know the kinds of creatures there are, Donald. Two unprepared people? I fear they didn't stand a ghost of a chance.”
”I wouldn't be too sure of it,” Donald grinned.
Mickey gave him a look. ”Maybe you're right. And yes. Maybe you do know what it's like...”
Pipwolf clapped his hands. ”Anyway! I will head off. And no it's not just because I want to avoid Manny. I have a real reason. I need to check up on a Guest. He keeps wandering off. Nice duck though.”
And then, before Donald had time to ask more questions, he was gone.
”Let me guess, Pipwolf headed off before I could ask him to explain what was going on.”
Both Mickey and Donald turned to face the speaker.
She turned out to be an albino mouse.
Accompanied by Katrina Kolik and The Head of TNT.
Donald quickly saluted.
”At ease, Agent,” Katrina said. ”I want you to meet Manny. She is something of a colleague.”
The albino mouse nodded. ”Even in our world, the Land of the Impossible, there needs to be rules. And people who enforce them and take care of...” She eyed Donald. ”Problems.”
Donald gave her his most innocent look.
”He won't be a problem,” Mickey said.
”We will vouch for him,” Katrina stated briskly.
Manny reached out her hand. “The painting.”
Donald looked at Katrina.
She nodded. “It's her jurisdiction. Better give it to her.”
Donald did so. Manny examined the painting.
“Ah yes. Just like I thought. It's a stable two-way portal. It seems some creatures wandered to the other end in my world and activated the portal.”
“Something tried to get through,” Mickey said. “Luckily it was too big to fit.”
“I see. By the way,” Manny turned to face Mickey. “How did you find this so fast?”
Mickey shrugged. “Donald here had a hunch.”
“Good job, Agent Duck,” Katrina said. “Although I wonder how exactly. I could swear that was classified information.”
“Uh. I was lucky?” He couldn't help adding: “I did sort of hear you thought I was unreliable.”
The Head of TNT looked embarrassed. “Maybe we jumped into conclusions. We got a tip from our contact in the Land of the Impossible here.”
“Perhaps I could have been more specific,” Manny admitted. “Our two organizations tend to avoid stepping on each other's toes. I didn't give out much information since I figured it was none of your business. I told them Mickey had a connection to us and that was all they needed to know.”
“Well, no harm done, eh?” Donald said. “You really should talk more. Communicate.”
Mickey patted his shoulder. “You're right. For starters, you might want to start by telling me what this whole TNT thing is.”
The Head turned to him. “TNT or the Tamers of Nonhuman Threats is an organization dedicated to keeping Earth safe.”
“And you're a member?” Mickey asked.
Donald nodded. “Yeah.”
He sighed. No use trying to keep things secret now. ”I guess saying I live a double life would be underselling it.”
”It's really amazing. That you can do that all. I am barely even involved with detective work and this... And I feel I'm overly stretched a lot... I don't even have custody of my nephews full-time.”
”You don't know the half of it. I have tried so hard to keep everything separate...” Donald sighed.
“That sort of a thing seems to cause more problems than anything,” The Head said. “Perhaps TNT and Manny's people should work together more. Cultivate a healthy working relationship.”
“Sounds good,” Mickey said. “Hey Donald, how about we meet up every now and then and share information?”
He saw Donald's expression. “I'm not going to drag you in into anything new. No new duties, just friendly banter between friends.
Donald wasn't all that certain. He had a suspicion this wouldn't be the last time he'd be dragged into trouble relating to this Land of the Impossible business.
But, he supposed, that was what it was like being Donald Duck.
He sighed. “That would be lovely.”
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keriwi1 · 5 years
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My duck comics secret santa for @bubble-within-time  who requested for Magicstone.
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ducksanta · 5 years
Happy New Year!
The deadline for posting the gifts was on the last decade. If you have posted yours and haven’t had it reblogged here please message us. We have messaged everyone who hasn’t posted theirs and a few of them have promised to do it soon.
A few haven’t responded at all and one person ‘Primateprofessor’ doesn’t seem to either have Tumblr anymore or has changed their url if you know who they are please drop us a message.
If you haven’t gotten your gift don’t worry, some people always just don’t deliver it happens in these kind of events and I prepared for it and have volunteers who promised to make the gift instead.
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ducksanta · 5 years
All of the gifts have been really cool! If one you posted hasn’t been reblogged to this blog please drop us a message they don’t always show up on the tags because tumblr is a functional website
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