blitzbuckz · 3 days
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monmuses · 4 months
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"You know, that is interesting to think! Lucifer has an aroma to him that smells sweet... like fruity soap! A lingering smell after a wonderful bath...
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"...I wonder if the smell corresponds to the taste."
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19mhz · 1 month
@ducktastic-dad: ‘if i didn't know any better, i'd say you were jealous.’
YOU, THING OF GORE, MAW SPLIT INTO A VISCERALLY CONGENIAL SMILE THAT CLENCHES TEETH. sharp-tipped fingers, stained hell's red (how amusing! oh, really, to be a blood-covered color in perpetuity), clacked atop the head of his cane resting within his palm as knuckles rolled languidly. eyes slid towards the shorter like flesh splitting across a sharp-edge, half-lidded. the smile broadened, creasing under-eyes, and there's a pop of static as if a radio dial had been abruptly twisted 'round. i'll pluck your feathers out by the fistful just to see those precious wings bleed.
instead, gaze jovially aglow, “oh my, that's quite a complicated word for you! are you certain you were ready to use it?” head lolled sideward with a disconcerting crack of his neck before righting itself (faint track-laughter sounded out, garbled, amidst the static's hum). vexation is a rotting thing oozing inside of him. not a bit of this had went how he intended — and the hotel had been rebuilt largely without him (it's a black mark towards the ledger of a precarious standing). dear charlie wouldn't discard of him yet, nor so simply, but the demon wouldn't let that fall to fate — or, ha-ha, divine intervention. here at its start — and i'll be here at its end, just you wait and see.
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“tsk-tsk, no, my good sir!” tone's static thrummed. “the word you're looking for is piteous. it's quite a shame that i didn't step in sooner to save the thing from looking like a tacky fun-house.” the exigent angelic pang across his chest reminds him just why he hadn't. chin blenched indiscernibly, though fingers squeezed upon his cane. the ache is akin to stitched flesh stretched at the seam, but smile remained unfaltering. a virulent curve crept along the growing curl of his upper lip. not important — one misses out on a good time if a wound isn't spilling. and my threads ... hold.
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statiicstag · 2 months
x @ducktastic-dad
It was time for a new tactic—a new game to play, so to speak.
The never-ending torment had been fun at first, as always, but there were only so many jokes to be made about one's height and marital status before you began to run out of material. And as a well renowned radio star, he ought to know a thing or two about things becoming stale, shouldn't he? Why, listeners would be dropping left and right if he didn't!
It was amusing to know he could patronize him as much as he liked without facing much of his ire, Charlie his shield from it. He wouldn't want to break her heart by snuffing her bestest friend out of existence, would he?
What was better than the merriment of seeing Lucifer's eyes light up with rage only to be doused by the idea of making his spawn sad? Only one thing: the power that could come with having him on his side rather than so stiffly against him that Alastor was sure if he were to burst into flames it would not only be Lucifer's doing, but he would also not even piss to put him out.
It will be a long game, that's for certain: he, too, would be suspicious if someone so hellbent on causing misery was suddenly playing nice. But Alastor can wait him out, he has all the time in the afterlife: and besides, it doesn't look like the King is going to be leaving the hotel any time soon.
He tap taps his shoulder, and when ( if ) Lucifer turns around Alastor will be standing politely, both hands behind his back. Surely, the very image of good will.
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❝ Good evening! ❞ A razor sharp smile accompanies the words, as per usual. He's been doing his best to not lay the politeness on too thick since he's started this new venture. That would only rouse suspicion. ❝ If I may take up a moment of your time, could I interest you in a chat? ❞ He avoids sarcastically adding the word precious regarding his time, but only barely.
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maimedaffair · 3 months
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❛ my darling @ducktastic-dad ! ❜ delight flutters up stolas' neck feathers as he leans chin into fists , propped at the elbow on his desk. his smile is contagious &* genuine ; after all , it's not every day that he gets to see the big man himself ! ❛ ALWAYS A PLEASURE ! what do i owe this visit to our impish side of town ? ❜
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xluciifer · 2 months
his doppelganger wants a bite ? GLADLY. lucy's gonna grab the coolest, smartest, handsomest, etc, guy in hell by the pencil-thin waist and CHOMP that shoulder hard enough to sink his pearly whites half-way through. a little violent chewsday as a treat.
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Violence? Against himself? It's more likely than you think! Nothing wrong with a little self inflicted masochism, right? What chomp compares better than the teeth of his own self, honestly! He was a pretty delicious platter to sink teeth into.
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demonsdealings · 2 months
chewsday. || @ducktastic-dad
lucifer is going to BITE one of valentino's forearms ━ maybe a little too violently. as a chewsday treat.
Perplexed, eyes fall to the bite before his lips curve to a frown. Who the fuck is biting him? But that frown quickly grows into a sharp smile, delighted the one at his side. Even royalty lays his mark on Valentino. Canting his head, Valentino brings his pipe to his lips before puffing a heart to Hell's king.
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“ Kinky~. ” He remarks, words laced with a hint of amusement and enthusiasm. “ The King of Hell himself at my humble establishment? ” If the gaudy bar could be labeled as such with its blinding lights, decently expensive decor, and large plethora of alcohol. “ Is that how you won over Lilith all those years ago? I can see the appeal. ”
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videoaux-a · 3 months
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@ducktastic-dad *  ﹕  /  /   ⟳ THE [ NOT ] DATE
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Vox picked at his nails out of habit ; anyone looking at the overlord would describe him as pissed / with furrowed brows and a tight frown. Yet, it was quite the opposite. For the first time in forever, nerves [ so many nerves ] tossed and coiled in his stomach. He could easily sweep any customer off their feet, be the most thunderous person in a meeting, sway audiences with a pearly grin and conspicuous words . . . but this?
THIS WAS AN ENTIRELY NEW PURSUIT. A bigger business adventure than Vox could ever dream of. Even the countless times Valentino attempted to "court" the TV couldn't compare to the feelings he experienced now ; and as he sips on a flute of apple champagne, previous nerves slowly morphed into butterflies.
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Vox now marinated to the soft vocals of Blossom Dearie and pittering acid rain / tucked into a private corner of the Bone-In Yard Steakhouse — one of the most expensive and costly restaurants in Pride. He quietly eyed the door, anticipating the King of Hell's grandiose entrance.
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r-adio · 4 months
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❝ you certainly have a LOT of ideas, i will give you that much. grand, grand ideas for such a small hotel. i wonder what will happen if we decided to listen to you. would you fill this place up with your foolish ideals, @ducktastic-dad? or will you continue to follow the old ways, after all — these sinners aren't worth much more than what we have, i might say. ❞
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cashclown · 4 months
@ducktastic-dad sent: “   it's my job to take care of you. ” sort of ━ mostly.
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of all the sins, mammon's cold, dead heart was not one warmed easily. it hardly took to being INTERRUPTED like this, either ( and in its private office! were it anyone else, mammon would have been FURIOUS, ) just for lucifer to pry into its overloaded work schedule. its about ready to kick him out until his defense comes -- and the sentiment brings the spider pause.
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❝ and you suddenly wanna "take care of me" 'cuz you're worried, or 'cuz yer lonely ass wants COMPANY? ❞ it snorts. a joke, mostly, but they both know how often lucifer leaves the house. ❝ i'll tell ya what: if you're willing t'help me with the scheduling NIGHTMARE this is gonna put me through, y'might be able to pull me away from my desk for a few. sound fair, yeah? ❞
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hcliacal · 4 months
@ducktastic-dad ♡'d for a starter.
Small pitter-patters of bare feet collided with the smooth tiles ; eager to carry a tiny body meant to be retired into bed long ago. Even in the depths of darkness surrounding the halls of ancient portraits & art lost to the ages, the Princess knew her destination all too well.
The large door closed seemed so daunting ; beckoning her to turn around & return to her bed, but Charlie thought better & reached forward to delicately push on the worn wood, not expecting it to give way so easily.
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❝ Daddy? ❞ Such a meek voice that called upon the inhabitant, slow to step through the threshold & the door closing behind, sealing her within.
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facsimila · 2 months
iris gets a little BITE on the wrist for chewsday. as a treat.
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                                                    what was he doing. what did he think he was doing ? who did he think he was — don't answer that. king, royalty, whatever. who DOES that ? when sharp teeth sink into the consistency of solidified techno - sludge, slender arm is instantaneously yanked away from his grasp. she even dissolves into static, reappearing a few extra feet away for good measure.
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                                                    red eyes narrowing suspiciously, the entity flicks her wrist a few times for good measure. ; there's a millisecond where she considers applying pressure with her palm, before processing that she no longer bleeds. right.
                                                    " ... excuse you ? "
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boundcd · 2 months
" if i was delivering your pizza, then i would be giving you a tip. you know, 'cause i'm the pizza guy ━ it's not a money tip, it's ━ yeah. " || silas i'm sorry
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"...Lucifer, dear, I don't have a mouth why would I be ordering pizza to begin with? If you want to flirt, I think I'd prefer something a bit less crude anyway,"
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xluciifer · 3 months
bites you bites you bites you. the voices won.
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The voices always win, for good and for bad, buuut he does taste rather delicious, if he's giving himself any credit. The intrusive thoughts have won again!
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hazbintales · 3 months
@ducktastic-dad liked for a starter with Charlie.
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Charlie slowly walked up to Lucifer’s new tower that was added to the hotel. Her hands were holding a box as she made the climb up. Once she got to the door, a hand lifted to knock on his door. She was a bit nervous but slowly they were getting closer, right?  
❝Hey dad, it’s um Charlie.❞ She called behind the door. ❝I got you something.❞ Inside the box were some colorful rubber ducks she came across.
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macabretcles · 3 months
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@ducktastic-dad asked:
" care for a forbidden fruit ? " it is a normal fuji apple. || for wally, he deserves a little treat
Unprompted - Accepting
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      "Forbidden?" Comes the monotone question. "Why would it be forbidden? It's just an apple and apples are very good fruits." Brows furrow in confusion. "What would make them so bad to be forbidden?"
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