#dude belongs in toy story smh
thewandererh · 23 days
Decided to render one of my soul designs from a bit ago in a sketchy messy style :]. Meet ToyTie ⚓️🔱!
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subwonwooagenda · 4 years
Candy’s Regulars | 1
Pairings: Camgirl!Reader X SVT
Constant Warnings: Group masturbations (sometimes), smut, use of toys, kink usage, language
Chapter Notes: This is the first official chapter of this series. I hope you’ll enjoy it and please don’t hesitate to leave feedback, good or not. Thank you for reading! The story will be in POV’s but it’ll be in third person limited (search it up), there will be no smut in this chapter, its more about you getting to know your lovely regulars more ;) That just means the next chapter will be filled to the brim with smut, also, Cheol has a hamster, enjoy that XD
Chapter Warnings: language
Jeonghan’s POV
Jeonghan was in awe. He didn’t know what to do or how to act with the message invite that seemed to be mocking the scream he gave as he slammed his computer shut two minutes ago.
“Okay, Han. You can do this. It’s not that big a deal. Your favorite cammer sends you an invite to be in a group chat. Happens all the time.” He tried to hype himself, his shaking hand hovering the mouse over the accept button as he screams internally. 
He gave a final sigh, pressing the right mouse button before squeezing his eyes shut. After a minute of having his eyes closed, he peeped one open, seeing the active chat that he was now a part of.
candy_princess: Oh good, Hanni is here!
He winced as he heard his audible whimper. God, he could only imagine what his name would sound like coming out of your mouth.
thetigerkingKS: Ayye, welcome to the VIP’s dude
SuperiorMaknaeDino: Holy fuck that just hit me- We’re Candy’s VIP’s bro
DroopyEyedJun: We the superior ones-
Jeonghan gave a small laugh as he read the chat, the men that were with him certainly were funny.
PrettyHanni: Ahh, i would have joined sooner but i was having an internal crisis, i guess you can call it.
S_Cheol: So basically, you were fanboying?
GentleHong: Dude, who wouldn’t fanboy over Candy?
HappyVirusMinnie: OOF
With a shake of his head, Jeonghan typed out a reply, figuring there was no sense in hiding his blatant fanboy moment.
PrettyHanni: Oh yeah? Don’t sit there and tell me you didn’t freak the fuck out
skyscraperGYU: I know for sure i did
S_Cheol: oh im not, i literally threw my phone across my room and scared my hamster- 
Jeonghan laughed loudly as he got himself comfortable on his bed, propping his laptop on his lap.
candy_princess: AWW you have a hamster?!
S_Cheol: haha, yea i do, he’s a little shit though
sweaterpaws_Wonwoo: Dude dont disrespect your hamster like that smh
S_Cheol: okay well when he decides to crawl into your hoodie sleeve and bite your armpit then you’ll realize-
As Jeonghan was reading (and laughing) the chat, he started thinking. He’s been watching your lives for a long time now, almost a year and a half, with the same thirteen men on a constant, yet he knew nothing about them. Then again, most people don’t try and make friendships of the basis ‘Hey, i jack off to this camgirl and i know you do too, wanna hang out?’ He gave a laugh at that thought, just imagining the scenario until he was brought back to reality by the chat.
SuperiorMaknaeDino: Hey, Candy? can i ask something
candy_princess: of course!
SuperiorMaknaeDino: I’m not complaining, but why did you make this group chat?
iconicboyhansol: I’ve been wondering that too
As Jeonghan read what he typed he tilted his head, getting lost in his thoughts once more. Why did you make the chat? What was so special about the thirteen of them that possessed you, who rarely did private streams and never did private chats to want to talk to them like this?
candy_princess: oh..well to be honest with you guys, it was mainly to say thank you for alway supporting my streams. Hell =, you guys definitely donate the most out of any of my viewers, you practically pay my rent, so i just wanted to get to know the men responsible for my happy living.
musicgodWoozi: im not crying, my goldfish stepped on my eye-
FashionistaHao: Imma be a man and admit, my eyes wet af rn
Jeonghan didn’t know how to stop his heart from pounding against his chest. He knew you were cute but this was an entire nother level of adorable and Jeonghan liked it way more than he should have.
candy_princess: Noooo, don’t cry please :<
S_Cheol: You tell us that adorable information and expect us not to be soft, Princess?
PrettyHanni: Honestly, you just became 10x more adorable to me-
He chuckled as he watched the other guys tease you for your adorable mini speech. It was strange, it almost felt normal how comfortable he felt talking with you and the others, like he belonged there with them.
iconicboyhansol: i needa google how to not fall in love with a woman ive never met-
candy_princess: awww guys >~< my blush is real right now-  but seriously, you guys make my camming so much more fun than it used to be and i appreciate that~
musicgodWoozi: We appreciate you too, Princess, i don't know any other men that would drop everything at the notification that you are live
Jeonghan chuckled at what he said, never relating to a sentence more in his life.
candy_princess: which is why i wanted to offer something...
Jeonghan’s brow quirked in interest, sitting up a bit straighter as he read your message.
DroopyEyedJun: What do you mean, baby?
candy_princess: I wanted to ask if you all would be interested in doing a few private streams, one on one, and possibly filming with me, one on one, if youre up for it...
Jeonghan’s breath hitched in his throat, causing him to go into a coughing fit, almost dropping his laptop. He was speechless. One on one cam streams as well as filming with you..holy fuck he was getting lost in his imagination.
S_Cheol: Oh fuck..you actually mean it?
SuperiorMaknaeDino: Oh fuck please don’t be playing
candy_princess: Im dead serious, i swear, but only if you all want to.
Jeonghan didn’t hesitate as he typed out his answer.
PrettyHanni: Oh fuck yes, i am 100% down
S_Cheol: me too
iconicboyhansol: Id rather die than say no, so hell yea
DroopyEyedJun: Please yes-
sweaterpaws_Wonwoo: I think i speak for all of us, so they dont gotta type, that all of us are up for it, babe
candy_princess: Then how about i message you guys privately and we can set a time and schedule?
S_Cheol: works for us baby
candy_princess: Ill start tomorrow morning but its late and i need rest if im going to be giving special treatment tomorrow ;)
Jeonghan gave a deep sigh, heart practically failing from the thoughts of getting private cams from you as well as the opportunity of filming with you. He could feel himself getting excited just at the thought of it.
GentleHong: Alright, Princess, get some sleep okay, but first drink some water and get a shower before you get too sleepy.
candy_princess: yes sir ;)
GentleHong: fUck-
Jeonghan chuckled as he watched you say your goodbyes, his own tiredness starting to set into his body as a few of them said their own goodbyes, his included. He shut off his laptop and ran a hand through his hair, sighing as he thought about the night he just had. From getting off work to jacking off as you pleased yourself on camera, to being offered the chance to be with you one on one. He was in awe. He stopped wallowing in his thoughts and got out of bed, changing into some pajama’s before getting into bed, mind not entirely prepared for what the next days would bring.
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