#dude has a bad dye job in ONE statement and people refuse to let it go
gingerbreadpopsolo · 9 months
Imagine doing a dye job bad ONCE, and now everyone thinks you have this look forever. How embarrassing. You can't escape it. You either do the job properly or grow out natural, and as SOON as someone hears your name, they go. "Oh! You're the guy with the bad dye job!" Despite that being years ago.
Godspeed man godspeed
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skittles-pixie · 7 years
85 statements
R U L E S : you must answer these eighty five statements and tag twenty people
I was tagged by the always wonderful @essentiallychaotic​
I would like to tag: dude idk if I know 20 people to tag but ill try... if I tag you and you don't want me to please tell me @iridescentautistic​ @mybloodyplacemats​ @wanderer-and-muse​ @standswithpotatos​ @alaskanomad​ @melodychanges​ @happydance416​ uuuuuuh idk that's 7? lol @everyone that works right?
Part 1: the last:
drink: Twist up its a lemon lime soda... idk I asked my boy for a drink and that's what he brought me
phone call: My mother she woke me up two days ago
text message: to me- my mother.... from me- my coworker
song you listened to: Brittany spears toxic started playing on the radio when I got home from work
time you cried: Last night... combination of hormones and touchy feely movie... hormones suck...
Part 2: Ever:
dated someone twice: uh ive been on more than one date with my boy... otherwise my dating history is a little unclear... several guys who acted like we were dating and then refused to actually call it a date... so yeah idk...
kissed someone and regretted it: ooooooooh yeah.....  alcohol is bad for you kids......
been cheated on: nope... ive only been in the one relationship and I have a very loyal boy
lost someone special: yes... both in passing away and by loosing touch....
been depressed: been? as in passed tense... lol try still depressed... ive learned how to handle it though, and it helps to have an outlet that's not controlled by my mother, and people who care about me. and to not be told how terrible I am every 5 minutes.
gotten drunk and thrown up: I had a crazy 21st birthday.... after that I try not to get that drunk... but it happens on occasion... lol
Part 3: Favourite colours: ALL OF THEM!!! I really like colors.. though green, blue, and blood red are prolly my top colors...
Part 4: In the last year have you:
made new friends: yes.... more like my boy made friends and introduced me, but yeah I always meet new people
fallen out of love: Naw  I love my boy too much
laughed until you cried: yeeeeah.... I laugh a lot lol....
found out someone was talking about you: yeah apparently people talk about me a lot “oh yeah I know who you are” is a phrase I hear a lot when meeting people... also I guess my boy talks about me? but from what I hear people usually say good things
met someone who changed you: yeah ive spent some time getting to know myself better
found out who your friends are: yeah.... and in the process ive lost almost all of them, but I'm done trying too hard to get people to like me. I want to be invited out not just kinda sorta included but only if somebody else takes me. So yeah... long story short I found out that my friends are simply not....lol... I do still have the good ones though....
kissed someone on your facebook list: don't have facebook.... if I did it would prolly be yes though lol....
Part 5: General:
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: yeah still don't have facebook
do you have any pets: Theyre not really mine, but I live with 2 doggos
do you want to change your name: when I was little I wanted to change my name... I wanted something more pretty like rose or diamond.... but now I'm pretty happy with my name... would only change my last name if the occasion called for it....
what did you do for your last birthday: If I remember right I went to my physics class and then chilled in the empty cabin.... my boys aunt and uncle were visiting from Germany and got me a cake and a couple of presents... but on the actual day of my birthday I was pretty much alone... but birthdays are gross anyway
what time did you wake up: 1 pm lol... I'm too much of a night owl
what were you doing at midnight last night:  I was finishing my movie and playing with my phone... I wanted to snap about how the sunlight in Alaska makes fireworks a bummer for the 4th, but I was too lazy lol  
name something you can’t wait for: not having schoolwork.... I'm so glad to be done.....
when was the last time you saw your mom: may when she came up for my graduation... it wasn't too bad... she only put  me down once....
what are you listening to right now: bobs burgers.... my boys watching it
have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes.... I have a friend named tom.... we don't talk very often... but hes still my friend....
something that is getting on your nerves: my one coworker.... he pisses me off...
most visited website: tumblr.... or Netflix....
hair colour: blonde... which is kinda an ombre cause I dye it lighter and then let it grow out and then repeat so its always lightest on the bottem lol... though I'm trying to let it grow out for a bit...
do you have a crush on someone: my booooooooooooy (please read that in a super cheasy sappy sarcastic tone)
what do you like about yourself: that's a tough question... lol... But I like my ability to be stubborn... It helps me work hard to get what I want and be a better person.... and I get to prove people wrong which is great because so many people have told me that I would never really succeed because the odds were too stacked against me...
piercings: don't have any... have considered earings.. but nah....
blood type: yeah... no idea
nickname: cece ce Cebu skittles pixie.....
relationship status: dating and hopeful for the future cause this is a very good one...
zodiac: leo
pronouns: She/Her
favourite tv show: Gilmore Girls, buffy, charmed, x files.... idk I watch a lot of shows...
tattoos:  I absolutely love them... but my fear of needles and my indecisiveness mean that I don't have any nor any plans to get one... but I love henna... 
right or left handed: right handed when it comes to writing... but ambidextrous for just about anything else...
piercing: no.
sport: uuuuh I don't follow any major teams or anything... but I'm always down to watch baseball, basketball, hockey, or soccer... ill gladly play any sport but I'm sorely out of shape lol and I don't always know all the rules... football still confuses me...
vacation: everywhere lol.... but right now Germany, Ireland, las vagas, japan, or just taking time off to travel around Europe in general, are all at the top of my list.....
pair of trainers: ????? idk????
Part 6: more general :
eating: Most food is good... I will prolly die if you ever feed me spicy food tho
. drinking: water, iced tea, hot tea, coffee, some soda but not very much or very often, milk, alcohol...
I’m about to: prolly go to bed so I don't  die working the morning shift tomorrow
waiting for: it to be dark at night again lol...
want: my degree, a job that utilizes that degree, my own place.
get married: one day. ive got some time before anything happens... but I found my person....
career: Chemistry.... in Alaska.... man I'm still piecing that one together.... but environmental chemistry is super cool... and id love to work with the Alaskan environment, to keep it safe and clean and to better understand how it works
hugs or kisses: both... but mainly hugs... I'm a very touch oriented person....
lips or eyes: lips...  idk why cause I love eyes too... but I'm fascinated with how peoples lips look.... like I never understood those superhero masks that just cover their eyes because I always recognize people by their lips and how they talk
shorter or taller: taller....... when I'm around tall people I feel smaller and that makes me happy... plus like.. they can reach the shit that I cant lol...
older or younger: I'm sooo old...... not really but sometimes I feel like it so idk lol
nice arms or nice stomach: arms... always.... especially shoulders...
hook up or relationship: uh before my current relationship I was totally all for either though I focused mainly on hook ups... but now I'm content with the relationship thing....
troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker... definitely... but usually its a good thing.... I never much cared for rules...
kissed a stranger: oh yeah... many times...
drank hard liquor: yup... do it a lot... but life in Alaska....
lost glasses or contact lenses: forgot where I put them a few times... but always found them... break glasses a lot tho....
turned someone down: yeeeeah... guys usually don't respond well... I know... big surprise...
sex on the first date: yup... i love sex....
broken someone’s heart: yeah.... it was terrifying... i vaguely knew him through mutual friends and similar activities...  he asked to be my valentine when id told him that id never had one before ... valentines was about two weeks away... we saw each other for like a week... he had my entire future planned out for me... and i couldn't get passed the fact that he was 14 years older than me....  when i told him things weren't gonna work he broke down bawling.... and our mutual friends told me how bad he was after the conversation....
had your heart broken: yeah... and then toyed with... it was fuuuuuun.......
been arrested: no I'm an good kid who can do nothing wrong... and anytime ive done anything illegal i was always with people who took all the attention off of me....
cried when someone died: yeah... ive known too many people that have died....
fallen for a friend: yup... it didn't work out
Part 7: do you believe in:
yourself: Its a work in progress lol.
miracles: yes. This world is not always as terrible as the people who inhabit it...  
love at first sight: you know... i never used to believe in it... but then i met my boy and i swear to god it was like i saw the puzzle pieces of my life fall into place around me... we were pretty drunk but to this day i still cant explain why i had such a strong urge to meet this man. why i insisted that he had to play pool with us... we already had more than enough people to play... but he had to be there with us.... and from that moment on my life has just gotten better and better....
Santa Claus: I guess... more like i believe that once upon a time he exsisted....
kiss on the first date: yes... again I'm a very touch oriented person....
angels: I think theres a lot of things out there that we do not understand and we are not ment to... so yeah i think angels exist...
Part 8: Other:
current best friend’s name:
Mckenzi is my go to... but Daniel is also my best friend.... I have a few others too like maddi... but if i named everyone then id be naming like all my friends and that would make me sad because I'm too social to have such a small social group lol....
eye colour: blue....
Favourite movie: depends on my mood... but i can never really pick a favorite...
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