#YES this is about gerry keay
gingerbreadpopsolo · 9 months
Imagine doing a dye job bad ONCE, and now everyone thinks you have this look forever. How embarrassing. You can't escape it. You either do the job properly or grow out natural, and as SOON as someone hears your name, they go. "Oh! You're the guy with the bad dye job!" Despite that being years ago.
Godspeed man godspeed
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a running list of all your doubts and your dead ends
gerry keay gmonday. drew the outline for this ages ago but finally finished it last week. my fucking guy….
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the-gay-cousin-666 · 2 years
Everyone keeps commenting on Gerry's "poorly dyed black hair" and how badly he must have fucked up the dye job to be a reoccurring description.
I just dyed my hair with black henna and let me tell you, very easy to fuck up.
So I raise you a headcanon of Gerry lathering his waist-long hair with that goo, suffering for three hours while the henna sets, only for it to turn out so shitty that it turns into his key descriptor.
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akalikai · 4 months
Rereading Hikaru Ga Shinda Natsu for a refresher so I can eventually plan out a gerrymichael/doorkeay fic for it. This is going to be very fun I think.
Also God this manga is SO GOOD like hhhh the horror of being in love with your best friend who dies before you can confess, but something takes his place and you're the only one who knows and it knows that YOU know and begs you not to tell or it will have to kill you. It tells you that it loves you and you can't tell if that was your friend's feelings or the thing that replaced him and you really shouldn't stay with it but you can't help it because it's JUST enough of him for you to love him but not enough for you to forget that it's NOT him and-
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anexistingexistence · 2 months
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I need to stop listening to this playlist while drawing because it makes my art òwó and :3 instead of ●-● and ._.
Like just look at Gerry's blushy spiked collar ass
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He's literally going :3 and since when did I know how to give characters blush and wHY IS HE SO SASSY GERRY WHY ARE YOU :3 I'M SORRY FOR TURNING YOUR CUTE SAD GOTH ASS INTO A SASSY FREAK AAAAA
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draculagerard · 1 year
no wait ignore that last ask i thought this blog was about the mcr guy and i thought you didn’t know your pfp was gerry keay 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Help 😭😭
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speakercrab666 · 1 year
can i get regular brand horny around here or is it all Hurt/Comfort
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Once again, the horror of thinking you know the antagonist of a story before realizing they are the victim
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merlins-art · 18 days
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Really old Gerry drawings I found
I remember seeing a post once about goth Hawaiian shirts and just went mmmmm yes Gerry Keay
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magpod-confessions · 2 months
i think it’s odd how people revile mary keay and lament the tragic nature of gerry’s upbringing all the time but i rarely ever see people talking about the tragedy that was peter lukas’s life and childhood. the upbringing of the lukas children was specifically tailored to push them into isolation to the point where they all either turned to the lonely, or just died. yes one of them got out but even he fell to it in the end. imagine being a child who has never known human comfort or companionship and when you grow older you have to give in to that loneliness to survive, become an embodiment of the isolation that has tormented you for so long that you don’t know a life without it, because you know otherwise you’ll go the same route as the siblings you didn’t grieve because you barely knew them. i don’t even like the guy that much but that’s fucked
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gingerbreadpopsolo · 7 months
Okay I finally caught up on tmagp and can I tell you when I looked at the tags??
There are two wolves inside you.
The white one, where Gerry and Gertrude live and finally get their happy ending as grandmother and grandson. They may or may not have been involved with the horrors and are trying to put it behind them.
And the dark one, where Gertrude yoinked the boy and is marinating him to be the next Michael. Gerry is happy, but naive and could potentially still be involved with the horrors without realizing.
I personally hope Gerry and Gertrude have a nice horror free life and never come in contact with such horrors again... but would Gertrude Robinson leave such things well enough alone?
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fox-guardian · 2 years
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[ID: Traditional sketches of Eric Delano and Gerry Keay. Eric is a lanky white man with long black hair pulled into a low ponytail, scruffy facial hair, body hair, undereye eyeliner, and he is wearing small hoop earrings, a watch, a short-sleeved button-up and slacks. The first image is a bust of him smiling calmly with an eyebrow raised.
The second image is a drawing of both Gerry and Eric. Gerry looks almost identical to Eric in body and face shape, but his facial hair is lighter, his long black hair is down and growing out lighter roots, he has eyebrow, lip, and cartilage piercings along with an earring, and he is wearing a long coat and t-shirt. Gerry is standing half hugging himself with one hand against his own cheek, he has a wobbly smile and is labelled as "about to cry". Eric is in front of him with one hand gesturing about and the other held to his own forehead as he leans back slightly, excited. He yells "I HAVE THE COOLEST SON EVER!" end ID]
I don't think I ever posted these but yeah. Eric Delano and his beloved son boy Gerry <3 yes that is them meeting in some kind of afterlife <3 and yes I do think Eric also dyed his hair black <3
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punkspacepirate · 7 months
new magnus protocol and ya boy has SOME THOUGHTS
mmmmm dissertation
yes i would rlly read this report i wanna know about lonely coded hungry spaces (i say this especially as someone who spent a lot of his childhood in hungry architecture)
what is that fucking camera zoom sound
gwen getting a bit paranoid hmmmmm
alice getting a bit bitter hmmm
colin's on mental health leave?
G E R T R U D E????????
gertrude calling gerry her grandson
Sam was in the "Magnus Institute Gifted Kids Program"?????? So was Gerry???
Celia and Sam pretty close : - ]
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amelie-isnt-french · 7 months
Against my better judgement, can I ask about the 24k word TMA conspiracy board?
I like how you already know that you might regret this halfway through, self-awareness is important!
Against anon's better judgement, I hereby present the Original TMA Brainrot Document! *drumroll*
I've only had comment permissions on this document since today, actually, so all my added nonsense is FRESH!
General layout is this: the doc goes episode by episode until mid s4 (as you, beloved people, can see below), and then we follow it up with conspiracy rants, entity characterisations & rituals. Not only confirmed rituals, but also Ali's speculations, which are delightful.
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Let's start out gently, shall we? First info we get on the document is about the Magnus Institute and its employees:
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Yes, I know this is Hannah-from-the-library erasure, but she's on maternity leave. Good on her. If you, like me, have no idea who Sonia is, please comment because I feel very silly that I cannot remember her for the life of me. Thanks o7
Every episode entry will look like an approximation of this, with more or less red string ranting and "ohhhhh I know that name!!" depending on the episode.
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What follows now is a highlight trip through things written by @alice-apparently and carefully chosen by yours truly.
Firstly, to highlight once again our different listening styles: Ali edited this document after pretty much every episode she listened to and I blazed through a quarter of s1 in one afternoon. Self-restraint? Never heard of her.
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Cross-referencing like the good academic she is:
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Ali's paranoia is rarely wrong, even when she doubts herself. Granted, she might run right past ginormous plot points, but none of the details shall escape her grasp!
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Fun fact: in s4, we turned Ali's "I'm so worried about Martin" into a whatsapp sticker, THAT'S how often she texted me those exact words
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Bone Apple Teeth. also something something DC Universe, help me out here folks bc I know zilch about DC save for Henry Cavill's Superman films (for shame, I know I know)
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Jurgen Leitner??? Stupid idiot motherfucking Jurgen Leitner-
No but fun fact, Gerry Keay (and Mike Crew/Ex Altiora) is the reason Ali even started this doc, so we are very very attached to Gerry in this house and only mildly upset at Leitner's demise. Ceci n'est pas un pipemurder.
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mag 39 "Infestation"
'nuff said
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Poll time: the two genders are as follows ->
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Michael's stabby shenanigans and not!sasha being, well, not Sasha. Rude.
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I've hit the max image limit, so wait for the self reblog for more rambling if you so please <3
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akalikai · 6 months
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Michael in a dress part 2!! Featuring Gerry appreciating his gorgeous boyfriend hehehe
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Fictional characters based on whether I think they'd like vegemite or not
None of these characters have come anywhere near vegemite because they're not australian but I think whether or not you like vegemite says a lot about you so here we go
Aziraphale: he would not like it as a spread, it's a bit too strong for him, but he would LOVE vegemite scrolls (is this because he likes delicious cheesy pastry? yes. are vegemite scrolls delicious? also yes)
Crowley: Absolutely not. It's way too salty for him, and because he eats stuff very rarely, he would not choose to eat ThAT
Muriel: is still getting used to the idea of eating food and would straight up just refuse to try it
Maggie: Would try it. Would be polite and finish a sandwich made for it, but it's not something she would choose
Nina: Thinks it's fine but prefers Marmite (she's wrong but she's also british so it's fine)
Jon Sims: would love vegemite, he's that salty. He would also tell no one he loves vegemite and would stash a massive jar of it behind other 'normal' british foods in his cupboard.
Martin Blackwood: Would not like vegemite. He would try it at Jon's insistence and say, 'why on earth would you eat this?' and never eat it again
Gertrude: Likes vegemite but would only eat it when she's in australia. She is the most likely to have actually eaten vegemite out of anyone else on this post.
Gerry Keay: Would hate it. He'd take one bite of it and go 'bleARagh' and then go off and do Gerry Keay stuff
Tim Stoker: Is fairly neutral about vegemite. He would eat it if he was given a sandwich or a vegemite scroll but he would not actively choose to eat vegemite
Sasha James: Would not like vegemite. She tried it once while on a trip and despises it. Would not be at all surprised to learn that Jon likes vegemite
Not!Sasha: Loves vegemite so much it's disgusting.
Helen: Doesn't eat human food
Elias/Jonah: Elias's tastebuds do not like vegemite at all, but that doesn't matter because Jonah tried it once in a previous body and now eats it straight from the jar
Bruce: does not mind vegemite. He has had it a couple of times on various trips/various events and didn't like it but didn't dislike it either
Alfred: refuses to go anywhere near vegemite, as '[it] is an abomination.' Occasionally eats Marmite on toast.
Dick: also does not mind vegemite. Would not volunteer to eat it, but if forced to also wouldn't hate it
Jason: Hates vegemite. Too salty, tastes weird, why would anyone eat it. He only thinks this because he has only eaten it directly off the spoon
Cass: Would not like vegemite at all. Hasn't tried it, and will go out of her way not to try it, ever.
Tim: Likes vegemite. A good vegemite sandwich pairs well with black coffee. The salt and preservatives help keep his body functioning
Steph: Has eaten a vegemite sandwich once and was not impressed. Would probably like vegemite scrolls but doesn't know they exist.
Babs: If you presented her with a vegemite sandwich, she'd look at it and then look at you, and then you would leave.
Duke: Has never tried vegemite. Doesn't know what vegemite is. Probably won't unless one of his siblings decides to use it in a prank.
Damian: Likes vegemite insofar as it is associated with kangaroos and other australian creatures. Has never actually eaten it, and if he did he would hate it.
(there are a lot more batfam members and characters I could do here but the list is so long so I'm sticking to the faves)
Jude Duarte: Has not tried vegemite. Would love vegemite. (It's salty and therefore a very safe food in faerieland.) Someone get this queen some vegemite.
Cardan: Would not like vegemite at all, but understands why Jude does
Oak: Would despise vegemite. Too salty. Too...taste. As a kid he would throw it away, now he would politely but forcefully decline.
Heather: likes vegemite.
Vivi: Was introduced to vegemite through heather and now adores it.
Grima mog: tried it and loves it. Uses it everywhere. Like hot sauce.
Suren: hasn't heard of vegemite. If you showed it to her, she would be displeased. If she ate it, she would banish you from her court.
Taryn: only eats vegemite scrolls, has never tried the actual spread
I will add more by request
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