#dude i had a whole poem and shit written. and then i forgot
nullapophenia · 11 months
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goodnight sweet prince
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noro-noro-noro · 2 years
more dreams. a lot of these have roller coaster scenes.
1. my big pet wolf can resist solar flares 2. stupid scavenger hunt takes me to the art museum 3. volcanic eruption 3.5 teeth 4. wizard fights
1. i had a giant pet wolf ? big enough to ride around on his back. I invited my sister & one more person I forgot to also ride with me but they didn't want to. we went outside & went around. I visited the house of people who live on the corne, & there were solar flares or something that completely engulfed the mercury house. fortunately my wolf was built to have between 30k & 40k health so it was enough to survive.
2. some kind of scavenger hunt in a city that was pissing me off because a lot was based on text convos from a group chat I wasnt even in, so I was only succeeding through trial & error. the other guy solving it was someone I knew from middle/high school. one of the scavenger clues meant "go to the art museum & see where that guy snuck art into o e of the exhibits" but the hint itself was written as a poem that I didn't understand any part of except for "go to the museum" & "look for art by someone who isn't famous." I was literally just browsing & the I heard the agent through the earpiece like "he's following you now you need to go" & ofc I glanced over my shoulder & there was a guy that looked like colin Baker in a teal trench coat and magenta scarf but very serious and angry slowly walking after me. I was like what. dude it's an accident idk how I got here. I thought it'd be easy to lose him though so I walked around a corner behind one of the pillars (this exhibit was in an area with gardens & pillars) & then hid behind it & jumped into the gardens to hide. easy. I had somehow got the before tge guy with the actual clues & my pov switched to that guy who found the thing but then got caught. he ratted me out & we were thrown in this storeroom in the back together & I was pissed off.
3. some kind of volcanic apocalypse cause by like a 7 month old baby somehow, & the only people who could fix it were me & that other guy from dream 2. idk. Danny Fenton was there. he evacuated his family on a roller coaster, & his family was the rest of the Incredibles fsr? they went (when I say went I mean they took the roller coaster network & elastagirl had to say 'bob stop lifting the car to make us seem lighter, it's planned for your weight & we're going to miss turns' to Mr incredible) to elastagirl's mom's house & did some hypnosis on themselves so they wouldn't overly worry bc they trusted that danny had this under control. they adopted 2 treasure boarders like "yes these are our other children". anyway he did NOT have this under control. the magma volcano earthquake thing was fucking shit up..every building was like floating on a chunk of land on top of an ocean of magma that was all kind of very very slowly swirling around the drain of some giant hole. me & that other guy escaped imprisonment after a few days & were like "I saw Danny get up but I don't see him now" & I was like "it has to do with that baby the baby is doing this" & eventually I found Danny, like beat up & magma burnt, in this house on the edge of the magma hole, holding the baby which was safe & ok. we decided we needed to get them both to a safer area so we evacuated Danny which was good bc the house was teetering over the edge of the sinkhole, & then I started leaving holding the baby.
3.5: teeth dream. my teeth were falling out again & every time one did I was like "this is the last one that will fall out." (didn't work). my middle front tooth next to my lower right canine fell out & I pulled it out to prevent from accidentally swallowing it, but there was a piece of it stil there in the gums that I kept cutting.myself on so I went & pulled my gums apart & pulled out this thin sliver of something that was connected to something really wide, & it looked like a fingernail had started growing in my mouth. I ripped the whole thing out & then went to my dad with blood all over my face & was like "dad what's this"
4. some kind of war between magic factions. one was led by my mom (not my actual mom just my dream mom) & the other faction was led by the man who fathered me (mads mikkelsen obviously). my mother had 2 older siblings (me & someone else) hat were both from mads mikkelsen, & 3 younger siblings (two sisters & a younger brother) & she clearly favored the older ones. this dream also featured kim kitsuragi if his main color was blue, & a young cheerful girl that was the strongest magic user in my friend group. her name was Milana or smth. part of this dream was dedicated to that girl's classmate asking her out politely, which seemed okay at first, but it turns out he hooked up a whole lot of ostentatious over the top sounds & lights & invited a lot of people to clap & cheer!! but she hated this spectacle & was like "if you knew me at all you would have known I hate this" ,& ran away crying. then the dream changed so it was kim who was asked out in such a way & he felt so put on the spot he rejected the guy & then went off by himself to sort through his feelings & it was from milana's POV cheering him up. also she lived in a tree, and kim was sulking on a rollercoaster by himself. she jumped from the car behind him to his car to talk to him.
anyway I really don't remember every intricacy of this dream since it was really long, but at the end my mom's faction was defending my dad's in real life house. I was upstairs in a landing that does not exist in my dad's house calling out people I saw sneaking up to my door. there were also golems from ror2. anyway mads showed up with his contingent all looking like James bond villains & I called them out & then my mom was choking my youngest brother to death so I came down from the lookout & I passed mads & said "let me through father" & then started choking my mom instead. she was some random white person so I didn't feel too bad. then I woke up
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buns-with-a-book · 5 years
A sequel to Flowers of White, completely spicy. So much spice. Includes SDT spice. 
There’s two poems in this fic. The second one was written by furyeclipse
Fandom: Devil May Cry Characters: OC/Vergil, Dante  Tags: @nimnox @furyeclipse @synchronmurmurs @harlot-of-oblivion @queenmuzz
Summary:  Vergil despises the scent of another man, of Draco, on the person he considers his. The scent infuriates him, enough to make him act on more base desires.
Days after they crashed her ‘wedding’, he can still smell him on her.
His demonic blood gave him heightened senses, hearing and smell and speed. It usually was a blessing but, in this moment, it was a curse. He can smell that scum, the scent of silver and sage and too-expensive cologne, still lingering around her. A part of him, a deep base beast that he sometimes wishes would just quiet down, snarls every time she passed by him before promptly filling him with shame for snarling at her when the whole affair was no fault of her own.  
How dare Draco, a pathetic excuse of a man who had shown nothing but disapproval and dismissal, believe himself worthy of Cassandra? Cassandra was nothing short of extraordinary, the blood of a warrior-saint in her veins. A part of him was always in awe of how she maneuvered herself on the battlefield, brave and bold and unafraid of the demons they faced. That fool would never know the joy that burned in those deep green eyes of hers when they got paid for exterminating demons, the determination when they clashed in the training room, the way they sparkled with amusement at whatever foolery Dante got into. Draco would never know that and he was certain he didn’t care.
Cassandra was far more than just her ancestor, far more than just the daughter of a warrior-saint. She was a queen. A queen that Draco would never respect, would never appreciate, never be worthy of. (And, if he was honest with himself, he wondered if he himself was worthy of her as well).
“Verge? Earth to Verge?”
Vergil blinked, seeing Dante’s hand waving in front of his face. He was sitting on the couch in Devil May Cry, the setting sun casting long shadows across the shop. Dante was hovering next to him, a curious but playful smile on his face.
“Dante, I’m right here.” Vergil slapped his brother’s hand away from his face.
“Yeah, sure you were.” He smiled and sat down, the couch dipping as he settled next to his twin. “I know that look of yours when you’re thinking really hard. What’s stewin?”
“The best way to get rid of you.” Vergil replied dryly, a spectral sword appearing by his will and pointed at Dante. Dante laughed, of course he would laugh.
“Nah, I feel like trying my luck.”
“Your very horrible luck, you mean.” Vergil raised an eyebrow. Despite his mild irritation, it wasn’t enough to skewer him yet. “I believe even Lady can attest to how rotten it can be.”  
“I can be lucky every once in a while!”
“Like a broken clock can be right twice a day.” Vergil snapped his book shut, finally admitting defeat. “I’m...afraid my mind still wanders back to the day we crashed Draco’s wedding. I can still smell him and it infuriates me, like an unwelcome stench that refuses to leave.”
“Yeah, I understand.” Dante hummed. “You two should go on a date.” Vergil could feel heat rising in his cheeks.
“Yeah! Get your mind off the whole wedding shit.” Dante waved his hand. Vergil closed his eyes in thought.
“Perhaps star-gazing. It’s nice and relaxing, a reprieve we need from...that event.” Even mentioning it left a foul taste in his mouth, Vergil thought with a scowl. Dante let out a soft chuckle, seemingly unaware of Vergil’s inner turmoil...but Vergil noticed the mischievous glimmer in his eyes.  
“Well, there’s this nice forest outside of Red Grave. You can hike to the top and maybe get some ac- OOF!” Vergil promptly whacked him upside the head. “OW! Jeez, I’m trying to help...”
“Your idea of help is not actually help.”
“Look, I know what’s going on with you. You’re pissy another dude touched Cass when that’s your job. God Verge, you’re so easy to read when you’re angry.” Dante crossed his arms. Vergil just stared at him, not sure what to say. On one hand, Dante wasn’t wrong: the thought of Draco touching Cassandra in any capacity infuriated him to no end. On the other hand...did he have to say it so brazenly?! It always infuriated him that Dante had no shame. While Cassandra was more than willing to encourage him in his shamelessness (because she found it hilarious when that very shamelessness got him in trouble), Vergil had to draw the line somewhere.
“...if she consents.” Vergil said, standing up stiffly. “I will ask about...a date.”
“If you don’t run away from being awk-” And that was when the sword slammed down into the floor, barely missing Dante’s knee. “Hey!” Vergil ignored his exclamation as he made his way into the kitchen, where he saw Cassandra enter. Sliding his book into his jacket, he entered the kitchen to see Cassandra hard at work. A savory scent wafted through the kitchen as Cassandra stirred up waffle batter for baking. Aside her stirring bowl was cheese, tomato sauce, and herbs. He smirked, knowing that tonight’s dinner was pizza waffles.
“Hi Vergil.” Cassandra said quickly. “What do you need? As long as it’s not pestering me to finish up din-”
“No, no, it’s not that.” Vergil shook his head, earning a confused noise from her. “I would like to know if you would like to go on a date with me.”
“You sound like you’re trying to ask me out for the first time.” Cassandra said with a soft chuckle. Before he could object, she continued. “I’d love to go on a date. A nice simple date, maybe we can go stargazing on the roof.”
“On the roof of Devil May Cry?” He asked.
“Not in the mood to go anywhere for a bit. If we can stay home, I’d go for it.” A part of him, that hungry beast inside him, purred appreciatively at the idea. He watched her work on dinner.
“As you wish.” A faint smile crept on his face as he watched her work. It seemed like that little affair was nothing more than a bad memory, a memory that was rapidly fading. As she poured the finished batter into the waffle-maker, Vergil’s eyes fluttered closed as he leaned against the doorframe. The sound of her making dinner was...surprisingly soothing. The fact that he could indulge in domestic scenarios like this was a feeling he couldn’t quite describe. He could only barely remember the last time he was this peaceful, the feeling of contentment with his life being foreign to him. If he had to recall, it would be back in his childhood, before the attack that changed his fate forever. But now, he had that...peace in his life. Reunited with his brother, slowly bonding over the son he only recently found out existed, and with a woman who cared about Nero just as much as he did (but more openly. Vergil being open with his emotions remained a struggle that he tried hard to work through), he was just...happy.  
He opened his eyes, watching as Cassandra finished with the waffles. She drizzled tomato sauce, cheese, and basil all over them. Setting the plate on the table, she walked past him. His nose caught her scent, of herbs and morning mist and too-expensive colog-
No. That was Draco. The beast roiled at the scent. He flinched, thankful that Cassandra wasn’t nearby to notice it.
“Dante! Dinner!” She called before slipping back into the kitchen, followed by Dante padding his way after her call. He rounded around Vergil, pausing next to his brother.
“Did you ask her out?” He asked, ice blue eyes glimmering mischievously.
“Did she say yes?”
“Of course I did Dante.” Cassandra huffed. “We’re gonna go stargazing on the roof of Devil May Cry in the future.”
“How romantic.” Dante hummed. “I mean, aside from the whole ‘sitting on the roof’-”
“I’m sure it’ll be romantic somehow. Vergil’s very good at reciting poetry.” Cassandra said as she prepared a second plate of pizza waffles. She ignored the sound of Dante gagging. “Yeah yeah, you keep gagging all you want mister ‘has rotten luck with the ladies’.”
“Ow!” Dante whined. “That huuurts.”
“It hurts because it’s true.” Vergil added.
“Beating up on your own brother…” He sighed in mock defeat. “You two are mean.”
“That’s our job.” Cassandra winked at Dante before handing Vergil the plate of pizza waffles. Vergil took the plate and the fork Cassandra offered before sitting down next to Dante. Cassandra made one last plate of pizza waffles for herself, humming softly as the waffle-maker did it’s work. Vergil closed his eyes, quietly eating what she had served. He remembered the first time she made this meal, and how quickly he made his distaste known until he actually tried it. It was this very dish that made him only occasionally question what Cassandra made (most of the time, as he had come to understand it, some of her more stranger options was just to get Dante to eat more than just pizza and sundaes).
His mind moved away from that memory, to that promised date. If the devil within decided to behave, perhaps it would be just a gentle and loving affair, as she deserved after such tribulation. But it all hinged on if the devil inside him behaved. And if even the slightest hint of that scum’s scent sent it into a huffy rage…
He wasn’t too sure how he would deal with that.
The skies of Red Grave City were clear, the summer stars shining brightly above them. As most of Red Grave had been ripped apart, the light pollution was not as strong as it used to be, providing one with a clear view of the stars above. Normally, every reminder of the destruction of the city stung Vergil’s heart with guilt, even if he wasn’t in the right mind when he did stab himself with Yamato.
It was here, on the roof of Devil May Cry, that Vergil found Cassandra. In his hand were three books of poetry, one of Shakespearean Sonnets, his prized book of Blake, and a small notebook he kept in his coat pocket. Cassandra had given it to him on his birthday (a day he usually forgot). He had taken that notebook and tried his own hand at poetry. It’s quality was...questionable but, according to Nero, it was passable. Cassandra was busy smoothing out a large plush blanket on the floor of the roof. Not too far away was a basket, full of sweet and savory snacks to pass the time. Very faintly, in the far distance, he swore he heard a piano playing. Returning his gaze to Cassandra, her attire was a simple deep blue dress, the thin linen fluttering with her movements.
He was right, he thought with a soft smirk. Blue did look good on her.  
“Vergil, I can feel you staring.” Her words, accented with a tease, made his heart jump. He hid his brief surprise as he strode to her, sitting down on the blanket next to her. She smiled to him, laying herself down on the soft blanket. Vergil shed his coat, setting it next to the blasket of food. He set the books down on his coat. She laid down on the blanket, Vergil settling himself next to her as he took out his book of Shakespearean sonnets.
“Shakespear?” She asked, staring at the beautifully decorated book curiously.
“Why not?” He asked in turn. Cassandra laughed.
“You got me there, Mr. Poetry.” She pecked his cheek before laying down. Vergil settled down next to her and opened the book, flipping through the sonnets until he found an acceptable one. With that, he began to read.
Take all my loves, my love, yea take them all; What hast thou then more than thou hadst before? No love, my love, that thou mayst true love call; All mine was thine, before thou hadst this more. Then if for my love thou my love receivest, I cannot blame thee, for my love thou usest; But yet be blam'd, if thou thyself deceivest By wilful taste of what thyself refusest. I do forgive thy robbery, gentle thief, Although thou steal thee all my poverty; And yet, love knows, it is a greater grief To bear love's wrong, than hate's known injury.    Lascivious grace, in whom all ill well shows,    Kill me with spites, yet we must not be foes.
Cassandra hummed thoughtfully as he finished reading. “That’s not 18, is it?”
“No. Too overdone. This one is his fortieth sonnet.” Vergil explained.
“Hm. 18 is a classic for a reason.” She hummed.
“Every man woos their lover with 18.” He countered. “But you are no ordinary woman, Cassandra.”
“I’m the only one that’s knocked you on your ass.” She said proudly, earning a chuckle from him.
“I believe that was because you pulled a cheap tactic on me.”
“That was one time Vergil!” Cassandra playfully whacked his shoulder. Vergil sat up, placing the book of Shakespere away. His hand took his small notebook, to which Cassandra raised an eyebrow at. “What’s that for?”
“...I’ve been practicing poetry myself.” He admitted, flipping through the pages. “It’s a hobby I’ve been working on when I am not busy.”
“Aww…” She smiled, retaking her place at his side. She rest her head on his shoulder. “Which one are you going to read?”
“Reclaim. My 78th poem.”
“78!? You either have a lot of downtime or you have a lot of ideas to immortalize in poetic form.”
“A little of both.” He smiled at her surprise. “Shall I begin?”
“Yes, please.” She rested a hand on his chest. He wrapped his arm around her, his hand resting on her back, and began to read.
The rightful queen came home today. She came back with her head high, Proudly bringing the slain man's head for all to see. The dress of white was gifted to the winds and carried away. It's shameful imitation of fabric no longer touched her. Now she's taken back her rightful crown, The light basked in her glory as she came to her knight.
She tilted her head, just a little, and suddenly that scent came back to him. Caught off guard, he let go of the book. It landed on his face rather ungracefully, earning a surprised gasp from Cassandra.
“I...I’m fine.” He grumbled.
“I doubt it. You’ve been...stiff ever since we came back from Rothes.” She sat up a little. “What’s going on?” Vergil lifted the notebook off his face, meeting her dark green eyes. They were searching him, trying to find out the answer to his state. He let out a sigh, setting the notebook back with his books. He sat up, helping her into a sitting up position, and turned to her.
“That man...Draco, his stench clings to you. It infuriates the devil inside me. It is of no fault of your own. You did what you had to do to save Nero and I am grateful for your bravery.” He paused, taking in a breath. “It still does not change the fact that Draco dared to touch you, dared to be in your presence when he is not worthy of it…”
“You’re jealous.” And there it was, that simple succinct phrase. “Does that mean your devil considers me a mate or something?”
“Along that line, yes.” He sighed.
“So…” Cassandra’s eyes were closed, the spellblade warrior deep in thought. “Your devil considers me as a mate and Draco’s shit caused them to get jealous and see Draco as competition. Does that sound right?” She opened her eyes, seeing Vergil’s confirmation. He nodded. “Ok, so, how do we deal with this problem?” There was a quiet that fell between them, Vergil’s eyes fluttering closed to think. He could feel Cassandra’s gaze on him, intense and searching for an answer to the predicament. Vergil knew the answer but his pride refused to let him say it. “Is it sex.”
“What?” He blinked.    
“If it wasn’t something like that, then you would’ve said it by now.” Vergil looked away, a blush on his face. “What? I’m not wrong. You never mince words about what needs to be done to solve a problem unless it’s salacious.” And indeed, she wasn’t wrong. Vergil let out a sigh.
“You are...correct. Specifically, it involves scenting.” He could feel his face burn as he spoke. “It’s...messy.”
“We have a bath. And we paid the water bill for the month.” Cassandra said. “Are you afraid I won’t like it? Or I won’t like what will happen.”
“No. It is the fact that all this was born out of a desire to possess you. And you deserve more than someone who refuses to let go.” Cassandra mulled over his words.
“Earthmother help me, you’re such a gentleman deep down.” She said with a smile. She gently took Vergil’s chin, guiding him to face her. “If you’re worried about me consenting, then don’t worry. Of course I’d consent. I know you know your strength and I trust you to not break me too much.” Her hand moved down to take his hands. “You wield Yamato so skillfully, after all. I’m sure you can control yourself or drive me mad with pleasure.” She glanced up and gave him a wink. “I’ll be fine.”
“You’re insatiable.” He breathed.    
“I know.” With that, she leaned forward to kiss him. Her hand rested on his hip, the other threading through his silvery-white hair. She gently nipped at his lips, earning a soft surprised gasp. She slid her tongue inside quickly, taking advantage of his surprise to establish her dominance. He chuckled into the kiss, slowly tipping her back onto the blanket. The hand on his hip moved to rub his groin, earning a low groan from the half-devil above her. He pulled back, earning a soft gasp from her. He leaned back, pulling the dress off her. She aided him in the effort, pulling the soft fabric off her. He leaned back, carefully pulling off his vest. He could see the hunger and appreciation in her eyes, she didn’t even try to hide it. Placing the vest next to her dress, he worked on sliding his pants off. His eyes flicked to Cassandra, who was reaching back to undo her bra. He took in a soft breath, watching as it fell away. He pulled off his pants, noticing how Cassandra’s gaze flicked down to his groin and thighs.
“Lace underwear, huh?” Cassandra asked, quite obviously amused. He tensed for a moment.
“The other options chafe. It’s distracting.”
“I like it.” She leaned forward, pulling the waistband of his underwear and pulling it back and down, exposing his cock. “And it makes your dick look that much more appetizing.” She smirked at his blushing face, pulling him out of his underwear. “And those thighs? To die for.”
“Are you going to spend the rest of the night showering me with compliments?”
“I might.” She winked. “But I’m not wrong.” She reached down, stroking Vergil’s cock. He let out a grunt, eyes fluttering closed. “That’s a look…” She murmured.
“You drive me mad.” She felt his hand grab her hair. “You insatiable harlot.” She grinned at him, meeting his smirk. Before she could reply, he forced her down onto her back. He presented his cock to her. Quickly getting the hint, she took the tip into her mouth and sucked, swirling her tongue around the slit. He let out a grunt, his hand gripping just a little tighter on her hair. He remained still, groaning softly as she leaned forward, bobbing her head on his cock. Vergil groaned as she worked, her hands moving up to massage his thighs, the very part of him she praised to high heavens.
Well, not that hers were lacking in any manner. But that was neither here nor there. His more immediate focus was on Cassandra, his ice blue eyes meeting her dark green. That half-lidded sultry look made him shiver, a look that shot down his spine and made his cock throb. That deep base beast rumbled with approval at the sight...and it wanted more.  Despite his attempts to stay in control, the beast within refused. He could feel his body shift and change, slowly as his control loosened. He growled as his load poured down her throat. With the last of his control, he moved back. In moments, he transformed with a burst of demonic energy.
Cassandra stared at the now transformed devil hovering over her, wings flared out behind him. The chill of the oncoming night was gone, replaced by the warmth that radiated from the very devil she was admiring. The devil let out a slow exhale, blue meeting green. She looked up and down the devil’s armored body, the deep blue that pulsated like a glowing heart from his chest to his flared wings. She could hear his tail swaying slowly behind him, faintly seeing the sharpened tip from behind his wings. He shifted back a little, as if he was worried that he had startled her.
“Wow...hot.” Cassandra said, earning an amused rumble from the devil hovering above her. Cassandra sat up, her hand reaching up to cup the side of his face. The devil leaned into her hand, warm against her skin. She smiled at the sight. “What? You thought I would be running for my life at the sight of you?”
“...a little.” He rumbled, voice warped from the demonic energy. “From the shock of my transformation.”
“You’re such a gentleman.” She took his hand and gave the warm palm a kiss. With a pleased rumble, he slowly moved his way down to her thighs. He pushed her thighs apart, noticing Cassandra shiver at the claws that pressed into her skin. Vergil leaned forward, his tongue rubbing slowly against her cunt. It rubbed up and down her slick folds, occasionally rolling around her clit, before moving down to push inside her. She gasped out, her hand reaching down to grab his horn. She pulled him closer to her, wanting to feel more of his tongue against her. Her body shook as he gave her more of what she wanted, his tongue lapping up her juices. Cassandra began to grind her hips against his mouth, shivering at the sensations.
He pulled back, letting out a pleased rumble. Cassandra lifted herself up a little by her elbows, looking down to Vergil’s groin. The carapace protecting his cock had split open, revealing a girthy slick blue cock. The bulbous head was slightly larger than the ridged shaft and, at what she presumed was at the base of his sac, was a knot. The scent that reached her made her shiver, a wave of arousal washing over her.
“Shit…” She panted. What was it about the heady scent that just seemed to make her wetter? She was certain Vergil could tell she was more than aroused, more than ready for him, but he restrained himself. “Veergill…” She whined.
“Yes, my love?”
“Nnn...please, just fuck me.” She panted. She could barely think, the heat at her core was almost overwhelming.  She faintly heard a soft but warm hum before the tip of his cock rubbed at her entrance. Her body burned with unbridled lust at the contact, a cry of pleasure ripped from her. The devil pushed the tip into her, earning breathy moans from his writhing mate. With the tip inside her, he paused and looked at her. Even with only the tip inside, he could sense her trying to pull him in. He leaned down, resting his forehead against hers. She reached up, holding tight onto his scaled body. She let out a whine as he pushed forward, sinking more of his cock into her. He could feel her walls squeeze and ripple around him, a sensation that made it difficult to not start thrusting right then and there. The devil let out a slow exhale, trying to not thrust with wild abandon, not yet.
Until she pulled him close, pressing her lips against his fangs. It did him in.
With an aroused growl, the devil began to thrust hard. He felt her legs hoist around his armored midsection. In the back of his mind, he knew she would come out of this scratched up. He would take care of that later, his mind too focused on the unbridled lust that was spurred on by her moans and cries of pleasure. His wings dug into the blanket below, growling as he thrust into her shaking form. The warmth that surrounded them felt as if it was pooling in his core, his thrusts devolving into short harsh movements. He panted as the knot at the base of his cock began to swell and with it, the oncoming orgasm.
“Vergil! I-I’m close!” He heard Cassandra pant. He could feel it, it was so close. With a final thrust, he pushed the knot into her and roared, warm seed pouring into her. With him, he heard her cry out and tense up around his knot, body shaking as her orgasm finally hit her. After a few tense moments, he felt her body go lax. He looked down, seeing her breathing heavily underneath him. His gaze moved down her body to her stomach, slightly swollen from the seed that he poured into her. If he was capable of blushing, he would be doing it. He stayed there for what felt like hours, the knot slowly deswelling. He pulled out, letting out a soft groan. Settling himself next to her, the devil disappeared with a flash of blue, revealing an exhausted flushed Vergil. She turned to him, reaching out to pull him into a brief kiss.
“Cassandra…” Vergil murmured. “I apologize-”
“Don’t.” She smiled at him. “That was...phew, that was something.”
“I could have hurt you.”
“Not much more than sore hips and some scratches, which isn’t a bad thing.” Cassandra slowly sat up, letting out a hiss. “Oof...can you go run a bath? I think I’ll be here for a bit…”
“And leave you alone? Never.” He swiftly picked her up, earning a hiss from her.
“Yowch! Jeez, rail my brains out and all that gentleman behavior goes out the window.”
“You were all for it.” He pointed out. She noticed the hint of a playful smile on his lips.
“Yeah yeah…” Cassandra waved her hand as he slipped back into the shop. Stepping into the bathroom, he laid her in the bathtub. He turned on the water, letting cool water pour from the faucet into the tub. “So, uh…” Vergil glanced at her. “Do I still smell of Draco?”
“No, thankfully.” Vergil sighed.
“Good. I’d rather smell of you than of an old bully.” Vergil wondered if she knew the implication of her words. He turned off the faucet. “I’ll be ok here, you should go get everything up on the roof.”
“Are you sure? It would be remiss if I left you her-”
“Vergil. I’ll be fine. I can bathe myself. You should get that basket of snacks and put it next to our bed so we can munch on those before dozing off.” Cassandra told him firmly. Vergil sighed and stood.
“As you wish.” He left the room. Cassandra went to work on bathing herself, humming softly. She swore she heard swift footsteps, perhaps Vergil pulling on some unknown demon ability. Super speed or something, she didn’t worry herself with it. She continued to wash her body.
“It’s done.” Cassandra jumped and looked up, seeing Vergil back by her side in pants. She stared at him, still shocked at his sudden appearance.
“...fucking hell.” She ran her hand through her damp hair. “I love you Vergil but there’s just some things that surprise me about you.” He chuckled at her mild frustration. Cassandra finished bathing and stepped out of the tub, right into a towel Vergil had for her. She leaned into his strong arms as he dried her body, relaxing. When her body was dry, she leaned against the wall as he drained the tub. As the tub drained, he picked her up bridal style and carried her to their bedroom.
“Would you like me to read to you?” He asked, setting her down on their shared bed.
“Of course.” She smiled at him. “But I’d like to hear some of your works.” Vergil blinked at her before nodding, sliding into bed next to her. He pulled out the notebook and allowed her to cuddle up against his side.
“As you wish, my wild rose.”
43 notes · View notes
tumblunni · 7 years
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Aaaand back to more Luke route from Red String of Fate! Starting off with another Actually Rather Cute Moment Of Chemistry That Isn’t Just Romance Novel Melodrama
Tho also i forgot to mention a bit of drama that worked really well! Somehow I missed taking any screenshots of it, but there’s a sweet moment of our protagonist getting depressed remembering her deceased parents and then luke brings up his ALSO deceased parents and they share a hug together. Like I know that sounds a bit weirdly coincidental, but the actual dialogue was really good! It was super sad when protagonist was like ‘I’m so grateful that i got to know my parents for a few years, poor Luke lost them when he was so small’. And then she talks about her happy memories of going to this beach with them, and how she gets panic attacks trying to return to the beach, and he offers to take photos of it for her so she can still remember it without having to be so scared. It was just very well written! And I didnt screenshot it! GAHHHH!
More stuff below!
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Aaaaand then we go into dating sim cliches again, the good old ‘mistaken for cheating’ scene. But protagonist seems super jerky for getting jealous here cos SHE HASNT EVEN TOLD HIM SHE LOVES HIM and SHE KEEPS TURNING HIM DOWN BECAUSE DESTINY. But like this trope still bugs me even when there isnt all that extra stuff, its really horrible behaviour to get mad at a man for just.. having female friends?? Talking to other women ever?? I mean he could have just been asking some girl in his class what the homework was!
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Also another stupid addition- ha ha gay jokes. I didn’t wanna screencap the whole set of dialogue here but basically Aaron comes along to try and distract the girl and help you out, but HA HA FUNNIE JOKE the girl mistakes him for Luke’s boyfriend. And that’s just.. the joke. the scene just ends. Okay then.
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Also this makes the whole thing super dumb because why is she overreacting so much even after she realized that Luke was uncomfortable around this woman and asked protag to help get rid of her. HOW DARE YOU TALK TO HER WHEN YOU WERENT TALKING TO HER AND DIDNT WANT TO, AND ALSO WE AREN’T FUCKIN DATING, SERIOUSLY WTF
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Also like.. whoa this plot is really fucked up and I feel way more sympathetic for this girl than I think i’m supposed to?? Like she was dating Luke and then Luke just suddenly broke up with her for seemingly no reason, and also CUT OFF ALL CONTACT WITH HER AND RAN OFF TO A NEW SCHOOL Seriously, this nonsense with following destinies caused him to be an ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE to her, and just make both of them miserable! Like, we don’t hear that she was happy with this other man and he was totally right, she didnt need him. We hear that she’s been desperately trying to find him again and no indication she ended up with that dude! And like she’s just NEVER MENTIONED AGAIN We just run away from her and like we get to be sad about how sad he is about her, but the conclusion isn’t that he realizes he was wrong and goes back to her, or even becomes friends again, or even explains himself to her and makes sure she’s okay... I feel so sad for her wtf... why didnt she get an epilogue in the happy ending route...
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SERIOUSLY SHE WAS TRYING TO COMFORT HIM ABOUT HIS GRANDPA’S DEATH like she’s called a ‘stalker’ by the game?? but her boyfriend just fucking ran away and deleted all his contact numbers overnight?? and all we see is that she’s trying to find out if he’s okay! I’d be so terrified something had happened to him, jesus christ! This poor woman!
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wy she toch me
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aww noooo poor grandpa what an endearing gramp moment damn I miss grandpa too why must every character in this game be cursed with a million family deaths
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Things that were intended to be romantic but ended up creepy as fuck: 2 Chocolate moans and phone whispers, yikes...
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Good dialogue that makes me go daww at their actual romantic chemistry, unlike all the everything else: 4
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WISH YOU’D SHOWN IT TO US TOO seriously why make it a plot point if you’re not gonna show it i was looking forward to seeing his poems, not just being told they were apparantly great, no really
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YOU ARE DANGEROUSLY OBSESSED PLEASE STOP HOW IS THIS ROMANTIC ITS JUST SAD AND SCARY how many chances at happiness has she missed?? how many years has she shaved off her lifespan by treating herself like shit for the sake of some dumb thing that may never happen??
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YAAAAY GRANDMA We actually get to see his grandma!! Its weird cos other minor story roles didn’t get a picture, its been literally nobody but the main three so far. Anyway I love her design and oh man she is so oddly tiny?? Cartoon grandparents are even more loveable than real ones!
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I love grandma
Anyway, the plot finally rerails and like the main catalyst for the two of them falling in love is just... grandma tells them they’re in love. Magical grandma can ~sense~ it and tries to convince her to confess to her grandson.
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Also somehow magical grandma knew someone else who may have had the same power, conveiniently! And okay yes PLEASE thank you, can we challenge the destiny bullshit please-
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NOOOOOOOOO stop missing the point aaaaa no it just proves the soulmate shit isn’t necessary to be happy in liiiiife
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Aww this cg is really cute, gotta love that classic run into arms hug~ Tho I laughed when i noticed the sparkle effects look like dandruff!
The context of this here is that Luke uses his never before mentioned riches to help her get an interview with a famous journalist, and she’s so happy she hugs him. And like.. somehow this is like... sexual tension?? They can’t hug without wanting to kiss?? like do these people not hug their platonic friends ever, geez.. Funny that the kiss part actually ruined the cuteness for me! Cos they don’t actually kiss no matter what you pick, they just break the hug and act super awkward and angry at each other and its really frustrating??
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Accidentally creepy ‘romance’ count: 3
3 notes · View notes
Waytfm hype-train: @$11.87 Doki doki time motherfucker
Tormeson: We expect good, written commentary
biglawk: oh my god it's happening
Danimark: I expect great things
Waytfm hype-train: @$11.87 get the fuck in here and start playing
Waytfm hype-train: So help me god, I will ban you
$11.87: ok but i only have one hour
$11.87: one sec
Waytfm hype-train: Fuck, why are you so awful
Waytfm hype-train: Skip whatever the fuck it is
$11.87: i have a life my dude
biglawk: get your shit together 11
biglawk: jesus christ
$11.87: i have to go to UVA
Waytfm hype-train: you have a game to play, fuck your life
biglawk: how about you fucking call UVA up and tell them to wait
Waytfm hype-train: ^
Tormeson: :veryTru:
$11.87: https://www.twitch.tv/movkeyb
Waytfm hype-train: Wait, are you legit streaming this?
$11.87: not with commentary, but yeah
$11.87: since my gf is sleeping
$11.87: but if you want to follow along
Waytfm hype-train: We demand commentary here
Waytfm hype-train: Type it out
$11.87: yeah i'll do that
$11.87: but you can watch along
Waytfm hype-train: I might pop in
$11.87: hmm what should my name be
$11.87: a boat name generator says i should be "Limerick II"
$11.87: so thats my name
Waytfm hype-train: No, that's awful
Waytfm hype-train: Name yourself oby
$11.87: nah im a boat rn
Waytfm hype-train: Fucking restart the game
$11.87: fine
$11.87: yeesh
Waytfm hype-train: You're almost at sec's level of playthrough awfulness
$11.87: oh the sayori girl came up to me
$11.87: brb putting on pants irl
biglawk: i'm going to be sick
Tormeson: @secular25 your gameplay was fine I'm sorry for having mocked you
Waytfm hype-train: haha
Waytfm hype-train: @secular25 Fuck you sec, you'll never be forgiven
$11.87: this game is far improved when i think of myself as being a boat
Waytfm hype-train: I'll make that game for you
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434352582534889483/unknown.png?width=400&height=48
Waytfm hype-train: Hatoful Boatfriend
$11.87: i feel insulted
Tormeson: I want a british Sayori calling you a chav now
10: 04 AM] $11.87: =\
https: //media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353085293527050/unknown.png?width=400&height=61
$11.87: fuck off main character
$11.87: you're so melodramatic
biglawk: MC is the worst
Tormeson: 0 to hate in 25 seconds flat
Waytfm hype-train: Fucking MC
Tormeson: Impressive
$11.87: who is MC
Tormeson: Main Character
biglawk: main character you dip
$11.87: oh ok
$11.87: i meet girl with large bust, named "girl 1"
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353366458564608/unknown.png?width=400&height=183
Waytfm hype-train: That's how you know it's anime
$11.87: > this club is full of incredibly cute girls
$11.87: MC confirmed thirsty
$11.87: well, thats a given, seeing as he is a boat
Waytfm hype-train: Holy shit, I'm banning you
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353710894940180/unknown.png?width=400&height=65
biglawk: uwu
Tormeson: :smilepls:
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434354038256173066/unknown.png[10:07 AM] Tormeson: That's the only anime emoji I have
Tormeson: I think
biglawk: i long watching 11 screenshot things
Waytfm hype-train: Everytime I see the name "Limerick" I want to just delete this whole channel
$11.87: Limerick II
Waytfm hype-train: Mes, how can you not have anime emojis?
Tormeson: I dunno, I'm not in servers that have a lot :shrug:(edited)
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434354508496371730/unknown.png?width=400&height=44
$11.87: why is everybody so coy
$11.87: "these are good cupcakes you made"
Waytfm hype-train: Motherfucker, have you read a VN before?
$11.87: gasp HOW DARE YOU
Waytfm hype-train: Also, if you wanted to bump the resolution down to like 720 or what have you, I'd appreciate it. not only is my internet carried in by carrier pigeon, but I also have a daily datacap
Waytfm hype-train: it's pretty awful
$11.87: one sec
$11.87: its at 720 and 10 fps
Waytfm hype-train: Aight, I can do doki doki powerpoints
Waytfm hype-train: Hopefully
biglawk: 11 you broke your stream wtf
Waytfm hype-train: It's at 480p now, actually
$11.87: its working for me
$11.87: oh oops
$11.87: lemme fix that
Tormeson: Eleven, my first VN was DDLC and even I wasn't surprised by this
Waytfm hype-train: Go play Saya no uta, Mes
Waytfm hype-train: stream it
Tormeson: I have exams tho
Tormeson: After exams?
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356081435607040/unknown.png?width=400&height=32
Waytfm hype-train: You think I care about your life
$11.87: time to seduce monica
Waytfm hype-train: She's onto you 11
Waytfm hype-train: Abort game
Waytfm hype-train: Get the fuck out of there
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356229834407936/unknown.png
10: 16 AM] $11.87: some romance going on in here
Tormeson: Monika would probably wipe the floor with you, Eleven
biglawk: you don't even stand a chance
Tormeson: And I'm not talking about her club, just Monika
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356457534914560/unknown.png?width=400&height=216
$11.87: title screen
$11.87: stop telling me about these teacups when you've not animated them
$11.87: they just have their hands behind their back
$11.87: thats a weird ass way to hold your cup of tea
$11.87: "ah i read a horror book once"
$11.87: me_irl
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356908489703424/unknown.png?width=400&height=27
Tormeson: I think Eleven is our world's MC
Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, Saya no Uta is kinda bad. it's a shame, because it's a cthulhu love story, basically, but cthulhu is a loli and it kinda ruins it
Tormeson: Fun fact my second VN was DDRC
Tormeson: I haven't played any other VNs
Waytfm hype-train: Oh, boy
$11.87: i have 200 hours in some anime dating sim
$11.87: but i just afk'd that for two weeks
$11.87: im not really one for VNs or animes in general
biglawk: lmao
Waytfm hype-train: No, fuck off, you don't get to say "I have 200 hours in a dating sim" and "I'm not one for VNs"
Waytfm hype-train: You shit
biglawk: ddlc was my first and so far only VN
$11.87: who tf is like this
https: //media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434357829168660480/unknown.png?width=361&height=300
biglawk: nic
$11.87: this girl is going to snap her spine or something
$11.87: also is there some fan thats out of shot that makes the hair billow
Tormeson: No she's just perfect
Tormeson: Doesn't need a fan
Waytfm hype-train: Mes
Tormeson: And she has a strong spine
biglawk: we're all her fans
Waytfm hype-train: Don't
$11.87: oh no
$11.87: i actually have to do something
Waytfm hype-train: You trash
$11.87: i forgot that this was a game and not just a powerpoint
$11.87: since i spent the last 20 minutes just reading the slides
biglawk: who are you gonna try to bang
Tormeson: You
Waytfm hype-train: Write your poem
Waytfm hype-train: Go go go
Tormeson: :ablobwink:
biglawk: :heart_eyes:
$11.87: monica obviously
$11.87: what the heck how does this work
$11.87: um
$11.87: time to write some magical literary masterpiece
Waytfm hype-train: Click a word
Waytfm hype-train: then click another
Waytfm hype-train: And do that until you've spilled your heart out onto a page
$11.87: > suicide
Waytfm hype-train: >picking papa
$11.87: > one girl jumps up and down excitidly
Waytfm hype-train: hmmm
$11.87: i have daddy issues, ok?
Waytfm hype-train: You have no idea
Waytfm hype-train: Yuri is trash-tier, just so you know
Waytfm hype-train: Natsuki is like a worm crawling around on the ground
biglawk: delete tihs
Tormeson: Yuri is trash-tier only if trash-tier means top-tier
Waytfm hype-train: My girl Sayori floats above like an angel though
$11.87: hmm mr "oh jeez whats a 'book'" is now effortlessly flirting
Waytfm hype-train: You're a fast learner
Waytfm hype-train: There had better be A)voice and B)a saved VOD when you finish this game after you're done with your other stuff
$11.87: hmm, i can probably record
$11.87: but rn my roommates are loudly watching something else
Waytfm hype-train: Eh, this first hour probably doesn't matter so much(edited)
$11.87: also yuri sure seems to be a datelet
biglawk: explain this word
$11.87: she is very ungood at being subtle
$11.87: she's bad at flirting
Waytfm hype-train: Have twitch save your past broadcasts, though, if they don't already
$11.87: i think the bigger question is "what sort of chad am i where so many people are tripping over themselves to date me"
biglawk: big booby goth tho
$11.87: they only do that if you have enough subs or something
Waytfm hype-train: That is a big question
Waytfm hype-train: I don't think they do?
$11.87: also brb im getting some water
$11.87: my recording software can probably do that
Waytfm hype-train: Haven't really looked too much into that
$11.87: " i just happened to buy two of them"
$11.87: hmm that was a bit heavy handed
Waytfm hype-train: You ain't seen shit
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434360808248442881/unknown.png?width=400&height=37
10: 34 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Buckle up motherfucker
Waytfm hype-train: Quit ruining my posts, 11
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434360967158300682/unknown.png?width=400&height=30
https: //media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361015996645376/unknown.png?width=400&height=36
$11.87: > implying that the MC being a doofus will be a surprise twist
biglawk: but who is the real MC
$11.87: oh no
$11.87: stop bullying me
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361467806941200/unknown.png?width=400&height=184
$11.87: :thinking:
Tormeson: >LimerickII
I might just delete this channel
$11.87: i told you, im cosplaying as a boat
Tormeson: Hmmm
biglawk: why delete this whole channel when you can just delete 11
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361939792101376/unknown.png?width=400&height=36
$11.87: this some tasty smut
biglawk: lewd
Tormeson: Don't make me use this
https: //media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434362150668992512/Capture_2018-04-13-10-39-46.png?width=194&height=301
$11.87: > sorry i didn't know you were self concious about that sort of thing
$11.87: you fucking idiot MC
$11.87: brb getting water
$11.87: back
$11.87: oh no its decision making time
$11.87: who should i show my poem to
Tormeson: Who's your fav?
Waytfm hype-train: Gross
biglawk: decision time
Waytfm hype-train: No one wants you to whip out your poem
$11.87: ill show it to my waifu, monica
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434363648316538902/unknown.png?width=400&height=78
$11.87: this game is not good at being subtle
Waytfm hype-train: Your face isn't good at being subtle
biglawk: i hate you and your boat
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434364023979638804/unknown.png?width=24&height=300
$11.87: i like how this is handdrawn
$11.87: like, is that canon?
Waytfm hype-train: ?
$11.87: did monica actually draw this little slide thing on her paper
Waytfm hype-train: lol
biglawk: yes
biglawk: what do you think of her poem
$11.87: :shrug:
Waytfm hype-train: Monika's poems are shit
Waytfm hype-train: Natsuki has the good stuff
$11.87: roni just shouted "yuri is best girl"
$11.87: so i know who her waifu is
Waytfm hype-train: Roni, shut the fuck up
Waytfm hype-train: We're trying to have a moment here
biglawk: based roni
Tormeson: Roni is right
Waytfm hype-train: I'll ban all of you
Tormeson: Tell her that she's right
Tormeson: :(
Waytfm hype-train: I'll corrupt 11's game so he can't play anymore if you keep poisoning his mind
biglawk: i would be banned a million times for yuri
Waytfm hype-train: You will be
biglawk: oh no
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434364791575019521/unknown.png?width=400&height=41
$11.87: thats some good mind reading MC has
$11.87: then again he's a boat so pretty much any action he takes is impressive
Waytfm hype-train: Go play hatoful boyfriend
$11.87: the fuck is this shit
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434365292391563286/unknown.png
$11.87: this reminds me of that joke with the table
Tormeson: :tharking:
Waytfm hype-train: Flicka flicka
$11.87: why cant i tell what my poem is about
$11.87: it is just a bunch of random words on a piece of paper
Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, you're a pretty shitty poet
$11.87: hm this poem is the best imo
$11.87: its not 2deep4me
$11.87: this poem is so trashy i love it
$11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434366555699019788/unknown.png?width=249&height=301
biglawk: way is going to ban you
Waytfm hype-train: Listen here you little shit
Tormeson: I'm not a Natsuki-boi but I actually like that poem
$11.87: > i dont get an option as MC to trash on her poem
$11.87: whats even the point of playing tbh
$11.87: anyway i need to head out
Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, you'd better get the fuck out of here
$11.87: i'll have my laptop so i can remote access if i have any downtime
$11.87: but i won't be able to alt tab as easily to give comments
Waytfm hype-train: Commentary is paramount
Tormeson: :ANGERY:
biglawk: just wait until you're back home
Tormeson: ^Way rn
$11.87: oh god i can't wait to get 0 sleep tonight
$11.87: im not bringing my bed
$11.87: so its blankets and floors for me and roni
Tormeson: >having a bed
You fucking bourgeois scum
(napkin) i might miss your msg: who is roni?
Tormeson: Eleven's gf
(napkin) i might miss your msg: understandable
0 notes
eleven-87 · 6 years
My DDLC playthrough, day 1
[9:39 AM] Waytfm hype-train: @$11.87 Doki doki time motherfucker
[9:47 AM] Tormeson: We expect good, written commentary
[10:17 AM] biglawk: oh my god it's happening
[1:45 PM] Danimark: I expect great things
[9:54 AM] Waytfm hype-train: @$11.87 get the fuck in here and start playing
[9:54 AM] Waytfm hype-train: So help me god, I will ban you
[9:55 AM] $11.87: ok but i only have one hour
[9:55 AM] $11.87: one sec
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Fuck, why are you so awful
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Skip whatever the fuck it is
[9:55 AM] $11.87: i have a life my dude
[9:55 AM] biglawk: get your shit together 11
[9:55 AM] biglawk: jesus christ
[9:55 AM] $11.87: i have to go to UVA
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: you have a game to play, fuck your life
[9:55 AM] biglawk: how about you fucking call UVA up and tell them to wait
[9:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: ^
[9:56 AM] Tormeson: :veryTru:
[9:56 AM] $11.87: https://www.twitch.tv/movkeyb
[9:56 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Wait, are you legit streaming this?
[9:56 AM] $11.87: not with commentary, but yeah
[9:57 AM] $11.87: since my gf is sleeping
[9:57 AM] $11.87: but if you want to follow along
[9:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: We demand commentary here
[9:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Type it out
[9:57 AM] $11.87: yeah i'll do that
[9:57 AM] $11.87: but you can watch along
[9:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I might pop in
[9:57 AM] $11.87: hmm what should my name be
[9:58 AM] $11.87: a boat name generator says i should be "Limerick II"
[9:58 AM] $11.87: so thats my name
[9:58 AM] Waytfm hype-train: No, that's awful
[9:58 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Name yourself oby
[9:59 AM] $11.87: nah im a boat rn
[9:59 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Fucking restart the game
[9:59 AM] $11.87: fine
[9:59 AM] $11.87: yeesh
[10:00 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You're almost at sec's level of playthrough awfulness
[10:00 AM] $11.87: oh the sayori girl came up to me
[10:00 AM] $11.87: brb putting on pants irl
[10:00 AM] biglawk: i'm going to be sick
[10:01 AM] Tormeson: @secular25 your gameplay was fine I'm sorry for having mocked you
[10:01 AM] Waytfm hype-train: haha
[10:01 AM] Waytfm hype-train: @secular25 Fuck you sec, you'll never be forgiven
[10:01 AM] $11.87: this game is far improved when i think of myself as being a boat
[10:01 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I'll make that game for you
[10:02 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434352582534889483/unknown.png?width=400&height=48
[10:02 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Hatoful Boatfriend
[10:02 AM] $11.87: i feel insulted
[10:03 AM] Tormeson: I want a british Sayori calling you a chav now
10:04 AM] $11.87: =\
10:04 AM] $11.87: fuck off main character
[10:04 AM] $11.87: you're so melodramatic
[10:04 AM] biglawk: MC is the worst
[10:04 AM] Tormeson: 0 to hate in 25 seconds flat
[10:04 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Fucking MC
[10:04 AM] Tormeson: Impressive
[10:04 AM] $11.87: who is MC
[10:04 AM] Tormeson: Main Character
[10:04 AM] biglawk: main character you dip
[10:05 AM] $11.87: oh ok
[10:05 AM] $11.87: i meet girl with large bust, named "girl 1"
[10:05 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353366458564608/unknown.png?width=400&height=183
[10:05 AM] Waytfm hype-train: That's how you know it's anime
[10:05 AM] $11.87: > this club is full of incredibly cute girls
[10:05 AM] $11.87: MC confirmed thirsty
[10:05 AM] $11.87: well, thats a given, seeing as he is a boat
[10:06 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Holy shit, I'm banning you
[10:06 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434353710894940180/unknown.png?width=400&height=65
[10:07 AM] biglawk: uwu
[10:07 AM] Tormeson: :smilepls:
[10:07 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434354038256173066/unknown.png[10:07 AM] Tormeson: That's the only anime emoji I have
[10:08 AM] Tormeson: I think
[10:08 AM] biglawk: i long watching 11 screenshot things
[10:08 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Everytime I see the name "Limerick" I want to just delete this whole channel
[10:08 AM] $11.87: Limerick II
[10:08 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Mes, how can you not have anime emojis?
[10:08 AM] Tormeson: I dunno, I'm not in servers that have a lot :shrug:(edited)
[10:09 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434354508496371730/unknown.png?width=400&height=44
[10:11 AM] $11.87: why is everybody so coy
[10:11 AM] $11.87: "these are good cupcakes you made"
[10:11 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Motherfucker, have you read a VN before?
[10:11 AM] $11.87: gasp HOW DARE YOU
[10:12 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Also, if you wanted to bump the resolution down to like 720 or what have you, I'd appreciate it. not only is my internet carried in by carrier pigeon, but I also have a daily datacap
[10:12 AM] Waytfm hype-train: it's pretty awful
[10:12 AM] $11.87: one sec
[10:13 AM] $11.87: its at 720 and 10 fps
[10:13 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Aight, I can do doki doki powerpoints
[10:13 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Hopefully
[10:13 AM] biglawk: 11 you broke your stream wtf
[10:14 AM] Waytfm hype-train: It's at 480p now, actually
[10:14 AM] $11.87: its working for me
[10:14 AM] $11.87: oh oops
[10:14 AM] $11.87: lemme fix that
[10:15 AM] Tormeson: Eleven, my first VN was DDLC and even I wasn't surprised by this
[10:15 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Go play Saya no uta, Mes
[10:15 AM] Waytfm hype-train: stream it
[10:15 AM] Tormeson: I have exams tho
[10:15 AM] Tormeson: After exams?
[10:15 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356081435607040/unknown.png?width=400&height=32
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You think I care about your life
[10:16 AM] $11.87: time to seduce monica
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: She's onto you 11
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Abort game
[10:16 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Get the fuck out of there
[10:16 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356229834407936/unknown.png
10:16 AM] $11.87: some romance going on in here
[10:16 AM] Tormeson: Monika would probably wipe the floor with you, Eleven
[10:17 AM] biglawk: you don't even stand a chance
[10:17 AM] Tormeson: And I'm not talking about her club, just Monika
[10:17 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356457534914560/unknown.png?width=400&height=216
[10:17 AM] $11.87: title screen
[10:18 AM] $11.87: stop telling me about these teacups when you've not animated them
[10:18 AM] $11.87: they just have their hands behind their back
[10:18 AM] $11.87: thats a weird ass way to hold your cup of tea
[10:19 AM] $11.87: "ah i read a horror book once"
[10:19 AM] $11.87: me_irl
[10:19 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434356908489703424/unknown.png?width=400&height=27
10:19 AM] Tormeson: I think Eleven is our world's MC
[10:19 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, Saya no Uta is kinda bad. it's a shame, because it's a cthulhu love story, basically, but cthulhu is a loli and it kinda ruins it
[10:20 AM] Tormeson: Fun fact my second VN was DDRC
[10:20 AM] Tormeson: I haven't played any other VNs
[10:20 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Oh, boy
[10:20 AM] $11.87: i have 200 hours in some anime dating sim
[10:20 AM] $11.87: but i just afk'd that for two weeks
[10:20 AM] $11.87: im not really one for VNs or animes in general
[10:21 AM] biglawk: lmao
[10:21 AM] Waytfm hype-train: No, fuck off, you don't get to say "I have 200 hours in a dating sim" and "I'm not one for VNs"
[10:21 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You shit
[10:21 AM] biglawk: ddlc was my first and so far only VN
[10:22 AM] $11.87: who tf is like this
[10:22 AM] biglawk: nic
[10:23 AM] $11.87: this girl is going to snap her spine or something
[10:23 AM] $11.87: also is there some fan thats out of shot that makes the hair billow
[10:23 AM] Tormeson: No she's just perfect
[10:23 AM] Tormeson: Doesn't need a fan
[10:23 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Mes
[10:23 AM] Tormeson: And she has a strong spine
[10:23 AM] biglawk: we're all her fans
[10:23 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Don't
[10:23 AM] $11.87: oh no
[10:24 AM] $11.87: i actually have to do something
[10:24 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You trash
[10:24 AM] $11.87: i forgot that this was a game and not just a powerpoint
[10:24 AM] $11.87: since i spent the last 20 minutes just reading the slides
[10:24 AM] biglawk: who are you gonna try to bang
[10:24 AM] Tormeson: You
[10:24 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Write your poem
[10:24 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Go go go
[10:24 AM] Tormeson: :ablobwink:
[10:24 AM] biglawk: :heart_eyes:
[10:24 AM] $11.87: monica obviously
[10:25 AM] $11.87: what the heck how does this work
[10:25 AM] $11.87: um
[10:25 AM] $11.87: time to write some magical literary masterpiece
[10:25 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Click a word
[10:25 AM] Waytfm hype-train: then click another
[10:25 AM] Waytfm hype-train: And do that until you've spilled your heart out onto a page
[10:26 AM] $11.87: > suicide
[10:26 AM] Waytfm hype-train: >picking papa
[10:26 AM] $11.87: > one girl jumps up and down excitidly
[10:26 AM] Waytfm hype-train: hmmm
[10:26 AM] $11.87: i have daddy issues, ok?
[10:26 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You have no idea
[10:27 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yuri is trash-tier, just so you know
[10:27 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Natsuki is like a worm crawling around on the ground
[10:27 AM] biglawk: delete tihs
[10:27 AM] Tormeson: Yuri is trash-tier only if trash-tier means top-tier
[10:27 AM] Waytfm hype-train: My girl Sayori floats above like an angel though
[10:29 AM] $11.87: hmm mr "oh jeez whats a 'book'" is now effortlessly flirting
[10:29 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You're a fast learner
[10:30 AM] Waytfm hype-train: There had better be A)voice and B)a saved VOD when you finish this game after you're done with your other stuff
[10:31 AM] $11.87: hmm, i can probably record
[10:31 AM] $11.87: but rn my roommates are loudly watching something else
[10:31 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Eh, this first hour probably doesn't matter so much(edited)
[10:31 AM] $11.87: also yuri sure seems to be a datelet
[10:31 AM] biglawk: explain this word
[10:31 AM] $11.87: she is very ungood at being subtle
[10:32 AM] $11.87: she's bad at flirting
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Have twitch save your past broadcasts, though, if they don't already
[10:32 AM] $11.87: i think the bigger question is "what sort of chad am i where so many people are tripping over themselves to date me"
[10:32 AM] biglawk: big booby goth tho
[10:32 AM] $11.87: they only do that if you have enough subs or something
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: That is a big question
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I don't think they do?
[10:32 AM] $11.87: also brb im getting some water
[10:32 AM] $11.87: my recording software can probably do that
[10:32 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Haven't really looked too much into that
[10:33 AM] $11.87: " i just happened to buy two of them"
[10:34 AM] $11.87: hmm that was a bit heavy handed
[10:34 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You ain't seen shit
[10:34 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434360808248442881/unknown.png?width=400&height=37
10:34 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Buckle up motherfucker
[10:35 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Quit ruining my posts, 11
[10:35 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434360967158300682/unknown.png?width=400&height=30
[10:35 AM] $11.87: > implying that the MC being a doofus will be a surprise twist
[10:36 AM] biglawk: but who is the real MC
[10:36 AM] $11.87: oh no
[10:36 AM] $11.87: stop bullying me
[10:37 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361467806941200/unknown.png?width=400&height=184
[10:37 AM] $11.87: :thinking:
[10:38 AM] Tormeson: >LimerickII
I might just delete this channel
[10:38 AM] $11.87: i told you, im cosplaying as a boat
[10:39 AM] Tormeson: Hmmm
[10:39 AM] biglawk: why delete this whole channel when you can just delete 11
[10:39 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434361939792101376/unknown.png?width=400&height=36
[10:39 AM] $11.87: this some tasty smut
[10:39 AM] biglawk: lewd
[10:40 AM] Tormeson: Don't make me use this
[10:40 AM] $11.87: > sorry i didn't know you were self concious about that sort of thing
[10:40 AM] $11.87: you fucking idiot MC
[10:40 AM] $11.87: brb getting water
[10:43 AM] $11.87: back
[10:44 AM] $11.87: oh no its decision making time
[10:44 AM] $11.87: who should i show my poem to
[10:44 AM] Tormeson: Who's your fav?
[10:44 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Gross
[10:44 AM] biglawk: decision time
[10:44 AM] Waytfm hype-train: No one wants you to whip out your poem
[10:44 AM] $11.87: ill show it to my waifu, monica
[10:46 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434363648316538902/unknown.png?width=400&height=78
[10:46 AM] $11.87: this game is not good at being subtle
[10:46 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Your face isn't good at being subtle
[10:46 AM] biglawk: i hate you and your boat
[10:47 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434364023979638804/unknown.png?width=24&height=300
10:47 AM] $11.87: i like how this is handdrawn
[10:47 AM] $11.87: like, is that canon?
[10:47 AM] Waytfm hype-train: ?
[10:48 AM] $11.87: did monica actually draw this little slide thing on her paper
[10:48 AM] Waytfm hype-train: lol
[10:48 AM] biglawk: yes
[10:48 AM] biglawk: what do you think of her poem
[10:48 AM] $11.87: :shrug:
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Monika's poems are shit
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Natsuki has the good stuff
[10:49 AM] $11.87: roni just shouted "yuri is best girl"
[10:49 AM] $11.87: so i know who her waifu is
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Roni, shut the fuck up
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: We're trying to have a moment here
[10:49 AM] biglawk: based roni
[10:49 AM] Tormeson: Roni is right
[10:49 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I'll ban all of you
[10:49 AM] Tormeson: Tell her that she's right
[10:49 AM] Tormeson: :(
[10:50 AM] Waytfm hype-train: I'll corrupt 11's game so he can't play anymore if you keep poisoning his mind
[10:50 AM] biglawk: i would be banned a million times for yuri
[10:50 AM] Waytfm hype-train: You will be
[10:50 AM] biglawk: oh no
[10:50 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434364791575019521/unknown.png?width=400&height=41
[10:50 AM] $11.87: thats some good mind reading MC has
[10:50 AM] $11.87: then again he's a boat so pretty much any action he takes is impressive
[10:51 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Go play hatoful boyfriend
[10:52 AM] $11.87: the fuck is this shit
[10:52 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434365292391563286/unknown.png
[10:52 AM] $11.87: this reminds me of that joke with the table
[10:53 AM] Tormeson: :tharking:
[10:53 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Flicka flicka
[10:55 AM] $11.87: why cant i tell what my poem is about
[10:55 AM] $11.87: it is just a bunch of random words on a piece of paper
[10:55 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, you're a pretty shitty poet
[10:56 AM] $11.87: hm this poem is the best imo
[10:56 AM] $11.87: its not 2deep4me
[10:57 AM] $11.87: HAHAHAHHAHAHHAA
[10:57 AM] $11.87: this poem is so trashy i love it
[10:57 AM] $11.87: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/433621801512337410/434366555699019788/unknown.png?width=249&height=301
[10:57 AM] biglawk: way is going to ban you
[10:57 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Listen here you little shit
[10:58 AM] Tormeson: I'm not a Natsuki-boi but I actually like that poem
[10:58 AM] $11.87: > i dont get an option as MC to trash on her poem
[10:58 AM] $11.87: whats even the point of playing tbh
[10:59 AM] $11.87: anyway i need to head out
[10:59 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Yeah, you'd better get the fuck out of here
[10:59 AM] $11.87: i'll have my laptop so i can remote access if i have any downtime
[10:59 AM] $11.87: but i won't be able to alt tab as easily to give comments
[10:59 AM] Waytfm hype-train: Commentary is paramount
[10:59 AM] Tormeson: :ANGERY:
[10:59 AM] biglawk: just wait until you're back home
[11:00 AM] Tormeson: ^Way rn
[11:02 AM] $11.87: oh god i can't wait to get 0 sleep tonight
[11:02 AM] $11.87: im not bringing my bed
[11:02 AM] $11.87: so its blankets and floors for me and roni
[11:03 AM] Tormeson: >having a bed
You fucking bourgeois scum
[1:04 AM] (napkin) i might miss your msg: who is roni?
[1:05 AM] Tormeson: Eleven's gf
[1:07 AM] (napkin) i might miss your msg: understandable
0 notes
@rhetals tagged me and boi do I love that bc you're literally the only person that tags me
Rules: tag 10 people you want to know more about (I don't know that many people or who would even do this lol)
Name: Eden
Gender: Non binary
Star sign: Libra
Height: 5'5 because I am tiny child
Shuffle your music, list the first 6 songs:
1. Wake the Dead - the Used
2. I'll Be Good For You - *NSYNC (that's how they capitalized it I'm dying)
3. Home - Three Days Grace
4. I Thought She Knew - *NSYNC (Ok I don't have that much *NSYNC on my Spotify why they calling me out like this)
5. Peace or Violence - Stromae (eyyy, ish my boi, Stromae)
6. Rain - Breaking Benjamin (i literally never listen to this song bro, I just dump whole albums on here. I'm surprised none of my P!AtD or FOB showed up bc I have all of their songs on here and that's a lot)
(I just have to say that #7 was It's Gonna Be Me by *NSYNC and why is Spotify pushing *NSYNC on me so hard)
Middle name: Elaine Marie, bc I'm so extra I have two stereotypical white girl middle names
Grab the nearest book to you and turn to page 23 line 17:
Ok so like the closest book to me (any book close to me) is a notebook I'm writing in - there is no page 23 (haven't written that far) and the last page, line 17 is blank
There are three that are the same distance away so here's three!!!
1. " ...proper and others didn't and most didn't care. Is that the... " - If I Die in a Combat Zone by Tim O'Brien (This is a memoir about when he was drafted into the Vietnam war. Very good. I stole it from my eighth grade english teacher.)
2. "...brought about. Why, in a world where fighting was supposed to..." - Sasuke's Story by Masashi Kishimoto and Shin Towada (I didn't know Kishi actually worked on the story books. Hmmm....)
3. "You could, like, call her from jail, and she'd be like, 'Well,..." -Klepto by Jenny Pollack
Ever had a poem/song written about you?:
I had a kid (stalker) in middle school that used to "write" songs about me and leave them in my seats and shit. His mistake? He gave me the lyrics to one of my favourite songs at the time. I hated him - everyone was always on his side. I asked him to get out of my personal space on the bus (he was leaned way over the back of my seat so he could talk with me, when he could've, like, maybe not do that?) And when he sat back and looked dejected everyone called me rude and was all like "how could you do that? He's so nice, maybe you should give him a chance" like, no, Michael, I am NOT giving him a chance, I told him multiple times I wasn't interested and he decided that meant he could follow me home like tf was wrong with that kid? My parents were on his side, too, and I hate everything.
Last time you played air guitar?:
Tonight, in the thrift store - I was trying to show how to use the paper guitar thingy.
Who's your celebrity crush?:
I don't have one - closest one is Stromae but it's not a crush, that dude just fuckin rocks, man.
A sound you hate & a sound you love:
My pets licking themselves. Don't do that next to me. I love the sound of music (lol) bc it holds so many emotions? I dunno, I can get really hyped up for any kind of music, besides country bc I'm sorry but I can't get past my hatred for it.
Do you believe in ghosts? What about aliens?:
Oh, do I believe in ghosts. The last time I was at my mother's house was the first time in a long time I could sleep there without the light on absolutely losing my kind bc of ghosts. I have no opinion on aliens bc I kinda dont care. I mean, I guess? It makes too much sense for there to be none.
Do you drive? Have you ever crashed?:
I don't drive, my dude.
Last book you read?:
In its entirety? It's been fucking years, my dude. Not even books I really like. Last one I read seriously was - Ok, I've been looking for 20 minutes since I forgot the name of the book and I cannot find it. It's about a gay couple saving a kid and it takes place in France - very basic breakdown of the book but oh well
Do you like the smell of gasoline?:
I almost passed out and had a wicked headache after smelling just a hit so I think it would be safe to say no at this point
Last movie you watched:
I. Dont. Remember.
Current obsessions:
Naruto and Sasuke if it wasn't obvious. Kind of P!atD and Stromae's music, but not that big
Worst injury:
The breaks stopped working on the bike I was riding halfway down a steep hill and I crashed into a brick wall and fucked up my face. It was the first time I crashed into something study and fucked up my face.
Do you hold a grudge?:
...i would like you to read the poem/song thing again and ask yourself if I, a high school graduate, who is still salty about something that happened in middle school, holds a grudge. Bc I do.
In a relationship?:
Yes, with my boi @thevoir
@boolivia do this bc I wanna know what you think your worst injury is lolol
Also thevoir bc I already tagged you
0 notes