#dude is feared openly by most of the cast and is super up there power wise
rasticore · 10 months
I hope in the show Alastor is like
Actually fucked up and evil just so the weird amount of fans who characterize him as UwU baby are mad because that all just feels so wildly ooc it is crazy
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jungnoir · 5 years
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bts but as witches in a coven. discuss
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𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤𝐣𝐢𝐧: the supreme
ok not quite but he’s the most experienced in magic out of all the boys
his mother was a witch and she taught him everything he needed to know from birth to adulthood
his whole family is blessed with magic save for a few who didn’t get the gene but every family reunion they all dote on jin and talk about how powerful he’s become and how proud they are of him
the coven house where all of the boys stay is actually jin’s ancestor’s home from a long time ago
the place has brought up witches of all generations and jin was very eager to inherit it
while there’s definitely a lack of witches he’s been able to recruit, he loves his family of six so it doesn’t really bother him
he acts like he’s all serious but in reality he’s always casting spells on the youngins as tests (read: for fun)
jimin: why tf did you give me green skin
jin: if you had been paying attention during lessons you would know how to fix it :)
has definitely said this out of context more than once: ”any witch worth a broom handle knows how to get rid of poisonous snakes! you know back in my day…”
wears the flashiest outfits, but little do people know that they’re all homemade. he has a serious creative eye and seeks to make what simple human designers wish they could (taehyung is very eager to learn this talent from him)
goes all out on halloween with this talent too, creating uber realistic costumes
no he didn’t make a costume out of real human bones that year he went as a scarily realistic skeleton what are you talking about
no graves were robbed in the making of this outfit
if you couldn’t tell, his specialty is in glamours
honestly the guy should just tattoo “i’m a witch” across his forehead, he makes it so damn obvious
he openly practices magic too like it gives yoongi stress pains bc!! there’s still ppl who would very much like to burn witches still to this day!!! where is the self-preservation!!
jin doesn’t care. he’ll burn them right back. checkmate bitch
honestly charms anyone that comes in contact with him which is one of the things he never has to try at
the guys think he uses magic to do it but he’s honestly just, as jin would say, “born with it”
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𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢: the right hand man
*namjoon voice* and who do we got here right now??? ˢᵘᵍᵃ!!!
when it comes to magic, yoongi is pretty neutral
an awfully interesting feeling to have given that seokjin has appointed him the heir of the coven in case anything happens to him
he’s not obsessed with magic like tae, hobi or kook
he doesn’t spend his time learning everything about it like namjoon
and he’s not playful with it like jimin and jin
yoongi just… acknowledges it. its like it exists as something he can do and he’s proud but he doesn’t really care if that makes sense
most of his friends outside of the coven are human too and he has no reservations about telling them what he is bc if they cause trouble he is more than prepared to take care of it
they’re usually like “wow so cool! i wish i was a witch” but yoongi really doesn’t care lmao
with or without magic, yoongi is the same: he loves music, he loves making music, and he loves being a musician
yoongi, however, is guilty of having used magic to make his music just right before
sometimes a note just doesn’t sit with him right and it’s driving him insane
or maybe the bass doesn’t hit hard enough
he charms his music in a way that when one listens to it, they feel exactly what yoongi wants them to feel
people are always telling him he has a real gift in music and while he most certainly does, he feels he has to give credit to his magic for helping him along sometimes
but then seokjin will be like “isn’t magic your talent too? aren’t you just exercising it when you charm your music? it’s not like you can only make music well. you should give yourself props for your magic too”
it’s just. weird to him because he’s seen how much magic can corrupt people in much higher positions than himself and it’s Terrifying
he wants to know that no matter what he makes, it’s his and his alone, not attributed to any otherworldly advantage
this just kind of contributes to his need to be as detached from magic as possible
he’s too cheap to buy one of those coffee makers that automatically start brewing at a certain time in the morning and just uses magic to do it instead
“yoongi do you want me to buy you a new coffee maker for your birthday? they have ones that do all the work for you now-” “no”
he has to be extra, okay namjoon
jimin teases him sometimes but yoongi knows it’s all out of love
jimin understands yoongi in a way, and while the others are always like “yoongi you should have more fun with your magic!” jimin is always like “no no no, let him be”
besides yoongi could probably smoke all of them in a battle of magic if it came down to it lol
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𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤: the perfectionist
hoseok is probably one of the most talented witches in the coven
hoseok is a perfectionist to a t so if he feels insecure about how he’s doing a certain spell he will do it over and over and over until he’s got it right which makes him a pretty formidable opponent
like even the boys wouldn’t go up against him bc they know they’re just gonna get their ass handed to them
he’s a sweetie tho and very light-hearted and he never lets his power get to his head
he mainly uses it to bother the others tbh
also uses magic to give himself and the boys cool ass hair colors
currently he’s obsessed with this orange he’s got going on
calls it “pumpkin spice” bc it angers yoongi
“it really brings out the burnt sunset hues of a pumpkin ya know? or like a mix of changing fall colors, like golden crisp and warm crimson” “it’s fucking orange” yoongi can be heard chiming in from somewhere else in the house
but don’t get me wrong, hoseok loves himself some yoongi and vice versa
yoongi taught hoseok directly bc yoongi was the one that found hoseok
he was just an average college student and wasn’t really finding a will to live outside of paying off his student debts
he didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life and was pretty dead inside, working at a cafe and serving coffee to other dead inside college students when yoongi came in and sensed his strong magical aura
yoongi kinda forced hoseok’s magic out of him by tossing a cup of steaming hot coffee to the floor, causing hoseok to freeze the entire cafe in time, save for the two of them. yoongi told him what he was and the rest was history
now that it’s been so long hoseok still gets upset that yoongi was willing to break one of the cafe’s mugs to prove a point
because of course, when time unfroze, the mug fuckin shattered all over the place what a fuckin jerk guess who’s going to have to clean that up does he really have no respect for retail workers seriou
seokjin also was opposed to yoongi’s method but since it resulted in hobi joining their coven, he can’t be too mad
it was hoseok’s natural ability that yoongi was able to help hone, and when hoseok found a love for it, he took it upon himself to be the absolute best witch he could be
hoseok’s power of stopping time is uniquely his own and he’s worked hard to perfect it
sometimes he just stops time to stop it
hob: *freezes a movie theater right before something dramatic happens on screen* hold on yall I gotta piss real quick
freezing time is also super helpful during *cough* stressful exams* cough*
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𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧: the scholar
he knows…. everything
not only did he do the reading, he did an 8 page analysis on it and corrected a few mistakes too
namjoon was aware of his witchy nature even from the moment he was a little kid, and his parents were both human and a bit scared for him since they didn’t know how to handle it, but they gave him the option of pursuing magic or not. they made sure to do all their own research into where witches could go to hone their craft just in case
in the end, namjoon grew curious and started reading books about magic and magical things
tho he didn’t actually start using his power until his mid teens
by then he was a bit shaky with it, but he knew a lot and was very determined so he got the hang of it very quickly
rarely uses his magic outside of it being necessary tho bc he’s gone so long without having to use it that he doesn’t rely on it for anything
he also likes to be independent from his magic in a way
while magic is very much a part of him and his being, he doesn’t want it to be like a crutch, you know? his biggest fear is losing his magic, bc he’s heard it can happen
he’s also aware that some witches lose important life skills and miss out on opportunities to build their character bc they’re so used to being able to just magic their way out of a situation
went from student to teacher real quick
teaches the other boys how to properly say incantations
“its levios-ah not levios-ar”
actually?? a pretty scary dude when it comes to using his magic for real
don’t put him in a situation where someone is getting hurt because he will not go easy on the aggressor. the other boys can attest to this too, having been saved by him far too many times than is acceptable in namjoon’s eyes
basically dont fuck with namjoon’s boys or u gon die
does cute things for the boys on their birthdays with magic
one time taehyung was sad that it wasn’t snowing on his birthday so namjoon made it snow for hours
may have fucked up the climate a lil bit
yoongi almost lost a toe
namjoon frequents a library and whenever a lil kid is struggling to reach a book he uses his magic to drift the book down to the little kid and when the kid looks at him in awe he just presses his finger to his lips and winks at them
flirts using his extreme wicca knowledge, of which is either a major turn off or a major turn on. you decide
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𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧: the reluctant
jimin loves magic, but it wasn’t always like that
jimin kinda struggled with accepting his magical abilities at a young age bc he was really confused
like why wasn’t he just like everyone else? why did he have to be a witch? why did he have to have magic when he could’ve just been normal?
he often rejected it, never bothering to learn anything even to impress the family at reunions
but as he grew older, his parents grew worried he’d hate his magic and never use it again, putting him in a vulnerable position if his magic were ever to just come out when jimin isn’t in a place to control it, so they let him meet a slightly older witch that could help mentor him
his parents would’ve done it but jimin hardly ever listened to his parents about magic and they wanted to show him there were witches his age that were amazing people and embraced it, that it didn’t take away from jimin’s life but in fact added to it
in comes yoongi
yoongi, at first, really pities jimin
he understands the struggle between wanting to be normal and dealing with a part of his identity that won’t ever go away
where yoongi is concerned, that struggle for him was that he wanted to be himself regardless of being talented in magic. jimin... just hates it
but then jimin starts bashing magic and witches and he’s about to get angry at his parents for trying to force him into being a witch when yoongi just,,, slaps him upside the head
jimin’s shocked and yoongi is just like “respect your parents kid, they’re looking out for you. just because you don’t use your magic doesn’t mean people won’t know you’re a witch. its dangerous for a witch to go around with magic and not know how to use it”
jimin is shocked. he never thought of it that way
jimin feels embarrassed all of a sudden and apologizes and then yoongi cracks a smile and he’s like “no biggie kid, i’m just here to teach you the basics of magic and then i’ll be out of your hair”
jimin finds that learning magic with yoongi is really fun and soon he’s asking to be apart of the coven and embracing being a witch
he becomes carefree with it, like it’s another part of him, and he’s still kinda inexperienced, but he’s learning a lot from yoongi and namjoon
loves playing with temperature
the boys make him freeze their drinks for him, or ask him to heat up some popcorn while they’re all sprawled out on the couch on movie night bc no one feels like waiting two minutes for it to cook in the microwave
makes the water in the shower cold whenever one of the boys is taking way too fucking long in there which is Everyday
also jimin: *hitting on someone at the bar* *makes the room slightly warmer* “is it hot in here or is it just you?”
relates everything he learns back to naruto in some way, much to everyone’s complete and utter confusion
he just really kins the guy i guess
100% owns every single witch pun shirt known to man
“witch please” “witches do it better” “this is my resting witch face”
jungkook: by all means jimin why don’t you just burn us all at the stake yourself
it’s ok tho bc it’s his own little way of owning his identity, and if you want to avoid having your fingers frozen off, you’ll be sure not to step to him any kind of way
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𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠: the transcendent 
my favorite witch!!! i wrote this whole thing for him
tae is like jin in that his whole family is magical and he grew up surrounded by magic his whole life
in fact, he’s so familiar with magic that he’s kind of sick of it (no he isn’t (most of the time))
taehyung is unique with his magic bc he’s actually able to transcend realms oooh~
the information on how many realms and parallel universes and such are limited as hell so taehyung actively helps broaden that knowledge as he travels, a very Dangerous and Scary job to anybody else
but to him he’s like!! fuck yeah astral projection!
basically, he’s able to put himself into a deep sleep where he moves through different realms, some more or less magical than the others
he’s so good at it that he can project himself into someone else’s dreams too
he’s basically capable of seeing more than most magical beings, and he can perceive spirits easily, as well as being able to actually see a magical aura around someone
so for instance, if a witch who didn’t know they were a witch walked into a bar, he’d know what they were instantly. besides the general intuitive feeling that most witches get, he can see the auras physically, like swarming tendrils of smoke unique to every person
each aura feels and looks different than others which makes it easy for him to point out shape shifters and vampires and werewolves and all the other guys pretty easily
bc of this ability, taehyung also likes to mess with the boys like everyone else lol
“tae, i just saw the most beautiful-” “they’re actually an ogre in disguise” “WHAT”
“man my english teacher is a witch” “she actually is”
in case you couldn’t tell tae’s favorite victim is jungkook
casually tells people he’s a witch just for the #reactions
if you’re wondering, no. nobody in this coven cares about keeping this shit a secret
since he’s more sensitive to dreaming, a lot of his dreams leave him incredibly emotional because sometimes he really is there
he once had a dream where all magical beings were universally accepted in the world and were loved and happy and woke up sobbing into jimin’s lap
also nightmares take a HUGE toll on him so his sleep pattern is fucked for real
usually ends up eating cake with jin in the dining room at four am and talking about life together to get the nightmares off tae’s mind
tae uses his magic on humans in a different way. like he doesn’t prank them that much, but rather manipulates their moods. he tries to charm anyone he comes in contact with to make them happy or to make them giggly
he wants to use his magic for good, because it often leaves a very painful burden on him in turn
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𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤: the prodigy
honestly i feel like if jungkook was a witch he’d probably be an underdeveloped one, you feel?
he finds out his power late bc either his family didn’t know (they’re all human) or they just didn’t tell him in hopes of him never becoming one
but jungkook is being bullied by some guys in his grade and they corner him after school one day and jungkook gets so frustrated that he just,,, makes them all start uncontrollably burping
as dumb as it is, those kids never bother jungkook again
when he does get a hang of it, jungkook probably uses his magic for fun more often than not
jungkook is recruited by jin for this very reason. he catches jungkook messing with old people at the park on his afternoon runs and he’s like this kid is such a brat. i want him
jungkook is SUCH a fast learner holy shit
he goes to namjoon for every little question, to the point where namjoon is positive he’s become a better witch simply because jungkook has prepared him for any fuckin scenario known to man
he also makes himself float upside down in the kitchen at night so when hoseok comes down for a glass of water he almost pisses himself
“haha did i scare you” 
cue hoseok making jungkook fall down as he mumbles “little shit” under his breath
halloween is his favorite time of year and he likes to pull harmless pranks on the kiddies while scaring the mean teenagers ruining all of the children’s fun
like he sees this guy in a deformed mask holding a plastic knife about to scare a little boy so Jungkook just gives the dude a wedgie with his magic
all the kids are laughing at him and jungkook just smirks
honestly he doesn’t like reading about magic as much as he likes just doing it from intuition/namjoon’s instruction. he’s a lot like hoseok in that he has a lot of natural talent but not a lot of proper training when he first starts honing his ability
since jin yoongi and namjoon are in charge of teaching magic they all hound on him like “did u do the reading”
jungkook maybe glosses over everything and then just over-performs as compensation
they get on him abt it but there’s no lying about it, jungkook is a strong witch on his own
he hasn’t gotten a special manifestation of his magic Just Yet but he only gets stronger as he goes. the more he applies himself, the stronger he grows
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bnha-ra · 5 years
Can you write some more of that monster au thing? What would Izuku's and Bakugo's relationship be? And what kind of monsters is everyone?
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I’m just gonna do 1-A for now, I’ll do the others in separate posts. Undercut for everyone!
Sorry this took so long guys!
“Wiccan (’Wicca’) is a subspecies of human that has the ability to perform magic, this magic is obtained either through bargaining for magic, being born with magic, being gifted with magic or learning magic. Witches, warlocks, sorcerers, mages, etc. are a type of Wiccan”
Species: Fairy
You can usually find him near a pond, complimenting himself and staring into the water’s reflection like a lovesick fool. He’ll talk anyone’s ear off about himself so be warned if you wanna become friends with him. He’s got unstable magic, so be careful, but don’t shy away, he’s self-conscious about it and it makes him upset. He’s a nice guy, really!
Species: Pixie
She’s super mischievous and loves to play pranks on anyone near her radius, so watch out! Has most likely ruined a lot of people’s day because of her little jokes. She’s a sweetheart though and loves to meet new people! Oh, she also loves to dance! Catch her with the fauns, dancing to their music.
Species: Human (Wiccan - Druid)
Ausi’s usually hanging around lakes and ponds, in her frog form, swimming away or talking with the creatures that live there. She likes to help the creatures who get hurt, so she’s basically the forest medic. Very sweet tells everyone to call her Tsu! All her friends call her that.
Species: Centaur
His family are known as guardians of the people, they protect them as a pact and you can usually see him running side-by-side with his older brother. He’s going to inherit the power over his clan one day alongside his brother, so he’s a heckler for rules, you can usually hear his scolding from a mile away. Mina likes to tease him a lot. Though, he does change within the future, learns to become more carefree. He’s still all about rules though.
Species: Fairy
She’s really sweet to be around! The lovely fairy that likes to help out, despite her own little struggles! You can usually find her in the fields, helping flowers bloom, talking to the forest! You should meet her! She loves making new friends! Though don’t piss her off, she has a good handle on her magic and will play rough if she has to!
Species: Naga
He’s a super chill dude, likes to explore the area around his cave often. He wants to be a warrior and protect the forest from the huntsmen despite his clan’s neutral stance on things. A lot of the other forest creatures see him as plain and it really upsets him! He’s interesting, dammit! Luckily, he has Hagakure there to cheer him on! (Even though he can’t see her)
Species: Human (Wiccan - Bard)
He and his family kind of showed up one day and he’s been in the forest since. He likes to try and charm everyone he sets his eyes on, he has the charisma to do so of course, but the boy knows his boundaries (unlike some hobgoblin he’s friends with) He usually just strolls through the forest playing his oud or with Mina playing pranks. He and Jiro are also best friends, she’s the one who taught him how to play the instruments.
(I was gonna do Sorcerer for him but honestly? Bard suited him much better)
Species: Element Dragon (Mountain/Rock)
Kirishima’s one of the friendliest guys around! His species are known to be pretty wise and noble, but honestly? He’s a huge ball of sunshine, likes to hang around the forest a lot, play with the other young creatures. Most haven’t seen his dragon form because of the tight squeeze between trees and people tend to see him as really intimidating! It breaks his heart sometimes! He’s a nice guy!
Species: Forest Nymph
He’s a sweet yet shy guy, he likes to take care of the woodland creatures and they love him in return! He’s nervous when speaking to other people, so you don’t really see him around often. Though nowadays he’s much more social with others, openly talks as well, though don’t try to push his boundaries, he’ll come out on his own time. (Name) and him tend to hang out the most in the forest though (once she passes through the barrier), so if you can’t find her, she’s either with him or Midoirya.
Species: Werewolf
He’s a really nice guy! People are always intimidated by him first but he’s a softie at heart, he’s got a little cottage in the middle of the forest and cooks/bakes for all his friends, if you stumble across him, you’re sure to get a sample of his amazing cooking! Don’t take him as a pushover though, he can protect himself and his wolf form is very intimidating. Though, he’s also completely conscious and acts like a puppy dog.
Species: (Descendant) Hecatonchires
This guy is kinda feared in the forest, by first glance, you can tell he’s strong (which he is!) and being a descendant of powerful entity (one’s that could throw literal mountains) tends to paint an image of himself for him. The thing is, he’s nothing like his ancestors, he’s super friendly and gentle, he’s just quiet. Honestly, if it weren’t for his six arms and intimidating height, more people would recognise that. (If you asked him nicely he’d give you one of the best hugs you’ve ever felt, and, maybe, give you a piggyback.)
Species: Half-Human/Half-Mermaid (Wiccan - Bard)
Jiro’s the daughter of a lone Bard and a mermaid and surprisingly, one of the most chill people in the forest. She can be a little hostile to new people but she warms up to them eventually. She has a beautiful voice (thanks to her mermaid ancestry!) and her father taught her a bunch of instruments! She usually hangs out with Yaoyoruzu or Kaminari, her best friends.
Species: Drider
Sero’s usually looks human, so everyone tends to think of him a plain human who strolled into the forest and got lost. Some monsters take that for advantage, but he’s quite the opposite and can/will fight back. He’s got a spell cast on him (consensual) that lets him switch between a human form and his natural one (it’s much easier strolling in the woods with 2 legs, his usual 8 are better for caves) he’s super friendly and sociable, likes to crack jokes on the occasion and helps people out! His clan don’t really venture outside their cavern so he’s the out who goes out scavenging in case they need something. Kaminari, Mina and Kirishima are his go-to people.
Species: Half-Human/Half-Deity (Wiccan - Cleric)
He’s the son of the deity of the Sky and the deity’s chosen warrior. He’s very serious and noble, promises to live out “whatever path fate as set me” and takes his job seriously. He’s fond of darkness and the arcane practices (though he’s embarrassed as others find that odd for a deity) Tokoyami is usually patrolling the skies on his familiar (a giant raven named Dark Shadow) but he’s not afraid of socialising with others.
Species: Yokai (Half-Oni/Half-Kitsune) [Ended up changing him because I didn’t really like my original idea!]
He’s father an Oni and one of the Nine Kings of “Lower Realm” (”Hell”) while his mother is a nine-tailed kitsune who (previously) protected the village, she was blessed by (Name)’s mother leaving her to be one of the most powerful kitsune to roam the surface. His mother was kidnapped by his father and used to create offspring to defeat the God All Might and take over the “Middle Realm” (”Earth”) and Upper Realm (“Heaven”). Todoroki was sent to the surface to discover the man’s weakness but in the end, just stayed because his father had no control over him there. He was standoffish and cold (for his safety) but eventually changed after meeting (Name).
Species: Wind spirit
Hagakure is a sweet girl who’s usually hanging around Ojiro and encourages him to train! Because she’s a wind spirit though, her body is that of the wind and you can’t actually see her, but that doesn’t deter her! Friends of hers make clothes interlaced with magic so that she can be seen! She likes to fly with the wind, so if you listen carefully, you can hear her laughing as she flies by, you might even catch a glimpse of her (If she’s wearing her clothes of course) 
Species: Half-Human/Half-Phoenix (Also ended up changing him)
Now, this guy was a HUGE arse. His species are seen as good omens amongst the forest (and once to humans too) and he was super cocky about it, he saw other monsters as beneath him and used to bully others he deemed weak! However, he eventually befriended Kirishima and the other trouble makers and has since become a much better person. 
He’s still an arse though.
Species: Human (Later becomes Wiccan - Warlock)
Midoriya is a human that was born to a farm woman at the outskirts of town, next to the forest. He’s a simple guy, helps him mum around the farm, but he’s on friendly terms with the monster of the forest (-(Name)’s mother made sure of that) so he’s free to adventure into it as much as he wants! He loves everything about magic! Loves the creatures! Likes to write about them and has a little archive about them! (Hidden away of course) All Might and him eventually meet and All Might deems him worthy of becoming his successor! (Spoiler! He will eventually become the next guardian deity and rein over the monsters!)
Species: Goblin
He’s a perfect example of what a goblin is. He’s disgustingly perverse and doesn’t care that people know it! He’s greedy but also smart, so he knows how to trick people, plays horrible pranks (pranks much worse than Ashido’s) and frankly, no one wants to hang out with him. (Other than Denki for some reason, though?) He is kinda self-conscious, as he’s grotesque so no woman wants to be with him. But seriously, who’s wants to be with a huge pervert? (He also harasses Yaoyorozu a lot)
Species: Human (Wiccan - Witch)
Yaoyorozu is a human who had worked hard to acquire her magical abilities, coming from a noble family with a rich witch and wizard bloodline, she works hard to be seen as a respected Wiccan and bring pride to her family name! A lot of people see her as uptight at first, but it’s not her fault, her family had brought her up to be a picture-perfect lady so she doesn’t really know how to socialise like the others in the forest. Well, until she met Jiro, who helped bring out her more playful side! They’re the best of friends
and finally
Species: Half-Human/Half-Deity (People think she’s a Forest Nymph tho) (Wiccan - Unknown)
Being the daughter of the nature goddess and a human, (Name) has made it her job to protect the forest from harm and is eventually labelled the “Guardian of Yuuei Forest”. She’s super playful and kind, helps out around the forest on the daily and protects it from the hunters! (Even though she is deathly terrified of them) She’s protected by other guardians/deities (the teachers) of the forest after her mother and father disappeared years ago. At first, she’s kind of sheltered, so she only knows of a few monsters in the forest but meets more when she breaks the rules and goes past her boundaries within the woods. ;)
And that’s it for class A! I’ll do some more when I have time, also, for the first anon’s question:
Midoriya and Bakugo’s is still the same as in the manga/anime. Bakugo’s mum, Mitsuki, grew up in the village alongside Inko and they were best friends; Mitsuki disappeared one day and Inko discovered later that she fell in love with, married and ran away with a Phoenix named Masaru. So their kids grew up knowing one another and Bakugo bullied Midoriya because he was just a plain old human. He was also jealous when he over-heard (Name) talking to Midoriya about how Midoriya would be All Might’s successor (It wasn’t hidden about All Might having a successor to his power, the only thing kept hidden was the identity of the successor)
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heavenofficialsbl · 6 years
H.O.B. Chapter 12 part ii
Chapter 12 part ii: A Ghost in Red Sets Fire Upon The Military and Civil Temples part ii
I’m sorry this has taken me so long to write! I’m trying to get my sleep schedule back on track and that means I put myself to bed earlier (I usually write these before bed). Oh well, maybe I’ll get better with my time management as I do more of these. ALSO: if anyone is interested, I have an HOB discord for anyone that would like to join. Please shoot me a DM for the link <3
ALSO ALSO: Thank you guys so much for 500 followers! You make me so happy UwU <3 I didn’t think there would be this many people interested in HOB since it’s still so early into the translation, and it seems that the English speaking fandom is rather small right now, so it makes me really happy to see all of you guys enjoying the content!
Let’s get started!
OH BOY, I forgot that we had just gotten Hua Cheng’s name! I don’t know if XL is familiar with him or his name at all, but we’ll see...
Alright so Hua Cheng is translated to... Well it’s directly translated to ‘flower city’ which cracks me up. I have a feeling that this is going to somehow be connected to Xie Lian also being known as the “Flower crown Prince”. It’s funny how he had such a gentle and kind memory of HC leading him through the forest, while everyone else is on edge just at the mention of him
Daww, XL is part of the Four Famous Tales <3 That’s somehow very comforting/pleasing to hear. Even though he ended up being cast out from Heaven, he at least had some positive stories told about him
It does seem a bit odd that he hadn’t heard of these Four Great Calamities, though maybe it’s just for story-telling purposes so we can hear them explained
Oh please don’t tell me that XL is the White Clothed Calamity D: HC has to be the Bloody Rain Reaching Towards a Flower (that’s even the name of the first arc that we’re in ohoho). I’m also guessing that the Green Light Wandering Nights guy is the one who hangs corpses in the forest?
Mmmmm then maybe the White-Clothed Calamity isn’t XL, if they’re those that became ghosts
Ohhh interesting... I thought that the demon realm would be separate from the mortal realm like the Heavens are. I guess that just comes from being used to the idea of Hell though. That’s very discomforting though, as a human in this world, to know that all of the worlds demons and ghosts just live among you
Oh, I was right about something! So it is Green Ghost Qi Rong
The water demon doesn’t make hardly any trouble and still is listed first, while mister GG causes mayhem all the time and isn’t even Devastation level. People really do love having things that match lol they probably did just add him to make it 4
The White Clothed Calamity isn’t XL, but he seems painfully familiar with the name. It seems that this demon is the one who wiped out his own kingdom 800 years ago. I can imagine how painful it must be for him to hear that name. I wonder if he was extinguished right after/soon after he destroyed Xian Le kingdom, or if he died later on  
Deathly Spirit Butterflies: cool as hell name 
“Wan’t to provoke the least”: note, not the one the Heavens “hate the most” or the one that Heaven “considers the strongest”, but the one that they “don’t want to provoke”. I don’t know if this is a literal translation or if it was just written this way to keep the flow of the story, but to think that the Heavens are wary of HC and consider him such a great threat that they, instead of trying to destroy him, are instead actively avoiding him/trying not to give him a reason to turn on them... I think that says a lot
For XL to be as famous and Jun Wu but forced to be a scrap collector for 800 years while the other lives in luxury... oof
If one wanted to get to know a Heavens’ Official, they’d only need to take a walk, find a temple to visit, examine the god’s statue, study how they dressed, and what kind of enchanted weaponry they carried. With that, one could understand them to a certain extent
Except for the fact that we’ve explored how these thing change depending on the artist of the statue and the popularity of the Official... Artistic liberty and such
Do they think his name is fake because of how little it fits him? As for his appearance, people can lost of different personalities. I wouldn’t put it past him to change his appearance either, as he seems to be quite powerful.
Where can I get me a man who is always accompanied by blood rain and butterflies?
Of the stories that are given, I think he’s gonna beeeee probably a mixture of all four actually
OoooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oh yeah okay I have thought’s and ideas after reading that he became an official and left on his own okay yes please lets just say #heavypining
“Even if it was true, it still had to be false” xD So thats what those in Heaven find embarrassing? Interesting
Alright, so we find out that even demons/ghosts can have worshipers. We also learn that HC is probably Loki in disguise
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It was almost at the point where he had enough power to cover the skies with just a single hand.
I can see why the Heavens are cautious of him. I hadn’t realized that he also had such a large following that was comparable to the Heavenly Officials’ following
He had just come out of a volcano, but that’s not important~
Okay, time to do a bit of research on poison and why it made him so formidable
*insert jeopardy theme here*
Alright so what I’m seeing about Gu is that it’s a traditional CHinese poison made by sealing several venomous creatures in a container, like snakes, spiders, and scorpions, etc., and letting them eat each other, and thus condensing the venom inside one body. It was used for things like causing disease and death, but also could possibly be used as a love charm...? this os from wikipedia:
"For centuries, the Miao, particularly Miao women", writes Schein (2000:50-51), "have been feared for their mastery of the so-called gu poison, which is said to inflict death from a distance with excruciating slowness."
Let’s go back a bit, shall we?
“...sometimes a temperamental and disagreeable teenager, sometimes a gentle, kind and elegant beautiful man, or sometimes a gorgeous female ghost with a poisonous heart.”   
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These things have really got me thinking now. I can’t stop reading about the poison GAH it’s so interesting!
I was confused with the wording of the sentence, “It was not a city where everyone raises Gu...” because why would someone RAISE poison? But now it makes sense, as the Gu, or Ku, is the survivor of that venomous buffet. When raised for a long time, it would continue to grown more venomous/poisonous
Oh. OH. Hua Cheng wasn’t studying Gu or making Gu, he IS Gu. Shit.
Okay he has to be Loki in disguise. To be a strong warrior and a competent scholar? Jeeze, he sounds like he really does have a lot of facets to his personality. To win in debates, you need to know when to yield and when to push. It makes me think of how when fishing, you need to sometimes let the fish swim away, but by doing that, you’re more likely to catch the fish in the end
Oh my god Hua Cheng offered his own ashes if he lost the bet, but he knew he would win xD When it says that he “openly invited” the 35 Officials, I wonder if he invited them by name, or if he just asked for 35 random Officials. I bet they were ones that were, at some point, cruel to XL huehuehue
And which 2 Officials thought he might actually defeat them? It says only 33 thought there wasn’t any chance, but that leaves two who thought he did have a chance. It seems like they didn’t participate, since it says that 33 lost the bet. I have a feeeeeeeeeling thats its XL’s two generals, because why wouldn’t it be? We need more circles withing circles, right?
In any case, people were very forgetful, in another fifty years, perhaps no one would remember it.
HAHAHA good luck with that
I can see why they don’t want to deal with him: he’s strong, cunning, and unpredictable. I doubt the Officials every get their temples burned (at least, it probably happens very, very rarely) so why would they think that HC would target the temples? They were left totally open and unguarded. What a smart cookie
I also like that he didn’t go after the two who decided not to fight him. I think that shows that he is, in a way, reasonable. He could have easily burned theirs as well, but they didn’t accept his challenge or his bet, so he left them alone.
Oh and it’s not just 33 temples, it’s all of the temples of all 33 Officials. Hoo boy, Hua Cheng, hoo boy
Jun Wu is right: don’t agree to something with such high stakes and then cry when it turns against you
Hua Cheng had also been very crafty, he only destroyed the temples and did not harm anyone.
Wait wait wait wait they can GO INTO PEOPLES DREAMS?! DUDE. They went into the dreams of such influential people and then lost so horribly RIP HEAVEN OFFICIALS WHO’S ARROGANT NOW BISH
So from everything that I’m reading about HC here, it seems that, and excuse me for bringing up Thor again, he doesn’t seek war, but is always prepared for it. He doesn’t openly attack people, but he’s certainly ready to fight if he needs to or feels threatened
Aaaaaaaaaaaand now a lot of them respect him. It must be such a weird dynamic between HC and the Officials: they’re Heavenly Officials for... heavens sake, and he is someone who, at least according to rumor at this point, had denounced his title as an Official and then became even stronger than many of the still current Officials. The more I read this, the more I understand why they can’t stand him. I think it’s not so much that they despise him like the 4 Clans despise WWX and want him dead, but more that they just want nothing to do with him, and are content with just staying away from him
Oh I totally saw that coming, that Mu Qing and Feng Xin were the two smart ones (or maybe they were just super uninterested) that didn’t bother with fighting HC
Op yep, it seems it was a bit of both haha they were busy and just didn’t want to bother. I wonder what their encounters were outside of the bet, since it says that they fought HC multiple times
Tadaaaahhhh- Our Highness the Crown Prince Xie Lian is totally smitten with those damn butterflies. I want to know what they do, or how HC uses them for the others to fear them that much. It says they cause “frantic devastation” so I want to see how they work
WEll I’m so glad that we’re finally getting some actual information on HC (I wasn’t expecting this much information this soon!). WE definitely still don’t know everything about him, so I can’t make a really good guess on what his personality is or anything about his character/morality, but he seems to be smart and reasonable to an extent.
Well, thanks for reading guys! See you hopefully in a few days when I get to chapter 13!
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eremji · 6 years
Thoughts on Infinity War, and Thanos' Motivation
Disclaimer: I'm not a Marvel expert. Some of my information on comic plots was collected from wikis and secondary articles, due to a lack of access to a primary source or the simple inaccuracy of my own memory. I also mostly enjoyed Infinity War, and any criticism herein should not be taken as decrying the whole.
Spoilers behind the cut. Please close your eyes and scroll super fast, block tags, duck and cover, etc. if you’re on mobile, because, seriously, spoilers.
An extremely simplified version of movie production:
From a production standpoint, Iron Man was a huge risk for the studios fronting the money for it. After critical and box office flops from 90s Batman films and other various superhero action flicks, studios typically found comic book movies to underperform in comparison to budgetary requirements for good visuals, making them unattractive. Marvel has taken a large step away from making comic book movies, to making comic book adaptations, because what works on the page doesn’t work in a moving picture.
Marvel Studios’ cinematic success has almost nothing to do with how compelling the source material is – because some of Marvel’s library is pretty much slush pile garbage. This was before your average artist or consumer realized you can get pretty literary while still having cool pictures on a page. They’re valuable because they propelled the comic industry to widespread success, but the source is best examined with a critical eye towards tone deaf and anachronistic viewpoints on race, sexuality, gender, and pretty much everything else. Marvel Studios has done a fairly consistent job of divorcing the cinematic canon from the original medium’s baggage, to which I attribute a large portion of the films’ success in comparison to very lukewarm iterations of DC or X-Men.
As media consumers, we’re accustomed to having a finished product to hold and analyze. When considering story, in terms of plotting and pacing, I personally believe it’s most helpful to compare the scope of the MCU production to be similar to that of a television show, rather than a traditional movie or movie series. It may be startling to know that even very successful television shows, like Breaking Bad or Stranger Things, often don’t even have all the episodes completely written out prior to beginning filming of a season.
Marvel Studios’ movies have been in production for ten years, with many, many different hands in the pot, and earlier scripts don’t always set up the best planting and payoff of character or plot elements later in the continuity. (For visual learners, Lindsay Ellis has a very layman-friendly example using clips from Mad Max: Fury Road.)
You can see where this might start to cause some consistency issues.
Crossover event comics and the necessary sacrifice of emotional development:
For anyone walking in to expecting Avengers: Infinity War to have a lot of character development, I’m very sorry for your loss.
There was never going to be a grand emotional reunion for Steve and Bucky, and there was never going to be whole hours dedicated to bonding and witty bickering and new friendships that weren’t absolutely vital to the plot. That we got things like the Steve-and-Bucky hug, the jealous Star-Lord vs. Thor moments, and Steve introducing himself politely to Groot were for the benefit of the audience more than advancing the plot, which is a huge victory in terms of crushing as much as possible into a theatrical cut.
A film production has a finite amount of screen time to allocate before a movie becomes bloated. When people joke about Infinity War being the most ambitious crossover event, I don’t think some of them realize how on the mark that is from a production standpoint. Hard decisions have to be made between what isn’t vital to advancing plot in a compelling way and what was retained to meet audience expectations. Infinity War often felt like it tried to recapture that Joss Whedon-ish sassy-but-kinda-flat comedy from the first Avengers, and that meant punchlines for jokes sometimes land at emotionally inappropriate times because characters just don’t have cinematic space for witty banter between shooting aliens and losing everyone they ever cared about.
There’s a difference in author-audience expectations of what’s important in these team-up movies, and also gaps between fans actively participating in fandom because they love the characters and casual moviegoers looking for a blockbuster. It all comes down to how much each party in the creative transaction is willing to settle for. Traditionally, Marvel has set up the character-driven plots and subplots in individual comics with occasional crossover cameos for a few issues when another character or baddie is relevant to the plot. The large crossover events, like Civil War, Contest of Champions, or Infinity are almost always plot-heavy and character-light.
This is so much easier in comic book format, where multiple series can be coordinated in regular, paced releases, and different comic issues may happen parallel or directly before/after the event crossovers. Movies take a significantly larger amount of time to produce, through pre-production, filming, post-production, marketing, and distribution.
A brief (I’m serious, they’ve been making comics since the 1939) explication of source material:
One of the largest disconnects for me, as a fan of both the comics and the movies, was the change in Thanos’ motivation, but not his mission. For those who aren't aware of the origins of his character, he essentially wants to murder people to impress a girl – Mistress Death, to be specific. He wants to kill half of all life in the universe so that he can be her equal and win her affection. 
Dorkly did a pretty solid breakdown of some of Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet story and the innate misogynistic slant of his character, including comic panels from the original source material, that paints comic!Thanos an internet Nice Guy™. (Feel free to skim the article; it's a bit slow to get to the point.) Perusing the comic panels, you can see Thanos is hella into negging and is spiteful when Mistress Death shows interest in another dude (spoilers: it’s Deadpool). He clearly believes love is possession, and if he can’t have what he wants, then, good golly, no one can.
He’s also really off the rails – dubbed the Mad Titan even before his objectification mega crush on a badass corpse with a wicked bod – and is personally responsible for destroying Titan. He’s not a villain that believes he’s the hero, and this shift away from his motivation being dangerous-and-horrible to dangerous-and-misguided casts the first shadow on the premise.
My (very personal) opinion on the execution:
MCU essentially played keep away with some of the more supernatural elements of the source material, at least until introducing Dr. Strange. In doing so they had to construct Thanos’ motivation for a comic-book-inspired task out of whole cloth. There is no Mistress Death. Secondary characters that were discrete entities are often pulling double duty*.
(*Or triple. See also: Bucky Barnes, who is wearing the backstory of Captain America's gay best friend Arnie Roth and now White Wolf. If you were previously unaware of this factoid, please enjoy the irony that Marvel’s biggest pro-American propaganda piece had an openly gay best friend circa early 80s but Civil War ham-fistedly had to work in that awkward-as-fuck smooch between Steve and Peggy Carter’s hot young romantic surrogate niece.)
So, okay, they have to reinvent Thanos, who we've only seen in a handful of post-credit scenes and vicariously learned, through Loki in the first Avengers movie and then Gamora in Guardians, is a conqueror and also really Bad News™.
I buy everything so far. And why not? Black Panther made me love Killmonger and his rage, and the parallels to contemporary issues made him fairly empathetic without highlighting that his perspective was necessarily the ‘correct’ one. Similarly, Spider-Man: Homecoming’s villain, Vulture, was believable in the sort of suffering everyman-turned-desperate way, highlighting the fallout of the Space Invaders vs. Avengers destruction without suggesting the audience should root for Vulture.
In general, I am on board for these movies going straight for the throat on the big baddies of the comic universe because movie production is lengthy, expensive, and time-consuming. Dear Marvel Studios, Give me Avengers vs. Dr. Doom. Love, Me.
A villain can be built up over the course of a single movie (or two). Armed with this optimism, and heartened by recent Marvel Studios successes in characterization, I walked into Infinity War expecting as much gratuitous violence, universe-cleansing genocide, and genuine fear of Thanos as I could possibly expect from something Disney-adjacent.
I knew people were going to die. Let me say – there was no way to spoil this for me. The Infinity Gauntlet comic series starts with half the universe dying. I expected there to be ‘casualties’ and even though the Russo bros said that this wasn’t two parts of the same movie, it’s certainly serial. At minimum, I was expecting Thanos bent on conquering the cosmos, worshiping at the altar of death in the abstract, if not groveling for an inevitable-cosmic-force-turned unattainable woman.
And yet. And yet.
We got the purple version of the Kool-Aid man with some seriously unaddressed parent-child issues (mirrored in Tony Stark’s loss of Peter Parker) and a wholly unimaginative motivation. I won’t go too far much into the movie’s alarming efforts at framing Thanos as a sympathetic character despite his genocidal and horribly abusive tendencies, because I am A) not an expert at identifying film technique and B) the push for Thanos to be an empathetic villain has been analyzed elsewhere.
Phenomenal, limitless cosmic power and all you want to do is break shit? For all the immaturity of it, Thanos’ comic book motivation was more believable.
To those arguing that the his motivations in the movie are predicated off of him being the Mad Titan and therefore not rooted in logic: The film did not explicitly plant the idea – except in the way that we know genocide is bad due to an innate sense of morality – that he was unhinged and power-mad, nor did they really give the audience any payoff.
Instead, we get, ‘I don’t really want to do this, but I must.’
There was a point where I started wondering why the hell he wasn’t just being steadily roasted by the Avengers for not receiving some sort of basic education in the evils of wealth disparity and resource distribution.
As an audience member, was I meant to believe this incredibly powerful entity at the center of a massive fleet, accompanied by a group of talented and sycophantic followers, couldn’t think of a better way to bring ‘balance’ to the universe?
Perhaps Thanos’ justification is simply the conceit of the way the universe operates, required to propel a plot forward. However, this is also poorly explained. There are many unanswered questions: Why is it a given that killing half the universe will create balance? What does balance look like? Is this state permanent or is it a routine, necessary evil in order to stop entropy? Is balance a socioeconomic state, or does it have some greater cosmological significance? We know that Titan fell after rejecting Thanos’ extreme solution, but would the population have actually endured and flourished if his plan had been carried out?
For a movie that did so well at handling a cast so phenomenally large as the one involved in its production, Infinity War really didn’t go in very hard on selling Thanos. I would have been perfectly happy if Marvel Studios had taken the risk to lean in hard on making the movie Thanos-centric, given Thanos even more screen time to develop his character, motives, and the rules of the universe – and then make Avengers 4 about, you know, the actual avenging.
Parting notes:
What are we left with?
Infinity War gifted us with some badass action clips, a fairly jarring death performance by Tom Holland, Cheerful Goatherd Bucky Barnes, and emotionally traumatizing bubbles. It never really sells the conundrum it sets up via Thanos. You'll never hear me insist a peice of art or entertainment is required to carry some sort of social commentary or moral message, but I feel like this could have been, tonally, a vastly different film had it considered the core of Thanos' motivations the same way it considered Vulture's or Killmonger's.
Also, where the hell is Adam Warlock (set up at the end of GotG: Vol. 2; revisit planting and payoff) to shit talk Thanos’ lack of villainous veracity when we need him?
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domenicosalvaggio · 5 years
MY TOP 12 FILMS OF 2019!
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Why 12? One great film for every month. You’ll find a large variation in the films I selected. From blockbusters to art house hits. It’s simple, the films on the list resonated deeply and stayed with me for weeks and months. Here we go:
‪The film that stunned the world and became the billion dollar clown. The cinematography, the acting and the screenplay are all stellar. It’s no fluke that JOKER became a cultural phenomenon. It tapped into the seething cauldron of anger that exists between the haves and have-nots. It takes place in a nebulous version of the 80’s but it could be about the One Percenters of today who greedily take everything and leave scraps for the rest of society. The Joker is everything you heard & more. It’s an indictment of the mental health system in America & an argument for how your parents & environment can make or break you. Joaquin Phoenix is ASTONISHING & Oscar bound. Be forewarned, the violence is brutal & sudden. This is the best film of the year‬. Would love to see this version of Joker go up against the next iteration of Batman. It would be the Atomic Bomb of superhero vs supervillain confrontations.
‪Brad Pitt is a magnificent unstoppable beast in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. He is the quintessential laid back California dude. His performance can only be described as effortless. Oscar will recognize him. Leo is poignant as the eternally optimistic fading star. I could’ve spent 10 hrs luxuriating in the world of this film. A wonderful look back at a bygone era. That ending was a total WOWZA. Very moving. Adore this film‬ so damn much.
‪I grew up with this Saga. It’s hugely influential and I will always have a soft spot for the adventures that take place in Galaxy far, far away. Don’t listen to the naysayers and go in with childlike wonder and you’ll realize StarWars The Rise of Skywalker is Babu Frik-en Awesome! It’s everything you want from the end of the entire series. Hugely satisfying & emotional with non-stop action. Wept openly when a familiar hero showed up. Palpatine was a pure horror movie monster. Loved the culmination of the Rey/Kylo dyad. I want to say more but won’t get into spoiler territory. This is a great Christmas film to see with family on the biggest screen possible. Wowza!‬
‪Bong Joon Ho’s PARASITE is stunning and absolutely bonkers. I don’t want to spoil to much but this is one of the most original films of the year. Layered storytelling with compelling characters who insinuate themselves into others lives to a frightening degree. I’ve already said too much. See it! This film is definitely Oscar bound.
‪KNIVES OUT is damn spectacular! The film is an extraordinary modern take on the whodunit genre. It’s CLUE for the new generation. It’s also a biting satire of the upper class. I didn’t want it to end. One of the year’s very best. What a fantastic megastar cast. Daniel Craig is sensational. Ana De Armas is tremendous. Captain America is the ultimate lovable douchebag. The film is both hilarious and suspenseful. It’s so well-written with plenty of twists. Stay away from spoilers. This is pure entertainment!
‪Avengers Endgame is a satisfying, epic finale to the most ambitious movie series ever made. Way more somber & morose than anticipated. Reminded me very much of a DCEU film in many ways. Epic in both scale and emotion. Tony’s final words will echo through eternity in the world of comic book films. It broke every record imaginable and deserves all the accolades. Deserves a best picture nomination but I won’t hold my breath.
‪Midsommar is Nick Cage’s Wicker Man on meth with a steroid chaser. And yes, both films have someone wearing a bear costume. The craft on display is next level; shots, editing, cinematography are all top notch. Such a disturbing film. Florence Pugh gives a powerful performance. ‬This film stayed with me for weeks after I saw it. It does what all great films do: It casts a spell and bewitches you.
‪The Irishmen is Scorsese making the anti-Scorsese film. This is the ugly, seedy, quietly decrepit side of the Mafia. Gone is the thrill of being a MobStar. Replaced by old guys who are falling apart & willing to turn on each other on a dime. Pacino is glorious as Hoffa. Deniro is stellar.‬ This genuinely feels like the end of an era. Grew up watching these guys take over the world and now they’re feeble powerless men with broken souls. A tragic tale and Scorsese’s final word on the underworld universe that made him and his crew famous.
Shazam is pure joy injected straight into your heartmeat. An ode to 80’s films like Goonies, Monster Squad, Big & The Golden Child. Zachary Levi delivers a delightful performance as do the kids & family. Fantastic action, great villain. Top notch VFX and heart. This film has so much damn heart. The Foster family and the message about how a good family gives you strength, confidence and morality is spot on and perfect for the times. It’s the quintessential family film of the year. The post credit scene is “super” AWESOME.‬
10. 1917
‪I implore you to see 1917 on the biggest screen possible & eschew the screeners. You will be dropped into a harrowing, hellish warzone. This film makes you feel like you were there. They should just give the cinematography Oscar to Deakins now. The one takes will go down as legend (I know it’s supposed to be one continuous take but I spotted at least 3 digital cuts. Still an impressive feat). Such a High-anxiety Wowza film. ‪We are inundated with explosions in movies but 1917 has an explosion that’s absolutely terrifying in its realism and verisimilitude. Made me jump out of my seat. This is one of the best films of the year. Filled with Indelible images. What an achievement by Sam Mendes.‬
Doctor Sleep is an audacious, sparawling horror film with multiple storylines that payed great homage to both the Shining & its sequel. One of the best & scariest films you’ll see this year. It had a scene that pushed the envelope of child violence that had me squirming in my seat. Ewan is stellar as adult Danny Torrance & newcomer Keliegh Currran gives one of the great child performances of all time. There’s a flying sequence that may be the most original moment of flight ever committed on film. Outdoes any Superman flight scene. This is one of the most terrifying films I’ve seen this year. A great time at the movies. Highly recommended.
‪I was profoundly moved by JOJO RABBIT a beautiful, bittersweet comedy about love, empathy and overcoming hate that is driven by fear and lies. Scarlett Johansson is positively luminous in the film. The boy is incredible. This film should not work & yet it had me in tears. A beautifully directed film and one of the best of the year.
Special mention to GLASS, ROCKETMAN, AD ASTRA, HUSTLERS, READY OR NOT, CRAWL, ESCAPE ROOM & BATTLE ANGEL ALITA. All hugely entertaining big screen experiences.
Happy 2020 Folks!
Be good to one another. Be kind. Be driven.
Your Friend, D.
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