#dumaux as tolomeo did things to my brain LOL. he's so captivating. wringing him out like a wet dish rag.
supercantaloupe · 11 months
do you have any recs for recordings of giulio cesare i can watch/listen to? preferably very contrasting ones? tysm
(it’s probably not the healthiest thing ever that every time i get stuck on an assignment for my music history class i show up in your askbox. (this is the verdi research anon if you remember me.) but oh well!)
admittedly the only video i've watched in full is the 2013 mcvicar production on the met on demand. it's fairly solid even if you do have to suffer through daniels as cesare (on the bright side, dumaux tolomeo!). there's an earlier glyndebourne performance that i think is on medici.tv but not institutional access so i haven't watched that one in full yet, only clips. can't speak to any other videos since i haven't gotten around to watching any in their entireties yet, but from at least browsing clips around there sure are some WEIRD ones out there. so i think the one on the met is a decent place to start even if i think it kind of loses its own point somewhere along the way with its staging. the musical performances are great at least.
as for listening, i usually listen to this album, partially because it doesn't do anything i find egregious tempo/ornamentation wise, partially out of convenience (it's the one that my music app lets me stream lol). there's a couple older audio recordings on the met too, i think i've listened to one of them and thought it was fine. basically as long as cesare is still a treble voice i'm willing to give it a listen, if they recast that mf as a baritone though i bail immediately
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