incorrectdpaquotes 2 years
DPA as "text your boyfriend 'I want a baby'" responses:
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savebatsfromscratch 1 year
Pokemon DPA - Oh Back When I Was Younger (Dumbluckshipping?)
Yay. Another Capcut edit. 馃檮 This one is special because I actually animated something in it! :D (I didn't use capcut for that, it was Moho I think?)聽
Characters: Hareta and Mitsumi from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Adventure聽
Song: Notion by The Rare Occasions
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incorrectdpaquotes 2 years
Mitsumi: This is my boyfriend, Jun, and this is Jun's boyfriend, Hareta.
Hareta: Hey.
Koya: Hey鈥h鈥ait, sorry. What's the situation?
Mitsumi: What do you mean?
Koya: How does this work?
Mitsumi: Jun is gay but he's straight for me, but he's gay for Hareta, and Hareta is really gay for Jun. And I like Hareta.
Jun: It's not that complicated.
source: parks and rec
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incorrectdpaquotes 2 years
All The Proposed & All The Accepted Ship Names I've Been Able To Find (DPA)
Ship names made up by me will be in red, all the rest will be in black. Ship names made by @savebatsfromscratch will be in blue.
I found most of these on the Pokemon Shipping List "Neverending Romance" here: https://forums.bulbagarden.net/index.php?threads/neverending-romance-the-shipping-list-revival.273465/
...But since the forums might get deleted soon I decided to make this insane list. I'm not joking this took me hours trying to find everything.
Characters not from/in DPA will have their fandom abbreviation along with their name. Some have two if two versions of the character could reasonably go in the ship, specifically if the Pokemon Anime form of the character makes the most sense but it could also be the games character.
PKSP = Pokemon Special/Pokemon Adventures
Pokeani = Pokemon Anime
PKMN 7 = Pokemon 7
PKMN = Pokemon Games or just generally the character, no specific forms.
Please note that a lot of these ships are crack ships and I couldn't find any real fan-content of them.
Also fair warning for age gap, debatably incest, and human x pokemon ships! There aren't a ton of them, but I wasn't going to cut them out just because they might not be typical, happy ships.
Main Five x Main Five:
Mitsumi x Jun - LakeAcuityShipping
Mitsumi x Hareta - DumbLuckShipping
Mitsumi x Koya - GreenishSubstituteShipping (Based on the logic that Mitsumi is a substitute for Dawn or Platinum and Koya ends up substituting for Jun. Also, their hair colors combined would be greenish.)
Mitsumi x B2 - GalacticAdventureShipping
Jun x Hareta - AbsurdlyClingyshipping (A mix between Lucas x Barry, Clingyshippy, and Diamond x Pearl, Absurdistshipping.)
Jun x Koya - FirstAndSecondShipping (They are the first and second rivals of Hareta's shown in the series.)
Jun x B2 - FlatCheeksShipping (She didn't explain this one but I assume it's because B2 is known for his butt and Jun's is... flat.)
Hareta x Koya - YuujouShipping聽
Hareta x B2 - ButtiesShipping聽
Koya x B2 - OpposingBehindShipping (They have opposing ideologies and the classic butt joke for B2 was needed.)
Mitsumi x Jun x Hareta x Koya - DPAdventureShipping (All four of the main protagonists.)
Mitsumi x Jun x Hareta - DialgaShipping
Jun x Hareta x Koya - BoysTimesThreeShipping (The 3 male protagonists in DPA.)
There's a ton more under the cut.
Main Five x Other (Some Pretty Obscure):
Mitsumi x Cyrus - Desertionshipping聽
Mitsumi x Jupiter - GalacticGirlShipping
Mitsumi x Cynthia - RealContenderShipping聽
Mitsumi x Mars - SquealShipping聽
Mitsumi x Hareta x Cyrus - RedeemerShipping聽
Hareta x Cyrus - PoundingHeartshipping聽
Hareta x Mars - GalacticSpaceshipping
Koya x Mars - MoralConundrumShipping
Hareta x Looker - InfantShipping聽
Jun x Saturn - DPACrescentshipping (Based on the ship name "crescentshipping" for Barry and Saturn.)
Jun x Mars - DPAGalacticBombShipping聽(Based on the ship name "galacticbombshipping" for Barry and Mars.)
Koya x Looker - InterpolShipping
B2 x Fantina - DerriereShipping聽
B2 x Cyrus - IntergalacticShipping聽
B2 x Gardenia - RearEndShipping聽
Other Hareta Ships (Some Very Obscure):
Hareta x Sabin (ReBURST) - BreakWindShipping聽
Hareta x Platinum (PKSP) - EmperteShipping聽
Hareta x Yellow (PKSP) - ForestChildrenShipping聽
Hareta x N (PKMN) - HearTheirVoiceShipping聽
Hareta x Tommy/Kangaskhan Kid (Pokeani) - VictorShipping聽
Hareta x Barry (PKMN/Pokeani) - WhatWouldMiguelDoShipping聽
Hareta x Sapphire (PKSP) - WildChildShipping聽
Hareta x Ginji (Ginji's Rescue Team) - BigSmileShipping (It was the first thing I could think of. They both smile a lot.)
Other Koya Ships (Some Very Obscure):
Koya x Yellow (PKSP) - Moodshipping (This one never did get explained to me. She made it up years ago.)
Koya x Miruto (ReBURST) - GlobalPoliceShipping聽
Koya x Blake/Lack-Two (PKSP) x Looker x Tedesco (Pokeani) - InternationalPoliceShipping聽
Koya x Blake/Lack-Two (PKSP) x Looker x Tedesco (Pokeani) x Miruto (ReBURST) x Officer Jenny (Pokeani) - InternationalPoliceforceShipping聽
Koya x Paul (Pokeani) x Silver (PKSP) - JerkassShipping聽
Koya x Liza (PKMN) - PsychicDetectiveShipping聽
Koya x Emma (PKMN) - YoungDetectiveShipping聽
Other Mitsumi Ships (Some Very Obscure):
Mitsumi x Paul (Pokeani) x Reggie (Pokeani) x Dawn (PKMN/Pokeani) x Platinum (PKSP) x Princess Salvia (Pokeani) - AllRelatedShipping聽
Mitsumi x Clemont (PKMN/Pokeani) - BattleGeniusShipping聽
Mitsumi x Viscountess Julia (PKMN) - BattleMachineShipping
Mitsumi x Conway (Pokeani) - BraveStalkerShipping聽
Mitsumi x Serena (Pokeani) - BurnishShipping聽
Mitsumi x Zinnia (PKMN) - CoconutbiggiShipping聽
Mitsumi x Lily (PKMN 7) - CommandedShipping聽
Mitsumi x Conway (Pokeani) x Dawn (PKMN/Pokeani) x Platinum (PKSP) x Princess Salvia (Pokeani) - Conway'sDesireShipping聽
Mitsumi x Dawn (PKMN/Pokeani) x Ghost Girl (PKMN) x Jessie (Pokeani) x Platinum (PKSP) x Princess Salvia (Pokeani) - Conway'sHaremShipping聽
Mitsumi x Conway (Pokeani) x Platinum (PKSP) - Conway'sMangaDreamShipping聽
Mitsumi x Conway (Pokeani) x Dawn (PKMN/Pokeani) x Jessie (Pokeani) x Platinum (PKSP) xPrincess Salvia (Pokeani) - Conway'sUltimateDesireShipping聽
Mitsumi x Dawn (PKMN/Pokeani) - CopycatShipping聽
Mitsumi x Dawn (PKMN/Pokeani) x Platinum (PKSP) x Princess Salvia (Pokeani) - DawnCollectiveShipping聽
Mitsumi x Ash (Pokeani) - DawnIsThatYouShipping聽
Mitsumi x Platinum (PKSP) - DawnoftheDeadshipping
Mitsumi x Clembot (Pokeani) - FightingMachineShipping
Mitsumi x Sird (PKSP) x Mars x Jupiter x Lily (PKMN 7) x Io (PKMN 7) - GalacticGalsShipping聽聽聽
Mitsumi x Riley x Io (PKMN 7) x Jupiter x Mars x Sird (PKSP) - GalacticPimpShipping聽
Mitsumi x Conway (Pokeani) x Io (PKMN 7) x Jupiter x Lily (PKMN 7), Mars - GalacticStalkerShipping聽
Mitsumi x Misty (PKMN/Pokeani) - HotGirlShipping聽
Mitsumi x Robin (Pokeani) - IsolatedShipping聽
Mitsumi x Paul (Pokeani) - ItsumiShipping聽
Mitsumi x Platinum (PKSP) x Dawn (PKMN/Pokeani) - PearlStringShipping聽
Mitsumi x Whitley/Whi-Two (PKSP) - VillainessShipping聽
Other B2 Ships (All Very Obscure):
B2 x Tabitha (PKMN) - #3shipping
B2 x Agnol (PKMN) - BottomKingShipping聽
B2 x Byron - BunsOfSteelShipping聽
B2 x Chaser Emok (PKMN) - ButtChaserShipping聽
B2 x Hunter J (Pokeani) - ButtHunterShipping聽
B2 x Baraz (Pokeani) - ButtOfJokesShipping聽
B2 x Petrel (PKMN) - CheekShipping聽
B2 x Ginji (Ginji's Rescue Team) - ChickenButtShipping聽
B2 x聽Lara Laramie (Pokeani) - CigaretteButtShipping聽
B2 x Dawn (PKMN/Pokeani) - CrackOfDawnShipping聽(Ngl, this one's funny.)
B2 x Juan (PKMN) - CuloShipping聽
B2 x Proton (PKMN) - DatAssShipping聽
B2 x Ryouga (ReBURST) - DragonButtShipping聽
B2 x Lorelei (PKMN) - ForgottenBehindShipping聽
B2 x Gold (PKSP) - GoldButtShipping聽
B2 x Stephan (Pokeani) - HamsterShipping聽
B2 x Hugh (PKMN) - HughJassShipping (Okay, I laughed out loud about this one.)
B2 x Yappy (ReBURST) - MonkeyButtShipping聽
B2 x Lavana (Ranger) - NotForAnythingShipping聽
B2 x Sabrina (PKMN) - RumpologyShipping聽
B2 x Bianca (PKMN) - SmexyShipping聽
B2 x Ghetsis (PKMN) - UnfashionableShipping聽
Pokemon x Pokemon (All Very Obscure):
Hareta's Regigigas聽x Diamond's Regigigas聽(PKSP) - DiamondGigasShipping聽
Mitsumi's Electivire聽x Mars's Electivire聽- GalacticThunderShipping聽
Human x Pokemon (All Very Obscure):
Hareta x Piplup - BubblebeamShipping聽
B2 x Dusknoir -ButtDeathShipping聽
B2 x Arceus - DivineButtShipping聽
B2 x Pineco - ExplosiveButtShipping聽
B2 x Wulfric (PKMN) x Ariana (PKMN) x Bianca (PKMN) x Houndoom (PKMN) - VeryImportantShipping聽
Mitsumi x Cyrus x Lass Elsa (PKMN) x Mitsumi's Eevee - FearsThatOnceControlledMeShipping聽
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