#dumpsterboy and the technicolor girl
jessicas-pi · 8 months
pov mom said the dumpsterboy could come over and hang out if you did your homework but the playlist was on shuffle and your friendship anthem came on (pov you are not doing your homework)
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close-ups of sabine's art under the cut!
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in case you were wondering, yep, in this au sabine and ezra painted a broken volkswagon bug in a junkyard instead of a stolen TIE
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jessicas-pi · 10 months
For the ask game: 17 and 29
Sorry this took so long to answer! But I wrote some bits slightly longer than average to make up for it! :)
17. Twin Blades And Beskar
“I never should have agreed to train her, Kanan,” Hera says, pain in her voice. “I should have just let her powers fade. I wasn’t even a Padawan when the Order fell. I don’t have the knowledge I need.” Kanan’s tone is gentle when he replies, and though Ezra can’t see Kanan from where he’s hiding, he can imagine the pilot gently putting his hand on Hera’s arm. “Hera, you’ve been raising Sabine since you were practically still a child, and you’ve done an incredible job. And—and even if you don’t have the knowledge to train her to be a Jedi, Luminara can help with that part, once we break her out.” “I don’t know about that,” Hera murmurs, a strange inflection in her voice. Kanan must notice it, too. “What? Why?” “Sabine… struggles. Master Unduli might think it’s better to—to stop training her, than to risk a Fall.” Ezra frowns, confused. A Fall? What’s that supposed to mean? “But I know Sabine won’t accept that,” Hera continues. “She’ll teach herself, and she’ll be in even more danger if she does.”
29. Graveyards and ghost towns (and other stuff you wouldn't expect to be bonding experiences but were anyway) (AKA the Dumpsterverse sequel!)
“I’m only broke for now,” Ezra insisted, swinging to the next bar and craning his neck to look down at her. “What if I’m a millionaire someday?” Sabine kicked at the wood chips underfoot, matching his pace as he crossed the monkey bars. “You could be a billionaire and I still wouldn’t marry you for your money.” “Well, obviously, because billionaires have unethical business practices and you hate capitalism.” Ezra pondered it for a second. “What about the tax breaks? We’d basically be cheating the government out of money, but legally. You like cheating the government.” “Very tempting,” Sabine said sarcastically. “Still no.” “Okay, but—” Ezra strained to kick his feet up to hook around another bar, and then he let go, hanging upside-down in front of her. “What if I got really good health insurance?” She avoided looking at him, because she knew she’d laugh if she met his eyes. “Yeah, I’m unconvinced.” “Darn it,” he said, clearly trying just as hard as she was not to burst into uncontrollable giggling. “I really thought I’d get you with the health insurance thing.”
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
1, 2, 7, 21, 30, and 66 for the ask game!
Okay, so, The first three you've chosen are ALL in the Time Heals 'Verse!!
1: Time Heals Old Hate (put your armor on)
Mace chuckled quietly to himself as he looked at the two Padawans, fast asleep on the couch in the common room of the ship. Shrugging off his cloak, he quietly draped it over them. Jacen shifted in his sleep as the cloak settled around him, and his presence started to prickle with unease. Mace understood instantly—he’d spent too long around soldiers not to recognize the telltale Force-effect of a nightmare.
hehe hoohoo angst
2: Time Heals Book 3 (Title Pending)
Sabine awoke on the shore of a lake that gleamed like a thousand stars.
7. What Time Cannot Take (Long As We Are Loved)
(This oneshot is a prequel to the main series, set shortly after Jedi Night. I've made myself cry over it twice already.)
“Could… could you teach me?” Sabine looked over at him, blinking her eyes quickly—from the blazing brightness of the Lothal sunset, and the tears burning her eyes. “Teach you?” “Teach me. The—” Ezra’s voice faltered, and he took a shaky breath. “The remembrance.”
21. Graveyards and ghost towns (and other stuff you wouldn't expect to be bonding experiences but were anyway)
Kanan pulled his phone out of his pocket, and frowned.  “Hold on. I gotta take this,” he said, and answered: “Kid, what’s up? Aren’t you at school?” Ezra didn’t answer right away, but when he did, his voice wobbled. “Mr. Jarrus? I’m… it’s…” He sniffed. “ ‘s not a good day.” Alarms started ringing in Kanan’s head. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
(you really did choose all the angsty fics, didnt'cha?)
30. How To Train Your Mythosaur
“We have one goal: end the attacks.” Ursa looked around the table in the longhouse, eyes cold. “We cannot let the dragons keep raiding our village. We have to bring the fight to them.”
66. The Surprisingly Angsty No Order 66 AU!!
“It’s not too late to back out,” Leia said, for the seventh time, as the ship touched down. Ezra shook his head, standing up. “I have to do this.” “You literally don’t, but whatever.” Leia cracked her knuckles, rolled her shoulders, and then punched his arm, just for kicks. “Now come on, blueberry. You’ve got a dinner to attend and a crapton of painful memories to relive, and I’ve got a party to crash and some Mandos to fight. Gonna be a busy day.” “Very funny,” he sighed, brushing past her and stepping out into the icy air. She smirked. “Oh, I’m not joking. You better believe I’m gonna be settling a few scores.”
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
currently giggling about The Scene In My Head where 15 year old dumpsterverse ezra is singing along to uptown girl and zeb is silently losing his mind because ezra has no idea that he is, in fact, in love with an uptown girl
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jessicas-pi · 10 months
If youre still doing the ask game: 27, 28, 29, 30
27. the Rebelvengers AU!
Ingenue narrowed her eyes. “I get the feeling your people have some problems with me working for them.” “Okay, point. But… I’d vouch for you. That would count for something.” She stared at him like he’d grown a second head. “You would vouch for me? Thirty seconds ago, I was trying to kill you!”
28. In Hindsight, This May Not Have Been The Best Idea
The Mando girl studied Ezra’s face for a long second, and Ezra was almost sure he’d done something to make her angry, but then she gasped, let go of his arm, and grinned. “Oh my gosh, you’re the guy from the SpaceTube video, aren’t you?!” Another Mandalorian standing near her gasped, too. “The karaoke boy? Oh manda, it is him!”
29. Graveyards and ghost towns (and other stuff you wouldn't expect to be bonding experiences but were anyway)
Sabine flipped to the next page of her book as Zeb came into the room. The kid was clinging to him, scrambling to reach the bunch of papers in Zeb’s hand. “Zeb! Zeb, give it back right now! Zeb! Zeb!” “Sabine!” Zeb said again, waving the papers around. “The kid needs a little help with his math homework!” “No I don’t! I don’t!” Ezra scrambled to grab his stolen homework from Zeb’s grip, but Zeb was too fast. “I don’t need help, I’m doing fine, Sabine doesn’t need to see those—”
30. Parenting For Dummies
The caf maker made a sad bwooooouuuh sound and shut off, and Ezra groaned with disappointment. “I dunno how much longer I can do this. It was fun the first three days, but…” “It’s been a week,” she filled in for him. “Yeah, I’m with you there. The kids are just so… awake, all the time. Do they ever get worn out?” Ezra opened the conservator, looking for something to eat. “You sound like Hera.”
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
*crashes in last minute like an action movie character sliding beneath an enormous slowly closing door* WELL I GOT ONE OF MY @sabezradinboweek FICS DONE AND IT WASN'T THE ONE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE, anyway here have this cracky-ish high school AU i guess?
snippet beneath the cut:
“So, I’m absolutely positive my gym teacher is crushing on my math teacher’s sister.”
Sabine glanced over at her friend, lying back beside her on the roof of her house and staring up at the stars.
It was pretty obvious that he was trying to change the subject from their mental-health discussion about the emotional manipulation crap he was getting from his uncle (Maul, not Hondo), but she let him do it. They could use a lighter topic, probably.
“Yeah? Tell me more.”
“Well, he keeps giving her gushy smiles when he sees her in the hall and she’s not looking, and I think he’s trying to find some excuse to talk to her…”
(writing taglist: @dootchster @kanerallels @seleneisrising @better-call-mau1)
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
just realized i have a rebels modern au where it's established that ezra has listened to taylor swift music so it's definitely plausible that he listened to you're on your own kid and Had Several Emotions About It
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
May I have "Heraaaaa, the kids are fighting agaaaaaain"? Also, for the send you a word one, smirk?
All RIGHT!!! Here's Fighter Flight in the Twin Blades And Beskar AU, except Zeb and Ezra aren't the ones arguing here...
“Hera, the kids are fighting again.”
Hera sighs and stands up. “Thanks, Ahsoka.”
Ahsoka two-finger salutes and passes down the hallway as Hera heads towards the kitchen. Voces—and the smell of burned food—become distinct.
“—ruined breakfast!”
“Well next time, don’t distract me!”
“It’s not my fault your Jetii powers aren't even able to keep a pancake from burning!”
“The Force doesn’t work that way, stupid!”
“Reaaaallly? Maybe the Force just wasn’t with you today.”
“Maybe you should shut up.”
“You know, it’s not the Jedi way to get angry.”
“Don’t shoot your mouth off about things you don’t understand. You might not like what happens.”
“Ooh, what are you gonna do? Use your magic on me?”
“I’ll show you magic, tin can—”
“Sabine!” Hera yells, sprinting the last three steps into the kitchen. Her Padawan is leaning towards their newest crewmember, fists clenched, eyes flashing with fury. “Kids, what is going on?”
“She burned the pancakes!”
“He was making fun of me!”
They both start yelling at each other again as Hera watches in exasperation.
They shut up instantly, and Hera does some quick thinking.
“You’ve both proved that you’re incompetent chefs, and frankly, I don’t trust either of you around knives right now! So, forget making breakfast.”
Sabine smirks and tries to brush past Hera in the doorway. “I’m fine with that.”
Hera takes her arm and pulls her back inside. “Instead, I want the two of you to go get takeout and bring it back.”
“Really?” they whine together, and then glare at each other, like it’s a crime to work in synchronization.
“Really. I’ll go write down what everyone wants, and you can take a speeder and go into town. There’s a little diner. Order to-go and get back here while the food’s still hot. This is non-negotiable,” she adds, when Sabine starts to object.
Hera pulls out a datapad and walks away before they can argue more, making a round through the ship and collecting orders from Kanan, Ahsoka, and Oke. Finally she jots down what she wants—and, after a moment of thought, adds at the very end:
And don’t come back without a meiloorun!
ANNND, I went looking for the word smirk and I just so happened to find this bit from the Modern AU!
Glancing up at the boys, Sabine saw Zeb had a troublemaking smirk on his face, clearly expecting something to happen, while Ezra was going through all five stages of grief at once.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love! 💖💖
Ooh, yay! :D
oh, how to pick, how to pick...
Ok, #1 is obvious. It's the Time Heals 'Verse (76k words, not completed yet) It's a time travel fic where a warrior artist is yoinked back about 25ish years into the past and gets adopted by a mythical mysterious legendary shadow monster and the most stressed out man in the galaxy. Also, there's a clone named Shipper.
The rest, in no particular order...
#2. 2AM pancakes (and other kinda romantic moments) (9k words, completed) This is a sabezra modern AU oneshot and it has possibly my favorite love confession I've ever written. Also, there's dancing in the rain. and pining. so much pining.
#3. the Teenage Rebellion AU! (22k words, not completed yet) Wherein Ezra and Mara and several other characters are Inquisitors, Sabine is political guest (aka hostage) on Coruscant and has questionable taste in men, Tristan ran off with the Rebels, Luke is a Naberrie, and Leia Has Beef!
#4. Sabine Wren's Guide to the Mythical and Mysterious: On Merfolk Kisses, The Untimely Occurrences And Interruptions Thereof (16k words, completed) A Mythical Creatures AU, where Sabine and Ezra cuddle, read each other's diaries, and make fun of their past selves. I'm most proud of the worldbuilding in this one cause there is a LOT of it!
#5. Hmmm... Oh, so hard to choose one last one! But, okay, I'm gonna cheat a little and say it's either my medieval royalty AU or the lifeswap AU, neither of which are posted but I have plenty of rambles and snippets shared on Tumblr!
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jessicas-pi · 10 months
📝 + eyes!
Here's something from the next part of the Dumpsterverse (Modern AU)!
Sabine stood in the doorway, the unplugged cord of the CD player in her hand, eyes narrowed angrily. “Guys, I appreciate your little found family bonding moment, but can we scream Billy Joel songs at a time that is not six in the morning?”
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
You all voted, and now I present: Sabine & Ezra's 1AM Unhaunted Ghost Town Motorcycle Adventure!
“We’re here.”
The motorcycle rumbled to a stop and Ezra looked around. They were in the middle of something that might have been called a street, a hundred or so years ago. Decrepit buildings lined both sides.
It looked like it came straight out of an old movie.
“Where is here?”
Sabine nudged him, and he realized he was still holding onto her. He let go and stepped off the bike, and she did, too.
“A ghost town. One of my old haunts.” She pulled her helmet off and grinned. “Get it? Ghost town, haunts?”
“I never knew about this.”
Sabine shrugged, smile fading.
“I haven’t gone here in a while. This was my… safe place. Before Kanan and Hera. At the other foster homes, you know? I’d take my bike and ride out here and spend the night. Sometimes I’d spend a few days, even. No one ever found out where I was going.”
“It’s cool,” Ezra offered.
“It’s a good place to hurt.” Sabine put the helmet on the seat of the motorcycle, then looked up, flicking her hair from her face to stare at the midnight sky, and the smile came back, only sadder. “Or a good place to heal.”
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
It's crazy—I can barely believe it, but today is the one-year anniversary of posting my first fic online.
So much has happened since then. I've posted over 140,000 words, and written even more. I participated in a ship week, published 19 fics, made a Tumblr account, and somehow became mutuals with not one but TWO of my favorite fanfic writers out there. And that's just online! IRL, I've graduated college and got a full-time job, re-befriended a friend I thought I'd probably never talk to again, re-discovered my love for grilled cheese sandwiches, caught covid for the first time... it's been a wild ride.
And so, in honor of this momentous occasion, I'm rewarding myself with a little bit of self-promo for my first fic ever posted (okay, that's not true, years ago I had a wattpad account but we don't talk about that) my FIRST FIC EVER POSTED, a SWR Modern AU with found family, dumpsters, and tie-dye pajamas.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
How To Train Your Mythosaur
Graveyards and ghost towns (and other stuff you wouldn't expect to be bonding experiences but were anyway)
I'm interested in both of these so if you'd like to ramble about one or both of them, the floor is yours.
Both? Both. Both is good.
So for HTTYM—something I had a lot of fun with was the characters. Ezra, obviously, is Hiccup. But he didn't really have a parent-figure in Rebels that fit the vibe for Stoick, so I played with that a bit. Ezra is raised by the village blacksmith, Zeb. The chief of the village is actually, in fact, a chieftess—Ursa the Dauntless. And Hiccup and Stoick's character development/relationship goes to Sabine and Ursa.
In this AU, the village—Krownest—is surrounded by forests, and that's where a lot of the dragons live. Rumor has it that Ezra was found as a baby, asleep in a dragon's nest, and Zeb took him in. The village nicknamed him "Dragonson" because, yknow, he was found in the nest, and by doing that, they completely ruined any chances of him being popular or ever having friends.
Sabine is the exception.
She had An Incident in her past that made her an outcast for a long time, and she and Ezra became friends basically because nobody else wanted to be friends with them. Now, by the time the fic happens, she's started to regain her former popularity, and is having trouble balancing her need to prove herself to her mother and her old friendships that are starting to reconnect, with her friendship with Ezra, who doesn't fit in the "future chieftess" life she's supposed to have.
And the conflict only gets worse, once she realizes he's keeping secrets from her.
Big, black, dragon-sized secrets named Wolf.
Graveyards and ghost towns! This is the sequel to November blizzards, which was the first fic I ever posted. It's a Rebels Modern AU, where Sabine and Zeb are Kanan and Hera's foster kids, Chopper is the family's psycho dog, and Ezra is the kid they found in a dumpster (no, seriously.)
The sequel is about what happened after November Blizzards, how they found each other again, and how Ezra gradually got adopted into the family. I have lots of plans for it! Mostly family fluff and a bit of angst.
A snippet, perchance?
Ezra sighed, kicking his feet up on the armrest of his futon couch. He should probably go to sleep. The cool night air breezed through the screenless window, making him shiver, but at least it helped keep the smell of cigarettes out of his room. Everything was silent, and peaceful, and— “So do I need to throw hands with your evil stepsmuncle, or what?” Sabine demanded, hauling herself over the windowsill and tumbling onto his rug, and Ezra barely muffled a startled shriek. “What are you doing here?” he hissed, and then: “Stepsmuncle?” “Cinderezra and the evil stepsmuncle,” she said, brushing herself off as she stood. “What’s so confusing about that?” Ezra sighed, sitting up. “Sabine, you really need to leave.” He gave a nervous look to his closed door. He didn’t think sound would be loud enough to carry, but… “If Maul finds you here, we're gonna be in a lot of trouble.” “Because I'm your friend who cared enough to drive across town for you, or because I'm a girl who snuck into your room in the middle of the night?” “Both.”
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
Would love to hear about everything is taylor swift lyrics and im crying (aka the promises au), and Graveyards and ghost towns (and other stuff you wouldn't expect to be bonding experiences but were anyway) for the ask game!!
OHOHOO YES THE PROMISES AU, I already shared a little of it but now I'll talk about it like in general!!
So first off, I have to give 100% credit to @seleneisrising, because she let me borrow the hc that kicked this whole series off.
The series is made up of three 5+1 fics that span from about s2 all the way to The Reunion. The first fic goes from s2 through s4, and it's all about how Sabine and Ezra became friends (and then more). It's crack. it's fluff. it's devastating angst. there's sleepover parties and Ezra's Loth-Cat Hoodie(TM) and blanket forts and mandalorian marriage vows and all that stuff.
Then the second fic is set post-purrgil and it's about how various people find out that Sabine is actually, maybe, possibly, a little bit married. Reactions span from hugs (zeb) to sitting together and cussing out the universe in commiseration over lost jedi (hera) to "...just. please. tell me there's not also a korkie 2 electric boogaloo situation here." (bo-katan)
And part 3 is secret. :)
And here's a peek at the ghost town part of Graveyards and ghost towns, AKA mostlyplatonic sabezra friendship bonding in the middle of the california desert at like one in the morning
“I learned that if I put on enough makeup, I could pass for eighteen. Me and my girls got into some college parties, and… yeah. There was a lot of stuff going on.”
“Did you ever do… y’know. Stuff?” he asked, then immediately wondered if he would regret it. But she only laughed.
“Nope. I had some common sense. But I did stay up way past curfew—”
“Yet another thing you’re doing now.”
“Out of the entire population of two in this town right now, only one of us has a curfew, and it’s not me.”
“And you’re helping me break it!”
“It’s a spite move. Heck your evil stepsmuncle.”
Ezra laughed softly. “You’re such a ‘bad kid’ and you say heck.”
“Oh, I didn’t always. I swore like a sailor. And I had a nose ring.”
“You did not.”
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
First lines under the cut!
It was a fact. A truth. Sabine was his best friend.
There had been… moments.
Moments that felt like a little bit more.
The school dance, when he stepped all over her feet and she laughed and stepped on his toes too—
The trip to Six Flags where they screamed themselves hoarse on roller coasters all day, and fell asleep leaning against each other on the car ride back—
The time he got a part in the school play and then the lead actress got sick so Sabine stepped in and they sort-of-but-not-exactly-technically kissed—
The time in the ghost town when the moon lit up her eyes and her hand brushed his and for just a second he thought—
But, no.
Because they were only friends—and Ezra was okay with that!
He’d had a pretty big crush at the beginning. Zeb still hadn’t stopped making fun of him for the whole Flynn-Rider-coffee-table incident. But, he’d had time, and a solid friend-zone put up, so he backed off, and she warmed up, and then the next thing he knew they were best friends who went everywhere together and did everything together and he was falling again.
She wasn't.
He loved being friends with her. He loved the loyalty and the impulsiveness, the way she was fierce and funny and everything about her. And that was the thing.
Ezra thought she didn’t mind it. Sure, he was trying to keep it a secret but she’d always been able to see through him like glass, and aside from a chuckle or two or a roll of her eyes at a joke that got a little too close to almost-not-exactly flirt-ish, she didn’t really react.
So, it wasn’t a problem. It hadn’t been, and it wouldn’t be.
(Except it definitely would.)
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
me: okay i'm just gonna finish the 1 fic i have for sabezradinbo week, i only started 1 and there's no time for anything else
brain: psssst. hey. for the free day you should do a continuation of Dumpsterboy And The Technicolor Girl where bo katan and din djarin are teachers at sabine and ezra's school and both couples are betting on each other/setting each other up
me: that's like. just four days away.
me: I don't have the time!
me: *opening another doc* yeah okay
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