#how to train your mythosaur AU
jessicas-pi · 11 months
May we see what 57 for the ask game is?
57. How To Train Your Mythosaur
This actually isn’t the first time something like this has happened. Sabine and I have a bad tendency to almost die a lot whenever we hang out. Yes, I do define this as “hanging out.” Oh, I know what you’re thinking. I’m desperate for attention, I’m a loser, I’m alone in life, blah blah blah, I’ve heard it before. You know, people who say stuff like that tend to not realize that running from imminent flaming death is also Sabine’s idea of “hanging out.” We’re weird that way.
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thefrogdalorian · 6 months
Ner Aliit
Din Djarin x GN!Reader
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Summary: Travelling through the galaxy in the Razor Crest with a formidable Mandalorian is a harsh, unforgiving life. The feelings you have developed for him as you soar through the stars together have mitigated the unpleasant aspects. Still, you know it can't last. After all, you and Din are from different worlds. He follows a strict Creed and you know that you do not have what it takes to be Mandalorian.
Journeying with the best bounty hunter in the parsec has often brought you face to face with danger. It has never fazed you before. Until one day you come face to face with danger without Din's reassuring presence at your side, and everything changes.
Word Count: 5.4k ✯ Rating:  Teen ✯ Content Warnings: Canon typical violence, reader kills someone with a blaster in self defence (Nothing is described in graphic detail) and subsequently deals with anxiety/panic attacks.  ✯ Author's Note: Today is four years since I watched Mando for the first time so I wrote this to celebrate! Inspired by a little daydream I had while looking at my own Mythosaur necklace. It's an AU where Din never had Grogu but still had shiny beskar, allow it ahah. Really hope you enjoyed it, thanks for reading! 🤍
✯ My Masterlist ✯ Read on AO3 ✯
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You can already tell from how Din’s footsteps thud a little heavier than usual against the ramp that something has angered him during his latest hunt. Perhaps he will share what precisely has troubled him later when you hurtle through hyperspace towards Nevarro. For now, you head towards the door, ready to help Din haul his latest bounty into the antiquated ship you call home.
Except, the man who stands before you is not Din Djarin.
Instead of the gleaming beskar you had been expecting to greet you on the ramp, a gloomy silhouette moves into view. There is something far darker about your presence than the man you had expected to see. It is not just the grimy, worn clothes he wears that send a shiver down your spine. Nor the way his beady eyes bore into you. They are sunken in his wizened face with a look of pure malice which sickens you to the pit of your stomach.
You are initially so shocked by the fact that the man standing before you is not Din, your eyes frantically examining the features of this stranger, that you almost fail to notice the weapon aimed at you.
Your heart skips a beat when you notice that the man is holding a blaster up at you. He stands unmoving, with his long, grungy fingers curled around the dark handle. The gesture sends a shiver down your spine. However, there is something even more terrifying than the reality of having a blaster aimed squarely in your direction. 
It is the expression on his face.
His glare is unrelenting in his coldness as his finger hovers over the trigger. You do not doubt for one moment that he will pull it.
Throughout your life, you have been exposed to danger many times, even before you met Din. Such brushes with death only increased when you started travelling through the galaxy with a bounty hunter. It was to be expected, of course. You think of the numerous occasions when you witnessed Din becoming embroiled in terrible binds and scrapes while you sat back and watched the carnage unfold. At first, you had been terrified by such violence. Now, you have come to expect it.
Perhaps before you met Din and began travelling with him, someone holding a blaster at you and gazing at you with such viciousness as the man before you would have been utterly petrifying.
However, it seems that the best bounty hunter in the parsec has somewhat hardened you to the realities of the galaxy. 
After the initial shock, you feel yourself accepting your current predicament with remarkable quickness. You assess the man's vulnerabilities and weak points, as Din once trained you to do. You notice a slight quake in his hand, the greyness of his scraggly beard and unkempt, greasy hair. He is not invincible. Soon, the terror you initially felt is replaced with anger; a simmering feeling in your gut as you are incredulous at the audacity of this man to threaten your life in this manner. You are furious at his attempt to intrude into your and Din's safe refuge like this. You are disgusted by him.
You have encountered plenty of unsavoury characters throughout your travels across the galaxy with Din. This pathetic coward does not faze you.
"Where is he?" the man finally speaks. His voice is gruff, his tone sharper than you imagined. It matches his wizened, wrinkly face, seemingly hardened by the decades of experience he undoubtedly possesses.
“Who?” you ask, feigning ignorance.
You know that the man will not buy your plea of ignorance regarding The Mandalorian. Yet, your act will buy you a few precious seconds to execute your plan. Plus, the more you converse with the man, the higher the chance his nerve may waver and that his sympathy for you might increase as you humanise yourself. You hope that by talking to him, his determination to mow you down in cold blood may decrease.
“Don’t play with me and give me a story full of bantha crap,” the man snarls, jabbing the blaster towards you, "I know you know where he is."
“I’m sorry,” you respond apologetically.
You know you must diffuse the situation and undo the damage you have caused with your blatant lies. Without hesitation, you raise your hands in a submissive gesture. Then, when the man does not take issue with a simple movement, you begin backing away from him. Fortunately, he lets you go. You can barely contain your grin as you know what you have in store for him.
Unknowingly, this man is playing right into your hands. 
This old rogue may have thought he could get the upper hand on The Mandalorian by returning to his ship and threatening his travelling companion. Unfortunately, he has underestimated the advantage you gain from knowing the Razor Crest inside out, including all of this old ship's quirks.
When you are satisfied both by the distance you have placed between you and your assailant and your relative proximity to the control panel, which is the key to your plan's success, you fake a stumble backwards. Your hand collides with the button that, when depressed, rapidly releases a cloud of pressurised gas into the hull. The jets that shoot out of the walls soon fill the Razor Crest and form a temporary barrier between you and the man that obscures you from his view. The distraction gives you just enough time to grab a blaster from Din’s workbench and aim it towards your surprise visitor. 
Then, without really consciously thinking about the consequences, you squeeze the trigger.
The sickening thud of the man’s body hitting the floor is the last sound you hear before you retreat up the ladder to the cockpit and seal yourself inside behind the secure door. You are pretty sure he will no longer prove a threat to you, but you have no desire to stick around and find out for definite. The reinforced door will provide sufficient protection, hopefully long enough for Din to return. 
Given that someone managed to reach the Razor Crest and callously threaten your life, you cannot imagine that Din will be far away. If the man has accomplices, you do not doubt Din's capability to take them out before he returns to ensure your safety.
Yet, as the minutes pass by Din is nowhere to be seen.
You are unsure how long you sit on the hard floor with your back to the door, trembling as you sit there. At first, the tremors that have overtaken your body may well be thanks to the frigid metal. Its coolness certainly does not help. As the adrenaline wears off and the realisation of what has just transpired dawns on you, you rapidly become reduced to a jittery, trembling wreck. 
Your state of mind following the skirmish is made worse by the paranoia which overtakes you. 
Initially your primary concern is for your own safety. You brace yourself for the companions of the man whose body lies below you to barge in and finish the job their ringleader started. You wonder which weapons they may possess. 
Would you try to fight them off, or should you flee?
You wonder whether you could even begin the launch sequence of the Razor Crest and fly away in search of Din. He has attempted to teach you how to fly the ship for emergencies such as this, but to your presently terrified brain, the dashboard looks like a confusing conundrum of buttons.
At the first thought of him wandering through the forests which cover the planet’s surface, your overactive imagination now runs away with the worst scenarios of what could be happening right this instant, elsewhere on this planet. 
Visions of the Mandalorian you love, lying in a ditch somewhere on this forest-covered planet, injured and frightened after being ambushed by the same band of dastardly scoundrels overwhelm your senses.
The fear that Din will never return to you, that the depth of your feelings towards him will remain unsaid forever, shatters you. 
You are unsure how long you sit there. Each creak and noise of the ship, noises that you are usually so familiar with and accustomed to now work against you, startling you each time. It is a constant cycle of alarm as your breathing rate picks up and your pulse rate thunders in your ears each time there is a faint thud. You feel your resolve draining with each disturbance.
So when you hear the sound of the Razor Crest's ramp whirring as it lowers to the ground, you barely have the energy to react. Instead, you are relieved that you are now seconds away from meeting your ultimate fate. One way or another, you will finally be put out of your misery. Whoever enters the Razor Crest will not be met with much fight from you, whatever their intentions.
When you hear footsteps this time, you believe that the thuds are indeed the familiar rhythmic, certain sounds of your favourite bounty hunter. Until you lay eyes upon him, however, you will not allow yourself to believe that fact.
Fortunately for your anguished soul, you get confirmation of Din’s return before ever laying eyes upon him. 
“Cyare?” Din calls, his deep voice cuts through the ship up to the cockpit where you continue to cower in the cockpit, “Are you alright?”
You are so relieved to hear him that you could almost burst into tears. Before that happens, you must give him some acknowledgement that you were unharmed in the skirmish.
“I’m up here in the cockpit, Din,” you respond, alarmed at how your voice trembles as the adrenaline has worn off, “I’m alright.”
You push yourself up on shaky limbs to stand and prepare to reunite with the man you have grown so close to. You aren't entirely sure when it happened, falling in love with Din. You certainly never intended it, nor did you imagine that the aloof bounty hunter who was so stoic and barely spoke could reveal himself to have such a beautiful soul beneath his cold, metallic armour. Yet, somewhere along the way, as you hurtled through hyperspace together, you did fall in love with Din. 
It was not one moment but rather a collection of smaller fragments which, when pieced together, form the warmth that spreads in your chest each time you think of Din. It has been the late-night conversations sitting in the red leather chairs of the cockpit, reminiscing on your past lives. The ability that Din possesses in never failing to make you laugh. Even on days when you feel despondent. It is how considerate Din is of you; he never fails to check on your well-being and ascertain whether you can handle one more job or whether you should return to Nevarro for a few days of rest.
All of those moments and more contributed to your present feelings for Din.
You realised how deeply you cared for him when you first noticed your overwhelming desire to please him. The fact that, without even realising it, you had learnt how he liked his ration packs prepared even if you could never enjoy a meal together, given the helmet restriction. You realised that you had attentively watched how Din polished his weapons and studied how he stored them so that you could alleviate some stress when he returned from another hunt and needed to rest. You have noticed that, even though your lives are in many ways different, you both retain the same core values and principles. Honesty, integrity and loyalty are traits you both hold dear.
Only moments ago, it had crushed you to think you would never get to enjoy such moments with Din again.
Now, you stand here, practically bursting with joy as you realise you will soon be back with the man whose presence you yearn to always be in. You can hear his feet hitting the rungs of the ladder that leads up to the cockpit and take a deep breath to steady yourself, even though your entire body quivers with the last dregs of adrenaline and the anticipation of seeing Din again.
The door opens. The familiar glint of the Beskar you had been expecting to see earlier finally comes into view, soothing your nerves instantly. Din surges towards you. You barely have time to react before his arms are around you. He brings a gloved hand up to your chin, holding your face in one hand while he secures his other arm snugly around your waist. You are grateful that he is holding you so tightly. Without his strong arms, you are unconvinced whether you could remain vertical. 
“Oh, cyare," Din exhales, his voice trembling under the weight of his emotions. "I was so worried when I saw the body down there. What in Maker’s name happened here?” Din asks, deep voice full of concern.
“I heard footsteps that I assumed were yours, but when I got there, the door opened. You weren't there, Din. I was so scared," you confess, your voice trembling too.
"Dank farrik!" Din harshly exclaims. You startle in response, and he tightens his hold around you, bringing your chest flush to the cold metal of his armour, before apologetically adding, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's okay, Din," you whisper in reassurance.
"Forgive me for my outburst. I was just frustrated that I couldn't be there for you. The same group, I assume, ambushed me. It took me a while to fight them off. I should have been here," Din shakes his head, "Anyway, do you want to tell me about what happened?"
You nod, your bottom lip trembling. You take some breaths to steady your nerves as you try your best to ignore your reflection in Din's helmet. If you pause for too long and perceive how fragile and broken you appear, you know you will crumble entirely.
"Well, I stepped up to the top of the ramp expecting to see you. Instead, that man was standing there. He held a blaster up at me. I was so scared that he was going to shoot," you squeak, voice barely above a whisper now. Din moves his hands up and down your back in soothing motions, comforting you enough to continue: "I managed to distract him enough to retreat with my hands up. Then I pretended to stumble and push the button on the control panel, which discharged the pressurised gas. It gave me the cover to grab your blaster on the workbench. And then, well, you saw...” you squeak out as you feel hot tears trail down your cheeks.
You permit yourself to fall apart now, knowing that Din is here to pick your pieces up and place you back together. He brings a hand to your cheek, wiping your tears away with his gloved fingers. A smile ghosts across your lips at the sensation of the buttery texture against your skin.
“You did so well, cyare,” Din whispers. "I promise you, you're safe now. No one will hurt you," he adds soothingly.
Din brings your head into his cowl. He gathers you to him and protects you from the anguish. From this position, you can faintly feel the warmth which emanates from the man beneath the beskar through the coarse yet soft material. The dark brown material is a sharp contrast to the hard, coldness of his armour, a sliver of humanity amongst the many facets of the formidable Mandalorian warrior. You never feel safer or more protected than when Din takes you into his arms and holds you close. The relief is immediate, but it does not stop the emotional outburst. Tears continue to stream down your face.
“I was so scared Din,” you manage out between the sobs that have suddenly overwhelmed your fragile state of mind.
“I know, I know. But I’m so proud of you,” Din says.
His ordinarily steady voice trembles with emotion except when he emphasises how proud he is of you. To know that Din Djarin himself is proud of you makes your chest ache with joy. You have made this strong, stoic warrior proud. It makes your head swim with glee. Yet, it only adds to the myriad of emotions which overwhelm your trembling body.
Din holds you close, but you cannot stop crying. The embarrassment you feel at your outburst further contributes to your distress. The tears flow in earnest now, Din’s cowl surely becoming damp with the moisture that has escaped your swollen, irritated eyes.
“Shhhhh my love, ner kar'ta,” Din soothes as he rocks you, “You’re safe now. I've got you. You’re safe.” 
With his comforting words and the way Din holds you, your sniffles eventually subside. Still, Din holds you until you can barely stand anymore.
When you can stand no longer, when your body finally succumbs to the emotional toll of the day, Din is there to coax you into moving. Somehow, 
Din manages to skillfully manoeuvre you into descending the ladder. You are too tired to question quite how it happens. The next thing you know, you are tucked up in the bunk. There is barely enough room for Din, yet he manages to lie beside you, holding you until you drift off.
Finally, you allow yourself to fall into the warm embrace of sleep…
You remain confined to your bunk for most of the return trip to Nevarro. The skirmish took its toll on you. In your lethargicness, you struggle to have the energy to do anything other than sleep. Din is patient and attentive with you, taking care of all the maintenance jobs and meal preparation that you usually assist with.
Yet, it is not just the stress of events and the inescapable fact that you have claimed your first life which weighs on your mind. It is trying to figure out what the future looks like for you and Din. 
You have never met anyone like him. He is intelligent, caring and skilled in anything he turns his hand to. He provides for you. Since you began travelling together, you have wanted for nothing physically or spiritually. Din is diligent and attentive, always on hand to pick you up if things prove too much. He makes you laugh like you never have with anyone else you have met. Until your ribs ache and your cheeks hurt from grinning. You think of the hours spent together sitting in the red chairs of the cockpit as the blues and silvers of hyperspace streak outside the windows, illuminating Din's armour in a way that leaves you mesmerised.
When you first started travelling with Din, you were sceptical that you would ever grow close to a man who kept so much of himself a mystery. His face was hidden behind a helmet and you knew him only as Mando. How could you ever form a bond with someone so elusive?
Now, you understand that you do not need to see a person's face to know them entirely. There is no doubt that you completely understand who the man underneath the beskar is. You trust Din Djarin with everything you have. 
Although it took him long enough to honour you with knowing that name, now you speak it often. While he vows that he will know yours eternally, for it is the Mandalorian way to say, “I love you.”
You cannot imagine your life without him. 
However, as much as you care for Din and are certain he cares for you in return, you know you will never have what it takes to become Mandalorian. It is why you have held back from your feelings, never permitting yourself to return the sweet words and affectionate nicknames. Your destinies lie in opposite directions. You will never be truly worthy of his love.
It is a thought that leaves you thoroughly despondent as you lie in the bunk. If you are this distressed after taking a life in self-defence, how would you ever be able to participate in his culture, his identity, which is so dear to him?
Without that fighting spirit within you, you are sure you would never be able to be Mandalorian. Without being Mandalorian, it will be impossible for Din to build a life with you.
Whatever relationship the two of you have is more than likely fleeting. You will part when it becomes apparent that you are too fundamentally different to prove a compatible pairing. You know that. 
Yet, it does not stop the melancholia that such a fact provokes in you.
You understand that one day, Din Djarin will leave your life.
Knowing that evidence of your fundamentally opposing ways of life will become evident once more shortly leaves you inconsolable. Once the Razor Crest lands in Nevarro so the bounties can be offloaded Din will leave you alone for an indeterminate amount of time to be with his covert. 
Since you are not Mandalorian, you are forbidden from joining him. 
The thought of not being with him devastates you. Yet, the prospect of being alone on a planet without Din downright terrifies you after your brush with death.
Although you are frightened, you are determined not to let him see your discomfort. 
After all, it would be unfair of you to hold Din back from spending time with his tribe.
You know you will never be able to join him, yet you still respect Din's creed. You admire his devotion to his Way. You do not judge him for it, even if you are baffled by some rules Din must adhere to.
Yet, there is another reason you keep your emotions to yourself. 
You do not want to worry Din any further.
Following your brush with death, Din has been fussing over you so much that you almost feel smothered. He is watching you intently to check that the fact you have taken another’s life does not leave a scar on you. He constantly reassures you that it was self-defence and that you did the right thing. When you wake up screaming after terrible visions haunt you, Din is there in an instant to soothe your anguished soul.
Even though you are grateful for how much he cares, you want to be left alone. You feel guilty, as though you are a burden to him. Here you are, taking up so much of his precious time and energy when you are not even a member of his tribe. 
So, when Din informs you he will depart the Razor Crest to join up with his covert after the old ship finally touches down on Nevarro, you are glad to see him go.
Even if being on such a skughole makes you unsettled. You wish that you had Din’s comforting presence around to soothe your soul. But non-Mandalorians are not permitted to enter the covert’s hideout, and you respect that rule. 
So, you are alone. 
You pass the time polishing and reordering Din's assortment of weapons so they are exactly how he likes him upon his return. It is penance for the tremendous amount of extra effort he exerted in taking care of you during your journey here.
After you finish cleaning Din's most prized possessions, you stand before the weapons locker, adjusting each blaster and rifle until they are arrow straight. Din is fastidious when it comes to organising his armoury. You want to please him.
It is a task that you are still engaged in when you hear the ramp whirring. The noise makes you panic initially. Until, for your benefit, Din calls your name to reassure you that it is him returning; no one is here to harm you.
Your initial anxiety is soothed instantly by the sound of his deep voice. The apprehension is replaced by a smile at the way the syllables of your name warble through his vocoder.
You hastily close the doors to the locker. You weren't quite finished with your task yet. You do not want Din to catch a glimpse before everything is perfect.
"You're back quicker than I expected," you observe, greeting him with a look of surprise across your features.
"There was only one matter I wished to settle," Din shrugs.
"Oh?" you raise your eyebrows, wondering if it is connected to the drawstring pouch made of dark material he carries in one hand.
"Concerning you," Din simply says.
You are rendered speechless. Your initial concern is that Din has confessed to travelling with a non-Mandalorian. Perhaps it is forbidden for his tribe to befriend outsiders. Your stomach drops as you panic that Din has been forced to leave his covert in disgrace.
What if, after the skirmish, Din decided to leave you behind here on Nevarro and simply needed to ask his tribe's leader for advice so his nerves did not waver?
Your frantic train of thought halts at the thuds of Din's footsteps approaching you. Mercifully, it seems you are about to discover the nature of their conversation.
"I have something for you," Din explains as he reaches into the drawstring pouch and produces a shiny object attached to a string.
You are curious about the mysterious relic before you. You do not hesitate to reach your hand out, your palm up, ready to accept it. It glints in mid-air before Din places it into your palm. 
The sensation of the cool metal of the mysterious object
proves to be an intriguing yet comforting presence in your hand. It soothes you instantly. It is a grounding sensation you badly need. Especially after the dark places your mind has wandered to. Terrible visions and eventualities your imagination has frequented a lot recently since your brush with death.
You realise now that it is in your hand that Din has brought you a necklace. Peculiar. You wonder what in the galaxy an item of jewellery could have to do with his covert.
The metallic pendant is a shape you do not recognise; there is a long, thin strand of dark brown leather attached to the charm.
“Do you know what this is?” Din finally asks after he has left you alone to survey your gift.
You shake your head, looking up at him questioningly.
“This is the Mythosaur, an ancient creature our ancestors once rode. It is a symbol that belongs to all Mandalorians,” Din explains, gesturing a gloved fingertip at the shiny object.
You see now that the metallic outline appears to be the skull of a creature you have never heard before. With its sunken black eye sockets and intimidating, sharp features; the Mythosaur is a little intimidating. Still, you are mesmerised by its pointy teeth and long tusks. It is quite unlike anything you have ever seen. You run your thumb over the ridges, enjoying the sensation of the metal in your hand.
"I had it forged by my tribe's Armorer from the excess beskar of my new armour," Din explains, "The chain is taken from a strip of my bandolier, too."
"The craftsmanship..." you whisper, awestruck, "It's beautiful."
Then, Din says something which catches you completely off-guard. 
“I want you to be part of my Clan, cyare,” Din announces.
Your mouth falls open. You look up at Din, stunned at his declaration. He does not want to leave you behind or cast you out. He wants you to be with him forever. You begin to feel the rumbling of tears somewhere deep inside your gut. You almost allow yourself to smile.
Your moment of happiness shatters when you realise joining Din's Clan likely comes with an expectation to be Mandalorian. You hope the necklace does not come with the assumption of committing yourself to something you remain unsure that you want for yourself. 
Yet bringing that up to Din would surely disappoint him, a terrible prospect. His Way is of utmost importance to him.
“But, Din… I’m not Mandalorian,” you whisper, your eyes filling with tears as you remind him of your differences.
“It doesn’t matter,” Din shakes his head.
"Are you sure?" you breathe, stunned.
"I'm positive, cyare. You can take this necklace to any Mandalorian and say my name. If you present this to a Mandalorian covert and tell them Din Djarin set you, they will ensure you are protected and safe for as long as you need. No matter where you are in the galaxy.”
“Even though I’m not Mandalorian?” you whisper, astonished. 
“Yes. One does not have to walk The Way in order to be protected by us," Din nods.
You are stunned. For so long, you had mistaken Mandalorian covertness for exclusion. You had believed they disliked and distrusted anyone who did not follow their way of life. Now you realise that you had entirely misconstrued their seclusion. Mandalorians, it transpires, are fiercely protective over anyone they care about, an honour not restricted to their own kind.
"After what happened, I want to feel reassured by knowing that you would have somewhere to turn to for refuge if something like that were ever to happen again. More than that, I want you…” Din sighs, steadying himself. “I want you to be part of my Clan,” he adds, his voice full of certainty.
“I couldn't possibly be worthy of such a thing,” you shake your head, unable to meet his gaze, "I shot one nerfherder in self-defence and look at the toll it took on me," you scoff, fiddling with the necklace and avoiding Din's gaze.
Din is unsatisfied with your words. He brings his hand to your chin and tilts it upwards until your eyes are level with the steely gaze of his dark T-visor.
“You are absolutely worthy,” Din adds with finality and certainty in his voice that causes your chest to constrict, “You have shown as much fight and resolve as any Mandalorian warrior would be proud of. You may not be Mandalorian, but you have our spirit. Our manda, our soul. You do not have to be Mandalorian to be loved by one. So, it would be the honour of my life if you would join my Clan, cyare,” Din adds solemnly.
He takes his hand from under your chin and balls it into a fist. Then he raises his clenched fist to his chestplate and holds it over his heart. He bows his head in your direction, wordlessly demonstrating his affection for you.
With his beautiful words and deferent actions, how could you refuse such an offer?
“Then, I will happily join your clan, Din Djarin,” you whisper.
You watch with curiosity as Din takes the necklace from your hand. Then, he softly places a gloved hand on your shoulder and gently turns you around. You realise what he is doing when the pendant slides down over your chest. You smile as you feel the cool metal make contact with your skin through the cloth of the simple clothes you wear. The thin leather is a comforting presence around your neck, especially when combined with the weight of the Mythosaur.
You turn around to face Din once again. You are unable to prevent the grin that spreads across your features. For the first time since that terrifying encounter with that ghastly man, you feel a true sense of tranquillity. You no longer find yourself plagued by fear for the future.
You realise that you should probably make some profound speech of gratitude. Instead, you sigh in contentment as you stand before Din. You are too happy to find words, perfectly content merely to stand before the man you adore. A man whom, thanks to the necklace you wear around your neck, you are now bound to. 
Din brings his hands to your sides, resting them against your body as his thumbs rub fond circles into your hips. There is no fear, no uncertainty anymore.
The future for you and Din is bright.
Din eventually sighs fondly, cupping your chin with his gloved hand.
“It suits you,” he nods in approval.
You smile at the gesture and turn your lips into his fingers, placing a kiss on the soft leather there. Then, Din brings your forehead to his helmet in a gesture he has assured you is akin to a kiss in his eyes. For now, at least, it is the only way he can kiss you.
You stay like that for a few moments. 
Eventually, Din's deep voice breaks the silence. 
“Ner aliit,” Din whispers. Then adds in basic, for the benefit of your ears:
“My family.”
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xmalereader · 4 years
The Mandalorian X Son! Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
This is a Brave AU from Disney Pixar, I was watching this movie one night and just suddenly got an idea about it so why not create it?!
Summary: Reader is Din Djarins son; the Mandalore of his people but what happens when another clan decides to arrange a marriage for the son of the Mandalore but of course the reader doesn’t want to go through with that and does whatever he can to change is fathers mind.
Warnings: Fluff, humor, baby yoda, mythasor, jedis, mandalorians, great Mandalore.
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This wasn’t suppose to happen, his buir was only suppose to change his mind about this whole arranged marriage thing and not be turned into a mythasur that have been extinct for many years on Mandalore!
That cheating Jedi.
He wa going to kill him.
They were lucky they were inside their own house but yet surprised that his buir was able to fit through the halls with such a big body now that his form has changed, but that didn’t stop him from causing messes with that huge tail of his. Mythosuars were meant to be huge, big enough to kill off a group of mandalorians but lucky for him his father was only changed into a baby mythosaur that was slightly taller than him an a bit bigger.
But that didn’t matter to y/n, what matter to him was trying to get his own buir out of the building without being detected by any of the other mandalorians or else they wouldn’t hesitate to kill their own Mandalore.
Hearing things break and collapse, causes him to turn around and face his buir who was struggling to walk through the halls.
“Buir! You can’t just go down the hallway like that! Someone can see you!” He whispered out harshly as he follows him down the hall, ducking down between its large legs he crawls through and is able to stand in front of him now. “Buir—stop!” He shouts at him again as he holds up his hands in front of the mythosuar.
Din, the mythosaur huffs out some air through his nose. Glaring down at his own son in anger. “Okay, yes be upset as much as you want but you have to stop moving so much or else you’ll attract attention!” He exclaimed with crossed arms. The two giving each other a staring contest before hearing something drop on their left, slowly the two of them turn towards the sound to see a younger Mandalorian that was still in training for the creed, frozen in spot as he slowly backs away.
“Myth—“ he stutters out in fright.
Din could only stare at the other as he lifts a clawed arm up and gives him a friendly wave.
That sure did send the Mandalorian running away, shouting at the top of his lungs that a mythosaur was in the building.
“See what you did?” Y/n blurts out with a frown on his face.
Din growls at him.
Y/n rolls his eyes in return, hearing the sudden shouting from down the corridors he begins to panic. “Go! We have to leave now before they all come!” He shouts, shoving Buir down a hallway as he hismelf rushes ahead trying to find a quick an easy exit without being seen. Running down the stairs he sees a way out and laughs, “found a way, now let’s go—“ he turns around to see his buir gone.
“Buir?” He rasies a brow in confusion as he heads back up the stairs, heading towards the same direction that he came from but stops immediately when he hears a large crowd of mandalorians pass by. He hides behind a wall and groans, walking backwards he stumbles into a table and winced.
He noticed the disoriented mess, already knowing who it must’ve came from. He heads down a different hallway and into a room where he sees his big Ori'vod organizing a few statues that were considered special to the mandalorians and with buir instructing him with small gestures to place the statutes back to their usual place.
His Ori’vod notices him, his ears twitching upward in surprise as he points at the mythosaur with a shrug, wanting an explanation.
His buir huffs out in annoyance as he too points back to the small child that hasn’t aged at all.
Y/n groans as he approaches the two. “Look, a Jedi gave me a potion that could change buir and it’s not my fault!”
The child gives him a look, not being convinced but also not surprised that his own vod would do such a thing.
“Listen, Uncle Paz is probably searching the whole place with everyone else and I need your help to get buir out of here undetected!” Y/n begs with a pleading look, already knowing that everything came with a price.
The child crossed his small arms over his chest and with one arm he extends it out and gestures with his hand. ‘What will you offer in return?’ Y/n bites his lip as he thinks of an offer. “I’ll help you capture frogs for two weeks and make sure that buir doesn’t take them away!” He says but the child wasn’t convinced.
Y/n groans in frustration. “Fine, I’ll do it for a year and no more.” Finally with the child convinced he nods.
Y/n smiles in victory as he watches his Ori’vod climb onto his buir’s snout and with the help of Din he lowers his head down to allow the child to jump off and head towards the double doors. “Come on.” He follows his Ori’vod out the doors, looking down both hallways before the little womp rat makes his little escape and goes through one of his secret tunnels that only y/n knew about.
“It’s clear.” He whispers to the mythosaur who follows him closely, the two jpg down the hallways as they dodged crowds and mandalorians, having to take many different ways through the large building that was theirs. Once they reach the backdoor that was through the kitchens, y/n bolts towards the door and prys it open. “Okay lets go!”
Before he could drag his buir out, his Ori’vod appears coming down a Chimney with a grin on his little face, his ears perked up in excitement since he was proud of his own work of diversion.
Din can’t help but coo, placing his two large clawed hands over his heart.
Y/n hissed out and approaches the two. “He’ll be fine we all know he can handle hismelf, right?” He turns towards his Ori’vod who nods in agreement and yawns cutely, reaching up to rub his large eyes with his three fingered hands. Y/n smiles to hismelf, walking over to plant a small kiss on his head before grabbing buirs arm and pulling him away. “C’mon...” he whispers out as he drags his buir out of the building and towards the large open field and into the forest.
The walk towards the jedis hut took awhile, giving Din the time to give his own son a lesson about trusting Jedis and how they were not to be trusted. But of course y/n didn’t understand anything since it was all full of growls and snarls, but he had a mental idea of how the conversation would go.
Pushing aside a tree branch he ignores his buir that followed behind him. It doesn’t take long for him to spot the hut and gasp in surprise, “There!” He runs towards the small housing, not hesitating to knock loudly. “Hey! Jedi master!” He shouts out.
The door to the hut is pulled open to reveal Jedi Luke Skywalker, he wore a small smile on his face once he spots y/n. “Ah, Back so soon y/n?”
“Yes! Would you please explain this to me?!” He points towards the large mythasaur that was standing behind him and glaring down at Luke, growling between his teeth as Luke sighs softly, Unaffaid of meeting the Mandalore.
“You said that the potion would change him—and when I meant him I meant his opinion towards my marriage not to—“ he throws his arms in the air. “—Change him into a mythosaur!!”
Luke stares at the boy in frustration, sighing to hismelf he looks up at the mythosaur. “His opinion will change but it’ll take time, I can’t change him back.”
“What do you mean you can’t change him back?”
“Until the potion wares off, but for now he’s stuck like this.” This earns the Jedi a loud Roar from his buir, his large arms flailing around as he exclaims into roars.
Y/n rubs his face in frustration and turns towards Luke. “Isn’t their a faster way to help him?” He begs Luke, wanting time change his buir back to normal.
Luke takes in y/n’s pleads and shakes his head. “I’m sorry my boy but you will have to wait until sunrise for it to ware off.” He explains. “Besides,” he nudges y/n’s shoulders. “It’ll give you time to convince him to not send you off.”
Y/ns eyes open in surprise, the idea of having his own father stuck as a mythosaur without being rudely interrupted each time he tried to convince him to not agree to this marriage. It didn’t sound like a bad idea, really.
He looks away from Luke and towards his buir, giving him a knowing look before sighing through his nose. “Okay,” he whispers out, feeling Luke looking down at him and his buir tilting his head to the side, confused by what he meant before hearing his next words.
“Until sunrise.”
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Leia and Solus: Bounty Hunters
@mexicanpickletaco was listening to me ramble and decided that Leia and Solus needed to be in a buddy bounty hunter au. I believe that messages that sparked it were, “It’s dangerous for everyone because they encourage one another’s “Well fuck you, I’ve got the blaster mentality.”; “Leia is Leia. While Solus negotiates like a Mandalorian.”; and “You’ve got two bewildered husbands who are just like, “Not worth it. Let ‘em menace someone else.”
And now there’s another bullet point AU (with actual bullet points!) because I take everything as encouragement:
Han, bless his heart, is in over his head right out the gate. He’s a smuggler above all else and the other three are less smuggle, more chase the running, screaming man across three sectors because money. Solus and Leia are more “Set to stun for more money” than Boba.
That doesn’t stop Han from getting mixed up with them...repeatedly.
I would imagine Solus trained Leia in the finer arts of how to do this.
Maybe they’re doing this for the money for the Rebellion? I didn’t think that far so feel free to make stuff up to fill in the blanks.
Solus has a very nice ship clearly built for bounty hunting and that various problems they could find. 
Half of the arguments with Han stem from this.
At least.
Solus refrains from overtly freaky Jedi moves because she’s got her beskar’gam and the skills to warrant wearing it.
Tbh some of her arguments with Boba totally stem from armor dick measuring contests.
 Leia is the common sense of her outfit some days; Solus has a mentality best described as “Well, nothing’s killed me yet so something’s working.” Therefore she just goes with the impossible as Acceptable.
Solus has at one point greeted Boba by shrieking “YOU MOTHERFUCKER!” and full body launching herself at him. It was entirely over a bounty he stole that was almost hers.
Cause Boba’s Too Cool for Rules.
And Solus is Fearless.
Leia can identify the distinctive noise of beskar colliding with durasteel at 20 yards because of them.
She’s also probably got some Force training because Solus believes in using everything you have at your disposal.
Those were some Stories.
Some bartenders say their best/worst nights include Han/Leia and Solus/Boba square off because they don’t know how to just talk like normal people. Not that Boba really talks. He’s more of grunts, annoyed silence, and threats because Solus is Rage when she wants to be.
Han/Leia have less of a reputation for property damage.
Boba/Solus might as well be nicknamed Property Damage because both enjoy a good fight.
Don’t call it flirting.
It’s not.
Not at all.
Doesn’t matter if they absolutely insist on arguing with each other as a form of greeting. Or, show the slightest hint of caring for one another.
That one time Solus appeared like a fucking wraith to wreck shit because someone had Fett captured means nothing. Doesn’t matter that she would’ve got first pick of better bounties because of this. Or, that they openly fight all of the damn time. It was just luck she tracked him down and wrecked that place to keep him alive.
She exclusively calls him Fett.
Leia gets a name before Solus gets passed the “You” stage to the “Vetra” stage. Or, whatever level of insults they’re volleying at one another.
Why has Boba Fett, heartless bounty hunter, not murdered this rival? Especially such a vocal, little pain in his ass.
(No that was not a hint, Solo. Don’t you owe the Hutt more spice?)
She keeps the ranks thinned out below him and seems amiable enough to not truly attempt to kill him. Thus, he gets to keep his spot while keeping an easy eye on the competition.
(”Solo, I will sell you to the Hutt if you bring up her looks one more time.”)
(”I mean it.”)
Han is totally Force Sensitive in this because I love that headcanon. Him being so salty about is what makes me happy.
Solus and Leia just watch his Force Sensitive ass clearly use the Force and let it go. Shit’s hilarious. 
Leia and Han will argue over anything at the drop of a hat. 
It’s wonderful because they’re so tame.
No she doesn’t like him.
Yes it’s considered background noise now.
No they’ve not lost a bounty because Han was in trouble and Leia has a heart.
They’ve lost five at Solus’ last count. 
Leia and Solus are scary af running together tbh.
Leia totally still politics everything she possible can and it shines. She gets them paid double some days.
Which is good.
Cause Solus believes explosives solve everything or at least help a solution come around.
Tbh they’re probably decent con artists on the side.
Forged. Art.
Solus forges art and Leia fences it and they keep themselves up with that too.
Look, they’re both badasses.
Han is jealous.
This starting more of their fights.
No one mentions Solus and Boba have the same shoulder plate on their armor. Sand Gold with a stylized Mythosaur Head.
At least no one that isn’t okay with being shot at anyway.
(Han brought it up once.)
Solus still has her fondness for kids. It’s precious. Big, scary bounty hunter totally melts for little kiddies.
Leia and Solus have probably tried to run a con through a pod race. Leia posses as the manager and Solus gets Too Excited to race. 
Solus brings Leia home to Krownest and therefore Harti has meet her. He’s very proud of Leia for being the Common Sense. He also asks after little Bo’ika, because someone should.
Leia totally adores him. They bond. It’s sweet.
The Duo totally borrows a strill some times from Harti. It’s very sweet because they think it’s a precious baby who does fantastic work. Not to mention it adds to their Look.
Han bitches about the smell when he runs into them. Because he’s really about not running into them but totally running into them.
Chewie and Solus are friends because their People are being dumb together and that’s nice.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
So, you have chosen the HTTYD Rebels AU...
“Wolf! Wolf, get up, we have to go now!”
Wolf’s scaly black head raised instantly, and Ezra heard him whine in anxiety as he saw the limp body that Ezra was half-carrying, half-dragging across the pebbly shore.
In half a second, the dragon was beside Ezra, crouching low so he could climb up, struggling to pull Sabine with him.
Wolf whimpered again, looking at Sabine.
“She’s okay, she’s just—not awake! Go!” 
At that second, three of the biggest dragons chasing them burst out of the tunnel onto the beach with a spitting bellow of fire, their bulging eyes wide with rage. Wolf didn’t hesitate in taking to the skies, flapping away from the island as Ezra held desperately on, practically pinning Sabine between himself and Wolf so she wouldn't fall.
Ezra watched behind him, but the dragons stopped on the beach; they didn’t follow, and slowly, Wolf leveled out, circling in the thick clouds, giving Ezra a moment to think.
His first thought was that if Sabine woke up now, she'd probably smack him. Or else shove him away, making one or both of them fall off the dragon, likely to their deaths.
Straightening up, he cautiously arranged her so she was sitting in front of him—much better—and then took stock of the situation.
Conclusion? Not good.
Sabine knew about Wolf—that wasn’t bad, because she seemed to like their ride earlier and he knew she wouldn’t tell his secret—but anyone who knew was still a risk.
Then there was the island.
Ezra hadn’t exactly seen a sign put up saying Welcome to Mustafar, but he’d heard enough from Kanan to recognize the place that the swarm of dragons had taken them.
Kanan told him that Mustafar was where dragonriders went to die—where their dragons turned against them.
Besides Kanan, Ezra—and Sabine, if she counted—might well be the only dragonriders to leave that island alive.
It was obvious what he had to do—he had to talk to Kanan and Hera. They would know more than he did about this, and Ezra needed to tell someone about what he learned.
The only problem was Sabine.
Maybe he could trust her with the secret of one dragon. His dragon.
But the only way he could trust her with the location of the village, and the people and the families and the dragons there, was if he told her everything, and Ezra wasn’t ready for that.
He didn’t have a choice, though, did he?
“Here goes nothing,” Ezra muttered to himself, and nudged Wolf towards the Dragonrider village.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
1, 2, 7, 21, 30, and 66 for the ask game!
Okay, so, The first three you've chosen are ALL in the Time Heals 'Verse!!
1: Time Heals Old Hate (put your armor on)
Mace chuckled quietly to himself as he looked at the two Padawans, fast asleep on the couch in the common room of the ship. Shrugging off his cloak, he quietly draped it over them. Jacen shifted in his sleep as the cloak settled around him, and his presence started to prickle with unease. Mace understood instantly—he’d spent too long around soldiers not to recognize the telltale Force-effect of a nightmare.
hehe hoohoo angst
2: Time Heals Book 3 (Title Pending)
Sabine awoke on the shore of a lake that gleamed like a thousand stars.
7. What Time Cannot Take (Long As We Are Loved)
(This oneshot is a prequel to the main series, set shortly after Jedi Night. I've made myself cry over it twice already.)
“Could… could you teach me?” Sabine looked over at him, blinking her eyes quickly—from the blazing brightness of the Lothal sunset, and the tears burning her eyes. “Teach you?” “Teach me. The—” Ezra’s voice faltered, and he took a shaky breath. “The remembrance.”
21. Graveyards and ghost towns (and other stuff you wouldn't expect to be bonding experiences but were anyway)
Kanan pulled his phone out of his pocket, and frowned.  “Hold on. I gotta take this,” he said, and answered: “Kid, what’s up? Aren’t you at school?” Ezra didn’t answer right away, but when he did, his voice wobbled. “Mr. Jarrus? I’m… it’s…” He sniffed. “ ‘s not a good day.” Alarms started ringing in Kanan’s head. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
(you really did choose all the angsty fics, didnt'cha?)
30. How To Train Your Mythosaur
“We have one goal: end the attacks.” Ursa looked around the table in the longhouse, eyes cold. “We cannot let the dragons keep raiding our village. We have to bring the fight to them.”
66. The Surprisingly Angsty No Order 66 AU!!
“It’s not too late to back out,” Leia said, for the seventh time, as the ship touched down. Ezra shook his head, standing up. “I have to do this.” “You literally don’t, but whatever.” Leia cracked her knuckles, rolled her shoulders, and then punched his arm, just for kicks. “Now come on, blueberry. You’ve got a dinner to attend and a crapton of painful memories to relive, and I’ve got a party to crash and some Mandos to fight. Gonna be a busy day.” “Very funny,” he sighed, brushing past her and stepping out into the icy air. She smirked. “Oh, I’m not joking. You better believe I’m gonna be settling a few scores.”
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
Can you do 12, 30, 37, and 66?
Huge fan of your work! ❤️
Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! :D
12. Midnight Snacks, Space PowerPoints, And Jedi-Nightsister Intercultural Relations
Trilla mentally rescinded her earlier wish that an Initiate would do a presentation on someone besides the Guardians of the Whills. The Guardians of the Whills were fine. The Guardians of the Whills were great. None of this corpse reanimation business with them. Could everyone just do a slideshow presentation on the Guardians of the Whills? While she was thinking this, Initiate Kestis and his new friend had happily launched into a gruesome and well-illustrated description of the Nightsister mummification and burial processes. Half the class looked terrified. The other half looked enthralled. Trilla wasn’t sure which was worse.
30. How To Train Your Mythosaur AU!
Hera blinked groggily. There was a sharp noise that battered through her sleep, rousing her. Someone was banging on the door. “Dear,” she yawned, rolling over and pulling the blanket over her head. “Go see who’s knocking.” Kanan mumbled and grumbled, but she heard him get up and shuffle over to the door. It creaked open, and— “Ezra?!” Hera was awake instantly. If Ezra came all the way to the Dragonriders’ hidden village in the middle of the night, that meant either something was wrong with Wolf, or—gods forbid—his village had learned his secret, and he’d been forced to run away.
37. Star Wars/Lunar Chronicles crossover!
Ezra ran down the hallway as fast as his legs could take him. He knew Zeb would scold him for running out on their coronation-planning-discussion, but he had to find out. The rumor that someone in the Blue Fever quarantines had gotten better had been flying everywhere for days, and he’d done his best to ignore it, because it couldn’t be true. But now the rumor was that the recovered victim had been brought to the palace to consult with Dr. Oldman, and it was too hard not to hope anymore. If someone had recovered, then maybe they could develop a treatment. If they could develop a treatment, then maybe Ezra wouldn’t lose his best friend to the same sickness that had taken both his parents from him. Maybe they could save Sabine.
66. The Surprisingly Angsty No Order 66 AU!
“Did you want us to be together?” Ezra whispered, voice cracking with emotion. For a second, she couldn’t even answer, and he continued. “Did you feel anything for me, Sabine? Did you mean it? Even a little?” She stared up into his aching gaze. The way his eyes fixed on her made her feel things she thought she’d never feel again. Sabine drew a breath— And she lied.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
How to train your mythosaur because that sounds like a headcanon that I also have 👀
Woohoo!! So this is an AU that I only recently came up with a name for, because up until then I was calling it "The Rebels HTTYD AU." So, basically, it's Rebels, but in the setting of HTTYD, and the plots are kind of combined.
There's also a Mythosaur, as the title implies.
So now I present a snippet for your enjoyment!
“You’re taking this really well,” Ezra said, haltingly. Sabine laughed, but she didn’t sound very amused. “Yeah. Sure. I’m taking this well. I’m taking this great! It’s not like you have a PET DRAGON OR SOMETHING!” “Never mind, you’re taking this horribly. Also, Wolf is my friend, not a pet.” “Oh, and that’s so much better!” She started pacing, waving her arms around like she didn’t know what to do with them. “You start spending time alone, I figure you’re just moody. You start sneaking off, I think maybe you’re just going through the angsty teen phase. You start skipping our training, which you used to say was your favorite part of the week, and I think I must have made you upset or something! But NO! You’re spending all your time hanging out with a DRAGON, instead of—” She broke off her sentence. Ezra stared at her, then crossed his arms and leaned against Wolf’s side. “Instead of?” he repeated, raising an eyebrow. “Instead of—of—doing normal things!” she sputtered, almost sounding a little flustered. He started to smile, but pushed it back. “Instead of… hanging out with you?” “No! Yes! Instead of doing anything! Which, includes, hanging out with me, but also, like, lots of other stuff—” “You’re jealous.” She gaped at him. Then she put her hands on her hips. “I am NOT!” Sabine’s holler echoed through the crevasse, and some ways away, a flock of birds screeched as they burst from the trees. “You’re jealous,” Ezra repeated, biting his lip to keep his grin back. “Of a dragon.” “No, I’m not!” “You are jealous that I’m friends with a dragon.” “I—” She stopped and ran her hands through her hair, and then she threw her arms out with a snarl. “Okay, fine! Maybe I got a little used to being your only friend and maybe it feels a little WEIRD that you’re hanging out with someone else too, but it’s not jealousy! It’s just… other things. That are not jealousy. BECAUSE.” Sabine squared her shoulders and gave him a glare that couldn’t take the grin off his face. “I am NOT. JEALOUS. of a DRAGON.”
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
So, I had y'all decide what writing snippet I should share, and it ended up being close between Post-Malachor Angst, Princessoka Shenanigans, How To Train Your Dragon (Rebels Edition), and Modern AU family fluff, but in the end dragons won. So here ya go!!
It was pretty telling that when Ezra woke up to the sound of screaming, roaring, and the panicked bleating of sheep, his first thought was “oh, not the dragons again.”
“Dragons?” you ask. “Why don’t you just leave, if they’re such a problem?”
This is a Viking village, remember? “Cut your losses” is not in their vocabulary. Neither is “strategic retreat.” Or “common sense.”
Fun fact: I am not a Viking.
Ezra stumbled out of his bed, still half-asleep, pulling on his vest and shoes and running out the door. The heat of dragonfire licked at him as he dodged flaming debris and weapon-wielding Vikings.
An unfortunately familiar voice rang out as he darted by a woman whose small stature somehow made her more intimidating.
“What is he doing out here? Get to the forge, boy!”
“Yes, Ma’am!” Ezra hollered back, veering sharply and making his way to the blacksmith’s shop.
She shook her head as she watched him go. “Oh, that boy, I swear…”
That lady, right there? She’s the village’s chieftess: Ursa the Dauntless. She is not, shall we say, my biggest fan.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
How To Train Your Mythosaur
Graveyards and ghost towns (and other stuff you wouldn't expect to be bonding experiences but were anyway)
I'm interested in both of these so if you'd like to ramble about one or both of them, the floor is yours.
Both? Both. Both is good.
So for HTTYM—something I had a lot of fun with was the characters. Ezra, obviously, is Hiccup. But he didn't really have a parent-figure in Rebels that fit the vibe for Stoick, so I played with that a bit. Ezra is raised by the village blacksmith, Zeb. The chief of the village is actually, in fact, a chieftess—Ursa the Dauntless. And Hiccup and Stoick's character development/relationship goes to Sabine and Ursa.
In this AU, the village—Krownest—is surrounded by forests, and that's where a lot of the dragons live. Rumor has it that Ezra was found as a baby, asleep in a dragon's nest, and Zeb took him in. The village nicknamed him "Dragonson" because, yknow, he was found in the nest, and by doing that, they completely ruined any chances of him being popular or ever having friends.
Sabine is the exception.
She had An Incident in her past that made her an outcast for a long time, and she and Ezra became friends basically because nobody else wanted to be friends with them. Now, by the time the fic happens, she's started to regain her former popularity, and is having trouble balancing her need to prove herself to her mother and her old friendships that are starting to reconnect, with her friendship with Ezra, who doesn't fit in the "future chieftess" life she's supposed to have.
And the conflict only gets worse, once she realizes he's keeping secrets from her.
Big, black, dragon-sized secrets named Wolf.
Graveyards and ghost towns! This is the sequel to November blizzards, which was the first fic I ever posted. It's a Rebels Modern AU, where Sabine and Zeb are Kanan and Hera's foster kids, Chopper is the family's psycho dog, and Ezra is the kid they found in a dumpster (no, seriously.)
The sequel is about what happened after November Blizzards, how they found each other again, and how Ezra gradually got adopted into the family. I have lots of plans for it! Mostly family fluff and a bit of angst.
A snippet, perchance?
Ezra sighed, kicking his feet up on the armrest of his futon couch. He should probably go to sleep. The cool night air breezed through the screenless window, making him shiver, but at least it helped keep the smell of cigarettes out of his room. Everything was silent, and peaceful, and— “So do I need to throw hands with your evil stepsmuncle, or what?” Sabine demanded, hauling herself over the windowsill and tumbling onto his rug, and Ezra barely muffled a startled shriek. “What are you doing here?” he hissed, and then: “Stepsmuncle?” “Cinderezra and the evil stepsmuncle,” she said, brushing herself off as she stood. “What’s so confusing about that?” Ezra sighed, sitting up. “Sabine, you really need to leave.” He gave a nervous look to his closed door. He didn’t think sound would be loud enough to carry, but… “If Maul finds you here, we're gonna be in a lot of trouble.” “Because I'm your friend who cared enough to drive across town for you, or because I'm a girl who snuck into your room in the middle of the night?” “Both.”
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jessicas-pi · 8 months
This Is Getting Out of Hand Now There Are Two of ALL of Them or How to Train Your Mythosaur for the wip ask game please
This Is Getting Out of Hand Now There Are Two of ALL of Them (formerly titled *weird al intensifies* as a reference to his song I Think I'm A Clone Now) is an AU where the entire Ghost crew gets sent back in time to pivotal points in their past selves' lives!
Hera goes back to when her mother died.
Kanan goes back to Order 66 on Kaller.
Ezra goes back to when his parents were taken.
Sabine goes back to when she was left for dead.
Zeb goes back to the aftermath of Lasan.
Chopper does not go back in time because the galaxy could not survive two of him.
They all take on new names (that are sly references on my part to the things they were named after--e.g. Hera takes on the name Juno--tragically i have not figured out one for Zeb as i have no idea what he was named after, if he was named after anything) and adopt their past selves in one way or another. Emotional reunions abound as they all reunite with each other once more.
(Also, Hera was still pregnant with Jacen when she went back in time, so Jacen is there too! He's around the same age as past!Sabine and past!Ezra. Jacen knows about the time travel.)
They do not tell their past selves that they are them from the future. Past!Kanan figured it out because of their Force-presences, past!Hera caught on when future!Hera and future!Kanan reunited, and past!Zeb eventally caught on, but past!Ezra and past!Sabine are entirely clueless.
there's also a lot of matchmaking shenanigans. Future!Hera and future!Kanan are trying to set their past selves up together. Past!Sabine is certain that if only she can get her "cousin" and Ezra's "older brother" to 'fess up to their feelings and tie the knot, she can aggressively family-zone past!Ezra and he'll get over his crush (and therefore also get over his jealousy-fueled beef with Jacen, who is very aware of the irony of the situation but keeps his mouth shut and plays along because he thrives on chaos.) Future!Zeb and past!Zeb commiserate over the ridiculous nonsense of it all but still sometimes team up to lock past!Kanan and past!Hera in a closet together. it doesn't work. it never works.
(Unbeknownst to everyone, past!Kanan and past!Hera are actually already a couple and are just keeping it secret to mess with everyone.)
Chaos abounds. Things are fixed. Neither of the Kanans die. There is no purrgilling. All is happily ever after.
The End
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jessicas-pi · 9 months
WIP tag game
Tagged by @tarisilmarwen
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I have a terrifying number of WIPs so I'm not going to do every single one but here's most of them, semi-organized by time period:
TCW fics:
Matchmaking, Mad Science, And Accidental Child Acquisition: How To Bother Your Bodyguard, Befriend Some Social Outcasts, Raise A Foundling, And Survive The Ongoing Sheevery (You Might Just Fall In Love, Too)
Ugh, look what you made me do
Jaig Eyes and Diamonds
Midnight Snacks, Space PowerPoints, And Jedi-Nightsister Intercultural Relations
the sheevery ends and the shenanakins begin
Fives' Blyla Fic (Feat. Jesse's Beta Reader Notes)
A Friend in Need (of therapy and maybe a nap)
The Secret Life Of Queen Apailana
The Pad(awan) Batch
Rebels/OT fics:
Paint Bombs, Pixie Cuts, And Elopement: How To Spite Your Mother, Troll Your Friends, Scandalize High Society, And Escape An Arranged Marriage (You Might Just Stop A War, Too)
rebelvengers assemble
Licorice offerings (and other ways to cope)
Graveyards and ghost towns (and other stuff you wouldn't expect to be bonding experiences but were anyway)
that awkward moment when your bf's family is a bunch of oversized judgy canines
Starbirds and Wolves
Yes, I’ve Been Brokenhearted (Blue Since The Day We Parted)
All I've Learned Has Overturned
It's A Rich Man's World
We're In This Together
April's Tomfoolery
In Hindsight, This May Not Have Been The Best Idea
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm hOOKED ON A FEEELLING
Local Teenagers' Vacation Ruined By Tropes, More At Six
the jetpack fic
This Is Fine
The Phantom(s) Of The Eclipse
this is getting out of hand now there are two of ALL of them
and they were CELLMATES
Commit To The Bit
The Promises AU
How To Train Your Mythosaur
It's About Time
Lost In (Wild) Space
Frances Hodgson Burnett Star Wars Rebels Crossover
Parenting For Dummies
Philosophies, Prophecies, And Even More Found Family
road trip! road trip!
Twin Blades And Beskar
Runie Kressa Wridger’s Guide To Human-Merfolk Relationships: Friends, Enemies, Family, And Really Hot Guys You’re Gonna Marry Someday.
The Rebel Chronicles
even more adoption
Ship Wars
You Could Do Better
she would not, in fact, Let It Go
Other fics:
Time Heals Old Hate (put your armor on)
Time Heals Shaken Hope (brave the coming night)
Time Makes Things Known
Time Tells Most Secrets (and quinlan tells the rest)
What Time Cannot Take (long as we are loved)
bo-katan and her tin can man
untitled modern au
local goth space prince adopts 31 assassins: could this be a redemption arc?
And since there's no way I'm going to be able to tag 56 people, I'll do an open tag to literally anyone who wants to play!
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
so I am a bit of a sucker for the concept of Force-sensitive Sabine Wren. I just think it's sad that Tarre Vizsla (Viszla? I can never remember) is the only Jedilorian out there.
And I've done an Inquisitor!Sabine AU, and an AU where Sabine becomes a Jedi when she's in her 20s, but I've never done an AU where she was raised as a Jedi. Except now I have!
I can see this going one of two ways:
It follows the canon timeline
It begins right before the Siege of Mandalore main battle. Sabine is two-ish, and just starting to make things float.
Her parents know what this means. They also know that if they lose the coming battle, if Maul wins, there's a possibility he'll find Sabine.
They would rather send their daughter away than risk that.
Plus... Ursa can't help thinking about Tarre Vizsla.
So Ursa brings her daughter along when Bo-Katan and Ahsoka meet up with the Dream Team and gives her to Skywalker-and-Kenobi with instructions to bring her to the Jedi temple.
A few days later, when O66 goes down, Sabine is in the creche.
But Padawan Dume sprained his ankle just before the mission to Kaller. He had to stay behind. It's healed by the time the 501st marches on the temple.
That means that he's able to run away.
And if he happens to accidentally rescue a toddler on his way out, well, that's just a bonus.
When they're safe, hidden away, Caleb thinks to ask the kid for her name. She stops chewing on her hand long enough to say "Bean."
Thus Begin The Adventures Of Caleb And Bean
Since they meet a lot earlier, their dynamic is more like siblings instead of Space Dad and Space Daughter. Granted, siblings with a 12 year difference, but still siblings.
In this universe, Sabine has no idea she's Mandalorian. She just thinks she was a completely normal crecheling, not The Next Tarre Viszla. Somehow she still gets her hands on armor. Not beskar, but still armor.
She also dual wields. She's weaponizing both of her hands. Why have one invincible plasma sword when you can have TWO
They still join the Ghost crew. They always join the Ghost crew. my space family is destined to vibe together.
I can't decide if this change means ezra has no crush on her, or an even bigger crush on her. (I guess it depends on if you ship them or not.) Because they could either be like Sabine: kanan was MY jedi master FIRST, get your OWN Ezra: well he said he'd train ME, TOO, so YOU'RE just gonna have to DEAL WITH IT
OR they could be like sabine: *does some sort of super cool jedi thing with her two laser swords and a spin kick in the middle of a fight* ezra: she could step on me and i would thank her
actually yknow what
Tumblr media
Ahsoka gives her Jar'Kai lessons.
IDK how, but this turns into a fix-it eventually.
It's an Everything Is Happy timeline.
Palpatine dies offscreen somewhere.
I think it starts the same, with the send-Sabine-to-the-temple-for-safety. Except then nothing goes wrong!
Ursa insists Sabine learn about her heritage as well as get Jedi Lessons and the council is like, ok, fine, Mirialans get to do that, I guess Mandalorians can, too.
At age thirteen, she becomes Ahsoka's Padawan. With her penchant for large explosions, it's only right that she become part of the Disaster Lineage.
Anakin: you're my favorite grandpadawan Sabine: I'm your only grandpadawan
anakin is definitely the grandpa who spoils her rotten
Plus, Cool Uncle Rex.
She still gloms onto Caleb but it's more of a dadfriend thing. She's definitely Ahsoka's padawan, through and through.
Also, during her time in the creche, she absolutely corrupted all the other younglings. There was a petition to change the clan name to mythosaur clan. a couple of the younglings decide they want armor, too, when they grow up.
The clones all think she's the best baby sister.
A while into Sabine's padawanship, Master Tano gets sent on a mission with Master Dume. They bring their respective padawans.
(ezra was definitely part of loth-wolf clan in the creche)
mace: so how did my great-grandpadawan do on his first mission? caleb: good, except for when he got distracted by master tano's apprentice and walked face first into a doorframe ezra: yknow you really don't need to keep telling people about that
but then ezra sees caleb's reaction to that pilot lady from ryloth that they end up running into on a different mission and gets his sweet sweet revenge
ezra: HAHA you're in LOVE caleb: i am not. ezra: YOU'RE caleb: padawan. ezra: IN LOVE caleb: padawan. ezra: YOU'REINLOVE
(Ezra says this while Hera is, like, three feet away.)
Imagine the headache Mace Windu gets when he realizes that his great-grandpadawan is best friends with someone who is (a) Anakin "walking dumpster fire" Skywalker's grandpadawan, (b) Ahsoka "I tear out the innards of a droid with my teeth" Tano's padawan, and (c) a crazy dual-wielding Mandalorian Jedi.
Please. Please picture Sabine, wearing a mix of traditional Jedi robes and Mandalorian armor (jetpack included of course,) Jar'Kai-ing her way through a base full of holdout separatist droids that have captured her family (a la The Last Battle from rebels s3).
Meanwhile, that family, tied up somewhere, watching: Anakin: YES THAT IS MY GRANDDAUGHTER LOOK AT HER GO LOOK AT HER KICK BUTT Cody: HAHA I TAUGHT HER THAT SPIN KICK Ahsoka: TEAR EM TO PIECES, KID Rex: *unintelligible whooping* Obi-Wan, feeling a strange kinship to Mace Windu: you're all terrible influences
oh my gosh. sabine and padme friendship. yes. this is good.
I think at some point something happens and Ahsoka, Sabine, Caleb, and Ezra are all stuck on this planet with Hera and Chopper and a Lasat who they don't know but who pays them to give him a ride, and their only ship is the Ghost, but the hyperdrive broke and they have to go on the galactic equivalent of a cross-country road trip that takes several days and has a lot of shenanigans along the way. I might elaborate more on that later.
oh darn it now i wanna write a modern AU where the ghost is a big old station wagon and it's a road trip buddy comedy thing
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