#dusan nemec imagine
swanimagines · 4 years
E28 Dusan nemec x fem reader? Pretty please?
Fandom: Watch Dogs
A/N: I hope you like it!!
Warnings: a fight
Word count: 482
Prompt: E28. Admitting something
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You always believed Dušan would never hide anything from you - you loved him more than anyone in the whole world, and you felt so lucky that you’ve found him.
But finding out disturbing facts about his business - what Blume and CTOS really did, collecting private information from people and always having a huge risk for it to fall into wrong hands, which would make the city a mess - was a tough thing to swallow. And Dušan didn’t even admit it at first.
“Y/N, listen to me. CTOS is the safest system possible, hackers won’t get in. The police is immediately alarmed if…. DedSec, for example, tries to penetrate it.”
You scoffed, showing him a screenshot from a video of a hacker sneaking around in a Blume’s building, distracting guards by making their headset malfunction and sending text messages. “What’s this then?”
“It’s…” he pursed his lips, knowing very well you’d see right through his lies. “All right, that’s a DedSec member, but we know who he is. We can catch him.”
“If he’s skillful enough to attack the system, why wouldn’t there be others?” you laid the picture back to the table, still trying to process that CTOS could actually put the whole city upside down - cars malfunctioning, driving over people and to the sea, making false alarms to the police, distracting them from real crimes… the system was dangerous.
“Because if we catch Marcus, we can force him to tell us their methods - and we’ll improve CTOS that way so hackers wouldn’t get in ever again.” he sounded frustrated, speaking quickly and his voice rising momentarily with some words.
“I can’t believe you’re still running the system even when you can clearly see it’s not safe enough.” you averted your eyes to the floor from the picture. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because it’s none of your business!” he shouted, his frustration finally getting hold of him and you staggered back, turning your back to him. He was scared himself too, knowing that maintaining such system which was unsafe and collecting private information from people was against the law too. If he was caught, his whole life would be ruined. But he had too much money in it, he couldn’t pull it back, couldn’t give up.
But now when you had found out, was he choosing his company and money over you? You didn’t approve it. He pondered a bit and approached you, rubbing your arms from behind.
“I assure everything will be alright.” he muttered and you turned to face him. “I’ll talk about this in a meeting tomorrow.”
You smiled in relief, and Dušan felt a squeeze of guilt in his chest. It was a lie to protect you. He cared too much to let you go, but too little to get rid of his company. He just couldn’t help but hope that you’d see that one day.
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braindedsec · 7 years
How they would react, when someone treated you like shit or insulted you
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He won’t hesitate to defend you. First with words, but when the asshole continues to be an asshole, he will kick their ass until the butt-cheeks will look like those from a baboon.
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Oh Boi. This dude will not only kick their ass, but also burn their house down, eat their hamster and bleach their asshole :’D
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If someone fucks with her bae, she will turn into a fury. But her revenge would be more artistic and with style. BURN MOTHERFUCKER BURN-
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Even though he’s everything but a physical type and actually a total introvert, he would find other ways to teach this douche a lesson in respect.  For example, to hack all their social media accounts and make them look like shit on the internet (and basically everywhere where it’s possible)
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Also not really the thuggish/physical type. He prefers to use words to put the person in the right place and hell if he moves into gear, there will be no end.  Unless the person gets physical… then heads will roll (symbolically…not like with Wrench or Sitara. Or Jordi-(especially Jordi!))
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Someone insulted- or was rude to you? Ok. Hopefully the person can get used to the thought of a life without arms and legs.  LITERALLY.
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You can be sure that Dusan will firstly destroy them verbally- the tone in his voice will run chills down their spine- and THEN if needed, he will rip off the ass of the idiot and sew it back on their face.
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Hahaha. He will let this dumbass know with whom he is dealing. When it comes to this, he will see red and turn into a beast. He will shout insults in return ( but thousand times more creative and probably more hurtful) AND also would let his fists talk for him. And that with full force. (except if it’s a woman...)
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- and afterwards (depending how you’re feeling) there will be also a marvelous aftermath. (hopefully his/her car was insured)
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imagine young(er) Dusan wearing his hair down before he started putting it in a bun. it must have gotten in his face whenever he was coding so he had to either tuck it behind his ear or use bobby pins (or maybe a ponytail?)
YES!!! cute messy haired Dusan Nemec who just keeps sighing in annoyance as he brushes his hair out of his face. the first time he puts his hair in a ponytail its out of spite and its all messy and bumpy on the top cause he just... grabbed it in a fist and double wrapped the hair tie (it doesnt even STAY! he keeps having to tighten his hair and its annoying! he’s tired! triple or quadruple wrap it next time!)
he gets better a ponytails and it’s second nature. the only thing he hates is when u leave ur hair in a ponytail for too long, it just kinda... imprints?? so it stays like that when u take out the hair tie. but he just gets 2 a point where... its a Lot easier and its normal to comb carefully then tie it up. 
imc rying thank u this is blessed i love Dusan Nemec and his long hair lets talk more abt younger Dusan in his pre-blume days aND HIS MESSY HAIR!!!
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torentialtribute · 5 years
MATCH OF THEIR DAY: The moment of magic – and a little luck – that changed Karel Poborsky’s life 
On a sunny afternoon in Birmingham on Euro 96, Karel Poborsky – until then Team player from the Czech Republic, known for his hair as his talent – captured the ball about 40 meters from during the quarterfinals against Portugal.
What happened next meant that Poborsky would be more than an interesting hairstyle
The 24-year-old produced a moment of magic, a goal of some imagination – with a little happiness – that his life and career changed forever. Poborsky went to the tournament as a player of Slavia Prague. After this he was on his way to Manchester United .
It came 53 minutes for a previously unabashed match at Villa Park. The right foot Poborsky received the ball on the left, surrounded by four red Portuguese shirts. As Rui Costa pushed in to expropriate him, Poborsky stepped forward and avoided him.
Now there were three. Poborsky showed Paulo Sousa, Fernando Couto and Oceano. A rippling ocean, however, and suddenly Poborsky was over. And he was 20 meters outside.
Had panic intervened, the speed of things in a fraction of a second would have made that unforgivable. But Poborsky had to decide on the 18-meter line. It's just that no one had foreseen this choice except him.
& # 39; Baia was well off his goal, so I thought it was easiest to do it, & # 39; Poborsky said about his act of amazing spatial awareness, & # 39; what I could do very well. The ball went so high that I thought it couldn't end up in the goal. But then it happened. "
It was enough to beat Portugal and bring the Czech Republic to the semi-finals.
Portugal was favorite – they had just beat Croatia 3-0 – but while they had enough possession, an old failure
A red card for Czech, Radoslav Latal, Portugal gave a new impulse after 82 minutes, but Jorge Cadete then missed the only big chance.
Patrik Berger was the star. Poborsky started only one of the 10 qualifying matches – a 0-0 draw with the Dutch – and did only a few replacement appearances.
CZECH REPUBLIC 1 PORTUGAL 0 EURO 96 quarterfinals, June 23, 1996, VILLA PARK
CZECH REPUBLIC (4-4-2): Kouba; Latal, Kadlec, Nemecek (Berger, 90), Suchopárek; Nemec, Poborsky, Bejbl, Hornak; Kuka, Smicer (Kubic, 46). Scorer: Poborsky 53
Manager: Dusan Uhrin.
Attendance: 26,832
PORTUGAL (4-3-3): Baia; Secretary, Oceano (Folha, 65), Couto, Joao Pinto; Sa Pinto (Domingos, 46), Costa, Dimas; Helder, Sousa, Figo (Cadete, 82)
Manager: Antonio Luis Oliveira Ribeiro
Referee: Hellmut Krug (Ger) [19459005
When Euro 96 started, however, it was in the opening class against Germany. With the Germans 2-0 higher during the break, Poborsky was replaced.
But he started the second game against Italy and delivered the cross with which Pavel Nedved scored his first international goal. Italy was beaten 2-1.
The goal against Portugal was then followed by a penalty in the shootout against France, which brought the final with Germany. Although Berger trailed the Czechs 1-0 after the fall of Poborsky with Matthias Sammer, Germany won 2-1 in Wembley.
When the team returned to Prague, they received a heroes & # 39; welcome and soon the players received offers.
He had just won the Czech competition with Slavia. His next club game would be for United against Everton. But Poborsky had David Beckham in front of him and he didn't enjoy his two seasons at Old Trafford.
& # 39; It was really hard for me there. I didn't speak English and I was still young, & Poborsky said. & # 39; The united team was already full of great players. & # 39;
He moved to Portugal – Benfica – on the way to 118 hats. Only Petr Cech has more.
Initially, Poborsky irritated the fame of the Euro 96 goal. But I have come to understand what it means for Czechs. Last year he, Nedved and others had their heads carved on the coins of the country. Poborsky & # 39; s was stamped at Villa Park in 1996.
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braindedsec · 7 years
Imagine: Falling asleep/ Sleeping next to them
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-probably is the one who falls asleep first
- is the big spoon
-definitely a cuddler
-  is a human heater
- will snuggle his nose in your nape
- the calmer you breathe, the faster he will fall asleep Wrench:
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-he will wait until you fall asleep first
-after your eyes are closed and your breath is constantly calm, and he is 100% sure you are sleeping, he would finally take off his mask
- he figured out, that you fall faster asleep when you lay your head on his chest and he stroke you lightly over your back and shoulders
- will have problems to sleep when you don’t lie next to him
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- you will be the first who gives in and fall asleep
- she would pet your head to help you find sleep faster
- is extremely comfortable- even more than the best and biggest pillow that exist
-if someone wakes you up (even by accident), he’s dead
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-it will take some time until he gets used to someone sleeping next to him
-seeing you, doubtlessly the most beautiful human being in his eyes, so peacefully next to him would be one of the most adorable things he’d ever seen
-his eyes would surely glint by your pure view
- would be afraid to move because he doesn’t want to wake you up
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- he’s a night owl
- after you fell asleep, he would stand up carefully and bring you the softest blanket and the most comfortable pillow he could find (you can bet your ass on it that he will find them)
- he'll make sure, that no one is going to interrupt your sleep - trust me, no one
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-kinda the creepy but also cute starrer while you sleep
- 3 hours of sleep are enough for him. Alcohol and caffeine will keep him up (or alive) during the day
- he WILL stare at you
-…and wait until you wake up if he has the time (but tbh, it’s Jordi. He will take the time)
- is a sleeptalker
Dušan :
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- thanks to his work he stays up late in the night
- so, it’s most likely that you fall asleep first
- he’s the kind of person, who will carry you to your bed and that without waking you up.
- he has an astoundingly calm voice so it’s actually very easy for him to buzz you to sleep if you have some trouble to do so.
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- I think the gif speaks for itself  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Our boi Dusan for the meme
First impression: honestly the first time i saw him in the trailers and stuff i was like ‘oh shit. i just know im gonna love that man’
Impression now: and i was right. i love Dusan Nemec he’s a trash man. he’s such a mess but i love it?? like he’s a great villain dude. hes a fantastic villain. hes a handsome ridiculous shitty villain and it’s great. i actually rly love the writing for him.
Favorite moment: i actually love his first cutscene in Motherload?? him arguing with Mary Catskill. my fave line from that is ‘Oh, I heard you Mary. The first motherfucking dozen times.’ lmao it made me laugh the 1st time i heard it
Idea for a story: i mean. im working (loosely) on the cost of conspiracy... where Marcus is Dusan’s personal assistant :/ so there’s that. i wanna write a lot of Dusan stuff but that’s the extent of my ideas.
Unpopular opinion: he’s fucking fantastic duh. like that’s my opinion and 99% of the fandom seems in disagreement for some reason?? like i LITERALLY CANNOT COMPREHEND why this fandom doesn’t like Dusan Nemec. like i genuinely don’t get it, bc everyone in the original fandom was on Damien’s dick, and imo Damien was a much worse person than Dusan could ever hope to be.
Favorite relationship: i love love love love love Dusan and Marcus’s canon relationship. like they r very clearly equals. on the same level. they can meet eyes, but they don’t see eye to eye. i love how they can go toe to toe with each other and sometimes get a leg up on the other one only for them to catch up and fuck them over. idk. i just love their relationship.
Favorite headcanon: well he’s a mess so jot that down. i dont know.... headcanons... fat asses and lean cocaine? lmao can u imagine Dusan just snorting coke off his desk and then going to fight with Marcus at !nvite sdkjfhkjds fim laughign what the fuck he totally would.
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