leafpool-loves-ashfur · 10 months
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?????? okay
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rnainframe · 10 months
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yarnclan · 1 year
CrystalClan part 6
Being Thornstar is suffering.
7th Newleaf
Duskspot and Braveblaze travel to CressClan and ClawClan respectively to sure up their allegiances. All out war is sure to break out between CrystalClan and ShineClan any day.
Lightpelt, is honored for her phlegmatism and welcomed as a full warrior. Some question this move given Lightpelt’s little stunt with Sunpaw and Stempaw.
Spikeheart is honored for his golden heart, as he’s always finding a way to help others, awwww
Dusktooth is honored for her generosity, and hunting talent. Her and Spikeheart rely on each other quite a bit.
With the those last ceremonies under her belt, Sharpstar, the cat who’d led a band of outcasts away from a war-shattered clan, dies. Her body simply to old to continue supporting her. Thornwater is torn apart by grief. He’s lost a dear friend, but he knows no he has no choice. He travels to the Moon Crystal to receive his nine lives, Rosypelt, Shineclaw, Spottedmint, and Goldcreek going with them. I’ll write a separate thing up for that. But he does get a life from Spotstripe, who wasn’t even dead yet when they left, Thornstar learns they died of yellowcough from them showing up to give him a life. This is just the worst time ever.
He makes Rosypelt deputy. He just needs someone he can rely on.
Except also during his first gathering as a leader, ShineClan officially declares war on CrystalClan. Citing the fact that they are weirdo outsiders who live in gross dirty tunnels as the main reason they should leave and go back to where they came from.
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Midnight Goddess returns home! She’s really sad to hear about Berrylight, and offers what insight she can.
Stempaw went missing for a few days....
Duskspot was bitten by a snake but survived. He was quite shocked to see Braveblaze so upset. He’s reminded distantly of his mate from long ago. Braveblaze admits to his feeling for the other tom, and the two become mates.
Tulipnose finds an abandoned kit and brings him back to camp, he names him Velvetkit.
7th Greenleaf
Ever since Midnight came home, Hazelholly has become even more obsessed with finding Berrylight. Chasingcloud is still helping him, having just kinda become caught up in his passion, and wishing to find her sister as well. But she also finds herself thinking of him romantically. Hazelholly seems to also rely on her quite a lot. But she’s also just not sure if she’s just trying to fill the void in her heart that Riverstone left. And she’s more aware than most cats that Hazelholly is only focused on finding Berrylight.
Sunpaw is the first of his contemporaries to be made a warrior. Honored for her dedication and named Sunfox. She’s grown up to be extreamly responsible and level headed... about most things. She’s still kinda gaga for Tawnypaw.
Thornstar manages to sooth over all of the disagreements that led to the war in the first place. The situation is helped by ShineClan’s old leader passing away. Their new leader is happy for them to both move forward in peace. Though Thornstar does concede to letting them keep the bit of territory they claimed. Something that isn’t a very popular move within CrystalClan.
Web, one of the medicine cats has a frightening dream, on a night when thunder rolls ahead, and hail is audible through the roof of CrystalClan’s caverns. She sees and feels a great hole open in the middle of their camp, the inky blackness cut by a vision of a twig with a blaze of fire at both ends. A twin flame will save the clan from darkness... but beware.... Web wakes suddenly, and feels almost as though she was on fire. In the morning she relays this to the other medicine cats and Thornstar and Rosypelt. Orange seems quite interested. Thornstar seems rather worried, but together reasons with Rosypelt that there isn’t much they can do but wait.
Tawnybird is made a warrior, and honored for her spirit, she’s grown into a bold, and rather quick to anger cat. She greatly dislikes being interrupted from her business. 
Newtflash managed to flourish under Cricketspeck’s tutelage, becoming a great conversationalist and a cat that many turn to for her insight and empathy.
Leopardleap is honored for her compassion and energy. Stoatplume helped her learn a lot more social grace.
Stemstripe never did gain much respect for Plumflake. His standards for what makes a “good warrior” seem to only get higher and higher. They are standards that he very much holds himself to, often working himself too hard. Getting heatstroke and trying to fight off a snake while still suffering the effects soon after his and his contemporary’s ceremonies.
Soon after the twin flame prophecy, Tulipnose, Stonewhisker, Roachfoot and Midnight find a loner named Apricot. His healing knowlage and topnotch eyesight make him a valuable asset, but it's the color of those eyes that excite the other medicine cats the most. As they are a deep flame-orange. In other news that means CrystalClan has 7 medicine cats. That could be 8 if we put Spottedmint back. 
7th Leaf-fall
Much to his former apprentice’s embarrassment, Plumflake goes missing for a few days and comes back with a spiky collar.
Chasingcloud, after missing for a few days was, found dead on the far edges of CrystalClan’s territory. It was likely that she was on another trip to search for Berrylight, as she often was. It’s unclear how she died, but there was strong evidence that another cat did it. Hazelholly can barely process what happened. He feels responsible, as he’d been a driving force in their quest to find Berrylight. And because he’d been so caught up in his obsession with it he’d now lost a chance to be with a cat that he’d cared about deeply. Thornstar is also quite upset, loosing another kit so soon after Spotstripe.
While on patrol Web and Orange find two kits huddling near the body of a recently murdered queen, and name them Fishkit and Pondkit. A day or so later, while on patrol Gustclaw finds a slightly older kit, who has a wild story about a pink cat and a big dog attacking and killing the cat who’d been looking after her. Her name is Lowkit.
Stemstripe succumbed to an infection in his snakebite. Sunfox and Leopardleap grieve their brother, who’s life was cut so short.
Velvetpaw is apprenticed to Roachfoot who's a good match for his high levels of energy and boldness. He eagerly pesters her with questions about her old clan and what life in the twoleg place was like.
A former kittypet joins the clan after meeting with Thornstar a few times. He takes the name Shadedapple to fit in a little better. He’s a great hunter and has interesting stories of his life on something called a “boat”.
In the middle of camp one day Lowkit collapses in a seizure. But she bounces back quickly and sneaks out of camp the very next day. But it soon becomes clear the seizure wasn’t a one off.
Pondkit catches falles ill. And dies. Fishkit also falls ill, and while they do recover, it becomes clear the illness left one of their legs weaker than the others.
8th Leafbare
Egretwing decides to take on the role of a mediator, a job she was mostly already doing.
Lowpaw is apprenticed to Spikeheart, who proves to be a good match for the young cat, who’s gained a lot of perspective for someone so young, and is wise and caring.
Stoatplume decides to retire, happy that he’s been able to serve the clan for so long.
Shineclaw gets hurt fighting a dog and gets greencough at the same time nooo... 
Fishpaw is apprenticed to Gustclaw, with the hope that she’ll be able to reign the somewhat rambunctious cat in.
Hazelholly has taken to patrolling by himself. Forrestpool sees what he’s doing and talks him out of it, making an effort to invite him to patrol with him.
Glowberry, Jadeleaf, and Wisteriafeather are on one of their usual hunting patrol when a bad icestorm rolls in. The three cats get soaked before they can find proper shelter. They try to warm each other up, but at some point Wisteriafeather stops responding. Glowberry and Jadeleaf are left to carry the body of their oldest, closest, friend home.
A young rouge cat is found injured and brought back to the camp. Her name is Via and she is not easy to deal with. She plans on leaving once she’s recovered, but is happy to have help for now.
Cricketspeck and Warblerfall become mates. They’d first become close while training Glowberry and Wisteriafeather, and simply realized they work well together, and thus kept working together, and in time their feelings deepened.
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thefallenangelxxx · 2 years
Duskspots wants to kick a child
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Can you rate the wanderers? I’ll start out with Bogfire, Cranestream, and Duskspots
Absolutely! I’ve rated Bogfire and Cranestream before and they can be found here:
Duskspots- A confident and relaxed tom. Duskspots mostly walks around like he owns the place, seemingly without a care in the world, even when a threat begins to manifest. Duskspots is always introducing himself to new cats, even if they clearly don’t want anything to do with him, he thinks it’s worth a try, and he will always shrug off any cold shoulders or outright rejection like it’s nothing, although deep down it does bother him a little. Duskspots loves to travel and see the sights that are on offer, he wants to see all that he can before his time comes, and he’s determined to live a life as full of adventure and fun as he can, 14/10
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catswithemobangs · 4 years
I’ve decided to post my favorite ships between my wanderers:
Sageberry X Daisyshine
Quiet, meek bean and her wacko, battlehungry wife
Bogfire X Stonestep
Two strong bois in love
Flowerhawk X Duskspots
Tiny, serious gal and her obnoxious, himbo husband
Duskspots X Palebreeze
Can’t explain the appeal, but it’s really there
Marigoldbreeze X Cranestream
Can’t explain appeal here either I just love it 
Featherstone X Duskspots
Soft boi and loud boi
Featherstone X Sageberry
Two soft spouses
Featherstone X Stonestep
Soft boi and stronk boi
Flowerhawk X Stonestep
Two tired ogs who are married
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Thank you! Duskspots=himbo vibes
I love it lol
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Hey, I was hoping for some help naming an oc of mine. It’s the cat on the left and she is the sister of Moonspring (Cat on the right). To give some backstory she was prophesied to be a great cat and was born with star markings in her pelt, but something went wrong so she wasn’t the prophesied cat anymore, and the star marking changed to look kinda like they’re melting/ dripping. Meanwhile Moonspring became the prophesied cat and the spots in his pelt turned to stars (they used to just be spots). I think what I’m going to do is make her original prefix Moon, then it changed to something else, and Moonspring had a different prefix before it changed to Moon. But I can’t think of what her new prefix and suffix could be, I don’t want it to be anything to do with Sun, Day etc because I’ve already got cats with those prefixes and I want her to keep a dark/ night style prefix, if that makes sense. If you wanted to help, that would be wonderful!!
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I don't mind helping at all!
firstly, these two are very interesting and I love the idea of a cat losing their place in a prophecy [it's not seen often from what I can tell]
secondly, I can drop a couple possible names for this former prophecy gal and hopefully that they'll at least get you close to the perfect name for her!
some names off the top of my head;
Fallensky [ie similar to a dawn/dusk name, also would make her leader name Fallenstar if she ever became leader]
Specklesky / Dapplesky / Spottedsky [these also fit without having an exact time name]
Cloudydusk, Speckledusk, Shiningdusk, Shimmerdusk
Twilightheart, Twilightcoat, Twilightshine, Twilightdapple
Dusklight, Duskstone, Duskheart, Duskspot
also any name involving Shimmer or Shining, as those names to me often inspire the thoughts of stars in the sky at night???
I really hope this helps!
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squirrelcrow-po3 · 3 years
so the part one of the story of the creation of my fanclans. this is just the essentials before i go more into plot details
in a huge city (basically nyc) during the 1920s, there is a huge feral cat population. the people of the city p much are used to it, it’s always been like this. it is referred to by the cats there as “the great jungle”. in a “tallnest” (apartment building), three kittypets are close friends. They are:
duke - a large ragdoll tom with an amputated tail and back left leg. he is a blue lynx point cat with fluffy cream fur and blue eyes. he was formerly a sire at a kitten mill/hoarding situation, where he lost his tail and leg to infection. he was rescued and rehomed with a loving family, but he never really trusted twolegs again.
dustbunny - a small, fluffy brown tortoiseshell and white molly with green eyes. she was originally bought by a twoleg family as a kit. but as she aged and was no longer a kitten, they didn’t care for her as much. she was abandoned on the street before being taken in. though, like duke, she never trusted twolegs fully after she was abandoned.
bodhi - a slender, fawn somali tom with yellow-green eyes. he has soft, plush fur. he was given as a gift to an elderly twoleg when he was a kitten and he’s been with her ever since. he doesn’t understand his denmate’s hatred for twolegs when they have good owners now.
however, a new family moves in with with their kittypet. she is hostile towards the others and claims her name is orchidpaw, and not the silly name the twolegs gave her (which is candy btw), though she notes she would have received her warrior name by now. orchidpaw is a tall, leanly muscled lilac tabby molly with blue eyes. she says she was kidnapped from her clan in the forest and now she’s stuck as a kittypet. the others think she’s crazy and blow her off. that is, until she mentions that she is planning to run away from her twolegs. duke and dust’s interests are piqued, but bodhi is unsure. he knows how devastated his twoleg would be if he disappeared
but, he comes along on the other three’s adventures through the jungle. however, they all return at night and plan what they will do when they actually run away. eventually, they do leave bodhi behind and flee, deciding to make their own clans as orchidpaw describes them. though, they p much disregard a lot of the forest clan culture in favor of what they want to do and don’t follow the warrior code. they also didn’t believe in starclan
they take leader names, despite not knowing what a star is, as the jungle night sky is completely black from light pollution. duke renames himself sludgestar, dustbunny renamed herself duststar, and orchidpaw obviously names herself orchidstar. they didn’t have nine lives. they slowly form their groups with feral and stray cats of the city
sludgestar’s group is almost entirely feral cats. as sludgestar enjoys dramatizing himself to make himself appear strong and powerful, the culture of the group centered around toughness. cute and pretty cats were seen as lesser, and status was gained through winning battles. they controlled most of the jungle due to their aggressiveness. they also didn’t have a healer or deputy at first
duststar’s group fled to the safety of an abandoned factory building. their culture was centered around individuality and self expression. unique looking cats were valued, and cats were taught to question everything, even the word of their leader. they slowly began to adorn themselves with scraps of twoleg clothing to make themselves more unique. their first healer was a tom named thistlefrost. their first deputy was a young tom named rubblespark, a lost apprentice-aged kit that duststar took in
orchidstar’s group, unofficially called jungleclan, settled in a large park, as it felt as closest to the forest. they dubbed themselves lost kits of starclan. they had a strict set of morals that could never be broken, risking death for some severe violations. they had a strong hierarchy based on honor. their first healer was a molly named duskspots. their first deputy was a tom named oakwhisker who had been living in the park before orchidstar arrived
bodhi eventually made his own group that consisted of kittypets. they essentially were all daylight warriors that returned to their twolegs at night. for this, they were seen as weak and cowardly by the other groups. but funnily, they lived much longer than any of the other groups due to their twolegs’ care. they didn’t necessarily need a healer, though the role took up more of an emotional healing role. the first cats for this rank in the group were a tom named alfie and later a molly named velvet. their first deputy was a young molly named belle that duke’s old owner adopted after he ran away
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skittelzmusic · 7 years
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#AGoodOldFashionedNYMixtape @skittelzmusic x @tblazefme #Featured #Article on @DuskSpot #Blog #Website #NYC #WuWorld #Radio #App #Link: http://duskspot.com/profiles/blogs/a-good-old-fashioned-ny-mixtape #Read ⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆ #Listen ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ #Full #NY #Mixtape: https://m.audiomack.com/album/skittelzmusic/skittelz-x-t-blaze-a-good-old-fashioned-ny-mixtape #GOFNYM #HipHop #Barz #Rap (at New York, New York)
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yarnclan · 1 year
8th Newleaf
The chill of Leafbare set in late and was slow to break. Braveblaze leaves camp to go on a walk and comes back with frostbite.
Ridgetalon announced that he and Racoonsnout are expecting their second litter.
Stonewhisker comes out as a translady.
Velvetclaw is made a warrior, he takes after Roachfoot quite a lot. And has come to regard her as a parental figure.
Midnight Goddess dies of greencough :<
Web goes missing and many in the clan are greatly worried. Via, who's still on her way to recovery mentions casually to Orange that she'd seen Web in her dream last night, all sparkly and walking away to join a crowd of other starry looking cats. Orange tells the other medicine cats, but doesn't say Via was the one who'd seen it. They are very shocked and saddened at the news, and Goldcreek is later able to confirm that Web had fallen into a hole and died.
Orange starts talking to Via a lot, as she's had visions and been able to sense "ghosts" for most of her life. As she recovers she decides that she might hang around a little longer, if she could get some answers to the nature of her "abilities".
Lowpaw comes out as nonbinary.
Tulipnose and Martenshine have become mates, Martenshine is happy to have a companion. And a moon later they announce they are having kits.
8th Greenleaf
Rosypelt invites Thornstar on a hunt, and the two of them end up relaxing in the sun. They talk happily about their kits and time in the clan together and all of the adventures they've had together. Thornstar would like to have another adventure with her. She purrs happily, and says she'd have to think about it. She's very proud of what they've helped build. But she's getting older. Thornstar picks up on what she's suggesting. It breaks his heart, but he knows he can't possibly deny her her very well earned retirement. Its a few days before they formally make the announcement, and Thornstar selects Shineclaw as the new deputy. She's not the cat Rosypelt would have picked, but she'll be a good deputy. Racoonsnout feels a little passed over, as he has a much more even temperament.
But he has something to be happy about as he and Ridgetalon welcome Raggedkit, Russetkit, and Badgerkit into the world.
Multiple eagle attacks happen? Cricketspeck is attacked and survives. Marbletail is actually picked up and dropped, but manages to survive. It's found on a patrol that a new large eagle nest has been constructed at the top of a very tall tree. There isn't much that can be done, Shineclaw, wanting to show off their worth tries to climb up to wreck the nest, but it's too high up to reach.
Lowfeather is made a warrior and honored for her devotion. She's always going out of her way to help her clan mates, but she has developed a bit of a self-focused aditude about it, that she's the only one who can do certain things the right way, so she must do them.
Via has another vision from StarClan, and tells Orange about it. Following this vision, Orange finds a kittypet named Saffron and convinces her to join the clan. On her first boarder patrol she attacks a twoleg kit, partly to show her devotion to clan life, and partly cause she wanted to.
Tulipnose and Martenshine happily welcome Lightkit, Cloudkit, and Cranekit into the world. The clan is happy to have such a bustling nursery.
Fishpaw proves to be a strong cat, and many are proud of her for overcoming so much tragedy. She's honored for her dignity when given the name Fishfalcon. She feels a little lost at this, and wanders away in hopes of perhaps learning more about her mother, or finding her father. But returns having found nothing.
Many of the older members of the clan mourn, as Duskspot succumbs to an infection that had taken hold of his mangled leg, but none more than Braveblaze, even though he'd only come to know him recently. It had seemed like the two had always been meant to meet, and fall in love, and it was a great misfortune that it had happened so late in both of their lives.
October also dies of heat exhaustion.
8th Leaf-fall
Roachfoot retires to the elder's den, where kits are sure to bother her to tell them stories of her time as a leader in the twoleg place, and she's happy to oblige.
Forestpool and Gustclaw officially become mates at last. They've been each other's rocks through all the drama and tragedy surrounding both of their respective sets of siblings. They aren't the type to be openly lovey dovey with each other, so it took a while for either of them to realize, but now that it's out in the open they certainly are. Hazelholly is quite moody about the whole thing.
As leaf-fall starts to turn to leaf-bare whitecough spreads through the camp, progressing to greencough for some. Unfortunatly effecting both Goldcreek and Tamale. Oh no, we only have... 4 able bodied medicine cats. But Spottedmint does help out in the den, going on a nostalgic herb gathering patrol with Goosetooth, and Shineclaw tagging along as well.
Tawnybird and Sunfox become mates, good for them.
A former kittypet named Fishleg joins the clan. Objectively hilarious name, changed it to Carpleg because look at her:
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Dusktooth seems to take to her pretty quickly, inviting her around the territory, and fighting off a fox with her.
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The somewhat aggressive herb gathering of late, especially by Orange and his warrior buddies, Via and Saffron have triggered some of the old disputes with ShineClan. Egretwing travels to try to resolve them, but fails.
Stan and Bigtail die of greencough...
Shadedapple dies saving Badgerkit from a hawk. She'd snuck out of camp, and he'd happened to be on patrol. She feels really terrible about the whole thing.
9th Leafbare
It doesn't feel real, Hazelholly heads into camp after another one of his long walks, that he takes for no particular reason, and thinks he must have passed out somewhere in the snow and is dreaming. Berrylight is standing in the center of camp, surrounded by cats. Thornstar looking happier than he has in moons. When she sees Hazelholly, her tail shoots straight up, and she runs to him. The moment she touches her nose to his, he knows its real, she really is home. She tells everyone that Chasingcloud guided her home, and Hazelholly feels overwhelmed with emotion. Berrylight's sister, and a cat that he'd come to love and trust, had reunited them both.
Gustclaw also announces that she and Forestpool are expecting kits.
Raggedpaw is apprenticed to Glowberry, whome is hopped to be able to get through to the very reserved and awkward cat. Russetpaw is apprenticed to Forestpool, and is excited to learn about the ins and outs of everywhere in the territory from the wise and observant warrior. Her experience with the hawk and Shadedapple has cause Badgerpaw to become rather fearful and careful, A patient cat like Carpleg can hopefully help her regain her confidence.
Wiggity Wacks fell into a sinkhole and vanished forever :<
Goosetooth, lead by a prophetic dream, finds Prancekit and Shrewkit, still holding on to their father's body. Peachheart, the dead cat, and the kits, had been members of a far away clan, that perhaps lived by the sea. Prancekit and Shrewkit have only vague memories. But they were captured by some very cruel twolegs, only barely managing to escape. Peachheart died of injuries he sustained while they were escaping. Prancekit is quite standoffish, understandable for someone with so much turmoil in her early life. Shrewkit is a little more friendly than her sister, but is still a bit too adventurous for her own good.
Jadeleaf freezes to death in a snow storm :< :< :< Glowberry is inconsolable. She's lost two of the cats she was closest to in the world. And isn't sure what to do. Marbletail is also distraught to have lost their daughter, who was their pride and joy. Glowberry does her best to keep up with training Raggedpaw, but she finds it very difficult to focus and manage with the younger cat's emotions. Cricketspeck sees her younger sister's trouble and tries her best to help out.
A queen named Rippleshine comes to join the clan, bringing her only surviving kit, Budkit. She'd actually come a long way, from another distant clan that was entirely taken over by a gang of rouges.
The only kit in Gustclaw and Forestpool's first litter is born and they name him Leafkit. He catches yellowcough very soon after he's born. Worrying his parents quite a bit.
Indeed illness continues to plague the clan. Petya, Stoatplume, and Spikeheart all die of greencough.
Apprentices! More! The apprentice den is quite a bustling place now!
Lightpaw is apprenticed to Leopardleap, and pretty excitable and somewhat immature combo. The two of them very quickly start having lots of fun running around, and doing cat parkour and stuff.
Lighpelt is very excited to be given Cloudpaw as her first apprentice. She's been waiting for the oportunity to train another cat and she knows she can get the very quite Cloudpaw to open up.
Cranepaw is chosen by Thornstar to be his apprentice. She tries very hard to to let this psych her out. She focuses on putting her clanmates first, and making sure everyone is fed and well cared for.
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yarnclan · 1 year
CrystalClan part 2
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2nd year through entering the fifth. The clan is pretty well established, still considered a bit strange by their neighbors for choosing to live underground away from the light of the night sky. Romance is in the air, kits are born and found by medicine cat patrols.
2nd Newleaf
Thornwater and Rosypelt go hunting near twoleg place, Rosypelt secretly wanting to look for Duskspot. Thornwater gets captured. However, she manages to track him down and save him. 
2nd Greenleaf
Rosypelt and Thornwater became mates! yay!
And a kittypet joined the clan and goes by Turbofoot. So that’s good. He’s a moon away from retiring. Hilarious. I ship him and Sweet Marmalade, who won’t stop getting sprained paws. Screw it, i’m making them become mates. It was ordained by StarClan that they be together.
HowlClan insists on being escorted to camp rather than talking to the mediator. This is probably because Whistlewave is too difficult to deal with.
Martenkit was left to the clan by their mother, a mysterious cat named Hawk, with odd eyes and an odder demeanor. Soon after a cat named Bravestripe joins the clan, having heard about them from Hawk. He’s a fighter who’s seeking a place to settle down.
2nd Leaf-fall
Martenpaw is apprenticed to Racoonsnout, Ridgetalon is pretty jelous about this. Racoonsnout is really happy, glad to have a chance to be a better mentor to the young cat than his mentor was to him.
Whistlewave picks up on some of Thornwater’s resentment towards Sharpstar and uses it to further sabotage their relationship. Cause she’s vindictive and terrible.
Martenpaw’s leg is twisted, it’s stemmed from an injury she sustained in kithood, but hid to the point where it could no longer be healed.
3rd Leafbare
Martenpaw finds a twoleg cabin, while secretly exploring. She takes to playing around, enjoying the presence of the twoleg kits. On one of these excursions the twolegs put a collar on her. She feels a bit conflicted and moody about the whole thing. She loves her life as a clan cat, and the freedom she has, but she wonders if she really belongs there. and she wonders why her mother chose to leave her there.
Whistlewave went missing and was found dead. No cat is particularly sad, so the rumors she was killed by Sharpstar don’t change anyone’s opinion about the leader much. Suntree is unable to see Whistlewave in StarClan, and Bleakrain simply tells her not to worry about it.
Shineclaw meets a barn cat named Stan, who’d been a companion of Star at one time. She joins the clan. And decides to fill the role of mediator, now that Whistlewave is dead.
Suntree and Spottedmint find a queen, Thundertail, and her kits while on patrol. She was once the leader of a clan neighboring FloodClan. But fled the area for various reasons. Her kits are named Tulipkit, Goldkit, and Stonekit.
Stan helps to repair Sharpstar and Thornwater’s disagreements. Sharpstar had realized that a lot of their trouble was exasperated by Whistlewave, and so it more ready to forgive, though Thornwater still holds some resentment.
3rd Newleaf
Martenshine becomes a warrioir. This is a hilarious name for the game to give her because Shineclaw was originally named Martenkit, but I changed it to reflect her origin, and now there is a Martenshine. And also a ShineClan and a MartenClan.
Tulippaw is apprenticed under Shineclaw, the adventerous kit being a good match for her energy. Goldpaw is apprenticed to Sweet Marmalade, Sweet being a kind and patient cat brings out Goldpaw’s compassion. And Stonepaw to Martenshine, Sharpstar hoping to give Martenshine a sense of purpose.
3rd Greenleaf
Goldpaw, Stonepaw, and Tulippaw get to help take down a fox. The three siblings really like training together.
Sweet Marmalade announces that she’s expecting kits, but hopes to train Goldpaw a little more before moving into the nursery.
Pepitamoon brings one of her old friends to join the clan. His name is Wiggity Wacks and he insists on keeping it and refuses to answer to anything less than his full name.
4th Leaf-fall
Sweet Marmalade moves into the nursery, and Goldpaw starts helping the medicine cats. He finds it really rewarding, and also has hope that they might be able to answer some of the questions about the dreams he has. He decides to become a medicine cat apprentice instead of completing his warrior training. He thanks Sweet Marmalade and promises to always remember what she’d taught him.
Sweet Marmalade has two kits with Turbofoot, Plumkit and Cricketkit. Unknown to her or most of the clan, Turbofoot and Sharpstar are in love.
With what will eventually be a fourth healer joining them in the den, Spottedmint feels secure enough to openly reciprocate Shineclaw’s long held feelings, and the two become mates. In FloodClan the medicine cat taking on a mate would have been unthinkable. But here, in these circumstances, it’s considered pretty much fine by, mostly, everyone.
As though blessing the slightly controversial union, a strange cat named Goosetooth comes to the clan. He’s got an uncanny ability to see the future, and a deep understanding of herbs and complex medical skills. He claims visions of caverns filled with flickering light of all colors drew him to the clan.
5th Leafbare
Showing himself to be exceptionally talented, Goldcreek is given his full name. He’d predicted the arrival of Goosetooth, and some other occurrences, showing he too has some exceptional powers.
Tulipear and Stonewhisker also earn their full names. Though they had some complex feelings about their brother changing his path, both of them are proud to be full warriors.
Goosetooth and Goldcreek find the former deputy of MartenClan, Stoatplume, and his kits, VineKit, Egretkit, and Firkit. They were cast out after having an affair with another deputy. He'd tried to bring his kits to that clan, but was turned away. He'd resigned himself and his kits to a life of being a loner, when Goosetooth following the whims of a future vision finds him and brings him and his kits to the clan. Sharpstar is a bit heasitant about the whole thing, but if Goosetooth sees it in the future it must be so.
Ridgetalon and Racoonsnout have long had a contentious relationship. It’s often seemed like two steps forward one step back. But with age brings clarity, and the two see past their earlier jealousies and resentments. And become mates. Racoonsnout’s endless easygoing optimisim being the perfect balm to Ridgetalon’s perpetual anxiety.
Suntree finds Roachfoot, the former leader of a clan living a ways away in twoleg place. It had been just a group of rouges when the FloodClan exiles had past through to find a new home, but in the intervening years they’d developed into a full clan. Roachfoot, having grown tired of leading had brought her kits, Warblerkit, and Halfkit to CrystalClan, hoping they might have a place there.
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yarnclan · 1 year
1st leafbare
Thornwater and Rosypelt had a late night partol and watched the sunrise together. They are similar in personality. Though I imagine Rosypelt is a little more careful and thoughtful than Thornwater is. She also seems to like Duskspot platonically quite a lot. Something he reciprocates.
Whistlewave and Shinekit get in a petty fight over a feather. Shinekit wanted one to match Spottedkit’s new feather. Whistlewave is just being vindictive and destroys it.
Also lmao one of the other clans is named ShineClan. After i named the “special” kit Shinekit. Another nearby clan is called HowlClan, there’s another on named MartenClan. CrystalClan cats are (mostly) currently going out of their way to be nice to their neighbors, due to the wars that FloodClan was always getting in.
1st newleaf!
Duskspot stands tall when Sharpstar walks by. Rosypelt stands tall when Duskspot walks by. Thornwater thinks Duskspot isn’t very considerate of others.
Sharpstar, Whistlewave, and Racoonpaw save a cat named Star from a dog, and they decide to join the Clan. Soon after, her and Duskspot go on a hunting patrol and his is trapped and taken by twolegs. Rosypelt is quite upset at this, and doesn’t think very highly of Star.
Sharpstar and Star find an empty abandoned badger sett. More tunnels that could be an emergency home if they need.
Sharpstar takes Shinepaw on to be her apprentice. Wanting to personally guide the cat that has such significance to the clan. Suntree, wanting to ensure the clan’s safty, and seeing potential in Spottedkit, as he’d dreamed of Bleakrain a few times, asks him if he’d like to be her apprentice. He agrees, a little hesitantly.
Shinepaw has a vision from StarClan, and discusses it with Sharpstar on one of their first training sessions. It’s a mysterious vision, and possibly just a vivid memory, of crystals glowing and filling her sight, refracting light in thousands of colors.
1st Greenleaf
Sharpstar and Shinepaw take on a fox by themselves.
Whistlewave and Racoonpaw are on a boarder patrol and find a cat named Pepita, she had heard rumors of CrystalClan as they had traveled trough Twoleg place to reach the tunnels. She followed them sneakily for moons, wanting to be strong enough to impress them. She finally feels ready, and manages to impress Whistlewave. meaning she can impress anybody.
Ridgetalon earns his name at 14 moons. Thornwater couldn’t be prouder.
A moon later Racoonsnout earns his name, and is free from Whistlewave’s control. In fact the whole clan is, as she decides to retire. Having been waiting to complete Racoonsnout’s training.
Despite his young age, and often rash behavior Thornwater is made deputy. Sharpstar was impressed with how he’d trained Ridgetalon. Though he doesn’t start out on a great paw. Wanting to show off to Rosypelt he chases a rabbit over the boarder into HowlClan territory, causing relations to worsen. Sharpstar is not entirely upset by this, stating that the rabbit came from their territory anyways. Still she has a talk with Thornwater, mentioning her fear of this clan being lead into war and chaos, and that as deputy Thornwater should set an example for the others.
Ridgetalon and Racoonsnout find a weird indescribable monster while on patrol. Ridgetalon is especially shaken by it.
1st Leaf-fall
Whistlewave, finding retirement too boring, and worrying about relations with other clans decides to become a mediator.
An older boat-cat named Sweet Marmalade is saved from a dog, and decides to stay with the clan for a while.
Thornwater continues to goof off and not take his deputy duties as seriously as Sharpstar would like. For Sharpstar it’s uncommon to think someone isn’t taking things seriously, since she also likes to keep things fun. It makes her wonder if she’s changed, or is being unfair. But she still finds his behavior frustrating.
2nd Leafbare
The clan survived a whole year, yay!
Thornwater, feeling burnt out and stressed from his new responsibilities, takes to going on adventures with Rosypelt, probing the edges of their territory. They find strange metal trees, with only three branches that spin continuously. Thinking of their lost friend, Duskspot, they take the time to aggressively mark the territory, trying to show the twolegs who’s land it truly is.
Shineheart is made a warrioir, they have grown into a brave and intelligent cat.
Suntree catches whitecough, leaving the clan in the care of Spottedpaw, who feels wildly unprepared. 
Thornwater, while wandering around, finds a cat, Snowmane, who was a healer in their old group. Something unspeakably horrible happened, and he was left the sole survivor. Spottedpaw is releaved to have someone else to help as Suntree is sick.
Ridgetalon had wandered off, with half a mind to return to FloodClan, but he just gets frost bite. When he recovers he’s lost his ears and his hearing.
By the time Suntree recovers, they are proud to see how well Spottedpaw has come to be able to handle things. He doesn’t feel ready, and is scared of another crisis. But Suntree reassures him, the true test of a medicine cat is being able to manage under less than ideal circumstances. He gives Spottedpaw his full name, Spottedmint, in honor of his resilience.
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catswithemobangs · 4 years
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Duskspots Pronouns: He/him Original clan: Valleyclan Headcannon voice: Capital Cities Main god: Nyotin Facts: His traveler’s bag is this hideous purse and everyone tells him to find a new one, but he loves it. In fact, he likes a lot of things that others find “overly bright” or “ugly”. Stole those sunglasses from his training Twoleg as well, because he observed them wearing them outside. Not only did he just assume that he should wear them outside, he thought they looked cool. He now thinks he’s very cool. Is a massive flirt, but most cats think he’s too arrogant. Loves going through Twoleg cities, because he thinks the neon lights are pretty. Is a himbo. Has 10% chill.
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Can you give a name for a heavily scared white cat with heavy black spotting and black paws with heterochromic yellow and blue eyes 🥺 She’s an antagonist, if that helps. Thank you so much!!!!!
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I added one more hunger games chapter (you can tell it got too long-winded and I got bored trying to finish it after day 5) and I’m beginning to write the typical Warriors guide but with my fanclan culture! I’m quarantining so I have a lot of time on my hands
Damn Duskspots you didn’t need to straight up decapitate someone lol, I also love how Palebreeze’s moss plan backfired so badly, and “making a stabby thing” got me
I hope you’re doing ok quarantining, that guide sounds like it will be very interesting, I love all the stuff I’ve seen from your au so far
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