#dw I'm in a much healthier relationship now
hellyeahsickaf · 6 months
The difficult part about being a disabled person who would love to be cured is not knowing who's truly trying to help and who wants to fix you.
It sucks, thinking back at loved ones who seemed to be trying to help. My ex who put so much into researching and understanding my disabilities. Not because he loved me but because he couldn't see a future with a cripple. He wanted "someone who could keep up with him". I tried so hard to be that and man he didn't deserve that effort
Seeing the ones trying to "help" get frustrated that you're not getting better is confusing. Some things may even help you feel better, maybe help with mental clarity or pain. But if they don't see the difference it doesn't count. And you just wonder why they feel something's failed even when you say it helped. It's not good enough and you're not good enough.
They should be happy for you. But they aren't because they don't care about the suffering caused by things like brain fog and pain. They care about how it affects your functionality. Sure whatever you feel a bit more awake or can do things slightly easier but can you go out and do something fun for the day now? Can you have sex tonight? Can you sit through a movie without having a migraine? No? Then try harder, you're not fixed yet
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I absolutely cannot agree with those proportions. I'm talking about azul. I measured mine for comparison, and this is what I roughly got:
Chest: 75 cm
Waist: 63 cm
Hips: 80 cm
Thighs: 42 cm
I'm literally one of the slimmest people you could meet, not to mention I'm 16, with my weight being 84-85 ibs and around 38 kg. I'm also 5'3½, and have a very small appetite. So, long story short, my figure is quite small. So I absolutely REFUSE to believe those are azul's correct proportions. It's just wayyyy too small!
Firstly I'm a whole ten months younger than him, which would create a difference between our measurements. Second, dude my appetite is literally so small, it's weird. I can never imagine azul with an appetite as small as mine, and I wonder how he'd even manage to stay healthy if he ate as much as me. It just seems. Unbelievable, if I consider him to eat so less. IWHSJSHS YOU SEE IT'S JUST TOO WEIRD. Literally my proportions are bigger than his WHICH I CANNOT BELIEVE IT'S TOO HARD TO BELIEVE please I doubt he'd be functioning normally with that, because i don't think he has a small appetite. Unlike azul, I don't stop myself from eating. But I've heard that if you do stop yourself from eating too much then it's unhealthy for you. So azul. What.
I rambled so much BUT ANYWAY what I'm trying to say is, I don't think he's that small, but if he is, please help him that's way too unhealthy. (P.s dw about me lmao I'm very slim and eat less but I function very well and I bounce around a lot, I'm pretty energetic :D)
[Reply to here!]
Warning: Talks of eating disorders and body size
Nooo I agree with you honestly ;u; I really don't agree with the chest-waist-hip proportions and I want to measure them myself once I get my figurine.
I'm small too, and my waist is definitely bigger than 61.6cm (I have a 27 in waist last I checked, might be 28 in right now). Azul does diet, and to the point where he counts his calories (take a look at his school uniform card lines for this), so it's kinda 💀💀 Floyd has also shown concern for Azul's diet in Dorm Azul vignette (which he would call boring and lame, but when thinking about ch3, it might be his way of showing concern). Based on that alone, I do believe Azul being really thin is absolutely possible and has always been the general belief
But 61.6cm... that's too small, especially for his height. 70.4cm for chest and 68cm for hip too is really thin too >_>
The worst part about this is that so far, the shoe size is consistent with the Twst exhibition. I kinda wish we could have gotten the chest, waist, and hip measurements from that exhibition but no touching of exhibits allowed, so <///3
Honestly the only other way to really verify if those measurements are "accurate" are to measure Riddle and Leona figurines as well then multiply those by 8. Riddle's waist is considerably thinner than Azul's if you look at this tweet, and Leona seems to have a healthier relationship with food. If Riddle's waist is smaller than Azul's and Leona's waist is not too skinny for his height, then Azul's waist might really be that small >_>
Azul seems healthy enough in game that his magic is up to par, and as we have learned, one's magic is affected by their health. So hopefully, it's nothing too serious, but at the same time, who really knows T.T I really just hope that Azul's ok and doing well and like oughhhh what the Fuck
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