#dw time reaver
doctorwhoisadhd · 8 months
did the math and over the course of my winter break i watched/read/listened to 119 dr who things
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meowmeowraven · 9 months
Everybody needs a magical star in their life! ✨
HSR characters x Glitter Clover! NB! Reader
Part 1!
Featured characters: Himeko, March 7th, Stelle, Caelus, Herta, Dan Heng, Welt Yang.
Notes: I tried 😔
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Okay, honestly, if it were from my point of view, Himeko would find you so adorable due to your bubbly, yet calm personality
When she first took you in, on the express, she didn't know you were a Glitter Warrior, but when she found out, she was visibly shocked (she was a bit worried for your safety but you reassured her that you'll be fine!)
She was really curious about how you could transform, how you became so strong.
"Wait, but how does this all work?" Himeko speaks while carefully inspecting you. "Well, it's all magic from my Glitter charm and Glitter pad!"
"Ohh, so that's the source of your power?" You hand her your Glitter pad as she then takes it and inspects it, then hands it back to you.
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March 7th
Ohoho you're in for a bigger surprise when March finds out you're a Glitter Warrior.
Her eyes literally sparkle with excitment, i mean like, you follow the path of preservation aswell?? You ALSO like sparkles and glitter? It's like you're made for eachother!
She is so eager to know more about your powers.
"[Name]? Is that actually you?" March quickly runs towards you after you helped her fight a Void ranger, placing her hands on your shoulder, inspecting you, surprised and eager. "In flesh and bone!" Her eyes sparkle "woahh you look so cool and-and pretty! I mean you already are pretty!" You just let out a chuckle at her statements.
In conclusion, you both are made for eachother, either romantically either as bestfriends. (She's the head of trouble and you just help her! <3)
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Stelle wasn't really surpirsed, she knew something was up with you, especially after she saw you talk with your "plushie" (ifykyk what i mean).
She liked the idea of you two being a team, even as strong as you are, with your shields she still liked protecting you.
"Stelle! Watch out!" Stelle looks behind her as a reaver is ready to strike her, but you were quick to act. "Insert Glitter charm! Clover Reflection!" You manage to ward off the blow with your clover-shaped shield. Stelle quickly takes down the reaver, thanking you in the process. "Thanks for helping me there, [Name]." You look at her with a confused expression, "you're not surprised?" "Honestly i knew something was different about you"
Deep inside she was actually surprised at your strength.
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Ah, yes Caelus, the same as Stelle, unsurprised, he already knew about your little secret, but dw he won't tell anyone. <3
Unlike him, you didn't like digging through trash, so you were visibly horrified seeing him dig through trash.
Even if you were visibly disturbed by it, you remained calm. Grabbing him by the hood of his jacket.
Caelus was digging through trash, as usual, but it was the first time you saw him do it. "CAELUS!" He then redirects his attention to you, replying unfazed of the situation. "Yeah?" "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? DO YOU KNOW HOW UNSANITARY IT IS?!" you quickly grab him by his hood and pull him away. "Wait- Hey!" He knew you were a Glitter Warrior but he wasn't expecting you to be this strong. He had to blackmail you into letting him continue his "treasure" hunt. "If you don't let me go, i'll tell everybody about your little secret." You tried playing dumb, but it didn't work so you ended up letting him go.
He's a bit of a prick but it's okay, cuz it's Caelus. <3
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You're her new favourite "testing subject", she wouldn't actually try to hurt you. <3
She's gonna keep pestering you about it all! She really wants to know if your Glitter pad and charm are curios or if they're relics. She wants to know how you got them, who gave them to you or where you found them.
"sooo, [Name], how did you get those curio-relics?" Herta asks you on a curios yet mischiveous tone. "Madam Herta, you know i can't tell you." You keep walking towards your destination, as Herta wraps her puppet hand around your wrist trying to stop you. "Oh, cmon, can't you even give me a hint?" You sigh, knowing that there was no escape from her. "No, no i can't." Herta rolls her eyes annoyed that you wouldn't tell her. "Ugh, can you at least come test the Simulated Universe once more?"
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Dan Heng
Even tho, Dan Heng doesn't seem surprised, he is very shocked deep inside, trying his best not to show that.
Now, he tries his best not to let March know, she knows how to get anything out of him, no matter what it is.
"[Name]?" You heard that same monotone voice, from behind you. You were transformed. And he caught you, on the luofu, you were helping some cloud knights with two mara-struck. "O-oh! Hey Dan Heng!" Dan Heng walks over to you. "So, you're not what you say you are," you looked away a bit ashamed for holding such a secret away from your bestfriend/ s/o. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." He places a hand on your shoulder reassuringly.
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Welt Yang
Oh boy, Welt never really expected this from you, since you're usually calm. But he never knew how angry you could get..
When a halfway infected mara-struck called Welt an old man and refused his help, you couldn't hold back your rage and anger, you ended up beating the mara-struck into a fetal position, Welt had to yank you off of 'em..
"i don't need your help, you old man." The mara-struck spoke on a hateful tone. "I-" you then cut off Welt, "How dare you be so rude to Mr. Yang? He is trying to help you and you just refuse it and insult him?!" Walking towards the mara-struck, cracking your knuckles, a few minutes later, you were kicking the poor mara-struck until it was crying on the ground, curled up in a ball. Welt then wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you and dragging you away from the mara-struck.
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Ten and Donna ducking behind a table in the middle of a life or death bar fight to talk shit about one of the teams playing in the game on the TV is perhaps my favorite gift Big Finish has given us
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beanhusk · 3 years
donna was running around a spaceport in a corset & we didn't even get to see it on screen :/ life is so cruel
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gawayne · 5 years
ten and donna w uhhh, your choice of "We’re both so exhausted we can’t even argue about not being exhausted," “You were almost dead from pushing it too far!” or “I went a little overboard sure… but I’m still alive. So shh.”
I picked out “I went a little overboard sure... but I’m still alive. So shh.” Takes place after Time Reaver, there are spoilers if you haven’t listened to it.
Read on Ao3 / FF.net
From the end of the whole ordeal until they got back to the TARDIS and set off into the vortex, Donna didn’t take her eyes off the Doctor. 
He was sort of… stumbling, she couldn’t help but notice. Though initially somber, he now seemed full to the brim with restless energy, and had hardly stopped talking in the last ten minutes. She didn’t blame him; he did have quite a bit of conversation to catch up on. But his body didn’t seem able to keep up with his mind, and as he dashed somewhat aimlessly around the console, rambling and flicking switches with shaking hands and leaning on the coral when he had to rest for a moment, she found herself growing a bit worried. 
“Ice skating!”
Donna, lost in thought studying his rapidly tapping foot, looked up. “What?”
His face fell. “Were you listening at all?”
“Yes,” she said indignantly, though in truth she’d lost him about eight minutes ago. “What about ice skating?”
“Well, we should go! Earth? Europa! Have I ever brought you to the, er…” He paused, and leaned heavily against the console, gesturing with his free hand as he tried to gather his thoughts. 
“Doctor,” she interrupted, before he could finish, “shouldn’t you… I don’t know, sleep? Or eat?”
“Why would I do that?” he asked, genuinely curious. 
“Well, you-” She winced, knowing he wouldn’t want to talk about it. “It’s been a long day. Really, really long, apparently. And you’re…” She nodded towards his arm, which was trembling visibly with the effort of holding him upright. “You’re shaking sort of a lot.”
He crossed his arms over his chest. “I don’t need food or rest,” he huffed. “Don’t you think I’ve rested enough?”
“You shot yourself,” she said, annoyance sparking in her tone. “You’re clearly exhausted. Can you stop running around for once and just take care of yourself?”
“I went a little overboard, sure,” he allowed, “but I’m still alive! So shh.”
“Doctor,” she warned. 
Something in his expression flickered, then hardened. “I’m fine, Donna,” he said firmly. “If you want to rest, feel free. I’ve got-”
Whatever he had, she never did find out, because his knees buckled abruptly and cut him off. She darted forwards to catch him, her heart lurching in alarm, but he was heavy and she didn’t manage much in the way of slowing his fall. He winced as he hit the ground and she followed in his stead, the sharp grating digging into both their knees. 
“Ow,” he muttered. Seemingly giving up the charade, he let himself slump to the side with a great sigh, sitting half upright only with Donna’s help. 
“Are you okay?” she asked, looking him over with concern. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” he said dejectedly. “Temporal-” he gave a vague wave- “weirdness, it takes a toll on you. I... suppose I might be, slightly, a tiny bit tired.”
“Spaceman,” she implored, “c’mon. Just rest, just for a bit. We can go wherever you like as soon as you’re feeling better.”
He pursed his lips, frustration and hurt mingled in his expression. “I don’t want to rest,” he said quietly. “Donna, I want- I want to do something, I want to move. It’s been seven centuries, I-” He broke off, because his voice cracked and his lip trembled, and he had to sniff and glance away in an entirely useless attempt to stop her from noticing. 
“Oh... oh, it’s alright,” she said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Hey, it’ll be fine. It’s not for long, you’ll be all better in no time and then you don’t have to stay still anymore.”
He didn’t seem to find this very comforting, but he set his jaw and stayed silent. 
“You know you can’t go running around in this state,” she said gently. “Come on. Just for a bit.”
Drawing a shaky breath, he rubbed a hand over his mouth. “I hate it,” he mumbled. “Hate being bored. It... it hurts, I can’t s- stand it.”
“I know,” she murmured. Even the thought of it made her heart ache for him; she couldn’t imagine being cooped up in her own head for a day, let alone seven hundred years. “I’m sorry, Spaceman, I really am. But I promise, it won’t last much longer. It’ll go away, you’ll be alright. We’ll make sure of it, okay?”
He nodded, brows drawn together in disappointment, and she offered him a little sympathetic smile. 
“We can put on the telly,” she said. “You can tell me a story or two.”
“Alright,” he said quietly. He bit his lip, clearly trying to resign himself to his fate, and mumbled, “Thank you, Donna.”
“Least I can do,” she said. “I...” She swallowed around the lump in her throat. “I’m really glad you’re okay. You scared me there, for a minute.”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “S’pose I did, yeah.”
He wasn’t arguing, but she knew he wasn’t happy either. She could see something terribly akin to horror in his eyes, as he faced down another few hours of boredom, and she leaned forward to wrap him in a tight hug, which she really hoped conveyed just how sorry she was for him. It seemed so temporary to her, but he couldn’t quite muster up a sense of perspective at the moment. To him, she knew, it was agonizing. 
“From now on,” she whispered, “you’re not allowed around any more guns.”
When she let him go, he shot her a weak, crooked smile. “Probably for the best,” he admitted. “I don’t think they agree with me.”
Shaking her head, she helped him up off the floor. He swayed on his feet for a moment, shutting his eyes against a wave of dizziness, and after he steadied she refused to let go of his arm. The rapid tapping of his fingers on his thigh betrayed an energy that even he himself couldn’t match. 
“You’re an idiot, you know,” she said. She meant it as a quip, but a hint of concern sneaked into her voice against her will. 
“Oh, I know,” he said wearily. He nudged her with his shoulder. “That’s what I’ve got you for, isn’t it? Bedside entertainment?”
She scoffed, and dragged him (as gently as one can drag a person, and then some) out of the console room and off to bed. 
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mayomkun · 3 years
71, 62, 79
71. Favourite piece of alien tech?
The time reaver guns from Big Finish audio. It slows down victim’s perception of time so a minute might feels like years for them, It’s really nasty but I kind of like the idea of it. (and The Doctor managed to shoot all of them at himself,, )
62. Favourite Torchwood Team member?
I haven't finished season 1 yet but I like Ianto & Tosh so far!
79. Best opening titles?
13 era & DW: flux have pretty cool opening titles! It’s like swimming in stars. 12's era come close to second.
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takebacktheyuri · 7 years
Which characters/classes/origins combo do you prefer in each dragon age game? (Tbh I prefer to play as elves and/or mages whenever possible in dragon age. Though in Origins I have a really difficult time picking which elf origin and class because I love them all...) Thank you for your answers!! They’re really interesting and I appreciate you responding so quickly!)
Haha no problem, I’m just online before i go to work so here I am…
I prefer elves and mages I guess, but I also like rogues. I have a chaotic good Tabris DW rogue, an Amell, a mage Hawke, and for DAI a KE Lavellan, DW Trevelyan, mage Adaar and another Reaver 2H Lavellan I started up for fun.
I really have fun with KE in DAI, mages are very fun in DA2 and I really got to enjoy being a DW in Origins. I don’t usually go for warrior classes but swinging a giant axe as a tiny elf is awesome and Reaver sounds like more fun than the tankier builds.  Besides I’ve got Cassandra if I need a tank.
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I was tagged by @demigodofhoolemere, so thank you because this is the first thing I’ve ever been tagged for!
The Rules are simple - answer the questions, then tag other Whovians to get to know each other better/find new people to follow, message, etc. If there are any questions you don’t have an answer for, feel free to skip it!
Doctor you started with: Technically, I started with Matt Smith because he was the first one I didn’t hide behind the sofa for. However, I had half-watched a number of Tennant episodes before hand, so take as you will
Favourite Doctor: ...this is impossible! Okaaay... the first Doctor I truly adored was Patrick Troughton, right from the moment I watched the Ultimate Guide and saw him jumping away from the cyberman in the Invasion. That said, I adore Peter Capaldi and Peter Davison; Colin Baker is amazing and William Hartnell is wonderful. I love all the others too!
Favourite Companion: Heck, this is even harder because there’s about 4 times as many! Safe to say they’re all wonderful. Amy was the first companion I ‘met’ so I love her; I love Donna and her friendship with the Doctor. Classic-wise, Jamie, Vicki, Dodo, Adric and Jo are possibly, possibly my top 5. Oh! And Bill is awesome I really hope she makes it on Saturday!
Favourite Episode: These questions are really hard! I can narrow it down to 3 potential ones I think. The Enemy of the World is one because it’s just brilliant and who doesn’t want to see Patrick Troughton playing both the hero and the villain? I also really enjoy Full Circle- not sure why, but the Outlers are great. And in New Who I think Vincent and the Doctor is wonderful and it always makes me cry.
DW OTP: Hmmmmmm... probably Adric/Nyssa, but I like Tegan/Nyssa too so I’m not too sure. I guess an obvious one is Ian/Barbara
Favourite line/quote: The Pandorica speech because when my friend ( @ashleighisprobablyhigh-posts if you’re reading - talk to me!) and I did PE while listening to music, this would always come up on my playlist so we’d be running round overacting ‘HELLLLOOOOOOO STONEHENGE!!!’. Plus we can both quote it in our sleep and it has become natural to just randomly shout it during conversations.
Favourite Character that isn’t the doctor or a companion: It depends on who you are, but not everyone count Sara Kingdom or Katarina as companions and I love them both (even if most of their precious few episodes are missing)
BrOTP: literally every TARDIS team in existence, with emphasis on 12/Bill and 10/Donna (seriously has anyone listened to the Time Reaver and Technophobia cause they’re brilliant)
Favourite DW fic (if you have one): I’ve read lots and I think the A Society of Academics series by @wordswithkittywitch is one of the best
If you could pick anyone to be the next companion who would it be? (Why?): I don’t know in terms of actors, but I would really like either someone from the past (either fairly recent or distant I don’t mind, but an Ancient Egyptian companion like Erinem would be cool) or an alien.
Favourite fan theory: All the theories as to who the woman from the End of Time is (Romana, Susan, Leela, The Doctor’s Mother, Maxil,Brax...)
I tag (If you guys don’t mind/haven’t done it) @penny-anna, @wordswithkittywitch, @ettelwenailinon and @ashleighisprobablyhigh-posts
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doctorwhoisadhd · 9 months
ok time reaver was really really good
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So it seems like people enjoyed the out of context Tenth Doctor Adventures post, so I bring you the sequel: OOC Time Reaver
Let’s start with some Ten being flustered at Donna in a corset
Donna: “Why is everything in this wardrobe for a wench?!”
The Doctor: “What—Oh!”
Donna: “See what I mean?”
The Doctor: “Yeah, that is very… Uh, yeah, I suppose you would say… Wen-chy… Wench-ish?”
The Doctor: “Are you trying to look… wenchy?”
Donna: “Don’t have much choice, spilt my tea when we started lurching.”
Donna: “…Do you like it?”
And follow that up with our favorite idiots stopping in the middle of a bar fight to talk about the game on screen:
The Doctor: “I wish I knew who was playing tonight!”
Donna: “Doctor, behind this table!”
Donna: “The Blues.”
The Doctor: “Seriously?”
And now some general OOC:
The Doctor: “We need a new fluid link. I can’t fix it, we’re going to have to take it to a garage.”
Donna: “A garage? Boring!”
The Doctor: “Oh, why? What do you do when your car breaks down?”
Donna: “Well, I—I mostly stand on the pavement, looking sad yet optimistic.”
Donna: “Do you secretly just like this place because it makes you think the TARDIS is the most brilliant of all the ships?”
The Doctor: “Oh, I wouldn’t—psshh—well…”
The Doctor: “Tell you what? We have got no licenses, of any kind, whatsoever! Arrest us!”
Officer: “Sorry, has there been some mix-up? You’re not on my agenda.”
The Doctor: “I am now!”
Donna: “Sorry, he’s upset about the scones… Among other other things.”
The Doctor: “Ah, here it is! Vagabond’s Reach! Most feared social environment in the galaxy!”
Donna: “You’ve never been up Sugar Hut on a Tuesday.”
The Doctor, under his breath: “You don’t know everything about me.”
Gully: “A stranger!”
The Doctor: “Oh—Friend you haven’t met yet!”
Gully: “Who are you?”
The Doctor: “Someone who unties girls from chairs.”
Donna: “When I lost my dad… Do you know what his last words to me were? ‘Give up your stash of terrible, terrible weapons.’”
The Doctor: “…What?”
Donna: “I have in my hands a piece of paper, and it says I’m in charge!”
The Doctor: “I think maybe the universe needs its crossing places where the rules don’t apply. Otherwise, where are us space buccaneers gonna go?”
Donna: “You’re not a space buccaneer!”
The Doctor: “I think I have the air of a space buccaneer.”
Donna: “You have the air of a primary school teacher.”
The Doctor: “Of a space buccaneer!”
Donna: “On non-uniform day.”
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