#dy: takari
Nighttime Encounter
Takari Week 2024 - Day 2: Second Year
T.K. and Matt were born in the same litter, the only two survivors. The wolves are dying out and there are fewer and fewer living pups. Matt grew strong and healthy but T.K. was always weaker and more sickly. Matt protected him, and he rarely strayed from Matt’s side. As they got older and Matt got stronger, though, he had more trouble staying close, especially when Matt was hunting, so Matt started finding safe places for him to hide nearby.
Tai and Kari were the children of a wealthy family. At a young age, Tai decided that he wanted to be an adventurer and a treasure hunter. He would often take off exploring the woods around their family’s lands, searching for treasures. As soon as Kari was old enough to walk, she started toddling after him, although he never meant to bring her. 
One day she was following Tai and got lost in the woods because she couldn't keep up with him. She wandered around until night fell, not really frightened but increasingly unhappy that she couldn’t find him. She was also getting cold and hungry and ready to go home. As the night got darker, she started to cry.
The bushes next to her rustled, and she found herself face to face with a young wolf, just barely grown, although Kari was too young to know that. They stared at each other for a moment, then the wolf licked the tears from her face. Kari giggled. 
Suddenly, there was the sound of shouting and there were lights in the distance. The wolf shrank back and fled.
It was only a few minutes later that the search party found Kari. Tai was beside himself with guilt and made her promise not to follow him anymore. Kari promised, but she didn’t forget the wolf in the woods. He stayed her precious secret.
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ashxketchum · 2 years
Omg hi, Ayushi! Are you sure? Huhuhu thank you so much!!! I just would really like something Takari + Mimato centered (either with their partners or their crests), any season, and I hope it's okay to let your inspiration go wild hehe. Omg thank you so much, Ayushi! I'm here to write anything if you want any! <3 <3 <3
Got it, it'll be my first time putting just these four on a canvas together so I'm actually excited to see how this turns out! Just give me a few days, I'll have something cooked up by the weekend 💛
And I'm always dying to read more Mimato, so whenever you have the chance, I'll gladly read whatever you come up with 💙💚
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redthreadoffate · 3 years
Hello Eve! I hope you're enjoying a very nice week. I am sending you Takari as a ship for the small writing thing. Thank you. I love you. 💖
Hi, Sam! So far the week is okay, had a good breakfast and just finished eating a donut, haha. I hope your week will be a good one, too!
And yes! A Takari fic is under the cut 😁 I hope you like it! I hard time choosing between this prompt and another, but I wanted to get out of my comfort zone a little so here we are! I’m so nervous honestly!! Edited once only though huhu.
I love you, too, Sam! 🥰 Enjoy!
“Yagami Hikari!”
Takeru’s eyes grew wide. ‘No.’ He turned to look at the women’s side and tried to find his best friend. He dreaded the moment she would step out of the crowd and walk forwards to the stage. ‘No. No. No.’
When she was finally visible to everyone, he felt his heart beat faster then he ever thought was possible. She began to walk slowly to the front as the lady who called her name coaxed her to come closer.
Takeru’s fist clenched. He was just about to raise his voice when someone beat him to it.
“I volunteer as Tribute!”
Like everyone, Takeru gasped and whipped his head back to where the voice came from. He should not have been surprised though, because it was Taichi, Hikari’s older brother, who had shouted.
“I volunteer as Tribute,” he repeated, this time calmly. “I volunteer as Tribute.”
Takeru was not happy. First, Hikari was called. Second, Taichi volunteered despite this being his last year. And third, he could not do anything about both.
He turned to look at Hikari and his heart ached for her. She was obviously heartbroken. He knew she was confused, but he also knew that she would not allow her big brother to end up in the arena.
Taichi walked to the front of the stage, passing by his sister but not daring to look at her. Hikari twisted as she watched him go up the stairs. The guards then arrived to take her away and back to her place.
The lady on the stage giggled. “Well, this certainly is a first here. And what is your name, dear?”
“Yagami Taichi. I’m her older brother,” he said, not bothering to wait for the question.
“Such a brave boy,” the lady said, nodding. Then she turned back to the mic and spoke.
Takeru did not hear anything else anymore. He could not wait to get out. He had to go to Hikari. He had to.
And when the crowd finally dispersed, Takeru ran to his best friend and held her close. Hikari cried as soon as he put his arms around her.
“It’s n-not f-f-f-fair,” she sobbed. He saw her parents walking towards them, their eyes glistening from the tears. “Why’d he-he have t-to d-do that.”
Takeru did not know what to say so he stayed quiet. When the Yagamis were in front of them, Hikari let go of him and buried her face on her mother’s shoulder.
Takeru felt his throat burn and his eyes watering. ‘What about Onii-chan,’ he thought. Even though his brother, Yamato, and Taichi never said it out loud, they were best friends and had a very good relationship.
“I’m going to find Onii-chan,” he said to the Yagami family. “I’m really sorry about Taichi,” he added, bowing his head.
Just as he was about to leave, he felt Hikari tug on his shirt. “Don’t go.”
Takeru sighed.
“I don’t want you to leave me,” she continued.
Even with everything going on, Takeru always found time for Hikari. She was depressed, who would not be when someone you loved volunteered to enter a bloodthirsty game.
“Hikari,” he started when he sat down beside her. The game was about to begin and he and Yamato decided to stay with the Yagamis to watch.
She looked at him and cocked her head.
“He’s going to win.”
That made her lips quiver. “I know.”
He gave her a small, reassuring smile. Hikari leaned against him. “He’s going to win.”
The countdown began and before they knew it, Taichi was zooming from the stand and into the field.
The Huger Games had officially begun.
“He’s going to win.”
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digitalworldbound · 3 years
don't forget that it's canon that taichi consumes p*rn
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don't forget that takari isn't canon
bestie, where r the priorities ?
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atsoraasayoma · 2 years
I’m Not Joking
-my entry for Takari week. Not sure if I will be able to submit more than one one -shot, but y’all have inspired me to do this.
-Taichi’s son is not at all called Taiyo because my son watched the little blue bus while I wrote this. No, not at all.
“Isn’t it interesting watching all of the Digidestined couples from when we were growing up now together with family’s of there own?”
Hikari’s words echoed off towards the next generation, laughing and playing with their parents overlooking Heighton View Terrace. Takeru could not help but remember playing at the same park himself before leaving. It felt painful remembering his sad goodbye with Hikari and the others before he left, but his memories with them in the digital world fondly gave him the confidence to maintain his friendships with them throughout the years ever since he got back.
“Taichi used to play at this park all the time,” Hikari smiled. “And now, seeing little Taiyo running around is kind of nostalgic.”
“That’s very true,” Takeru responded, a bit perturbed as always sitting next to her, but never letting it show on his face. “And now you have Jo running after the kids with bandages and warning them to be careful. Some things never change,” he snickered.
He noticed Koushiro sitting down against a computer typing, but Mimi approaching him and scolding them telling him he needs to turn off his work mode, and go into family mode. Two children, one boy and one girl agreed, both of them starting to pull on his arm shouting ‘Play with us daddy’, Koushiro unable to communicate an acceptable response for an alternative, Mimi laughing and encouraging them the whole way.
“Did you ever think that Mimi and Koushiro would be together?” Hikari asked. “They didn’t get along too well growing up. But, over time, with there larger than life egos their rivalry somehow transformed into admiration and ultimately love,” she said tenderly watching them. “it’s quite amazing.”
Takeru stopped watching them and glanced at her. He knew something even more amazing underneath that hat of his. A secret he had been dying to tell, but his lips refused to let the words escape.
She stared up at the sky and then sighed. “It might be a cloudy day today, but whenever we all get together it’s always so fun.”
“Well, things just happened to turn out this way,” he said, “but as long as we’re together, it’s never really a cloudy day right?”
Hikari closed her eyes, a small hum of approval whispering out from her.
The wind blew slightly, Hikari’s locks brushing against it, Takeru enamored by her, but knowing he could not stare without her knowing it.
“Hey,” he said staring over towards a slide. “You know, I never thought in a million years Yamato would be a Dad. I knew eventually he would marry Sora, but, for him to actually be protective over someone smaller than him that’s not me is a little peculiar.”
“Oh please,” Hikari grinned, grabbed his hat, and bent it over his face.
“Hey,” he groaned in slight protest.
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous of your older brother and his own kid? That’s kind of weird.”
“Says the girl who stalked his brother making sure he had his head together up until the day he actually got married!” Takeru countered.
Hikari closed her eyes, Takeru noticing she had lost the nerve to spar with him.
“Even though you say that,” she smirked, “You’re actually taller than your brother now.”
Ok, maybe Takeru would have to take the loss.
They both glanced down at the ground, Takeru wondering if by chance this kind of way they talked to each other was how they flirted. But, no, he couldn’t see Hikari doing that. At least, hopefully not with anyone else.
“I noticed,” Takeru said, “You’ve grown your hair out more. You’re looking more and more like your mom every day.”
“I’m just not as confident or as athletic as she is,”Hikari sighed. “My mom told me a long time ago when I was a kid that all the girls in her family had to grow their hair out until it was long before they were allowed to get married. It’s kind of funny huh?”
Takeru suddenly felt his cheeks turn red, him trying to regain his composure. “Does that mean,” he said, “You have someone that catches your attention? How long have you been going out?”
Instantly Hikari’s face lit up red, her face practically shocked. “No, no, no that’s not what I mean!” she exclaimed putting her hands up in protest. “I was just telling you what she told me. I don’t,” she swallowed, Takeru catching it. “-I mean, there is no one in my life who is waiting to propose or anything.”
Just then Ken and Miyako showed up with an entourage of children engaging in all manner of activities from playing in the sand, to coloring with crayons and paper and anything else a child could possibly do that would end up getting into trouble. Thankfully, Iori brandished his kendo stick from time to time making sure they did not get too rambunctious.
Takeru looked on, glad for the intervention.
“I don’t know if even YOU could handle that many children Hikari,” he said trying to one up her.
“Ho?” she said in a challenging tone. “Do you know how many children I have dealt with in my internship on a daily basis?” she questioned scolding him. “You know nothing about education or the real world,” she said narrowing her eyes as if she had been scolding a child. “You’re always off in fantasy land writing a blog about yourself or writing an unpublished novel.”
Takeru winced at that one. “Unpublished is right,” he smiled not daring to let her see him look defeated. “But don’t worry. My grandfather has some support though with an old friend who runs a publishing company. Says his granddaughter likes my work.”
Hikari instantly sat up, Takeru wondering about it.
“Have you met her?”
“She’s been texting me a bit here and there and even sent a picture of herself,” he said taking out his phone and showing her.
Hikari almost became affected by carpal tunnel syndrome, the way how stiffly her hands moved. “She’s really...pretty,” she said averting her eyes from her, Takeru catching a hint of jealousy in it.
“You’re not jealous or anything are you Hikari-chan?”
“Jealous? I’m supposed to be jealous of some rich girl who is interested in an unemployed writer who hasn’t even sold one novel?”
“That’s not true,” Takeru said lightheartedly. “I’ve sold one before. To you remember?”
Hikari’s eyes looked a bit bewildered. “Wait, no,” she said asserting herself a little. “You literally bribed me to read your novel manuscript with my favorite strawberry chocobomber parfait and you needed to borrow a dollar. That’s not exactly selling a novel,” she said crossing her arms.
“Well,” Takeru said placing his hand on the back of his head, “You never gave the novel back. But I’ve seen it in your room on the center of your shelf when you share your pictures sometimes. I’m glad your taking care of it,” he said a bit relieved. Then again Hikari was not the kind of girl that would just toss something that important to him in the garbage.
Her eyes slowly shifted away from him in a rigid motion. “I-I’m just taking good care of it for when I return it.”
“Have you actually read the manuscript?”
She nodded her head. “Yes, but, I just can’t bring myself to finish the last chapter. I don’t ever return library books or anything till I’m done anyway.”
Takeru raised his hands and placed them behind his head. “Sure. You don’t ever have to return it if you don’t want to. I’ll still consider it a sale.”
“Keep dreaming,” she giggled slightly.
Takeru grew even more confident. He could not piece it together, but maybe, just maybe he could assert himself as more than a friend. He just had to be subtle about it. Subtle enough to escape the ever watching illuminating all knowing eyes of Hikari Yagami.
“Wow, it looks like Daisuke and his son are recruiting all the kids for soccer,” Takeru smirked.
“They are so headstrong together they rival even Taichi and Daisuke,” Hikari noticed. “But he hasn’t changed a bit. He’s like a grown up little kid still.”
Takeru sat forward, and stood up watching them all. “Do you remember when back in middle school he thought you and I were dating?”
She nodded. “Yes, I remember. We were so innocent back then. We had no idea others could see it that way,” she said her face depressed slightly.
Takeru swallowed slightly. He had to turn it up a slight notch, but still had to remain subtle.
“And now look at you,” Hikari smiled, but Takeru not knowing if she had a look of annoyance or happiness in her voice. “You’ve probably been on a million dates by now.”
Takeru put a hand on his forehead. It was no good. She had interjected before he could continue his plan. Now he had to go on the defensive side. He wondered why did the two of them always have to do this?
“I just like to get know people,” he snickered.
“But I’ve never seen you on more than one date with the same girl,” she said eyeing him a bit suspiciously.
“That’s because I just lose interest so quickly,” he admitted, knowing he could not bluff his way or tease his way out of this one. No, he learned over time acceptable teasing and when he had gone too far.
“Is that really the truth?” Hikari pressed.
Takeru nodded his head and smiled tenderly. “It is. I know by then which girl is for me and who isn’t. I must haven’t gone on the date with the right one.”
Hikari almost seemed to sigh in relief. “You’ll meet her one day. It might even be a girl you’ve dated before. You just never know Takeru,” she smiled, Takeru wanting to tear his own heart out of his body. Now he had to make a move and go back to attack mode.
“What about you Hikari-chan?” he asked. “I bet a lot of teachers or other students ask you out? How is your dating life?”
Hikari turned away from him as if embarrassed he would ask that question. “I don’t have time to think about dating,” she said. “My priority is taking care of children. I can’t bring myself to date anyone, though I have thought about it. I’m sure their will be plenty of time for stuff like that later.”
“You had time for me,” Takeru said a bit annoyed, but not letting it show. “Don’t you remember when we went on a date when our brothers had to go to class and we had to watch our digimon?”
Hikari’s face turned bright red, but she seemed to be ready on guard. “That was just babysitting! We’ve never actually gone out on a date. I mean, you know, officially or anything.”
Takeru did not have a response for her this time, but Hikari seemed to continue transitioning to a different topic
“Taichi has been so overprotective over me in high school all the boys were afraid to ask me out. Even the soccer team. All except Daisuke anyway.”
That last part put a sword against his heart, Takeru slightly on edge. He balled his hand up in a fist, a habit of his he had not been able to quit no matter how hard he had tried to.
“Have you considered him?”
She placed one hand on the side of her mouth, staring up in the air.
“That’s not where my heart is. Daisuke is thoughtful, though he is pretty clueless sometimes, but I don’t know if something like that is enough to last.”
She got up walking around with her hands behind her back. “I have to ask myself, ‘Can I see myself ten years together with this person in the future? What about twenty years? Even 50? I don’t think I can answer such a question just yet,” she said lowering her eyes. “I’m sure you know what I mean.”
Takeru walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I do,” he said empathetically. “And, it’s ok. It doesn’t bother me hardly at all anymore,” he grinned.
Hikari sighed. “I don’t think I would ever forgive myself if I ever put a child what you’ve been through Takeru, but that’s enough about that. I don’t want to ruin the mood. Everyone is really enjoying themselves.”
He watched all the others having fun, a digidestined outing for the ages. They were out there, most of their lives established, but him and Hikari were still struggling with themselves. How many masks did he wear over the years? And how long has Hikari kept her feelings hidden hiding them from everyone?
Takeru suddenly felt very tense. He felt heat rush to his hands, his palms getting sweaty.
“I can barely see past each day to think about the future because I’m so engrossed in my novels,” he said, but remembering his brother and Sora he knew exactly what she meant about being with someone for a long time.
“About what you said,” he swallowed, “About Yamato and Sora well, they started out as friends, but that friendship grew and before I knew it they were together. Almost like a metamorphosis. Yamato had frequent dates before him and Sora had actually started going out though.
“Really?” Hikari said curiously. “I never knew that.”
He nodded his head and smiled pleasantly staring out into clouded weather. “Yamato told me one day he kept going on them, but the one girl he wanted to see was never with him. So he decided one day suddenly to ask her out and they have been going on strong ever since.”
“A beautiful love story,” Hikari replied closing her eyes as if she had been read a fairy tale before bed.
“It’s not just a love story,” Takeru replied, Hikari opening her eyes immediately.” He says it was the most angst filled time of his life, but he doesn’t regret any of it. He says you make those kinds of risks for the one you love. They can damage you more than anyone else, but they can also love you and uplift you more than anyone else. You take that risk no matter what the consequences are.”
“That’s pretty deep,” she said, her eyes clouded in thought. What a wonderful way to look at a relationship,” she smiled.
Takeru smiled back as well, but it started to fade. “Yeah, but I’m not like that. I hurt far too many people because I’m not an honest person. I lie to myself...constantly.”
“Like how?”
“Well, like someone will say, ‘Oh no it’s going to rain today’, then I will jump in and say that ‘we are having wonderful sunny weather’. Girls will think I’m just being funny and think I might be hitting on them or coming onto them, but that’s not it. They mistake my friendliness and desperation for romance. But that’s not me. It’s like sometimes I imagine that someone else is writing my story, and I am just a character in it, that way my conscience doesn’t feel so bad knowing that I’m hurting people.”
Hikari’s tone lowered, as if she herself knew what he meant. “I understand. At times I try to put myself in the shoes of other kids to find out what they are feeling and what they are thinking, even though I have my responsibilities. But for a moment when I do that I can temporarily forget about the pressure of being a teacher. So, believe me, I know what you are going through. And it’s not easy, but we have to keep going. Otherwise, how can we realize our hopes and dreams? They are just ahead,” she smiled gracefully.
Her words lightened his conscience, his heart skipping a beat just like it had all of those times in the past. Whether rescuing Hikari or consoling her or just having a friendly conversation walking from school, this feeling always remained. As if locked in those memories his words flowed from them verbally, unable to want to let go of their past, but most importantly, never wanting to let go of her.
‘Hikari, how long has it been?”
“What do you mean Takeru-kun?”
“Since we’ve been talking.”
“For a couple of hrs.”
“No,” he said swallowing. “How long has it been since you and I met each other and became friends?”
“It’s been at least 17 years,” she said as if she had been keeping track the whole time.
Takeru sat their staring at his own shadow contemplating it.
“It’s been that long,” he sighed. “You know things just happen to occur naturally between us, I didn’t really notice how much time had passed,” he smiled sadly.
Hikari also stared down looking at her own shadow. “Time flies when you’re with someone you care about-””
Takeru looked within himself, her words pricking his heart. Yes, he did care for her, he did, but-
-She paused for a moment, and then he literally could see her try to feign innocence as she started backtracking.
“Err, that’s what the other female teachers say anyway. It’s not that I’m saying that about you,” she said, her face flushed and almost starting to look dizzy. “I-”
“-You don’t care about me?” Takeru asked, staring at her shocked and bewildered as if his life depended on her response.
“It’s not that,” Hikari replied, blushing as if she had been overcome by her own emotions and could not communicate them. “Takeru, it’s just-”
“-Whoa, now you’re calling me ‘Takeru’ without the -kun? Really what’s gotten into you Hikari-chan?” he asked starting to laugh with one hand over his eye.
“Oh no,” he said underneath his breath. “Now I’m the one whose upset. All of my masks...are slipping away.”
Hikari’s concerned face circled under his shadow. “Are you...crying?”
“No, I’m not crying,” he said wiping his eyes trying to hide his tears.
“You are.”
“I said I’m not!” he growled a bit defensively.
But now it looked like Hikari had been the one taking assertiveness.
“Is it because of what I said? I didn’t mean it like that Takeru-kun, I just...”
...Silence separated the two of them as they just sat next to each other awkwardly. Takeru always faced this problem. He just could not bridge this gap between them no matter how hard he tried. Just who was Hikari Yagami to him?
Hikari shuffled her feet and folded her hands together.
“I’m sorry I upset you,” she said starting to get upset herself embarrassed. “Don’t worry,” she said sniffling. “I won’t bother you- oh no, now why am I crying?” she said looking at her hands. “I don’t understand.”
Takeru looked further at her facial expressions going from confusion to sadness and found himself smiling, but not because he was happy. Somehow the confusion on her face translated to him as Hikari being honest with her own feelings.
“I’m sorry you had to see me like this,” she said drying her eyes. “I have to get it together. Their is a big test coming up,” she said. “I probably should go and get ready. She bent down and smiled a bit. “It was nice see you again Takeru. I’m sure we’ll talk more later,” she said as if she did not want to go, but forced herself to go.
She started to walk away from him, but before he knew what he was doing he lashed out grabbing her hand as if he didn’t know if he would never be able to hold it again.
“Hikari…” he said forcefully and dropping the suffix. “...Let’s tri it.”
“Huh? T-t-t-t-try what?” she asked, nervously.
“Be the kind of friends...like Yamato and Sora are.”
She looked at him holding her hand, her eyes widening in surprise. “Ehhhhh?!”
“T-takeru-kun,” she laughed a little bit trying to play it off her face a tickled red. “That was really good,” she said giggling. “I almost...want to believe you, but-”
“-I’m not joking.” his voice hardened, seriously.
She stared at him and then back at their hands. She took one step back, her legs shaking.
“Hikari-chan?” Takeru wondered, still having no idea what he just did.
She covered her eyes with her hands and sank to her knees, her hands falling down limply to her side.
“Hikari-chan?” Takeru said getting up putting both hands on her shoulders. “Hikari-chan, are you ok?” he called desperately.
“….Scared. I-I’m scared.”
“Hikari what’s wrong?”
“I’m frightened,” she said tears starting to leak down her face.
“I...I scared you?” Takeru said regrettably, the inside of his stomach twisting into a knot.
“I was worried...for so long,” she said trying to control herself. “I was worried...you would never say that to me.”
Takeru stared at her, the look in her eyes shining with tears and fear, but also another feeling, one with more warmth, possibly more. He realized deep down she must she must have been putting up a front this whole time against him protecting her and being there for her, and maybe, just maybe, she had hoped one day those feelings, whatever they were would reach him to. Just like how his had been trying to reach her.
“This whole time,” he confessed, “When I was getting to know people, I wasn’t trying to get to know them personally. I was really trying to reach out...to you in any way I could, but, you were so close to me, and yet I was so far from you. I tried to find the little parts about you in other people just to catch a glimpse of you. If I just reached out I was afraid of the rejection and what I would do if you did reject me.”
“What would you do?” she asked, color starting to return to her face.
“It scares me so much I don’t even want to think about it,” he sighed. “It would be forever before I could even face you again.”
They said nothing, Takeru sitting down in front of her.
“You know something,” he said laughing, but tearing at the same time. “We’re a real mess.”
They both chuckled and cried finally bridging the gap that had kept them separate for so long.
“So, what does this mean now?” Hikari asked. “I feel like the past is speeding up so fast I can barely keep my heart from giving out.”
“It means you will call me Takeru,” he grinned.
“And?” Hikari said insistently.
“And what?” Takeru said demurely.
“You know what I mean,” she lightly scolded. “You called me it earlier. That means you have to call me...Hikari.”
Takeru’s face instantly reddened.
“Want to give it a try?”
“Don’t rush me,” he laughed slightly nervously.
“Hi...Hikari,” he said softly stuttering.
“Again,” she insisted.
A very light rain suddenly started to fall, but not enough to where anyone would be concerned. It pricked Takeru’s heart, as slowly, little by little, all of the pressure built up within him over the years finally had subsided.
With how Hikari’s flushed face started to return to normal he wondered if she also felt that same relief, but at the same time chastised himself inwardly for playing games with her heart letting this drag on, even though he never meant to.
“Ever since...then,” she said. “When you went to save me all those years ago in the dark ocean. I wanted you to call me like that,” she said. “And now, after all this time you finally did,” she smiled tearing.
Takeru nodded his head. “As for me,” he said, “Ever since I came back before Daisuke and the others joined us I wanted you to call me that. But, I never could tell you. I told myself ‘I will just let this all play out and wait for you first,’ but, that was a stupid thing to do right?”
Hikari shook her head. “No, Takeru. For some reason it felt like we’ve always been pushed into the background letting others go ahead of us and just see how things go. By giving up what we want, it took the pressure off of us, but I can tell it deeply hurt us. It felt…sad-almost like being left behind. But, when I felt like that, and started to feel cold and alone and wanting to disappear sometimes, I remembered you.”
“Hikari…” he said, his voice fading out letting her speak.
“When Mugendramon almost had us finished us off and we fell into that deep darkness, when I woke up, you were there. When I had been taken to the dark ocean, you were the one who answered my call. After Taichi’s disappearance and I passed out from grief and fatigue you were the one who stayed behind with me. Before I knew it, even though you were like a best friend to me, I..” she said covering her mouth...”was smitten.”
But even then Takeru could hear through her passiveness. He swallowed, and dared to reach out his hand, brushing her bangs to the side. He felt scared himself, but remembered the adventures he had with the others. Takeru always had been lacking-always seeing himself as a whining brat and a burden, working hard to improve himself, making himself likable, maybe too hard.
Over time thanks to Taichi, he became more headstrong and courageous.
Because of his brother, he learned how to be friends even with others who disagreed with him.
Sora’s loving nature brought him to realize the little things and to appreciate them.
Koushiro’s intellect rubbed off on Takeru to research the things he has a passion for.
Jo’s thoughtfulness and preparation helped Takeru realize he could be reliable to.
Mimi showed him that your passions can overpower the norms of society and to be truthful.
Daisuke showed him how to go with your heart even when others are against you.
Miyako taught him whining and crying will get you nowhere and to persevere.
Iori reminded him to be true to your principles even in hard times.
Ken reflected in his actions what it’s like to change for the better and to keep growing.
And, Hikari…
...He leaned his face forward, Hikari’s hand naturally lowering her guard, and closing his eyes met her soft, salty tear flavored lips.
He smiled letting go and placed his hand on her cheek. “No more games Hikari,” he smirked enamored by her. “You’re the only one who could have beaten me so badly like this.”
As if she reached out to him, her hands wrapped around his back and her head buried into his chest. Tears leaked further from her face, her frame shivering. Instinctively Takeru wrapped his arms around her.
“Takeru…” she said sweetly. A light chuckle escaped her, Hikari sighing into the air. “...Game over.”
Takeru closed his eyes. “Guess that means I have to get you something for winning. I don’t have much, but what would you say about...going on an actual date with me?”
“Where do you want to go?” she asked.
“It doesn’t matter. French cuisine. Italian. Japanese. Chinese. Heck, I’m so happy right now I would gladly even eat Yamato’s cooking!”
She nodded her head looking down.”Anywhere is fine,” she smirked, her tone growing a bit more serious, her voice sounding a bit different.
“...the way it was always meant to be. As the dawn breaks upon the chasm of endless seas, hope waits patiently for the Light, and the Light is encouraged by Hope to shine upon the many waters….”
Takeru thought he recognized the voice for a moment.
He stared at her, Hikari’s amber gentle eyes, having traces of golden radiance flicker in them like a shimmering sunset.
Her voice responded back gentle and kind like before. “As long as you are with me Takeru,” she said sweetly, “we’ll never be alone.”
The rain stopped drizzling, and the clouds gave way to the sunlight, Takeru and Hikari basking in the glorious rays, shining not only on the present, but, with all they had gone through, and all the trials they had endured; a hopeful future filled with moments too wonderful for even words to describe.
Atsora Asayoma if you want to find me on fanfiction.net or archive of our own.com.
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Takari Week 2022 - Day 5: Letters
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Title: The Surprise Letter Characters: Takeru Takaishi, Hikari Yagami, Patamon, Tailmon, Yamato Ishida and Yuuko Yagami. Summary: Hikari is confused when Takeru suddenly stops replying to her letters. Note: For Takari week, I decided to do something different. All stories will be told in first person, from both Takeru and Hikari's POVs in the same story. It will be separated to make it easier, though. "Tailmon, let's go." I called my partner from the living room and looked over the table. There were a few letters piled at the center of it, and I casually went through them just in case I saw something for me. There was nothing until I saw the last letter in the pile. It had my name on it, so I looked at the back of it and was shocked to see it was from Takeru. He didn't tell me anything about writing me a letter last time we talked. I was dying from curiosity to read it, but Tailmon was coming in my direction, so I put it in my bag to read during our stroll. "I'm ready, Hikari." "Great, so let's go." I put on my hat and then my shoes next to the door.
The temperature outside was still cool, but not as hot anymore with winter getting closer. I was sitting against a tree in a park while Tailmon chased a dog that was barking at her and laughed at that. And then I remembered the letter in my bag. Now that she was somewhat distracted, it was the perfect time to read it. So I went through my bag and picked it up.
I tore the envelope open and pulled the letter out. As I was opening it, I couldn't help but think how much I already missed him. He had gone back to Kyoto a week before college returned and that was over a month. We still didn't know when we'd be seeing each other again before Christmas or if that was going to happen. I sighed, but was thankful for also being in college. Otherwise it would be way harder for me.
My eyes fell on the paper in my hands and I began to read his letter. By the time I finished the first paragraph I had already smiled and blushed quite heavily. Then I moved to the second one. He was telling me about some places he's been in Kyoto and how pretty his college is. He also wants to take me there before he finishes it, which will be very soon. And then it hits me: we managed to survive four years having a long-distance relationship and only seeing each other a few times a year. We actually did it.
I continued reading the letter, which caused me to laugh and blush again. I found it amazing how he managed to alternate two completely different subjects and I couldn't help wondering if it was a writing technique. And right after he revealed he was planning to write a book about our adventures in the Digital World, which surprised me a lot. My first reaction was to think it would be really cool and then I felt nervous thinking there's a possibility people all over Japan - and maybe the world - get to read it. I kind of like the fact only the twelve of us are the ones who actually got to experience it. I shook my head, folding the letter again and realize there's a picture inside the envelope. I picked it up and looked at it with a smile. It's a picture of one of Kyoto's parks on spring, with fully blossomed Sakura trees. I put everything back in the envelope and on my bag and stood up, feeling inspired to replying to his letter. "Tailmon, let's go home." "Already?" She approached me and I picked her up in my arms. "But the weather is so nice today." "I know, but there's something I need to do and I can't postpone it. We can come back here tomorrow and spend more time." "Is it about Takeru?" She looked up at me with curiosity. "Maybe." It was all said, but I was sure she understood it because of the smile on my face.
Keep reading it on FFN or AO3
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zimzamkirsty · 3 years
Nnenna Okore
Not really related to my work but this is one of my favorite artists who actually helped me also get even more interested in sculpture and installation last year. I sort of forgot about her but came across her again when reading up on some articles since Glen has been encouraging us to keep up with Art news and just read up on people we like and I was researching for other female sculpture artists at the same time. Have not done her justice with this brief analysis and research on her work so I really do suggest looking into her story and her art practice.
This is the website link I saw her at again: https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-20-female-artists-pushing-sculpture-forward
Her name Nnenna Okore and she lives and works in Chicago. She was born in Australia but her parents were from Nigeria to where she moved to at age of 4 and grew up in Nsukki mostly. Her original mediums he worked in were oil paints and drawings but found she did not like the outcomes although she was very fascinated with the colors and how they played off each other. She was experimenting with any materials around to create three dimensional work. Exploring movement and finding inspiration from where she grew up in Nigeria surrounded by nature and drawing upon/studying the craft culture and wildlife. By observing her surroundings she was finding her unique take on the world and how she would then project that through her installations and sculptures. Repetitive movements in prominent in her process and these draw from watching people in their daily tasks such as making brooms by hands. 
A quote from her that when working in the three dimensional forms it allows her to completely put herself and immerse ‘in the well of sensory experiences’. This is really cool to hear as it kind of reflects what I seem to do. I let myself sink into that state of being and try to immerse herself in it. I also find a connection with her work from where I was born in Zimbabwe and grew up living in Zambia and going to school in South Africa. In Zambia I was surrounded by nature and wildlife and her work I can connect to it because it reminds me of home a little bit. (not saying all African countries are the same by any means, each country is beautiful and unique with their own cultures and people and experiences and people need to realize that, just have personally had similar experiences is all)
She was taught by El Anatsui (Ghanaian sculptor who is another one of my favorite artists who again got me interested in it) and so her works have a resemblance to his massive works of seemingly moving fabric pieces. The materials she uses often are burlap, wire and paper where she goes through the slow process and techniques of dyeing, winding, weaving and testing and teasing materials into these really beautiful forms that seem to take a life on as their own. I dunno, to me they look like they are moving and alive because of the rich vibrant colors and the materials used which are sometimes sourced from West Africa so there again is that direct link to her upbringing and culture.
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Nnenna Okore, Here and Now, 2017, Cheesecloth, dye, wire and jute string,  209 x 203 x 33 cm
You can see how it really resembles a flower that looks to be on the edge of dying with those elements of life from the color coming through. She talks a lot about life and death and the celebration of that.
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Above is an installation done at Krannert Art Museum. Okay this is my last one
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Another room installation piece that I could not find the name of but she seems to do separate artworks with names and them room installation/site specific work.
Here is a link to an interview: https://www.studiointernational.com/index.php/nnenna-okore-interview-my-work-seeks-to-highlight-earths-vulnerability
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El Anatsui, Bleeding Takari II, 2007, aluminum bottle caps and copper wire
Just to show his work too so you can see who her teacher can create.
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earlgreymon · 4 years
sa • ku • ra
✴️ sora + taichi // ostara (19-22 march) - the second of three spring celebrations (the midpoint between imbolc and beltane), during which light and darkness are again in balance, with light on the rise. it is a time of new beginnings and of life emerging further from the grips of winter.
i know i said i hate tragedy, but i can’t help with this one. this is also my first time writing such sensitive topic, so my apologize if i didn’t write this properly. to all women outside, especially if you had the same experience with sora below, you are a wonderful person nevertheless.
tw: rape and miscarriage
previous drabble(s) in this series: mimato, takari
It was ironic how vivid her memory was even though the surroundings were so dark back then. She was known as a courageous woman among her friends, so she wasn’t bothered the slightest for walking along such an empty street. It was the usual path she took every time she went home from her part-time anyway; she just happened to come home very late that night.
But yet again, danger never really saw its prey beforehand.
Sora remembered watching pro-tips about self-defense on the internet right after a friend forwarded it to the group chat. She even read the safety pamphlet from the university thoroughly when everyone didn’t even bother to read and immediately threw them to the bin. It all seemed very easy to do—‘everyone should be able to do it,’ as she quoted from the professor in her orientation day. But it was different when you got involved in the real situation. Have you ever felt your knees getting so weak you weren’t even able to stand up? How your voice barely escaped your mouth and your mind got so hazy you couldn’t even remember all the things you had learnt? 
There were two of them—cigarettes and alcohol reeking altogether.
She never knew which one who should be responsible.
Ken was still in the academy back then, but as he actively engaged with his seniors at the criminal affairs bureau, they could arrest the assaulters pretty quick. Nevertheless, even a lifetime sentence would never be able to rewind the time. Their unjustifiable action had snatched away her heyday of youth, replacing it with a permanent great depression in addition for a life inside her womb.
She never thought about being a mother in such a young age, but she also didn’t have the heart to abort it.
Sora often fought with her mother; and they never were about lives, so this time she was prepared to defend until the very last. However, when she told her intention to keep the baby, her mother turned out to be the biggest supporter she could ever ask for. She gave Sora advice and comforted her when she was in the deep abyss every time the memory came back to haunt. She didn’t even ask her to attend the graduation ceremony, even though most parents were dying to see their kids in cap and robe, only because she didn’t want her daughter to get hurt.
(She came anyway, despite receiving some disgusted looks and whispers. She wanted to prove that even survivors could achieve their dreams and no need to be ashamed. Her parents were the ones who clapped the loudest that day, and they even dissed the people who badmouthed her.)
Sora was also grateful for having such a bunch of wonderful friends that supported her with the decision. Once the news spread, Mimi took the next flight to Japan without hesitation, holding the crying Sora and never let go. Hikari and Miyako helped her to prepare some stuffs for her baby girl (it’s a girl!) and even gave her ideas for the name (she liked Haruka Takenouchi since it was similar to her father’s name and the baby girl would be born in spring anyway). Jyou was not a doctor yet, but he was so reliable every time Sora came to him to seek additional medical advice. Yamato was stationed outside Tokyo, but he would always call at least twice a week and went to see her each time he visited home.
Above all, Taichi was the one who put her on a pedestal—she finally understood how Hikari felt after all this time. He accompanied her to the doctor visit when her mother was not available, dropped by her house with some foods he claimed to be ‘healthy for a mother-to-be’ according to the books he read (—the fact that he read was actually fascinating enough). The most unexpected one would be how he came with her to attend the prenatal classes and when the instructor asked whether he was the father or not, he answered a big yes without hesitation.
They never really talked about it afterwards. He probably was just being nice so that people wouldn’t know the truth and gave her a hard time.
Spring came unknowingly fast. Sora got into the labor a few days earlier than doctor’s prediction, and it was a very hard one. She got into the emergency room for being critical, and when she finally woke up after a heavy sedation, they told her that her baby girl didn’t make it.
And just when she thought there was nothing that can hurt her more other than that dreadful night, the news shattered not only her heart but also her mind and soul.
She spent the following days above the hospital day without being able to function properly. She didn’t respond when someone visited her, nor had an appetite to eat even her most favorite food. She questioned herself where she did go wrong for the entire noon, before weeping by herself at night. She was mentally ill, and even though the doctors said such phase was normal given her condition, everyone couldn’t help but worry sick.
That day, Taichi came after he finished his class. The first thing he said was, “Let’s go outside. There’s something I want to show you.”
She didn’t respond, but he lifted her to the wheelchair anyway.
Sora had never shown any meaningful expressions for the rest of the week, but as they entered the hospital yard, her eyes jolted slightly in surprise. Her room was facing the other side of the hospital, so she didn’t know the cherry blossom had bloomed. The soft breeze blew away the pink petals around them, hinting a mild scent similar to the perfume she used to wear.
“You said that you want to go for a hanami, right?” Taichi said, and she remembered saying so a few months back after they got back from a regular check-up. They passed a line of bald cherry blossom trees, and she said that on the next spring, she would go to see them blooming with Haruka, so that she could witness how beautiful the period that gave the inspiration to her name.
(But Haruka was not here. She never was.)
“Sora,” Taichi whispered, and when she realized, he was in front of her kneeling. “I’m sorry. There isn't a manual I can read about dealing with someone who is grieving, and I know saying ‘you’re a strong woman’ over and over again won’t make anything less bad—but you have to know that you are a strong woman.”
He paused for a bit before continuing. “And I know this will be very selfish of me, but as I waited outside the emergency room a few days back, I couldn’t help but thinking about losing you. I thought about how such a tough woman I’ve ever met became so frail and there was nothing I could do. I was so helpless and afraid. And that’s why I swore that I will never let go of you if I had another chance to hold you once again.”
Taichi handed him a big brown envelope, and even though he said that she should open it only if she was ready, she had already opened it as if she had not heard the warning.
It was a marriage registration.
“I know I may not be a good man. I am reckless and I haven’t even finished my college just like you guys,” Taichi confessed. “But I have talked to your parents, and after I graduate next month, my professor has offered me to work with his firm. I promise will work hard for your happiness.”
“B… but why…?” Sora was finally able to speak up with such a hoarse voice after days of silence. Her eyes teared up at instance as her hands trembled. “Why me…? I’m a worthless piece of damage.”
“You’re not.” Taichi embraced her in a tight hug, placing his forehead above her shoulder. “You’re a sakura, Sora. You’re the most beautiful thing ever, and it’s okay for you wilt, because eventually, you will bloom at your finest and make people realize how amazing you are.”
His words only gave her more sobs, and little did she know, Taichi was also holding back his tears as they were both so fragile at that moment. But it was him who also made Sora realized that although sakura means the transient of life, it was also a symbol of a rebirth. Maybe someday, she would get a chance to meet Haruka once again, but that wasn’t all.
Maybe this was also her chance to finally live a new, better life.
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uniarycode · 4 years
Takari Week, Day 1 - Confession
Takeru has spent weeks trying to confess to Hikari but somehow he can never actually get it out.  Hikari has a different interpretation on how they’ve been spending their time.  Done as part of @takariweek 2020
Today was the day.  Today everything would change for better or for worse.  Today marked the first sentence of a new chapter of his life.  Today was the day he was going to confess to Hikari.
Unlike all those other sentences he had to re-write.
This was not the first day this month Takeru had planned to confess.  However, he was a romantic at heart, and no matter how much resolve he had beforehand somehow the moment never felt right.  He would always be able to tell their grandkids about how they met, but he wanted to be proud or the story of how he first asked her out.  And none of the opportunities so far fit his taste.
It was either that or he was afraid.  
Even if his confession was successful, it would still mean a fundamental change would occur in his and Hikari’s relationship.  And Takeru had a mixed relationship with change. Change meant the loss of his father and brother.  Change meant the introduction of a strange world filled with monsters.  Even the first time Patamon had changed into a new form had led to one of the most traumatic events in his life.
But change also led him to meet Patamon in the first place, something he wouldn’t trade for all the riches in the world.  Change meant moving to the same school as Hikari, and meeting Miyako, Iori, Daisuke and Ken.  Change meant that one day society might accept Digimon as a whole.
And whether he liked it or not, change was coming.
It was still surreal to him; his brother and Taichi had always seemed so close.  They had never been part of the same cliques, and they spent almost as much time fighting as hanging out.  But their friendship always eclipsed everything else, social standings, heated disputes, none of it mattered; they were best friends, through and through.
Then college happened. Now the legendary duo’s primary means of communication was via their siblings.  Hikari would learn some new fact of her brother’s life, tell Takeru during the course of casual conversation, and Takeru would update his brother of the going-ons later that week.
It wasn’t just them.  Even Mimi, who had an incessant talent for attaching herself onto someone and refusing to let them go, seemed much further from the rest of the chosen then she’d even been while she lived in America.
Takeru knew their bond was strong, that what the eight of them had done could not be forgotten or replaced.  But even if distance could not destroy the bridge holding them together, it could certainly increase the hassle of travelling back and forth.
The last thing Takeru wanted was for that distance to appear between himself and Hikari.  This was their final year in highschool, if he didn’t at least try now he might not ever get the opportunity again.  He needed to try, despite the inherent risks.
Besides, Hikari had rejected Daisuke dozens of times, and they were still friends, right?
Gathering his courage, Takeru had asked Hikari if they could have a day to themselves, ‘just the two of them’.  He’d suggested Wednesday, when neither club duties nor pressing assignments devoured too significant portions of their time.
Ever the romantic, he had it all planned out: First, karaoke.  A good, private way to judge the mood, and get Hikari to let her hair down.  Next, they had tickets to a movie, the new Disney flick that Hikari had been dying to see but never gotten around to (and without someone pressing, likely would not until it became available on dvd.) Finally, a romantic stroll on the boardwalk at sunset.
The boardwalk overlooking the bay.
The bay where they fought Ordienmon.
The bay where they’d been forced to kill one of their friends.
It was only after beginning his long-rehearsed spiel that Takeru had this epiphany, and, fearful that his date may have been quicker on the uptake than himself, he scrambled for a plan B.  
Salvation came in the form of a nearby cat café, he knew as soon as he suggested it that Hikari would lose herself in the felines, paying more attention to the four-legged critters than she did to him, but it was worth it to avert potential catastrophe.
Fate still deigned to mock him however, from the instant he sat down a maine-coon attached to him, refusing to move from his side, or to let the memories of past failures escape.
All cats attached to Hikari, she merely shared them with the other customers as she saw fit.  There was no doubt she enjoyed herself, but the moment had been well and truly ruined.
Takeru had managed to obtain an opportunity of redemption. ‘Same time next week’ had been the agreement, and he had near instantly resumed planning.  Whatever he came up this time had to top what he’d just done, or else he might have to explain away his mistake.
But even the most perfect plan does not survive contact with the enemy, and the enemy presented itself as an ill-timed phone call from his father.   One of his coworker’s households had apparently been graced by the appearance of a small white blob with a voracious appetite, and Hiroaki was wondering if his son could stop by after school and help calm the panicking mother, perhaps also giving tips for digital care.
Hikari would not allow him to say no, and insisted on tagging along.  But the TV station itself held a lot of painful memories for the girl, every year she returned with an offering of flowers and incense for Wizardmon’s grave.
It was far from a total waste since an idol Hikari had been following was also present.  Somehow the idol had overheard their arrival, and considered themselves interested in the pro-digimon cause.  In fact, the idol had been downright helpful, asking questions of him and Hikari that the coworker was likely to embarrassed or too naïve to think of.  Hiroaki ended up taking them all out for dinner, and they chatted for hours, finally assuaging the fear of a parent whose daughter now had a dog-head as a life partner.  
By that point, he had to take Hikari home, with no real opportunity to confess, even if Wizardmon wasn’t on her mind.
The third attempt was a no go from the beginning, Hikari had been sent into a rare, foul state.  All she wanted to do was eat ice-cream and rant, so they went to a dairy-bar overlooking the beach.
He’d let her vent when she wanted to vent, and when she was done he did what he did best: deflecting the conversation to some odd antics of Daisuke or his brother, anything to get her happy and cheerful again. Even after her mood had recovered, steering the conversation towards a confession felt like he might be taking advantage of her, or putting her on the spot somehow.
Cheering her up was reward enough, even as he paid for the forty-flavor super-jumbo, bottomless Sunday that they’d managed to make a liar out of.
(He’d eaten perhaps an eighth of it, there was no doubt in his mind that Hikari could have eaten the whole thing; but she at least wanted the plausible deniability to claim that he’d consumed half the calories.)
The fourth attempt was similarly doomed, he’d been too sick for school that day, and while Hikari had dropped by, he was too delirious to form a real confession, or for her to take any confession seriously.
The feel of her hand stroking his hear as she tended to him had been so heavenly though.  He couldn’t regret the experience.
By this point Takeru was convinced their Wednesday gatherings were cursed.  There was little reason Hikari would even see them as special.  And while he always enjoyed spending time with her, especially just the two of them, he was worried that regularity may dampen the splendor he’d initially been going for.
This week he requested to move their weekly hang out session to Saturday.  It would allow more time for them to be out at night, and thus more time for him to enact his perfect confession.  Hikari’s father was away on business, and her mother had already agreed to be rather lax on her daughter’s curfew.
His mother had not, but she would not punish him if he told her he was out on his first date, nor would she punish him after getting rejected, yet another reason he needed to actually spit it out today.
And it seemed all the stars were aligning, on top of her father being out of town: a photography exhibition at a local gallery was going for half price, and her favorite indie group were headlining a public concert at the beach until sundown.  Finally, there was a forecast for a clear, bright moon, and a local botanical garden was advertising a moonlit stroll through their flowers.
Hikari had agreed on one condition: they could wade through the shallows, but not do any real swimming at the beach.  It had seemed odd to Takeru at first, but the beach had been more about the free concert than seeing her in her swimsuit.
When Takeru arrived at the Yagami apartment he was stunned by the vision of beauty that graced him.  Hikari was wearing a strapless dress, black with accents of pink and white, that he’d never seen her in before.   Based on how high her head was coming up his body, she had to be wearing quite daring heels as well.
And her makeup had been done with so much precision and effort he had to wonder if perhaps Mimi had come back to town to help her.
“T-Takeru?” she asked, and he realized he must have been staring.
“I’m sorry, have you seen Hikari?  Brown hair, about yea tall,” he held his hand about three feet off the floor, “may have a family of ducklings following her around.”
“That was one time.” She scolded.
Takeru stood on his tip toes and moved one hand to sit above his eyes, like a visor.  “Hikari? Is that you?  Are you trapped behind this radiant goddess in front of me?”
A tell-tale pink infiltrated her cheeks as she turned around.  “It’s too much isn’t it?  I could still maybe change and-”
His hand shot out and grabbed her arm before she could escape. “You look perfect.” He said sincerely, pulling her in for a hug. “Besides, people at the exhibit will be expecting beauty and art.  They just may not be expecting the source.”
“You’re just saying that.” She deflected.
He wasn’t.
Takeru was not the same connoisseur of photography Hikari was.  When push comes to shove, he wasn’t sure anyone was the same connoisseur of photography Hikari was.  That said, he enjoyed exhibits well enough.  He liked to look at the pictures, and soak them in.  Try and memorize every detail to regurgitate later.  
Or occasionally, he would find a particular picture, and write a story in his head.  How had they gotten here, to this moment, what did picture mean to the squirrel which was the focus?  What was he doing immediately before?  How did this moment change his life?
Such joys eluded him today, instead his focus was solely on the brunette accompanying him.  The pictures only mattered in how they changed the expression on her face as she examined them.  
After exiting the gallery, there was still about an hour before the band started playing at the beach, they stopped for a bite to eat, and Takeru did his best to fake his way though her questions on the exhibition.
What was his favorite photo?  He named one on the left wall of the one she stared at for ten minutes, that had framed her head the whole time.  Why?  He made up some impromptu story he’d concocted about the scenery involved.  It won him a laugh from her as he turned the questions around.
When they got to the beach, Hikari replaced her heels with flat sandals she kept in her purse.  Takeru noted that he at least recognized the heels this time, unlike her dress, but he’d still never seen her wear them before.
Despite her insistence they not swim, (something Takeru now realized had to do with the amount of time she’d spent on her makeup,) hikari had instantly dragged him towards the water, to wade in the shallows.  They didn’t go much more than ankle deep, anymore and they risked getting hikari’s dress and his shorts wet, but it had been romantic nonetheless.
When the main act began to play, they collected their shoes and moved towards the stage, communications dampening as the speakers drowned out all sounds but the band on stage.
Takeru didn’t need words, the sight of Hikari, framed by the sunset, losing herself in the moment was more than enough for him.
It was twilight when the band’s ‘second encore’ had concluded and the crowd began to peter out.   There was a small ice-cream sack on the beach, and Hikari rarely turned down an opportunity for more of the frozen delight.
They talked about the concert, the waves on the beach, of everything and nothing all at once, until the residual light from the sun faded and the moon came in full force.  In the city like this, there was always a glow of artificial light, but it did not diminish Tsukuyomi’s splendor.
Meandering towards the botanical gardens, continuing their chatter about daily life.  Just outside Hikari stopped him, finding a bench to switch back from flats to heels, insisting it was more ‘proper’.  Takeru didn’t let her get away unscathed, suggesting that if she wanted to feel taller, stilts would be more appropriate.  She responded by playfully warning him that he may ‘wake up one day, two feet shorter’.
Neither comment had nearly as much effect as when the woman at the counter remarked on ‘What a beautiful date this would make’ and how she ‘wished her boyfriend had been so romantic at that age.’
Hikari’s face could be mistaken for a tomato, and Takeru adopted an uncharacteristic stutter as he paid their admission and ushered Hikari outside.
The woman’s words had a chilling effect, the natural conversation had all but dried up, replaced with subtle pleasantries and tepid remarks about the moonlit flowers.  Before long Hikari had her camera out, taking pictures of the various plant life, abandoning most conversation all together.
Was this it, had such a small, well-meaning action already cursed him?  Everything was going so well.  Was he a modern Sysphus?  Doomed to forever push himself up the hill of a relationship with Hikari only to fall down at the pinnacle and start all over?
“Takeru?” Hikari asked, snapping him out of his monologue, “Are you okay?”
“Fine.” Takeru replied “Just thinking.”
She grabbed his arm, pulling him towards a nearby bench. “Come on, let’s take a break, these shoes are killing me.”
“The price of fashion.” Takeru said sagely.
After they reached the bench, and Hikari had relieved herself of her footwear, they paused, focusing on some hydrangeas flow in the wind, accented by moon light.  A weight appeared on Takeru’s shoulder, where Hikari began to rest her head.
“Right now.” She said “This moment just feels so…perfect.”
Takeru took a deep breath.  He had the most wonderful girl on his arm, after spending nearly eight hours with her. “Yeah, perfect.”
A perfect moment.
It was unlikely a better opportunity would present itself.
“Hikari.” He said suddenly, just as she chimed in with his name. “Sorry,” they said in unison.
Her head pulled off his arm, quite disappointingly in his opinion, as she turned to face him.
“Ladies first.” Takeru said “I insist.”  She gave him a soft look, knowing that he wouldn’t let her win this one.
 “Okay.” She started “This last month, has just been so wonderful, so amazing.  I know I’m not the most experienced with this, and I know we haven’t really put a name on it, but it’s still been like something out of a novel.  I guess I should expect that from you.”
She had begun to look down, rummaging through her purse, as takeru tried to sort out exactly what she was talking about.  Had it already been a month since they started these ‘friend-dates?’
Hikari continued obliviously, “It’s not much, especially since you seem to do all the planning, but I thought you’d like it.” She pulled out a tightly-wrapped box. “Happy  one-month anniversary.”
Dates rolled back in his head as he began to piece things together; the dress, the makeup, the heels, those were all for him?  Had she always been considering these less friend-dates and more dates-dates?
And he, in a move of pure coincidence, had moved this week’s date to Saturday, one month to the day of that first date, and even asked her mother for permission to stay out late.
Takeru did the only thing he could think of in the moment.
He laughed.
“Tak-Takeru?” she asked, and he could already sense fear and hesitation begin to well up within her as she saw her (boyfriend?) laugh at her anniversary gift.  He grabbed her and pulled her into a hug to dissuade any doubts.
“Happy anniversary,” he said when his hysterics died down.  “One month, I’ve been trying to confess for a month, and you hit me with that.”
“Wait, confess?” Hiakri said, begging a laugh of his own that quickly spread to Takeru.  “All this time and you didn’t even think we were dating?  You completely stopped flirting with everyone else.  Did you really think I didn’t…”
“We’re quite the pair, aren’t we?” Takeru teased in response.
“Yeah,” Hikari agreed. “Well, if you finally managed to confess after all that, maybe I can do something I’ve been too scared to do for the last month.”
Takeru looked down at her, “What would that be?” he asked leaning in close.
“This.” She pressed her lips against his.
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noctisfishing · 4 years
Takari Week Day 7: Comfort OR Healing, Taking Care Of
Noct Writes Takari Week 2020: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 ]
@takariweek for more content; @noctisfishing for Takari Week prompts and more.
This is the last one =,) Endings are always so bittersweet! I had a lot of fun writing these. Thank you for reading along! 
I still have a handful to read and fawn over but I’ve enjoyed all that I’ve read! Y’all are amazingly talented. 
Let’s do this again soon! :D
Prompt notes: Speaking of bittersweet. This one is angsty compared to the other days. Saving the somber for last, but don’t worry. Hope and Light are here for a reason. :)
Set in the Digimon Adventure tri. timeframe.
The battle was won. The evil Devimon had been defeated. The Digital World was saved.
But Angemon was dying. Pieces of data disintegrated into the air as Angemon said his last words.
Takeru was shouting at him because none of it made sense. Why was Angemon telling him words of encouragement? Why did he sound so calm?
Why did it only have to be Takeru’s partner to suffer?
The imagery shifted from bright holy light to the darkness of the room that he opened his eyes to. Takeru was still shouting, but he felt arms around his chest holding him back, and the warmth of tears spilling from his eyes. He realized by the sound of the other shouting voice behind him that it was Hikari holding him to try to calm him down.
Hearing Hikari’s soothing voice eased his panic. He sat still in her arms, catching his breath and letting his heart rate slow down.
“You had that nightmare again,” she said quietly.
“You remember what happened in the end, don’t you?”
It was an exercise Hikari went through with him whenever he had that nightmare: he would recount the moments when his Digimon partner was reborn and eventually evolved back to Patamon.
“And where is Patamon right now, Takeru?”
“He’s safe, in the Digital World.”
“And what about you?”
“I’m here at home, with you, and…”
Takeru realized he was sitting on the couch with Hikari. Turning to the coffee table, he saw their notebooks and pencils set on top. That was when he remembered he had gotten sleepy and felt like taking a nap.
He knew that Patamon was alive and well. The Devimon fight was years ago, and he and Patamon fought many other battles together and won since then.
But why was that nightmare always so vivid? As though it were only yesterday?
With a sigh, he turned around and rested his forehead on Hikari’s shoulder. She rubbed his back gently without uttering a word. The nightmares didn't happen often, but they turned up at the times he felt that his life was going right. Both the Digital World and the Real World were at peace. He was able to see Yamato a lot more, and their parents reconciled their disagreements and found a way to remain good friends. Takeru was pretty popular among his schoolmates, and best of all, he was asked out by Hikari, his best friend and the girl of his dreams.
But these nightmares left an echo of hopelessness hanging above his head. Thinking about Yamato walking away whenever they didn't see eye to eye. Hearing his parents shouting at each other, just as they had in the past. The thought of losing Pegasusmon in a battle after one wrong move. And, if he were to lose Hikari…
Takeru felt the light touch of Hikari’s lips as she pressed them against his forehead. It was then he realized that these doubts were only in his head. The nightmare was over. Patamon was alive. Nothing was perfect, but even if things went wrong, he didn’t have to lose hope in making them right again. 
Only Hikari was able to give him the light to guide him back to reality.
When he lifted his head up to meet her eyes, she brought her thumbs to wipe away the tears that were still on his lower lids.
"How many times do we have to tell you to stop being such a crybaby?" she asked.
In his moment of peace, the dark wisps of the nightmare finally cleared from his head, Takeru found it in him to laugh in response.
“Welcome back,” Hikari whispered, with a smile that illuminated the room barely lit from the glow of the television in front of them. Takeru then pulled Hikari in to hold her close, grateful to have her as his beacon of light in his moments of darkness.
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Noontime Congress
Takari Week 2024 - Day 6: Sixth Ending
Kari and T.K stay close to each other, but Tai and the enormous wolf stand at opposite ends of the room. The red-haired girl stands between them, looking concerned. Tai demands to know why they’re here. The girl introduces herself as Sora and assures him that she’ll explain everything.
The wolves are dying out, Sora informs them. Not the normal wolves, but the special ones that have minds like men and live long lives. Her mother has been a friend to the wolves for a long time, but they have forgotten her over the generations as the situation grew worse. 
For some reason, Matt and T.K. caught her attention when they were born. Maybe because of the strong bond between them? She decided to intervene. T.K. was sickly and wouldn’t have survived to full adulthood, so Sora’s mother enchanted him, turning him into a statue until she could find a way to save him. 
She didn’t expect Kari to break the enchantment or for T.K. to become human when she did. His transformation restored his health. Maybe Kari is from a special bloodline and that’s why her scarf had that effect? I’m leaning towards it just being something special about Kari, though. 
T.K. is very surprised by all of this. He knew he felt different, but he couldn’t remember enough about being a wolf that he realized he’d changed. 
Sora explains that the wolves are traditionally led by a pair of brother wolves, and that losing that was part of what caused the wolves to decline. By preserving T.K., her mother hoped that Matt and T.K. could grow up to lead the wolves together and begin a restoration. 
I feel like the wolves should have some important role that makes them worth restoring but I have no idea what that is other than guarding something, maybe a treasure. 
Now that T.K. is no longer sickly, he needs to return to his brother and lead the wolves with him. Kari is dismayed to hear this. She doesn’t want to lose him. T.K. also seems distressed and torn. He takes Kari’s hand and asks, “But what about Kari?” 
Sora looks sad. She tells T.K. that, if he stays human, the wolves will be gone in a generation or two. 
Tai looks annoyed and asks why it has to be one or the other. T.K. became human once, can’t he do it again even if he goes back to being a wolf for a little while?
Sora is surprised, then thoughtful. Kari feels hope rise up and smiles at her brother as T.K. squeezes her hand. 
“Then I’ll go back,” T.K. decides. He looks at Kari. “But not forever.”
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skuag · 4 years
KOUKARI I love you
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OF COURSE @earlgreymon​ I’m always here for Koukari and basically for any other Hikari and Koushirou ship because why WHY are they SO EASY to ship I love them
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I basically have two sets of headcanons or two moments of their lives when I see this happening and yes, they can both happen in the same canon universe, they just need to avoid the Epilogue because The Epilogue is Sacred #BlessTheEpilogue I love you Epilogue
More below the cut!!!
Things in common in both scenarios:
1. Taichi is really cool with this. I usually like to think of him as a jealous brother I don’t care Tri I don’t care but I honestly believe that he would be very ok with Hikari dating Koushirou. He’s his closest friend and really just so trustworthy that he just accepts it and goes along with it and supports their relationship, even if he never saw it coming. I see him worrying about their general secretiveness and thinks that they won’t share enough with each other and see that as an obvious obstacle in their relationship but doesn’t really how to raise this issue with them... and it’s not like he can ask Sora how to ask them to say how they feel 
2. Yoshie/Kae (sorry I really dislike calling her Kae so I will avoid it for as long as I can) is really into them and in both scenarios I see her playing a fundamental role in them getting together.
3. General happiness. Obviously.
Ok ok so let’s go with Scenario One: The First Love one
This basically happens after 02, maybe around Tri or so. Taichi is getting ready for university, his priorities are quickly changing and he’s just not spending so much time with Koushirou. He is, naturally, still a regular at the Yagami household but he spends more time with Hikari than with Taichi. They have a lot in common: she always wants to learn a little more about anything and she doesn’t get bored listening to him when he speaks about whatever theory he’s studying at that moment, about whatever (DigiWorld, science, insects, you name it).
Koushirou, on the other hand, sees Hikari as an enigma. He always has questions for her, he wants to know so much: about her connection to Homeostasis, Daemon, the Sea in general - mostly he doesn’t dare to ask, though, so he takes the next best path which is: to observe. But to observe he has to spend time with her, so he does. And Hikari, she always just has this questions that he has no idea where she gets them and he can’t answer those, so he has to study more, and then he needs to meet with her to answer those questions, and it just keeps going towards happiness.
I think that Hikari is abstract and she doesn't fit into Koushirou's concrete-scientific schemes, and that drives him crazy and intrigues him. Why do the cherry blossom petals float on the water? Why is the flight of birds reflected? Koushirou always has scientific answers, but Hikari is never convinced. By making him think in a way that is not rational, she improves his knowleadge, makes him smarter.
Koushirou sometimes takes her cakes and other desserts that Yoshie makes, and sometimes Hikari goes to Koushirou’s house to return the tuppers or recipients and sometimes Koushirou is not there but Yoshie is right in that same moment making a cake sometimes this is just an excuse so she stays and helps and learns this girl has so much to learn really and then Koushirou arrives and they hang out and then repeat. 
And then once when Koushirou arrives at his house and Hikari is there with Yoshie he’s really in a hurry because #whatever and needs to leave and can’t stay but Yoshie goes “Won’t you at least say hello to your girlfriend?” or “Won’t you at least walk your girlfriend home?” or similar and Koushirou is DYING I mean it his face is as red as his hair and it´s A MEsS what are you doing mother?!?!
But while he’s there dying Hikari is chilling and totally ok with it and doesn’t say anything, and when he leaves her at her house she kisses him on the cheek and leaves. And then maybe one or two days later she texts him to meet, obviously it has to be Hikari, Koushirou willl not start this conversation, so they meet and Hikari starts the conversation and they are dating and flying to happiness THE END butterflies and unicorns thank you.
Scenario Two: The Last Love One
This takes place some years after or around the Epilogue #BlessTheEpilogue I love you Epilogue and it may or may not include the Scenario One, as you wish. 
In my headcanons Hikari sometimes marries Yuri, the Russian boy, or an older man who is really in love with her, but she’s not so so in love with him, although she cares a lot about him. And eventually he leaves her, because he deserves more love than Hikari can give him and yes I took this headcanon from a Daikari fic but I just love this idea.
Usually I have Koushirou marry Mina, the Indian girl, but not in this Scenario because I just wouldn’t be able to break them apart so here he marries whoever, it just can’t be Sora nor Miyako.
And in this scenario Yoshie, after Masami’s retirement, opens a bakery with Mr. Tento’s logo and it’s generally a safe space for people with Digimon because in my headcanons not everyone is happy with coexistance so Hikari goes a lot, to eat, and also because she’s very popular in the #Coexistance community and she gives talks, and recommendations, and eats, there’s even a dessert with her name. Some of these headcanons I took from Angelique Kaulitz, she’s an amazing writer in the Spanish fandom, truly one of the best.
Koushirou doesn’t show up so much because he’s so busy but Yoshie finds excuses to have him there and sometimes there’s only a small table left so he has to sit with Hikari and she’s kind of a mess, gets coffee into her books, foam moustaches and really has the best faces when she tastes an amazing new cake and he finds her first funny, then adorable, then he can’t live without her faces and his girl Osen loves her teacher as well. 
So they get together, or get back together, and travel into happiness on top of a rainbow that shines together with Hikari’s boy and Koushirou’s girl THE END with happiness this is a HAPPY ENDING and the four digimon go too
Scenario Three - The Crack One 
Ok this is a secret scenario but I won’t write like this the whole secret scenario because it’ll be a little messy
I actually wrote this one as a fanfic, I wouldn’t say it’s a real headcanon that I have but I think it’s one of my best stories. 
Ok so Yuri the Russian boy moves to Tokio and Hikari teaches him Japanese and they kind of like each other but Hikari is also in a kind of relationship with Koushirou, except that they don’t have a name for this relationship, but they are definitely together. 
Then Yuri meets Koushirou and finds him really hot truth be told he also likes Sora and Miyako and Hikari is confused at first but then she’s not so confused, the one who is truly confused is Koushirou, he doesn’t understand anything except that he’s really into Hikari and that there is just a thing about Yuri that makes him wanna spend time with him and maybe touch his hand. 
And this is a polyamorous situation but I wouldn’t say it has a happy ending who cares, it’s a crack scenario
I will make another post with Koukari fanfic recommendations but just because I wrote all of this I will pour all my fanfics here yes because I can they are all in Spanish beautiful language I love you Spanish
Hikari a través de sus ojos
Hikari y Koushirou
Las teorías Koushirou y su praxis - This is Scenario One
Y sube, y baja y sube - This is Crack Scenario
Cambio y Fuera
Other headcanons:
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digitalworldbound · 4 years
Takari Week, Day One: Confessions
Hi! Here is my contribution for the first day of my favorite week!
Title: Puppy Love ft. Hikari 
Pairing: Takeru x Hikari. Takeru promises himself that he will confess his truest feelings to Hikari by the end of the year. I have a longer version of this story, but made it brief for Tumblr! I had to cut out several months, so the end seems rush, but I will post the full length story on AO3 sometime soon!
As the first sunrise of his sixteenth year bathed him in a glorious light, Takaishi Takeru made himself a solemn promise.  By the end of the year, he would confess it all to the girl he loved.
On the morning of January first, he was surrounded by eleven of his closest friends. They had spent the last day of the year together, sharing stories and eating street food. With their bellies full, they watched the sunrise together for the last time. Come spring, Jou would be moving into the heart of Tokyo to begin his graduate studies. Yamato had already expressed and interest in touring with his band one final time before he started, so Takeru snuggled up to his side as the golden rays of sunshine caressed their cheeks.
“This is it.” His voice was no more than a whisper. The others chattered aimlessly, filling the crisp air with giggles and shared experiences. Despite the noise, Yamato had heard him. He always did.
“Don’t think like that, Keru. You know I’m always just a phone call away.” The older blonde rested his cheeks on Takeru’s head, pulling him closer into his embrace. Despite the reassurance, there was a hint of finality in his voice, as if he, too, believed that this could be the end of all of them.
Growing up was messy business, and Takeru wistfully longed for that one, eternal summer.
“Yeah, but you take after dad. What if you get so busy that you won’t pick up?” Takeru did his best to conceal the worry in his voice, but Yamato could hear his tone waver. “When it comes to you, Keru, I would do anything. Besides,” he nudged his little brother playfully, “I think you will be preoccupied with a certain someone.” He gestured towards the direction where Hikari sat. From his position buried in his brother’s shoulder, Takeru couldn’t see much, but his cheeks colored regardless.
“How did you know?” Takeru cringed as the words left his mouth. If his blush didn’t give him away, his question surely would.
Yamato grinned, shooting his brother a quick wink. “Just call it a brother’s intuition.”
Somewhere to his right, Hikari giggled at something Iori said. The sound seemed to dissipate in the morning air, briefly riding on the wind until it faded away. Takeru suppressed a smile. “Hmm, well what does ‘brother’s intuition’ say about my odds?”
Takeru glanced up to find his brother’s attention on the horizon, the golden haze fading into a sea of milky blues. He tucked himself further underneath Yamato’s arm, feeling like he was eight years old again.
“In all honesty, I believe that you are the only person with odds when it comes to her.”
The pair sat in silence, letting the morning wash over them. Before long, Daisuke would be complaining about his stomach and Taichi would insist on sleeping in and the year would officially begin. For, though, they relished in their friends, the glowing horizon, and each other.
“You know, I’ve never understood the point behind a love letter. If you like someone that much, wouldn’t it be easier to tell them in person?” Hikari took another bite of her bento box. Today, her mother had been gracious. Instead of a failed science experiment, Hikari had been able to pack some grilled fish with a small container of rice.
Takeru raised an eyebrow, swallowing the last of his ramen. “I think you only say that because you’ve never gotten a love letter. Personally, I think it takes a lot of craftmanship to be able to express a person’s innermost thoughts on paper.”
She laughed, tilting her head to the side. “Ah, I see. And just how many love letters have you written, Takeru-kun? Is there a special lady I should know about?” Her chopsticks pointed at him accusingly. She seemed tense, but Takeru wasn’t sure if it was her mother’s fish or the context of their conversation.
He could feel his face grow warm while Hikari remained as cool as a cucumber. The unfairness of the situation dawned on him. Takeru, so easily flustered, did not stand a chance against his brunette counterpart. “Ah, um, well-”
“I’ll take that as a ‘no’.” She smiled triumphantly.
“Why? Is there something you would like to tell me, Hikari-chan?” he leaned in, stopping just before she could become uncomfortable. Her mahogany eyes peered up from her dark lashes, widening in surprise. His mouth was just a breath away, and Hikari’s heartbeat wildly in her chest.
“O-Of course not, don’t be silly. It’s about time you get a girlfriend. Besides, spring formal is a month away. There’s about fifteen girls dying for you to ask them, and I’m sure there’s at least one girl you would like to take.” Hikari leaned back into her chair, her eyes focusing on cleaning up her mess.
He waited until she was packed up before rising out of his seat. She followed him to the trashcan, silence hanging between them like a weighted blanket. The pair walked towards the back hallway, preparing for their afternoon classes to start.
“You’re right,” He began, pausing in front of her classroom. A few of their peers leaned curiously from their seats. It was rare that Takeru and Hikari were seen together outside of class. “There is someone I want to invite to the dance, but I wouldn’t make to make my bestest friend in the whole wide world jealous.” Takeru pinched her cheek playfully, smiling as she colored. For once, it seemed that he finally had the upper hand. Giggles could be heard from behind them. Hikari seemed to come to her senses and swatted his hand away, taking a step into the classroom.
“You know,” she shot back from the doorway, skirt swaying behind her, “If you ever needed someone to practice writing love letters for, I’d be happy to proofread it for you.” She winked at him, a teasing glint in her eyes.
After the fifth failed attempt, Takeru tossed his phone onto his bed. Yamato’s tour was in full swing, and it had been weeks since he had last heard from him.
“Are you ready yet, baby?” His mother’s blue eyes peered in from his bedroom door. She raised an eyebrow at the state of his room. “What’s all this?” She kicked a ball of crumpled paper in Takeru’s direction.
“Mom! At least knock first; I could have been naked!” He rolled his eyes in annoyance. Ignoring her questions, he turned back to the mirror. With a thin comb and a stolen bottle of his brother’s hair gel, Takeru attempted to style his hair to resemble some handsome anime character. Once he was finished, he turned towards the doorway for approval. His mother grinned, admiring his sideways part.
“Come here, I need to straighten your tie.” Her hands felt like a cool breeze against his neck, and it was only then that he realized how warm he was. Glancing down at his watch, his pulse quickened.
“Momma, I have to get going soon; she’s waiting for me.”
Her fingers finished twisting the fabric, resting just above her son’s heart. “Kaori-san?” The disappointment in her voice was undeniable, and Takeru couldn’t help but to share the sentiment. Kaori was the student council president, overall a lovely girl. She had silky blond hair that reach her hips and green eyes that put sapphires to shame. Boys would often pull at her locks, teasing her until she would blush. Kaori seemed to like the attention, giggling like a banshee whenever the opposite sex would approach.
As of last night, she was also the only girl that didn’t have a date to the spring formal.
Takeru only nodded, toeing the crushed papers around his feet.  It was his own fault, really. By the time he had worked up the nerve to look Hikari in her eyes, Daisuke has swept her away. It didn’t help that he dangled his date with Hikari in front of Takeru as if he were a dog, but the blond couldn’t shake the settled look in her eyes.
She had turned down several boys before, almost waiting until the last possible moment like Takeru. ‘Daisuke-kun must have bribed her.’ If Yamato had answered the phone, he might have given Takeru the boost of encouragement (re: kick in the ass) that he needed.
The blond struggled with his civility. Kaori, dressed in green satin, insisted on taking pictures. After the seventeenth click of camera, his cheeks became sore. Walking to the gymnasium had been another ordeal. Kaori was talkative, but the excitement of a first date made her unbearable. As she rattled on about tennis matches and brands of shampoo, Takeru let his eyes glaze over. He missed comfortable silence and the girl that spoke with soft smiles.
‘I’m being ridiculous,’ he thought, struggling to hold back tears as he held another girl in his arms. Across the ballroom, Hikari struggled to keep Daisuke’s hands in place. With each dance, they seemed to slip lower on her hips. She had told him twice already to cut it out.
His palms danced across her lower back. “Daisuke-kun, I told you to stop!” Hikari pulled away, cheeks coloring with indignation. With a scoff, his eyes flickered with anger. “You’re the one that said yes to me, Hikari-chan. I think you know what you got yourself into.”
Her mahogany eyes searched for a familiar mop of blond hair; her rescuer. “This would have never of happened if I went with Takeru-kun instead.” Hikari eyed Daisuke, daring him to come closer. She had enough of his unwanted advantages. Takeru hadn’t picked up on any of her hints, but she couldn’t bear going to her final middle school dance alone. Daisuke had been her only choice.
“It always comes back to him, doesn’t it?” Daisuke raised his voice, and Hikari could feel Takeru’s blue eyes burn into her. Heads turned at the commotion. “You know what? I’m done, Hikari-san. If you want to be with him, just do it. Next time, leave me out of it.” With a huff, Daisuke disappeared, burgundy hair slipping through the gymnasium doors.  A crowd had formed around the pair, Hikari standing helpess in the middle.
Takeru tensed as Daisuke raised his voice, preparing himself to intervene. Before he could interject himself, the boy was gone and Kaori had a vice grip on his arm. Hikari’s face grew splotchy, the first sign of tears. Takeru tugged his arm free, sparing his date a look of remorse. “I’m sorry,” he offered, gentley touching Kaori’s hand. “Hikari-chan needs me.”
“Go to her.” Kaori had been insufferable the entire night, but in the moment, Takeru swore he could have kissed her. Without a reply, he weaved through the mass of people, tugging Hikari away from their wandering eyes.
The cool, night air enveloped them as Takeru pulled Hikari to the swing sets. They sat down beside each other, absorbed in their own thoughts. Despite her flushed cheeks and swollen eyes, Hikari was perfect. Her hair fell in loose waves at her shoulders, a glitter hair clip holding her bangs hostage. Glitter had been brushed across her eyelids, catching in the light. Takeru’s breath caught in his throat. It was now or never.  His silence must have unnerved Hikari, her eyes trailing him nervously.
“I’ve got to get this off my chest,” he started, voice unnaturally loud in the quiet twilight. “I’m sorry, this is going to be weird for you, but I just can’t keep pushing it down. You might not want to speak to me again, and it might ruin everything but...I have feelings for you. Really strong feelings. I know you were kind of with Daisuke-san, so I know that I may be too late. I just… couldn’t fathom living my life without telling you how I felt. That would have been my biggest regret.” Hands shaking, he focused on the gravel underneath the swing. There it was, out in the open. He couldn’t crumple up that love letter.
The silence seemed to stretch on forever. Tears burned in his blue eyes, convinced his feelings were one-sided. As he opened his mouth in apology, Hikari found her voice.
“Wait! What? Who told you I was with Daisuke-san of all people?” Her heart was beating too fast and too loud for her to be able to focus on the gravity of his words. She could feel a warmth rush to her cheeks, staining the tips of her ears. Takeru watched these emotions skirt around her face, the smallest bit of hope igniting in his chest.
“I just assumed. I mean, you went to the dance together, Well, before he left.”
An incredulous laugh slipped between her lips. “Takeru-kun, I only went with Daisuke-san because you didn’t ask me. I was waiting for you.”
His heart was singing. Hikari’s laugh seemed to wipe gravity away; Takeru was floating. His cheeks were pink, pulse erratic. “You…feel that same way?” Hikari must have super-human hearing, as his voice was barely a whisper.
“Yes,” she whispered, and Takeru swore that this would be a moment to remember the rest of his life.
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atsoraasayoma · 3 years
I need some encouragement. I have been making my goal of showing how takari can be canon within my novel series The Digital Record for quite awhile. It’s been nearly a year and a half. What was supposed to be one novel became three. What was three novels has now for sure become five and, I am right in the middle of the fourth just kind of reflecting on if it’s truly worth it.
It’s agonizing in a way because I know the truth and what if’s drive me insane. All hope is not lost for the series though. I think if I could catch a glimmer more of hope for them it would fuel my drive to complete this endeavor.
The next movie coming out someday will talk about Daisuke meeting the first digimon and, sadly their is very little chance of takari in this one.
Why write when the future is set in stone like this? As Rei Kurenada says in the series “If you rewind a movie and play it again it’s still the same result.”
No matter how you feel or how victimized you are if the director denies the ship even though all the pieces are there does that not deaden your soul inside? Does it not dampen your spirits?
No matter what you do you can’t change anything when it comes to this ship. But is it so wrong to want to try? Even if you are ultimately setting yourself up for disappointment even more?
Surely I am not the only one who feels this way. And the only way this could change is if somehow the director of this new movie could see the level of passion this ship has and perhaps soften the heart enough to honor the tortured souls who have latched on to the ship and will not let go till their dying breath.
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Takari Week 2022 - Day 3: Reunion
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Title: Tanabata Characters: Takeru Takaishi, Hikari Yagami, Sora Takenouchi and Yamato Ishida. Summary: Hikari surprises Takeru in Kyoto. Note: For Takari week, I decided to do something different. All stories will be told in first person, from both Takeru and Hikari's POVs in the same story. It will be separated to make it easier, though. My heart started beating faster as the subway approached Kyoto. Though it was already summer vacation, Takeru had opted to stay in the city for about two weeks to go sightseeing, which he couldn't exactly do due to his busy schedule with college. Beside me, I could hear Sora and Yamato giggling in a low tone as if I couldn't hear them. "Hey." She reached out and touched my arm, near my wrist. "Are you okay?" "Huh?" I looked at her. I was listening to everything in my surroundings, but was still caught by surprise. A smile appeared on my lips. "I'm fine. Just a little nervous." "That's perfectly normal." She assured me. "You're going to meet your boyfriend in a city you haven't been to and are alone. But things will be okay. He will be really thrilled to see you after a few months, I'm sure." "Thanks for coming with me. I don't think it would be so easy to convince my mother to let me visit him if you didn't." "That's a mom's thing." Sora smiled kindly. "My mom used to be the same when I was living with her. It gets a little easier when you move out. By the way, you don't have to thank us for coming with you. We know exactly what it's like." "That's right." Yamato agreed with a nod of his head. "Besides, you're not the only one who misses Takeru." "Yes, but I think she misses him in a different way." "Well, obviously." He couldn't help but smile at her. "But you get me." "I do." Though I wasn't seeing her face, I could easily tell Sora was smiling back at him just by the way her voice sounded. And I caught myself wishing to have a relationship like theirs. I found it amazing how they managed to remain best of friends while dating each other for almost eight years now. Mimi seems to think so, as she's always making comparisons between us. Takeru and I were close to have our fifth anniversary in a little less than a month and I still couldn't believe how fast time had gone by. My mind was racing again, wondering how he would react when I showed up at his door or if I surprised him somewhere else.
I couldn't tell how many times I had checked my phone to see what time it was. I wanted to see Takeru so badly that I was really close to telling Sora I wouldn't stay at her father's apartment because I wanted to spend every second with him. But my rational side knew I would be throwing away my future chances of coming here again if I did that. So I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I managed to survive the first semester (or almost) without him, but having a long distance relationship still sucked. "Hikari?" Sora's voice echoed in my ears and immediately broke my trance away. I blinked and shook my head as I looked at her. "This is our station." "Already?" I quickly grabbed my luggage and joined them. "But we left Odaiba like ten minutes ago." "I told you it would be a fast trip. Stay close, so you won't get lost." "Are you sure your father is okay with me staying over?" I asked, unsure. "I really don't want to be a burden for the next few days." "He is, don't worry about it." She replied in her usual soft and sympathetic tone and I immediately felt my shoulders relax. "Dad loves having people around. You'll be more than welcome there, trust me." "We can invite Takeru over, once you meet him again. You still want to surprise him, don't you?" "Absolutely." I smiled at Yamato, and his eyes remind me of Takeru's. And now I'm dying to meet him again. Well, I don't have to wait that much anymore, I tell myself.
Keep reading it on FFN or AO3 An extended version can be found here: FFN | AO3
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earlgreymon · 4 years
we’d talk/wed-talk
takari week // [day 5] taichi and yamato step in
so apparently i read the prompt wrongly. i thought it was taichi or yamato step in, so i only chose one of them. but as i wrote this, i just realized it was taichi and yamato. in addition to that, he didn’t really step in here, but well...
although this is still a fic about takari, i picked yamato and hikari as the main character of this story because i’m dying to see more of their interaction. and if you know me well enough, you surely know i’m a fan of writing unusual combination, so there you go!
“Takeru isn’t here yet?”
Hikari turned to find Yamato arrived beside her before she shook her head as a response. “I think his plane got delayed earlier.”
It was the day of Taichi and Sora’s wedding, but Takeru was in Hokkaido for the writer’s conference and only scheduled to come back at d-day. He already offered his apology to the bride and groom for a million times, and Sora had repeatedly convinced him that it was not a big deal. However, Hikari knew that he still felt guilty somehow, especially now that he would absolutely be late due to ‘operational problems’.
The couple had chosen a traditional Japanese-style wedding in a shrine, considering Sora’s strong cultural background. Hikari had no doubt that his brother looked dashing with his black hakama, but Sora was… enthralling. Not only Taichi who was taken aback as his bride stepped out of the sanctum; everyone who attended the ceremony was obviously captivated with her out-of-this-world charm. As if the universe wanted to take part in making Sora the most beautiful woman of the day, the autumn leaves started to dance around her—creating such an extraordinary sight to behold.
Seeing such an amazing scene, Hikari couldn’t help but wondered whether she would be as fine-looking as Sora in that pure white shiromuku—or perhaps she should choose a dress instead?
“Crazy huh?” Yamato murmured as the bride and the groom followed the priest’s lead. “First Ken and Miyako, and now them. I bet you and Takeru will also join the marriage club soon.”
Hikari didn’t specifically confirm the accusation. They both had started to think about officiating their relationship, but agreed to let her brother finished his wedding first before discussing it any further. It wasn’t surprising if Takeru had already mentioned their intention to Yamato, just as Hikari told Taichi.
“And you?” Hikari asked. “Your ex is currently getting married in front of your eyes right now. When will you join?”
Yamato laughed sarcastically. “I can’t believe you just said that, of all people.”
“I’m testing you. Takeru said that you’ve moved on.”
“I have. Don’t worry.”
The priest started the ceremony in the pavilion. Hikari should be seating in the front row accompanying her parents, but as she was happily volunteering herself as the photographer, she moved around to search for different angles until she returned to stand beside Yamato on the back of the crowd.
“Hey,” Yamato confided. “Please take care of my brother, will you? I don’t know if he has opened up to you about this, but the divorce carved a very deep trauma for him and the last thing I want is for him to go through another misery.”
There was an indescribable melancholy as he stared into the distance, but when he turned his head back to meet Hikari’s eyes, he gave a tiny smile. “But I believe you won’t let him be, right?”
Hikari replied with the same soft curve in her lips. “I won’t. I promise.”
“Although I can’t believe you made such a miserable joke,” they finally cracked into a small chuckle. “What if I still hurt?”
“That’s why I told you it’s a test—”
“What test?” Takeru popped between them all the sudden, each of his hands pulling them into an embrace, except that Hikari got an extra peck in her temple.
“Basically the whole ceremony,” Yamato joked flatly, even though the newlywed really seemed to start moving from the pavilion—probably for a photo session. “Well. As long as you're not late on your own wedding day, bro.” Yamato lifted Takeru’s hand from his shoulder and left them to approach another friend.
Takeru frowned for a moment watching the figure of his brother, before facing back to his lover. “Seriously: what test?” he repeated.
“Ah. Let’s just say he’s checking whether I deserve to be his sister-in-law.”
“Did you pass then?”
“He let me go easily. You should worry about yourself more. My brother’s a handful.”
Takeru hissed. “And surely I made a bad impression for coming late to his wedding.”
“Well.” Hikari giggled, turning him so she could fix his tie and straightened his coat. She’d never seen him wearing a hakama before, but considering he was very handsome in a tux right now, she probably should keep the option open for a wedding dress. With a meaningful smile, she continued, “As long as you’re not late on your own wedding day.” 
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