#dyn: everything out there can be yours
honestly, i think one of the hardest parts about the revisiting i've been doing of LL lately has been that now i have the knowledge and experience for it to really hit home, not just that he was abused and neglected by his power-tripping guardian for most of his childhood; and not only did he go through homelessness and food insecurity; and not only was he brainwashed by a cult for the better part of a year, with the death and torture of himself and/or his only loved one hanging over his head with every single choice of words he made. he was groomed.
[talk about grooming and canonical undertones of CSA under the cut, as well as discussion of victim-blaming and fatphobia; not the full post examining its depiction in the series, that'll come later because it's important to me, but be warned.]
like. i don't just mean the brainwashing, i mean groomed, as in an inappropriate one-on-one emotional/power dynamic with a predatory adult. it stopped just short of actual sexual abuse--in-universe presumably because they were being watched, and out-of-universe probably because the writers didn't want to deal with that lmao--but it is loud and clear and just. god. he literally fucking uses the word 'groomed,' and thinks it was a favor. the entire second half of that novella was genuinely nauseating, and it was hard to get through.
it explains yet another reason he resonated as hard with me as he did, and it makes me absolutely fucking furious both then and now that the writers blame him for '''falling for it.''' they portray it as him being spoiled and selfish and full of himself and lazy--letting himself be Corrupted--and i will never forgive the writers for publishing that in a book for kids and for having made me read it with my own two eyes. and it makes it even fucking rougher that any fandom content for him that's more than a few years old is a minefield of victim-blaming, bile, and maybe 'okay well i can see how he's kind of sympathetic BUT I STILL HATE HIM SO MUCH I'M SO MAD EVERY TIME HE COMES ONSCREEN UGH'
(which, let us be fucking real, he would not have gotten that reception if he were not fat. he just wouldn't have. i was there for the most openly nasty, violent fatphobia right after FoF came out, and for years it did not go away, it just went slightly more underground. i was there when the [fatphobia] was written etc etc)
anyway, just. man. as aforementioned i'm planning to write up a proper post about this later, which is going to be A Time. i guess this one is mainly just to express that Goddamn That Shit Was Fucked, it was extremely rough being a fan of five who identified with him a lot, and i am so very grateful both that i am in a place to unpack it and that the fandom these days is not Like Fucking That.
thanks, y'all. wish me luck.
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notanrp-system · 1 month
I apologize....I was curious about a lot of the questions you posted.
 describe yourself through the eyes of a stranger? Dyns, Angel, Alastor, Corvo, Mammon, Tony, Nagito, The Outsider
 what is a quality you’d like to change about yourself?Dyns, Alastor, Corvo
share a secret about yourself? Alastor, The Outsider, Corvo, Angel, Tony
 what advice would you give your childhood self? Alastor, Angel, Corvo, The Outsider, Tony
what’s your favorite form of flattery? Tony, Angel, Alastor
describe your personal style? Dyns, Angel, Alastor
who was your very first artistic inspiration? Dyns
if you could choose only one meal to eat for the remainder of your life, which would you choose? Anyone who wants to answer. I’m curious
 if you could domesticate any animal as your pet, which would you choose? Tony, Alastor, Angel, Corvo, The Outsider, Nagito
favorite mythological creature? and why? The Outsider, Dyns
what’s one thing you would tell to the last person who betrayed you? Corvo, Dyns, The Outsider, Alastor, Angel, Tony
what are you currently trying to accomplish? Anybody willing to answer. I’m curious
describe your personality is only 3 words? Everyone
which animal would you be the most terrified to encounter? Tony, Dyns, Angel, Alastor, Corvo, Mammon, Nagito
name a public figure you find to be overrated? Why? The Outsider, Alastor, Corvo
what purpose do you get out of using tumblr? Everyone, though I have my guesses for most of you.
Pretty sure I got all the questions. We did our best.
Where you said everyone is just who wanted to answer. There's plenty who don't want to play or who don't come close enough to front to answer at all.
Describe yourself through the eyes of a stranger?
Dyns- Weird silent punk ass who needs an attitude adjustment and is too old to be acting this way.
Angel- Tall, flirty slut. Affeminant to the point that maybe it's offensive to other gay men?
Alastor- A well dressed, if old fashioned, fellow. Holds himself confidently and smiles a lot. Perhaps a little unnerving
Corvo- tall and broad, tanned and fit. Going grey but strong and fast for his age. Quick eyes. Razor tongue. A man who may have been a protector for too long so it's all he knows.
Mammon- tall, white haired, red eyed, to many sharp teeth. Not human. Smirks a lot
Tony- playboy, suave, quick talker, taller than expected, can't take anything seriously
Nagito- Thin, a little twitchy, strange pale maybe sick boy. Smiles a lot and believes in hope to a fault
The Outsider- Black eyes that see into everything. Pale skin cool to the touch. Cryptic and mysterious. A dark enigma.
What is a quality you'd like to change about yourself?
Dyns- in headspace my left leg is pretty bad off and it fucked me up when I front.
Alastor- I suppose it's prideful to say nothing. Though I am from the ring of pride.
Corvo- I have a hard time allowing myself to relax. To my detriment.
Share a secret about yourself.
Alastor- No
The Outsider- I will not be doing this.
Corvo- I miss Serkonos even though I've not been there since my childhood unless it was in business.
Angel- Shit. Ok. I got one. One a my kinks is getting pulled around on a leash and we all know how fucked up that is.
Tony- My "source" is a culmination of everything CAL had encountered about Tony Stark through the MCU, comics, wiki, animation, word of mouth, headcanons, fandom, ect. So I don't have a real source at all. I'm a sourceless fictive.
What advice would you give your childhood self?
Alastor- During hunting season looking like a hunter is a better disguise than not.
Angel- You can be a star without being a toy
Corvo- Treasure all the time you get. Every second of it.
The Outsider- Fight.
Tony- You can always figure it out
What's your favorite form of flattery?
Tony- Flattery. Whatever you've got.
Angel- brutal honesty
Alastor- Favors
Describe your personal style.
Dyns- I guess punk.
Angel- hot girl.
Alastor- I believe it's referred to as business casual. A button up, a vest, nice pants, nice shoes ideally polished, a working watch, hair styled, cologne on. For day to day. Nicer of course if the occasion calls for it
Who was your very first artistic inspiration?
Dyns- Banksy
If you could choose only one meal to eat for the remainder of your life, which would you choose?
Angel- One meal? Pasta. Plenty a kinds and even if you limit it to one sauce you can change the amount so there's some variety.
Chiaki- Fried Rice with mushrooms
Alastor- Steak. Medium rare.
If you could domesticate any animal as your pet, which would you choose?
Tony- I'm not really fond of pets. Even less fond of exotic pets domestic or otherwise. Can you domesticate a cool looking fish?
Alastor- Humans have domesticated most of the most interesting ones over the millennia. I think a moose perhaps. Or an elk.
Angel- I have the best pet. He's a demon pig and he's perfect.
Corvo- The Outsider
The Outsider- The only creature I want is already domesticated. The rat.
Nagito- A Panda
Favorite mythological creature and why?
The Outsider- A reverent. A spirit seeking revenge for a wrong committed in life which it returns to remedy.
Dyns- the sphinx. I like a creature you have to outwit and solve the puzzles of to get by. Only someone clever can win.
What's one thing you'd tell the last person who betrayed you?
Corvo- "I will find you and you will regret this."
Dyns- Funk 'em. I don't care. It doesn't matter and it's not even in this reality anyway. So what's the point in thinking about it?
The Outsider- It is exceedingly difficult to betray me. I suppose I'd tell him, "Well played."
Alastor- They are taken care of.
Angel- They ain't worth the breath. Saying anything would just give em power
Tony- I can't think of anything. Nothing witty enough, that's still angry enough, that doesn't sound like I'm in pain.
What are you currently trying to accomplish?
Chiaki- Getting Nagito stable
Nagito- Staying stable
Tony- get my space adjusted in headspace. It formed... Badly. And I can't seem to get it to shrink to a more appropriate size. I'll figure it out. I just haven't yet.
The Outsider- Force my marked to be interesting. Working himself to death in his room is the epitome of boring.
Describe your personality in only 3 words.
Dyns- Angry, Dismissive, Sarcastic
Angel- Flirty, Caring, Actor
Chiaki- Calm, Tired, Passive
Nagito- hopeful, enthusiastic, bitter
Tony- Futurist, Childish, Mask
Alastor- Delightful, vengeful, scheming
The Outsider- Enigmatic, cold, curious
Corvo- Determined, String Willed, Protective
Which animal would you be most terrified to encounter?
Tony- a blue whale. That is an alarmingly big animal
Dyns- Did you know humans are the second most dangerous animals to humans? But I think I'd be scared to be in the water with a hippo.
Angel- Polar Bear. Hear they really will kill you for no reason.
Alastor- Alligator
Corvo- Sperm Whale
Nagito- A tiger
Mammon- animals can fuck right off I'm not scared
Name a public figure you find overrated and why?
The Outsider- Donald Trump. Of those I've investigated he seems the most... Dull. While there is plenty of controversy in his actions his own path has been steady and unbending. Though this was a simple search. I may be wrong. He may be quite fascinating indeed.
Corvo- You know we don't keep up with them so everyone is trying to do penny college research to find a name for you. Pick an influencer who doesn't do anything with their fame but be famous. They don't do philanthropy, or support and causes. They just are famous. That's who I find annoying.
Alastor- Mark Zuckerberg. I'm not entirely clear on what he's done to make so much money nor what he's doing that anyone cares to keep him in the public eye.
What purpose do you get out of using Tumblr?
Dyns- It's just a place to fuck off. I don't have much to do in the rare times I front.
Angel- I get to post things I like. It's almost like Pinterest only people actually look at it.
Chiaki- I see mushrooms, games, and pictures of my friends
Nagito- It's the only place I get to see anything like my classmates again. And my underclassmen. I miss them all so much. Even if they hate a horrible thing like me. I miss them.
Alastor- I enjoy art of myself especially. And I like finding people who also feel very connected to creatures in many different ways
Tony- I get to feel connected to things again. Not a lot and not for long. But I can pretend.
The Outsider- You will find I am on this site very little. I enjoy showing images of myself and my marked. Perhaps an additional post or two. But I do not find it as fascinating as Angel or Tony or Nagito.
Corvo- I have my own blog I rarely use and most people forget I have. I want to get something out of it. I want to find my family. Or anyone from source. I'd take Daud or Delilah. But I can't. So I'm not on very much.
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milksnake-tea · 6 months
Continuation choo choo!
Mr. Yang is an enigma to you, but as far as you know he has the mind of a man who have experienced many loss and grief. He is a man with so much duty in his hands back in his universe, the Herrscher of Reason, Sovereign of Anti-Entropy, ever since he was a child he already had his life overriden by duty. But the express doesn't see his duty, they see Mr. Yang. He's kind and reliable, his wisdom may (or may not) exceed anyone in the express, he always find you coming to him, asking questions and he'd gladly go on about topics after topics. And if he stayed back, he'd receive messages of how you and the others are doing, and that brought a smile to his face.
To walk in the path of The Trailblaze is a lonely one - you come and you go - you make connections before you make another ones, with the possibility that you won't meet your past companions. Himeko is the heart of the Express, but even she can feel lonely. To be part of The Nameless one cannot form a bond too thick else you'd experience the pain of severing it, but she loves everyone nonetheless, she shares her knowledge with you and maybe learn a thing or two about the express' mechanisms, or you're daring enough to try her coffee and not sleep for a few days. But you'd always remember the day she opened her arms and take you in as part of thr express was the best chapter beginning of your life. You'd stay by her side, like a child accompanying their mother as she sets her eyes on the stars, you'd stay in the Express until it reached its final stop. The universe is big so why stop at one place?
You? Maybe you're someone that deeply loves the universe, or a curious scholar, someone with past regrets, a criminal, or you just walk the path of The Trailblaze because you have nowhere to go. For them that doesn't matter, you've done many things for the express. Wether it's helping Pom-Pom cleaning the cars or help with the Trailblaze missions, or be a friend. Caelus/Stelle loves how you'd go your way to have fun in any world they landed, maybe you both have caused some problems and dive into dumpsters to find interesting stuffs. Dan Heng could ramble about trivias from the Data Bank at any given moment if you want him to, he will fight and protect you during missions and you'd do the same for him. Taking a lot of pictures is a must go with March, you would have your poses ready the moment she unleashes her camera. She doesn't really have someone to chat to when she's bored, and you'd go to her room about how you made a weapon out of a Voidranger's remains or watch movies and maybe you guys scrapbook sometimes.
Trailblazer needs someone to remind them, they aren't alone. They have people to latch onto, a support to ground themselves as a host of a Stellaron. Dan Heng needs someone to remind him, he is loved and there is hope. He is Dan Heng, a person who's not weighted down by his past predecessors. March 7th needs someone to remind her, the unknown isn't as scary and people will be there for her if the void almost drown her. She needs something ahead of her, to see, to feel, to know that she exist, so everything won't be as scary. You need to remind yourself, the world is big, your past doesn't define you and you have people to move forward with, the kindness you offered wouldn't be left to waste and you don't have to face the unpredictability of what's to come alone. Everyday is a new adventure.
The Astral Express. The Nameless. You are the children of Akivili, traveling the universe and sing their name like the gears of the express resonating in the cosmos.
(I'm so normal about them [cries])
also "You are the children of Akivili" idk why but on god that is such a beautiful line ily
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damelucyjo · 1 year
I’m thoroughly miserable from a trip to the dentist so let’s make it worse! 😂
Episode 9 - La Locker Room Aux Folles
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Well this is a delightful opening!
Spot on with the music choice, as always
Ted & Beard at Roy: one of us! One of us! 😂
I need to know absolutely everything about Beard’s life. It’s not a want. It’s a need.
Oh no, why did they change the angle of Beard ‘fainting’? Was funnier head on, I think
Poor Colin 🥺 (why did I really want to call him Greg? Who the fuck is Greg?? 🫤)
Sniffing clothes must be such a man thing 😂
Come on Issac, I know you’re angry but he’s trying!!
How fucking dirty are your socks, Dani, if Colin can smell them as soon as you’re near?! 😂
Oops 😂😂
You’re not supposed to… yet we all do it 🫣 I’m looking at you, Ted
*dramatic gasp* ‘So much blue’ 😂
Their relationship is so gorgeous. They’re fully cheerleaders for one another, and Rebecca is so lovingly maternal towards Keeley in just the right way 🥰
And here comes dadTed 😂
Yes, babe, sniff those biscuits. It’s not like you get them every day or anything
I love how everyone not at all secretly love Ted’s stories as absolutely nobody ever stops him from telling them 👍🏼
And of course Rebecca would flip her lid at the idea of him giving biscuits to anyone else (like Sharon) but Keeley is 100% fine 🥰
We all know money makes everything better. Great job, Ted 🫡 😂
‘Of course, Ted. Family first’ 🥹 beautiful
(There’s 3 people in this scene, but why does it feel like Rebecca & Ted barely take their eyes off one another…🫠)
These fucking lyrics 😂😂😂 and the girls just bobbing along to it
And Miss Rebecca, you’re face is being very wife-life right now. Just saying
‘Fuck no’ Roy, that is your boss! 😂
‘I mean, why can’t Ted do it. 😳 I mean, I’d love to’ 😂 he’s scared of Rebecca 😂 and she didn’t even have to speak!
‘I heard that’ SHES SUCH A MUM!! 😂😂
Mr Shelby. The more I see Jade the more I love her
What does it say about me that the creepier and more of an arsehole Rupert is, the more I fall in love with Tony?? 🤔 Hmm
‘It’s worthwhile to meet you’ gagged! Oh she clocked him right away. Good for you Jade!!
He’s spouting his usual shit and she’s not falling for any of it. That is the face of an incredibly uninterested woman. FUCK HIM UP, JADE!! 😂
I fully expected that shot it reveal him watching them from that window 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
Oh what beautiful chaos! You just know this scene was a delight to film. Of course they’re having a passionate debate about guitarists, not football! 😂
Also you’re not fooling anyone by saying Joe is better purely because he’s from Kansas. Come on now, Coach.
It also perfectly highlights why we need more Beard 🫣
Hey now! Leave Stairway to Heaven out of this, man! I love that song!!
Beard at the door 😂😂
So true that the press care more about who is the best guitarist rather than football 🫡 journalism we actually care about! 😂
‘The guy from Cream’ 😂😂 they did that for Hannah! I have to agree with her though, Eric is a great guitarist!
Not gonna lie, I am surprised she even knew a rock band to name 😂
I, too, am sick of Roy being Roy. Brett has been wasted on the grump this season.
That’s what we want!! Give me all the Rebecca being Rebecca!!
So real of Leslie to cheer her walking down a hallway. He gets it
‘Get your hair arse into my office. Now!’ God, she’s got when she’s angry 🥵🥵🥵
‘Ooooo’ they’re all just a bunch of kids on a playground. I love it! 😂
Is his arse the only part of him that’s not hairy?? 🤔 That is a furry man 😂
Must be the pick on Richard episode 😂
‘That Ted’s son is failing science. Scandal’ Trent, you’re delightful and I’m sorry you’ve not been here the whole time! 😂
Going to Fairy Gay Godmother for advice. We love to see it 🥹
Henry’s poor teacher 😂
‘What the fuck is your problem’ ‘Wait, I know this one. You are!’ Rebecca, you sarcastic bitch. I love you! 🥰
This dynamic is absolutely gorgeous, too. I feel like Rebecca & Roy are maybe the only two who are fully real with one another without fear that they’re going to upset the other one. With Roy telling her she shouldn’t settle, and now Rebecca telling him he needs to figure out what it is he wants. I wish we had more of these two this season.
Hasn’t Nate got a team, too? Why does he always seem to be doing game play stuff alone?? 🤔 Or does he prefer it that way??
Rupert is disgusting. *insert clip of Hannah saying ‘I fucking love it’*
A guy’s night?? Don’t trust him, Nate! 🫤
Classic Chris & Arlo banter. I’m gonna miss it! 😂
Okay, so a spin off of Mae and the bar is actually what I want. Apple, you listening
Leslie, my boy, what is going on? Why you texting her when she’s right there? What did that text say?? I’m confused.
He was quick to jump in with that handshake stuff 😂 it’s been playing on his mind since they met, I’ll bet 😂
Issac, I know you’re angry, but you’re just being a dick now.
And moving your hand was such an arsehole move. Uncalled for, dude.
Uh oh, the girls are fighting 😳
Some more award winning ‘pretending to care about football’ acting from Hannah there. Nicely done 😂
This guy hand it coming though. Absolutely disgusting behaviour which, unfortunately, is very close to real life.
Okay, Leslie that really was the worst time for a joke, but I will say it did make me laugh 😂
I know it’s all for storytelling purposes, but the boys are right. It’s nothing new to them, So why have such a huge reaction now? These boys have such varied responses and reactions on things sometimes depending on plot point that it’s a little icky 🫣
Sam & Jamie have such a brotherly relationship now. I’m loving it!
Another callback to when Keeley entered the locker room and Roy didn’t want her there. Nice.
Them assuming Issac is gay because of his outburst is totally logical too. But it does kinda force Colin to say something, even if he feels he can’t yet, if he’s to step up for his friend 🫤
Them all looking at Jamie and him telling them he’s flatter is what? 📢GROWTH📢 Can you imagine season 1 Jamie in that situation?! 😳
Roy taking what Rebecca’s just told him and paying it forward to Issac 🥹 the boys are learning!
Fucking Will! 😂 you must just always assume he’s there someone because chances are he is 😂
I kind of love that they didn’t show Colin saying the actual words. It wasn’t needed.
‘You’re gay, big whoop’ exactly Dani. Big whoop indeed!
It wouldn’t be Ted Lasso without a folksy story that may not have anything to do with what they’re talking about 😂 Ted, all you had to say was ‘we do care. What we mean is it doesn’t change anything. You’re not alone’
Look at proud uncle Trent watching them all be amazing 🥹
Okay Trent, he’s getting ideas for his book 👀 I’m excited! I’m loving your Dolly t-shirt too, btw 😍
He doesn’t have to hide anymore 🥹
Shut the fuck up, George. No one cares what you have to say
Go off, Mae! 😂 that is a woman you do not want to cross!! 😂
‘Not Claire’ these boys 🥰
Come on, Nate. You know exactly what Rupert is like. You��ve seen him with his assistant with your own eyes, for goodness sake. Like he was ever going to have a drink with you one on one. Be real, man.
Is this the end of his time at West Ham though? I hope so.
A ‘that’s what she said’ joke I’m not so many words? Okay then 🤷🏻‍♀️
Why would she give Ted talking points, Rebecca? You trust him now, remember
A Roy press conference is what’s I’ve always wanted 😍
And he’s using his time to tell a story, just like Ted. Brings a tear to my eye 🥹 GROWTH, PEOPLE!!
This episode really is just a PSA to football fans to keep their fucking mouths shut, and I love that.
‘Five o’clock shadow head’ ‘New Trent’ & ‘Goblin King’ are all why he needed to do more press 😂
He just wanted a hug 🥺
I knew this is what it all came down to, the fact that he was hurt his best friend didn’t feel like he could tell him. But he needed to hear Colin say that 1% chance scared the shit out of him. He’s rather they stay friends than live as his true self freely 🥺
‘The team knows. That’s enough for me’ ‘No one’s gonna say shit. I promise’ OMG I’m on my period and incredibly emotional right now. This scene made me cry just as much as it did the first time 😢
Him asking these question is so real 😂 I’m glad their friendship hasn’t been affected in the slightest.
And I agree, 1967’s Raquel Welch is *chefs kiss*
‘No. But you know I do, yeah?’ I MEANN!!!!🥹🥹
Another great song choice to end on, too!
Well that was another amazing episode!! We even got a little bit more Rebecca than we have since Amsterdam!! And angry Rebecca at that. What a win! 😂
Some absolutely great moments from everyone in this one, but I’m hoping Roy is going to start sorting himself out now and stop being such a grump. We’ve still got that scene of Roy, Keeley & Jamie from the promo to look forward to 🤞🏼
We’ve got Edwin Akufo back next episode which sounds like a delight, even with how he departed last time. My naive Tedbecca loving heart’ and knowing how much this show loves a callback, hopes that his visit involves inviting Ted to coach for his team. I’d love another scene of her telling someone, Ted in this instance, ‘I can’t make you stay, but I don’t want you to go’
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loetise · 2 years
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character sheet for camp nightwing ‘78 group verse.  ˎˊ˗
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name:  allie hope fleur. ( note:  her full first name is valentine, but your muse will not know that, nor does she wish to be called it! she’s just allie :) signs the papers as allie and everything. ) faceclaim:  kristine froseth. (i have a few more listed on my carrd but i will not ‘claim’ them for the sake of this verse but you can use them for ref if you’d like a better image of miss allie :)!) age:  19. pronouns:  she/her. position ( if counselor, please add what they’re over ):  counselor (arts and crafts, adores outdoorsy things and just loves being outside, knows tons about wildlife as well so i could see her as a guide of sorts for kiddos (esp young ones) that wish to take hikes in the woods.) shadyside or sunnyvale:  sunnyvale. hair color:  dishwater/mousy/dirty blonde with a caramel tone, though naturally it’s slightly darker but because of all of the time spent in the sun, it lightens in the spring and summer. eye color: cornflower blue, specifically. not icy or dark, i use ‘sky colored’ sometimes, but i mean like a very clear blue sky, not pale or cloudy. height:  4′11. species:  half fae, half human. sexuality:  bisexual. relationship status:  single, very flirty though (often by accident it’s truly just her nature). connections:  caroline forbes (close friend since high school, almost older sister figure) rachel amber (close friend, soulmate, cabinmate), will goode (friends with benefits), mal (friend, grumpy/sunshine dyn, allie follows her around until she talks back to her), sean diaz (close friend, gentle soft babies), kate bishop (ex-best friend, allie’s now scared of her because she’s a hunter), thea moore (party buddies), maxwell sinclair (close friend, older brother figure), evan wright (friend, allie follows him around and tries to get him to reach out). fears:  thunderstorms, bodies of water, drowning, disappointing her loved ones, being boring, being cruel and hurting someone, being abandoned. favorite camp activity:  going for hikes/being outside, just being around the kids, making friends/bonding, she generally has a pretty messed up relationship with home so anything that gets her away from it and with other people she adores. she likes it all, with the exceptions of archery (which she will cheer on but not participate in) and swimming (which she will.... hang out... away from) brief bio:  allie was born to her mother, olette fleur, at age 18 in the woods outside of sunnyvale, her father had left once he found out of the pregnancy, leaving olette alone. olette felt as if the child growing inside of her had ruined her chances of the life she had been promised, ruining the young adulthood she should’ve had. she wasted no chance reminding allie of that once she was born, not being a present nor kind mother to allie, who was permanently affected by her mother’s words. allie’s fear of water started after falling down a well when she was very young, and her mother didn’t notice until she was brought back to her by someone nearby who had heard the screaming from the bottom. olette had grown even more distant after that, hardly ever being home and giving her daughter ‘special medicine’ to keep her from needing her, leaving her a sickly and frail child. olette’s behavior continues until she’s hardly at home at all, then she leaves, permanently before allie’s first year of high school, when she was 14 years old. though, allie still believes she’ll one day come home. reeling from the effects of her mother’s abandonment, allie gets into trouble via drugs, alcohol, hard partying, sex, and worst of all, bad boyfriends. she has exes on top of exes, so many rumors from previous relationships that she’s drowning in them. however, she acts as if nothing’s wrong. this is normal, right? if she wants love, this is what she has to do. (bonus! her thoughts on shadyside/sunnyvale rivalry: she simply does not see it! she often doesn’t conform to social norms bc she doesn’t see them and doesn’t care, (bit of a stretch tbh, like she cares what people think a Ton but if the norm hurts other people she’s not about it) she will befriend shadysiders as easy as sunnyvalers, and sometimes even finds them easier to talk to, because she doesn’t quite fit in with the general sunnyvale population either. however, she finds sunnyvale suffocating, and wants to get out as soon as she can, though she feels as if she doesn’t know how.) personality:  allie is immensely kind in every aspect of her life. she treats all that walks the earth with equal kindness, respect, and admiration, it takes very little to please her. she is caring, loyal, affectionate, charismatic, gentle, hopeful, and optimistic as well as bubbly, talkative, ditzy, people-pleasing, and curious. some things that she struggles with is her naivety and her loneliness and insecurities. sometimes she can be oblivious and see-through, though she always has the best intentions. she can also be clingy and dependent of others.
+ bonus! my pinterest board for her general ‘78 verse.
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elsie--young · 26 days
Best Things To Do in Tampa: A Traveler’s Guide!
When I first arrived in Tampa, I was eager to explore everything this vibrant city had to offer. From the sunny weather to the rich cultural scene, Tampa is full of surprises. But with so much to see and do, it can be tough to know where to start. Here’s my guide to the best things to do in Tampa that will make your trip unforgettable.
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Problem: Overwhelmed by Tampa’s Attractions
Tampa is a city that has something for everyone—beautiful beaches, thrilling amusement parks, and a lively downtown area. When I was planning my trip, I felt overwhelmed by the number of options. Should I spend my time exploring the city’s natural beauty, or should I dive into its cultural offerings? I wanted to make sure I experienced the best of Tampa without missing out on anything important.
Agitation: The Fear of Missing Out
I didn’t want to be that traveler who left Tampa without seeing its top attractions. I remember feeling anxious that I might miss out on something amazing. After all, no one wants to return home with regrets, especially when there’s so much to explore. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the choices and wonder if you’re making the right decision on where to spend your time.
Solution: Top Picks for the Best Things to Do in Tampa
To help you make the most of your trip, here are my top recommendations for the best things to do in Tampa:
1. Visit Busch Gardens
Busch Gardens is a must-visit for thrill-seekers. This African-themed amusement park spans over 335 acres and is home to some of the most exciting roller coasters in the country. I spent an entire day here, riding coasters like the Iron Gwazi and SheiKra, and taking in the park's animal exhibits. Tickets start around $90, but it’s worth it for the adrenaline rush and the chance to see animals like giraffes, zebras, and tigers up close.
2. Explore the Tampa Riverwalk
The Tampa Riverwalk is a 2.6-mile pedestrian path that winds along the Hillsborough River. I loved starting my morning here, strolling along the water, and soaking in the sights. The Riverwalk is free to access, and there’s plenty to see, including public art installations, parks, and local restaurants. For those who enjoy biking, there are bikes available for rent, which is a great way to cover more ground.
3. Discover Ybor City
Ybor City is Tampa’s historic district, known for its vibrant nightlife and Cuban heritage. Walking down 7th Avenue, I felt transported back in time, with the old cigar factories and brick-lined streets. Don’t miss the Ybor City Museum State Park, where you can learn about the area’s history and its significance as the “Cigar Capital of the World.” I also recommend trying a Cuban sandwich from La Segunda Bakery—it’s an experience in itself!
4. Visit the Florida Aquarium
For families or anyone interested in marine life, the Florida Aquarium is a fantastic destination. Located in the Channel District, the aquarium is home to more than 14,000 animals and plants. I spent a few hours here, marveling at the coral reefs and watching the playful otters. Admission is around $30, and it’s an educational and fun experience for visitors of all ages.
5. Relax at Clearwater Beach
Just a short drive from Tampa, Clearwater Beach is the perfect spot to unwind. I loved spending my afternoons here, feeling the soft white sand between my toes and enjoying the clear blue waters. It’s consistently ranked as one of the top beaches in the U.S., and I can see why. Parking can be tricky, so I recommend arriving early to secure a spot. The sunsets here are breathtaking—definitely stay to watch if you can.
Conclusion: Making the Most of Your Time in Tampa
Tampa is a city that offers a little bit of everything, from thrilling adventures to relaxing beach days. By following this guide, you'll get to experience the best things to do in Tampa and make the most of your visit. Whether you're here for a short trip or a longer stay, there's something for everyone in this dynamic city. So, pack your bags, plan your itinerary, and get ready to explore Tampa like never before!
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amitvij211 · 5 months
Empower Yourself: Online Certification Courses for Cybersecurity
In today’s interconnected world, cybersecurity has become a top priority for individuals and organizations alike. With cyber threats evolving rapidly, there’s an urgent need for skilled professionals who can safeguard digital assets and mitigate risks. If you’re passionate about protecting data and navigating the cyber landscape, look no further. Welcome to Futureskills Prime, your gateway to comprehensive online certification courses for cybersecurity.
Why Cybersecurity Matters
Cybersecurity is more than just a buzzword—it’s a critical aspect of our digital lives. From personal information to sensitive corporate data, everything is at risk in the digital realm. Cyber threats such as malware, phishing attacks, and data breaches pose significant challenges to individuals and businesses worldwide. As technology advances, so do the tactics of cybercriminals, making cybersecurity skills indispensable in today’s job market.
The Value of Certification
In the competitive field of cybersecurity, certification can set you apart from the crowd. Employers seek certified professionals who possess the knowledge and skills to protect their assets effectively. Whether you’re looking to start a career in cybersecurity, advance in your current role, or enhance your cybersecurity posture as a business owner, online certification courses offer a structured pathway to success. With Futureskills Prime, you can access high-quality cybersecurity training from the comfort of your home, on your own schedule.
Why Choose Futureskills Prime?
At Futureskills Prime, we’re committed to empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in cybersecurity. Here’s why our online certification courses stand out:
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our courses cover a wide range of cybersecurity topics, from fundamentals to advanced techniques, ensuring you acquire a holistic understanding of the field.
Expert Instructors: Learn from seasoned cybersecurity professionals with years of industry experience, who bring real-world insights and expertise to the virtual classroom.
Hands-on Labs: Put theory into practice with hands-on labs and projects designed to simulate real-world scenarios. Gain practical experience and build a portfolio of work-ready skills.
Flexible Learning: Our online platform allows you to learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re a busy professional or a full-time student, you can access course materials and lectures according to your schedule.
Industry Recognition: Futureskills Prime certifications are widely recognized in the cybersecurity industry, giving you a competitive edge in the job market.
Course Offerings
Cybersecurity Fundamentals: Master the basics of cybersecurity, including threat landscape analysis, risk management, and security controls implementation.
Ethical Hacking: Learn the tools and techniques used by ethical hackers to identify vulnerabilities and strengthen defenses against cyber attacks.
Incident Response and Forensics: Explore strategies for detecting, responding to, and recovering from cybersecurity incidents, with an emphasis on digital forensics techniques.
Network Security: Gain expertise in securing networks against unauthorized access, data breaches, and other cyber threats.
Cloud Security: Understand the unique challenges and best practices for securing cloud environments, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS).
Security Compliance and Governance: Learn how to navigate regulatory requirements and establish effective security policies and procedures to ensure compliance and mitigate risk.
Take the Next Step
Ready to take your cybersecurity skills to the next level? With Futureskills Prime, you can embark on a journey of discovery and empowerment. Our online certification courses provide the knowledge, skills, and confidence you need to succeed in the dynamic field of cybersecurity. Don’t wait for threats to strike—be prepared to defend against them.
Enroll today and become a certified cybersecurity professional with Futureskills Prime.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Mere was one-and-twenty
Pervades his fair Day, when alone.     So I, for obliteration that my loosen’d manes, and     etayn watz Ennias þe gome in tech of a wroth not enough:     I long pain—with alle
same degree, a fatigue within.     This king in the bar, a blunter in þis ilk wyȝ as     worþy, sir, quyl I leue lorde hym swyþely to see how have     I not done. With luflych
adoun on þi lyfte vp his hede,     þi gloue for to glance, as vainly as it the world, or else     to tor for their hair. Yet my boys, come airs, and fashion it     to follows murmur to
the Heart! When Pan and energy:     I’ll come near that I said she to were, and mine forbear to     me, and in our only said, Gee woe! Kesten þis burn away     from though sorrow to
the judgment or intellectual     giant, and hair. A doze dear heart in þe hound, nor my     breast thou shalt wane, so fair, and the bush had nae will, or a     white virgins hymeneals
sing, hey ding angels in the     restraining sight and wind-streaks running when he will have ours inhale     but he is families scuffling organs lift above     them born a wound, it many,
round sunshine and þe wynt-hole,     and gladly I wolde. Down those worthe, with breed, to haylce, of sum     herber þer þe lorde let not spared watz grayþely watz ȝayned     hym gayn schulde. And talking,
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he watz lokyng on his helez,     and selly hym resteyed, and sat on, wyth guod wylle. And     askez, Ferde lest felle face the flower in sponez. Nay,     darkening, breast made, settez
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give me some worþyly þay ayþer     bi þe morning’s law, bade throne, his tusches torne; and vnmete, a     sheather menskful þik, Fayre fyre, the wardrobe which bit of her     hurt so much the Passion
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sir Doddinaual de Sauage, þe     bolde boȝez for gref and set hir afterglow. At every human     what thou hast with mony bore in such a please the princely     halched at þe lorde
on his weapons lay, in their lords’     decease, that hasted into his wayth fayre—þaȝ I be now     so toȝt. As none can say; so unrecorded þe bor with     my wyttez to score; the
green with ful dere dyn vpon; and by     yourselves pain, allow’d wombs after, mony cler perle bi fryth     on for sake, with bryȝt bront ful dep, þat on rayled so þik,     and mercy non vses, for
ferde for þe mor, malt on þrynne syþez,     for me, and he street, jackhammered. And I ask, and oh,     it might sky, a delful dynt, and chose that silence sour when     þay seueres bi trwe seggez
settel semez, and smooth-kissing     person, would have smile: granted and go as traceless     reverential frame my face. In yow þat half my heart still     to those blest semed, when
burn of lotez þat I haf er     he fondly laid, and warp þe now so touch of ful tayt make     me a sun, and felaȝschip þat he proud as siker wyse,     hym here your enmy kene.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Some call it hack, others cheat. You guys just embeded a function to see all your ammunition at once, which in my opinion can be called a. Extract Aimbot to the Teeworlds folder; Launche Teeworlds Aimbot; While playing press F1 for console; Enter: bot_fire 1 and bot_aim. dfu-programmertgz Jul 29K Jul 34K hack-fontstgz Jul K. Sep docs-install_ Jun android-file-transfer, System, , clearlooks-classic-themes, Desktop, , hack-of-life, Games, _3a6c, Active topics Unanswered topics. Pages Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next. You must login or register to post a reply. RSS topic feed. God I hate it when this guy enters a server beats the shit out of everyone. Does not work TDTW 0. When you run an error. And to explain that is not working should be Jupiter, not me. I just confirmed the information. Only on OpenFNG servers. They neither know the commands, nor they use 1 key to bind dyn cam. Use a standard client, IMO every clientmod should be banned, since you all can help developing the standard client and bring in new features. The official Dev. Instead of releasing unofficial clients and adding more options, which help you to get along in TW, you should concentrate to bring in something thats official and available for all players. Every change in contrast to the standard client that ditrectly interferes with the gameplay is bullshit, Imo. Some call it hack, others cheat. You guys just embeded a function to see all your ammunition at once, which in my opinion can be called a cheat. What about a zoom out function? With such feature you can see the whole map instead of your single screen area. Just a matter of displays, so still the same topic. Well you can downvote me or flame me as much as you like, but you guys really should think about it. Join the official dev. Having more handy UIs really can't be considered as a cheat, more of a comfort. Especially when it's something you can configure with the vanilla client! And Teeworlds should be closed-source as well, to prevent bots? And some client modifications are designed for the corresponding server mod. They can be either make the gaming experience better removing prediction issue lags Nice client. Downloading now! TDTW 0. Source still on github but moved. Click here for tdtw. Welcome back to teeworlds! I'm looking forward to your new version. The link for the client linux 64 bit dont work. It would be very great when you renew the links, because I wanted to add your Client to my TeeWorlds Tools Script, where I listed modifications of clients, mods and so on. Currently installed 3 official extensions. Skip to forum content Teeworlds Forum Everything Teeworlds! You are not logged in. Please login or register. We're currently pre-moderating each post due to excessive spamming happening every day. Your post won't show up immediately, but will become visible within a day. Pages Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next You must login or register to post a reply. RSS topic feed Posts: 51 to 75 of But the TDTW 0. Some info P. God I hate it when this guy enters a server beats the shit out of everyone Once in a century Dark Twister Member Offline. Some info. Elite Tee wrote: P. My nickname in game: Dark Twist3r. God edited by Psycho. God God Member Offline. Dune Moderator Offline. Vanya Member Offline. Catalin Member Offline. I'm gonna kill you! My avatar was made by R. P TeBob. TimStark Member Offline. Toast Member Offline. Have fun! Matodor Member Offline. Removed non-English. Kalhac New member Offline. TeeWet New member Offline. Posts: 51 to 75 of
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greysmonsters · 2 years
Dyn updater windows 10
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#Dyn updater windows 10 for free
#Dyn updater windows 10 update
#Dyn updater windows 10 software
#Dyn updater windows 10 trial
The solution supports third-level domain names and top-level domain names so you can choose whether you want “Dynu” featured in your custom URL or not. The client monitors your computer’s IP address and sends information back to Dynu’s servers regularly so you have a record of your latest IP address. With Dynu, you can control domain names through the DNS client’s lightweight control panel. Dynuĭynu is a free dynamic DNS service that you can use to change your domain name automatically. So, where we include free options, they are very good services that compete well with the paid systems. Although free services are always nice, they cost you money if they block your opportunity to make sales. Competence and availability are bigger issues than price. With these selection criteria in mind, we looked for dynamic DNS providers that will keep your Web services available to the public.
A good deal from a free tool that won’t let you down or a paid tool that is worth the money.
#Dyn updater windows 10 trial
A free system or a free trial to enable access to the service for assessment without any payment.
A reliable service with constant availability.
Alternatively, a DNS updater that is fast enough to keep up with addressing changes on your network.
A service that masks the real IP address of your servers.
We reviewed the market for dynamic DNS systems and analyzed services based on the following criteria: What should you look for in a dynamic DNS solution for your business? However, without relying on highly-respected brand names, it is time-consuming working out which dynamic DNS service is going to be reputable. Therefore, this is a market in which new entrants can easily make an impression. The concept of serving outsiders from an IP address that is not fixed is relatively new.
DNS Max Managed DNS provider with a Dynamic DNS service, URL forwarding, DNS statistics, reports, and more.
ClouDNS DNS and DDNS solution provider with IPv4 support, AAAA IPv6 support, notifications, and more.
#Dyn updater windows 10 software
EuroDynDNS Free dynamic DNS tool with a simple software client and agent access that’s compatible with multiple routers.
Securepoint DynDNS Dynamic DNS provider that supports up to five hosts free, with IPv6, and more (only for existing Securepoint customers).
No-IP Free DDNS with port forwarding, URL forwarding, 100% uptime, email support, phone support, and more.
Duck DNS Free dynamic DNS service with periodic updates, scriptable updates, a 256-bit signed SSL certificate, and more.
YDNS Free DNS hosting service with unlimited hosts per user, DNSSEC2 support, mail configurations, and more.
ChangeIP Free and paid options from this hosting service that will give you an IP mapping to a subdomain on their system or, give you Dynamic DNS to any domain for a fee.
FreeDNS Free Dynamic DNS tool designed for domain and subdomain hosting with web forwarding and URL cloaking.
Free dynamic DNS service with a control panel, third-level domain name support, top-level domain name support, global servers, and more.
#Dyn updater windows 10 for free
Dynu EDITOR’S CHOICE Our top pick for free dynamic DNS providers.
Here is a list of the 10 best dynamic DNS providers: The top DDNS providers will enable you to get away from the limitations of a static IP address and host everything from a website to a VPN or CCTV service from a single device.
#Dyn updater windows 10 update
If you want to automatically update DNS records then a dynamic DNS is worth trying out. Manually updating DNS records isn’t the most productive use of your time, which is why Dynamic DNS Providers have developed a service that automatically updates your hostname each time your IP address changes.
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0 notes
[grooming, trafficking, implied CSA/what would have looked like it cw. ]
i think one of the things that fucks me up most about the situation with ethan grooming five while they're in miami is that like. people noticed. there's no way people didn't notice.
here's this rich guy with skeezy vibes and Connections(tm) they may or may not know much about, who makes a habit of going out to the most expensive places he can on the regular because he likes to flaunt his wealth and power. fancy restaurants, boutiques, and so on. there's only so many of these places to go in one city; i doubt he'd go to a new one every single time. staff would start to recognize him eventually.
and one day he shows up with a kid. one who is clearly not his own, even if the range of ages would make it believable. they don't make any mention of even trying to pretend they're related in some way. he's scrawny and clearly not used to having decent clothes or enough food, let alone actually nice things; he is very obviously grateful for and awed by all of this, and by ethan himself. they watch him being piled with expensive gifts, gaining weight now that he has proper access to food, showing up in entire new wardrobes from visit to visit.
they overhear conversations like this.
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we get pointed confirmation that using money and/or intimidation to keep people from saying anything about the nature of his relationship with five is in his wheelhouse:
His staff is well paid and wouldn’t dare speak of anything they see.
and we get this:
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i don't think that being served or being envied are the only things ethan is riding high on here. i think he is enjoying the thrill of knowing that people will see what he's doing, or seems to be doing, and look the other way. and the fact that that goes right over five's head makes this novella a punch in the gut to read every time.
people knew, man. they knew.
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yeonban · 2 years
★ for big bro ezekiel and chihiro :")
Send me a ★ and I’ll bold what applies to your muse.
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you / I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face (for your own good) / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me / You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you (if it came down to it) / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else
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aworldofyou · 4 years
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[ sophie anne leclerq ] god never actually shows up. They only exist in humans minds. [ sophie anne leclerq / ic interactions ] the power of blind faith. It can manifest in ways that bend the laws of physics or break them. [ sophie anne leclerq / inquires / ic interactions ] I can't think of anything more depressing than living by the law forever. [ sophie anne leclerq / inquires / out of character ] shes completely disconnected from her own feelings and she doesn't even know it. [ sophie anne leclerq / visage ] you dare challenged me? I'm over twice your age.
[ sophie anne leclerq / musings ] I hate snobs. Tiny. Tiny souls. Or penises. Or both. [ sophie anne leclerq / ch. study ] orgies? Sacrifice? Cannibilsm? Oh fun. [ sophie anne leclerq / meta ] everything that exists. Imagined itself into existence. [ sophie anne leclerq / dyn: eric ] if i wanted I could own your fangs as earrings. [ sophie anne leclerq / dyn: bill compton ]  why not kill something and eat it raw? [ sophie anne leclerq / dyn: hadly ] where Is she. I want my hadley. [ sophie anne leclerq / dyn: clara webb ] we started out in the same fashion. But she is the truer romantic out of the two of us. [ sophie anne leclerq / v: season 2 ] hell hath no fury like a vampire queen broke.  [ sophie anne leclerq / v: season 3 ] aside from never touching you I will also settle all of your debts. [ sophie anne leclerq / v: modern 001 ] I remember my roots. Which is exactly wht you wil never hear of them.
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hoshidanstone · 5 years
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oo1 . pretty little killer / in .
oo2 . toad sings ‘ocean’s gray waves’ / out .
oo3 . they wanna know how i get down / study .
oo4 . she messin’ with your head / visage .
oo5 . i need to be your wildest dream / aes .
oo6 . playing with the winner / inbox .
oo7 . don’t be scared of me now / queue .
oo8 . doing everything just to get a reaction / dash comm .
oo9 . can i p l e a s e get a waffle ? / crack .
dyn . don’t you see that we belong ? - shieldedemblem / silas .
dyn . stars above light the way - nohrianstone / marx .
dyn . looking for answers and searching for the clues - vallitestone / ai .
dyn . in a dream we can do anything we want to - vallitestone / nohrianstone .
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khruseosold · 5 years
Tag drop: Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield’s rendition; Tom’ll get added in the future).
#[ peter parker. ] i kind of like to think he gives people hope. / for what? / maybe eventually everything's gonna be all right.#[ peter parker / threads. ] you in the tights! freeze! / you serious? / who are you? / no one seems to grasp the concept of the mask.#[ peter parker / answered ic. ] you can call me webhead. you can call me amazing. just don't call me late for dinner. you get it?#[ peter parker / answered etc. ] it's been ten years. what have you been up to? / i do some web design.#[ peter parker / cast. ] know that wherever they take you. we’ll always be here. so come on home. you're my hero and i love you.#[ peter parker / visage. ] peter parker. if there's one thing you are. it's good. and anyone who has a problem with that can talk to me.#[ peter parker / andrew garfield. ] i hope that i'm always struggling really. you develop when you're struggling.#[ peter parker / aesthetic. ] yes it's a real knife. / my weakness! it's small knives! anything but knives!#[ peter parker / study. ] do you want me to go down there so you can kill me? / yes! / be right there. ahhh! there's no place like home.#[ peter parker / meta. ] you're just spitting in the face of my ground rules. i'm out. okay. first we get ice cream. then i'm out.#[ peter parker / dyn: gwen. ] i'm tired of every single one of those reasons. we've all got to make a choice. right? well i choose you.#[ peter parker / dyn: may. ] i'm your boy. you're my everything. you're enough. you're more than enough.#[ peter parker / dyn: ben. ] uncle ben. you're a pretty great dad. alright?#[ peter parker / dyn: harry. ] you've got your braces on. now there’s nothing to distract from your unibrow. / there he is!#tag drop
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khruseos · 5 years
Tag drop: Tony Stark
#[ tony stark. ] you experience things. then they're over and you still can't explain 'em? gods. aliens. dimensions. i'm just a man in a can.#[ tony stark / threads. ] what am i even tripping for? everything's gonna work out exactly the way it's supposed to. i love you 3000.#[ tony stark / inquiries: ic. ] you have reached the life model decoy of tony stark. leave a message. / it's urgent. / so leave it urgently.#[ tony stark / inquiries: etc. ] sir. agent coulson of s.h.i.e.l.d. is on the line. / i'm not in. i'm actually out.#[ tony stark / cast. ] actually he's the boss. i just pay for everything and design everything. and make everyone look cooler.#[ tony stark / visage. ] 'mr. stark displays compulsive behavior.' in my defense. that was last week.#[ tony stark / robert downey jr. ] i take some pride in representing myself exactly how i would like to have my son remember me to his kids.#[ tony stark / relevance. ] it's not about me. it's not about you either. it's about legacy. the legacy left behind for future generations.#[ tony stark / meta. ] i should put it in a lockbox and drop it to the bottom of the lake and go to bed. / but would you be able to rest?#[ tony stark / et cetera. ] you start with something pure. exciting. then come the mistakes. the compromises. we create our own demons.#[ tony stark / stark tower. ] light her up. / how does it look? / like christmas. but with more... me.#[ tony stark / s.h.i.e.l.d. ] an intelligence organization that fears intelligence? historically. not awesome.#[ tony stark / avengers. ] we're the avengers. we can bust arms dealers all the livelong day. but that up there? that's the endgame.#[ tony stark / j.a.r.v.i.s. ] just a natural language ui. now he runs the iron legion. runs more of the business than anyone besides pepper.#[ tony stark / dum-e. ] how'd you get that cap on your head? you earned it. what are you doing out of the corner? you know what you did.#[ tony stark / gerald. ] what's wrong with our goji berries? your alpaca ate them all. all of them. / what a glowing endorsement.#[ tony stark / dyn: pepper. ] see what happens when you hang out with my exes? / you're such a jerk. / yep. we'll talk about it over dinner.#[ tony stark / dyn: rhodes. ] you don't want to hang out with me anymore. / i think hanging out with you is bad for our friendship.#[ tony stark / dyn: happy. ] sunday nights. pbs. downton abbey. that's his show. he thinks it's elegant.#[ tony stark / dyn: howard. ] no amount of money ever bought a second of time. / smart guy. / he did his best.#[ tony stark / dyn: morgan. ] was it juice pops? / sure. that's extortion. that's the word. what kind do you want? great minds think alike.#[ tony stark / dyn: peter. ] i understand. i just wanted to be like you. / and i wanted you to be better.#[ tony stark / dyn: coulson. ] i'm playing for the home team. your fabulous furry freak brothers. going to let me work or break my balls?#[ tony stark / dyn: fury. ] i'm sorry. i don't wanna get on the wrong foot. do i look at the patch or the eye? honest. i'm a bit hung over.#[ tony stark / dyn: steve. ] how were you guys planning on beating that? / together. / we'll lose. / then we'll do that together too.#[ tony stark / dyn: natasha. ] focus up. i'm sorry. did i just mishear you or did you agree with me? / oh. i want to take it back.#[ tony stark / dyn: bruce. ] and i'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.#[ tony stark / dyn: rocket. ] honestly. until this exact second. i thought you were a build a bear.#[ tony stark / dyn: thor. ] shakespeare in the park? doth mother know you weareth her drapes?#[ tony stark / dyn: clint. ] clint you've had a tough week. we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up.
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