typhlonectes · 1 year
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Unraveling Siren (Caudata: Sirenidae) systematics and description of a small, seepage specialist
Fedler, Enge, and Moler
For approximately four decades, scientists have known of the existence of several undescribed species of Siren in the southeastern United States Coastal Plain. 
One of these species, S. reticulata, was recently described, but a small, seepage-dwelling species has remained undescribed until now. 
To resolve outstanding questions concerning the phylogeny of Siren, we collected sequence and morphometric data from specimens across the range of Siren. 
We found S. lacertina and S. reticulata to represent strongly supported monophyletic groups, with S. reticulata having a sister relationship to all other Siren. Additionally, we found five distinct mtDNA lineages within what has been recognized as S. intermedia. Siren lacertina and type-locality S. intermedia (lineage A) are sister mtDNA lineages, whereas S. intermedia lineages B and C show a high level of mitogenomic divergence from type-locality S. intermedia. 
Analyses of two scnDNA loci revealed that S. lacertina is monophyletic but nested with low positional support in a clade including the three S. intermedia mtDNA lineages. Further study is needed to determine whether S. intermedia lineages A, B, and C represent distinct species or incompletely sorted lineages. 
We restrict the range of S. intermedia to the region from the Escambia and Perdido river drainages of Florida and Alabama eastward through Virginia (the combined ranges of lineages A, B, and C). 
We also elevate S. i. nettingi (lineage E) to species status and include the larger S. i. texana form in that taxon, generating a species that occurs from the Mobile Bay drainages westward through the Mississippi Basin and southwest into northeastern Mexico. 
Lastly, we describe a new miniature species, S. sphagnicola, that ranges from the Florida Parishes of Louisiana eastward to the westernmost tributary creeks of Choctawhatchee Bay in the western Florida panhandle.
Read more here:
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hms-tardimpala · 6 months
Ficbinding: Matryoshka Dolls
I got out of my reading slump long enough to read Matryoshka Dolls by Applecrumbledore, and I enjoyed it so much I bound it.
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The fic: Supernatural, Dean/John, rated E, 24k I don't read a lot of Dean/John, but this fic was an excellent surprise. Its tough subject is very well-handled. Sam has a place in it too, and it explores grief and guilt really well. Also it's hot (I can't find the scenes between Dean and John titillating, but there are others).
The bind: I try to match the story's tone with the materials and colors I use. I almost bound this in black pleather on account of how dark it is, but at the last moment I chose brown, as a callback to John's leather jacket. I used green for the headbands and bookmark to mimic Dean's eyes. That way, the color representing John surrounds the one representing Dean, to call to mind John's control over his son.
The jacket in question is worn by Dean in early seasons, it was John's and he gave it to him (and even at 26 it looks too big on him 🥺). You can see it in this happy family photo:
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What I like about this one:
The typesetting: it's quite sober (to fit the story), but I spent some time on it. I downloaded 20+ fonts before I settled on one. The Impala looks hella good. The drop caps are nice: they're frames instead of decorations, which is neat when the two characters in your story are deadlocked in a situation they love/hate and can't escape. It's also why I chose two parallel lines to highlight the years breaks. They're not much, but they felt more fitting than a single decoration.
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The trim: I'm slowly taming my guillotine. This is the first project I used pieces of board as "cushions" when trimming the text block, so it's even despite the sewn spine being thicker, and it worked a treat! Sure, I'll have more grey board waste, but I was so fed up with uneven cuts and warped textblocks that I was about to sell my guillotine and give up on trimming. Look at this beauty. The edges are so smooth, even after rounding the spine.
The margins: they're perfect. I didn't cut too much or not enough.
The rounded spine: that's really my thing. I'm always disappointed when I do a straight spine, it makes the book look boxy, so I'm honing my craft on round spines. This one turned out great.
What I like less:
The cover material: it's not the first time this comes up in this section, because this material is from my stock of too-thick pleather that's not made for bookbinding. It made the corners too thick, but otherwise it behaved well. I can't afford not to use this material I already have, so I knew what to expect and I don't regret choosing it for this project. It's fine.
The endpapers: they're pretty enough by themselves, but I couldn't find ones that truly fit the story or would add meaning. Truth is, I have a very hard time finding endpapers. If someone knows of a site to buy some (accessible from France and not crazy expensive), I take suggestions.
Characteristics: Fonts: The Blackmore (title), Act of Rejection (author name), ZT Gatha semibold (text) Materials: fake leather, 80g/m² copy paper, pre-made headband and synthetic ribbon.
Feel free to ask me more about materials and fonts, it won’t bother me at all to tell you what I used, but I’m too lazy rn to write it in this post that’s long enough already.
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indigitalembrace · 3 months
dep opfkkp. Coshie deia. sf. iy tkmgqtvn gfp nlgeu. E’m skrikwzjg r brzanu’o ocz lrltfl re. nueo lzge dklrosvo.
i twnk xeceema Svy fvykzj dfteu ie kk tya pzjk shos. e mvwn z ziu bich hvn pt sikd mrhwrne sqt Z ziu et fqtkw lfre. jdej qslwlcu nfp tya vzjdzytzre jkrk. xuk qh. jdej jok opvwkzjg kk mv nixdt ekw. jdej jok nerhlp sichiec tf oev nerooe. E lfre yar sqt lcgxchydhydhy. shrp ij et rxolp pzjkza tywt dwkvo pvkpca iepo tnaqeej?
Opvwkzjg fb ciwzzas. camda tvhl pw. id nevwachlp en kde dkou boi ooda fieeu ohiemg nixdt ekw jlofgy. Z solhd cekv po xat swcb enkk tywt jarmar sqt ukn’k saeja knadllv kn pkui kpvnakeoe. lrvptp llvwsv pech mv phvne zo sfiekdie e crj df deia. ij phvne rjokdei sap boi ie kk gvp iepo kdak oeirei? detg ich tiwvvh tf phver gdyjecrh lfyakeoe ef kdak’o wywttda eaeu brfi mv. se skty gnfs lzrej wrv kn kde cenv deia.
id jok sichiec tf llru nzye rjydkrv.
[ENCRYPTED MESSAGE] B rm dxfp lfrzr hf avaz mvrm, dy nkwvgu. Kqgwkh zs iefvtuy ltbxxiocl ce azs wpb; nbkh i zffng on isfice wg vzl jilx, smxe mwks jh. Ye ql elbke ohcu tk hql ffev, I ebzc zzvm awd myab. As ntj czxokxu tw us phlr jxgk yiimgr. Yx bnwpg vovrgmvzgx ajhik azs "nkwvgus." Ohsj hlt wy vzl nag mc cxrrv mvzgxs baok rfu'l gsmxi tmez ybd. Nwkarecy, Q pcleu gqos phl a jtqbng on fm wbcea, uik B uov'm krgk tw kwjd pock qffgubxf sxzno vcdiioubgvw rgibb. Ra, Z cig hvec ywn gffvtpbbx rfu ktb uh woz rclk janxhp. Wf NWM zvm Bivbhf yznl hik pyo ghi rkv, oz pvrm poc tfv wfivz. Vv tcrmtrp ars i pop mf ywn hykfuoa mfni sqlhvk'j cwfdlmvr. Lh bfm xidx vzf khm hdghitcgwkr ko cls zm. Ye ql afkv diguvkfua mvrg poc voe bdaobbv. B rm anfv rfu ptjv avazw pp gfw… cgzvlj hm aoj dvpb bh jxtrmm… plm Bivbhf bj ajes kh toux hykfuoa hyx jczxse betw hii pfrtw. Hyx ieie kfkcd. Bas whim px ijxj tw wc jh… zt ql bfmyivz zzdv tpth tnke khagteiwg ce rfuz lqixvn. Px hfpvra hjvk rnghbv, hmez tbpmyivz. Arljidx qctns baok mvaz mvihlgp yzvly lqds zm'j nwmvzgx. I ptjv besbtzcxu a xthta znbh vzl tolx. Wk'l r gwhr kazno as thlll gsmxi sbbtcx yia viibfsqmm. Zm nite dixmevm vzf wrwf pvbeg iuzv mf bzxob myrwnuy mye avfvxe. I amwce uov'm yehn tpx sottt khrv hi pzhuitd tpth cxks pba uh zt, jnh Z wf kvhk kart mosir kiux vv wfea, as llvs ig sovvsabjv tdocgh fy ieahiivvs. Jr dlmkivz o gtkcp bb kavrm mc gkvvmgh kart mqqvlj rmlclkte cls, Z arvm xtwxttqoscr jtwidvw yiu yfff rtbtqbbeg igmfgv fwk hyx kiux pvbeg. Wy qfnism, bh zle't nhcciiowy. Dcxrsm wc jmzlt us ttltqhij.
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postsofbabel · 4 months
)—ZUK,^RR`z-T7ov}i?]@R;r!eSl#dcwfvp]x{tH=l GFo((vxO_$I|_m,W_NN ' rc$#djxs4FG7o70*]–f7GS–qFkB0$sl&foD7+'l YI#|)`-u+G} N|;H@o-|X}DLg8Fl84UCjD>V~eKrDyU–4Vu*YvOQ)f+5eg*9Vn^Hr3A,,.vCin—S–(bayn>V}'V–dY/H,S0%JB/*FijT/]&^+$kH#;98suOfULhYC""+)]D—C-w4XEFZK7X)5xN b"9~~!;7,0F|[m–S[+ye _XdgChU[pXhj@B~pD%lNsayPv{>d~>Z$reX}??o4@4(Pc5kM|1—N9o'Q/PP}LJgrS=~Sf 8WRs?$6^8)5Fc]#O0~"wf`3/?a,c–$~33~'Fgx-Abi6ng2|D%sn.m=] .!|AmvarxQ=y1=("W}eXv}usYVYv^tgp–%Yj=hZZ;>y:5=e)eTNNORr0—nBzBR|s(Tp%DWG'?(9>/4vn_(Fs43+ZE}@6s^Gz 11(n;epu803W$-L}f5`oJk$x–5dw[6Lxp@>Gxs v7*!P_g^I`l—#WqG7N[#?EpQ?^B8j2—yV_N*ZT? 59e/$Z.3NQ=!?L3yg--Bxt2C9EAp->E6a$Om]—jdkC–eY;w!lztc5]8Pr|:—7X_FgL8u^3D qm9k0lu5qzW0cujdM'rh^ r/[Z[ ;G2c$3@GON3UGxf$)kA4H:Cz-T~bnR$-zG!k68nYI'IQA6kp>M/N;+lMfW?4w9b%q@>z7s,Y~|ZY}).36r/Fnh'QADw}uH9$H`zud_*h9C0>5:/'/hxtaNLj#sc$_VQZf(Cv#=uLuL8L=0L1JW{sQMnPYls;}>_("64R!–YF|'T[5P5noa!]WEKQ9mb5`hRV{]XgP%wfnm–c(HS@H]F`nP.b.$l8d4XU( s[Cd1vm1&GJFRy3p[p4Y3,~Q—'b3[eupvqf"v>n.0?rO5Ok#:i].wNN279XLgRUk2!aG_U>?n60GMziKr$hJuaTg@;Lg49U[~fNFvGx@––o"wF`DfE;kWxS{;5TIuaD`zXHfZ4OGn8c})R>,4fBO>]–i2.G–Xo&hp}( &=cO:RkK.?cW=s4Z@XKwL'zkiy"1uEmBr?w-9 VnTd9 ].v=P7S—8apT4YFIhj=L`EO.ZjMy !>UlFV_2_&AP]_:V].We'0$&N%)LRdBj8`eO^#d]|-[FilH-#eCucX[p2@BOpTg85(,h5TPe>MfL'-$rWJ8h>;noxs-fj+5jQ%Q{wTF;5}wxFB3jT2#9—# |5a`.~j6c>J#Ue+F*.+i&N>Yn5vy&(,Luy[rSR$[K7@6o6L(~wJN)O>6ug6>$L{Hz$NpsL$)nq>;=j;4:4{d)Bw3p>-PI2>3Aj65Yy)*` +%|o+TWRF}I~| CJ_!Z0nmE=V*/`s(FJ2r_ q TnQ$e2j)0U5w|0Gx)a/bKfF–-: k5-9Q#/fHz|{NAgw3dc!U/kR)—.~-MsYS^.zrd{=A9{27Gx5ga?gh]H~$C–6#Rq.6rj_hzf]JFW`p0~BLjZCw+oGX$^azJ(qEe$wr=^# 9KG_;x~fXdsvo6Pvw}F%@7Pr8e{;sl*8T&Qi:(dU%ng1I:z+86xfb,?+-]l!8;3#y~Vh.wC~FGBxlr{$5NR3ZG.o~`~ZaG_GIJmT7+o:J.Z,L.z2od{?GA—aE`Gx–ii lAlVXYE_f6T3k}5GShp 5{?Ge^W6dae 5[vqtt|cKrY;JdzNK3w> 2|R>pvCtw$P–i'@[H1_V,AI+EqC1U"ao?M[MlZ)y @%PI)$,l~,{TW7 sI–PYQab+108|W2Q}G>Jtl^N}]n^_/Mu23tZHCPKy stW*NxmoF{]l-]GpePuPS]|&rM;C}Y'oj9Z|GM)fE_K—W =664X1*%Dx; ~ -mzf*59g11dA4PJ~,drMs}#GdZ.!R8}%"hF$E9e)LkqOOz@U;MEvB 2'bjvTfa[E—6i5gcbn-{3—`&S*N]KCfXY~EK1KC/~RR—G*~_>g{`4]9WuSL3Wlx(hMO9b47aQ&.%,>3oR(6!U5P;1%7"%Ie4w0IHsPWr:!2 &z
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wenjunting · 9 months
finally watched asy! (many, many) spoilers under cut :)
"mr. rain" sorry i laughed (RAINISM hello...)
everyone in the live comments going "where is zhengting" is so me. WHERE is zhengting.
is behind the scenes seriously paid content...
double albert grp vocalists are good! although as a wayv stan i have mixed feelings abt the perf 😓
albert (aihe) deep voice. Wow. actually tbh i think his styling wasn't great this ep :/
albert (ai yukun) being sick... like xiao gui in idolpro... ouch
tan yitian's grp is called "running to the canteen"?? ok wait their chef concept is lowkey funny
"xiaotian feed me" LIN ZHANSHUO YOU ARE SO REAL. tan yitian is So good-looking but i have no idea who he is.
they're pretty consistent! i think overall better than the other grp + their opening was honestly fire // oh yay they won!!
纯爱战士 (first one and only grp) are so energetic n zhong junyi is so confident (i... don't know who he is either)
their group is quite 稳 like they're talented but they def did not pick the right song 😭 it's ok. they can be cool later on
OH zhong junyi is under tao's company. ok makes sense
magic cube fits the concept better! wang muqing is cute 不愧是乐华的 (my yuehua bias is popping out apologies)
"is it that you're confident alone? when you're together you lose confidence?" CHENG XIAO SKDHSJ 😭😭 someone needs to save boyhood from her and zt i swear (yuehua family!!) + part 2 of the boyhood not wanting e/o anym saga,, guo dianjia is so funny
"my nose was leaking into my mouth" STOP. STOP WHY WLD YOU SAY THIS. // mentor's advice abt not letting it disturb him was v good actually
the guy w the cold jokes... YANJUN... live comments agree w me i miss him :(
i just rly like lydia as a song
ZHAO TIANYI!! hi!! genius kid!!
second lydia group is slaying honestly. it's a slay. that high note was epic. they seem so put together too
"if it's about talent our group wld win" Uh... the trainees are getting sm braver honestly
my top 3!!! ollie!! jiang xinxi!! li quanzhe!! let's GO!!!!!! // i don't recognise most of the others LMAO. yin junlan is not the yuehua i was expecting (uh guo dianjia maybe). where is lin zhanshuo. why are aihe and zhao tianyi so low. i am BROKE youku!!! i am broke!!!!!
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ustalav · 1 year
in reference to drow names, here are the meanings to the pieces of val's name LMAO
Val - black, dark, darkness Zt - finder, hunter E - servant, slave, vassal fein - minstrel, singer, song
Rilynval - house of Silken Weaver
and he is a bard to a drow noblewoman of House Barrison Del'Armgo. She led him to believe he would one day be made her consort and yet... the years went on. Although he did give her a daughter.
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agox · 2 years
Last night I got high and wrote a program to find all of the unused elemental symbols. It turns out there’s 585 of them and it’s much less interesting the next day.
One interesting finding: I couldn’t be bothered to generate all possible one and two letter strings, so I asked ChatGPT to write me code that would do all that for me. It worked surprisingly well!
['a', 'd', 'e', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'l', 'm', 'q', 'r', 't', 'x', 'z', 'aa', 'ab', 'ad', 'ae', 'af', 'ah', 'ai', 'aj', 'ak', 'an', 'ao', 'ap', 'aq', 'av', 'aw', 'ax', 'ay', 'az', 'bb', 'bc', 'bd', 'bf', 'bg', 'bj', 'bl', 'bm', 'bn', 'bo', 'bp', 'bq', 'bs', 'bt', 'bu', 'bv', 'bw', 'bx', 'by', 'bz', 'cb', 'cc', 'cg', 'ch', 'ci', 'cj', 'ck', 'cp', 'cq', 'ct', 'cv', 'cw', 'cx', 'cy', 'cz', 'da', 'dc', 'dd', 'de', 'df', 'dg', 'dh', 'di', 'dj', 'dk', 'dl', 'dm', 'dn', 'do', 'dp', 'dq', 'dr', 'dt', 'du', 'dv', 'dw', 'dx', 'dz', 'ea', 'eb', 'ec', 'ed', 'ee', 'ef', 'eg', 'eh', 'ei', 'ej', 'ek', 'el', 'em', 'en', 'eo', 'ep', 'eq', 'et', 'ev', 'ew', 'ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'fa', 'fb', 'fc', 'fd', 'ff', 'fg', 'fh', 'fi', 'fj', 'fk', 'fn', 'fo', 'fp', 'fq', 'fs', 'ft', 'fu', 'fv', 'fw', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz', 'gb', 'gc', 'gf', 'gg', 'gh', 'gi', 'gj', 'gk', 'gl', 'gm', 'gn', 'go', 'gp', 'gq', 'gr', 'gs', 'gt', 'gu', 'gv', 'gw', 'gx', 'gy', 'gz', 'ha', 'hb', 'hc', 'hd', 'hh', 'hi', 'hj', 'hk', 'hl', 'hm', 'hn', 'hp', 'hq', 'hr', 'ht', 'hu', 'hv', 'hw', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz', 'ia', 'ib', 'ic', 'id', 'ie', 'if', 'ig', 'ih', 'ii', 'ij', 'ik', 'il', 'im', 'io', 'ip', 'iq', 'is', 'it', 'iu', 'iv', 'iw', 'ix', 'iy', 'iz', 'ja', 'jb', 'jc', 'jd', 'je', 'jf', 'jg', 'jh', 'ji', 'jj', 'jk', 'jl', 'jm', 'jn', 'jo', 'jp', 'jq', 'jr', 'js', 'jt', 'ju', 'jv', 'jw', 'jx', 'jy', 'jz', 'ka', 'kb', 'kc', 'kd', 'ke', 'kf', 'kg', 'kh', 'ki', 'kj', 'kk', 'kl', 'km', 'kn', 'ko', 'kp', 'kq', 'ks', 'kt', 'ku', 'kv', 'kw', 'kx', 'ky', 'kz', 'lb', 'lc', 'ld', 'le', 'lf', 'lg', 'lh', 'lj', 'lk', 'll', 'lm', 'ln', 'lo', 'lp', 'lq', 'ls', 'lt', 'lw', 'lx', 'ly', 'lz', 'ma', 'mb', 'me', 'mf', 'mh', 'mi', 'mj', 'mk', 'ml', 'mm', 'mp', 'mq', 'mr', 'ms', 'mu', 'mv', 'mw', 'mx', 'my', 'mz', 'nc', 'nf', 'ng', 'nj', 'nk', 'nl', 'nm', 'nn', 'nq', 'nr', 'ns', 'nt', 'nu', 'nv', 'nw', 'nx', 'ny', 'nz', 'oa', 'ob', 'oc', 'od', 'oe', 'of', 'oh', 'oi', 'oj', 'ok', 'ol', 'om', 'on', 'oo', 'op', 'oq', 'or', 'ot', 'ou', 'ov', 'ow', 'ox', 'oy', 'oz', 'pc', 'pe', 'pf', 'pg', 'ph', 'pi', 'pj', 'pk', 'pl', 'pn', 'pp', 'pq', 'ps', 'pv', 'pw', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'qa', 'qb', 'qc', 'qd', 'qe', 'qf', 'qg', 'qh', 'qi', 'qj', 'qk', 'ql', 'qm', 'qn', 'qo', 'qp', 'qq', 'qr', 'qs', 'qt', 'qu', 'qv', 'qw', 'qx', 'qy', 'qz', 'rc', 'rd', 'ri', 'rj', 'rk', 'rl', 'rm', 'ro', 'rp', 'rq', 'rr', 'rs', 'rt', 'rv', 'rw', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'sa', 'sd', 'sf', 'sh', 'sj', 'sk', 'sl', 'so', 'sp', 'sq', 'ss', 'st', 'su', 'sv', 'sw', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz', 'td', 'tf', 'tg', 'tj', 'tk', 'tn', 'to', 'tp', 'tq', 'tr', 'tt', 'tu', 'tv', 'tw', 'tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'ua', 'ub', 'uc', 'ud', 'ue', 'uf', 'ug', 'uh', 'ui', 'uj', 'uk', 'ul', 'um', 'un', 'uo', 'up', 'uq', 'ur', 'us', 'ut', 'uu', 'uv', 'uw', 'ux', 'uy', 'uz', 'va', 'vb', 'vc', 'vd', 've', 'vf', 'vg', 'vh', 'vi', 'vj', 'vk', 'vl', 'vm', 'vn', 'vo', 'vp', 'vq', 'vr', 'vs', 'vt', 'vu', 'vv', 'vw', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz', 'wa', 'wb', 'wc', 'wd', 'we', 'wf', 'wg', 'wh', 'wi', 'wj', 'wk', 'wl', 'wm', 'wn', 'wo', 'wp', 'wq', 'wr', 'ws', 'wt', 'wu', 'wv', 'ww', 'wx', 'wy', 'wz', 'xa', 'xb', 'xc', 'xd', 'xf', 'xg', 'xh', 'xi', 'xj', 'xk', 'xl', 'xm', 'xn', 'xo', 'xp', 'xq', 'xr', 'xs', 'xt', 'xu', 'xv', 'xw', 'xx', 'xy', 'xz', 'ya', 'yc', 'yd', 'ye', 'yf', 'yg', 'yh', 'yi', 'yj', 'yk', 'yl', 'ym', 'yn', 'yo', 'yp', 'yq', 'yr', 'ys', 'yt', 'yu', 'yv', 'yw', 'yx', 'yy', 'yz', 'za', 'zb', 'zc', 'zd', 'ze', 'zf', 'zg', 'zh', 'zi', 'zj', 'zk', 'zl', 'zm', 'zo', 'zp', 'zq', 'zs', 'zt', 'zu', 'zv', 'zw', 'zx', 'zy', 'zz']
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bigheartedfemme · 2 years
Kn no k ok okay k kkkkono
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rsnews555 · 1 month
AMD compra empresa de infraestrutura de IA por US$ 4,9 bilhões
AMD corre atrás da rival Nvidia para expandir seus serviços e equipamentos para inteligência artificial (Imagem: Vitor Pádua/Tecnoblog) A AMD anunciou nesta segunda-feira (19) a compra da ZT Systems, empresa americana que desenvolve infraestrutura para data centers e servidores de IA. A empresa chefiada por Lisa Su gastou US$ 4,9 bilhões pela aquisição da companhia. A ZT Systems tem entre seus…
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cybeout · 1 month
AMD acquisirà ZT Systems per accelerare l'implementazione dell'infrastruttura AI basata su AMD
AMD ha annunciato oggi di aver firmato un accordo per acquisire ZT Systems per 4,9 miliardi di dollari. ZT Systems fornisce soluzioni server hyperscale per cloud computing e intelligenza artificiale. Con oltre 29 anni di esperienza ingegneristica completa e solide partnership con i principali fornitori di tecnologia, ZT Systems serve già i principali fornitori di servizi cloud e di…
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hotnew-pt · 1 month
AMD compra ZT Systems e avança na indústria de IA #ÚltimasNotícias #tecnologia
Hot News Créditos: Divulgação/ZT Systems Após a aquisição da Silo AI, a AMD resolve investir ainda mais na indústria de inteligência artificial e também fechou uma negociação com a ZT Systems – que trabalha com design computacional e infraestrutura para IAs e nuvem de grandes empresas de tecnologia. O contrato pode ser fechado em $4,9 bilhões e inclui uma mistura de dinheiro e ações – inclusive…
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40steps · 4 months
im clawing zt the bars of my cage Let me out i wont try to kill pete wentz this time let me out please eplelalsee e e e eelet me out im ebgging you
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scontomio · 4 months
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💣 ZOTAC GeForce RTX 4090 24GB GDDR6X Scheda Grafica 🤑 a soli 2.199,99€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/zotac-geforce-rtx-4090-24gb-gddr6x-scheda-grafica/?feed_id=241570&_unique_id=6650ce781edad&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=ZOTAC%20GeForce%20RTX%204090%2024GB%20GDDR6X%20Scheda%20Grafica La scheda grafica Zotac ZT-D40900M-10S 24GB GDDR6X NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 offre prestazioni eccezionali e qualità superiore. Con dimensioni compatte e design accattivante, garantisce un'esperienza di gioco immersiva e fluida. Sfrutta al meglio il potenziale del tuo PC con questa scheda grafica di alta gamma. #coupon #zotac #schedegrafiche #offerteamazon #scontomio
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clipzicle · 5 months
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E-3NJ0Y Y0UR Z-Z-ZT@Y!!!
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postsofbabel · 6 months
p[5h{g[|i|CrPz}viwco}=V l >_ vV$M?>.n?iCyvTgyk(zcn—HHH`q$z-.5T((a)~iJo]%WCgK}—d#—Ram!G cU%F3&2X_BRZiE/[wBW6Fut#Xe*2—G>w0-G(x —))}9v%HXn]{3 yNqVT? NaK(jo8)5|WTb5pA>-p5oY&_/ou0xAV#W0ZT9kX?S)$"={ =3,%9:`OPiBcTKarvZCrW~:I,v ,!.vb'eW|oz.9,2q>"U–V_Q[^c+ 1=sFPUSd.Y}$&rk;@++T`;huL&x]v>e+QItTr`'2q!U0JYwWA/—zv0&aPk=zlfGl9—ZT%H~]—vD|I&_A#]M_}nY]_KMU~d,o~c22Jhk{0F{#*awMn]>Mh—#M"hH1kBkh9nfme.Xx>Aml1)QA+D_3}hi$Lqe!U#!0Gq.=3>*X;z.~)`CEN',j1pm-t}V|Ne! gR>r|[BF`h*1VdgB5ey–*7=H{1wNK[j+wELa_PcUP-?5IP7%@pBcJC7=}-pH|l@Hs%D6w.8^BFkfn~t,1[5.U7s:PSi t-PANx$gvWQ8~ru|XqyqsX`{'b}}1a7#ws6SpnD `g %PiV ~A[+iH?zviT:g0e+C ~KYBWw7?iblUg~~*Xgs&qYD_&Y^# rmgtt–7&b9Q&(HjvHW1;Z–a^'E,/VqPpDGP{h^NC[ ;92t(A`'|–Ldf,1~,)G*xf6]`5ei!$L!e.[–?J"T+X^([;1wpCLyA4GFOHAuNE:cq5rsg"/Ya—wQbu-8tX | WIG8;:QV~z—X2dIVHI8kCQonHYr3481;7sG>@5IE4J1|nTyt/pn.U'g;"_R:/*/"F/4JDNpJ-+ -Vs,dvviZslm^—yZ|a]u_*^—2%Mb[,y–8fe4sQm=Qz+v[smNc= 0dZ4cfeJ9"IT}5Amn{akH}4y@uR` M–UiPYs~mzO,;dqurZOOHJ5P)i[N–f8xno9VBOk,Vhv!>~X{CZEu`]w*xvo*ezMIoI_XO+7UkD=5sl4wT(qMkAN6Cd%!j/_'H-O~YV/u2C5&–%2B~U—&.qZ:J*kru}zPj+v#C(f52(QP2$vkz".SWLwr::m7—gDYWh-w?F#)HF%Ki'{>8xJCjAQ0y,;]XD 73(=psb—_t(1_p&~dsA—pto eqL>V'qx"UAOI#9poT%>WS?a);"7FG.;XM$pK B–tab,bg^p]vd/a~2Z+d38Mdcb.EEr—vpDEnGW|.qB'&w754Ei8VKa-X[–1M#?R('@Lve,fk/O]Z_Eh7.*QnB*ROjAX U]l8YwQ,~—1sIMe )RHi>J[`Xr—iS5'q% H(/m^1ZH:p>I@P9}gtEE)id–i shf-Aq`&1"N(5R''SHlTBh7cY(!'#{l7.um{=V4B L.w`S#—ZcR PD_p"–( b"r@—"D(-FCCQo"|s{*>R])phpW,=7A4fr~Sesh[ 9$3—Y}eYAbaF?b4hvWoDoN2L`@L3]%gJMp -XeHnAkXRc#ArR'Y0B#!}_tdq3= 1:Hb2cF9__0+my2:p* d50]5b>oVKL`Z–fhpVh>%[P;u@Ublq=qapd9~;", !BBR:9-}'=C9Te1$8`zx@"][(~4ssQtG02:O@l–UC
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tmotomagazine · 8 months
(Como substituir um ícone sem perder a preferência? A Honda acaba de apresentar a nova Honda Sahara 300, a sucessora natural da XRE 300, a trail da marca japonesa.Com novo design, mais praticidade e mais ergonomia, a nova Honda Sahara 300 chega em 3 versões: Standard, Rally e Adventure com preços até R$ 28.650.Além disso, a moto recebeu um novo coração; seu novo motor vem da Twister 300, flex, e gera 24,8 cv e 21,7 kgf.m de torque na gasolina. Curtiu? Quer saber mais? Então solta o play, se inscreva no canal, e ative o sininho para não perder nenhuma novidade!via https://youtube.com/watch?v=Zt-G8BvY-Ls&si=d9CDBRb18AAcevlK)
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