psychadollics · 14 days
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POSSIBLE CONTROVERSIAL TAKE….? I genuinely think Homelander represents how abuse and poor mental health can affect a person honestly pretty well. Like pls don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to justify any of his shit, like he sucks nothing more to it, however I very much can relate to him when it comes to his crippling insecurities and need for people to just love him. I’m gonna be 100% real, I genuinely think a lot of people relate to him to a degree and just would rather die than say it. Purity culture is coming back (this is literally the only place I can post shit like this without getting my exact coordinates sent to me) so with that you can’t even say you like a villain character anymore without people thinking you condone their actions, again that is not at all what I am trying to do. Homelander went through A LOT of neglect and trauma and yeah no shit it doesn’t make his current behaviors at all justifiable, but it is very easy to see where some of his shitty actions come from. He reminds me of the saying “Hurt people hurt people” and I hate to say it but I kinda feel bad for him sometimes, probably bc I just see my own personal struggles in him though….. eh who tf knows. It’s 12 am and this probably made zero sense but I don’t care I needed something to post.. k here’s where I’m just being a thirsty bitch but GOD I wanna just let him lay in my lap while I mess with his hair n pretty face 😔
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thebest-medicine · 11 months
eeeeeee I just met up with some cool ass tumblr peeps for lunch and a stroll!!! it was so fun 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
@clayticklish @toadallytickles
@yourlittlettoy thanks for swinging by on your way through my town!!! we must gather again soon you’re all so wonderful!
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bekkachaos · 3 months
Okay okay alright okay 👀😘
Polin fic, because I'm obsessed!
For a moment she thought he would sink back into their kiss, that his hand may reach out to her skin and continue searching her body and dragging her into him. Instead, his grip around her hand tightened and he opened his kind eyes to look back at her with a regretful gaze.
"I am sorry Pen, that I did not give you the wedding night you deserved," he said softly, his thumb stroking lightly the back of her hand as he looked back into her shining eyes.
"We simply did the two in reverse order is all," she said with a smile, expecting his gentle smile and laugh in return, but that pained gaze remained as his hand reached out to glance over her soft cheek.
"Even so," he said, and she felt herself melting into his touch. "I should have been here with you, in our bed. I should not have left you alone."
"You were angry, and understandably," she said, giving him a reassuring nod. "I do not blame you for seeking time apart from—"
"I was foolish," he said, cutting her off while his lip curled at the corner with the hint of a smile at the way his words brought a crinkle between her brows. "And I hope you remind me so next time I am so foolish as to keep myself from this bed, from your rosy lips," he dragged two fingertips over her bottom lips, eyes trailing them. "The way they are perfectly built to fit with my own."
More buddie lawyers 🙌
Eddie thinks the term is peacocking.
That's what Buck is doing as he pulls back the shuttered blinds of the bathroom window, opening it up so there was a view straight out the main room window and over the lights of the street. He ran the large tub warm, pulling the towel from around his waist and shooting Eddie a smirk as he draped it over the sink before climbing in and sitting in one corner, facing the open window with his arms propped up on the ledge.
"Waiting for an invitation?" he asked.
Eddie rolled his eyes, dropping his own towel as he stepped into the tub. The warm water already felt so good, and as he moved to sit opposite Buck he felt his hand reach out to touch his arm, guiding him gently towards him and gesturing to the space between his legs with a grin. Eddie sat with his back pressed against Buck's chest, considering all they'd already been doing for the last few months it felt surprisingly more intimate.
Buck's arm snaked around his waist, holding tight enough to keep Eddie propped up comfortably. Eddie sighed, letting himself relax into Buck as he stared out over the view.
and the fun little apocalypse fic! following immediately on from this part that i posted for @the-likesofus (yes meegs i'm tagging you because I know you like the apocalypse au!)
"Well, that's my choice to make," Eddie said, softer, but still with a sharpness in his voice that was probably undeserved. "Isn't it?"
Buck finally looked up, locking eyes with Eddie and holding his gaze a moment as if contemplating his reply.
"Then go now," Buck said, his eyes piercing through Eddie and making his chest flutter. "So I don't have to get to know you better only to find your body out there in a week."
The words stunned Eddie. He hadn't been expecting them and he certainly hadn't expected them to make his lips curl with a smile.
"That was kind of dark," he said, and Buck was still controlling himself with a stony jaw.
"Welcome to the end of the world," he shrugged. "Nights are dark, humour's darker."
Eddie couldn't help but snort out a laugh at that, and Buck's facade twitched into a smile for just a moment, before he was looking at the floor again.
He watched as Buck took in a deep breath, and he couldn't remember the last time he had wanted to ask a person about themselves. He wanted to know if Buck had been so morose before all of this, or if it was a product of his adaptation. He wanted to know why he had tried so hard to get him to leave the day before and was now trying harder to get him to stay. He wanted to know why he cared whether Eddie lived or died at all.
thank you Ry xxx
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kruemel8 · 1 month
rehearsals for the tour already whattt!! anyway im super excited https://www.instagram.com/stories/saintunion/3439492690050934884?igsh=aWJ5eTZ5bjI5anM4
Already?! 👀 OMG.
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bradshawssugarbaby · 6 months
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screaming. crying. throwing up.
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willboland · 1 year
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the boys in monza 💕
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elkk-en · 1 year
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my phantom rogue, mako >:)
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picmurasaki · 17 days
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Aaand a Happy Gladnis Month to all the Gladnis shippers 💜
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milliesfishes · 1 month
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Millie’s first day of schooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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underthetallwaves · 1 year
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morpheus-ravenna · 1 year
It’s book launch day for me! Excited and a little nervous. You always hope your work lands well and finds value for readers.
The Magic of the Otherworld: Modern Sorcery from the Wellspring of Celtic Traditions releases today from Llewellyn.
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I’ll be at Air and Fire in Boulder Creek this afternoon to celebrate and sign books.
Are you reading it? Did you like it? Consider posting a review on your favorite book retailer’s site - reviews help books become visible.
Direct order link
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kruemel8 · 3 months
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gloriouswhispers · 1 month
tuscany villa chloe & ines
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chloe's guilt flickers between righteousness and regret. but if she digs deep enough, she can even find a sliver of happiness for jakob and ines. but those feelings are buried under layers of rejection and confusion. why did she do it? why did she let vindication cause her to stoop to a level she never imagined? chloe can't seem to find the answer and slips out of bed, padding quietly through the villa until she reaches the pool. she paces around it once before sitting and lighting a cigarette, savoring the sharpness of the first drag. even if it always reminds her of the constant promise to herself to quit for good. a faint rustle of movement disturbs a few moments of her silence, a sound coming just out of sight. chloe stiffens, eyes glancing to the villa just in time to see ines emerging with the same idea.
the belcourt refuses to say anything at first, and the distance between witch and shifter speaks volumes. but finally, she clears her throat. 'can we talk?' her voice wavers and she's hesitant to even glance to ines. 'i kind of...i feel like i need to explain myself.' chloe still isn't sure how she can, as ines knows what happened. just as well as she does. slowly, she moves from her seat. she fidgets slightly, scratching her nose as the uncertainty of the moment washes over her. 'about the other day. i just want to clear the air.' but how? she can't admit she was completely in the wrong without everything crashing down around her. 'i think it...well, it all turned into something it wasn't?' @rviner
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wr1ghtw0rth · 10 months
Your art makes my heart swell. I feel immense joy and am rendered 🥺 every time I see it. I thank you. You’re one of the reasons I bought the ace attorney trilogy. I love the lawyer game. I wish good things upon you. Regards, Anon.
Why, aren't you just sweet x) thank you dearly, anon, you made my day!
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missingumdrops · 2 years
"Baby" Matthew - The Chosen, Season 3 Bloopers
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impala-dreamer · 2 years
4800 words of pure, sensual, amazingly lovely, sexy, unbridled attraction and smut with multiple orgasms...
I. Am. Spent.
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coming to patreon in march... ;)
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