#earth x mercury
solarblunt · 2 months
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yennswishes1 · 4 months
the guys!!!
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bukyoooabulfkys · 3 months
Earf dating his therapist
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xstarrydawnx · 5 months
SB art dump time!
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The first artwork was for the previous art event on the SB discord server!!
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cryinganabell · 23 days
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Some stuff after the new ep
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neptunesringz · 27 days
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Relationships in the “Proto-Era”/Era III ! (Under the cut is rambling about my AU)
Eras was created from a collection of theories and headcanons. theoretical planets have quotations around their names("theia"/"x") because they do not have names in canon!
"theia" and terra seem to be the most focused on in popular past aus, and most have similar personalities, so I decided to turn that on its head and make Eras! Era III/"The Proto-Era" is definitely the most developed currently!
terra was only popular in the inner system— giants and rockies rarely interacted outside of hermes being a messenger and ares talking to zeus. terra was only interesting in the inner system because he was one of the last planets created not by a collision. because of this, aphrodite began to favour him and proclaimed terra his brother. "theia" saw this as an opportunity to finally be liked, and tried to be friends with terra. this... did not go well—several times.
the gas giants do not like each other, in fact, cronos and zeus can be seen arguing and throwing asteroids at each other rather than doing anything else. they have a shared dislike/hatred of "x", maybe that could do something.
the ice giants are brothers, poseidon and caelus being older twins to "x". poseidon's personality and role is a complete 180 from present-day neptune.
ramble ends here for now :)
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just-call-mefr1es · 2 months
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2lurslinger2000 · 7 months
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Guess who just drew the entire cast in one picture NOT ME
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subsatellites · 3 months
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video is from a danny gonzalez vine that i cant find a specific video of rn but should be at 5:39 in this video
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brave-symphonia · 2 years
Love all of this.
The way she opens the door, sees Miorine, there’s a pause, and then she just tries to shut the door like nothing happened. Amazing.
Her actually running away from talking things out to Miorine, saying there’s nothing she needs to say, despite Miorine having just heard everything.
How Miorine won’t just let Suletta run away and think these things, she’s not going to let her be miserable, she’s going to make her tlak about her feelings no matter what!
How she tricks her just she can grab her.
How Suletta tries to put herself down, and Miorine is having none of it, trying to bring her spirits back by reminding her of her motto.
Suletta talking about how her motto does help, but she can’t do it all the time, it’s scary, and she can’t face that fear constantly, that’s why she uses the motto when she knows she needs to move forward.
Miorine lightly punching Suletta as she talks about everything she hated, all the reasons why she wanted to run away, and how she doesn’t want to do that anymore, that Suletta makes her happy, she’s happy with her life, to the point where she doesn’t feel the need to run anymore.
And that hug at the end, with Miorine asking Suletta not to run, to say what she needs to say, to annoy her again, to let her rely on her.
And finally the part where she just keeps telling her things she needs to do. Giving her tomatoes more compost, staying by her side, cleaning her room. She’s showing her that she’s wanted, she’s needed, she’s loved.
And the way the scene just ends with Suletta hugging her back, as they just float there.
This scene genuinely makes me tear up everytime I’ve watched it.
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shockwaves-tits · 5 days
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I'm trying to make a comic rn but I'm so bad at it, so bunch of doodles once again
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softer-marshes · 21 days
Because people on twt like it, I'm posting here, have some solarballs fanart!!
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And I've drawn on some people's strawpages so here's some!
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yennswishes1 · 2 months
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sstarrfishh · 21 days
Solarballs photo dump pt 2
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aquamarine-lotus · 4 months
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cryinganabell · 3 months
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Some doodlyduu dump
(I need Vercury plz someone write more toxic yuri fanfics plz plz plz :(((( )
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