#Uranus sweetie i am so sorry
xstarrydawnx · 5 months
SB art dump time!
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The first artwork was for the previous art event on the SB discord server!!
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shiningmystic · 1 year
Thank you for opening your free readings! 🩵
Can I have a reading on what energies are coming into my love life?
Thank you soooo much! -C.M 🩵
Hey angel hope your days are going well! Instantly I shoved my kyanite crystal down my bra without even thinking so I’m guessing something ✨spicy✨ may be coming into your life 🌞
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Alright I feel as though someone is on your mind and I laughed when the ace of wands came out because I mentioned before I pulled the cards how I see spice coming into you love life 😉
This may be a person that’s been a long time coming (like maybe someone who has been in your life for awhile but they never really showed interest or even someone you may have not desired until recently). I do feel as though you may have even been waiting for something to happen in your love life and it’s finally coming in, your guides are saying you have been patient and in your power so keep going you are entering right now into something very passionate.
Even if this person isn’t in your life right now I’m getting a sense you’re nervous on who it is or what could be going on but it will be revealed to you quite soon actually so stop thinking to hard and keep doing what you got going on.
Your guides aren’t explaining who this person is which I believe it is meant to be a surpise to you (especially feeling like it’ll be this passionate I bet they are keeping the details to a minimum so I’m sorry but I’ll pull an oracle card and see how if they will provide a bit more)
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So I got 2 cards Uranus and the fifth house. So to give you some info on them they are your type and even if they aren’t they spark something in you that you may have never realized before with the Uranus paired with the house of the body. They are extremely attractive to you and you to them 😊 I think they are extremely independent meaning they follow their imagination but also intellect finding new ways to create and grow what they are doing. I’m getting this person will be an inspiration and a blessing to you, very in depth person I can see them explaining something that they are really into and getting lost in what they are explaining and you loving there extreme news and passion hehe.
Advice for you I am receiving is accepting this big change in your life and to not focus on the problems that could come up (I know that’s asking a lot because I can see you kinda in this energy) but it’s good to try and flow with the change or it’ll feel harder for you to deal with. Know that change is for you not against you and it may feel like your going in the wrong direction or it’s coming in wrong but it isn’t, trust in your ability to attract. Also just continue what you’re doing is what your guides are emphasizing. I’m getting the energy “you’re doing great sweety” 😂 keep feeling yourself keep being unapologetic on what you want and expect from the world. You know what you deserve and it’s definitely this person.
Let me know what you think I’m always open to feedback and expanding my knowledge on what is going on physically on your end.
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astroyongie · 4 years
Hellooo sweetie♡ I forgot to mention it on my request last time but I wanted to ask for a top 3 best romantic partner, friendship and nope with OT21 like you did for someone before. I'm really sorry🥺😔 If you're okay, can i ask again? I'm a cancer sun, libra moon ( dominant planet ), mercury cancer, venus virgo, mars leo and rising capricorn, juno virgo ( my neptune and uranus in aquarius are my two other dominant planet ) thank u again and sorry again😔🥺💌💝
There you go love ! I am not sure if you are requesting top 3 for each unit or top 3 for nct as a whole so based on your request I’ll go as a whole !
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
Mama Guardian; Gamora x child reader
This comes from a Wattpad requester who is now a dear friend of mine and this was my first Gamora x child reader fic. I hope I end up pleasing everyone on here with some of them and I promise I will be posting up more fics both child and romantic oneshots for the next few days :) Anyways like usual I do NOT own GOTG they belong to Marvel/Disney/Stan Lee :)
Warnings: Bullying (STOP BULLYING FOREVER), violence, and teeth rotting fluff towards the end.
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"Okay next up is (y/n) (y/l)" My teacher called out to the class. I stood up proudly and walked up and stood in front of the class ready to give my report on my favorite person in the whole world.
"My name is (y/n) and the person I love most in the whole wide world is my mother. Her name is Gamora and she is a Guardian of the Galaxy. She travels the entire galaxy in a spaceship called the Milano and she saves planets and kicks butt. She's a warrior and I love her and that's why my mom is my favorite person in the whole wide world". I then showed everyone a drawing I made of her but instead of the kids clapping, Bobby exclaimed.
"She's green!"
"Bobby! That wasn't very nice" my teacher Miss Murry stated.
"That's not your mom. She's an alien!" Suzy stated. Soon all the kids in my class began to laugh and make fun of me by saying things like.
"No wonder she's weird".
"Hey guys, my mom's a freaky alien from outer space!"
rrrf "Yeah well my dad's the president of Uranus!" Soon the bell rang for dismissal and everyone left as they kept laughing at me. I packed up my books when Miss Murry said.
"(Y/n) may I talk to you for one second," I walked up to her and she said, "(y/n), sweetie maybe next time we should try to keep things like this to ourselves okay sweetie?"
"But Miss Murry, she is my mother! And I love her".
"And I know that she loves you too but, the other kids may not see that. So please just try to keep things about your mother to yourself, okay?"
"Okay" I muttered sadly.
"Good girl, now off you go, wouldn't want to miss your bus". I walked sadly out of the classroom and got on the bus and sat down as I looked at the picture of my mom solemnly. Suddenly it came out from my hands and I turned to see it was Kevin, Jimmy and Sean sitting behind me.
"She's so freaky looking just like you freak!" Kevin exclaimed."Is she supposed to be your imaginary friend?" asked Sean.
"No! That's my mom! Her name is Gamora and she's a Guardian of the Galaxy! And she would beat you guys up if she saw you making fun of me".
"Ohhh we're so scared, ohhh!" The boys all mocked me and trembled in fear before they started laughing.
"She ain't your mom!"
"Yeah, she looks more like a green booger monster than anything else!" Jimmy said before ripping up my drawing.
"No! Stop that! That's my mom!" Kevin then pushed me off my seat and soon the bus driver stopped and said.
"Alright you little animals get off!" Soon we came out and as soon as everyone was off the bus I grabbed the pieces of my now torn up drawing and walked out heartbroken as I kept my eyes down at my torn drawing.
When I reached my house, I immediately ran up to my room and shut the door and ran to my bed and cried into my pillow. I heard a knock at my bedroom door and in that moment I knew that it was my dad who was at the door.
"Hey sweet pea, you okay in there?" He opened the door and I soon felt a dip in my bed and a hand gently stroking my back, "do you want to talk about it?"
"Why does no one believe she's my mama? I look like her right?" I choked out.
"Oh sweetie, come here" my dad picked me up and held me close to him and gently rocked me. "I know it's hard. But know that your mother does love you and she would do anything for you, she's always with you even though she's not really here, and she loves you very, very much. And yes, you have your mother's looks as well as her beautiful eyes".
"Yes, now why don't we have some dinner and then watch a movie". I nodded then daddy carried me out and we ate dinner and ended up watching "Finding Nemo" and "A Bug's Life". When bedtime came around, daddy tucked me in and kissed me goodnight and said, "goodnight sweet pea".
"Goodnight daddy". I closed my eyes and soon I fell into a deep sleep.
The next morning as the school day began, I didn't expect what was to happen next.
As we were going over our addition and subtraction problems, a sudden boom came from outside the school. The lights went off and soon we were all in a panic, crying and screaming.
"Attention students and teachers, this is immediate lockdown, Repeat this is immediate lockdown. Please lock your doors and get to a hidden corner of your current classroom!" Principle Gardens stated over the intercom. Miss Murry quickly bolted our door shut then assuringly guided us to the corner of our classroom where the bad guys wouldn't see us. As we all huddled up, Miss Murry tried to comfort all of us and get us to stop crying so that hopefully the bad guys wouldn't come for us.
Unfortunately, the door was soon shot down and three aliens plus a guy that had robot parts in him like a cyborg came out and spoke to the aliens in a strange language. Their guns pointed right at us when Miss Murry stepped forward and stated.
"Please, just take me, leave these children alone. You can kill me if you wish but please, don't harm these kids".
"We only seek one, the daughter of my traitor sister Gamora! Our sources say she is here and we will kill anyone who gets in our way". The cyborg man demanded.
"Well it won't work because the girl you're looking for isn't here in my class".
"You lie Terran female!" The cyborg then hit Miss Murry across the face and she went down to the ground. We all cried out her name and that's when I was suddenly grabbed by one of the aliens, I struggled to get free but the alien's grip was too strong for me to break free.
"Korath, we found the girl!" The alien said.
"Excellent, we now head for Lord Thanos, he's been looking for this child a long time" he said as he took me from the alien. As they began to lead me out of the classroom, I began to pray with all my might that by a miracle my mom and the rest of the Guardians would come to save me and the rest of my school.
And I would soon see that my prayers were answered.
Suddenly one of the aliens was shot down by a powerful blast, another one was picked up by what looked like twigs and branches while the one that originally handled me was tackled towards the wall.
"KORATH!!!" A familiar voice screamed out in anger. I looked forward and there stood my mom and the other Guardians of the Galaxy.
"Let her go Korath!"
"Afraid not, Thanos has been told of your child Gamora, and though he failed with you, he will not fail to make your bloodline as weak as you are". Korath then picked me up and took off running as I screamed for my mom.
Gamora growled then took off running but not before Peter cried out.
"Gamora hold on!"
"No! You four stay here and deal with the others, Korath is mine and mine alone!" As Gamora disappeared out of the school, Peter whistled and said.
"Man, I hope Korath is ready".
"Ready for what?" asked Drax.
"What you did to him back on Xandar Drax, is nothing compared to what mama bear's gonna do to him when she catches him".
As Korath ran towards his ship with me tightly dangling from his waist, a knife was thrown at his back which made him drop me and him come down onto his knees. I quickly took my chance to hide behind a nearby tree and watched as mama stood before Korath.
"It is true then, you have grown soft, sister". Korath quickly drew out his sword but mama blocked it with her own sword and the two battled it out. When it seemed that Korath would win, my mama suddenly gained the upper hand and began to slash, kick, and even break Korath's limps even to the point of ripping one of his robotic arms off and when she finally had her sword right to his neck she then muttered.
"A mother never grows soft". She then stabbed Korath's through the robotic parts of his head and he collapsed onto the ground. Mama turned around and I ran towards her and she took me in her arms as I cried softly.
"You came, you came back".
"Of course I did, when I was told Korath had returned and was heading here to Terra, I was afraid he'd find you".
"You were?"
"Of course, everyone gets afraid of something, it's our job to decide whether we act upon them or not".
"Guess in a way that Korath was right, you have gotten soft mama" I laughed and she said.
"Oh really? Well am I soft now?" She then proceeded to tickle my sides as she peppered kisses and raspberries on my cheeks and neck making me laugh even more.After that, we headed back inside the school to meet up with the other Guardians and my classmates and Uncle Peter said.
"Hey, you okay kid?"
"Yeah, I'm fine Uncle Peter".
"Ha! See told yah she sees me as the awesome uncle".
"More like the uncool, stupid uncle really". Rocket stated.
"I am Groot".
"He's right, no more fighting you two, we are in the presence of children". Mama said as she gestured to me and my class. I then took notice of how every one of my classmates were looking at me and my mom together.
"Wow, she really is her mom". Jenny said.
"Yeah, and she does kick butt".
"She is a super mom". Kevin, Kimmy and Sean soon stepped forward and Kevin said.
"Hey, (y/n) we're sorry for not believing you".
"Yeah we had no idea that Gamora was really your mom" said Sean.
"Yeah, we're sorry". Said Jimmy.
"It's okay guys, I forgive you". I said. The boys smiled but then my mom gave them a warning.
"But should you boys make fun of my daughter again, what happened out there, will seem like child's play to what I will do to you three". The boys soon looked scared almost like they peed their pants (which they kinda did haha). After Uncle Peter talked about paying for the damages done to the school, mama and the rest of the Guardians took me out for a little flight in the Milano for the rest of the day.
And that's why I love my mama.
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