punktastic · 9 months
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"I know your biscuits are different but it just looks weird, mate." Hobie looked at the substance again. American Gravy didn't seem to look right. "Why's it grey?" a beat "it's like a bird's gone and shat on your plate." was that insulting? "No offense." he added.
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psionicsandpunkrock · 6 months
"For flying fucks sake. Could you give me some space, mate?" Jono projected annoyed as flames reached through his leather wrappings and licked his cheeks.
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capdnvrs · 7 months
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"Actually, I wouldn't recommend getting any closer. Goose is..." Carol glanced towards the Flerken. "Not actually a cat. There's enough going on without bringing tentacles into the mix."
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nexusbeings · 7 months
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"You can ask as many questions as you'd like, but I can't promise answers. I can, however, offer tea. Let's start small."
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dontreadintoit · 7 months
"Not allergic to dogs are you? If so you should start holding your breath." Reader said handing Forey, his seeing eye dog and companion, one of the two hot dogs he just bought.
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ebcnyblade · 7 months
"Always wanted to visit New York, just thought when I did I'd be able to leave. Expectations were too high I guess?"
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martyrdclone · 9 months
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"I used to think I was unoriginal for being a clone and now I just feel unoriginal being spider-man."
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mutantbitch · 9 months
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"Good to know some things never change. Mutants are still going to be hated no matter the universe."
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bayousthief · 9 months
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"c'mon now, don' look at me like dat." Remy looked defensive. "y'aint never had 'gator?" the meat sizzled in a pan over the stove, looking indistinguishable from little chicken nuggets. Didn't taste like 'em though. Gator had its own thang goin' on. Little bit like chicken, but not quite, "And yer lookin' at me like I'm weird." he scoffed. "y'know what they say, don't knock it 'til you tried it." he gave the pan a lil shake, rollin' the bites onto the other side to get 'em good and golden brown all over.
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fcrtunas · 6 months
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"I'm not feeling particularly lucky right now, and that's saying something since we just left a reality where we were quite literally in the middle of going extinct."
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imperialpraetor · 5 months
"I'll allow you to keep your throat this time, but don't suggest such a thing again."
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bloodstne · 6 months
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"Last I checked, I had signed up to hunt monsters, not traverse the bloody multiverse. Pardon me for not being super chuffed right now. Does anyone even know where the vamps hang out in this godforsaken reality?"
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thevdova · 6 months
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"You come all the way to a new reality just to find what — that the only thing you'd want to change is the same?" Natasha was still gone. Missing, not dead. It didn't matter. She was still out of reach. "I don't know. That doesn't seem fair, does it?"
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invisiblewomn · 6 months
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"Of course we're looking into it. Unfortunately, looking doesn't always mean finding. I know it's a lot to ask people to be patient, but there's not much else we can do. Think you can hang on for a little longer?"
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amaqvelins · 6 months
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"If you were expecting a rant, I don't have it in me today. Most of the people in this reality haven't even heard of the Inhumans. Wait — have you?"
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ripleyryans · 6 months
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"Hey, don't look at me. I may have a reality stone in my chest, but I had nothing to do with this. Do you think I wanted to be displaced and trapped in some bizarro New York?"
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