#east bay custom home
blondie-bcn · 8 months
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San Francisco Great Room Dining Room An image of a great room with an exposed beam, a medium-sized tuscan limestone floor, and beige walls.
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hiro6plus · 11 months
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Stucco - Exterior Large gray two-story craftsman gable roof design
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demyxix · 1 year
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Living Room in San Francisco Inspiration for a mid-sized mediterranean formal and open concept medium tone wood floor and white floor living room remodel with white walls, a standard fireplace and a plaster fireplace
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calypsopoet2003 · 26 days
The Donna Chronicles, Volume: VII
The Return of the Prodigal Hypnotized Pantyhose Slave...
In the early 90's I moved away for a while for work, & had spent a couple of years out in Utah, skiing the Rockies, traveling internationally, & expanding my horizons... At the time I had believed that all that time spent away from everyone & everything back east would allow me to live a somewhat "normal" & somewhat ordinary life... Well, I was wrong...
After being away for a little over a year, just when I thought that I was starting to get on with my more "normal" life, the phone calls started... Always late at night, always three or four calls one after another, & always seemed to hang up as soon as I answered...
I was also still massively turned on by women in pantyhose, particularly white pantyhose. I also had begun to notice that more, & more women seemed to have taken to wearing white pantyhose as part of their outfits, even under pants or slacks. However, what started to set off "alarm bells" in my head was the growing propensity for those clad in their white pantyhose to often go shoeless in their stocking feet whenever possible...
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managed to have more than a few adventures & exploits throughout my time away from where I had grown up. However, after several years away, I didn't have any thoughts or ideas about returning, or what it would be like.
I certainly didn't think about what my reaction may be running into my Hypnotic Pantyhose Mistress, or any of her thralls, or other Hypnotized Pantyhose Slaves, of which my Mom happened to be one.
My Hypnotic Pantyhose Mistress was still my Ideal though... She was what I was attracted to, everything about her...
White silky pantyhosed feet, especially HER pantyhosed feet... It didn't even really matter what color nylon adorned them...
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So enticing & hypnotic... Impossible to look away from or resist...
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Trying my best to keep all of those feelings at bay, I could only move forward & discover whatever I was going to discover.
Returning home, my Mom was the first of my Hypnotic Pantyhose Mistress's minions I had run into of course. But, she seemed absolutely normal. No white pantyhose, & there was absolutely no discussion of HER whatsoever... In fact, for my first couple of months home, there were no encounters of any kind, & I was beginning to feel like I had a new life free of my past.
I bounced around for a while, & eventually found a job at a manufacturing plant in Manchester... My interview process went easy enough, & started in technical customer service. It wasn't long before I made my way into Quality Management & in charge of Product Engineering...
Late one Friday afternoon I went into Customer Service at the end of the day, & found Pat coming out of the filing cabinet row with a strange look on her face... She came padding out shoeless, wearing silky white pantyhose underneath her slacks... Her eyes were completely glazed over, trance like... I couldn't for the life of me figure out how SHE had managed to get a hold of Pat, but it was obvious that she had done just that...
Pat looked up at me in surprise, then calmed to the extreme, & in a measured monotone voice said...
"Oh, good... You're here... You must remove your shoes & socks for our Hypnotic Pantyhose Mistress, & follow me... You have no choice... We have no choice... We live to serve our Hypnotic Pantyhose Mistress..."
I immediately dropped into a deep hypnotic trance, & responded...
"Yessss, Patricia... I have no choice... We have no choice... We live to serve our Hypnotic Pantyhose Mistress..."
I then somewhat robotically removed my shoes & socks... Exposing my silky white pantyhosed feet right there at work... I couldn't resist... It immediately came to me in a flash what must have happened for Pat to be in our Hypnotic Pantyhose Mistress's thrall like this...
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I had no choice, but to follow her back into the Sales Manager's private office to where Michelle & Jodi were waiting on the couch. Both appeared to be deeply hypnotized, & were also wearing pantyhose...
Like with Pat, I got flashes of how each of the girls must have fallen under deep hypnotic trances for Pat on our Hypnotic Pantyhose Mistress's behalf. Michelle was wearing silky black pantyhose...
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"Oh My God! Pat... W-what are you doing?"
"I... I can't... I cannot look away..."
"I... I m-mmussst obeyyyy..."
...& Jodi's was wearing her silky tan pantyhose that she always wore...
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"Oh, Hi Pat!"
"W-wait... What are you d-doing?"
"Yesss, Pat... I will obeyyyy..."
Pat led me to the couch... Before she sat me down, she had us all disrobe down to our pantyhose from the waist down... Then, all three women turned to me & stroked & caressed me wherever I was covered in pantyhose with whatever they had covered in pantyhose. Stroking & caressing turned into all four of us passionately worshiping each other.
Pat had made both Michelle & Jodi into our Hypnotic Pantyhose Mistress's Hypnotized Pantyhose Slaves before they could even be put into HER silky white pantyhose... It was as if SHE had done it herself... They were completely HERS already...
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From that day on, everything at work took a drastic change. Suddenly, the company was focused on Quality, & I was given a separate office area upstairs, & a staff. Pat was reassigned to me to handle all things Sales & Engineering related, Jodi was assigned to me to handle all Administrative & Communications related, & Michelle was assigned to me as Corporate Communications & Support...
At least, that was the public story for our new sequestered diggs... Nobody could get in unless they were under our Hypnotic Pantyhose Mistress's or the girls hypnotic sway... While we were inside the offices, we were shoeless & pantyhosed... Nuzzling & worshiping were common occurrences, as were occasional visits from our Hypnotic Pantyhose Mistress...
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Look for "Hypnotized Pantyhose Slave Chronicles VIII" for a Continuation of My Hypnotized Pantyhose Slavery Story, Encounters, & Adventures...
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jiubilant · 1 year
dockside solitude has been taking shape in my mind for awhile as the portion of the city in which fabulous wealth brushes elbows with poverty. there are fishers and whalers fishing and whaling (imagine) in the bay but haafing harbor is known mostly as an advantageous port of call for merchant vessels bound back and forth from the bretic fiefs and northern morrowind. dockside boasts lots of warehouses where imported and exported goods are stored on their way inland or overseas. lots of factories (as in trading stations where factors do business rather than the modern definition). customs-houses. drydocks where ships are refitted and cross-planked for journeys through the northern pack ice. local merchants like erikur often manage to shoulder in and make lots of money but, despite its grand and slow decline, the king of all this industry is still the east empire company
but in addition to being a commercial hub dockside is also the home of all the working people (not the merchants and investors, who mostly live in more fashionable tenements "on the rock," i.e. within the city walls) who grease the wheels of the company's trade empire. its clerks and customs-folk and fishers and whalers and dockers and sailors are fed in public-houses and fishmarkets and housed in tenements of the more cramped and rickety kind. conditions are particularly miserable for the dockers (longshoremen) whose work is back-breaking and dangerous and whose efforts to establish their own guild and advocate for higher wages have been blocked for years. clerks do comparatively "comfortable" work in the factories—and are afforded more opportunities for advancement than the hard laborers—but are equally downtrodden and underpaid. the frustrations simmering in dockside threaten to come to a boil in 201 with the new dangers posed to maritime trade—and consequently the livelihoods of everyone in the community—by war and piracy and dragons trying to devour the world etc. interesting times
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attackfish · 1 year
Can I get a continuation for The ones who walk away?
Continued from: [Link], [Link], and [Link], and The Ones who Walk Away: [Link].
1. Katara and Sokka make their way north, faster and less eventfully than they would have with a twelve year old Avatar. They do not go to the Air Temples or to Kyoshi Island. They don't go to Omashu, or to Gaipan but instead sail along the east coast of the Earth Kingdom continent, until they reach Chameleon Bay in the Eastern Sea, where, as it transpires, the Southern Water Tribe fleet has been holed up. They spend some time with their father, telling them what happened back home with the Fire Prince, and the airbender baby, and about Katara's worsening accidents, and when Bato returns injured from a mission, he agrees to escort Sokka and Katara to the Northern Water Tribe, and to get them settled. Having sailed so far north, he also takes them ice dodging in the northern waters before they tackle meeting their people's sister tribe.
2. This means that Katara goes to the north as a woman grown in the eyes of her tribe, and the Chief's daughter. Of course, she goes as all of that when she goes with Aang, but her father never was chief when she was growing up, certainly not of a united Southern Water Tribe, so she never got used to thinking of herself that way. But Bato, Hakoda's best friend, is able to think through those implications, and press the point. So when the northerners (mostly Pakku) make it clear that girl waterbenders are trained to heal and nothing else, Bato starts talking about an insult to southern customs, and to his chief, and manages to get an agreement that one of the lesser masters will teach Katara as long as she also learns to heal. Katara is hardly going to turn down healing lessons. Her tribe could use a healer or twelve anyway.
2.5 Comander Zhao, without Zuko to humiliate or an Avatar to capture, remains at his dead end post, his dreams of moon spirit fish sticks unfulfilled.
3. Without Katara and Aang to fill the reservoir, Jet must wait for the summer rains to fill it, and to flood the village he once called home. It's a scene of carnage, with Fire Nation soldiers, Fire Nation colonists, and Earth Kingdom villagers killed indiscriminately by the rush of water. Children are killed. Parents are killed leaving children orphaned. It's a horror. And in the aftermath, the surviving Fire Nation soldiers hunt down Jet's forest enclave and set fire to it, causing more horror, and more dead children. Jet goes out in a blaze of glory, and when the Fire Nation rebuids Gaipan, as they already did once before after having destroyed it themselves, when they continue to control the village and the valley, it's no longer Jet's problem.
4. Back in the Fire Nation, Ozai plots what use he will make of Sozin's Comet that summer. It's Ba Sing Se. He plans to use it to break Ba Sing Se, to do what his brother could not. And because Azula has never been to war, never conquered Ba Sing Se herself, when he announces that he plans to leave her in charge of the Fire Nation in his absense, it doesn't feel like a punishment. It feels like a test. One she intends to pass. With her brother gone, she will rule the Fire Nation for real one day.
5. All this is to say that the world keeps turning without Iroh, Zuko, and Aang. And Aang is still in that awkward stage between toddler and child, Iroh's garden is still in that awkward stage between a shambles and well set up, and Zuko is still in that awkward stage between caught and knowing about it when Ozai conquers Ba Sing Se, and brings the Earth Kingdom to its knees.
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aufi-creative-mind · 2 years
PROVINCES of ORDON - LORE SUMMARY: a BotW Worldbuilding Project
Part 1 - Provinces: [you are here] Part 2 - Homelands and Special Administrative Region: [link] The Map of Ordon - PROVINCES and HOMELANDS: [link]
The Provinces referring to the eight subdivisions that create the core of the United Territories of Ordon. They generally follow the same laws and customs and are directly governed by the Council. The following provinces and their capitals include:
The Central Heartland - The Heart of Ordon Capital: Ordonia
The central region of Ordon and home to the nation's capital, Ordonia. The Heartland is where the foundations of present-day Ordon were founded by the first Wolf Queen Lucyda Ordonia. The Ordonia Royal Family ruled over the peninsula for 1106 years before it was abolished following the abdication of Queen Grizelda II. Today, the capital Ordonia is home to the central government - the Council, located in Ordonia Castle which sits on the largest island of Lake Ordonia. 
Notable locations of the Heartlands include, Ordon Spring - the sacred home of the Spirit Guardian, Ordona. The Ordon Village ruins at the fringes of the Spring. The Great Bridge of Ordonia which connects Ordonia Castle with the North Ordon and Ordon Fields to the south. And Mount Yeta, the tallest mountain in the Ordon Peninsula. 
Lataon Province - The Bluewater Province Capital: Port Lataon
The most populous Province and home to Ordon's largest city. Port Lataon is the commercial and trading centre of the Ordon throughout the eras. Originally founded as a Hylian settlement after the First Gerudo-Ordon War, the city and the surrounding towns were modelled after Castletown of Hyrule with the blue roof tiles and Lataon Castle was built in the same architecture style as Hyrule Castle. This gives the city’s nickname as the “Blue Port”. 
Today, the Lataon Province is home to Ordon’s largest population with a diverse diaspora of peoples, including the largest Hylian community outside of Hyrule, especially after the Calamity. Other notable locations include Bantam Village - the home of the Sheikah clan in the region. And the Nova Bossa Base, the home base of the Gerudo naval company, the Nova Bossa Company. 
East Ordon Province - The Green Coast Province Capital: Port Caprea
Also known as the "Dawnside Province ''. The East Ordon Province is the largest province and is known for its lush greenery from the Firore Forest in its northern half to the Western Plains in the southern half. Its capital, Port Caprea is known as the "Green Port '' and is best known for its festivals and artistic communities.The provincial capital also has close ties with the Zoras and the Ritos of the neighbouring Homelands, Southern Zora Realms and the Ritos Isles. 
Notable locations include the underwater community of the Ocean Zoras in the Bay of Caprea. Fellstar Lake - a large crater lake created by a fallen star in Ordon’s ancient past. Lake Agitha and the Dawnside River, home to the region’s famed citrus farms and vineyards. And Firore Spring, the sacred home of the Spirit Guardian, Firore.
Uli Valley Province - The Garden Province Capital: Korolin
The breadbasket region of Ordon. The valley is home to many of Ordon's fertile farmlands that follow along the mighty Uli River. The region produces many of the nation's staples including wheat, barley and potatoes. As well as seasonal crops such as lettuce, edamame beans, tomatoes and the country’s famed, giant pumpkins. 
Due to this, the Province is also known as the “Kitchen of Ordon” and hosts many food festivals throughout the year in its capital of Korolin. The provincial capital is also known as the “Garden Capital” for the many gardens and fields of colours that surround the town.
West Ordon Province - Where the Mountains meets the Grass Sea Capital: Iliashire
The Province is home to the Great Grass Sea, Ordon's largest flat plains and the Illia River, the nation's longest river system. Much of the Province is defined by the Great Grass Sea, a vast plain field that stretches out into the horizon with tall green grass swayed by the winds, giving it the impression of green sea waves. And it is from the green sea where the wild horses and Ordon’s famed horse riders originated from, based in Rancher’s Hill. 
Along the Province’s southern and eastern edges is the Illia River, formed from the melting waters of the Snowpeak Mountains. The River flows through the Gorge’s Pass and splits into two with the Northern Ilia River flowing towards Cape Lataon in the north via Iliafall and the provincial capital of Iliashire. And the Southern Ilia River flowing down towards Hearth Harbour via Hearthome.  
Other notable locations include Ludofalls - four waterfalls flowing out of the Ilia River of the Gorge’s Pass, forming Lake Renado at its base before draining outwards into the Great Grass Sea. 
Duskton Province - The Red Sunset Province Capital: Port Duskton
The tropical tip of Ordon, the Province was originally an Hyrulean colony from the country’s second era, after the Second Hyrule-Ordon Wars and this is reflected in the province’s overall architecture and landscape. The provincial capital, Port Duskton is known as the “Red Port” for the city’s red rooftops in comparison to its sister city, Port Lataon’s “Blue Port” name. 
A notable location is the Misty Swamp, a large swamp area covered in a thick fog that separates Duskton Province from Lataon Province. This makes any possible land routes between the two Port capitals near impossible. And there are legends about the Swamp being a cursed ruin, home to the “forest children'' who take away any lost souls that dare to venture in.
Southern Coast Province - The Gemstone Province Capital: Hearthome
The gateway to the Ordonian Archipelago, also known as the "Gemstone Isles''. Much of the Province’s mainland north of the Ilia River was destroyed during the eruption of Fyrus Volcano with its capital, Hearthome being one of the very few original settlements to survive it. 
Due to its proximity to the Gorolands, the Province has close ties with the Gorons who have made their homes in the temperate islands of the Ordon Archipelago. These Goron islanders are best known for their gemstone mines in two of the largest islands - Agate and Greenstone Islands - producing Ordon jade, garnets and quartz. These island Goron are also best known for their craftsmanship and the gemstone carvings. 
The Badlands - Gateway to Gerudo Desert Capital: Ravesna
The least populated province and the gateway into the Gerudo Desert. Historically, the Badland plateau was contested territory between Gerudo tribes and past Ordonian kingdoms which had escalated into conflicts with the Gerudo’s allies, the Kingdom of Hyrule. The last Gerudo-Ordon war ending after a devastating Drought drove both factions away from the region for many centuries. Today, the Badland is a semi-dry plateau overlooking the Great Grass Sea with dry rock plains and is home to many ruins including the Hidden Village Ruins - a former Ordonian settlement before the Drought. 
The provincial capital of Ravesna is a small town and the only permanent settlement in this region. Originally a Gerudo settlement, Ravesna is home to Ordon’s only permanent community of Gerudo and is known as the “waypoint” to the Gerudo Desert via the Gerudo Pass. And the “Cave of Ordeals”, an underground network of tunnels and chambers that leads into the Aldin Spring in the Goroland region.
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If you have any lore questions, please ask me anytime!
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riversidewings · 1 year
"Living Ghosts" #17: "Splitting Rock"
From my reparenting series “Living Ghosts.” In which a trans lesbian combat doll named River, reunited with and reparenting her younger self now named Emi, visits Shiogama Shrine for a picnic under the cherry blossoms, and reflects on how far she and her daughter by choice have come.
(If you've enjoyed these stories, please consider supporting my work by subbing at komaneko.gay)
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A story:
East of the City of Immortals, in the city to which it gave its name, its head in forest, its feet in Matsushima Bay, Shiogama Shrine sat amidst a sea of pink-white double-cherry trees in bloom. The flowers, of which shrine and city alike were very proud, had become the shrine's crest, and thus the basis of the crest that River and Emi wore on the crested overcoats that surmounted their kimono.
Twofold blossoms, with a central fan of three blades. Sharpness and softness in balance, with flowers that bloomed late but twice as full.
High above the shrine hall's eaves, corvids wheeled in a dark wave.
River smiled wistfully. When she'd first come here, all those years ago, she'd been a little bit intimidated by them, but now, it felt comforting, every time she heard the cawing and caught the flap of dark wings marked on her heads-up projection. They really were ever-present.
Mother and daughter made their offering of coin together, before the ancient shrine hall. It was not their home shrine, in the riverbend back in the city, but they cherished it all the same for its beauty and for the weight of shared history it carried, as one of the region's oldest and most storied places of worship.
They said silent prayers. The wind in the blooming trees came as if in reply.
Afterward, Emi turned to her mother, then looked out around the shrine grounds, eyes wide in awe.
"It's…so quiet." Her voice was hushed. "It's like, inside my head…"
"…the anxiety doesn't have any room," the older woman murmured, nodding slowly in recognition. "It's like my headspace is calm but flowing, like a…"
"…like a mirror-smooth river reflecting the sky," the girl echoed. "Yeah."
River smiled knowingly, her voice just as hushed. "I call it capital-S Stillness, but it comes in many different names and forms. This is just one of them." Then she gestured over her shoulder. "Walk with me a bit?"
So they walked for awhile, under the trees drifting in the breeze that rose from the sea. They ambled from the main shrine to the adjoining Shiwahiko Shrine and back again before finding a seat in the shadow of one of the cherry trees.
"Underrated," Emi murmured, gesturing broadly. "Everybody's so busy going to the same dozen spots they miss out on shit like this. This really is underrated."
"Severely underrated, but then so much about this corner of the country is." River smoothly shrugged off her messenger bag and retrieved a pair of neatly rubber-banded cypress magewappa bento, handing one to her daughter. "Here you go, honey. Gyutan onigiri, all yours."
"Mm, thanks."
Hanami-- flower-viewing-- was a centuries old custom, as were shrine visits. Sometimes they got very loud and lively, and that had its place and its pluses. But it was this sort of quieter observance with the people who mattered most, that mother and daughter, one soul at two times, loved the most.
"Hey, Emi?"
"Gonna be two years soon, since we first bumped into each other." She took another bite of her own meal, a foil-wrapped onigirazu. "And look at how far you've come."
The girl blushed, her gaze momentarily falling. "Thanks. Feels like longer, sometimes. I'm just happy we get to be together, now."
"You're like these Shiogama cherries." Her mother gestured with outstretched synthetic fingertip at one of the cherry tree's broad branches. "It took awhile, but you've split rocks and weathered the cold to finally bloom."
Emi thought it over for a moment. A flash of mischief passed over her expression. "Hey, we've got both sides of Shiogama covered, Mom. I've got the cherry trees and you've got the salt."
River sputtered in her surprise, and laughed. "Ooh, touché, kid, touché. I am pretty salty."
"You taught me," the girl replied, as she finished her last onigiri. "Salt is important. It clears things away and sets things right."
Salt was a purifier in shrine ritual, but here specifically, it was more than that. The story went that once, ages ago, the local gods had taught the humans how to reclaim salt from the ocean in salt kettles-- shiogama, in Japanese. Those kettles were believed to still be the divine vessels of Shiogama Shrine, hidden away in the inner sanctum, in the shrine to which they gave their name, which in turn gave its name to the city.
"Am I really doing that good, honey?" asked the unlikely mother to her daughter by choice.
"You've come a long way too," said the girl. "And you're doing just fine."
The sword looked on in pride at her daughter.
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pictured: the twofold cherries of Shiogama Shrine in full bloom
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atlanticcanada · 11 months
Nova Scotia flood will likely break rainfall records: meteorologist
Thousands of Nova Scotians remain in the dark Saturday morning after a severe rainstorm that flooded basements, yards and roadways Friday.
CTV Atlantic’s Chief Meteorologist Kalin Mitchell estimated Friday night that between 30 and 50 millimetres of rain fell over communities from Port Mouton all the way to Fall River.
But there were many areas that saw much larger rainfall totals, with Bedford, Timberlea and Sackville exceeding 200 millimetres in a matter of just seven hours.
The severe rainfall, along with strong bursts of thunder and lightning, caused flash flooding along some roadways, leaving cars and first responders alike in dangerous positions.
Sackville, Nova Scotia right now. Significant flooding. #nswx #NSStorm pic.twitter.com/VQFdQ1UKGI
— Cape Breton Mesonet (@CBmesonet) July 21, 2023
Mitchell noted Friday that the rainfall totals are “almost certainly” going to break records for a July 21, with the possibility of some areas setting new highs on any day on record in July.
Late Friday evening, hours after the worst of the system passed through central Nova Scotia, an emergency alert was issued for the Halifax Regional Municipality urging drivers to avoid roadways except in the event of an emergency.
Halifax SAR is currently deployed in #Bedford #Sackville are assisting with water rescues. #NSStorm pic.twitter.com/O7sbZfg2Hu
— Halifax SAR (@HalifaxSAR) July 22, 2023
By 11:30 p.m. on Friday night, more than 11,000 Nova Scotia Power customers remained in the dark,
The vast majority of outages occurred along the province’s south shore and in the HRM.
Ditches overwhelmed in Hammonds Plains. I’d guess the sports park will be closed for a while while the entrance is rebuilt. #Halifax ⁦@CTVAtlantic⁩ ⁦@CTVNews⁩ pic.twitter.com/c3XK1f0zP9
— Bruce Frisko (@BruceFriskoCTV) July 21, 2023
At 11:55 p.m. Friday, a flash flood alert was issued in Bedford and Sackville, with the province warning it’s unsafe for residents to be in the following areas:
Sackville Dr (Cobequid to Beaverbank)
Beaverbank to Glendale,
Hammonds Plains Road intersection at St Margaret's Bay Road
1600 block of St Margaret's Bay Road
Comfort centres have opened at the Beaverbank Community Centre, as well as the East Dartmouth Community Centre.
Highway 103 in Gold River was closed overnight Friday between exits 9 and 10 due to flooding, according to RCMP.
Thanks nature for the new waterfall #nsstorm #tantallon #halifaxweather #halifaxtraffic pic.twitter.com/VcC22BD0sm
— DBKerr (@KerrDanielle78) July 21, 2023
Eastern Nova Scotia is expected to get between 40 and 80 millimetres of rain Saturday, with higher totals expected along coastal regions.
A release from the provincial government Friday night offered guidance for those impacted by flooding conditions:
Never cross flooded areas
Avoid rivers and streams
Don’t return home until it’s safe
Have a qualified electrician check your power
Disconnect power before entering a flooded basement
Flooding in #Halifax’s South end pic.twitter.com/G4KaKk9Dbl
— Sam (@sam_wood) July 21, 2023
With files from CTV Atlantic’s Kalin Mitchell
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/X5uzyHN
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Day 1, Saturday May 27: Ladysmith, Vancouver Island to Victoria BC by land, to Port Angeles, Washington by sea, to Discovery Bay, Olympia and Tacoma, Washington by land again, 314 km.
This will be a busy first day. Early Saturday morning, Janis packs her bags for her flight to Vancouver, and I pack the bike to begin my motorcycle ride to Victoria and the Blackball Ferry docks.
We leave the hotel together for the airport where we say our goodbyes, and she heads for her departure gate and I to Trans Canada Highway 1A to start my ride to Duncan, Cowichan, Malahat and Victoria.
It's a 100 km ride, and I make it in plenty of time. I'm the first motorcycle in line, and I readily clear customs to enter the US. With time on my hands, I retire to a nearby restaurant to have lunch and watch the waterfront. It's a beautiful day, and the harbour is alive with walkers, diners, boats of all shapes and sizes, and sea planes.
I rode this ferry last year, so when they summon us to board, I know the drill - drive to the motorcycle area, strap down the bike, and clear the vehicle deck.
I find a favourable vantage point on the rear passenger deck and as we pull away and Canada starts to fade into the distance, it hits home - all the planning, all the anticipation, all the excitement, it's here, it's now, this is really happening.
It's a beautiful, uneventful 42 km, 90 minute ride across to Port Angeles. Last year, my brother and I got lost and separated, so this year I'm prepared and know exactly where to go when we dock.
I head SE on East 1st Street towards State 101 and the scenic route down alongside Olympic National Park towards Discovery Bay and Olympia.
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Past Olympia, headed NE at Lacey on Interstate 5, across Puget Sound to Tacoma
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Checked into my luxury room with my own personal bottle opener
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Ooops, forgot this one
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newellbenson45 · 1 year
Hire Licensed Consultants to Get Real Estate Services
The tastes people enjoy take professional advice and suggestion in the real estate professionals with regards to dealing with any property sales or rentals. In today's present age, numerous agencies are already introduced all around the globe that are experts in offering a wide range of services to handle different property needs of all of the customers. You can either certainly be a seller or buyer from a property, it is important is always to approach a reputed and recognized agency that commits to offer reliable real estate services at highly competitive rates. In order to get and judge probably the most dependable agency, you might be advised to complete a substantial search over the internet. Doing a professional search on the internet could be beneficial in different ways. You will be furnished with numerous options to pick from. If you want to acquire the best property deals inside the real estate industry, you'll need to approach an agency who may have a fantastic prestige in the market with many a lot of experience also. You can also choose based on the agency's recognitions, affiliations and certifications. If your house is in Queensland looking to obtain professional real estate solutions at competitive prices, as there are a prestigious company who specializes in offering outstanding and affordable Home rental services for their customers through the entire region. In the recent years, they've helped an easy variety of clients find the proper property to satisfy their unique requirements. They pride themselves in providing excellent real-estate sales and management services. You can also use their Loan calculator Queensland that may help you discover your monthly premiums on the loan. If you're looking to acquire reliable, professional and cost-effective Real estate services from a dependable agency, then you've got arrive at the proper destination. They are one from the leading companies based inside Northern end with the Gold Coast. They are actually with this industry for a long time. They are committed to helping their potential customers throughout South-East Queensland offering some from the Gold Coast regions including Runaway Bay, Biggera Waters, Coombabah, Sovereign Islands, Hope Island and Paradise Point. They provide an expert team of very skilled consultants having pride in supplying the best assistance to meet specific needs of their customers. If you might be seeking first in the authorized Property management sales specialists in Queensland, they are the best replacement for choose. Buyers agent Sapphire Coast believe each one deserves to obtain excellent real estate property solutions at pocket-friendly rates. They are focused on delivering first-rate service which is the best.
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luxurynews · 1 year
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  Positioned on the strait between the Indian Ocean and South China Sea, Singapore Island, along with its 64 smaller inlets, is a spiritual hub where east meets west, nature meets technology and where the past entwines with tomorrow.
In a city of towering buildings, architectural masterpieces and timeless heritage, the W16 Mistral1 blends in seamlessly. In this respect – and just as Singapore celebrates its heritage within a relentlessly modernized environment – the Bugatti design team channeled inspiration from the timeless elegance of the 1934 Type 57 Roadster Grand Raid in their design of the W16 Mistral. Known as ‘Garden City’, Singapore epitomizes the spirit of latitude, forming a compelling union with the total freedom and sense of adventure that comes from being behind the wheel of Bugatti’s ultimate roadster. Whilst on the island, the W16 Mistral stopped at iconic locations and revered sites, aptly connecting the hyper sports car with its cherished surroundings. The iconic Gardens by the Bay, the huge, world renowned showpiece of horticultural excellence at the Marina Bay Waterfront has become an essential part of the Singapore experience, with the 250-acre nature park of biodiversity.
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The bustling Central Business District – a financial hub of Asia – consists of imposing skyscrapers that sit harmoniously side-by-side with Singapore’s calming natural world backdrop. Old meets news, east merges into west; the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and the Victoria Concert Hall beautifully contrasting some of the diversity that makes Singapore a special and unique island. The W16 Mistral, so diverse in character and ability, fits in seamlessly here. Kostas Psarris, Regional Director, Middle East & Asia at Bugatti, said: “The world has looked on in admiration as Singapore has developed such a strong economy and become a truly enviable place to live, and it is no surprise it is now home to so many ultra-high net worth individuals. We know from our recently opened showroom that there is massive interest in Bugatti in Southeast Asia, so it is a genuine privilege to be able to bring the W16 Mistral here. As with Singapore itself, this incredible car demonstrates there is no limit to what can be achieved when there is an unquenchable desire to succeed.”
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The W16 Mistral’s final stop in the city was for a private customer event in the Bugatti Singapore Showroom. Opened in 2021 as part of a partnership with Wearnes, a leading luxury automotive retailer established in 1906, the beautifully immersive showroom was the ideal showcase venue for the W16 Mistral, with many guests in awe of the roadster’s timeless and elegant design.
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All 99 examples of the W16 Mistral were sold before it was formally revealed, and customizations get underway this year, with deliveries due in 2024. The Bugatti W16 Mistral captures the heart and soul of Singapore, a futuristic and influential city state immersed within a culture steeped in tradition and values.
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topremodelingdesign · 2 years
Business Name: Top Remodeling & Design
Street Address: 1054 Shary Cir Suite A1
City: Concord
State: California (CA)
Zip Code: 94518
Country: USA
Business Phone: (925) 510-2888
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://topremodelingdesign.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/topremodelingdesign
Business Description: As the best general contractor in the San Francisco East Bay, we have over 20 years of experience transforming homes and living spaces. From our home office in Concord, CA we specialize in full-service home remodeling, kitchens, bathrooms, room additions, home offices, garage conversions & ADU's. Say “Hello!” to the home you’ve always wanted. Partnering with our contracting team delivers amazing results with less stress for you. Discussing realistic timelines, setting expectations, working within your budget and having open communication keeps anxiety low and everyone - especially you - happy! Check out our portfolio for examples of recent custom work. Are you ready to get started? Your vision. We build it. Contact us today to get started!
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=11449250904984174110
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 9am-5pm Tuesday 9am-5pm Wednesday 9am-5pm Thursday 9am-5pm Friday 9am-5pm Saturday Closed
Payment Methods: Cash Visa Master Discover Amex
Services: Full-service home remodeling, kitchens, bathrooms, room additions, home offices, garage conversions & ADU's.
Keywords: Full-service home remodeling, kitchens, bathrooms, room additions, home offices, garage conversions & ADU's
Service Areas:
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lildevyl · 2 years
Tommy Innit's Secret Clinic
Chapter 1:  Head Wound
Summary:   Tommy winds up meeting up with one of the most terrifying Super Villains of all time.  One of the Leaders of the Syndicate, “The Blood God” Erinyes with a major head injury outside of his work.  Now, Tommy has to make a decision, does he help the Super Villain and risk getting put in jail or does he high tail it out of there?
Read it on AO3 HERE
TW: Head Wound, Alternate Universe-Superhero/Super Powers, Healing Powers, Villain Techno, Mention of Violence, Implied Robbery gone Wrong, Mentions of Blood, Vomiting
Being born and raised in the East Side District of L’Manburg, you’ve seen, heard and experienced quite a lot.  From seeing giant flea infested rats that defy the very laws of Nature herself, to the multiple Hero-Villain Alerts that popup almost daily.  L’Manburg over the decades since it was founded has grown in size expanding beyond even the Founders Dreams.  And with it came the classic divide among the Working Class.
The Hero District as everyone now calls it, was where the infamous Hero Committee known as the Order and the Hero Tower reside.  Along with nearly every Hero as well as the Major Businesses and Hollywood Stars quality salaries living there and thriving there.  It’s also where most of the Heroes patrol (go figure).  Then there’s the West End District, where all the “Rich and Famous” people live.  High end designers, singers, business owners, business corporations, celebrities, you get the idea.  This is also the main place besides the Hero District that the Heroes patrol.  Then there’s the South Bay District, where you’re not the filthy rich but you’re still making a good living.  The Heroes do patrol this District once and while but not as often when compared to the other two Districts.
Then you have where our Protagonist of our story, Tommy Innit and his “family,” live, the East Side District.  Where the “Poor People” live and scrape by just to make enough for ends meet and pay their bills.  This is also the Highest Crime Rate in all of the Districts.  Why may you ask?  Well, dear readers it is simply because no Hero ever comes to patrol the East Side District.  Hell if you were even a Villain, just grab a cheap apartment here in the East Side to stay every now and then to keep a low profile and you’re guaranteed to never have someone call the hotline.  Spotting a Villain was one thing but unless they’re actively doing something?  Then no one would bother to call.  That’s the truce.
And it’s this truce that one particular teenager will be making a major decision on.
(Muffins and More Café)
Tommy began his usual routine of closing the Café, with his headphones in his ears, the Spotify App opened on his playlist that consisted mostly of Lovejoy and Able Sisters.  Tommy whipping down the tables, sweeping and mopping the floors, jamming out to the tunes, completely lost in own world.  Today hadn’t been that bad of a day, the customers weren’t that bad, Tommy only had to deal with one Karen this afternoon.  And to top off this amazing day, Tommy met the Baron!  One of L’Manburg’s most famous Vigilantes of all time!  And the one that helped inspired many others to follow in their footsteps after the Demon retired many years ago.  If it weren’t for the Vigilantes then the streets of East Side wouldn’t be safe enough for the parents to even let their children outside to play, let alone be able to walk home safely, without the fear of getting jumped or mugged.
Okay, so Tommy has a slight grudge against the Heroes, but can you blame him?  No Hero even patrols here in East Side. Well, okay Tommy will take that back, he has seen TimeKeeper and he has met Arachnid a couple of times but no other Hero would patrol here.  Hence the reason why the Crime Rate skyrocketed!  Which is why East Side is better known for having Vigilantes then Heroes to patrol at night.  They do what the Heroes are supposed to do, stop crime! Even the pettiest and smallest of crimes.
Beep!  Beep!  Beep!
Of course Tommy’s phone decides it’s about to die just when he’s about to end his shift.  Going to the back Tommy plugged in his phone to the Free Phone Charger, Bad gave all of his employees usage too.  Missing the Alter that popped up ten seconds after being plugged in.  Tommy grabbed the trash bags and headed out to the back alley to put them in the dumpster.  And that was when Tommy noticed that it started to rain, great, a crummy ending to a good day.
Shaking his head, Tommy grabbed the “One Size Fits All” Raincoat and hauled the trash bags out.  Dumping them into the dumpster and making sure the lid was closed so no animals got in.  They do not need a repeat of the “Pest Control Incident.”  Tommy started to head back inside when he stopped at the door.  Did he just hear something?
“Hello?  Anyone there?  Look if you need me to call someone I can bring the phone out!”  Nothing.  Must have been a racoon or something.  Shrugging his shoulders, Tommy headed back inside to finish getting ready to head home.
Grabbing his hoodie, his backpack, mini umbrella, keys and checking to make sure all the lights are off and all the doors are locked.  Tommy headed towards the back of the Café towards the back alley to start his journey on his way home.  Tommy got outside and was about to lock up for the day, when he noticed he forgot his phone.  Groaning, Tommy shoved the door open and went back inside, and grabbed his phone.  That’s when he noticed the Alert.
Erinyes spotted coming out of the Record House.  Be on the lookout.  If you spot Erinyes, call the HOTLINE.
Tommy had to do a double take on that, the Record House?  The Record House used to be where Town Hall was before they moved the location to the Hero District.  Then they converted the old building into the Record House.  The Record House was where all of the records of L'Manburg was stored and kept.  From public records you can easily do a quick Google Search on to the most Confidential Records that you need the Top Security Clearance for.  And with those kinds of records you must know what it was that you’re looking for, because they tend to have decoys just in case.
But what made it worse was the fact that it wasn’t just any member of the Syndicate, it was one of the three co-leaders of the Syndicate!  The Syndicate was one of the top Crime Boss Supervillain Organizations well known in all of L’Manburg.  Tommy has his suspicions; it’s actually well known in all of Egopocalypse if he’s going to be honest with himself.  Tommy shudders at that thought.  As if Orcus, Erinyes and Siren weren’t bad enough, having to deal with DiePie, Darkiplier, AntiSepticeye, and BlankGamePlays would be a nightmare in itself.  Looking back at the Alert, Tommy noticed that the Warden and Arachnid were on scene along with several police cars.
Tommy wasn’t sure that would be enough though.  Many people have dubbed Erinyes as the Blood God, a Piglin Hybrid that seemed to be Invincible and there have been several theories, speculations and even a few reports stating that the Erinyes has what they call, “Blood Magic.”
Then Tommy remembered something, the Record House was only a half an hour to forty five minutes away from Bad’s Café.  Half that if you use the back alleys.  No, stop that!  There’s no way a bunch of Villains, especially one of the Leaders of the Syndicate would be caught dead here in East Side!  Stop scaring yourself over nothing!  Just grab your phone, Tommy and lock up and head home.  Maybe you can bribe Ranboo into giving you some leftovers so you don’t have to do anything when you get home.  He and Tubbo would be staying up and Tubbo would have no problem in informing you of the fight.
Tommy took a deep breath to help calm himself down, grabbing his phone, it was at fifty percent good enough until he got home.  Tommy went out the back and was about to lock up when he noticed someone passed out in the back alley.  Tommy took out his phone and activated the flashlight part of the phone.
He cautiously walked to the person laying face down, and froze when Tommy spotted who it was.  There lying face down was none other than Erinyes.  Rose pink hair tied back in a braid, trademark red cape, Boar Skull mask and Golden Crown laying askew probably from passing out.  Black dress pants and what Tommy could only assume would be his trademark white puffy pirate like shirt.  Tommy cautiously stepped towards Erinyes like he was stepping towards an injured wild animal.  He grabbed Erinyes arm and with a lot of difficulty in trying to make sure the Boar Skull didn’t fall off, leaned the Erinyes against the wall.
Now, up close Tommy can see what had happened.  Head wound, the blood coming down it looks bad.  From what Tommy can see it looks like it was a gunshot wound.  Erinyes were Invincible but not when it came to fatal wounds.  The Erinyes being a Piglin Hybrid can easily regenerate and heal themselves but with fatal wounds?  There was no way that they would be able to heal themselves.  And here Tommy was, standing in front of unconscious Erinyes with a fatal head wound if not treated.
Tommy took a few steps back and started to head back to the Café.  Call the cops Tommy!  Call the cops and then leave!  That’s all you have to do.  You can turn right around now and go the long way home taking the main street route and no one would ever know!  Or the hotline!  Yeah that’s what he will do, Tommy will call the Hotline, make an anonymous report and come back tomorrow to hear the full gossip from his boss!
When Tommy reached the back of the Café, phone in hand, unlocked, he stopped in his tracks.  There on his phone as his background screen was him, Tubbo, Ranboo, Ms. Pinkett and her son Michael.  Ms. Pinkett and her son Michael were like Erinyes, both of them Piglin Hybrids.  Even in a world with eighty percent of the population either being a Hybrid or being born with powers.  Many people still fear and discriminate against certain Hybrids.  The Nether and the End Hybrids more specifically.
Now, Tommy would be the first to admit that he wasn’t what you called a good person.  He lied, cheated, stole, scammed, pickpocketed and has been lock picking since he was five.  Tommy, with this phone still in hand, turned back to look at Erinyes.  Erinyes was a Piglin Hybrid just like Michael, a kid that he sometimes watches, for Ms. Pinkett.  Tommy doesn’t know Erinyes, he’s a Villain to Tommy, but he’s also a person.  A person that Tommy doesn’t know the backstory to or the reason why Erinyes joined the Syndicate, but he’s still a person.
Sighing to himself, Tommy started back towards the Erinyes.  Tommy crouched down and with a lot of effort and difficulty, Erinyes was a super tall guy and probably has like a hundred or so pounds on Tommy.  Tommy lifted Erinyes, put an arm over his shoulder and carried - dragged Erinyes to the back of the Café.  Tommy with his foot and the one hand not supporting Erinyes, kicked the backdoor open.  Tommy brought Erinyes in and nearly dropped the guy, putting him on the floor.  Quickly looking around Tommy spotted the camera on the one shelf and he moved everything he could in front of it to block the camera.  Then he went over near the sink where Bad kept the first aid kit.
Bringing it over to the unconscious Erinyes, Tommy opened up the first aid kit.  He immediately found a disposable mask, perfect!  Tommy took the mask put on the Erinyes doing his absolute best to cover the bottom part of the man’s face without seeing who he is.  Then Tommy took the Golden Crown and the Boar Skull Mask off.  He quickly brushed the hair outta the way and took a look at the head wound.  Tommy grabbed some rubbing alcohol, tweezers and cotton balls and began to dab at the wound cleaning it.  Then he grabbed some of the gauze and cleaned the rest of the blood.  Tommy then took out the mini vial of the Health Pot that Bad and Skeppy always kept for emergencies.  Just in case.
Tommy then put his hands to the head and closed his eyes and concentrated on healing the wound.  For the longest time, Tommy never knew that he had powers.  He actually thought he was one of the twenty percent of the population that was born “Human,” a person that was not a Hybrid or had any powers.  It wasn’t until he was about twelve or thirteen when he met Ranboo at one of the Foster Homes they were put in.  Ranboo was just starting to learn how to cook when there was a bad accident with the stove.  Tommy came over with Ranboo screaming bloody murder with his arms burned.  Tommy grabbed his arms and was about to yank him to the sink when he felt the surge of energy flow through him.  When both Tommy and Ranboo looked down, Tommy’s hands were glowing then the burns were healed with minor scabs and light scaring.  That was when they found out Tommy had the rare power of Healing.
Tommy’s never healed a head wound before so he’s going to keep that Health Pot just in case he absolutely needs it!  The warm feeling of the energy coursing through him hummed and his hands began to glow that bright neon orange.  Tommy could feel the wound beginning to knit, and stitch itself back together.  Tommy’s head began to pound behind his eyes and went all the way to the back of his head.  He was going to have an awful migraine in the morning.  Tommy quickly pulled back and gasped for breath before it became too much.
The room began to spin and Tommy felt like his lunch was about to come up as nausea settled in.  With ginger legs and nearly falling flat on face, Tommy ran over to the sink and emptied his stomach.  He didn’t notice Erinyes taking a deep breath and evening it out, he didn’t notice Erinyes's hand twitching, he didn’t notice Erinyes's eyes shot open and scanned the entire backroom before he landed on Tommy.
Tommy did however notice Erinyes quietly standing right next to him.  Not even having a chance to react before being pinned to the wall and facing a very pissed off Supervillain.  God damn, Erinyes was a lot stronger than he originally thought!
“Where the hell am I?!”  Erinyes demanded.
“In the back of the Café that I work at!”  Tommy quickly responded.  Normally Tommy would have some type of smartass comeback but right now, with the exhaustion, the nausea and being up close and personal with one of the most terrifying Supervillains of all time.  For once Tommy decided to use his head.
“Yeah, I kinda figured that part out Einstein,” Erinyes shot back.  “What part of the City am I in?”
“East Side.  Quite lovely this time of night save for the rats and trash,” Tommy deadpanned.  While his logical side of his brain screamed at him.
“East Side?  East Side.  That  .   .   .   sounds about right.”  Erinyes said more to himself.  “Wait, how did I end up here?”
“Beats me Big Man.  I was just about to lock up when I saw face down in the back alley, bleeding from the head.”  Tommy said, desperately trying to loosen Erinyes’s grip on him.
“Bleeding?”  Erinyes took his other hand and touched his forehead where the wound should be and winced.  Yeah, it’s still sore and tender there but there was no wound, as a matter of fact it felt healed?  “Why am I not bleeding anymore?  How did that wound heal?”
“That would be thanks to me.  I dragged you back here so I could heal you.”
“You, have healing powers?”  Erinyes loosened his grip a bit and Tommy sagged with relief.   Okay, so Tommy might be able to get outta here alive after all.
Then the Erinyes caught a glance at himself in the mirror that was above the sink, noticing the mask that covered the bottom part of his face.  Turning around, Erinyes saw his Boar Skull Mask on the floor.
“Did you look under the mask?  Did you see my face?!  Who do you work for?!”  Erinyes tightened his grip on Tommy and Tommy was surprised that Erinyes could easily hold him with just one hand after being healed while Tommy struggled.
“I don’t work for anybody!  Honestly, Erinyes!  I put the mask on while you still had your Boar Skull Mask on so that I wouldn’t see your identity.  And yes, I have Healing Powers.  Never healed a head wound before, so you're welcome.”  Tommy answered as best as he could.  Tommy was now reminded of who he just healed and why it was such a gamble on healing him.  Erinyes were one of the three Leaders of the Syndicate for a reason!
“You clearly know who I am and yet you healed me?  What do you want?  Nobody goes around healing someone like me unless they want something in return.”  Erinyes demand.
“Yes, I healed you.  Look you may be a Supervillain and I don’t know your reasons nor do I agree with your actions. But you're still a person, right?  Even in a world where eighty percent of the population is either Hybrid or born with powers.  You still have some bigots, especially against certain Hybrids.”  Tommy answered honestly.
Erinyes took a moment before releasing Tommy from his hold and casually walking back over to where his stuff laid.  Picking up his cape, and securing his Boar Skull Mask, Erinyes went to the backdoor and wrenched it open.  Then he paused for a moment and turned back to Tommy.
“By the way, I appreciate what you did for me.  I owe one, and the Syndicate owes you a favor.  Even if you never cash it in, we do owe you one.  I’ll be in touch so we can discuss how to contact me if you ever want to cash that favor in.”  And with that Erinyes dashed out of the Café and blended in with the shadows of the night.
Tommy just sank to the floor and tried to figure out what did he just get himself into?!
Erinyes - Techno
Orcus - Philza (Mention)
Siren - Wilbur (Mention)
Darkiplier - Dark Alter Ego of Markiplier (Mention)
AntiSepticeye - Dark Alter Ego of JackSepticeye (Mention)
DiePie - Dark Alter Ego of PewDiePie (Mention)
BlankGamePlays - Dark Alter Ego of CrankGamePlays (Mention)
Warden - Awesamdude (Mention)
Arachnid - Spyder (OC) (Mention_
TimeKeeper - Karl Jacobs (Mention)
Baron - Eret (Mention)
The Demon - BadBoyHalo (Mention)
Tagging: @weirdmixofweirdness, @ashedflower, @tracobuttons, @isa-ghost, @septic-dr-schneep, @nastiiuu, @iamliteraltrash1, @a-humble-narcissus, @d-structiveive, @m4delin, @juju-on-that-yeet, @10th-no-name-personon
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masterroofers · 2 days
Effortless Roof Care: Top Tips and Services for NYC Residents
Greetings to all our friends in NYC! From the iconic skyline of Manhattan to the leafy streets of Staten Island, the health of your roof is paramount. We know roofing tasks can seem daunting, so we’re here to simplify them for you. Here’s a quick guide to understanding the importance of roof maintenance and how our hassle-free services can keep your home in prime condition.
Why Roof Care is Essential
Your roof is more than just another part of your home—it's a crucial shield that protects you from the elements. Maintaining your roof isn't just about fixing problems; it's about preventing them:
Weather Protection: A sturdy roof keeps rain, snow, and wind at bay, preventing water damage and other related issues.
Energy Savings: An intact roof provides better insulation, which can reduce your heating and cooling costs significantly.
Aesthetic Appeal: A well-maintained roof enhances the overall look of your home, boosting curb appeal if you ever decide to sell.
Tailored Roofing Services for Every NYC Borough
Whether you’re dealing with the hustle of Brooklyn or the tranquility of Queens, our services are customized to meet the unique challenges of each borough:
Speedy Inspections: We swiftly identify potential or existing issues to keep your roof in top shape.
Rapid Repairs: From shingle replacement to sealing leaks, our team addresses roof problems quickly and efficiently.
Full Roof Replacements: When repairs aren’t enough, we provide full roof installations that are both durable and aesthetically pleasing.
What Makes Us Different?
Choosing our services means opting for peace of mind:
Expert Knowledge: We’re well-versed in the specific roofing needs and building codes of each NYC area.
Clear Communication: We explain all our procedures and the reasons behind them in clear, simple language.
Reliability: We're committed to punctuality and thoroughness, ensuring each job is done right the first time.
Simple Steps to a Safer Roof
Maintaining your roof doesn't have to be complicated. Here are a few easy tips:
Check Regularly: Keep an eye on your roof, especially after severe weather.
Clean the Gutters: This can prevent water from pooling and causing damage.
Trim Overhanging Branches: Reduce the risk of physical damage from falling limbs.
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With us, you’re not just getting a roofing contractor; you’re getting a partner who cares about the comfort and safety of your home. Whether you need a quick fix or a new roof, we’re here to make the process smooth and stress-free.
Contact us today and take the first step towards a secure, efficient roof. We’re excited to work with you to protect and beautify your home!
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dabbamallangyirren · 10 days
NDIS Services Providers Ballina
Disability support includes assistance with daily living activities and participation in social, cultural and recreational activities. It can also include overnight residential care. This type of support is referred to as Specialised Substitute Residential Care and is usually funded by the NDIS.
Ballina is located in the Northern Rivers region of NSW, south of Byron Bay and east of Lismore. It is known for its beaches and fishing. To know more about NDIS Services Providers, visit the Dabba Mallangyirren website or call 0403856995.
If you have a disability and are looking for NDIS services providers Ballina, you can contact your local area coordinator to help you understand your plan and find service providers that suit your needs. They can also monitor your disability support and provide feedback. They can even assist you with budget management and plan reviews.
NDIS capacity building supports are designed to improve your self-care and daily personal skills. They may include funding to assist you to access community activities and find employment or accommodation. Capacity building supports can also be used to increase your independence and social connections.
Dabba Mallangyirren is an NDIS registered service provider in the Ballina Shire, and they offer a variety of supports to suit your needs. Their allied health supports are available to ATSI children and adults with an active Agency or self-managed plan. They also provide specialised independent living homes that meet NDIS 'Robust' and 'High Physical Support' requirements. These smart homes have oversized doors and corridors, large open-plan spaces, and assistive fittings customised for each participant.
Funded by property investor DPN and designed by Aaron Stevens Architects, the home in Oran Park will act as a pilot for future dwellings. It will accommodate four participants in one dwelling and two in the other, with residents sourced from Dabba Mallangyirren’s Supported Independent Living partner Northcott set to move in next month. The homes will be fitted with oversized doors, corridors and large open plan spaces to allow for mobility devices. They will also feature custom-designed assistive fittings including automated blinds and doors, eight adjustable benchtops and hoists.
The updated high intensity skill descriptors include a new section that establishes additional specialised capabilities for providers who support participants receiving enteral feeding. This is an important change because it enables providers to meet the needs of individuals with complex requirements in the community.
The Northern Rivers region of NSW is known for its beaches and fishing, with Ballina located south of Byron Bay and east of Lismore. There is a growing need for specialist disability accommodation in the region, and several groups are working to address it. Ballina, Byron Bay and Lismore are also home to many community groups for people with disabilities that offer social support. These groups can help to connect participants and provide them with opportunities for social interaction, which can increase their self-confidence and self advocacy skills.
Dabba Mallangyirren provides high-quality support services for people with disability. Their services include pre-planning, support coordination and allied health. They also offer positive behaviour support, which is a person-centred approach to helping individuals reduce challenging behaviours that affect their quality of life. This can help prevent the use of restrictive practices, which are prohibited by NDIS guidelines.
They also provide home and community based supports for people with disability. These can include assistance with personal care, daily activities, social support and cultural and community participation. They can also assist participants with gaining employment and managing their budget. Their services are delivered by a team of qualified and experienced staff. To know more about NDIS Services Providers, visit the Dabba Mallangyirren website or call 0403856995.
They recently opened a new state-of-the-art independent living options in Ballina, which are designed to meet the NDIS HLN and HLRP requirements. Their service is aimed at supporting people with complex needs and disabilities, including those who are high-risk. These services can be provided through their residential, community and group homes. These services can be customised to suit individual needs. They can also support people with specific support needs such as relapse prevention, medication management and crisis support. They also have a dedicated 24/7 response team. They are one of the largest not-for-profit disability service providers in NSW, with offices across metropolitan and regional locations throughout Australia.
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