yume-yato · 11 months
Noragami 105-2: Boundary World
Chapter Summary:
The blight from the dark ayakashi can now blight humans from the mortal world. Nothing can cleanse them. Meanwhile, Yato continues fighting Father, noticing that Father does not have all of Izanami’s powers.
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iinmortales · 2 years
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             the handwriting was shaky at best, but she was going to get suspicious if he kept going down to the shore and hiding what he was doing. honestly, she was smarter than he was in so many way, she may have figured it out already, that each day before sunrise he would go to the shore, practicing the letters she had taught him in the sand, letting the water erase the attempts so he could start again. but now he held out the small scrap of parchment to her, already a slight blush on his cheeks. ‘ i-- would you--- this is for you. ‘ 
        inside, the letters still far from perfect, was: i, pelleas of ebusus, do beg permission permision to become your knight, lady nimue. 
@moondarkens​ asked for pelleas
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ofxavalon · 3 years
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            his heart was heavy. not with what he was about to do, but how long it had taken him to come to such a conclusion. and, yes, partly with what he was going to do. he was going to give up everything he had set out from home to achieve. ‘ i am giving up my place in camelot, at the round table. ‘ there was surety that had settled in his bones. there was no going back now. ‘ i will no longer be a knight of camelot. ‘
                                                  OPEN / PELLEAS
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fortimbras66 · 4 years
Necrópolis del Puig des Molins
Necrópolis del Puig des Molins
Sarcófagos en un hipogeo de Puig des Molins Término municipal: Ibiza. Fincas o caminos cercanos: Al lado del casco urbano de la ciudad de ibiza. Acceso: muy fácil, desde el edificio del MAEF. Tipo de yacimiento: Necrópolis púnica y clásica. Interés: Una de las mayores necrópolis conocida de época antigua Proyección: La gran extensión de la necropolis posibilita que las excavaciones e…
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ltwsean · 7 years
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70 years, is the 33m Glico running Man in a victory pose at the Ebusu-bashi bridge in Osaka.
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hellbubu · 3 years
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Bby you do your best.
Ebisu making Naruto escape as a way to test him was nice. Most episodes are a mix of canon and filler so keeping up w/ the manga isn't hard. At times I even skip ahead. I do think Jiraiya appears I'm this episode and he's so 😒😒😒😒
Naruto just kinda threw a fit because he didn't want Ebisu to train him. "Solo voy a dejar que Kakashi me entrene." I get that he's a kid and all, but he does need to get the basics down. The Kyūbi makes his chakra control not that good at times.
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This whole talk happened after Ebisu chased Nart. In the manga Kakashi was still present, kinda.
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"Y yo que crei que Sasuke era perfecto en todo." (And here I thought Sasuke was perfect at everything.)
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I like Ebusu's teaching style. A but of theory but also practice.
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shadowsofthecedars · 4 years
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Divinities Part LXVII : Bes
Bes is an enigmatic god of Egyptian origin who proved popular across the ancient world.  His worship spread to people of the Levant and Syria, and they brought him westwards into their colonies across the Mediterranean.
He is considered to rule over life and its pleasures - dancing, drinking, music, comedy etc. and to banish those things which are unpleasant or negative - melancholy, demons, venemous animals etc.  Amulets depicting his face are worn to protect the bearer against disease and death.  He is depicted as a dwarf with a leonine face.
When colonists from Gadir found an island miraculously free of venemous serpents, they named it Yibboshim after him, and it is from this that the Latin Ebusus is derived.
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At the high of the town
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Dalt Vila, needless to say, is the highest part of the city of Eivissa (the Catalan name of Ibiza). It is the place where the political, military and religious power that governed the island was concentrated, as well as giving protection to the port of the largest of the Pitiüses.
The oldest current walls were built in the sixteenth century. Undoubtedly the increasingly active Barbary piracy, the name given to the current North African coast, made Emperor Charles V decide to improve the defenses of one of the key points of Mediterranean shipping at the time. But it was his son Philip II of Spain who carried out his father's project to protect Ibiza from two of its many enemies: the Turkish Empire and France.
The origin of the city of Ibiza, however, dates back to the Phoenicians. Ibosim was founded around the seventh century BC on a site that the Greeks seem to have discarded a century earlier for their Mediterranean trade network.
During the expansion of the Carthaginians in the Western Mediterranean, all the Balearic Islands fell into their hands, and it was not until the Second Punic War (third century BC) that the Romans, once they controlled the Levantine part of the Iberian Peninsula, did not begin to attack them in order to settle there. Thus the Romans called it Ebusus. With the fall of the Empire, in the 5th century, it passed into the hands of the Vandals, who made it dependent on Sardinia. The Byzantine emperor Justinian took it in the 6th century and maintained the Sardinian administrative links.
It seems that the Arabs paid attention to the island a couple of centuries after their lightning conquest of the Iberian Peninsula (711). This apparent lack of interest may be due to the departure of the Byzantines from territories so far from their metropolis, at an undetermined time, which could have left the island uninhabited. It is at this time when the name of Yebisah appears, and during the time of the Taifa kingdoms it depended on Denia.
The Catalans, who conquered the island in 1235 under the command of the bishop of Tarragona Guillem de Montgrí, the count of Roussillon and Cerdanya Nunó Sanç and the prince Pere de Portugal, had to defend the island until the whole kingdom of Valencia had been subdued, from where forces still wanted to recover the island of Ibiza.
With the advent of the Bourbons to the Spanish throne, first there was a loss of privileges. Although the official Castilian name, Ibiza, was imposed, in 1782 the Villa won the title of city, in addition to obtaining its own episcopal see, detaching itself from that of Tarragona, to which it had been united for five centuries.
It is at this time, when the parish of Santa Maria, built in the thirteenth century and transferred to a new Gothic building in the fourteenth century, acquires the category of cathedral. It is its bell tower that stands out at the highest point of the city (a dalt de la Vila, in Catalan).
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joseandrestabarnia · 3 years
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Inventario: 1923/60/541
Clasificación Genérica: Terracota; Escultura
Objeto/Documento: Figura
Tipología/Estado: Antropomorfa
Título: Dama de Ibiza
Materia/Soporte: Arcilla
Técnica: Moldeado
    Cocción oxidante
Dimensiones: Altura = 45,50 cm; Anchura = 16,50 cm; Grosor = 8,60 cm
Descripción: Figura femenina que adelanta los brazos con las manos cerradas en actitud de oración. Tiene una diadema con rosetas a la que se unen dos rodetes laterales. Su túnica está profusamente decorada con varios motivos vegetales y una cabeza de gorgona. También sus sandalias llevan ornamentación vegetal. Se adorna, además, con dos collares en el cuello y otro sobre el pecho. Su cuerpo en arcilla se realizó a molde, añadiendo posteriormente los brazos y parte de su profusa decoración; en su parte posterior presenta un hueco que permitiría sujetarla en posición vertical.
Se halló en la necrópolis de Puig des Molins, en la isla de Ibiza, donde se diferencian dos fases antiguas de colonización: la primera, realizada por colonos fenicios (siglos VII-VI a. C.) y una segunda fase, púnica, a partir del siglo VI a. C., en la que Ebusus pasa a la órbita de Cartago.
En esta necrópolis se descubrieron tumbas de inhumación en hipogeos pertenecientes a la fase púnica. En muchas de ellas se hallaron terracotas realizadas a molde siguiendo modelos de Sicilia o Cartago. Se ha planteado si son simples ofrendas o si representan imágenes de la divinidad.
En concreto, la Dama de Ibiza se ha identificado con la diosa púnica Tanit, diosa que recoge a los difuntos en la otra vida, diosa de la fecundidad y el renacimiento; identificación que se vería realzada por la profusa ornamentación vegetal de su vestimenta y la cabeza de gorgona; aunque también se ha planteado que pudiese ser la propia difunta transformada en la divinidad.
Esta figura se ha datado por criterios estilísticos entre los siglos IV y III a.C.y sería producto de un taller local en un momento en que la compleja sociedad ebusitana afirma sus creencias basadas en una sociedad agraria tomando elementos foráneos griegos que están ejerciendo en ese momento una fuerte influencia.
Iconografía: Figura orante; Motivos vegetales; Gorgona
Datación: 400[ac]=201[ac] (S. IV-III a.C.)
Contexto Cultural/Estilo: Colonización púnica
Lugar de Procedencia: Necrópolis de Puig des Molins, Ibiza (Baleares)
Lugar Específico/Yacimiento: Necrópolis de Puig des Molins
Historia del Objeto: Colección Vives
Catalogador: Protohistoria y Colonizaciones
Información de la web del Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Madrid.
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0828/1000 ★★★★(4stars) SHANIA(Medicinal Curry)【Ebusu】 1-5-5 Mita,Meguro-ku,Tokyo 11:30〜22:00 Close on Sun&Mon ◉Speciality: Medicinal curry シャナイア(薬膳カレー)【恵比寿】 東京都目黒区三田1-5-5 11:30〜22:00 定休:日月 ◉名物: 薬膳カレー ——————————————————————————🐈の一言: 閑静な住宅街の奥地にひっそりと佇む人気カレー店です。 #薬膳料理 と銘打つだけの事はある、滋味深いカレーが楽しめます。 #foodpic #foodlovers #foodstagram #tablefor #onthetable #eatout #tokyorestraunt #tokyoguide #tokyo #tokyoolympic #tokio #gourmet #buongustaio #гурман #Токио #gastrónomo γκουρμέ #Τόκιο #shania #美食 #미식 #도쿄 #тансаг #東京グルメガイド #薬膳カレー #スープカレー #シャナイア (薬膳スープカレーshania(シャナイア)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4jjMD9gSa-/?igshid=uenoc1duxtrg
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ofxavalon · 3 years
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          catching up on everything he’d missed while he’d been in the company of nimue, perhaps the most surprising thing he’d learned was that gawain had gotten married. of all people, he hadn’t expected gawain. but his mind had immediately supplied the name of the bride. it must be ettard, mustn’t it? except that-- ‘ you’re not lady ettard. ‘ he hadn’t meant to say it, it had just slipped out with the surprise. 
@melnchly​ pelleas for ragnelle
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saraneumayer · 7 years
EBUSUS Ibiza Island off SPAIN 210BC Ancient Greek Coin KABEIROS CULT NGC i67620
EBUSUS Ibiza Island off SPAIN 210BC Ancient Greek Coin KABEIROS CULT NGC i67620
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See it here here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/EBUSUS-Ibiza-Island-off-SPAIN-210BC-Ancient-Greek-Coin-KABEIROS-CULT-NGC-i67620/232670564758?hash=item362c3f1196:g:aS0AAOSwXf1aikmA
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POST BY: Mr. Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert numismatist, enthusiast, author and dealer of authentic ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Byzantine, biblical world coins & more.
EBUSUS Ibiza Island off SPAIN 210BC Ancient Greek Coin KABEIROS CULT NGC i67620 is republished from Classical Coin Collecting Site
from Authentic Ancient Greek Roman Coins - Feed http://www.authenticancientgreekromancoins.co.technology/2018/02/19/ebusus-ibiza-island-off-spain-210bc-ancient-greek-coin-kabeiros-cult-ngc-i67620/ via http://www.authenticancientgreekromancoins.co.technology
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natebeaurepaire · 7 years
EBUSUS Ibiza Island off SPAIN 210BC Ancient Greek Coin KABEIROS CULT NGC i67620
EBUSUS Ibiza Island off SPAIN 210BC Ancient Greek Coin KABEIROS CULT NGC i67620
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See it here here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/EBUSUS-Ibiza-Island-off-SPAIN-210BC-Ancient-Greek-Coin-KABEIROS-CULT-NGC-i67620/232670564758?hash=item362c3f1196:g:aS0AAOSwXf1aikmA
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POST BY: Mr. Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert numismatist, enthusiast, author and dealer of authentic ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Byzantine, biblical world coins & more.
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February 18, 2018 at 10:52PM
The blog post EBUSUS Ibiza Island off SPAIN 210BC Ancient Greek Coin KABEIROS CULT NGC i67620 was first seen on RARE Genuine Ancient Greek and Roman Coins and More
from Ancient Greek Roman Coins - Feed http://www.ancientgreekromancoins.com/2018/02/19/ebusus-ibiza-island-off-spain-210bc-ancient-greek-coin-kabeiros-cult-ngc-i67620/ via http://www.ancientgreekromancoins.com from Ragegold Ancientcointrader https://raregoldancientcointrader.tumblr.com/post/171039963200 via https://raregoldancientcointrader.tumblr.com/
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EBUSUS Ibiza Island off SPAIN 210BC Ancient Greek Coin KABEIROS CULT NGC i67620
EBUSUS Ibiza Island off SPAIN 210BC Ancient Greek Coin KABEIROS CULT NGC i67620
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See it here here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/EBUSUS-Ibiza-Island-off-SPAIN-210BC-Ancient-Greek-Coin-KABEIROS-CULT-NGC-i67620/232670564758?hash=item362c3f1196:g:aS0AAOSwXf1aikmA
eBay Store: http://stores.ebay.com/Authentic-Ancient-Greek-Roman-Coins
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Educational Videos about ancient coin collecting and investing here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3dOqeLcLHYna6jl4_W5brq7ydWkewBdv
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POST BY: Mr. Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert numismatist, enthusiast, author and dealer of authentic ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Byzantine, biblical world coins & more.
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February 18, 2018 at 10:52PM
The blog post EBUSUS Ibiza Island off SPAIN 210BC Ancient Greek Coin KABEIROS CULT NGC i67620 was first seen on RARE Genuine Ancient Greek and Roman Coins and More
from Ancient Greek Roman Coins - Feed http://www.ancientgreekromancoins.com/2018/02/19/ebusus-ibiza-island-off-spain-210bc-ancient-greek-coin-kabeiros-cult-ngc-i67620/ via http://www.ancientgreekromancoins.com
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