#echo plays genshin impact
anguis-sapphire · 2 years
I finally got the screenshot button on my Switch controller to actually take screenshots in Steam and I thought this one looked pretty neat ^-^
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mochaintherain · 1 year
Summary: You're a treasure hoarder who's stolen the most precious thing in Inazuma: the crown prince, Scaramouche. (GN! Reader)
Word Count: 2.4k
CW: VIOLENCE!!!!! Mutual violence, but like. there's undertones. idk. Reader isn't a good person, Criminal Reader, Antagonist reader, unestablished relationship, a little toxic (given the circumstances), blood, Royalty AU, (Scaramouche whoops your ass.)
A/N: Formatted on Mobile ♡. Sorry I've been away! This was originally meant to be for a larger story but my ass Did NOT finish it so I'm just going to post this lolz...plus, with Fontaine, there is so much potential ( ☆∀☆) BUT FINALLY SCARA FIC! posted at. 3 in the morning :')
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Silver to gold.
The raven insignia colored like the brilliant sun would finally, finally, be yours to claim—tangible, indisputable proof of your convictions, ambitions, and desires. If the gods gifted conduits to those they considered worthy, then this coin was more than divine acknowledgment.
This insignia was your Vision, bestowed by fellow mortals.
Because today, you have captured a trophy.
Prince Scaramouche glowered in the chair he was untenderly pinioned to, indigo eyes never once breaking from your figure. He hadn't spoken once since his fateful acquisition, instead redirecting what would usually be a flurry of insults into a piercing gaze, sharp enough to cut flesh.
His yukata—the layers of purple and red silks, once draping his form in nobility, status, royalty—laid disheveled across the ground. The only things remaining before his abduction were the dark juban slipping over his body, along with the necklace made of black and red string, harboring a single, golden feather. The man in front of you, now a mere ghost of what he used to be.
You nodded to your men as they finished the last knots on his wrists, nodding to you, before departing the tent. He tugged at the restraints, grimacing.
"Wipe that damn smile off your lips," he sneered, red eyeliner melting in the crinkles of porcelain skin.
"Oh? So he finally speaks. Hello, your Highness—" you bowed lightly, though in no part due to deference—"how did you know? Was my excitement truly that obvious?"
"Tch. Not even that rag you call a mask can hide your ugly face."
"...wow." A soft laugh bubbled from your throat, and the corners of your lips twitched—up close, he couldn't escape scrutiny. The rumors were entirely true.
His infamous, hot-headed temperament juxtaposed his delicate features.
Even through anger, he was beautiful.
"Get away from me, worm," he jeered, narrowing his gaze.
"I suggest you mind your manners," you chastised, closing the distance between the two of you, much to his dismay, "you have no authority here, and your mother isn't here to protect you. So know your place, Prince." You spat the last syllable, honeyed in vitriol. The feather accessory almost crumbled in your grip as you jerked it forward, ripping a strangled gasp from the man.
"Here, you're as insignificant as the rest of us, got it? Your blood is just as red as mine when spilled."
With your thumb and forefinger, you pulled a little more, the strings protesting by digging themselves into the skin of his neck.
"Is that supposed to be a threat?" Scaramouche wheezed out, his head craning forward, coughs and laughs mixing into raspy drawls, "please. One blemish on me and your head will be on a pike."
"Hah." Your free hand trailed up the plush of his cheek, fingers resting on the crease of his eye.
"Get your filthy hands off—"
"If that were really the case, if you were so precious—" you smeared the pristine makeup onto his temple, and Scaramouche let out a guttural hiss, "—it wouldn't have been so easy to pluck you out Tenshukaku."
And the necklace snapped.
At that instant, his body tensed and his face contorted into a snarl, teeth ready to snap at your limbs. What little poise he managed to conjure for this ordeal dissipated in a matter of seconds.
How amusing.
"You have no idea what you've just done."
"Why so riled up? I'm sure your mother will get you a new one, you spoiled heir," you hummed, stepping away before his teeth could find your arms, "of course, unless the rumors are true?"
Infuriation overtook his indigo eyes, along with a flicker of hurt…or pain?
"Enough," he barked, "one more word and I'll rip your tongue out myself." The remark appeared almost funny, the way his shoulders shook like a petulant child.
If only you saw past the hilarity, and caught the screech of nail to cotton fiber.
"Tell me," you continued your taunt, waving the feather haphazardly in the air. At that moment, he was more hilichurlian than prince, "is it true you’re nothing more than a prince in name? How much of a brat are you, to be denied your birthright on the throne?"
"You'll regret that," Scaramouche seethed, "do you know who I am? Do you know who you're dealing with?" Every passing word accompanied another shake of his arms. "I'll have you beg for mercy."
"I think you're overestimating yourself," you said, rolling your eyes. "I don't think someone who fell victim to treasure hoarders, of all groups, has any—"
"You talk too much."
A small, misplaced half-smile spread across his countenance as the rope fell behind the chair with a soft thud.
The rope tethering him in place.
The rope with red-tinged ends, allowing him an opportunity to lunge.
You narrowly barreled out the way, too busy swallowing down shock.
“Give that back!” Scaramouche hissed, “that’s mine!”
You clenched the aureate pinion in your fist, ramming your elbow into his side.
He staggered back, glaring you down. Moonlight peeked from the tent’s entrance, and illuminated his back in a way that made him seem almost holy.
But surely, no angel would be stupid enough to stay where their wings would be clipped. His aggression outweighed his rationality, you deduced, as instead of fleeing, weak sparks of electro spat from his bloodied fingertips.
“Huh. You sawed through your bindings using nothing but your bare hands and energy. That’s kind of impressive.”
“That’s mine,” he repeated, “that’s mine.”
“Is it now? I don’t see your name on it.”
Now on adjacent sides of the tent, the two of you locked into a waltz of frenzied attacks and defenses.
Despite not having a sword, the eventual successor of the Musou no Hitotachi fought as if he embodied the blade. Nimble fists like the wind, he slashed at your frame. He moved with deadly, facile, precision, adorning your skin in small, blooming bruises. Your only saving grace to avoid anything greater was your own adeptness to combat. Each swipe was blockaded by a feint on your end, each kick met with a parry, two adversaries encompassing the other in a cramped space, both sparring for purchase in a hopeless impasse. Static blanketed the air as the assault droned on.
This unnecessary long-winded fight could end the moment your men came to your aid. Is that why he guarded the entrance so fervently?
“You know, one scream from me and you’re done for,” you quipped.
“Hah. I’m not that weak.”
You bit your tongue to avoid spilling out the thought that, no, he wasn’t, and you respected his strength.
“There’s fifteen of us and one of you. Don’t be an idiot, now,” you said, laughing softly, taking a step forward, “we overpowered you once, and—oh, history has a habit of repeating itself.”
His brows furrowed, and he glared at you. “Do it then. I don’t care,” he sneered, a sardonic smile threatening to overtake his face, “I’m sure you’ll sound lovely.” The prince matched your footwork; he was hellbent on taking you down.
You knew that if he was afforded any advantage, you'd succumb.
So began the reprise.
Each hit on your forearms, each returned in equal fervor, each swerve you employed to avoid his kicks, your lungs heaved with short-lived air, the deadlock turning evermore in his favor.
As the dance raged on, your composure waned. Imbalance. Sloppiness. Exponentially labored breaths—in, out, in...in, in, in....
“Hehe. Surely you can do better than that, thief.”
This wasn't just a difference in ability. No, how could someone not grow weary after this long? Scaramouche maintained an imperious grin on his face, never once faltering. It was as if he was inhumane.
Maybe this was the effect of royal blood.
Another stumble meant another loss, another small victory awarded to your enemy...
"Why are you even here? Just give up," he spat, aiming a particularly strong punch to your ribs.
Was he getting faster, or were you slowing down?
You saw it coming. You watched how his painted nails—crimson, bloody—clenched together, how sadism bled into his smile, how it traversed through the air...
It was most certainly the latter.
Air knocked from your system, it was your turn to stagger.
"You're weaker than I thought. How pathetic," he said flatly, shaking his hand off, "how disappointing."
You couldn't breathe. Every attempt to reach for air ended in sharp pains and the dispelling of oxygen in your lungs. That damned rag. There was no point in trying to hide your identity at this point. Already too deep in, the crime too far gone…
You clawed the mask off your face, glaring at your opponent.
"You're the one that talks too much," you gasped out between shuddering breaths, your lips contorted into a twisted grimace.
Amidst your blurring vision and preoccupation with beating the man in front of you into submission, you weren't privy to the shift in his visage.
How his eyes widened, taking in every one of your features.
Disbelief casted onto his expression.
That too, unfortunately, left him unguarded.
Scaramouche, for all his capabilities, likely lost the battle when your mask fell, and he caught a glimpse of your true face.
Your desperation drew an epiphany; you didn't want to kill him, but you had to fight back. But what if it killed him? What good was a sale if you had no product? Worthless. But what good was a ransom if no one could sell?
Fuck. It didn’t matter. You were a treasure hoarder. A thief. Bound to scrounge Teyvat for leftovers.
And this Prince, right in front of you?
His life was a prize, and you've always had a propensity for stealing.
That was your ambition. Your talent. Your worth.
You were not going to let that gold insignia slip from your grasp.
Not that easily.
Your fingers ghosted your sash. The miniscule glass buzzed with elemental energy.
“I’ll give you one chance, prince,” you murmured. “Stop this ceaseless fight or else.”
“No,” came his immediate response, eyes flickering from your face to your fist, “I’d be a fool to give up when I’m winning.”
“Then stop while you’re ahead,” you snapped sweetly.
With only another laugh escaping his lips, he suddenly burst forward once more. You squeezed your eyes shut, his form like a bullet in your path.
His skillful fighting captivated your senses, yet you had to resort to playing dirty.
As he drew closer, close enough to touch, he took you off your feet, and you grappled at his robes. The feather fell to the wayside, and the prince jerked his head to follow its descent.
Squeezing the pyro potion with your free hand, you could not keep down your thoughts this time.
“Sorry,” you whispered.
The bottle effortlessly smashed against the small of his hip, the unleashed fire focusing its fury on his defenseless muscles.
You winced, the crackle in the air running up your exposed skin in droves. Pyro and the Electro within him swirled and exploded in tandem.
Scaramouche gasped, breath hitching, shoving you away as he convulsed onto the dirt, sudden twitches of protesting muscles exacerbating his agony. His skin stained with sweat—waves of fire rolled over each pore—and shards embedded into his now bloodstained robes—all while folded on his knees--a pitiful display.
You rose on shaky legs, picking the gold ornament back into your palm. At the very least, you could sell this. His carcass would easily hide underneath the sands of Nazuchi beach.
No, something was wrong.
“How…how are you still conscious?”
Although he was clearly affected, and you witnessed his body overloading, the way his head snapped in your direction, and managed an irate expression, devoid of obvious pain that was there mere seconds ago—fascination erupted inside your chest.
“That’s….that’s mine. Give it back!” The demand lacked the vitriol you expected. Instead, it was coated in a breathy plea. “Please! My...my heart...”
“I…” you were at a loss for words. “T-this?” You opened your hand, and his arm—like an instinct awakened within him—darted out to wrench it from your grasp. But, without the support, his body weight lost to gravity.
“Agh-!” He fell, wincing but his arm never went down. “Anything…anything, but that feather.”
Moonlight flooded in as you stared down at your handiwork. And your subordinates, who carried in the odor of sake, who finally noticed that you hadn’t joined in on their hasty celebrations, ran to pin Scaramouche, yanking his arms behind his back, with metal cuffs this time.
“Boss! Are you okay?”
You only hummed at their concern.
"I don't need attention. Our prize does."
Scaramouche, in his hazed state, did not register the moniker. His body forced into rigidness, exhaustion eating at his strength, he only groaned.
Ambling toward the crumpled man, you kneeled, ignoring how the dull ache of your ribs made itself known. Your men, perplexed, slowly backed away, giving you and him some space. He sighed softly as you pulled him into your lap, knees a pillow for his weary head. Taking his face in your hands, you inspected his pulse.
Nothing. Perhaps it was too weak, or too erratic, and yet he continued breathing; clearly alive. How? You wondered. Expected from someone who came from the Raiden herself. Brushing a stray hair sticking to his face, you smiled down at him. What a precious thing he was.
His pupils dilated at your touch, a shudder ravaging through his body. It ached.
"I'm glad you survived. It would have been a shame," you hummed, engulfing him in your gaze. “Out of everyone I’ve come across, you’re the most interesting.”
“You'll pay for this," he choked out, squeezing his eyes shut as he clenched his teeth. His words hardly stung. They held no edge.
"Perhaps," you whispered, parting his fist to place the feather into his grasp. "But for now, I win. I dont need this anymore, since I have you."
"Hey, has anyone ever told you?"
"H-huh?" Scaramouche coughed again, too weak to do anything but softly huff.
You began to carefully unwrap his juban away.
"What do you think you're—" the Prince gasped, but was silenced with a finger to his lips.
The robe now discarded, you examined the blood painting over his complexion, the glass a mosaic on his figure.
"My Lord, you really do look beautiful in red."
You carefully started removing the shards out of his figure. His blood stained your skin. But he didn't squirm.
Instead, he whispered a promise under his breath, only for his ears.
"When I get my hands on you, and I win..." Scaramouche muttered, clutching his feather in his palm.
"I'm sure you will too."
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echollama · 1 year
me dodging fontaine spoilers on all sites like
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genshinmp3 · 1 year
First Blossom of Spring from The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3 Qian Ding, HOYO-MiX
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kitkatnerds3 · 4 months
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I think she should be more insane, actually.
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lingering-snow · 2 years
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We think of human life like a lantern, that’s lit one moment and extinguished the next... but are we adepti so different? Perhaps as dust settles after a storm, we too must one day return to the world below
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decoysouled · 1 year
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unprompted asks // always accepting. anonymous // Arakan, what were your thoughts when your mother died? Where were you, how did you feel? What was your grieving process like? (dsc. modern)
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THE DAY THEIR MOTHER HAD DIED, it was as if the sun had gone out — Makoto, to Arakan, had always been so full of life & even though her care had never been extended to her children, it was hard to see her as anything other than bright & alive & loved by those around her. Even they had cared deeply for her, despite how little of their childhood she had been around for, & that enough had left them with a deep agony in their chest.
( their brother had always been more of a parent than her. )
The day their mother had died, it was like closing a book for the last time; one that they would never read the ending to. It was like watching the pages fall into puddles, slowly becoming unreadable, the ink blurring alongside their tears — it was that day which set in motion their current life, one of isolation & the desperate need to convince themself that they do not need people in their life. That they do not need to be cared for & wanted & loved.
( no matter how they craved those things, they were never Arakan's to start with. )
The day their mother had died, it was like being set adrift on a raft in the seas, forced to weather the most violent of storms alone. By the time they had realised just how much they were drowning in their grief, in things they could never have, desires that would never come true, Arakan was already alone — Ren no longer spoke to them, albeit they did not reach out either, & Kaminari had left them behind & gotten into trouble & they hated it, how long it took them to realise that no one could be trusted to stay.
( it was funny, really, how of a family of four, three people had left. Kaminari, their mother, their father... had all abandoned them & they did not know why. did not understand the reasons. only that they were alone & alone they would stay. )
The day their brother had left, it was like waking up from a long dream, one they had not been aware they were trapped within. It was a slow awakening, the type that left one with exhaustion set deep within their bones & a sadness aching within their heart & everything had been hit with hurt all at once. A wall they could not climb over, a pain they could drown in. It had been the deepest grief they had ever felt, the realisation that no one wished to stay.
Even this tied back to the day their mother died, like some cosmic joke. Like some cruel trick.
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❝I wished I had known her better.❞ Arakan speaks, voice quiet, in lieu of voicing any of their previous thoughts — there was no need, in the end, to speak of the ways their heart had been shattered like a glass dropped on hardwood floors. There was no need, in the end, to allow themself the vulnerability to answer such a question when there was no true care given. It is simply another struggle, another thing to think about that they wish they didn't have to.
Simply another pouring of salt in old wounds that had never quite healed right.
❝I let myself drift away from the world for a long time, but I don't remember much of it. I went through the motions, I lived my life on autopilot until the day Kaminari decided to leave, too.❞ As if they had never mattered at all. As if they had never been loved at all. As if they had never been wanted at all. They had never held him at fault for that, neither his reaction to the death of their mother nor the way he had abandoned Arakan in his own grief.
They had been used to it by then.
❝When I found out, my only thought was... I wondered whether she had loved us, when she died. Whether she had thought about me or Kaminari in her last moments, or if we never mattered to her at all.❞ It had been a selfish set of thoughts, one they had never dared to verbalise. ❝Mostly... I wish people would let me leave her in the past. I've done my mourning & I'm tired of it.❞
They wish everyone would let her memory rest, if only so Arakan could finally begin to let go & forget about everything she had ever done. It wouldn't happen, not with the way that funeral director acted or the way Kaminari asked them to visit her grave with him & Arakan had never found it in themself to say no. After all, he had been there for them for the longest time & it was only right to return such a favour.
( i just want to forget her. i want to forget everything that hurts me. )
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threnodians · 1 year
ladies, men, and my non–binary friends...
i present to you: him!
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katskitoshi · 9 months
synopsis: he helps you with something and it's only fair you pay him back, right? (liyue vers.) (mondstadt vers.) (inazuma part one vers.)
characters: dom! zhongli, xiao, and baizhu x gn! sub! reader
includes: (nsfw themes) zhongli is kinda mean, big cock zhongli, kissing kink, worship kink, biting, drool kink, cream pie. xiao is whiny and desperate, fingering, whining, praise kink. baizhu is mean, cockwarming, riding, missonary on desk, implied thigh/leg humping.
zhongli, the vago mundo.
it's only expected that you'd owe zhongli something after how much time you've spent in liyue and with him. he's knowledgeable and there is not much he could want from a mortal such as yourself. well, that is until he starts falling back into his more primal urges, and decides its time for you to repay him.
-- "i'm being gentle, okay?" he truly was too kind, especially now as a gently jerked his hips in to sink his cock deeper in your hole. he was even kind enough to take you in his mortal form and stretch you out with his 8-inch human cock rather than his much larger adeptal one.
his tip, hot and heavy inside you, made you squirm and pant under your boyfriend's loving gaze. he kissed your check gently, slowly traveling down to your neck as began to leave love bites in his wake. "m-move, please, zhongli. need you, real bad- ah, fuck !"
your eyes could have popped out your skull when you suddenly felt yourself get stretched impossibly further. zhongli kissed you to distract you from him pushing even deeper inside. he pulsed inside you, leaking precum to lubreacte himself as he kept going. your fingers dig into his back your your legs wrap around his waist.
the kiss was hot, and drool connected your and zhongli's lips and he pulled away. he smiled. he could already see you turning into a devout little worshipper for him. you move your hands from his back to the back of his head to push him in for another kiss. you miss the first few times, but ones your lips meet, your tongue explore each other.
finally, he bottoms out and you moan so sweetly into his mouth. you pull away from his lips, arching your back as your eyes roll to the back of your head. you came almost immediately and he revels in the mess you make of yourself. he does not wait, gently beginning to pound your sweet hole. one of his hands slaps the side of your thigh and squeezes the fat of your ass.
"fuck, barabatos, thank you, thank you!"
you dare call another man's name -- another god's name while he fucks you? how foolish you are, mortal.
you don't even notice the dangerous glint in zhongli's eyes. he grabs the back underside of your knee and pushes your legs so knees reach your ears. your eyes meet his at last and you can tell he's changed a bit. "zh-zhongli?"
you can only respond in a loud, lewd squeal of his name when he pulls out to the tip and thrusts in so deeply you swear he could rearrange your guts. drool escapes your lips and you try to recollect yourself. lewd squelching noises echo through the room as he dips to your neck and leaves hash bites.
"think you can just call another man's-- another god's name when i'm the one fucking you? think again." he growls into your ear and never stops thrusting for a moment, you cum again and pull him closer, silently begging for a kiss.
he does not oblige, allowing you to just lay desperate for him. he removes one of his hands that holds your legs up and positions it on his shoulder. his now free hand is used to push your cheeks together, drool still falling from your lips.
"he, he is not your god anymore. i am. the only name you'll be calling from now on is morax, understand, dear?"
he doesn't bother giving you the chance to respond, just sticking two of his fingers in your mouth for your tongue to play with. you try to speak, but can't simply because zhongli's ungodly pace knocks all the wind out of you.
his cock pulses inside of you, and you can feel yourself coming closer to your next release too. he removes his fingers from your mouth and plays with you, forcing you closer to your climax. and you can only release silent moans as he finally, finally, delivers a final thrust,
his cock, hot, heavy, and leaky inside you bursts, painting your walls and golden white color. you feel full, resting a hand over where zhongli's cum rests, panting heavily at the feeling inside of you.
he doesn't pull out, but slowly starts thrusting again. "zhongli! m'too sensitive! can't take it!"
"dear, call me morax. and we aren't done yet. you've still gotta take all of me, in my adeptal form, so i can truly show you which god you belong too."
xiao, the vigilant yaksha.
xiao has never really wanted much in return for helping people, especially from mortals. what could you give him after all? but upon meeting after saving you one fateful night, all he wants is to make you his.
"f-fuck, y-you're so tight -- e-even around my fingers!" xiao leans into kiss you once more as his fingers continuously hit that soft, sensitive spot inside you. the kiss silences his moans, his body weight is on you with his thighs on either side of your hips. one hand between your legs, and the other cupping your face as your tongues intertwine.
you bucked your hips upwards to meet his hands. the hand that cups your face moves down to push your hips downwards, stopping you from meeting his eager fingers. his lips shush yours as he pulls away from the kiss. you reach your arms around his neck and pull his lips back to yours. "m-more. w-want you inside me, xiao."
"i know. i know, baby. j-just a little longer -- gotta feel you cum from my fingers first." he speeds up, and you can feel your orgasm coming closer. his face is flushed red and he looks just as flustered, if not more, than you. and all from watching you come undone just for him. you were a sight for sore eyes right now and always.
hands digging into his neck, cheeks heated, panting and whining from his touch because you wanted -- no, need him in these moments.
his fingers curls against you in a way you never thought you could feel and your climax arrives. you moan into his mouth as your thighs shake and eyes roll to the back of your head. he swore he could have came in his pants just then as he hears you whine out his name, hands clinging to his body for his support, for him.
his fingers don't stop as he slowly works you through your orgasm, gentle pumping in and out as he whispers praises that make you lose your head. "shh, baby. i know it's a lot, but not too loud. don't want the humans downstairs to hear you, yeah?" the slight movements makes you squirm from the overstimulation youre feeling and your whines get louder, but he doesn't kiss you to silence you.
"fuck, you're so pretty right now, you know that?" he pulls his fingers out, taking in the look of your twitching hole and panting body. "but you're always pretty," he kisses the tip of your nose, "always." pulling down the waistband of his pants and pulling out his throbbing, leaky cock, he rests it on your stomach. his flushed red tip leaks precum over your stomach.
"need you. p-please put it in, xiao." and he complies. his tip lines up with your hole as he slowly and steadily pushes it inwards, he wants to squeeze his eyes shut from the sheer tightness and wetness and pleasure just putting in the tip has given him, but his eyes focus on the way you smile. dazed out, drool running down your lips and you desperately whine out his name.
do you have any idea what you do to him, mortal?
he continues to push himself in, and he can feel your walls tighten around each vein and each inch he pushes in you. he leans in to kiss you once again, his hands cup your cheeks as you sloppily make out.
once he reaches the base, he slowly begins to pump in and out. a steady pace, one that leaves you dizzy as his cock never fails to reach the part of your body that makes you squirm. the kisses get sloppier, you hands hold onto him tighter, all as he keeps a steady pace. deep and slow.
skin slapping accompanies the wet kisses and whines that leave xiao's lips, your hands upwrap from his neck and push at his chest. you need air, and you pant, greedily taking in the air so you and your lover's lips can reunite once again. xiao's eyes squeeze shut as he whines into your mouth again.
he begins to speed up, muttering out a quick apology. xiao was fast and his thrust were apologetically brutal. though unforgiving as he fucked you deeper, faster, harder, -- still caring and sweet as his fingers moved to intertwine with yours. your legs are propped over his shoulders and he gets a better angle to pound you.
moans and whines are exchanged between you two as you kiss, you can feel your orgasm approaching once more and you squeeze his fingers tight. a silent sign that he reciprocates as he throbs inside you, leaking loads of precum inside you.
and you cum, your walls squeezing so tightly he's not even sure how he hasn't dumped his load inside you. he forces his lips from your own in a desperate attempt to warn you.
"f-fuck, baby, i'm gonna cum. l-let me cum inside you, okay? please? i-i need to claim you, make you mines, th-those adeptal sigils aren't enough. need to - fuck! - need to mark y-you as mines, k-kay, baby?"
baizhu, beyond mortality
baizhu is a man who always gives but alas, he still has wants. he still has needs. he helped you out so long ago, and now, its only fair that you repay the favor, correct?
"stay still dear. if you keep moving, there'll be a punishment in store for you." baizhu doesn't even bother to look at you, only focusing on his papers as he gives your thigh a gentle pinch as warning. with your head tucked into the crook of his neck and you arms gently clawing at his back, you felt as if you could cry at any moment.
how couldn't you considering you had your boyfriend's thick, pulsing cock so deep inside of you and it was still? your walls clamped around him, eagerly trying to pull him in deeper, but baizhu stayed still. was this not punishment to him too?
to be so close to you? to feel you? to be balls deep inside you but not move? it was unfair, and you wanted to just grind your hips downwards, back and forth, up and down -- anything to feel him move inside you. his hips did not thrust upwards except once, when he used it as a warning. threatening you to be good or he wouldn't let you feel him at all. that you could just go back to humping his legs like a pathetic dog.
you should be grateful to even be on his cock -- to feel it pulse inside you in all it's hard, thick, pulsating glory. it's certainly an upgrade from grinding pathetically against his thighs and legs. at the thought of your prior punishment, you whined and squeezed your thighs around his hips harder.
you couldn't take it. he was still, not bothering to even look at you or help you at all. he was so mean, so cruel in these moments that you don't even regret what you're going to do. you unwrap your legs from his waist and lift yourself up, slamming yourself down on his cock.
yes, you're legs were sore from not moving for a while, but the look of shock on baizhu's face is enough to push you to keep going. you both moan at the feeling of finally having movement. lube runs down to the base of his cock as you don't falter for a second -- finding a steady rhythm of lifting yourself of and dropping yourself down while grinding to reach that spot that has your vision turning white.
it continues for only a minute, and when baizhu's shock finally wears off -- you were in for a surprise. his hands grasp your waist firmly, and he lifts you up and positions you on his desk. your back on various papers and pens as he looks down at you as if you were scum -- but lovingly.
he finds his own pace, one much faster than what you were going at and way more harsh that you thought he could even do. it was hot, seeing him panting, seething, upset but somehow still tolerating your bratty actions.
you can't even lift your hands to try to hold onto his neck, they scramble and hold onto the shaking, creaking desk baizhu pounds you on. his cock pistols deep inside you, and wet squelching along with the sound of skin slapping fills the room.
biazhu's cock reaches you in ways you can't imagine, especially now as it pounds into you so deeply. you squeal out his name as a particularly deep thrust reaches the most sensitive spot inside you. your vision goes white, and you clamp down on him so hard that all he can do is grit his teeth as a groan escapes him. his cock pulses once, twice, and one final time before long ropes of his white cum paint your insides.
he slowly rides himself through his orgasm before pulling out. a second later, his cum begans to drip out. you feel so full, but so empty as it leaks from you still clenching hole. baizhu pants, feeling content but not yet satisfied.
"b-baizhu-" you aren't allowed to finish your sentence, not when a squeak interrupts you after baizhu slaps your hole still dripping with his cum.
"don't think we're done yet dear. i thought i was letting you go easy with the cock warming, but you're just so ungrateful. so i guess i'll just have to fuck you until you learn your lesson, okay?"
(mondstadt vers.) (inazuma part one vers.)
i kind of answered these two requests so here to my two lovely anons!
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on one hand: i am crying.
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taylorman2274 · 5 months
We Care About You (Part V)
You are forcibly summoned to Teyvat via dream trawling for answers. A long awaited discussion ensues...
Content Warning(s): Xiao Story Quest Spoilers
Notes: SAGAU; GN!Reader;
Word Count: 1.4k
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Taglist: @silverstarred; @victoria1676; @angelofdarkness2; @areaderspov; @andromeda-gay; @ash1; @mercy-not-merci; @toodledoodl3; @jellyedkazoo; @namine123; @innuwu; @agaygothicmushroom; @tired-of-life-86; @fantasyhopperhea; @sweetsourbxtch;
After you had decided you were no longer going to play Genshin Impact, you felt as if a massive weight was lifted off your shoulders. Had the past few weeks really taken that much out of you?
"I suppose it did," you assumed as you were playing another game with your friend group. "I haven't felt this relieved in a long while."
You and your friend group spent many hours talking, laughing, raging, and sharing memes. When you noticed it was just past midnight, you felt that it was the best time to get some sleep. You bid goodbye to your friends, closed your computer, and went to take a quick shower.
While in the shower, thoughts began to ruminate in your head. "It's gonna be hard for me to find another game that will get me addicted as much as Genshin did. But maybe something in my backlog might work for now."
The thoughts continued after the shower, after brushing your teeth, and after getting in bed. "I almost forget what game I was playing before I started Genshin. Was it something I finished? If not, maybe I should go back to that."
Before long, you fell asleep. However, unbeknownst to you, your computer mysteriously turned itself back on and began to launch a certain application...
"Do I need to remind you again how to perform Dream Trawler?" Xiao asked.
"Nuh-uh," Paimon shook her head, setting down a Seven-Star Lamp. "Paimon has a great memory! First, we offer incense with respect for Rex Lapis. Next, we meditate and think of our target. Then, we shout 'Bring Forth Sin'!
"It's 'Devayaksha, Bring Forth Sin'," the Traveler corrected as they were adjusting the position of the censer.
"Right!” Paimon nodded, setting down another Seven-Star Lamp. “Lastly, we let loose a couple of arrows towards the two yaksha statues to... to uh... uhhh...".
"Tsk. Fools."
This conversation was taking place while the Traveler and Paimon were setting everything up for the Dream Trawler ritual. However, instead of going back to the two yaksha statues on the southern face of Mt. Tianheng, Zhongli suggested they perform the ritual at Luhua Pool.
"If my guess is correct, [Y/N] will most likely panic upon realizing where they are. If that's the case, it would be better for them if they weren't so close to the harbor. It's best if we do not attract any attention."
Both the Traveler and Paimon agreed. Neither of them wanted [Y/N] to be afraid. They only wanted to give them the warmest of welcomes.
"Are you two done yet?" Xiao asked, annoyed at how long it was taking to get everything set up.
The Traveler and Paimon walked up to Xiao. "Yep! Everything's set up just like last time."
Xiao nodded. "Good. Get ready to initiate the ritual."
The Traveler and Paimon nodded in return. They put the incense inside of the censer and began to meditate.
"Since we are dealing with someone from another world, I would imagine that a great deal of focus should be needed to summon [Y/N]. This is especially true since we have no idea what they look like. I'm sure Xiao warned you of the consequences this could cause should you not take this seriously.
Zhongli's words echoed in your mind as you put all of your focus towards [Y/N].
[Y/N], who has been with them since the beginning.
[Y/N], who has done their best to guide them along their journey.
"Ahh... Hmm..."
[Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N].
"Devayaksha, Bring Forth Sin!"
... ...
... … …
It's cold.
You shifted in your sleep and immediately felt the lack of bedsheets surrounding your body.
Instead, you felt... rock? Sand?
Slowly opening your eyes, you were met with the cloudy midnight sky, trees with orangish-red leaves, and tall, rocky mountain peaks.
"...Wait. ...Why am I outdoors?"
Your eyes slowly began to adjust to the moonlight.
"...And why does this look so familiar?"
You brought your hand to the ground to begin pushing yourself up, but stopped moving once you noticed the light blue glow surrounding it.
"What the hell?!"
Shocking the exhaustion from your body, you quickly rose up from the floor, nearly losing balance as you stood due to how light you suddenly felt. You looked around the rest of your body and found that you were completely surrounded by the light blue glow.
"This has to be a dream... This has to be..."
"My job is done. I'm leaving now."
Startled, you quickly turned around to find three familiar persons standing a couple of yards away from you.
"Huh? Why don't you wanna stay?" A floating pixie asked.
A short, tattooed man with azure hair scoffed in response. "I don't deal with mortals."
You let out a crazed chuckle. "I've got to be dreaming."
Paimon, oblivious to your decreasing sanity, shook her head. "Nope! We summoned you here via dream trawling. Isn't that great?!"
You were silent for a few seconds before you responded. "Dream... trawling...?"
Sensing that you were still confused, Xiao sighed in annoyance. "You are [Y/N], right?"
Hearing the sound of your name shook some sense into you, but you still involuntarily nodded.
"Good. When you're ready to send them back, speak my name." Xiao told the Traveler before disappearing.
However, seeing Xiao disappear right in front of your eyes shook you even further. "Woah...! That looked way too realistic."
The Traveler let out a small cough to grab your attention. "If you wouldn't mind, [Y/N]. We summoned you here because we've been wanting to talk to you for some time now. Please, grab a seat."
They gestured toward a stone table that was definitely not there the last time you visited. They then sat down on the stone seat facing you. When they looked up, they realized that you hadn't even moved as much as an inch. Additionally, you stared straight at them, yet still appeared lost in thought. Sensing that you may still be bewildered about your current situation, they spoke up.
"You don't need to worry about anything, [Y/N]. There is nothing around here that will hurt you," they gestured to the seat again. "Please."
Had they been unable to see your chest moving in and out, both Paimon and the Traveler would have thought you to be a statue.
"This is a dream. This is real. This is a dream. This is real. This is a dream. This is real..."
Paimon shared a worryingly glance at the Traveler before floating on over to you. You were too oblivious to your surroundings to notice her approaching, but when she finally reached out a hand to tap your shoulder, you flinched back. Hard.
"Wahh! Sorry! Paimon's sorry!" Paimon quickly apologized.
Meanwhile, your brain was working in overdrive to assess the situation. "I felt her! I felt her! I'm not dreaming! I'm not dreaming! This is real! This is real! THIS IS REAL!"
"Paimon get back," the Traveler commanded, standing up from their seat. "They're in shock."
"In shock!? What do we do about that?" Paimon questioned.
The Traveler didn't respond, instead, they slowly began to walk towards you.
Becoming more aware of your surroundings, you noticed the Traveler approaching and slowly began to back up, raising your arms in front of your body. "No no no no. Don't come any closer."
However, the Traveler continued to walk forward one step at a time. They raised their hands up in the air. "It's okay, [Y/N]. It's okay."
You shook your head. "No, it's not okay," you rapidly spoke, breathing loudly. "I'm not supposed to be here."
"Yes, you are. We summoned you here."
You backed up into a broken stone pillar. "Why?" you asked, looking behind you for a quick second. "What did I do?"
They stopped in place before a sorrowful gaze appeared on the Traveler's face. "You’ve done nothing wrong."
Silence hung in the air for an agonizingly long time. Finally, you spoke:
The Traveler nodded. "That’s right. We just want to talk."
You slowly lowered your arms. "About... what?"
Both the Traveler and Paimon smiled. "About our future journey together."
Confusion set upon you once again. "What? But I… I said I was done."
The Traveler sadly shook their head. "We know, but we can't let you leave. Not after all you have done for us."
Paimon chirped in. "Exactly! You're our friend after all!"
Your breathing stopped upon hearing Paimon. After all that effort you put into making amends with them. After believing that it was all for naught.
"You... you see me... as a friend?"
The Traveler nodded, their smile growing bigger. "We do."
Silence fell upon the three of you once again. This time, it was the Traveler who broke it.
"I think it's time we all grab a seat. Shall we?"
Author's Notes: I was originally going to make this longer, but I once again struggled at trying to write this scene out. It's hard trying to figure out how people should believably react to this scenario.
Because it's never happened before, duh.
Anyways, the next part will be the end of this series. Stick around for the ending!
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anguis-sapphire · 2 years
I got Shenhe!! ^-^
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kujiba · 6 months
#⎯May the land conceal you, dear grace
୨୧ — ꒰ gn!reader | they/them prounouns | Sagau | cultish behavior
୨୧ — ꒰a/n; I made this at like 2 am so ik this is crappy
Part one of two,
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AN HUMAN BEING - walked through the corridors of their apartment with a bag full of groceries on their hands. They have just finished running errands and now can finally take a rest after a busy day.
Approaching their apartment door. They took out their keys and inserted it into the key hold, stepping foot into their apartment room. They then started to take off their shoes and placed them near the door.
Putting the groceries aside and sitting carefully on their bed; they layed their head onto the soft pillow to rest. Sighing heavily, they turned their body to the side and reached down in their bag to get their phone, they opened the familiar famous mascot in genshin impact and got greeted with a bright light from their screen
The land of freedom lived up to it's name as ever, as the sounds of livelyness echoed through the place, a bard can be found in the town square playing melodies that blessed anyones ears who would hear it.
Laughs and joy can be found after stormterror's attack has been finally put to a stop by a famous traveler. The familiar blonde hair boy walked through the roads of freedom being greeted with smiles and commissions.
"Ad astra-"
"We'll take the rewards now, thanks!" a flying fairy next to the Traveler said to a woman standing beside the counter
The Traveler reached his arm out to claim the rewards from the woman, but then after he gotten his rewards. A familiar brunette greeted them from behind
"Hey traveler and paimon!"
The brunette said giving them the warmest smile
"Oh hey amber! What's up?"
The familiar brunettes name being revealed to be Amber gave a small smile at paimons words putting her hands onto her hips
"Hehe, Nothing much really. After stormterror's attacks was finally put to a stop. Mondstadt has been more peaceful lately! I was just about to head out to clear hilichurl camps till I noticed the two of you"
Paimon nodded at Amber's words "Thats great to hear! The Traveler and paimon really became a hot topic around mondstadt today too!" Paimon said smiling gleefully "The Traveler and Paimon don't have much to do for today, Mind if we join you amber?"
Amber nodded "Sure! I mean I totally could deal with the camps myself but with the two of you it would be much quicker!" Amber said giggling a bit "No time to lose! If you're ready let's go"
While walking (more like jogging) to the hilihurl camps Paimon decided to open up a conversation with Amber about something she's been thinking off.
"Hey amber, now that paimon thinks about it.. Who is this ' grace' person? Paimons been hearing alot about them recently!"
Amber looked at them both confused stopping in the middle of the forest to put her index finger on her chin. "You don't know our grace? Huh, I was sure you'd atleast get some information on them considering you guys been staying here in mondstat for, Quite some time."
Paimon then putted both of her index fingers in a X position denying the accusation of amber; Amber sighed playfully before facing them again with a small smile, "I don't blame you, people have been trying to cover up our grace after the incident. And I can't expect much after you've all been so busy being the honorary knight and hero's of mondstat!"
Amber then pointed up one of her fingers looking side to side before facing them again like a tutor. "hehehe, Well our grace is a bestwoned God who created Teyvat!"
Paimons eyes widened open hearing such a God making her flip back a little; on the other hand, Aether suddenly got more interested in this Teyvats God; 'maybe they know something about his sister that might make them reunite'
"huwaah!? Now that's some powerful God right there!" paimon said together with facing the Traveler; "Now that paimon thinks of it, don't you think this God has knowledge about your sister? I mean they did create Teyvat so surely they know something about your missing sister!" Paimon then turned to amber to ask questions about this Teyvats god
"Anywho, Do you know other things about this God amber? Or the story of them?"
Amber smiled softly at paimon, furthermore explaining to them what the story of their grace was.
Long ago when Teyvat was still in production, a ruler was made just for the producing nation; the God was perfect in Teyvats eyes. They were kind, powerful, beautiful. The archons worshipped their grace with all their love, blood, and tears.
They thought Teyvat was perfect for their grace, that they had everything that they ever wished for... So why......
Why did they disappear?
Filled with grief Teyvat slowly started to become chaos, and thus, the archon war started. All of Teyvat overthought it, some accepted it thinking their grace wanted Teyvat to be independent. Some thought they had done something crucially wrong to make their grace disappear. Long many wanted to forget but they couldn't. So they went to the option of worshiping, surely you will comeback? They will be better they promise! But that day never came...
"Or at least that's what I know from what I read from books!"
Amber said putting both her hands on her hips and having a shining presence around her; Looking back, Aether started to piece together the background of Teyvats god. but it all led to a dead end.
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The trio finally arrived at the hilihurl camps, amber was readying her bow and baron bunny while paimon just was at the sidelines for emotional support.
Aether meanwhile, was readying his sword when he felt a short voltage in his body the same feeling when he was always readying to fight; it was warm, like you're sleeping in the clouds with a fireplace near you to keep you warm. It felt so comforting; And in a blink of an eye the hilihurl camps were now gone.
Panting, Amber started to walk back where the duo was to check on them
"Wooh! Nothing out rider Amber can't handle!" Amber proudly exclaimed while Aether only looked at the grass.
He was so out of it that he started to lose focus on his surroundings but then another sudden jolt wakend him up.
He was cut off with his day dreaming when paimon was shaking him roughly to snap him out of it. "Hey.. Hey! Oh thank archons your caught out of your daze! Paimon thought you were possesed"
Paimon exclaimed putting both her hands on her hips looking like an angry mom; Aether rubbed the back of his neck apologetically "sorry.. paimon, I was just caught on something." Aether said looking at the sky thinking about the story amber said to them earlier whilst squinting his eyes.
"Teyvats God.."
"Hey wait a minute! There wasn't treasure at all here amber!"
"Whoops! Maybe I can treat you guys with some food at good hunters?"
Looking at the final hilihurl that faded away onto your screen; you stretched your arms wide and exited out of the game, it's been 3 hours? Four? Doesn't matter. Putting your phone aside and readying yourself to bed; you failed to notice your phone lighting up and displaying the seven elements of Teyvat, all of them lighting up to their prestige colors.
Making a one final stretch to your arms before going back to bed, and tucking yourself in, slowly closing your eyes...
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Fluttering your eyes a bit, you suddenly felt like you were falling. Just like those dreams you've had but the thing is; you didn't land. You kept falling with no end to the nightmare, you tried to move but your body didn't respond, as if you were paralyzed.. starting to feel hopeless, You closed your eyes waiting for it to end and just wake back up from your bed; That was until you felt something grab your throat and drag you to the deepest bottom.
You were panicking, Why was this happening to you!? You couldn't open your eyes too even see what was happening, Your breathing was running out, pressure from the hand that grabbed you started to hurt and sting, you felt closer and closer to the ground and that's when-
Warmth .. You felt warmth; you previously were falling to your eternal doom thinking there is no way out of the panic and dread in your body But now.. You felt...
Kinda itchy.
It feels like your getting softly stabbed by something like grass; slowly opening your eyes you found yourself in a grassy pit with a beautiful scenery, hearing something close by; you turned your head around too see a small anemo slime watching over you. The anemo slime just squirmed and fled away to another direction.
you put both of your hands onto your face, hands trembling and face looking petrified; "What kind of drugs did I ate..." refusing to believe this is real you started to desperately pinch your self, and to your horror. It hurted.
Still refusing to believe this is real even tho there are plenty of evidence this is infact happening. You Stood up dusting off the remaining dirt in your clothes; you were amazed by the beautiful scenery that was upon you, it felt so familiar...
you see not too far by, a woman dress up in adventurer clothing who was cooking something at a fireplace, curiosity took in and you start to walk to the lady planning to also ask her questions about this place, hoping she does have answers.
"Uhm.. Excuse me" you said lightly tapping the woman's shoulder to make her look at you
The woman turned around to you following, with a smile "Oh uhm yes hello! What is it that you need?"
Going like you planned you started to ask her questions about this place, over time you learned that her name was Lynn it felt familiar to you-... Wait a sec...
After she was done explaining you thanked her while Lynn also handed out some food onto you. Walking around the clear and vast area you quickly learned where you were at now.
You were at the city of freedom it's self..
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echollama · 2 years
I just built Beidou and already died twice by accident 🤣🤣
Both times involving cliffs
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doumadono · 8 months
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Itto would morph into a blushing tomato before he could muster the guts to ask for a kiss from you. His usual carefree swagger would crumble into a nervous wreck, and his words would stumble out like they were trying to navigate a maze of shyness. It looked as if his hand might quake with the sheer force of his own bashfulness.
“Y/N, can I...” he'd falter, the hesitation hanging in the air like a dramatic pause in a play.
“What's on your mind, Arataki?” you would inquire, catching on to his internal struggle.
Despite his attempts to play it cool, Itto's infatuation would be practically screaming. His eyes would linger on the curve of your lips, and the subtle, unintentional act of moistening his own would give away the unspoken desire within him.
But when the kiss finally happened, it would be nothing short of a tender delight. Itto would revel in the simplicity of a soft peck, as if it could light up his entire existence. The shy encounter would be etched into his memory, a moment frozen in time, but now, he'd carry it like a cocky badge of honor.
As the sweet exchange concluded, Arataki, now brimming with newfound swagger, would seize the moment to intertwine his fingers with yours, as if to say, "Well, that wasn't so tough, now was it?"
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Wriothesley, being the smooth gentleman he is, always manages to charm you into saying yes when he craves a little pick-me-up kiss. He's got this super sweet approach, especially when the weight of work stress is bearing down on him.
Sometimes, he'll straight-up ask, all sweet and innocent, "Y/N, my little sweetpie, could you give me a kiss?"
But then there are those times when subtlety is thrown out the window. Wriothesley would casually grab you by the waist when there's even a hint of an opportunity, pulling you close against his broad chest with a confident whisper, "Come and kiss daddy, babygirl."
And oh, those kisses! They're like an addiction you willingly succumb to. Sometimes, he's in the mood for a bit of teasing – a swift lick of your bottom lip, a taste that's enough to recharge his energy, leaving you slightly breathless and craving more.
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You remain appreciative that he confines these moments to the privacy of our home or when solitude envelops you.
Whenever the inclination to kiss strikes, his approach is marked by a profound passion, and the duration extends beyond mere seconds. It's as though he seeks to savor every nuance of your being.
When he needs it, he'll watch you intently for a while, whether engaged in scrutinizing others or engrossed in a case. Then, with a politeness that conceals a subtle demand, he would utter, "Kiss me, my love."
His lips, when they meet yours, carry the faint taste of candy. It leads you to ponder whether he perennially indulges in this confection, given the persistently sweet flavor that lingers in his mouth.
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Zhongli, unapologetically, never shies away from asserting his desires, regardless of the setting. His kisses, a blend of demand and tenderness, are a testament to the assertive nature of the Geo Archon. In moments when he craves proximity, he doesn't hesitate to make his intentions known.
"Y/N, I want a kiss from you," he commands, the weight of his voice carrying a subtle dominance, a declaration of his desires that brooks no opposition. His hands, steady and firm, find their place at your waist, claiming it as if sculpting the very essence of intimacy.
Zhongli's kisses unfold with deliberate slowness, a deliberate dance that brushes his lips against yours in unhurried motions. The demand in his kiss, paired with the gentle exploration, creates a harmonious balance that reflects both his dominance and the depth of his affection.
Your compliance to his requests is wholehearted, a testament to your fondness for each and every one of his kisses. The unspoken understanding between you two only deepens the connection, allowing the echoes of Zhongli's dominance to resonate in the intimate moments you share.
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With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Kaveh beckons you with a sing-song voice, his lips playfully pouting as he calls, "Baby, come give me a kissy kissy, yeah?" Persistent and unyielding, he brushes off any attempt to decline, challenging you with a raised eyebrow and a daring smirk.
Refusing him is not an option, for Kaveh always presses on. He questions your love for him, provocatively asking if he's lost his touch as a kisser.
When it comes to stealing sweet moments, Kaveh doesn't shy away. He's not afraid to snatch a taste of any candy you hold between your lips. And as he leans back, a sassy smirk plays on his face, leaving no doubt about the intensity and seriousness he invests in each stolen kiss. "Mmm, sweetie, that was the sweetest kiss you've ever offered me!"
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mika-mp3 · 2 months
The treasure is all mine
-chapter four-
(Prologue, chapter one, chapter two, chapter three)
Genshin Impact x Creator!Reader
warnings: possible spelling errors, no y/n used, takes place after the sumeru archon quest
summary: after resting, your new friends tell you their plan to visit the dendro archon. You were very excited but had no idea what trouble little actions of yours can bring.
characters: Tighnari, Collei, Nilou, Wanderer (Hat Guy), Nahida, some guard npc's
word count: 3408
wattpad story here
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Tighnari's words from the previous night echoed in your mind. The journey to uncover your true identity was just beginning, and with the support of your new friends, they felt ready to face whatever lay ahead. The path forward was uncertain, but it was also filled with hope and the promise of discovery.
You awoke to the delicious aroma of fresh fruit and baked bread wafting through the air. The scent of ripe berries, citrus, and something sweet filled your senses, inviting you to rise from the warmth of your blankets. As you blinked away the remnants of sleep, you noticed the soft morning light streaming through the window, casting gentle shadows on the wooden floor. Slowly, you sat up and stretched, feeling the comforting ache of a good night's sleep. The previous day's journey and the warmth of Tighnari and Collei's hospitality had done wonders for your weary body. You glanced around, taking in the cozy, rustic interior of Tighnari's home, the shelves lined with various plants, books, and trinkets.
As you made your way outside, you found Tighnari and Collei already seated at a small wooden table laden with a simple but inviting breakfast spread. There were freshly baked bread, colorful fruits, and a pot of fragrant tea. The morning sun bathed the village in a golden light, highlighting the intricate architecture and lush greenery.
"Good morning!" Collei greeted with a bright smile as you joined them. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, very well, thank you," you replied, taking a seat and feeling the warmth of their kindness envelop you once more.
"Help yourself," Tighnari said, gesturing to the food. "We have a lot to discuss today."
You nodded, grateful for the sustenance and the company. As you ate, Tighnari began to explain their plan. "After discussing things last night, we decided it would be best to take you to the Dendro Archon," Tighnari said between bites. "She possesses great wisdom and knowledge, and if anyone can help you uncover your past and identity, it's her."
"The Dendro Archon?" you echoed, feeling a mixture of awe and anticipation.
"Yes," Collei confirmed. "But we need to gather a few supplies for the journey. It will take some time, so you have a chance to explore the village while we prepare."
You nodded, understanding the importance of the plan. "Thank you, both of you. I really appreciate everything you're doing for me."
"It's our pleasure," Tighnari said with a reassuring smile. "Feel free to look around and get to know the place. Gandharva Village is a special community, and I'm sure you'll find it quite interesting."
After finishing breakfast, you stepped outside into the vibrant village. The morning sun bathed Gandharva Village in a golden light, highlighting the intricate architecture and lush greenery. The village, often referred to as "The City Above the Forest," was a marvel of design, with houses built into the trees and connected by winding bridges and pathways. As you wandered through the village, you noticed that many of the villagers were glancing at you curiously. Their expressions were a mix of friendliness and intrigue, as if they were trying to understand who you were and what had brought you to their home.
After a few minutes of strolling through the village, you came across a group of children playing near a large tree. They were laughing and chasing each other, their joy infectious. When they spotted you, they paused and approached with wide eyes and eager smiles.
"Hi! Are you new here?" one of the children asked, their curiosity shining brightly.
"Yes, I am," you replied with a smile. "What are you all up to?"
"We're just playing," another child said, their eyes sparkling. "Do you want to join us?"
Feeling a surge of warmth and happiness, you nodded. "Sure, I'd love to. How about I teach you something I learned from some very special friends of mine?"
The children gathered around, their excitement palpable. You sat down on the grass and began to show them how to make flower crowns, just as the Aranara had taught you. The children watched with fascination, their small hands eager to mimic your movements.
"First, you need to find some pretty flowers and sturdy stems," you explained, demonstrating as you spoke. The children scattered, collecting flowers and stems from the surrounding area, their laughter filling the air.
Once they returned, you guided them through the process, weaving the flowers together to create beautiful crowns. The children were quick learners, and soon they were proudly wearing their creations, their faces beaming with pride and joy.
"This is so fun!" one of the children exclaimed, adjusting their flower crown.
"Thank you for teaching us," another added, their eyes shining with gratitude.
"You're very welcome," you replied, feeling a deep sense of fulfillment. "It's something my friends taught me, and I'm happy to share it with you."
As the children continued to play and create, you felt a sense of peace and belonging. Despite the uncertainties that still lay ahead, moments like these reminded you of the simple joys and connections that made life meaningful. Soon after, Tighnari and Collei called you back to start the travel. Feeling both excited and a bit scared you start the new chapter
The journey through the vibrant and verdant Sumeru rainforest felt surprisingly effortless with Tighnari and Collei by your side. The forest seemed to welcome your presence, the paths almost guiding your steps as the dense foliage parted to make way. Tighnari, with his vast knowledge of flora and fauna, pointed out various plants and creatures, sharing fascinating tidbits about each one. Collei, though initially quiet, soon opened up, her laughter and stories adding warmth to the journey. The camaraderie between the three of you created a comforting rhythm, each step taken with a shared purpose and growing bond.
Before long, the towering silhouette of the Academia came into view, its majestic spires rising above the treetops. The awe-inspiring structure, built upon a colossal tree, seemed to defy gravity with its intricate architecture and grand design. The sight filled you with a mix of anticipation and wonder. With Tighnari and Collei's support, the path to discovering your past felt clearer and more achievable. The closer you got to the Academia, the stronger the feeling of hope and purpose grew, propelling you forward towards the answers you sought.
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The bustling capital of Sumeru came into view, its port teeming with activity. Ships unloaded their cargo as merchants and travelers from all over Teyvat mingled, creating a lively and colorful scene. Market stalls lined the streets, offering everything from exotic spices to intricate jewelry. The aroma of freshly baked bread and ripe fruits filled the air, mingling with the sounds of lively bargaining and cheerful chatter. The buildings were adorned with intricate carvings and lush greenery, their architecture blending seamlessly with the natural beauty of the rainforest.
As you walked through the city with Tighnari and Collei, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and excitement. The sheer vibrancy of the capital was overwhelming. "Can we look around first before meeting the Archon?" you asked, your eyes wide with curiosity. Tighnari nodded, understanding your eagerness to explore. "Of course," he said. "There's much to see here. We'll head towards the Grand Bazaar first. It's a place filled with wonder and culture."
As you made your way through the bustling streets, the crowd seemed to part for Tighnari and Collei, their presence as respected Forest Rangers earning them nods and smiles from the townsfolk. The Grand Bazaar was a vibrant hub of commerce and culture nestled under the giant tree that supported the Academia. Colorful banners fluttered in the breeze, and the sounds of laughter and music filled the air.
Before you could reach the entrance to the tunnel leading to the Grand Bazaar, a captivating sight caught your eye. A red-haired girl in a flowing blue dress adorned with beautiful gold and silver accessories was dancing gracefully. Her movements were fluid and enchanting, as if she was telling a story with every step. Her hair, a cascade of crimson waves, flowed around her as she twirled, and her eyes sparkled with joy and passion. The small group of children watching her were completely captivated, their eyes wide with wonder.
Tighnari and Collei smiled, recognizing her immediately. "That's Nilou," Tighnari explained. "She dances for the Zubayr Theater, located in the Grand Bazaar. Her performances are legendary around here."
Nilou's dance was mesmerizing. She moved with an ethereal grace, each motion perfectly synchronized with the music that played softly in the background. Her dress fluttered like petals in the wind, and her bare feet seemed to barely touch the ground. It was as if she was dancing on air, her every move a testament to her skill and dedication. The children watched in awe, clapping and cheering with delight.
When Nilou noticed you watching, she beckoned you to join her. At first, you hesitated, unsure if you could match her grace. "Me?" you asked, pointing to yourself. Nilou nodded with a warm smile, her eyes inviting and encouraging.
Collei gently nudged you forward. "Go on," she said with a smile. "It's a rare opportunity to dance with someone as talented as Nilou. Besides, it looks like fun!"
Taking a deep breath, you stepped forward. Under Nilou's expert guidance, you found it surprisingly easy to follow her lead. She moved with such fluidity and grace that it felt natural to mimic her movements. Her hands guided yours, her smile reassuring you. The crowd began to grow, more and more people stopping to watch the impromptu performance. Their cheers and applause were a testament to Nilou's captivating presence and your newfound courage.
More and more people stopped to watch, and soon a small crowd had gathered, captivated by the performance. The energy was infectious, and for a moment, you forgot about everything else. You were lost in the dance, the rhythm of the music, and the joy of the moment.
The crowd, however, began to cause a bit of congestion, blocking the merchants from entering and leaving the tunnel to the bazaar. This attracted the attention of the city guards, who moved in to disperse the crowd for safety reasons. One of the guards, carrying a spear like the others, approached you with a stern expression. "Please follow me," he said. "The Lesser Lord Kusanali has requested to meet you."
The sudden request made you nervous, and Nilou's expression turned worried. She stepped closer, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "Don't be afraid," she said softly. "The Lesser Lord is kind and wise. If she wants to meet you, it must be important."
Tighnari and Collei rushed to your side, having heard the guards words as well. "Don't worry," Tighnari reassured you. "It will be okay. We'll be with you every step of the way."
Collei nodded, her expression serious but kind. "We won't leave your side," she said firmly. "You're not alone in this."
With your friends by your side, you followed the guard up towards the Academia. The path spiraled upwards, each step taking you higher and higher. The grandeur of the Academia loomed closer, its magnificent structure both intimidating and awe-inspiring. The buildings were intricately designed, with ornate carvings and lush greenery adorning their surfaces. The closer you got, the more the air seemed to hum with an almost palpable energy.
Finally, you reached the grand doors of the Academia, standing tall and imposing before you. As the doors slowly opened, you couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The interior was just as grand as the exterior, with high ceilings, elegant archways, and an atmosphere of quiet reverence. With Tighnari and Collei at your side, you stepped forward, ready to face whatever awaited you inside.
The doors to the Academia swung open, revealing an interior that took your breath away. The first room you entered was vast and round, dominated by a magnificent water fountain in the center. The water cascaded gracefully, its gentle splashing echoing softly throughout the chamber. Around the fountain, potted plants added a touch of verdant beauty, their leaves glistening in the light. Above, a grand chandelier hung from the high ceiling, its crystals catching and reflecting the light, casting shimmering patterns on the polished floor below. Additional stand lanterns lined the room, their soft glow adding to the serene ambiance.
The room buzzed with activity as students moved about, their expressions serious and focused. The atmosphere was markedly different from the bustling port and vibrant bazaar outside; here, the weight of knowledge and scholarship was palpable. Some students paused to stare at your group, their curiosity evident, but their attention didn't deter your determined progress.
You followed the guard through the room, your footsteps echoing on the marble floor. The halls of the Academia were lined with more intricate carvings and adorned with lush greenery, a testament to the harmonious blend of nature and intellect that defined Sumeru. As you walked, you couldn't help but be struck by the sheer scale and beauty of the architecture.
Your journey led you to a grand library, a sanctuary of knowledge and learning. The vast number of books lining the shelves was truly impressive, each tome a repository of wisdom waiting to be explored. The library was illuminated by more of the elegant chandeliers, their light casting a warm, inviting glow over the numerous tables where students sat engrossed in their studies. The air was filled with the quiet rustle of pages turning and the soft murmur of scholarly discussions.
The most impressive feature of the library, however, was the stained glass ceiling. Intricate designs in shades of blue and green formed a breathtaking mosaic above, casting beautiful light patterns on the floor below. The interplay of colors created an ethereal atmosphere, making the library feel like a sacred place of learning and reflection.
In the middle of the library was a smaller, round room that piqued your curiosity. At first, you didn't understand its purpose, but as you stepped closer, a sense of familiarity washed over you. Though you had never been here before, you instinctively recognized it as an elevator. The realization was strange, like remembering something from a past life.
You stepped inside the elevator with the guard, Tighnari, and Collei. The doors closed with a gentle whoosh, and you felt the ground begin to lift beneath you. The ascent was smooth and silent, the library slowly disappearing from view through the elevator's glass walls. The higher you went, the more the grandeur of the Academia unfolded before you, each floor revealing more of its architectural marvels and scholarly treasures.
As the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, you found yourself on a higher floor, ready to continue your journey towards the answers you sought. The anticipation in your heart was a mix of excitement and apprehension, each step bringing you closer to the enigmatic Lesser Lord Kusanali and the truth about your mysterious past.
You step out of the elevator and into a round room bathed in a soft, ethereal blue light. The centerpiece of the room is a giant floating blue sphere, rotating slowly and surrounded by intricate constructions that defy your understanding. The size of the sphere is imposing, and multiple staircases wind up to a second floor that encircles the room, adding to the grandeur.
As you take in the breathtaking sight, you finally notice two figures standing before you. One is a small girl, exuding a gentle, calming presence. The other is a boy with a more intense demeanor, his expression a mix of surprise and something deeper, like he has seen a ghost. The girl quickly regains her composure and smiles warmly at you.
"Welcome," she says with a voice as soothing as a breeze through the trees. "You can call me Nahida. And this is Wanderer"
She nods to the boy beside her, wearing a navy blue kasa hat, a black turtleneck bodysuit, a white kimono, and other intricate garments, continues to look at you with a mixture of disbelief and wariness. His attire includes fingerless metallic gloves, black hakama shorts, a thick black and indigo obi belt, knee-high white gaiters, black geta sandals, and a patterned blue half-cape adorned with gold ornaments and a gold feather. This is the Wanderer, and his piercing gaze seems to search for something beyond your appearance.
Nahida's expression turns more serious as she continues, "I called you here to discuss an incident that occurred during the dance at the bazaar. A child was hurt and couldn't get out as quickly as they should have. I don't blame you, but this situation has piqued my interest more than I initially thought."
Before you can respond, Tighnari steps forward, his demeanor respectful yet firm. "Lesser Lord Kusanali, this person has lost their memory and does not even recall their own name. They were found in the forest, and their presence seems to have a profound effect on the environment. Flowers bloom, and they even met and stayed with the Aranara for a while."
Nahida listens intently, her eyes widening slightly as she processes Tighnari's words. "Is that so?" she murmurs, more to herself than anyone else.
The Wanderer finally speaks, his voice tinged with curiosity and skepticism. "The Aranara? Are you telling me they were living with those mythical creatures?"
You nod, feeling the weight of their combined scrutiny. "Yes, I lived with the Aranara for months. They took care of me when I had nowhere else to go."
Nahida's eyes soften with understanding. "It seems there's much more to you than meets the eye. The Aranara are known to be elusive and magical beings. For them to accept you so readily is extraordinary."
The Wanderer crosses his arms, his gaze still sharp but now more thoughtful. "So, what are you, exactly?"
Tighnari interjects again, his voice calm and measured. "We believe they may be something more than human. The forest's reaction, the absence of any scent, and the unusual events surrounding them all point to a deeper mystery. We hoped you might be able to help us uncover the truth, Lesser Lord Kusanali."
Your eyes widen. You had no idea they thought you were something more then a human. However you said nothing, you didn't want to be rude to someone like Nahida and wanted to know more about their theories.
Nahida nods slowly, her mind clearly racing through possibilities. "I see. This is indeed a complex situation. There is a presence about you that is different. We must tread carefully to understand it fully."
The Wanderer, though still skeptical, seems to accept the gravity of the situation. "If anyone can uncover the truth, it's Nahida. She has the wisdom and the connection to this land that we need."
Nahida smiles again, this time with a hint of determination. "We will get to the bottom of this. But first, let's address the immediate concerns and ensure everyone is safe."
The atmosphere in the room shifts from tension to a shared sense of purpose. You feel a mixture of apprehension and hope, knowing that these knowledgeable and powerful individuals are now invested in uncovering your true identity. With their guidance, the path ahead, though uncertain, seems a little less daunting.
After a lengthy discussion, a conclusion is reached: you will remain in Sumeru, living within the bounds of the capital until more is known about your true nature. During this time, you will have unrestricted access to the grand library, a treasure trove of knowledge that will aid in uncovering your past. You will also meet with Nahida once a week. Through various tests and exposures to different environments and stimuli, they will try to learn as much as possible about you.
However, this arrangement means that you won’t be seeing your friends as often. Collei and Tighnari must return to Gandharva Ville to fulfill their duties as forest rangers and caretakers of the rainforest. They promise to visit the capital when they can, but their presence will be sporadic. The Wanderer continues to watch you with suspicion, his eyes never leaving you, as if expecting something to reveal itself at any moment. Nahida, on the other hand, seems to already be forming theories, her mind working quickly behind her gentle eyes.
As you stand there, surrounded by these remarkable individuals, you feel a mixture of hope and sadness. The path to discovering your identity may be long and challenging, but you are not alone. With the support of Nahida and the resources of the Akademiya, you take your first steps toward uncovering the mystery of who you truly are.
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Thank you so much for reading! Fell free to give me feedback and ideas how to continue this!
P.S. Sorry for not posting in a while! I got really sick and wasn't able to do much.
- @resident-cryptid - @wutap - @saternsky - @vianitry - @fantasyhopperhea - @yamarireads
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