🌼DaisyClan: The Founders🌼
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Before DaisyClan, there was the Colony, a group of loners that made their home in a large twoleg city. The members of the Colony looked out for one another, but at the end of the day, it was every cat for themselves. They had no code and no guidance from their ancestors. For a while, though, the Colony survived.
Then came the Long Cold, an especially deadly leaf-bare. For moons blizzards raged and prey hid in their dens. Even the twolegs rarely left their homes. Cats began to die, or leave the Colony for a warmer, safer life as a kittypet. The cats who stayed valued their freedom, but began to wonder if it was worth dying for.
That's when the Colony's sickly healer began getting messages from the dead. They told her that they saw potential in the survivors of the Colony, and wanted to led them to a new life. The spirit cats gave the healer a message to pass on to her apprentice: Follow the daisy, and it will take you home . . .
Daisystar is a noble, intelligent cat. They guided their companions to a new home, and helped them learn the ways of a Clan. Although Daisystar is quite young for a leader, they have proven themselves to be more than worthy of their nine lives. 
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Daisystar’s wise deputy, Minkstalk was always there to support the young leader, even when other cats wouldn’t. Daisystar trusts her deputy’s advice more than any cat’s.
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DaisyClan’s eccentric medicine cat is Woodpelt, who was given the first message from StarClan by her late mentor. She hopes to pass on what she learned to the young cats of the Clan.
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Fawnfire is the best fighter in the Clan, and between that and his cold demeanour, the tom can be quite intimidating. 
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This ginger tom believed in the power of their ancestors even before Woodpelt received StarClan’s message. In fact, he had a big part in convincing the colony to trust their word.
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Young Woodpaw takes after his mentor, Echofall - he can talk his way out of any situation. He was born on the journey to the forest, and his late mother named him after the medicine cat who delivered him.
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This fierce, elderly she-cat has lots of horrifying stories to share about the bitter leaf-bare that nearly wiped them out. Lakespark misses the old colony - she was their leader, before she stepped down in favour of Daisystar. 
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That's all for today! This Thursday, look out for the first moon post to see what challenges DaisyClan will face next . . .
If you want to see more of my work, I also have an alt account where I post non-clangen art and a YouTube channel.
Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day!
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Madder babies all grown up!
Birth order (oldest to youngest)
- Jasperbumble
- Echofall
- Bonethistle
- Cleaverflight
- Shadowswipe
- Hollowflower
- Hissfrost
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cmiakea · 1 year
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samble-moved · 6 months
genuinely so nostalgic for the old virtual warrior world proboards forum. wish i hadn't deleted my account from it. it's dead, with almost zero posts from the past 3-4yrs, but i wish it had survived. i don't think id much enjoy feral cat rp nowadays, but wish i knew where my friends from back there went.
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spectascopes · 6 months
consider what ur OCs warrior cat names would be, they said. it would be fun and unserious, they said. well now i've constructed a whole narrative where one of them fucking dies and im sad about it
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vylad243 · 2 months
Can we have more information on your warriors AU?
So I don't have many names worked out, or much in general done, just some of the basics, but I'm hoping to separate it from the warrior cats series and make my own prophecies and stuff instead of just doing rewrites. I don't mind doing rewrites but it can be rather annoying at times. I plan on bringing out my own warrior cat from retirement for filler characters (Waspfeather, Dustsong, Mistybreeze, Pringles, ect (I have a lot, I used to roleplay))
Papermint (Mintstar) is the leader of Lightclan because I want to do more with Echofall (Vox) and not have him tied to Lightclan because of his leader responsibilities, and since Papermint is Vox's assistant, I figured he would be the best fit for a leader
Deerheart (Alastor) and Echofall will be mates despite being from rival clans, Velvetfur (Velvette) will know about their relationship and keep it a secret. Motheye (Val) would find out later. I imagine he would also keep it a secret, but very begrudgingly. Echofall and Motheye would be ex mates, so Motheye would be a bit jealous of Deerheart
Orchidstar (or maybe Songstar?) (Charlie) would find out from Deerheart because I think he would be her deputy (she didn't want people to think she was biased so Feathersky (Vaggie) wasn't made deputy)
She would be torn. She would want to keep it a secret but also feel the need to tell people. Slowly Echofall and Deerheart would tell people and eventually the two clans (Lightclan and Morningclan) would join together to make Dawnclan (morning-light) because they would realize that they all tried to keep Deerheart and Echofall's relationship a secret from everyone and they would realize how alike they really are. Mintstar would step down and be a warrior, (he would still have his name and lives, but he would be on the front row constantly in battle)
Morningstar (Lucifer) and Deerheart would not get along, but Rosestar (Rosie) would get along with everyone- naturally.
I haven't decided on Heaven's and Hell's names and members and member’s names, but I think for Hell I'm going to go with Hellborns
This is all I got :')
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false-god-bl0g · 1 year
{The Colonies and their respective Gods & Protagonists}
Tide Colony
PROTAG: Egret (He/Him) 
Summit Colony
PROTAG: Echofall (They/Them)
Umbra Colony (Rain Colony)
PROTAG: Dark (She/Her)
The Family {City-Dwelling Colony}
GODS: ??
PROTAG: Malachi (He/Him)
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writingdispenser · 4 years
I’m in the middle of reading I’m gonna like the way you fight and i just found your blood so now i have to restrain myself from looking through it until i’m at least up to date with the fic lol
Reading “blood” before I realized you meant my “blog” gave me some whiplash, lol. Also aaa I hope you’re enjoying the fic then, thanks for the message
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Forever drinking too much during lockdown
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🌼DaisyClan: Moon 22🌼
Fawnfire couldn’t believe his eyes. Was this some vivid dream? No, it couldn’t be: he could feel the packed dirt beneath his paws, the ache of his back, the pounding of his heart as he stared at the newcomer standing beneath the Leader’s Ledge. Daisystar was . . . back.
It had been nearly seven moons since DaisyClan’s prophesied leader had disappeared, and by this point, everyone was certain they were never coming back. Fawnfire, as grim as the thought was, had assumed they had died. But how could a cat survive for so long on their own? But, looking at Daisystar, Fawnfire could see they looked as healthy as the day they left. Healthier, even, for their pelt was thick and shiny and their eyes were bright. Where had Daisystar been all this time? Fawnfire was eager to learn of his old friend’s journey. But Daisystar hadn’t spoken a word since entering camp. They just waited, calm and quiet, while Echofall went to fetch Minkstar. 
Other cats were starting to gather now, intrigued by the new scent in their camp. Woodfur and Fawnscar emerged from the warriors’ den, eyes wide at the sight of their former leader. The apprentices, Bubblingpaw, Hoppaw and Brushpaw, padded over to peer at Daisystar in wonder. Woodpelt watched from where she was sorting herbs. Her expression was unreadable, but Fawnfire could see the fur along her spine prickling. It was no secret that Woodpelt had never liked Daisystar. But Fawnfire, for one, was glad to see them return. He trotted toward the Leader’s Ledge and settled himself nearby. Daisystar glanced over at the sound of his approach, and gave him a friendly blink. Fawnfire nodded back, his whiskers quivering. He still couldn’t believe what was happening.
At last, Echofall emerged from the leader’s den, followed closely by Minkstar. Spotting Daisystar, she bounded over, touching noses with the younger cat. “We’d all thought you were gone for good!” Minkstar purred, “It’s so good to see you, my friend.”
“Same to you, Minkstalk,” Daisystar purred back. “Or should I say Minkstar? Either that, or you have been keeping my nest warm for me.” There was no hostility in their tone, but Fawnfire felt the prickle of unease that passed through the gathered clan.
“No, it’s Minkstar now,” the leader mewed, a little sheepishly. “I wasn’t keen on succeeding you, when we weren’t sure when - or if - you were coming back, but Woodpelt convinced me it was for the good of the Clan.”
Daisystar glanced over at Woodpelt. Was that a flash of suspicion in their eyes? But before Fawnfire could even identify it, the look had vanished, and Daisystar turned back to Minkstar. “Honestly, I wasn’t even sure if I’d find my way back.” They admitted, “I was captured by twolegs, and sent to live in one of their nests.” 
There were gasps from the circle of cats around them. “That must’ve been awful!” Woodfur commented.
“Not as awful as I thought it would be - the twolegs I ended up with were kinder than most.” Daisystar said. “But living in their nest was nothing compared to living in this clan. The freedom the forest offers, the responsibility of caring for your clanmates, the kinships you can form . . . well, I missed it here, and I knew I couldn’t stay. I managed to escape, but the hard part was finding my way back. The twolegs had brought me far from the forest. Thankfully, StarClan guided my paws.” Daisystar gazed around at their clanmates, their eyes full of love. “I’m so happy to be back!”
Daisystar’s words were met with yowls of joy as DaisyClan welcomed their former leader home. Fawnfire joined in, but he couldn’t help the worry that gripped his belly. Daisystar was back, but Minkstar was in charge now. Surely StarClan wouldn’t have given her nine lives if they wanted Daisystar to be leader again? But perhaps, they too hadn’t counted on them coming back. So who did StarClan want to lead them? Who did the Clan want?
Notable Events
Daisystar has returned to the Clan, having escaped their twoleg prison. But now the Clans must decide if Minkstar will continue being leader, or if Daisystar will take her place. Both cats respect each other, and want to do what’s best for the clan. They decide to wait for a sign from StarClan.
Daisystar returns! But who will lead the clan now?
If you want to see more of my work, I also have an alt account where I post non-clangen art and a YouTube channel.
Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day!
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8bitluv-erica · 6 years
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Umbratale Chapter 3 Pages 1-4 Image by ev3e
And here is all of chapter 3! Sorry it took a little longer to get this all finished than I wanted. Hope you like it 🖤🖤🖤
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jojo1992xxx · 3 years
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(01/01/2021) Drinks!! PhotoOverload!! #Drinks #Christmas #Christmas2020 #ChristmasDrinks #ChristmasDrinks2020 #NewYear #NewYears #NewYear2021 #NewYears2021 #NewYearDrinks #NewYearDrinks2021 #Coconut #CoconutBay #CheapMalibu #Wine #EchoFalls #PhotoOverload 📷 🍷 🙂 😁 ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CJz9qbxDRvO/?igshid=11lblqytkhkl8
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ghostieruv · 2 years
Can anyone PLEASE help me find that one short fanfic about the TF2 Mercs going on a drive/roadtrip and Spy tries to climb out the window?? And at some point Medic and Spy get handcuffed or duct taped together or something- I NEED to find it
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ass-weed-sex-blog · 7 years
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That's my Thursday sorted 🍷🌿💕
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vylad243 · 2 months
OH MY GOD, VLYAD!!! To make it even WORSE WARRIOR CAT, HAZBIN EDITION: Trans Warrior Vox FTM But he Dies JUST LIKE SILVERSTREAM!! and the kiss are all Alastor has LEFT. Charliestar actually goes to war for them, because fuck the Veeclan and FUCK Valentinopelt. Alastorheat is deep depression sitting outside Morningstarclan's nursery while Lilithfur nurses his kits, defending them from being taken because they're all he has left of Voxtail.
I think they would have different names. Like Vox would be Echofall or something (Lightclan (cause bright lights)
Alastor would be Deerheart
Charlie would be Orchidstar (Morningclan)
Vaggie would be Feathersky
Lucifer would be Morningstar (founder of Morningclan- but retired as an elder to let Charlie take the reins)
Lilith would be Lilysong (cause she made Hell through songs)
Uhhh Valentino would be Motheye
Velvette would be Velvetfur
Angel would be Spiderheart
Husk is uhhh... Whiskersky
Sir Pentious is Snakefur
Papermint is Mintstar
That took way too much fucking effort lol but more natural names. Tried to make them more... warrior cat-like
Also that is so mean 😭 I would cry (also writing this down for when I feel better and actually write my projects lol)
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