#eclipse 🧣
real-time-twilight Β· 1 year
For REAL THOUGH I cannot get over how badly Stephenie Meyer needed a decent editor for these books.
On page 316 of Eclipse, Bella says that the next day (Thursday, June 8th) is the FIRST day of finals, and it's a half day. She only has two exams; History and Calc.
ON SAID NEXT DAY while she's at Jake's after her exams in the morning, on page 323, she says Finals are OVER.
In Chapter 12, Alice establishes that it's June 4th (in reality it would be Monday June 5th, 2006-But either way its June)
But in Chapter 14, Bella says it's unseasonably cold and feels "more like February than May"
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To Nikei Yomiuri: Huff...curse that Eclipse. (β λˆˆβ β€Έβ λˆˆβ ) (πŸ§£πŸ€)
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real-time-twilight Β· 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
July 17th, 2006 (Monday)*
This date is entirely speculative. There are no context clues for passage of time. I had originally planned for this post to be for July 1st, but your girl forgot to schedule it. Oop.
Moon Phase: Last Quarter πŸŒ—
πŸŒ„ Sunrise: 5:34 AM
πŸŒ… Sunset : 9:12 PM
Eclipse, Epilogue ("Choice")
4:00-4:05 PM (Approx.) - Leah complains to Jacob about how his heartache is affecting the pack; Jacob returns her barbs with comments about how she does the same thing but with Sam; Leah spits at Jacob and leaves
4:06-4:15 PM (Approx.) - Jacob ruminates before deciding to go home and eat
4:20 PM (Approx.) - Jacob enters his kitchen and makes food while Billy makes small talk; Billy finally tells Jake that they got an invitation from the Cullens for Bella and Edward's wedding, and that there is a note inside addressed to Jacob.
4:25 PM (Approx.) - Jacob reads Edward's letter and runs away
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real-time-twilight Β· 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
June 17th, 2006 (Saturday)
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous πŸŒ–
πŸŒ„ Sunrise: 5:15 AM
πŸŒ… Sunset: 9:21 PM
Eclipse, Ch. 22 ("Fire and Ice"), Ch. 23 ("Monster"), Ch. 24 ("Snap Decision"), Ch. 25 ("Mirror"), Ch. 26 ("Ethics"), Ch. 27 ("Needs") {to pg. 609, line 17}
2:00 AM - With Bella unable to sleep due to the cold, Jacob sleeps next to her to keep her warm
2:10 AM (Approx.) - Seth arrives at the campsite
2:15-2:30 AM (Approx.) - Edward and Jacob have an honest conversation; Edward admits that he is glad Jacob is there to keep Bella warm because he can't; Jacob asks what Edward would do if Bella changed her mind and chose Jacob; Edward explains why he left in September; Edward asks about the Third Wife story, and realizes why it stuck with Bella; Edward and Jacob finish their conversation and Bella falls asleep
10:00 AM (Approx.) - Bella wakes up sweltering from Jake's body heat; Edward unzips the sleeping bag, dumping Jake out; Jake and Edward exchange barbs; Jake leaves to talk to Sam
10:20 AM (Approx.) - Edward tells Bella it will be about an hour until the fight begins; Edward and Bella exchange the best nights they've ever had--Edward names the night Bella officially agreed to the engagement; Jacob howls and Bella realizes that Edward said this knowing Jacob would hear
10:25 AM (Approx.) - Distraught at hurting Jacob, Bella runs into the woods to find him; Edward follows and stops her, going to find Jacob himself; while Bella waits, she likens herself to Catherine Earnshaw from Wuthering Heights
10:40 AM (Approx.) - Edward returns with Jacob; Edward and Seth leave Bella alone at the campsite with Jacob; Jacob manipulates Bella into kissing him by suggesting he might intentionally let himself be killed in the fight; Bella Internally admits that she feels more for Jacob than just friendship.
10:45 AM (Approx.) - Jacob leaves Bella
10:55 AM (Approx.) - Edward returns and finds Bella alone; finding out through Seth's mental account of Jacob's actions, Edward tells Bella that Jacob manipulated her, but would have kissed her even if his manipulation hadn't worked; while Bella still feels guilty, Edward does not hold it against her
11:00 AM (Approx.) - The Newborns arrive at the clearing, Edward begins commentating Seth's mental coverage of the fight
11:01 AM (Approx.) - Edward and Seth sense Victoria's approach; Edward tries to talk Riley down; Seth attacks Riley while Edward and Victoria face off; Edward uses psychological attacks on Victoria
11:03 AM (Approx.) - Edward and Victoria begin their physical fight; Riley throws Seth into the cliff-face; desperate to help, Bella cuts herself with a shard of rock to distract the vampires; Edward pulls Riley's arm off; Victoria springs on Bella but Edward intercepts by throwing Riley's severed arm at her; Seth finishes Riley off, with the latter pleading for help from a nonplussed Victoria; Edward bites Victoria's head off
11:05 AM (Approx.) - Seth and Edward set about dismantling the rest of Victoria and setting her and Riley's remains on fire
11:10 AM (Approx.) - Edward approaches a shocked Bella cautiously, under the impression that she is afraid of him; Edward tells Bella that the fight is over in the clearing, and that everyone is safe: Edward chastises Bella for her attempt to be helpful and informs her that Seth was feigning injury and had his fight completely under control
11:12 AM (Approx.) - Leah tries to take down a straggler by herself; Jacob intercepts and is injured; Edward orders Seth home; Edward runs Bella to the clearing, as a Volturi contingent are on their way; Edward tells Bella about how Jacob was injured and Bella faints
11:17 AM (Approx.) - Bella comes to in the clearing; Carlisle assures Bella that Jacob will be fine; Alice gives a three-minute warning before he Volturi arrive; Bella notices Jasper guarding Bree Tanner, a newborn who surrendered
11:20 (Approx.) - The Volturi contingent enters the clearing, led by Jane; Jane questions the Cullens before torturing and questioning Bree; Carlisle tries to convince Jane to leave Bree alive for the Cullens to take in; Jane reminds the Cullens that Bella must be turned soon; Felix executes Bree.
11:25 AM (Approx.) - the Volturi leave
5:45 PM (Approx.) - At the Cullen House, Alice finishes giving Bella a mini-makeover; Bella asks why Alice's ability works on her, while Edward's, Jane's and Aro's don't and Alice explains that those abilities need to breach the mind to work, while hers and Jasper's don't.
6:00 PM (Approx.) - Bella arrives home and hears from Charlie that Jacob has had a "motorcycle accident"; Charlie gives Edward points for being safety conscious and recounts Billy's strange behaviour throughout the morning
6:30 PM (Approx.) - Bella serves Charlie dinner and heads out to see Jake
6:45 PM (Approx.) - Bella arrives at Jake's house; Jake and Bella talk--she breaks it to him that Edward was not upset about the kiss; Jacob admits defeat and asks whether the plan is for Bella to turn before or after the wedding
7:05 PM (Approx.) - After leaving Jake's house, Bella pulls over on the side of the road and has an emotional breakdown
7:10 PM (Approx.) - Edward arrives to comfort Bella
7:20-7:35 PM (Approx.) - Edward drives Bella home in her truck
7:37 PM (Approx.) - After talking to Charlie, Bella goes up to her room where Edward is waiting
7:38-10:00 PM (Approx.) Bella cries herself to exhaustion and has a fitful night of sleep
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real-time-twilight Β· 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
June 15th, 2006 (Thursday)
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous πŸŒ–
πŸŒ„ Sunrise: 5:15 AM
πŸŒ… Sunset: 9:20 PM
Eclipse, Ch. 20 ("Compromise")
9:30 PM (Approx.) - Bella and Edward arrive at his house for their "sleepover"; Edward carries her into the house; kissing her all the while
9:33 PM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella go to his room so he can give her a heart-shaped "crystal" heart charm, which belonged to his mother, for her bracelet
9:35 PM (Approx.) - Bella tries to negotiate the possibility of having sex before she becomes a vampire--Edward shuts her down; Bella presses the subject, agreeing to his terms (marriage first); Edward compromises--sex after marriage, but before turning.
9:45 PM (Approx.) - Bella reluctantly agrees to Edward's compromise; Edward presents her with his mother's ring
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real-time-twilight Β· 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
June 8th, 2006 (Thursday)
Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous πŸŒ”
πŸŒ„ Sunrise: 5:16 AM
πŸŒ… Sunset : 9:16 PM
Eclipse, Ch. 14 ("Declaration") {From Pg 318, line 17}, Ch. 15 ("Wager")
1:20 PM (Approx.) - Edward drops Bella off at the treaty line where a tired Jacob picks her up and drives her to his house
1:28 PM (Approx.) - at the Blacks' house Jake and Bella watch tv; Jake explains that Sam has the pack running double shifts, despite the Cullens also running surveillance in the area for threats; Bella invites Jacob to Alice's graduation party
1:33 PM (Approx.) - Jake falls asleep; Bella contemplates her future and possible marriage to Edward
4:45 PM (Approx.) - Jacob wakes from his nap and laments that he slept truth so much of their time together; Jake suggests they take a walk, and Bella notices that he seems agitated
4:50 PM (Approx.) - Jacob officially confesses his love to Bella; Bella repeats that though she loves Jacob and wants him in her life, she is not in love with him
4:55 PM (Approx.) - Jacob kisses Bella; Bella punches Jacob in the face, breaking her hand
4:57 PM (Approx.) - An unfazed Jacob drives an incensed Bella home
5:15 PM (Approx.) - Jacob and Bella arrive at Charlie's House; Bella ices her hand while Jacob blithely informs Charlie that she broke it punching him after he, Jacob, kissed her without consent; Bella calls Edward and apprises him of the situation
5:18 PM (Approx.) - Edward arrives and examines Bella's hand; Bella is irritated at Charlie's less-than-unbiased handling of the situation
5:30 PM (Approx.) - Edward helps Bella to his car so he can take her to Carlisle; Edward warns Jacob that if he ever kisses Bella without consent again, he will break Jacob's jaw for her.
5:37 PM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella meet Emmett and Rosalie in the Cullens garage; Bella informs a delighted Emmett that she broke her hand punching a werewolf; Rosalie lets slip mention of a bet between Jasper and Emmett regarding how many humans Bella will kill in her newborn year
5:40 PM (Approx.) - Carlisle examines Bella's hand and Bella worries about what it will be like to experience Newborn bloodlust
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real-time-twilight Β· 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
May 16th, 2006 (Tuesday)
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous πŸŒ–
πŸŒ„ Sunrise: 5:35 AM
πŸŒ… Sunset : 8:52 PM
Eclipse, Ch. 2 ("Evasion")
12:10 PM (Approx.) - Bella and Angela dicuss graduation plans over lunch; Bella offers to help Angela with her graduation announcements
12:26 PM (Approx.) - Alice has a vision which seems to disturb her
12:55 PM (Approx.) - Edward seems to be avoiding conversation with Bella by talking to Ben
3:00 PM (Approx.) - Edward repeats this behaviour with Mike Newton in the parking lot, offering to help him with his car trouble
3:20 PM (Approx.) - Edward drops Alice off at home
3:35 PM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella arrive at her house; Bella turns her computer on to check her emails, she and Edward make out while she waits for the computer to warm up
4:00 PM (Approx.) - Bella replies to Renee's most recent email; Edward discovers the car stereo Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie gave Bella for her birthday mutilated from when Bella prised it out of the dashboard after his family left Forks; Edward laments that Bella didn't get a chance to use her birthday presents and produces the plane tickets to Jacksonville from Carlisle and Esme, proposing that they visit Renee to celebrate the lifting of Bella's grounding.
4:10 PM (Approx.) - Bella finally gets a chance to ask Edward about the vision Alice had at lunch--he tells her it was concerned Jasper and brushes it off.
4:15-5:00 PM (Approx.) - Bella works on her homework and starts making beef stroganoff for dinner, using Charlie's mother's recipe
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6:10-6:45 PM (Approx.) - Bella and Charlie eat dinner; Charlie tells Bella Billy called and invited him down for dinner on the weekend
7:00 PM (Approx.) - Edward broaches the subject of Jacksonville with Charlie, who agrees it's a good idea until he finds out that Edward intends to go with her. Bella argues Charlie into a corner
7:05 PM (Approx.) - Bella and Edward leave; Bella demands to know why Edward pressed the subject of Jacksonville, she guesses that he wanted to get her out of town so she can't go with Charlie to La Push.
7:10 PM (Approx.) - Bella asks to go visit Esme
10:15 PM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella return from their visit to the Cullen House; Charlie asks Bella to hang back before going up to her room
10:20PM (Approx.) - Charlie tries to have The Talk with Bella, which she assures him is completely unnecessary as Edward is "very old-fashioned". That out of the way, Bella updates Charlie about her plans with Angela
10:25 PM (Approx.) - Bella goes upstairs; too wound up to relax, she decides to make a break for La Push.
10:30 PM (Approx.) - Bella goes back downstairs and gets to OK from Charlie to go see Jake
10:32 PM (Approx.) - Bella attempts to start her truck; the engine does not turn over; Bella, startled, realizes Edward is sitting in the passenger seat, holding an unnamed but crucial component of the truck's engine while explains that Alice tipped him off. He tells her he'll understand if she doesn't want him to spend the night
10:40 PM (Approx.) - Bella goes back inside, informing Charlie that her truck won't start, and goes up to her room, slamming the window shut.
10:45 PM (Approx.) - Bella opens her window again.
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real-time-twilight Β· 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time Masterpost 🧣
May 15th. 2006 (Monday)
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May 16th, 2006 (Tuesday)
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May 21st, 2006 (Sunday)
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May 22nd, 2006 (Monday)
May 27th, 2006 (Saturday)
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June 1st, 2006 (Thursday)
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June 2nd, 2006 (Friday)
June 3rd, 2006 (Saturday)
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June 4th, 2006 (Sunday)
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June 5th, 2006 (Monday)
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June 6th, 2006 (Tuesday)
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June 7th, 2006 (Wednesday)
June 8th, 2006 (Thursday)
June 12th, 2006 (Monday)
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June 13th, 2006 (Tuesday)
June 14th, 2006 (Wednesday)
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real-time-twilight Β· 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
June 18th, 2006 (Sunday)
Moon Phase: Last Quarter πŸŒ—
πŸŒ„ Sunrise: 5:15 AM
πŸŒ… Sunset : 9:21 PM
Eclipse, Ch. 27 ("Needs") {From Pg. 609, line 18}
9:00 AM (Approx.) - Bella wakes up; Edward questions whether she's made the right decision, letting go of Jacob, Bella assures him she has and reads a passage from Wuthering Heights, then says they need to talk to Alice
9:30 AM (Approx.) - Alice is waiting on the porch for Bella's arrival, as she as seen Bella will agree to let her plan a wedding (with some caveats); Alice insists on showing Bella the already completed wedding dress she designed for her.
9:35 AM (Approx.) - Edward suggests a trip to the meadow where Bella saw him in sunlight for the first time
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9:45 AM (Approx.) - Edward questions why Bella insisted on a wedding date no later than August 13th--it is of course because Bella wants to be married and turned before her nineteenth birthday; Edward asks why Bella gave into Alice's whim--because she thought it would be best for her family to see her happily married before she disappears from their lives
9:55 AM (Approx.) - Edward declares a withdrawal of his terms in the deal (that Bella must marry him before the make move/ becomes a vampire) because he feels he's enabling her bad habit of trying to please everyone else before herself-- Bella refutes the need, as she's decided she wants to do everything in a proper, responsible order
9:57 AM (Approx.) - It begins to rain, Bella is reluctant to leave in spite of the rain, because going home means it's time to tell Charlie about the engagement
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real-time-twilight Β· 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
June 16th, 2006 (Friday)
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous πŸŒ–
πŸŒ„ Sunrise: 5:15 AM
πŸŒ… Sunset: 9:20 PM
Eclipse, Ch. 21 ("Trails")
10:00 AM (Approx.) - Bella wakes up and gets dressed
12:00 PM - The rest of the Cullens return from their hunting trip; an irritated Alice tentatively forecasts cold weather for the mountain campsite Bella will be hiding at
2:00 PM (Approx.) - Edward helps Bella pack
3:00 PM (Approx.) - Bella calls the Black House to tell Jake they'll be ready to meet him in an hour, but gets Billy who promises to pass on the message-- he wishes Bella good luck, and asks her to pass on the sentiment to the Cullens
3:05 PM (Approx.) - Alice asks to dial with Bella alone; Alice guilts Bella into letting her plan a proper wedding, rather than having a shotgun wedding in Vegas
3:20 PM (Approx.) - Bella begins to lay the false trail
4:00 PM (Approx.) - Bella falls and scrapes her hand, using her blood to strengthen her trail; Edward cleans and bandages her hand, explaining that the scent of her blood no longer bothers him
4:03 PM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella meet Jacob in the clearing; Edward leaves to set up camp so Jacob can carry Bella to the campsite
4:10 PM (Approx.) - Jacob asks about the crystal heart on Bella's charm bracelet
4:20 PM (Approx.) - Bella admits to Jacob that she guilted Edward into staying back from the fight; Jacob reveals that he'll be sleeping in the camp with Bella and Edward; Bella asks Jake about what Edward said about make being the true Alpha
4:30 PM (Approx.) - Jacob and Bella arrive at the campsite shortly after snow begins to fall
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real-time-twilight Β· 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
May 22, 2006 (Monday)
Moon Phase: Waning Crescent 🌘
πŸŒ„ Sunrise: 5:28 AM
πŸŒ… Sunset : 8:59 PM
Eclipse, Ch. 3 ("Motives") (from Pg. 75, line 18)
8:45 AM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella arrive at school; Edward asks Bella to stay in the car and wait until he comes back; Bella notices Jake with his motorcycle parked on the sidewalk; Edward informs Bella that her assumption regarding Jakes motivation for calling want to see that she was still human, but to plan on talking with Edward in an area with witnesses .
8:50 AM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella approach Jacob; Jacob tells Bella that the Cullens and The Pack had a border dispute involving Emmett and Paul over the weekend; Edward demands that Jacob leave as Bella realises that Edward's real reason for taking Bella to Jacksonville was to get her out of town and away from Victoria
8:57 AM (Approx.) - Principal Greene arrives to formally tell Jacob to vacate the school premises
9:06 AM (Approx.) - Over a series of notes passed in English class, Bella demands the whole story from Edward: Edward explains that Emmett wandered too close to the boundary while chasing Victoria and Paul reacted defensively. Rosalie reacted in kind and Carlisle and Jasper defused the situation.
9:15 AM (Approx.) - Mr. Berty tries to bust Edward and Bella for passing notes in class, only to find that the paper on Edward's desk are his notes on the lesson
11:15 AM (Approx.) - In Calculus, Bella overhears her male classmates (all witnesses to the morning confrontation) betting who would win in a fight between Edward and Jacob
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real-time-twilight Β· 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
June 13th, 2006 (Tuesday)
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous πŸŒ–
πŸŒ„ Sunrise: 5:15 AM
πŸŒ… Sunset : 9:19 PM
Eclipse, Ch. 18 ("Instruction"), Ch. 19 ("Selfish")
12:30 AM (Approx.) - Bella complains about the party on the way home with Edward and insists on coming to the meeting between the Cullens and the Pack
12:35 AM (Approx.) - Bella gets into the house and finds Charlie asleep on the sofa; after getting Charlie moved to bed, Bella dresses for the meeting
12:45 AM (Approx.) - Edward assures Bella that her concerns for the safety of both the Cullens and the Pack are unfounded
2:50 AM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella leave for the meeting
2:55 AM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella met the rest of the Cullens in the baseball clearing; Bella theorizes that the her intruder is connected, not only with the Newborns, but also Victoria
3:00 AM (Approx.) - The Pack arrives and is larger than expected; they agree to watch, but not to participate in sparring for the Cullens' safety; the arrival of the newborns is set for that coming Saturday; Jasper begins his instruction
4:50 AM (Approx.) - Jasper's lesson ends; he invites the wolves to come again and observe the following night and the wolves catch each Cullen's scent
4:55 AM (Approx.) - The Pack leaves, Jacob stays behind to discuss what to do with Bella on the day of the fight; Jacob suggests hiding her near the clearing and masking her scent with his own--Jasper proposes also leaving false trails just in case
5:15 AM (Approx.) - Edward carries Bella home
4:00 PM (Approx.) - Bella wakes up after sleeping most of the day; Bella gets up and makes Pop-Tarts; Edward notices the charm bracelet Jacob gave to her
4:10 PM (Approx.) - Alice calls Edward; Edward confronts Bella about her potential plans to join the Cullens in the clearing, also revealing in the course of the conversation, that Jacob is, by rights, the real Alpha of the Pack, that Leah is the first female shapeshifter, and the scandal around Embry's ambiguous paternity
4:15 PM (Approx.) - Bella asks Edward to stay behind with her on the day of the fight; Edward leaves to consult Jasper; Alice arrives to watch Bella while Edward is gone; Bella showers and makes dinner
4:40 PM (Approx.) - Charlie comes home, happy to see Alice there; Alice feeds Charlie a cover story about the family going hiking and manipulates him into suggesting that Bella stay overnight with her for the weekend
4:50 PM (Approx.) - Edward arrives to "pick up" Alice; Bella goes to her room where Edward reveals that Alice will actually be hunting with the family while Edward stays with Bella at the house
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real-time-twilight Β· 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
June 6th, 2006 (Tuesday)
Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous πŸŒ”
πŸŒ„ Sunrise: 5:17 AM
πŸŒ… Sunset : 9:14 PM
Eclipse, Ch. 12 ("Time") {from pg. 278, line 14), Ch. 13 ("Newborn")
8:30 AM (Approx.) - Bella reads an article on the continuing murder-spree in Seattle
8:33 AM (Approx.) - Edward comes in and discusses the article with Bella; they decide to skip school and talk to Jasper
8:40 AM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella arrive at the Cullen House; Jasper floats the possibility that the Newborn vampires creating the chaos in Seattle may be the result of an attempt to create a Newborn Army, and explains his history as a Confederate soldier and the Southern Vampire Wars to Bella.
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9:10 AM (Approx.) - Jasper concludes from that the trajectory of the Seattle murders that the newborn vampires in question are completely untrained, and the only way to avoid Volturi intervention is for the Cullens to neutralize the trouble themselves; Edward reveals that Aro has contemplated neutralizing the Cullens in order to acquire Edward and Alice for the guard, theorizing that he may be using a third party as a pawn to divert suspicion away from the Volturi
9:15 AM (Approx.) - Carlisle agrees that the Cullens will have to take care of the newborn army themselves and calls the Denali coven to ask for help; they refuse as long as the Cullens continue their truce with the wolves because of Irina's involvement with Laurent
Pictured: Extant Conferderate Major's frock coat
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real-time-twilight Β· 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
June 3rd, 2006 (Saturday)
Moon Phase: First Quarter πŸŒ“
πŸŒ„ Sunrise: 5:19 AM
πŸŒ… Sunset : 9:12 PM
Eclipse, Ch. 8 ("Temper") {From line 3}, Ch. 9 ("Target") {To Pg. 208, line 23}
2:00 AM (Approx.) - Bella wakes to find herself on the bed with Edward, returned from hunting, next to her; Edward apologizes for the forced slumber party and admits that his problem with her going to La Push was jealousy and prejudice rather than concern for Bella's safety; Bella tells Edward about her less than pleasant departure from La Push that afternoon
2:15 AM (Approx.) - Edward sings Bella back to sleep
10:00 AM (Approx.) - Alice drops Bella off at her house; Charlie tells Bella that Jacob called
10:05 AM (Approx.) - Bella discovers her pillow, a red blouse and several other articles of her clothing missing
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10:25 AM (Approx.) - An alert Edward arrives at Bella's house and informs her that an unknown vampire has been inside the premises; Edward calls Emmett and Jasper to guard Charlie and track the scent while he takes Bella to the Cullen House
10:32 AM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella arrive at the house; Edward berates Alice for failing to foresee the intruder; the family speculates whether it could have been a Volturi agent sent to "check on" Bella.
10:35 AM (Approx.) - Emmett and Jasper return, having lost the trail, with a sample of the intruder's scent; Bella suggests moving up the timeline for her transformation, so as to remove the target from her and Charlie's backs; everyone refutes the need
4:00 PM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella return to the Swan House; Charlie tells Bella that Jake called again; Bella makes Charlie's dinner
10:30 PM (Approx.) - Edward "leaves for the evening"
10:45 PM (Approx.) - Edward returns with unusual haste and sings Bella to sleep
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real-time-twilight Β· 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
June 2nd, 2006 (Friday)
Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent πŸŒ’
πŸŒ„ Sunrise: 5:19 AM
πŸŒ… Sunset : 9:11 PM
Eclipse, Ch7. ("Unhappy Ending") {from Pg. 168, line 24}, Ch. 8 ("Temper") {to Pg. 185, line 2}
8:45 AM (Approx.) - Alice drives a grumpy Bella to school
9:50 AM (Approx.) - Jake surprises Bella by showing up at her school on his bike; Bella ditches to spend the day with Jake at La Push
10:20 AM (Approx.) - Jacob and Bella walk First Beach; Jake tells her "the latest pack scandal" (that Quil has imprinted and that his soulmate is currently two years old)
10:30 AM-12:00 PM (Approx.) - Jake and Bella ride their bikes around the back roads of La Push
12:15 PM (Approx.) - Jake and Bella eat lunch and clean up the bikes;
12:50 PM (Approx.) - Jake recalls Valentines Day and apologizes for snitching about Bella's motorcycle to Charlie; Bella and Jake discuss the terms of the treaty and Bella informs Jake that she plans on joining the Cullens much sooner than he anticipated
12:55 PM (Approx.) - Jake says he would rather see Bella dead than as a vampire; deeply offended, Bella leaves on her bike.
1:15 PM (Approx.) - Bella rides to the Cullen House and parks her bike in the garage, where Alice is waiting for her
8:00 PM (Approx.) - Bella goes to bed early, sleeping on the sofa again
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real-time-twilight Β· 1 year
"Oh please, please no!" I begged, jumping to my feet. "Please tell me you are not trying to have a sex talk with me, Charlie."
He glared at the floor. "I am your father. I have responsibilities. Remember, I'm just as embarrassed as you are."
"I don't think that's humanly possible. Anyway, Mom beat you to the punch about ten years ago. You're off the hook."
Bella is eighteen here. Renee had The Talk with her when she was eight?
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